Tarot Guardian Angels: layouts and card meanings. Guardian Angel Tarot Cards - Interpretation

Many of us, in childhood, parents told about the heavenly guardian angels who protect the life of every person on Earth. With age, told, more and more like a fairy tale. A person grows up, changes, and like everyone else, he becomes a prisoner of his spiritual and physical problems. What if angels really exist? After all, even in fortune-telling cards, there are separate decks with images of those. The Tarot of Dark Angels and Guardian Angels is proof of this.

Dark Angels Tarot - a deck with strong energy

Guardian Angel Cards - A Classic with a Biblical Context

Guardian Angel Tarot Cards is an energetically powerful magical deck created by D. Berti and A. Picho. Its interpretation is entirely based on the writings of Ryder-Waite. Only a few cards have their own interpretation. The artists did an excellent job, using images and elements of religion in their "child". So, New Testament became part of the tarot system. It seemed that these were completely incompatible things. But Bertie and Picho proved that understanding religion and their own faith in higher powers are capable of much. And now, all the spiritual energy of church images can help anyone who wants to solve an issue that concerns him, or tell the future.

The very differences in the interpretation of Waite and the creators of the Angelic Tarot are insignificant. A novice cartologist may not even notice any difference between them. But "experts", looking through the list of 78 cards, may notice a few nuances. So, the Six of Pentacles has a different meaning from the classical interpretation. The Angelic Tarot indicates that this card means mercy. And in the classical sense, the Six of Pentacles is prosperity, improving the financial condition. Even the image, carefully drawn by the artists, speaks of interpretation. The card depicts an Angel descended from Heaven. He gives alms to the beggar. It is easy to guess the meaning of this card for yourself, and it has nothing to do with the classic “prosperity”.

The nuances of working with a deck of Angels

Guardian Angel is an invisible helper, given by God. A person conducts all his deeds under his supervision. Sometimes, people even ask him for help. So Angelic cards are not an easy magical accessory for divination. Before using the deck for your own purposes, you should ask the Higher Forces for help. And some tarologists, before the layouts, are advised to read “Our Father”.

But not all cartologists are of the opinion that faith in God can affect the outcome of the alignment. For those, telling fortunes on cards with Angels or ordinary images of people comes down to the classical Tarot system. Believer or not, but the further actions of people are the same. The first thing that is required is a clear statement of the question. And only the subsequent correct actions of the cartologist and a clear decoding of the meaning of hotel cards matter.

There is an opinion that the result of divination by the Dark Angels Tarot deck is influenced by faith in God

And those who believe in God often have a different point of view. A person who has contacted the Higher powers should ask, but not demand, help from his Guardian. And subsequent actions should not follow the classical algorithm. The interpretation of the cards should take place in an intuitive way, according to the images. Only in this way, a person can get the most accurate information.

Features of the Guardian Angel deck gallery

The Guardian Angel Tarot deck consists of 78 cards. These are divided into: 22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana.

The Minor Arcana includes cards of the following suits:

  • Cups.
  • Wands.
  • Denaria.
  • Swords.

All the Major Arcana of the Tarot Guardian Angels are religious images of both individual characters in the Bible and the events that are described there.

These are the main cards of the deck. So the images worked out by the artists may have some superiority over the worldly images of the Minor Arcana. So, the gallery of the deck includes 22 cards that are considered "trump cards", that is, the strongest. Even when looking at the colorful illustrations of the deck and the names corresponding to them, one can understand the essence of such a division. So, the Major Arcana include cards: Death, Devil, Justice, Emperor, Empress, Strength, Chariot, High Priest, etc.

And the cards of the Minor Arcana are the state of a person. The interpretation of such can always be compared with the spiritual or physical state of a person in the past, present and future. The design of the deck itself is very colorful and kind, even the Hanged Man card does not look intimidating. Only one "Devil" is depicted in his characteristic manner - the Evil One sits on the throne, his eyes are downcast. This character has the body of a man and the legs of a ram. His features are terrible, as are the powerful wings growing from his back. The efforts of the artist can be noted, because the Devil turned out to be really awesome.

Fortune telling on the cards of Guardian Angels

Fortune telling on the Tarot of Angels can be carried out by any known hands. The main thing is to know the differences in interpretation. And this has little to do with the meaning of some individual cards that defy Waite's system of notation. Tarot deck of Angels by Bertie and Picho requires consideration of the situation “Man is the Law”. That is, the ability of the Angel (Law) to help solve the worldly problems of people. Higher power can only suggest or direct a person to right choice or deed. They cannot force him to do something and change the future in a new way.

One of the most popular readings on the Dark Angels Tarot is the Compromise spread.

One of the most popular layouts using Guardian Angel cards is the “Compromise”. Such a name may seem somewhat strange, it fully shows the essence of this action. If a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, and knows the way out of it, but is unsure of the correctness of his choice, then the advice of the Angel or his point of view can help him. So, a compromise with the Angel is the actions of a person that will not harm him. The words "to act within the confines of the law" take on a new, interesting meaning.

