Hand carved wooden vase. Wooden vase

Large outdoor decorative vases for the interior are a stylish element of decorating the room. Agree, crafts made of wooden circles look spectacular?

We will create it with our own hands using small cuts of wood - round in cross section. We will not need whole trunks, only branches of approximately one to three centimeters in diameter, as well as a base on which we will attach small wooden parts.

Do-it-yourself materials for a wooden vase

As I already mentioned, we need saw cuts of tree branches, quite a lot, depending on the size of the vase, or rather, more on its surface area.

We also need something that would serve as the basis of our crafts. They can be anything, even a simple tin can, as you see in the photo below, or a flower pot.

It would be better if the tin surface was not so visible, so it is possible to decorate it first, for example, with twine or paste over with paper. Despite the fact that this work is done too rough, the flowers in it look pretty cute.

If you have a vase with a defect, for example, with a crack, or a broken one, it doesn’t matter, it just might come in handy for us. We will glue the broken one first. The surface and cracks on it will still not be visible - we will decorate it with a tree.

The simplest thing is to find a ready-made base for our interior vase, but in principle there is another way - to make it yourself. It could be a papier-mache vase, you can recycle a lot of unnecessary newspapers. Then the product will be very light and it will be better to make it a different shape, more stable.

Or mold from clay, and insert an ordinary glass jar or bottle inside so that the vase can be used not only as a decorative piece of furniture, but also for its intended purpose - to put flowers or twigs in it.

It is better to carefully clean the saw cuts from the front side, which will be visible to us. Notches and special irregularities should not be, we do not want to be scratched. Whether to remove the bark or not is your own business, how you like it or what effect you want to achieve.

Still cook good glue, we will glue these small circles.

Decorative vase - making

The wood can be stained or left as is, it's a matter of taste and personal preference. It would be nice to think about where the decorative vase will stand, in what interior. Under light furniture, it is better to leave saw cuts as they are, do not paint.

If the tones of the furniture are dark, then you can process some of the wooden parts or all at once to give them a darker shade.

Here the color is left natural, natural, the texture of the tree is clearly visible - circles. I almost forgot - the saw cuts must all be of the same thickness, so that in the end the vase has a flat surface.

Now let's get down to work, actually creating our own design work - a decorative floor vase made of wood. We select the size and glue the cuts so that as much of the base as possible is closed.

Between the large ones we glue small pieces, like a mosaic. You can start wherever you like. But it's better, I think, to start with the flattest (least convex) part.

When everything is glued, you need to let the product dry well. Top decorative wooden surface can be varnished if desired.

This is what a floor decorative vase looks like in the interior. It is made of natural natural material, gives the room warmth, creates style. Various beautiful twigs collected in the forest, or stems of dry plants will look good in it.

If inside there is a container such as a jar or bottle that does not let water through, then our vase can certainly be used for fresh bouquets.

By a similar principle, vases of simpler shapes were made in the photo below. Wooden roundels can first be stained to give color. Or leave as is.

An interesting pattern on the texture is created by alternating circles of different diameters. Some types of wood have their own unique pattern on the cut, this adds originality.

Products from natural natural materials, in particular wood, have recently gained extraordinary popularity. On sale, you can peep some ideas, and then repeat it yourself for the interior of your own home.

It can be not only vases, but also other small decor items, even entire walls, furniture.

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Examples of interior decoration when natural materials are also used. This time the decoration is made with the help of oblique cuts of stems of plants growing near water, in shallow water. These are the well-known reeds, cattail, as well as other types of marsh vegetation, calamus, rush. In the same way, you can make decorative animal figurines.

Another example of creating a vase from natural materials - branches, snags, as well as a small glass container. Very cute and at the same time easy to make wooden crafts for the interior. The stick can not be processed at all, it is only necessary to drill several holes in it for a vessel with water and fastening the cords.

Very unusual unique vases can be made on lathe(who can, of course). I liked it very much, I could not pass by, so this post arose. They can be used both for their intended purpose and for decorative purposes to create a unique interior. The more interesting the structure and pattern of wood, the more flaws, irregularities, the better!

We decorate a vase using the glass mosaic technique. The base is glass, the surface cladding too. Almost any non-embossed form will do as a basis, unless it is too small, such as a flask for a hanging vase. Inside the article there is another unusual method of decorating the interior - creating a decorative inner surface of a wide wooden bowl using mirrored mosaic tiles.

Wooden vases fit perfectly into any interior, and with their appearance they are able to give zest to the design and serve as its accent. To decorate your home in this way, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on their purchase.

