How to do pumping in bodybuilding. Pumping: how to do it right so as not to kill yourself

Without pumping, it is difficult to imagine bodybuilding and body fitness. Literally, pumping is an increase in volume in a particular area. It is the pumping effect itself that is important. It lasts for a short period of time, but looks very impressive.

If you understand physiology, then pumping helps to drive a large amount of blood into the muscle, due to which it inflates. The blood does not have time to leave due to the large number of repetitions of the exercise and the minimum rest between sets.

What is muscle pumping?

Pumping declares itself brightly - the muscle swells to enormous sizes. It looks flashy. Pumping is done by bodyfitness fans before going on stage. There are 3 types of pumping:

  • cosmetic, athletes do before showing themselves to the jury members at competitions or going out to the public;
  • , can be achieved by using special medicines or sports nutrition;
  • productive, is the result of a huge number of sports exercises. All exercises are performed without interruptions and stops.

The benefits of pumping are only if you use this method wisely and correctly.:

  • oxygen is supplied to the muscles;
  • growth hormone increases;
  • increases the amount of testosterone;
  • training endurance, willpower;
  • useful as a recovery training;
  • helps the athlete achieve appearance that he dreamed of.

But if you go too far with pumping (especially pharmacological), then the consequences can be unpredictable, even deplorable. That is why special care in this matter is only welcome.

Types of training for pumping

If we talk about productive pumping, it is always physical exercises. There are complexes specially designed for these purposes, which you need to pay close attention to. The exercises were developed taking into account the characteristics of the human body. Some are designed for endurance, others for agility, and others for strength. Sets can be combined, alternated and combined. Pumping is impossible without power sports. it does not replace them, does not exclude them, only complements them.

Standard Workouts

Arnold often liked to use this method for “biceps curls,” but it can also be used in any other exercise that involves a barbell.

This technique is also called dropping. The athlete starts the exercise with one weight and ends it with a completely different one. They take a bar with pancakes weighing 50 kilograms, do 20 approaches, throw off up to 40 kilograms, do 20 more approaches, throw off up to 30 kilograms, do 20 approaches, decrease to 20 kilograms, 20 more times, then decrease to 10 kilograms, the same amount - 20 times, the exercise is completed. The entire exercise is performed without interruptions and respite. This method is often used by professional athletes, many call it their favorite.

This technique is recommended to be performed at the very end of the training process, when the athlete is already tired, he needs rest. You can perform the exercise not for the whole, but for half or even a quarter of the amplitude. There may be a strong burning sensation in the muscles, but professionals assure that this is completely normal. This exercise should not be neglected. Effective pumping is guaranteed. The number of repetitions in this case can vary from 5 to 10 or more, but not less.

First you need to isolate the muscle, then pump it well. This is a rather difficult type of pumping, but according to experienced athletes, it is very effective. The effect lasts a very long time. When it comes to the legs, you first need to do a seated leg extension, which is an isolation exercise, and then do a base, for example, or lunges. The same applies to the arms, back and other parts of the body. For beginner athletes, this exercise is not recommended in order to avoid sprains of the joints and muscles.


In this case, we are not talking about lifting, but about lowering weights. Weight must be used in excess of your maximum. At the same time, we do not waste all our strength on lifting the projectile (we use the help of a partner to lift it), for that, when lowering, we turn on all the power and do it very slowly. This type of pumping is good and recommended for pumping arms and back. For legs and other areas of the body, it is not very suitable. Not all bodybuilders prefer negatives. Some refuse to acknowledge its beneficial effect. However, he is. If the exercises are performed in accordance with the requirements, then the pumping will be visible immediately and for a long time.

The exercise in this case is performed as usual. But, when the approach is being performed, the athlete must make a delay at the very peak of the approach. If we talk about bending the arms, then the delay will occur at the top point. How long will the delay last? Each athlete decides for himself. The main thing is not to overdo it, negative consequences and sharp pain are possible. 1-2 seconds delay will be enough.