The alignment itself has 2 levels for interpretation. The cartologist can describe what he saw by:

  • surface value lines;
  • lines of the general picture of what is happening;
  • combination method.

Combining such lines into one stream of information requires a great deal of concentration and the ability to correctly formulate a description of the big picture from the cartologist. The layout itself is based on laying out 10 cards. 6 of them are placed in two horizontal rows of 3 pieces each, and 4 are placed on the sides. The result is a cruciform figure, hollow inside. Modern cartologists call this alignment the "Seal of the Angel."

Dark Angels card deck

Another equally interesting deck is the Dark Angels Tarot. The artist R. Luka did a good job of drawing ominous images. These Dark Lost Souls have a human form. Everything is done with the graceful beauty of a gloomy gothic design, and the predominance of black and white shades contains something mysterious and unknown. The Dark Angels are extraordinarily beautiful, because most of the cards depict young, sophisticated girls. These cute creatures are able to captivate the eye with their sinister appearance. What is important, the author showed angels with different sides. Some he endowed with black wings, others with some kind of ability. And most importantly, it is the history of the narrative, which is often neglected by modern authors.

The essence of R. Luke's work is to use interesting history about dark angels who fled from the Devil to Earth. Meanwhile, chaos reigned on the planet. And desperate recalcitrant lost souls tried to save the last thing left on Earth - people. So, interpreting these words in the meaning of the cards, one can determine the Angels used as helpers of mankind. Yes, even ordinary divination on Tarot cards, occurs under the influence of the Dark Forces, who wish good to a person.

Modern tarologists are skeptical about the power of such a deck. Their judgments come down to one thing. It's nothing more than a set beautiful pictures. If there is any magical influence, it is definitely not related to the images. So, this deck is based on one of the greatest works of Tarot Waite. Modern cartologists can apply it to their work only on the basis of such considerations. But there are those experts who can argue with them. After all, the Tarot of the Patrons is in demand, and the World must be in balance. And such is the deck of Dark Angels.

Dark Angels Deck Gallery Features

The gallery of images of the author Rousseau Luca requires special attention. The Gothic style carries centuries-old energy, and when using a deck of cards in divination, it seems that at this moment a connection is really being established with mythical and mystical images. And it doesn't matter that almost all the cards are made in dark shades. The light that this Tarot deck carries in itself is able to illuminate all the secret dark areas of the human soul. A deck of Angels cards, albeit Dark ones, is a work of art of its kind. And many simply did not have time to get acquainted with such, since this work of the Italian artist was published only in 2010.

According to the author's idea, the depicted angels are able to change the fate of people even with a wave of their beautiful wings. Proud and noble, they command nature and all known elements. What is important, these souls are able to find the key to the heart of any person, point out his problems and help solve them. Thus, Dark beings become the second Guardian Angels. This kind of magical Tarot allows a person to:

  • cope with life's troubles;
  • point out the possible mistakes of his life path;
  • get a prediction for the near future;
  • find answers to his questions.

Dark Angels Tarot helps you find answers to all your questions

Compared with other Gothic works of our time, the maps of the river. Bows are vastly superior to their opponents in every possible way. Even the colorful design of Tarot by Joseph Vargo, Ricard Minetti, Barbara Moore and Ian Daniels cannot be compared in its richness with the work "Dark Angels".

Interpretation features

All 78 Tarot cards with Dark Angels are divided into Major and Minor Arcana, just like any other deck in the Waite tradition. All "juniors" have suits:

  • Wands.
  • bowls.
  • Swords.
  • Pentacles.

Among these are the so-called "Heads of the Court":

  • Knight.
  • Lady.
  • King.

Major Arcana cards always indicate certain events. The more the number of such falls out in the scenario, the more likely a person is expected to make fateful decisions.

Some non-traditionality is present in the interpretation of these cards. So, in the correct position, the card indicates a certain event. And in the inverted - to its opposite meaning. Here are some examples of maps:


The correct position is freedom and purposefulness, and the inverted position is slavery, indifference.


The correct position is trust, strong friendship, confidence. And inverted - collapse, quarrels and self-doubt.


Direct designation - a person knows the truth, and with an inverted card - he is lost.


The card denotes the hope or expectation of something. And in an inverted state - this is hopelessness.


Denotes payment for one's own sins. Reversed card - impunity.

The role of the Minor Arcana in the deck

The minor arcana tells a person about his life needs, special desires and minor mistakes. So, for each individual suit, a certain sphere of life is separated. Four suits are the four main components of human existence. So, the Minor Arcana share:

  1. Maps showing the human world around. These include Wands.
  2. The suit responsible for emotions is cups.
  3. Cards of the state of mind and mental state - swords.
  4. The suit of a material character is pentacles.

