Dreaming of a hungry bear. Why does a woman dream of a bear: married, unmarried, pregnant - interpretation from different dream books

Why do women dream of a bear

If a woman sees a bear in a dream, then soon she will meet a man. She will form a romantic relationship with this person. For women, a bear seen in a dream symbolizes a male loved one: husband, friend, brother, son. You need to interpret this dream based on how the bear looks and behaves. If he shows aggression, this may mean a period of disagreement and difficulties on the personal front. Perhaps you even have a rival or a secret female ill-wisher who is constantly trying to denigrate you in the eyes of your soulmate.

Why do men dream of a bear

For a man, dreams about bears mean competition and rivalry. This beast symbolizes tough confrontation. If a bear attacks someone, then try to exercise restraint in the near future and not show your true emotions. Conflicts should be avoided and no one should take sides in the dispute. You can lose everything, because your rivals are stronger than ever at the present time.

Hunt a bear in a dream

This dream portends pleasant events. You will be able to achieve the location of a very influential person who will assist in the implementation of your plan.

A polar bear means a person who seeks to enter your life and win your favor. If he is friendly towards you in a dream, then this means a kind and generous person, aggressively, then this person has some kind of secret and he is insincere with you.

Why dream a lot of bears

This dream signals that you are surrounded not very well. good people. You communicate with those who do not appreciate you and weave intrigues behind your back. Often such a dream means colleagues who will do anything to achieve the favor and approval of their superiors.

In a dream you kill a bear

This dream marks a quick victory over competitors in a tough fight, the end of a long legal battle, pleasant long-awaited news. If at the same time you see a lot of blood, then expect unexpected news from relatives.

In a dream you see a bear in a cage

Your problems cannot be resolved in any way, they oppress you and spoil your life, but you will have to come to terms with the fact that your affairs will not move forward and the problem that worries you until it leaves.

They are hiding something from you. They say one thing to the eye, and another behind the eyes. You are in ignorance. If a guy gives a girl a teddy bear in a dream, then this means that he is insincere with her. Such a dream can also symbolize inner dissatisfaction and the desire to get away from all problems, as well as fatigue and memories of how carefree and comfortable life was in childhood.

Why dream of a bear skin

If in a dream you touch the fur, walk on the skin, examine it, then this dream is a harbinger of good luck and imminent material gain.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Bear - A bear is dreaming - this promises a girl friendship, a groom. If a man dreamed of a bear, then he would win.

A dancing bear is dreaming - this means that you will be given a big loan.

There is bear meat in a dream - a wedding in the family awaits you.

A polar bear is dreaming - then love for the dreamer awaits you. If the bear pursues - this is for a wedding or for matchmaking.

See also: why the forest is dreaming, why the gypsies are dreaming, why the zoo is dreaming.

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

Why the Bear is dreaming, how to understand the dream:

Bear - A bear is dreaming - then you will have a strong competitor or an inventive rival.

To kill a bear in a dream - you will get out of a difficult situation with honor.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Why is the bear dreaming?

Bear - A bear is dreaming - then you will have a dangerous enemy.

You will also have a hermitic wild life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why does the Bear dream in a dream:

Bear - Dreaming of a bear is a symbol of strength, sluggishness.

Teddy bear - Seeing a bear with cubs in a dream is a symbol of the rapid reorganization of the army and everything related to the armed forces.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

What does the Bear dream about in a dream book:

Bear, polar bear - The bear is dreaming - this is a double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness.

Attacking bear - Seeing that you pretended to be dead so that the bear would not eat you is a sign that you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, the most difficult situations.

To see that your friend is watching this scene from afar, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to the dishonesty of your friend.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

What does the Bear dream about in a dream book:

Why does a woman dream of a bear - A brown bear is dreaming - this means that you will get close to a person who will soon show his worst side.

To meet in a dream in the forest one on one with a bear - you will repent of a stupid act committed out of a sense of revenge.