This type of pumping is also called cheating. Its essence lies in the fact that the athlete performs the exercises at the usual rhythm and pace, but when he feels that he is tired, he increases the speed of the exercises. burning is done as long as possible, until complete exhaustion.

How to do it right so as not to kill yourself

Everything is good in moderation. This principle must be strictly observed in pumping. if you feel that you are too tired and can no longer, you do not need to step over yourself. sharp pains in the muscles - a signal that the exercise should be stopped. Monitor the state of the cardiovascular system. In the process of pumping, you feel nausea, dizziness, faint, bleeding is observed, pumping must be urgently stopped and consult a doctor. Pumping cannot be carried out without special preparation. It must be associated with strength training without fail.

During pumping, muscles are pumped with blood. This effect can last for about 20 minutes to 1 hour maximum in rare cases. All the time, blood cannot be in the muscle in a large volume. This will lead to stagnation in this area. After the outflow of blood occurs, the muscle will lose volume. This is a completely natural process.

Video: why pumping is needed


Pumping will bring the desired result, if you approach its implementation wisely. Don't be a superman and don't put more pressure on your muscles than they can handle. Otherwise, problems are guaranteed.

Be sure to read about it

Are you interested in what pumping is in bodybuilding, and why is this sport needed? Here you will find answers to these questions.

So, pumping in bodybuilding is a strictly individual state of the bodybuilder's body, when he feels how the muscles are bursting, how they are filled with blood and compacted. Pump in bodybuilding is achieved through frequent and monotonous (which is very important) repetition of the same exercises or movements. Currently, pumping is considered one of the most effective methods of "shocking" muscles in athletes who play sports such as. A temporary increase in body volume of bodybuilders is achieved due to a significant increase in blood flow to the muscles, which leads to slight swelling.

As for the mechanism of action of pumping in bodybuilding, it is extremely simple. As much blood as possible is supplied to the muscle tissue in the shortest possible time. It is impossible to call this method of muscle pumping simple due to the fact that the methods take into account the processes occurring at the cellular level. The blood flow interferes with the already existing process of regulation of the muscles of the athlete. In the process of pumping, the work of the muscles begins to be carried out according to the principle of a pump, because as a result of the bodybuilder performing the same movement for a long time, the bloodstream begins to fill up. And when it comes time to finish the process of performing this exercise, the last jerks are made by athletes with increased speed. As a result, his muscles begin to fill with blood, and the “rollback” simply does not have time to materialize. It is this cycle that is commonly called pumping.

The muscles of athletes involved in bodybuilding begin to increase significantly due to the intake of glucose and a number of other substances that attract fluid. As a result, there is an increase in the number of mitochondria. The amount of cellular fluid also increases significantly. Under these conditions, cell membranes become thinner. The cells begin to absorb the liquid much more intensively, after which they begin to "burst".

Bodybuilders who started attending GYM's relatively recently, for sure, they have not yet had time to see the results, as well as the consequences of pumping. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. At first, it is enough to just watch a little bodybuilding athletes who lift the “iron” with a large number of repetitions and a high frequency. As a result of such exercises, the parameters of their body change significantly, and this is immediately noticeable from the outside. Firstly, the body of such athletes will turn very red, and secondly, their veins will swell greatly, so that a rush of blood to the muscles can be seen even with the naked eye.

Varieties of pumping

There are the following types of pumping in bodybuilding:

  • Productive pumping in bodybuilding;
  • Cosmetic pumping in bodybuilding;
  • Pharmacological pumping in bodybuilding.

Productive pumping in bodybuilding can be achieved through regular workouts in the gym. In this case, the emphasis should be on stretching the fascia and working with muscle fibers.

Cosmetic pumping in bodybuilding is mainly used before photo shoots or before competitions. The main goal of such a pump is to give the muscles a clearer relief, as well as volume. On average, with the help of cosmetic pumping in bodybuilding, it can be increased by fifteen to twenty percent.