So, the interpretation of the Cups will be associated with everything: conflicts, problematic character traits, love affairs, as well as their breaks. And the dropped Pentacles indicate all sorts of problems and improvements in the financial condition: profit, sudden wealth, poverty, etc. Wands are event cards. All actions that can lead to a particular result are necessarily shown by this suit. So the Swords will accompany the future with all experiences and internal conflicts.

“The Guardian Angel is a good spirit given to a person by God at baptism to help, guide and save his soul” - this is how some religious teachings interpret the concept of a Guardian Angel, a creature called to help a person and protect him.

Everything seems to be simple. But it is precisely this simplicity that hides the many mysteries of creation and human existence. It is the mysteries, the questions they give rise to, that haunt religious philosophers, neither to esotericists, nor to ordinary people seeking to know the nature of this process.

The Tarot of Guardian Angels is in a series of these human researches aimed at comprehending one of the main secrets of the universe - the secrets of human nature. And, despite the fact that religion and magic have different attitudes towards the principles and methods of knowledge, it could find a harmonious existence in the deck of cards that you hold in your hands.

Riot? Protest? Blasphemy? An attempt to undermine the canonical foundations? No.

This is just a method of assessing situations, processes, events, given in the form of images and plots, in which the main place is occupied not by a person and not by the Guardian Angel, but by the union of these two existential manifestations.

Good or evil, vice or virtue, honesty or lies? Whenever a person is faced with a choice, the Guardian Angel is somewhere nearby. He helps, prompts, protects a person. But at the same time, he completely trusts him, allowing him to do those things that the person himself wants.

Error, delusion, violation - this is the pain of human destiny, and the trials that he goes through, becoming wiser and stronger. But the help he can count on is always with him.

And this help comes in the form of good advice or spiritual comfort, in the form of remorse or emotions that cannot be appeased. The Guardian Angel has many opportunities to influence a person, as well as many opportunities to prompt him and save him.

A deck of tarot cards "Guardian Angels" is one of the forms in which you can tell people about how communication takes place between an angel and a person.

That is why we urge you to see in this Tarot deck not a tool for divination, but a tool for knowing your inner nature and the nature of a companion who goes with a person throughout his life, and whose name is Guardian Angel.

heavenly hierarchy. guardian angels

Such a concept as the Heavenly Hierarchy arose in Christian philosophy after the official recognition of the work of Dionysius the Areopagite "On the Heavenly Hierarchy", in which he described in detail the structure of the Divine world and the principles of interaction between the forces of this world and the human world.

Despite the centuries that have passed since the recognition of this work and the recognition of the official religious doctrine of the Forces, it has not undergone any changes.

10 ranks of Heavenly Forces
Higher Hierarchy

1. Seraphim - closest to God.

Fiery love for God, burning with this love.

“Seraphim stood around Him; each of them had six wings: with two each one covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

And they called to each other and said: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! the whole earth is full of his glory!” (Isaiah 6.2-3)

In iconography, they are usually depicted as beings of fiery red or gold color, with a human face and six wings around.

2. Cherubim - an outpouring of wisdom and enlightenment. Through them, true knowledge of God, the Word of the Lord and Wisdom are sent, which they see and know perfectly.

"And he drove out Adam, and set up in the east by the garden of Eden the Cherubim and the flaming sword that turns to guard the way to the tree of life." (Gen. 3.24)

Depicted in appearance similar to the Seraphim, but blue-steel color.

3. Thrones - bearing God, serving the Justice of God.

“So, it is right that the highest beings are consecrated to the first of the heavenly Hierarchies, since it has the highest rank, especially because the first Epiphany and consecrations originally refer to it, as the closest to God. And heavenly Minds are called Burning Thrones and an outpouring of wisdom, because these names express their God-like properties ... ”(Dionysius the Areopagite. On the Heavenly Hierarchy)

Middle Hierarchy

4. Dominions - instruct rulers in wise management, teach to dominate their power. Able to control human feelings, emotions.

“The name of the holy Dominions means something non-servile and free from any low attachment to the earthly exaltation to the heavenly, not in any way shaken by any violent attraction to anything dissimilar to them. But domination is permanent in its freedom, standing above all humiliating slavery, alien to all humiliation, withdrawn from any inequality to itself, constantly striving for true Domination and, as much as possible, holyly transforming both itself and everything subordinate to it into a perfect likeness of Him, not clinging to anything that accidentally exists, but always fully turning to the true-existing and unceasingly partaking of the sovereign God-likeness. (Dionysius the Areopagite. On the Heavenly Hierarchy)

Handling:“Holy dominions, strengthen my weak will in the fight against sin, let me rule over my passions!”