Seeing a bear performing in a circus in a dream portends you winning a game or lottery.

A bear is dreaming in a cage of a menagerie - this means that you will incur heavy losses from an unsuccessful financial transaction.

Big dream book

Why the Bear is dreaming - dream analysis:

Bear, polar bear - A bear is dreaming - this is an insurmountable rivalry in a variety of matters.

If a young woman dreamed of a bear, then she would have a dangerous rival.

To see that they were hunting a bear - then you are seeking the location of some person. He does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. Often you behave unnecessarily aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare away the one you like so much.

Worldly dream book

Why is the Bear dreaming, what does it mean:

A bear, a polar bear in many nations is associated with brute force, with rivalry, but many call it the owner of the forest and value it for justice.

Seeing a bear usually means that in real life you have got a lot of enemies, and at least one of them has a sufficient level to give you significant trouble.

The bear you killed is dreaming, which means that in reality there is a chance to get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses. But falling into the paws of a bear in a dream means that in reality you should prepare for major financial losses, which can turn into ruin if you do not follow the warning of sleep and take no serious action.

To hunt a bear in a dream - in reality, dangers should be avoided, your inattention can do you a disservice.

Eating bear meat in a dream is usually a dream for a wedding or a thaw in relations between a husband and wife. And if you ate bear meat in a big company, then soon everyone will have to participate in a big holiday (perhaps walking at your own wedding).

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see a Bear in a dream?

Brown bear (See also Animal) - Brief interpretation: strength; loneliness; inaction.

Popular expression: the essence of the problem; clenched teeth; not take anything.

Isn't it great to find a comfortable and convenient place, sleep off in the winter, and come back to life again in the spring!

Seeing a bear is a sign that you should slow down, reflect, wait until the right time for action comes. AT modern world hard to sit back. There is always a danger that we will miss a good opportunity.

Is the bear in your dream aggressive or playful? Attacking bear - If he is aggressive, perhaps he personifies some kind of perceived threat to you: for example, perhaps you have the feeling that someone is encroaching on your territory or the territory of people close to you?

If the bear is playful and calm, this indicates that at the present moment of life you are the full master of the situation and keep everything under control.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is the Bear dreaming, what does it mean:

If you dream of a teddy bear, you have a weak opponent, not a decisive one. Another meaning of such a dream: you will make friends with a rude and cruel person. Seeing a dancing bear - get a big loan; kill the bear - defeat the enemy. Sometimes a bear dreams of failures in love. A dream in which a pink bear is chasing you means the birth of an unrealizable desire that will absorb all your thoughts.

Why does a woman dream of a bear - Only for women - Bear - groom; pursues - to matchmaking, wedding; a polar bear is a man in love with you.

A bit of intimacy - Run away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments are quite interesting, although not safe.

To fight a bear in a dream is to be under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to all your partners.

To see a wounded or killed bear is to experience excruciating difficulties in communicating with men (women) that you find difficult to overcome on your own. Try to find a person who will treat you with understanding and can dispel your fears.

