Morphemic analysis of the adjective. How to do and what is morphological parsing of a word

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Enter any word, then click "parse". After that, you will receive an analysis in which the part of speech, case, gender, tense and everything else will be written. Because parsing is performed out of context, then several parsing options may be offered, among which you will need to choose the correct one. Parsing is done automatically by the computer, so sometimes there may be errors. Be careful, online analysis is for help, not for mindless rewriting. Note about the letter Yo: do not replace it with E.

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In order not to experience difficulties in the scheme morphological analysis words or in the order of parsing, you should not automatically memorize the sequence and principle of parsing. It is most effective to focus on highlighting the general features of parts of speech, and then move on to the particular features of this form. At the same time, the general parsing logic should be preserved. Parts of speech will also help you.

The following examples of morphological parsing will allow you to understand the scheme of parsing the words of a sentence in Russian. However, it should be remembered that the presence of a text is a prerequisite for the correct analysis of parts of speech, because morphological analysis is a characteristic of a word (as a part of speech), taking into account the specifics of its use.

Consider examples morphological analysis.

Morphological analysis of a noun

  1. initial form (in the nominative case, singular);
  2. own or common noun;
  3. animate or inanimate;
  4. declination
  5. number;
  6. case;
  7. role in the proposal.

Noun(parsing sample):
Text: Babies love to drink milk.
Milk is a noun, the initial form is milk, common noun, inanimate, neuter, 2nd declension, in the accusative case, singular (does not have a plural), direct object.

Adjective parsing plan

  1. the initial form is the infinitive (nominative case, singular);
  2. category (qualitative, relative or possessive);
  3. short or complete (only about quality);
  4. degree of comparison (only qualitative);
  5. gender (only about the singular);
  6. case;
  7. number;
  8. role in the proposal.

Adjective(parsing sample):
Text: Alyonushka collected a full basket of mushrooms.
Full - adjective, initial form - full; quality: complete; in a positive (zero) degree of comparison, in the neuter gender, accusative case, is an addition.

numeral(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative for quantitative, nominative singular, masculine for ordinal);
  2. category by value (quantitative, ordinal);
  3. category by composition (simple, complex, composite);
  4. case;
  5. gender and number (for ordinal and some quantitative);
  6. role in the proposal.

Numeral (parsing sample):
Text: Four days have passed.
Four is a numeral, the initial form is four, quantitative, simple, in the nominative case, has no number and gender, is the subject.

Pronoun(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, if it changes by number and gender);
  2. rank by value;
  3. gender (if any);
  4. case
  5. number (if any);
  6. role in the proposal.

Pronoun (parsing sample):
Text: Crystal raindrops dripped from it.
Nee is a pronoun, the initial form is she, personal, 3rd person, feminine, genitive, singular, adverb of place.

Morphological analysis of the verb

  1. infinitive (initial form);
  2. returnable or irrevocable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. conjugation;
  5. mood;
  6. time (for the indicative mood);
  7. person (for the present, future tense and imperative mood);
  8. gender (for the past tense and conditional in the singular);
  9. number;
  10. role in the proposal.

Verb (parsing sample):
Text: They told the truth without fear of condemnation.
They said - a verb, the initial form - to say, irrevocable, intransitive, perfective, 1st conjugation, in the indicative mood, past tense, plural, is a predicate.

Participle(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative, singular, masculine);
  2. infinitive;
  3. time;
  4. returnable or irrevocable (for valid);
  5. transitive or intransitive (for valid);
  6. complete or short (for the passive);
  7. gender (for the singular);
  8. case;
  9. number;
  10. role in the proposal.

Participle (parsing sample):
Text: I look at the falling leaves and feel sad.
Falling - participle, initial form - falling, from the verb fall, imperfective, present tense, irrevocable, intransitive, feminine, accusative, singular, agreed definition.

gerund(parsing order):

  1. the verb from which it is formed;
  2. returnable or irrevocable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. role in the proposal.