You can achieve pharmacological pumping in bodybuilding with the help of various special chemicals, as well as additives.


The benefits of pumping in bodybuilding are as follows:

  • Fascia stretching;
  • Filling with blood
  • Increasing the speed of transportation of various kinds of nutrients;
  • Increase in the number of capillaries;
  • Reducing the risk of injury;
  • An increase in the number of hormones released;
  • Muscle work;
  • Definition of muscles;
  • Acceleration of the drying process.

Fascia stretch

Each of the muscles of the human body is covered with a special sheath, which consists of various kinds of connective tissues called fascia. It is the fasciae that help contain all the tissues, as well as the organs of the human body, in a special hermetic shell that protects them from various kinds of harmful effects. As a result of training, all the muscles of the athlete's body begin to gradually stretch. Accordingly, the fasciae become more elastic. However, at the end of training, they almost immediately return to their original position. In this way, the fasciae function like a spring, that is, they are stretched and then compressed. If bodybuilding training is regular, then the fascia will not take on its original state, but will freeze in a stretched form, which will actively contribute to the rapid growth of muscles and an increase in their volume.

Filling the muscles with blood

Pumping allows you to significantly increase muscle volume, which is of particular importance before events or photo shoots. A visual increase in muscle volume can reach twenty percent. This explains the fact that some bodybuilders in reality look much slimmer than in photographs.

Improving the transport of nutrients to cells

As a result of an increase in the speed of blood flow in the muscles of an athlete who is engaged in bodybuilding, the process of transporting various kinds of nutrients to the cells is also significantly accelerated. That is, if earlier various minerals and vitamins entered the cells very slowly, then pumping speeds up this process.

Increase in the number of capillaries

The greater the speed of blood movement through the body of an athlete who is engaged in bodybuilding, the more the number of open capillaries will increase, due to which the process of transporting all the necessary nutrients from the blood to the muscles takes place.

Reducing the risk of injury

For pumping in bodybuilding, light loads and light weight are used. That is, it turns out that the joints of athletes who are engaged in bodybuilding are actively working in the so-called sparing mode. This significantly reduces the risk of injury. In the process of bodybuilding, the ligaments, as well as the joints of the athlete's body, experience a strong load.

In order to keep them healthy, it is recommended to use such useful biological supplements as collagen, glucosamine, and chondroitin.

Increasing the number of anabolic hormones released

As a result of active bodybuilding exercises, lactic acid and various decay products begin to accumulate in the muscles of athletes. This causes an increase in growth hormones.

Working out and defining muscles

Pumping actively contributes to the maximum squeezing of the athlete's muscles. Pumping allows bodybuilders to work out every muscle fiber.

Speeding up the drying process

Under the acceleration of the drying process, it is necessary to understand the acceleration of the process of ridding the athlete of subcutaneous fat, which actively contributes to the process. Pumping helps bodybuilders achieve this effect in the shortest period of time.


In addition to the positive aspects, pumping also has negative properties, the main of which is the burning of the muscle mass of an athlete who is engaged in bodybuilding. Pumping is especially dangerous for those categories of athletes for whom gaining muscle mass is difficult. That is, for those athletes for whom every gram of gained muscle mass is of value. But this is probably the only drawback of pumping.

Basic exercises

The main pumping exercises for bodybuilders include the following:

  • Super set;
  • Drop set;
  • Partial repetitions;
  • Pre-fatigue exercises;
  • negatives;
  • Exercises for peak muscle contractions;
  • Exercises for burning muscle mass;
  • Leg exercises;
  • Triceps exercises;

Bodybuilding is hard work. It requires a constant search for new ways to overcome the natural capabilities of the human body. This includes pumping. What is it, what is the meaning of a sports term, we will deal with you today. This technique has found wide application both among experienced athletes and among beginners.