  • The bear is a double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness. The image of a bear that arose in a dream can be caused by the following folk expressions deposited in your subconscious: “The bear sucks its paw all winter” or “And they teach the bear to dance.” The first expression always comes to mind when in real life we ​​meet a thrifty to greed person, we remember the second expression when we try to teach something to a negligent person.
  • When deciphering the image of a bear that appeared in your dream, one should not forget such folk wisdom: "Bear service" and "Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear." Sometimes it is these well-known expressions that serve as the key to deciphering a dream.
  • Pretending to be dead in a dream so that a bear does not eat you is a sign that in real life you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, the most difficult situations.
  • If your friend is watching this scene from afar, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to the dishonesty of your friend. From the situation that has happened, you need to draw a conclusion, following one simple folk wisdom: a friend is known in trouble.
  • Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face terrible injustice. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your enemy is much stronger than you, and therefore he can seriously harm you. If you managed to defeat the bear, then, thanks to your skill and ingenuity, you will be able to defeat your enemy. If the bear prevailed over you, then in real life you will not be able to interfere with the machinations of your enemy for a long time, and therefore you should be more careful.
  • Watching from afar the fight between a bear and another animal - soon you will meet with a strong and very influential enemy who will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans. You will have to make every effort to defeat him.
  • Seeing a wounded bear in a dream is evidence that your honor will suffer greatly due to the gossip of evil envious people.
  • Finding a bear's lair in a dream is a big nuisance. You will face the cruelty of a person close to you.
  • Watching in a dream how a bear sucks its paw is a sign that in real life you will be very surprised by the thriftiness of other people. Perhaps you will meet a very greedy person who will refuse to help you at a time when he could help you, and you really needed it.
  • To dream of a bear with cubs - such a dream means that you are raising your children incorrectly: you are very cruel and unfair to them.
  • Sharing the skin of a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon become a participant in a dispute that will arise from scratch.

Waking up in the morning and remembering a dream, it becomes interesting - why the bear is dreaming. This symbol of strength and power is interpreted differently in different dream books - in some such a night guest means danger, promises a serious clash, confrontation with someone or something. And for others, on the contrary, it means a successful, positive outcome of affairs.

Even, it would seem, the most ordinary dream can carry a serious semantic load. Often, through night vision, a person receives a hint that can help him solve a problem or prevent some mistakes. So the dream about the bear also carries certain information.

To understand what the bear is dreaming of, you can turn to dream books. In a dream, a bear can do anything in relation to the dreamer, and these actions can directly affect subsequent real events in a person's life. In night dreams, the actions of a bear can be divided into the following types:

  1. Harmless and even friendly behavior.
  2. Aggressive behavior that inspires fear and terror.

The meaning of the dream depends on what color the bear was - light or dark. A clubfoot can behave differently: pay no attention to the dreamer, peacefully pass by, or even attack.

And in each case, sleep takes on different meanings. I dreamed of an evil black bear - the meaning of sleep is one thing, to see him in hibernation - a dream means a completely different thing.

I dreamed of a bear - you have to watch your language, because one sloppy word can work against the dreamer. The measured and calm life is over, it's time to fight.

A menacingly growling bear is a sign notifying that danger may be imminent in the near future. You have to be on the alert, someone is plotting behind your back.

Run away from the bear and fall - long-term rivalry can lead to loss. Subsequently, the dreamer will recover for a long time. But if the dreamer made the bear himself run, then this is a good sign. Let some small troubles appear, but the dreamer can easily cope with them.

Teasing an animal - in reality, things are not as bad as it seems, a person complicates things too much. Most likely, the outcome of cases will be positive. A bear floating in the water - you will soon be able to have a good time with friends.

If you feed the beast in night dreams, then this does not bode well. This means that some old sworn enemy, by coincidence of certain circumstances, will change his attitude towards the dreamer. Even, most likely, will be of some assistance.

Sometimes this large animal can walk around the house or apartment. This reflects the real character of the person who saw this dream - lack of initiative, unbearable. The dreamer needs to somehow change his attitude to everyday issues so that the former comfort reigns in the house.

In the case when you had to watch how a clubfoot wanders in its usual habitat - the forest, this indicates that you need to overcome yourself and your temptations on the way to achieving your goal. To sleep and see that the meeting took place “face to face” - the dreamer clearly repents of some act.

And why do bears dream if there are several of them? Such a dream does not bode well. Seeing a lot of bears in a dream, from three or more - you have to make a serious decision in some area of ​​life. And it needs to be done as soon as possible.

If a child dreamed of a clubfoot bear, then you should not panic. Children have a good imagination and as a result this manifests itself in dreams. The dream interpretation says that such an animal in a child does not carry any important information - this is exclusively the fruit of his violent fantasies, nothing more. That is, the baby will not have problems, accordingly, he will not make enemies.