The participle (parsing sample):

Text: When you go abroad, you are sad about home.
Leaving - a gerund, from the verb "to leave", an imperfect form, irrevocable, intransitive, a circumstance of the mode of action.

Adverb(parsing order):

  1. category by value (definitive or adverbial);
  2. degree of comparison (if any).

Adverb (parsing sample):
Text: The sun rose higher and the clouds dissipated.
Above - an adverb, adverbial place, is a circumstance of place, a comparative degree.


Something is not clear? There is a good video on the topic for adjectives:

The order of debriefing in your class may differ from what is suggested, so we advise you to check with your teacher for debriefing requirements.

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Adjective parsing plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II Initial form (masculine, singular, nominative). Morphological features:
A Permanent morphological features: rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive).
B Variable morphological features:
1 only for quality adjectives:
a) degree of comparison (positive, comparative, excellent);
b) full or short form;
2 number, gender (singular), case.
III Role in the proposal(what part of the sentence is the adjective in this sentence).

Examples of parsing adjectives

After swimming, we lay on the sand, hot from the southern sun.(Nagibin).

(On the) hot (sand)

  1. Adjective; indicates a sign of an object, answers a question (on the sand) what?
  2. N. f. - hot.
    hotter) and short form ( hot);
    B) Non-permanent morphological features: used in a positive degree, in full form, in the singular, masculine, prepositional.

(From) southern (sun)

  1. Adjective; indicates a sign of an object, answers a question (from the sun) what?
  2. N. f. - southern.
    A) Permanent morphological features: relative adjective;
    B) Variable morphological features: used in the singular, neuter, genitive.
  3. It plays the role of a definition in a sentence.

Bulgaria is a good country, but Russia is the best(Isakovsky).


  1. Adjective; indicates a sign of an object, answers a question (country) what?
  2. N. f. - good.
    A) Permanent morphological features: a qualitative adjective; there are degrees of comparison better) and short form ( good);
    B) Non-permanent morphological features: used in a positive degree, in a short form, in the singular, feminine.


  1. Adjective; indicates a sign of an object, answers a question (Russia) what?
  2. N. f. - good.
    A) Permanent morphological features: a qualitative adjective; quality adjective; there are degrees of comparison better), short form ( good);
    B) Variable morphological features: used in a comparative degree (simple form).
  3. In the sentence, it plays the role of the nominal part of the predicate.

Not answering his sister's words, Nikifor shrugged his shoulders and shrugged his shoulders.(Melnikov-Pechersky).

(on the) sisters (words)

  1. Adjective; indicates a sign of an object, answers a question (words) whose?
  2. N. f. - sisters.
    A) Permanent morphological features: possessive adjective;
    B) Non-permanent morphological features: used in the plural, accusative.
  3. It plays the role of a definition in a sentence.

Exercise for the topic “3.3.4. Morphological analysis of adjectives

  • 3.3.1. The concept of an adjective. Morphological features of adjectives. Classes of adjectives

The name of an adjective is its complete grammatical description as a part of speech. Parsing is carried out only for those adjectives that are presented in a particular sentence, because it is impossible to correctly analyze a word out of context.

To perform a morphological analysis of an adjective, you need to know:

What morphological features does it have;

Which of them are constant, unchangeable and characteristic of all adjectives in general;

Which of the signs are inconstant, changeable and characteristic of this form of the word;

Invisible (life) - adj.

1. Life (what?) invisible. N. f. - invisible.

2. Constant: Relative Intermittent: full form, etc., sing., f.p.

3. (What?) Invisible.

Winter (forest) - adj.

1. Forest (what?) winter. N. f. - winter.

2. Constant: Relative Intermittent: full form, I. p., units hours, m.

3. (What?) winter.

Sample of oral analysis

Invisible (life) is an adjective.