5. Forces - fulfill the will of God. They work miracles, send down the grace of miracles and insight to the saints.

“The name of the holy Forces means some powerful and irresistible courage, communicated to them as far as possible, reflected in all their God-like actions in order to remove from themselves everything that could reduce and weaken the Divine illuminations bestowed upon them, strongly striving for God-imitation, not remaining idle from laziness, but steadily looking at the highest and all-strengthening Power and, as far as possible, according to its own forces, making it in Her image, completely turned to Her as the source of Powers and God-like descending to the lower forces to give them power. (Dionysius the Areopagite. On the Heavenly Hierarchy)

6. Authorities - tame the power of the devil, protect people from demonic

temptations. " The name of the Holy Authorities signifies equal to the Divine Dominions and Powers, a slender and capable of receiving Divine illuminations, the Order and the device of a worldly spiritual dominion, which does not self-authoritatively use the domineering powers bestowed for evil, but freely and decently to the Divine, both ascending itself and leading others holy to Him. and, as far as possible, assimilated to the Source and Giver of all power and depicting Him. (Dionysius the Areopagite. On the Heavenly Hierarchy)

Handling:“Holy authorities, with the power given to you by God, drive away from the servant of God (name) (or the servant of God (name)) the demon who torments him (or torments her)!”

Lower Hierarchy

7. Beginnings - rule over the angels, directing them to the fulfillment of God's will. They are entrusted with the management of the Universe, the protection of countries and peoples, the management of the elements of nature, over all visible objects.

“The name of the heavenly Principalities means the God-like ability to rule and govern in accordance with the sacred order, befitting the ruling Forces, both by ourselves wholly turn to the Beginning without Beginning, and by others, as is characteristic of the Authorities, to guide Him, to imprint in oneself, as far as possible, the image of the inaccurate Beginning and, finally, the ability to express His premier leadership in the well-being of the ruling Forces. The proclaiming rank of Principalities, Archangels and Angels alternately governs the human Hierarchies, so that in order there is an ascent and conversion to God, communion and union with Him, which from God graciously spreads to all Hierarchies, is inspired through communication and pours out in the most sacred orderly order. (Dionysius the Areopagite. On the Heavenly Hierarchy)

8. Archangels - evangelists, reveal secrets, strengthen faith. Heavenly teachers. Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Yehudiel, Selaphiel, Barahiel.

9. Handling:“Archangels of God, determined by God Himself for our teaching, enlighten me, teach me which path to choose, I will go to it, so that I will please my God!”

3. Angels are especially close to people, protect believers, keep them from falling, continue what the Archangels start: direct them to the path of God, the path of life, guide, protect.

Handling:“Thanks to the Lord, who has protected us with His angels and still sends each angel peaceful, faithful, mentor and guardian of our souls and bodies - glory to Thee, our Benefactor, forever and ever!”

10. Glorified souls - canonized and non-canonized Saints, regardless of religious and national affiliation.

Despite the fact that the "official" recognition of the Heavenly Hierarchy and order Heavenly Orders happened only by the middle of the XV century, we can see the mention of it in the Bible.

« And I saw in a dream: behold, a ladder stands on the ground, and its top touches the sky; and behold, the angels of God ascend and descend upon it. And behold, the Lord stands on it and says: I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. The land on which you lie I will give you and your offspring; and your offspring will be like the sand of the earth; and spread to the sea, and to the east, and to the north, and towards noon; and all the families of the earth will be blessed in you and in your seed; and behold, I am with you, and I will keep you wherever you go; and I will bring you back to this land, for I will not leave you until I have done what I have told you. Jacob awoke from his sleep and said: Verily the Lord is present in this place; but I didn't know!" (Genesis 28.12-16)

It is believed that since the time of Jacob, humanity has gained access to knowledge that allows us to understand what constitutes the unknown world of Divine forces, about which very, very little is known. But it was not possible to prove that Jacob was one of those who had a chance to see the wonders of the universe with their own eyes. The only thing that has been preserved in the canonical text is the passage quoted above. And another work called "Jacob's Ladder", which is still considered apocryphal and is not included in the canons of the study of theology.

But be that as it may, the veil of secrecy was ajar. And from plot to plot, it was revealed more and more, until it became part of the official doctrine of Christianity.

Christianity about guardian angels

Canonical Christianity implies the presence of two types of Guardian Angels. These are the Guardian Angels of peoples and societies and the Guardian Angels of people.

Since both of these Guardian Angels are known only from the point of view of the Holy Scriptures, it can be said that the official religion does not give complete clarity about what a Guardian Angel is.

Guardian Angels of peoples and societies

The presence of Guardian Angels of societies or peoples is mentioned in the 10th chapter of the book of the prophet Daniel, who describes the angels - the princes of the Jewish, Hellenic and Persian peoples.

Their task, role, mission entrusted to them by God is to guide peoples and countries towards the goals that the Creator determines. They care about the knowledge of God, piety, and the spiritual prosperity of the people they patronize.

Human guardian angels

The descriptions of the Guardian Angels of people that the Holy Scripture gives us are somewhat more than the descriptions of the Guardian Angels of societies.