General information

The lion's share of modern terms applicable to bodybuilding came to us with of English language. Pumping was no exception. Literally, the term is translated as "pumping".

By and large, it is. After all, the process, which will be described below, allows you to significantly increase the volume of blood entering the muscle. As a result, the muscle group that has become the object of study increases in size before our eyes. But this does not mean that the muscles remain so forever. If that were the case, then everyone around would already be bigger than Dwayne Johnson. The pumping effect lasts no more than 20 minutes. Then the muscles return to their usual size again. This period depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But, as you probably guessed, short-term gains in muscle volume are just the tip of the iceberg. And main reason, according to which a technique such as pumping is used, lies much deeper. This will be discussed a little below.

Pump Workout: The Basics

Anyone can achieve the effect described above, despite its apparent complexity. Pumping in bodybuilding is the repeated repetition of an exercise using a small weight. For example, instead of doing 5 reps with a 100kg barbell, do 20 reps with a 50kg barbell. This is what pumping exercises are built on. An important nuance is that each repetition should be performed as efficiently as possible and in full amplitude. That is why in this sports method the barbell is often replaced with dumbbells.

From the first approach, you can feel the effectiveness of this method of training. At first, the muscles may experience mild pain. But soon it will pass. When adapting to a new regimen, each new approach will bring an emotional upsurge, which is caused by increased endorphin production. Thus, the quality of training is steadily increasing.

What is good about pumping?

What is pumping, we found out. Now let's see what are its advantages. There are two main beneficial effects:

  1. Visual. Among professionals there is such a thing as "cosmetic pumping". It is used immediately before a performance to visually increase muscle volume.
  2. Productive. The main purpose for which pumping is used in bodybuilding is to stimulate muscle growth. Before we figure out how this happens, let's take a short digression into the anatomy of muscle fibers.

So, they are of two types: slow and fast. The first cannot effectively cope with a large weight. However, they are able to withstand prolonged loads. It is this type of fiber that is responsible for our daily movements and maintaining the correct posture. The fast ones are arranged in the opposite way - they are able to withstand heavy loads, but at the same time they get tired quickly. It is they who are counted in strength training. Proper pumping loads exactly the slow fibers. As a result, muscle endurance increases. This has a positive effect on sports success and physical condition in general.

Movement pace

To feel what pumping is on your muscles, you need not only take small working weights. It is also important to determine the appropriate traffic intensity. This parameter is individual for each organism. Determining the appropriate intensity is not difficult. You just need to spend a few sessions, experimenting with speeds in each new approach. And carefully analyze the result. An intense pace is good because it allows you to connect both fast and slow fibers, as well as small muscle groups that are not activated at low speeds. In this case, the weight of your projectile should be 50% less than the maximum possible. The optimal number of repetitions in this case is about 20.

Slow pace also has its advantages. If a high rep speed engages more muscles, then a low rep speed allows you to accumulate the load on the target muscle group. This option is better for those whose goal is to increase muscle volume. In this case, the working weight is already up to 70% of the maximum allowable. And the number of repetitions is reduced to about 10.

How to pump to improve results?

For those who have just started bodybuilding or are looking for a way to make their workouts more varied, the method should be taken into account. Let's highlight the basic rules for its application in practice:

  • Pumping is not a replacement for strength training. In order to optimally increase muscle mass it is necessary to work with large weights, while this method serves only as an addition.
  • You don't have to worry too much about weight loss. For example, if you press 100 kilograms from the chest, you should not expect results from empty bar lifts. The best option is half the extra load.
  • The weight should be such that you can perform about 10-20 repetitions.
  • You need to do the approach as efficiently as possible, trying to avoid stops.
  • About "cheating" (jerk movements at the limit of strength) in this case, you need to forget. Everything must be under control.
  • Don't rest too long between sets.