First, it names the sign of an object: life (what?) invisible. The initial form is invisible.

Secondly, a constant morphological feature is discord - a relative adjective. Inconstant features: full form, instrumental, feminine and singular.

Winter (forest) is an adjective.

Firstly, it names the sign of the object: the forest (what?) Winter. The initial form is winter.

Secondly, a constant morphological feature is the category - a relative adjective. Inconstant features: full form, nominative, masculine and singular.

Thirdly, the sentence acts as a definition.

An obligatory part of the school curriculum in the Russian language is the morphological analysis of other parts of speech. Students begin to get acquainted with him in elementary school, and up to high school, such tasks are often encountered.


Morphological analysis is the definition of which part of speech the lexical unit under consideration belongs to, and a description of its main features.

This type of assignment presents a certain difficulty for schoolchildren for a number of reasons:

  1. Lack of clear ideas about parts of speech or complete / partial ignorance of how one part of speech differs from another.
  2. The need to memorize a large amount of morphological features associated with each part of speech.
  3. The need, in addition to morphology, to determine also the syntactic role of the word in the sentence, since this requires knowledge of the members of the sentence, which children often confuse with parts of speech.

Thus, this is a universal tool for training several rather extensive sections of the theory of the Russian language at once, so they do not refuse it, even despite its too scientific nature and complete lack of demand in later life.

What is morphology

The merits of this task are easy to see in any example.

For characterization by morphological features, you will need:

  • determine the conjugation;
  • name the species
  • specify a reflexive verb or non-reflexive;
  • mood;
  • determine the number (at any time);
  • if necessary, name the time, person and gender;
  • characterize the syntactic role in the sentence.

In other words, you need to know everything about the verb, its types, conjugations, moods.

Morphological analysis is a unique synthetic task that trains all topics at the same time. It easily allows you to identify gaps in the knowledge of the student and indicates which topic was understudied or forgotten at one time.

The system of teaching the Russian language in our country is based on the gradual complication of the material and the expansion of already formed ideas about the parts of speech.

So, in elementary school, children learn what a noun, verb, and adjective are, what questions each of these parts of speech answers, and what their role is in a sentence. For several years, these themes have been firmly fixed and honed. In parallel, children learn about conjugations and declensions, learn to correctly identify them. And only after that they begin to learn how to make a morphological analysis.

Its elements can be introduced already in the 4th grade. What is the morphological analysis of the word Grade 5 begins to study and perform in a full-fledged way. In the 6th grade, the guys get acquainted with the analysis of adjectives, verbs, numerals, pronouns. Participles and participles, as well as adverbs and service parts of speech are studied in the 7th grade.

Important! The morphological analysis of the adverb and other parts of speech is not difficult only for those students who have well mastered all the material relating to one or another part of speech.

Obviously, if the student did not understand what moods are and how they differ from each other, then he will not be able to conduct a qualitative and error-free analysis of the verb. In this case, it is recommended to turn again to those chapters of the textbook where these topics were covered.

Below is a table of independent parts of speech of the Russian language.

What question does it answer initial form Permanent signs Non-permanent signs Syntactic role
Who? What?

(and all possible case forms)

Nominative singular numbersOwn or common noun;

animate or inanimate;

gender (except for nouns, which have only a plural form); declination.

Case, numberIn a sentence, it is the subject or object. Sometimes it can be predicable.
Which? What?

(and variations in genders and numbers)

Nominative singular h. husband kindDischarge (qualitative, relative, possessive).case; number; gender (singular);

for qualitative ones, in addition: the degree of comparison; form (short or long).

In a sentence is a definition. Can act as a predicate.
What to do? What to do? (variations in time and by gender and number)Infinitive

(answers the question What to do? or What to do?)