DIY wooden vase

In order to make such a Vase with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

Workplace preparation

As usual, the first thing you need to do is equip your workplace on which you will be working. The rules are not complicated: there should be no extra things on the table, all the tools should lie in their places and be at hand. Not everyone has their own desktop, and for sure you have already thought about creating it. Making a table is not difficult - it is more difficult to choose a place for it in the house. A good option- this is a warmed balcony on which you can start working on crafts at any time. If you have a specially equipped room with a workbench, then you can be said to be lucky. In a separate article you can read about where I tried to describe the entire process of its creation in as much detail as possible. After you have completed the process of creating a workplace, you can proceed directly to your future craft.

Choice of plywood

The main elements will fit on A4 plywood, since some parts need to be made in several copies, then you will need several blanks. The plywood thickness should be from 2.5 to 3 mm, and depending on the thickness, cutting along the inner or outer contour should be performed, this is true for the grooves into which the craft elements are inserted. Before transferring the drawing to plywood, sand the workpiece with a sandpaper with a large grain, and then a fine one. Wrap a wooden block with sandpaper, and then start sanding. Sand the harvested plywood along the layers, not across. A well-sanded surface should be smooth, perfectly smooth, glossy-matt in the light and silky to the touch. Pay attention to the location of the fibers, knots, dents and other defects. Quality and color. If the plywood is not of very high quality and delaminates when sawing, read the recommendations for elimination.

Transferring the pattern to plywood

You need to translate the drawing accurately and accurately: fix the drawing with buttons, double-sided masking tape, or simply hold it with your left hand. Check if the drawing fits the dimensions. Arrange the individual parts so that the plywood sheet is used as economically as possible. You should not rush, because your future craft depends on the drawing. If time is short, then to speed up the translation process, you can use the technique of quick translation of a picture, for this I suggest that you read the article in the tips section:.

Cutting a vase out of plywood with a jigsaw

There are many rules for sawing, but you need to be based on the most common ones. First, you should cut out the internal elements, then proceed to sawing out the contour. There is no need to rush when cutting. The main thing is to keep always straight at an angle of 90 degrees when cutting. Saw pieces along precisely marked lines. The movements of the jigsaw should always be smooth up and down. Also, don't forget to watch your posture. Try to avoid bevels and bumps. If you get off the line while cutting, do not worry. Such bevels, irregularities can later be removed with a flat file or “Coarse-grained” skin.


When sawing, fatigue occurs. Often fingers get tired as well as eyes, which are always in suspense. During work, of course, everyone gets tired, but in order to reduce the load, do a couple of exercises. You can see exercises. Do this several times as you work.

Assembling a plywood vase

The assembly of the details of the Vase in this work is simple. Please refer to the drawing for assembly. If some parts are not included in the desired parts - file them. When the craft is assembled without problems - glue it. You need to glue the dish with PVA or titan glue. You don't need to pour a lot of glue.

DIY varnishing

If desired, the dish can be varnished with fine wood stain or simply transparent, it is not necessary to do this, but this will add more individuality to your craft. Try to choose a good and high-quality varnish. do it with a special brush, take your time. Try not to leave visible streaks of bubbles and lint from the brush.

5 675

How to make a vase out of wood. Wood vases are usually round and made from a solid piece, with turning turning 75 percent of the wood into shavings. As a result, we get one vase and a huge pile of shavings, but vases are not made from poplar - from precious woods, although poplar has been growing for more than one year. Our way of making a vase out of wood will be different. It will soon become clear to you how to make a vase out of wood, with great savings in wood.

We will need:

  1. A glued board made of three types of wood (17*20*3 cm), or bars of three types of wood, in different shades.
  2. Drill.
  3. Drill for wood.
  4. Sanding attachments.
  5. Clamps..
  6. Wood glue.
  7. Shellac (a substance widely used in woodworking).
  8. Muslin (cotton), tassel.

Tape machine for cutting wood.

The entire vase made of wood can be formed from one glued blank-board. This allows us to make an angle at which the rings of our future vase are cut. And the effect is as if the vase is made from a single piece.

First, we need a glued board made of various types of wood (walnut, mahogany, maple).

The gluing, along the long side, goes in this order walnut, mahogany, maple, then mahogany, walnut. We fit the template to the center line of the adhesive strip and apply the markup. It is precisely the exact alignment of the central strip that will achieve the effect of a solid workpiece.

We cut out the blank along the outer contour of the first ring, for this (unfortunately) you will need a band machine for cutting wood.

Thereafter. At the intersection of the center lines of the workpiece and the inner marking oval, you need to drill a hole at an angle of 25 degrees in order to refuel the saw.