Pumping workout: program

You can do this technique even without any shells. Moreover, each of us at least once practiced pumping. What is push-ups from the floor, everyone knows. So, this is a familiar exercise and is the simplest example of the effect we are discussing today. Provided, of course, that the athlete does at least 20 repetitions in one set at a fast pace. Many public people use this simple technique before going on stage to appear more courageous and well-coordinated. Well, in a professional environment, pumping has found application in the so-called drop sets.

Drop sets

The essence of this method is to perform several approaches in a row in a pumping manner. This provides for a decrease in weight with each new attempt. Let's analyze the technique using the example of dumbbell row for biceps. To begin with, an approach is made, consisting of only six repetitions, with a large projectile weight: on one hand, then on the other. After that, the weight of the dumbbells is reduced by 25%. And another approach is made, but already consisting of 8 repetitions. And so several times, reducing the weight and adding two traction. No need to take breaks between sets. After all, one hand already has time to rest. But stretching the muscles at the end of the set will be very useful.

Reverse drop set and combo variant

In the first case, everything is done in the same way, only in reverse order. We start with a small load that can be raised many times. Gradually increase it. When the muscles can't handle more than 6 reps, it's time to end the exercise. As for the combined superset, this is a way to successfully incorporate pumping into your workout. The essence of the method is that exercises change in each new approach. In this case, for example, the extensor and flexor of the arms swing. Examples of a combo superset are:

  • Push-ups from the floor and from the knees.
  • and pull-ups on the bar.
  • Breeding dumbbells and bench press.
  • Traction on the simulator in front and lying.
  • and from the floor, as well as many other combinations.

Proper pumping with combined supersets involves moving from one set to the next with only minor rest. This is possible due to the fact that the working muscle groups alternate. At the end of the workout, be sure to relax the muscles. Otherwise, after a few weeks of training, they will lose their elasticity and harden. For relaxation, massage, stretching (never hurts) or just passive pastime helps a lot.

Repeat workouts

This method of pumping is suitable for beginner athletes. Its essence is extremely simple - to perform the usual exercise, but at an increased pace. Despite its simplicity, the method is very relevant and effective. After all, it allows you to accumulate energy in muscle tissues. The weight of the shells is selected so that the athlete can do 15-20 repetitions. Rest between sets is about 30 seconds.

Now it's not about how to use pumping, but about how to combine it with strength training. This method has found wide application among athletes. Its essence is simple: a week of strength training alternates with a week of pumping classes. In this case, the muscles are not overloaded and have time to rest, which is very important for their growth.


Today we have found out the essence of such a concept as pumping, and is it possible to combine these two foreign concepts in your training. To achieve good results in bodybuilding, you need to alternate strength training and pumping. The best or favorite exercise is not worth highlighting here. Indeed, in bodybuilding, an integrated approach and a sound view of your exercises are important. In this case, everything will develop and the result will be excellent.

Since fishing pumping has been used in human life for a long time. It comes from the English "pumping", which means to pump up, pump up. This phrase is used by many novice athletes and actively apply the tactics of this technique in their sports. And today in the article we will talk in more detail about what pumping is in bodybuilding.

What is pumping?

Pumping is one of the exercise techniques, as a result of which a large amount of blood flows to the muscles and there is a feeling that they are increasing. Undoubtedly, every athlete, after training, could feel it on himself - when his muscles seemed to swell, and wanted to break out.

This feeling is temporary. And when, after some time, the blood cools down, the muscles gradually return to their usual state for the body.

To achieve the effect of pumping is possible only in the case of active physical training, which will be aimed at specific muscle groups. An example, long repetitions of exercises for the biceps of the arm, when after 10-20 repetitions your biceps simply breaks and increases in volume.

Pumping in bodybuilding

Very often, many professional athletes use the pumping effect. This allows them to build muscle mass in a short time.

There are three main types:

  1. Pumping in bodybuilding - used before performances to fill the muscles with blood and give them volume.
  2. Productive - used in training, for muscle growth.
  3. Pharmacological - achieved through additional drugs.