View; conjugation; returnability; transitivity.Mood; units or plural; time, person and gender (specified if available)In a sentence it is a predicate. Rarely can act as a subject.
How many? Which is in order?NominativeSimple or compound; quantitative or ordinal; for quantitative, indicate whole, fractional or; number and gender (if any)Often refers to a noun and is one member of the sentence with it. It can act as a subject, predicate, definition.
Who? What? Which? Where? How many? Where?Nominative singular numbers.Discharge; face (personal)case; number and gender (if any)It can act as a subject, predicate, definition, circumstance, addition.
Which? What?

(and variations by gender and number)

Nominative singular number of men gender (indicate from which verb it is formed)Real or passive; time; view; recurrence.Number; genus

(in units); for passive participles, indicate the form (full or short); for full specify the case.

In a sentence, it is a definition or a predicate.

It can act as a subject or object.

What do you do? Having done what?No (specify the verb from which it is formed)View (perfect or imperfect), recurrence, immutability.
Where? Where? When? Where? Why? For what? How?NoDischarge by value (adverb of place, time or mode of action); immutability; degree of comparison (if any).In a sentence is a circumstance

Below we indicate what you should pay attention to in each case. Morphological analysis of a noun requires a thorough knowledge of declensions and cases. This is where children most often make mistakes.

Note! In the Russian language there are nouns with different declensions (flame, banner), which should be written about, indicating the declension.

Some difficulties may arise with determining the number of some nouns. Remember that collective nouns in Russian (rags, children) always have only the singular form and cannot change in numbers or be combined with cardinal numbers (one cannot say - two rags, students). It is also useful to remember the general gender of nouns (quiet, simpleton ...) and not pay attention to the ending -ya, hastily indicating the feminine gender.

Consider an example: "By yard a small dog was pacing up and down."

  1. In the yard (for what?) - noun.
  2. Beginning f. - "yard". Fast. signs: common name, inanimate, m.r., 2 cl. Non-post. signs: Date. p., unit
  3. Around the yard.

Morphological analysis of the adjective is unthinkable without knowledge of the categories. This should be worked on until the child can immediately name what adjective is in front of him.

Verbal adjectives deserve special attention, which differ from participles in the absence of prefixes and the writing of only one H in the suffix (knitted, boiled). Often (but not always) they refer to relative adjectives.

Useful video: morphological analysis of a noun

Sample morphological parsing of an adjective

“Dignifiedly walked around the yard shallow dog"

  1. Small (what?) - adjective.
  2. Head f. - "small". Fast. signs: qualities. Non-post. signs: complete, Im.p., singular female
  3. Small.

When performing a morphological analysis of a verb, one should remember the exceptions to the rule on conjugations and be able to determine the transitivity / intransitivity of verbs.

When completing a task for a participle or gerund, students often make the following mistake: they replace the form of the verb from which the participle is formed. For example: left - formed from the perfective verb "leave" (and not "leave" or "go" - an imperfect form). In order to avoid such mistakes, it is important to ask the question not “Which one? What is it?” and “What did you do? What did she do? and so on. (not quite in Russian, but problems with the definition of the species are excluded).

Morphological analysis of the adjective

If it is not entirely clear how to parse participles, we advise you to consider the example below.

“I was awakened by the sounds coming from the street through the open window.”

  1. Audible (what are they doing?) - participle. Derived from the verb "bear".
  2. Head f. - "reaching". Fast. signs: valid, current, inconsistent in, return. Non-post. signs: pl.
  3. Reaching.

Morphological analysis causes the least problems. Since this is an invariable part of speech, it is only important to specify the digit by value correctly. These categories must be learned by heart.


"In the yard decorously a small dog was pacing

  1. Chino (how?) - adverb.
  2. Sign of action; unchangeable
  3. Chino.

Recently, various electronic ancillary services have become available. So, you can do a morphological analysis of a word online, only for this you need to visit professional and proven pages. In addition, it is better to complete the task yourself first, and use the Internet as a checking authority.