To drill at an angle, it is necessary to cut an auxiliary template - cut off one edge of a hardwood block of wood, at this angle. Write the angle values ​​on the bar (we will need several with different angles).

Then we cut out the core of the workpiece along the contour, set the table angle to 25 degrees. We fit the ring to the rest of the board, aligning the central stripes, circle along the inner edge, create a cutting line for the second ring. Next, we repeat the cutting procedure only, we take the hole angle of 28 degrees. With the help of the second ring, we make the third, adhering to the above instructions. As a result, we get three rings and the bottom of our vase made of wood.

Glue the three rings together. We first check whether they fit snugly against each other (you can combine the rings and shine a flashlight inside). Adjusting irregularities, if any, is done with sandpaper, and again we check.

We smear the rings with glue, combine them so that the center line appears solid. We clamp in clamps with the help of two boards.

Our glue is dry, time to sand.

We grind with various nozzles, gradually reducing the grain size, to obtain a smooth surface. After grinding, we glue the bottom, we try so that the glue does not protrude, if it protrudes, after five minutes, gently unclench the clamps, wipe the glue with a damp cloth, and clamp it back until it dries completely. Next, we grind the vase along with the bottom.

The final operation - we apply several layers of shellac, shine with a piece of muslin.

How to make a vase out of wood is now clear - but it is not very easy to realize what was conceived, as it turned out.

Vases can be a wonderful interior decoration. Some of them can even be made by hand. Vases can be decorated and transformed very quickly, even with your own hands. This will allow you to create more and more distinctive features in the interior.

1. Original vase filling

A great option is to fill the vase with wine corks, with the help of which the vase is immediately transformed.

2. Lemon vase

A simple, but at the same time very bright option for decorating a vase with a lemon decor, which will be just a godsend.

3. Small bottle vases

A beautiful option to create many mini-vases with your own hands from ordinary bottles.

4. The vase is decorated with beads

It is possible to transform and decorate a vase with the help of beads, which will create a truly beautiful vase in a minimum of time and money.

5. Wooden vase decor

Nice design of the vase with the help of branches, which will give lightness and unobtrusiveness in the interior of any of the rooms.

6. Stylish and simple vases

Beautiful design of small vases that will decorate any home.

7. Vases decorated with cord

With the help of a thread or a cord, it is possible to create unforgettable vases that will become just an excellent solution for decoration.

8. Making a regular bottle

An excellent option to decorate an ordinary bottle in the form of a beautiful vase, which you will definitely like.
9. Bottle makeover

A cute solution to create from ordinary bottles beautiful vases that will be a godsend.

10. Decoration of vases with sparkles

An original solution for decorating vases with gold sequins.

11. Pretty sparkly vase

A great option to create an original and pretty shiny vase that will decorate any interior.

12. Vase decorated as a candlestick

One of the quick and easy options is to create a candlestick from a vase.

13. The perfect combination

If you combine several bottles of the same shape, then it is possible to get such a non-standard vase with cells.

14. Vase of tree branches

A cute and very interesting option is to create a vase from tree branches that will transform the interior of any room.

15. Bright painting of a bottle decorated as a vase

An excellent and very interesting option for painting a bottle, which became a vase very quickly and simply.

16. Original tied bottles

Decorating bottles is a very interesting and difficult moment that should be taken into account and used to the maximum in practice.

17. Vase decor with pencils

The original option to decorate a vase with ordinary colored pencils, which will be a godsend for any interior.

18. Making bottles with thread

A nice idea to decorate ordinary bottles with a thread, which will be a real discovery and will allow you to create original vases.

19. Decoration of an ordinary transparent vase

Quick and easy decoration of an ordinary vase, which will transform the interior in the shortest possible time.

20. Painting wine bottles

decoration wine bottles with the help of hand painting, which can be even more attractive than that.

21. Vase decor with wood

The original decoration of the flower vase with the help of wood, which looks charming and delicate.

22. Custom wire vases

A wonderful and perhaps very original option to create a wire vase that looks very interesting.

23. Excellent table decor

One of the best and easiest table decoration options is with a pretty vase that you will love.

24. Cute DIY vases

With your own hands, it is possible to decorate any of the vases in the most diverse way, which will definitely please and inspire.

25. Successful vase decor

A cute solution to ennoble an ordinary transparent vase with burlap and accessories.

26. Christmas vases

An interesting decoration of vases in the New Year's style, which will be just a highlight of any interior.

27. Original vase with transparent bottom

A nice and very interesting example of designing a vase with a transparent bottom, which will become a feature of the interior.