Unfortunately, not everyone correctly understands the significance of this training method. when this effect is applied in each lesson. They believe that if you pump up your muscles daily and increase the flow of blood to them, then the mass of their muscles will increase to incredible sizes.

In bodybuilding, they are specially used this method in order to pour their muscles with blood before performances. This helps the muscles to increase in volume and have a more beautiful appearance.

Not everyone is aware of the fact that most scientists have already proven that if you use this technique in daily workouts without supplementing with any exercise, then he will not be able to independently help increase muscle mass. Let's figure out together why this is happening.

Every athlete who has been involved in sports for a long time knows that in order to increase muscle mass, you need to lift heavy weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, and others), while the number of lifts in one approach should be from four to eight. If only classes are performed according to such a program, the athlete manages to achieve tremendous results. But at the same time, one must not forget that giving all the best in training is necessary for one hundred percent.

Often the “big guys”, who do not work out in the gym so often, are sure that it will be enough for them to complete only the basic exercises 1 time. They seem to pump up muscle groups and go home with peace of mind, waiting for the effect of muscle growth due to blood heating. But professionals in this matter act more competently. Having completed the pumping, they consider it insufficient, and in order to consolidate the result they can perform several additional exercises that will be performed in a couple of approaches.

But do not get upset ahead of time! The use of pumping in training still brings results. There is one very popular trick that most bodybuilders use. It's called "easy and hard training weeks".

The effect of pumping on the body

The bottom line is to work out one muscle several dozen times per approach. This method provides a powerful blood flow and allows you to increase muscle mass. But pumping does not increase the biceps, but only helps to make training more productive. And whether an athlete pumps up or not depends on how hard and correctly he practices. Pumping is involved only as ancillary activities.

  • It contributes to the nutrition of organs and tissues (when training, veins and capillaries expand and blood flow occurs many times faster).
  • Increases stamina
  • Helps to build mass (fibers will grow only if all recommendations are followed, pumping alone will not reward you with muscles).
  • "Burns" subcutaneous fat
  • The ability to feel your muscles (pumping makes it possible to fully feel each muscle).
  • Stretching of the fasciae (with regular exercise, the fasciae remain in a stretched position and allow further growth of muscle tissue).
  • Depletion of the cardiovascular system
  • Accelerated burning of muscle tissue, especially for those who find it difficult to gain it.

Technique "Light and heavy training weeks"

The essence of such studies is as follows. The first week of training begins with classes that use light loads. They are performed with a small number of approaches. Four six approaches are considered the best option. At the same time, it is necessary to give all the best in full, otherwise there will be no result.

As a result, the muscles at first seem to be destroyed, and after a certain period of time they are restored and become even stronger and stronger. In sports, this process is usually called a set of muscle mass.

No need to torment yourself with the strongest training processes every week. This will not achieve your desired goal. After all, the muscles need a certain amount of time to recover and return to normal tone, that is, to be ready for physical exercises.

That is why professional athletes have chosen the tactics of alternating training: one week of light loads, the next - heavy. As a result, the muscles do not break down daily, but have enough time to recover. When, after light loads, you start a week of heavy exercises, then it is at this moment that an active set of muscle mass occurs.

If you do not rest and train without days off, then you can get exhaustion of the body, and you can not even remember about gaining muscle mass.

Remember one simple rule: In order for the muscles to increase in weight, they need to be given time to rest and recover. Only by following this recommendation, you can achieve the desired result.

Professionals recommend pumping during light training weeks. But in this case, you need to be as careful as possible, since there is still a risk that you will overload your muscles. It is better to fulfill the minimum and most simple exercises in several approaches.

Pumping workout

When you start training in an easy week, give the muscles such loads that the blood rushes to them gradually and does not cause destructive processes from the inside.