In this article I will tell you how to parse an adjective as a part of speech. The Russian language is difficult, but with enough diligence and interest, you can understand its rules regarding vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Schoolchildren and students are often required to know morphology and be able to do it in accordance with its requirements. Tasks where it is required to morphologically parse the word are indicated in the textbooks by the number 3: “Diana put on a beautiful coat”.

The order and pattern of adjective parsing

What is the morphological analysis of the adjective as a part of speech

Making a morphological analysis of a word expressed by an adjective, we establish all its meanings: lexical, grammatical and. Parsing the word, we determine what features (permanent and non-permanent) the adjective has, and what role it plays in the syntax of the sentence. For this, there is a certain plan of action, following which it is possible to easily make a morphological analysis of the adjective:

  • establish what part of speech the word given in the task belongs to - if it involves answers to the questions “Which?”, “Whose?”, “What?”, then this is an adjective, also note that it serves to designate a sign of an object;

Questions for the adjective
  • set the initial form of the word - put the word in question in the masculine gender, nominative case and singular, and determine the morphological features:


  • the category of these parts of speech according to the lexical and grammatical meaning - possessive, relative, qualitative;

Ranks of adjectives

Form - short or full (for adjectives from the category of quality, having only a full or only a short form).

Full and short form of adjectives


  • determine for qualitative adjectives the degree of their comparison - from positive to comparative and excellent;

Degrees of comparison of adjectives
      • establish the gender, number and case - signs that are non-permanent, as they depend on the noun, which is determined by the adjective;
  • determine the role of the adjective in the sentence (what member of the sentence it is). Most often, the adjective acts as a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate or an agreed definition of a noun.

Examples of parsing an adjective as a part of speech

Let's analyze the adjective according to the above scheme. Suppose the task is given a sentence “Diana put on a beautiful coat”, and we need to parse the adjective “beautiful”. First of all, we select the link “adjective - noun” from the sentence, in our case it is “beautiful coat”. Following the above algorithm, we perform the following actions:

  • we establish what part of speech the word in question belongs to - “coat (what?) beautiful”, since “beautiful” answers the question “what?”, then this is an adjective that serves to designate the feature of the noun “coat”;
  • we set the initial form of the word - we put the word “beautiful” in the nominative case, masculine and singular, we get the word “beautiful”, and determine the morphological features:
    • permanent:
      • the lexical and grammatical category of the word “beautiful” is a qualitative adjective, since it denotes a sign of an object (in our case, a coat);
      • form - complete;
    • non-permanent:
      • determine the degree of comparison of the adjective - the word "beautiful" has a positive degree of comparison (comparative - more beautiful, excellent - the most beautiful);
      • we establish the gender - since the adjective serves to determine the noun, we carefully study the latter. The word “coat” is neuter, which means that the adjective “beautiful” is also neuter;
      • a similar method is applied to the establishment of the number - "coat" is in the singular, which means that the adjective "beautiful" is also in the singular;
      • the case “coat” is accusative, respectively, and “beautiful” is also used in the accusative;
  • we determine the role of the adjective “beautiful” in the sentence - it is a predicate, expressed by an agreed definition of the subject “coat”.

This was an example of oral reasoning, but in writing, the morphological analysis of the adjective as a part of speech looks more concise.

Example 2. Analyzing the proposal for the Czech Republic

Suggestion given: "Diana put on a beautiful coat." Let's write down the analysis of the adjective:

Nice coat.

  1. The coat (what?) is beautiful. beautiful - adj.
  2. N. f. - Beautiful.
  3. Wed R.
  4. Unit h.
  5. V. p.
  6. Definition: beautiful.

In order for the morphological analysis of the adjective as a part of speech to be given to you without difficulty in the future, be sure to memorize the algorithm of actions and constantly train. Gradually, the number of errors is minimized and all actions will be brought almost to automatism. Speak aloud everything that you do, so you will quickly find mistakes, and the material will be remembered much easier.