So, we can judge the presence and recognition of Angels in the Jewish and Christian traditions by the plot described in the Acts. In it, the maid does not let the Apostle Peter into the house, believing that this is his Angel.

We can read a different description of the deeds of the Angel in Psalm 90, which says that an Angel is given to a person, who is the guardian of his soul and body.

Esotericism and guardian angels

The esoteric and occult schools of Europe and Central Asia, and in particular the Kabbalistic esoteric teaching, have a more detailed and intelligible view of the nature of the Guardian Angel. They do not deny its existence, just as they do not deny the concept of the Heavenly Hierarchy recognized in Christianity, but they make it more holistic and understandable, based on all historical and statistical data, without rejecting or denying any grains of evidence about Angels.

According to esotericists, the Angel is a "resident" of the Universe, its integral part, and has existed since the creation of the world. In their original form, Angels are conductors between the lower manifestations of the Universe and the higher ones.

By their nature, Angels have the ability to bind and adapt energies and information from higher sources.

Planetary Angels

Angels of natural cycles (year, month, week, day and hour). And although these methods of measurement refer to the human view of the world, these natural cycles exist regardless of whether there is a person or not.

Angels of Humanity

In other religions they are called Archangels. They are designed to control the global processes taking place in the human world and human society.

Human Angels, or Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels are specific forces involved in the interaction of a person with the Divine world, a world where there are no material categories and materialistic measures for evaluating what is happening that are familiar to a person.

Even the name "Angel" in Hebrew defines the Angel as a mediator between God and man, a substance attached to man.

“And the Angel of the Lord said to her: I will multiply your offspring, so that it will not be possible to count them from the multitude.” (Gen. 16.10)

The story about Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, the ancestor of the Arab tribes, is filled with human tragedy, fear, and the experiences that this woman had to endure. She, having become Abraham's concubine, almost became the official successor of a great and noble family. But the miracle that allowed Abraham's wife, Sarah, to give birth to an heir, makes her an outcast in the family of the patriarch. At the behest of the Angel, she went to the Arabian Desert and, thanks to his advice, she was able not only to survive, but also to raise a son, no less significant than his father. Did Hagar have another choice? Could she have done otherwise? In ancient times, the concubine was not asked if she was ready to become one. But the Angel, instructing and helping her in her fate, was able not only to save her soul, but also allowed her to live a long and happy life, see the greatness of her son and know the joy of her mother, who lived only for his good.

Guardian angel in human life

The appearance of a Guardian Angel in a person's life begins from the very moment when his soul appears in the physical body.

The very moment of birth is important not only for the person himself, for his relatives and friends, but also for the Universe as a whole, since an “object” is born that can influence the Universe itself.

It is at the moment of the appearance of the soul in a person that a connection with his Angel appears. The connection and level of interaction with the Angel is formed on the basis of the sum of positive possibilities that really exist in a person. So to speak, on the basis of the baggage of developments that a person possesses, a relationship arises with a certain Angel in the Universe. Baptism, the adoption of another faith does not replace the Angel by birth with another, they only strengthen and strengthen the connection between the person and the Angel.

Keep and protect

The Guardian Angel keeps and in every possible way helps a person to preserve everything positive that is in him from birth. When a person interacts with the manifestations of the Universe, it helps to accumulate and improve the quality of what a person has. He Preserves it for the Universe, for man and his progress, protecting it from destruction, squandering.

It is in this vein that there is an interaction between a person and a Guardian Angel. The higher the positive potential of the individual, the greater his desire for development, the closer man to the Guardian Angel and the higher their mutual connection.

So, in fact, the actions of the Guardian Angel are “beneficial” both for the Universe, which receives the creative participation of a person, and for a person who develops and strives forward.

“Behold, I am sending [My] Angel before you to keep you on the way and to bring you into the place that I have prepared [for you].” (Ex. 23.20)

The Exodus from Egypt became one of the key moments in the history of the knowledge of the possibilities of the forces of the Heavenly Hierarchy. The facts, events, actions that the Angel, the patron of Moses, performed, allow us to speak about the true capabilities of the patrons of a person. “He points the way, preserves, protects, destroys enemies” - he does everything so that a person can fulfill God's will, can fulfill what is destined for him by fate.

Perhaps the description shows a certain one-sidedness, which looks like the complete obedience of a person and the absence of any signs of self-will. But on the other hand, if you carefully read the plot and think about every word, Moses simply had no choice. He had to either save all those who followed him and trusted him, or, having shown self-will and simply not listening to the Angel, he would have put their lives in danger, severe punishment and subsequent slavery of those who would remain alive.

Is your own opinion so important when a mistake can cost so much?

Opportunities and abilities of Guardian Angels

Studying the nature of the interaction of the Guardian Angel with a person, esotericists came to the conclusion that there is a very close communication between him and a person. But this communication is built not on the basis of the dialogue we are used to using speech or something like that, but on the basis of sign and situational forms that contain the “responses” of the Guardian Angel to human behavior.