Example: in a tough week, you lift a barbell for biceps weighing forty kilograms in several approaches. Then on the next one, you need to remove all the weight and raise 70% of the maximum to the maximum repetitions. The number of approaches in this case can vary from two to three. Such an exercise will be enough to ensure that a certain amount of blood enters the biceps, but they remain safe and sound. This gives them the opportunity to recover and rehabilitate after a week of heavy loads.

Remember: pumping without basic strength training is useless. It should be used as a supplement to the main workout and only then will it have the effect of increasing muscle mass.

In order for the muscles to recover better and gain more weight, it is necessary to increase the amount of rest with each workout!

Pump training is very easy. All that is needed is to alternately change the load on certain muscle groups. In a hard week, you work to the fullest, but in an easy week you are required to reduce the load by two, or even more times.
Your main goal of training during the easy week is to allow maximum blood flow to the muscles, but not harm them!

Undoubtedly, the pumping technique is very useful and effective. But results can only be achieved if you follow the right training tactics and do not forget. Now you understand what pumping is and how bodybuilders use it. Thank you for your attention!

Many novice jocks use pumping in bodybuilding, not even realizing that it can do them more harm than good. In this article, we will look at what pumping is, what effect it has on the body, and how it is used in training.

What is pumping

Literally, pumping is pumping, filling. This term comes from the English verb "to pump". Frequent repetition of the same movement increases muscle blood flow and leads to tissue swelling. At the same time, the concentration of sugar and water increases many times, the permeability of the cell membrane increases, which creates a feeling of fullness of the muscles in a particular area of ​​the body.

The pumping effect can be achieved by gradually reducing the weight of the sports equipment, but by increasing the speed of training movements and the number of repetitions. During the training, it is necessary to observe the amplitude and do each action as intensely as possible, overcoming the pain. At the end of the exercise, the athlete increases the pace, while increasing the blood supply to the tissues, and at the end of the workout, the muscles increase in volume up to 20%.

Body reaction to pump training

Pumping works physiologically in this way:

  • The same movements, when duplicated at high speed, lead to the work of the nervous system in a stressful mode. The brain centers contribute to an increased acceleration of blood flow and at the same time send all the necessary substances to the tissues;
  • Muscle fibers contribute to the penetration of blood cells into them, which cannot come out immediately due to capillary compression and high voltage;
  • When the exercise is repeated after a long break, the pressure in the fibers decreases and the blood gradually drains in the opposite direction. In the final version, the muscle tissue returns to its normal state.

Muscle pumping does not fix the result and is called "cosmetic". Most often it is used by bodybuilders in competitions before going on stage. But if you wish, you can try to develop it into a "productive" form.

"Productive" pumping is the addition of exercises, without fast repetitions. At some point, increased blood flow is formed, which leads to euphoria. From a psychological point of view, this gives strength and has a great effect on the intensity of the next workout. This constant practice leads to warming up of the fasciae (the “bags” in which the muscles are located) and facilitating their stretching.

Muscle swelling can be achieved with the help of sports nutrition and pharmacology - injections, tablets. But the so-called "Pharmacological" pumping proceeds artificially and can be fraught with health hazards with improper sports nutrition.

Video: What is pumping. Its varieties

Pros and cons of pumping


  • Pumping does not involve the use of maximum weights. Ligaments and joints are not overloaded in the "saving" mode.
  • Since the work is carried out mainly with small weights, the muscles are not so damaged, which means they recover faster. The same point can be attributed to the minuses of pump training (more on that below);
  • The worked out part of the body from the surging blood becomes outwardly attractive - the most convex and embossed;
  • Muscle fibers become clogged with lactic acid. At the same time, increased production of testosterone and somatotropin (growth hormone) is activated;
  • With the help of open capillaries, thinned membranes of expanded cells and accelerated blood flow, oxygen and nutrients very quickly delivered to the muscles, they are better absorbed many times over;
  • A dense “case” is formed around the muscle with the help of connective tissue, which serves as protection against vibrations, shaking, etc. Its advantages are that during training it stretches gradually, the length reserve increases, it endures maximum loads and does not tear;
  • Constant pumping burns excess subcutaneous fat, forms a clear relief in a very short time.