This communication with the Guardian Angel can be divided into two aspects - external and internal. These aspects, or schemes of relationships, look like certain events and phenomena of the external and internal world that occur around a person and with the person himself.

The external aspect of communication is a reflection of communication, information that comes from the Guardian Angel, which always takes place with the participation of children 1
It is believed, and rightly so, that children are “pure” before God. That is, they do not have such an amount of negativity, depravity, depravity that an adult can have. Therefore, it is easier to reproduce the necessary information through a “pure soul”, not burdened by the conventions and stereotypes of the adult world.

The internal aspect of communication is also called human conscience - the moral and spiritual aspirations of a person, with the help of which a person evaluates himself and his actions.

External aspect of communication

All situations that fall under the category of the external aspect of communication with the Guardian Angel, we can see in the world around us with the naked eye. All of them are real and it is enough just to be more attentive and not to consider that what is happening around you is just a coincidence or a banal will of chance.

It is only important to understand that we are talking about events that happen to you or in your immediate vicinity. Conversations, stories, messages on television or in newspapers are not related to the information transmitted by the Guardian Angel.

Relevant are the events that happen to children and that cause you a positive or negative response, acceptance or dissatisfaction.

Positive events speak of approval from the Guardian Angel, encouragement and acceptance of human behavior. Negative feedback indicates that a person is wrong in something, behaves incorrectly, in an inappropriate way.

Statements or remarks of children, not necessarily addressed to you, but in your presence. This is how the reaction of the Guardian Angel to the thoughts and judgments of a person looks like.

It is positive if the person's thinking is correct. Negative - if a person is mistaken or makes a mistake.

It must be understood that the Guardian Angel makes external contact only if necessary. These most often include the following cases:

- a person does not pay attention to external clues or due to the pressure of the situation, personal emotions does not hear the inner voice;

- the situation or information about what is happening is complex, has several aspects and levels, and there is no possibility of transmitting hints through an internal dialogue;

- in case of need to transfer urgent, urgent information, when a person needs to make an immediate decision.

In other cases, the Guardian Angel for conversation is limited to the inner world of a person. It also has its own principle and its own classification of communication.

“And the Angel of the Lord said to Balaam: Go with these people, only say what I will say to you. And Balaam went with the princes of Balakov. (Num. 22.35)

In the Book of Numbers, we have another dramatic story that tells about the willfulness of man, and about the capabilities of the Angel, and that not only people are able to see the Heavenly Forces.

Sometimes the Lord chooses among the people those who will carry his words and his will to the living. So it was and so it will be. They are called differently: prophets, holy fools, soothsayers, saints. It is not so important what they are called among the people, it is important that the words that they heard from their Patron be fully understood by them and transmitted undistorted to those to whom they are intended.

So Balaam, being a soothsayer, received a command from God to curse the Israelites as punishment for their iniquity. Did you hear

the words of God Balaam, whether he wanted to do it, but an angel blocked his path.

Balaam, sitting on a donkey, did not see Him, unlike the animal, which stopped in indecision. And only after a while, when Balaam was already desperate to make the poor animal go, he was able to see the Angel who blocked their path.

"Do not curse, but bless!" - such was the will of the heavenly messenger

Internal aspect of communication

First of all, the reaction to human behavior is the events of the material or property plan, related to the sphere of human possessions.

A positive or negative reaction to a person's actions is his material stimulation. That is, in other words, it can be money, other material values ​​that either appear or disappear (not by a miracle, but due to real reasons).

The Guardian Angel Tarot deck uses angels to carry divination into the spiritual dimension, linking them to the structure and meanings of traditional tarot. Angels, as a specific symbolic element, help to know the depths of one's own world, which goes beyond causes and emotions. Classical decks have long used the theme of angels, which are traditionally present on the Major Arcana "Lovers", "Temperance" and "Justice". The angel theme expresses the individuality of the Guardian Angel Tarot deck, it is an integral part of each Arcana and the key to interpreting the entire deck. Many images explicitly or implicitly demonstrate a conflict between two poles, which can be conditionally considered positive and negative. A striking example is Arkan the Fool, depicted as a man, half angel and half devil, walking along the edge of the abyss. This character personifies a person whose existence is always on the verge between good and evil and between alternatives that lead her in opposite directions.

Major Arcana of the Guardian Angel Tarot deck

The key to the Guardian Angel Tarot deck is the separation of the concepts of good and evil, as well as the feeling of support, guidance and protection that accompanies a person. The ability of this deck to separate right from wrong encourages us to reflect on ourselves and our own actions, allowing us to consider non-standard situations and emotions. For a person who believes in angels and is waiting for a message from heaven, this deck is of particular value. It will become a tool for divination for the future, a means of communicating with angelic forces and interpreting signs and messages. You can easily find in the drawings a reflection of your own spiritual beliefs and find inspiration to achieve harmony. In difficult moments of reflection and introspection, the Guardian Angel Tarot deck allows you to highlight important points spiritual rather than material aspects of life. Angels become symbols of our consciousness and the natural forces that rule the universe.

The Guardian Angel Tarot deck is a message from heaven, a message from that invisible force that stands behind each of us, which helps to cope with all problems and saves us from danger.

The Structure of the Guardian Angels Deck

Like any deck that obeys the Tarot system, it consists of 78 cards (22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana). This is a pro-rider deck, since the main meanings of its cards echo the classic Rider-Waite Tarot. Nevertheless, Guardian Angels still have their own interpretation, which differs from the classics. An example of this can be the card "Six of Pentacles", where the angel himself gives alms to the poor man, huddled in a corner. Thus, the card calls for mercy and charity. So many cards may differ from the traditional tarot. And not only with images, but also with the meaning of what is drawn. In general, the creators of this deck offer us a fresh look at the classic aspects of the Tarot. Indeed, when developing the symbolism of the cards, they were guided by texts from the Bible and the New Testament. In general, the authors of the deck - Giordano Berti and Arthur Picho - must be given credit, because they skillfully combined religion, the concept of faith and the Tarot system. And this, believe me, is a colossal effort. So, thanks to them, not only religious people who have a strong faith in Angels can work with the Tarot of Guardian Angels, but also those of us who consider the Angel as our higher Self. After all, this deck will convey the messages of heaven to everyone - according to his position of worldview. Therefore, the main task is to bring the lost soul into the light and help get out of any difficult situation.

Principles of working with a deck

Like any Tarot deck close to the classics, it is able to give advice and predict the future. So the range of application of these cards is quite wide. You can turn to the "messengers of God" for support. For those who ask sincerely, the cards will point to the Angel, who will become a reliable assistant and protector in the current situation. At the same time, with the help of the Tarot of Guardian Angels, it is possible to view absolutely any situation that interests you. This deck is universal, it is perceived both visually (according to one's own feelings) and according to the general meanings of the Tarot system. In general, it is suitable for those who prefer decks with positive and good energy, for those who want to seek help from bright helpers in order to enlist their support.

Spread example: "Seal of the Guardian Angel" layout

The "Seal of the Guardian Angel" layout is designed to view the aura of a person, determine the presence and level of his protection by the Guardian Angel. The alignment itself is quite simple, but this should not confuse you, because, despite its simplicity, it is quite accurate and informative. Working with the layout will not cause difficulties even for beginner tarologists. One of the tasks of the “Seal of the Guardian Angel” is to identify specific Angels that are behind us, protecting us from all sorts of troubles. To many, this information will seem strange, or at least frivolous. So, people often ask the question: “What will the knowledge of the names of the Guardian Angels and the knowledge of their number behind my back give me?”. However, this information is priceless, only a stupid and arrogant person does not understand this. After all, knowing the name of the Angel, you can establish closer contact with him, at any time you can ask him for help or thank him for his help. Among other things, this alignment allows you to understand whether there is any help from the other world in your life at all, or if you are trying to withstand obstacles alone. In any case, communicating with the Angels through this alignment will allow you to better understand the nature of the ongoing events in your life. The layout of the “Seal of the Guardian Angel” was created in order to understand and hear your Angel. Now let's turn directly to the layout. "Seal of the Guardian Angel" is performed by a mixed deck. Since this alignment is carried out to determine something invisible and unusual, it means that the situation should be appropriate. When performing this layout, it is necessary to minimize the hit of bright daylight to the workspace. It is advisable to light the room with candles. To work correctly with the "Seal of the Guardian Angel" you will need a photograph of the person in relation to whom the alignment will be done. In the center it is necessary to lay out the Major Arcana. Moderation is the basis of the layout. A significator is placed on it, in the correct case it will be a photo of the questioner. If there is no photo, you need to put the most suitable card for this person. Next, the deck is thoroughly shuffled, and 4 cards are taken out of it in turn. These cards must be laid out so that a cross forms around the base and the significator: 1. Strength. In this position, the strength and capabilities of the Guardian Angel are determined. Here you can also understand how many Guardian Angels are behind the querent; 2. Blessing. In this position, the card will show the readiness of the Angel to help the querent; 3. Rod. Here the heredity of the Guardian Angel is determined, how he appeared. For example, it can be an Angel assigned by someone, or - transferred to the querent through the family line; 4. Shield. In this position, the current degree of protection of the querent is determined;
5. Seal - a card that determines the connection of the querent with his Guardian Angel. She gets the last one and lays down on top of the photo, closing the layout, as if setting a seal on it. This card is not read separately, it must be interpreted in combination with the previous four positions. This alignment is perfectly perceived on an intuitive level, so the interpretation of each card can be made without the use of any interpreters. After all, interpreting the alignment, you communicate with the Angel, who can give signs understandable only to you.