  • The biggest disadvantage of pump training is that it cannot build muscle mass. Many studies speak of this. But, 1 or 2 times a month, an athlete can practice pump training in order to "surprise the muscles", since everyone knows that they get used to the same training;
  • Each pumping workout is done in the final approach until severe pain occurs. This is not always a welcome and pleasant experience after a heavy strength workout;
  • If you abuse the intense and prolonged "cosmetic" pumping too much, then this leads to muscle burning. This is dangerous for people with difficulty gaining mass;
  • The nervous system is depleted - a sign of a stressful state comes from pumping to the brain. The downsides are that with frequent repetition, this leads to mental overload.

Types of workouts on Pumping

Muscle pumping with blood is carried out in several ways. Complexes can be alternated and combined. But no pumping workout is possible without power loads.

Standard Workouts

This complex includes basic exercises with dumbbells or a barbell. A large number of repetitions are performed with a minimum of intervals. You can also use the simplest and most well-known pumping exercise. pectoral muscles- push-ups from the floor.

This method is also called "Drop" and consists in performing strength work with a minimum break between sets and a gradual decrease in weight. An example of such a pumping workout can be sets:

Standing dumbbell curls for standing biceps:

  • 2 sets of 10 times with a 5-kilogram projectile in each hand;
  • The third approach - 8 times with the same weight, 4 and 5 - 16 times each with 3 kg dumbbells;
  • Stretching exercise with the final contraction of muscle fibers.

Calf raises on the Smith machine (working weight - 100 kg):

  • 4 times 100 kg;
  • 3 times 80 kg and 60 kg.

You will find all the information you need about drop sets.

super set

It is the most effective method pumping, which combines two different exercises for the same muscle group or muscle groups that are next to each other. It is necessary to perform elements without skipping repetitions, respite or breaks, otherwise the effectiveness of the pumping training will decrease. The athlete can choose the exercises and the number of repetitions.

The best pairs for a super set:

  • Biceps + triceps - a combination of dumbbell extension from behind the head in a sitting (or lying) position with a classic barbell lift for biceps;
  • Biceps femoris + quadriceps femoris - sitting leg extension and leg press with working weight.

We wrote in detail about supersets.

Peak reduction

Exercise takes place in normal mode, but during the approach it is necessary to make a delay at the very peak for a couple of seconds. For example, when bending arms with dumbbells, the delay occurs at the highest point.

This method is recommended to be performed before the end of the workout, when fatigue is felt. Pumping exercises with partial repetitions are very effective, although they are not done at full strength, but 1/2-1/4 of the amplitude (shortened amplitude). This may cause severe tingling or burning in the muscles, but this is normal. It is also necessary to observe the number of repetitions in the amount of 8 to 10 or more.

This is a very heavy type of pumpa, but quite effective, with a long-lasting effect. The bottom line is that initially you need to isolate the muscle, and then load it almost to failure. The training program may include the following exercises:

  • For triceps: a combination of bench press with a narrow grip and extension of the arms in a block simulator;
  • On the legs: sitting leg extension in combination with classic squats.

It is better for novice athletes not to use this type because of its increased injury risk.


First, the exercises are performed in the usual way. But as soon as the athlete feels tired, he begins to sharply increase the speed until the full development of power reserves.

How to do pumping

If you feel very tired, then it is unnecessary to strain. Sharp muscle pains indicate that the exercise must be completed. If you experience dizziness, nausea or fainting, pumping in training should be stopped. Everything is good in moderation. Do not load the muscles more than they can withstand and do not make yourself a cyborg. Otherwise, it can lead to serious problems.

Video: Pumping pectoral muscle training