There are several types of tarot cards. Each tarologist chooses for himself the most suitable deck that can correctly interpret certain situations and help answer specific questions. Very often use the tarot of angels. It is of several types. Angelic tarot is presented in the form of two decks: tarot of guardian angels and dark angels. These cards carry a message from above. With their help, you can see what is hidden from the outside world. When performing the alignment, you can get an answer even to the most difficult question, which will allow you to cope with various difficulties.

Tarot Guardian Angels

Types of decks and a brief description

The tarot of dark angels has the appearance of a gothic direction. The map gallery is presented in a very unusual style. The cards depict angels who fell from heaven. These unusual and mysterious creatures are very wise, so they can help in solving many issues. All 78 cards are quite unusual. They carry some very strong energy, but not negative, but positive, despite the name of the tarot itself. These images illuminate the path and indicate which direction to go. Their strong spirit is represented as:

  • elements;
  • natural forces;
  • various deities.

Angels can tell about everything, so you can ask any question. Guardian angel tarot cards will help you find out the whole essence of the one who protects a person throughout life. Maps help solve one of the most difficult issues - the knowledge of true human nature. The guardian angel is a good spirit that is given to a person at the time of baptism to accompany him through life and protect him from threatening situations. The gallery is presented in the form of light images that inspire and soothe.

Dark Angels Tarot Deck

Using a deck of cards

The guardian angel tarot deck is one of the commonly used decks. Beginning tarologists use it, as the cards are simple and understandable. They help develop skills and get full answers to all complex questions. The tarot of dark angels and guardian angels has 78 cards each. As in the classic version, they have major arcana, the list of which includes 22 cards and minor ones - they have 56 cards. The explanation of the cards is very similar to the direction of Ryder Wet, but many tarologists prefer to use their own interpretation of the meanings. To correctly decipher the alignment, you can read a special book on tarot, which is not difficult to find on the Internet or in specialized stores. The tarot deck provides an opportunity to take a completely different look at the classic divination with the help of cards.

When creating the drawings, many biblical images were used. Such cards can adapt to the worldview of anyone and convey the right message.

How to use the deck

Fortune telling on tarot cards should take place according to a certain principle. Tarot of angels, like classic cards, can predict the future and give good advice on how to act in a given situation. They are used to solve many issues and situations. You can turn to the angels for support. If a person really asks for help, they can point to someone who will be a good helper in this situation. Also with the help of these cards you can see the situation that will be in the future. The deck is universal, as it meets all the requirements of the tarot. The guardian angel deck is very well suited for those who prefer positive energy. You can always turn to the helpers of the light force, who will show you the right path. There are several options for how to work with a deck correctly, and they are all very different from each other. The most optimal among them is a sincere appeal to the angel. A person must ask for protection and guidance on the right path. Some tarologists believe that cards can be interpreted according to how they are perceived. Only experienced magicians do this, while beginners are advised to adhere to the rules of the general interpretation.

Tarot of Angels is universal, it fits all the classic criteria

What do the schedules say?

Fortune telling on cards - the advice of the guardian angel and dark angels, can be laid out in different ways. These unusual creatures will help to highlight all the most interesting questions. Each fortune-telling with the help of such a deck will be understandable and clear. You can ask the angels for advice at any time you need. You can lay out the deck: when a feeling of anxiety appears, with doubts, fears. In order to get an answer, it is enough to focus on the situation, hold the cards in your hands for a few seconds, then get three cards from the deck.

The first image will show what is important for now, the second will tell you what to do, the third will give advice for the future. After the fortune telling is done, you must definitely thank the deck for the advice received.

After reading the card, you need to thank

Some explanation

Each card in the layout is a kind of road to another world. All cards in the deck are divided into arcana. Their interpretation varies depending on the position they are in. When interpreting, it is necessary to focus on certain elements. Cards in the major arcana indicate that some important events will happen soon. The minor arcana speaks more about worldly desires and minor events. Each of the suits speaks of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. The deck has four main suits, which you can learn about below. This information will be really useful for you.

  • Staves. They will tell you what a person's ambitions are. They also show important decisions and actions, the scope of influence, the type of personality that accompanies it, as well as possible troubles that may occur.
  • Weak spirit, as well as personality type.
  • Swords. They represent the thoughts of a person. They talk about internal conflicts, plans for the future, peace of mind.
  • Pentacles. Responsible for financial matters. They talk about wealth, its possible losses, transactions and other aspects of business.

Angel cards are quite easy to use. They can be used by both an experienced tarologist and a beginner. They will help answer difficult questions, reveal what was previously hidden from you, and also help improve your knowledge.

Prediction for entry level it is better to interpret tarot studies according to established standards, and with the development of experience, move to an intuitive level. In order to tell fortunes, you need to focus as much as possible on the issue of interest and ask for help.

Fortune telling on the tarot of angels is quite simple, therefore it is very suitable for beginner tarot readers.