Interpretation according to Miller

Miller's dream book says that a dreaming animal bodes problems. Depending on what exactly it does, a dream can have different meaning:

  • a live bear does not perform any actions in relation to the dreamer;
  • dead bear.

Most likely, there is or will appear in the future a serious rival, competitor.

If you had a dream about a bear, then this may mean that in life you will have to meet an ignorant, rude enemy, a person without principles. However, this enemy will not pose much of a threat.

But for people employed in the commercial field, this dream is a very unkind sign. In this case, the dream book says: you need to beware of a set-up by a business partner and be careful when concluding any transactions.

And also Miller's dream book gives an interpretation of the dream where the bear had to be killed. In this case, soon the dreamer will be able to get out of a difficult situation, his problem will be solved.

In this dream book, a bear means nothing more than an animal that is both strong, but at the same time rude. This also applies to a person, most likely, in reality, the dreamer in the environment has a face that looks and physically looks like a bear.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov defines dreams when:

  1. The bear is fighting with someone - an animal and another person (not with a dreamer).
  2. Fights with the dreamer.
  3. The animal is injured.

A bear in a dream fought with an animal or with a person means that an evil enemy will appear in reality, who will spoil the dreamer's plans by all available means. And to fix the situation will have to try very hard.

If the fight was with the dreamer himself, then there is a possibility that in real life, in a particular situation, justice will not be achieved. Because the enemy has more powerful connections and resources to harm the dreamer.

After a fight, to see a bear in wounds and blood in a dream is behind intrigue and gossip will do their dirty work. The honor and dignity of the dreamer can suffer greatly.

In a dream, to save his life, a person can pretend to be asleep or dead. Pretending to be dead so that the bear does not eat it means that in real life the dreamer is in some kind of danger. But due to a combination of circumstances, this danger can be avoided. The dreamer will come out dry from the water.

As the dream book for lovers interprets, a bear in a dream is an extremely bad sign. According to him:

  • for a girl to see - there is a serious struggle with a rival;
  • the enemy will be a threat not only in the love sphere, but also in other directions (for example, a career);
  • impure thoughts of the spouse, including treason.

This dream book is more addressed to girls, and a dream about a bear is given as a warning sign.

A girl will appear in life, showing signs of attention to the dreamer's boyfriend or husband. And she just acts as such a bear. It's time to prepare for the fact that the rival will different ways break up the union.

Another interpretation is that this animal in a dream comes before failures in love affairs. A collapse of hopes is possible at the suggestion of a rival, who turned out to be stronger and more insidious.

A terrible dream, as a big scary bear is chasing, can have two meanings:

  1. It means that you need to take a closer look at your health. Probably need a break stressful situations. It is better to take a vacation from work in order to prevent the body from straining and not ending up in the hospital.
  2. A competitor will appear on the horizon, an enemy that at first glance does not seem so dangerous. However, this is deceptive appearance, you can not lose vigilance.

Such a dream is a warning, a symbol of an unstable situation.

The dreamer should become more attentive to himself and to the people around him. Danger can lie in wait where you don't expect it. The result of such a chase will indicate the dreamer's luck.

During the chase managed to escape - good. So, it will be possible to avoid the emergence of open conflicts. The aggressor will not be able to get what he wants from the dreamer in real life.

When an animal attacks a dreamer in a dream, the dreamer's gender plays a certain role - a man saw it or a woman. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze both cases.

In the case of a woman, she needs to be ready to sort things out. Maybe the other half will become very jealous and make a scandal in public, thereby putting the dreamer in an awkward position.

The girl became a victim of bear attacks? A very persistent young man will appear on the horizon, who will seek her location by all possible means. But the girl herself will be completely indifferent. In addition to feeling annoyed or hostile to this admirer, she will experience nothing.

If a man had such a dream, then an enemy stronger than him will definitely appear. The confrontation in reality will end with the same result as in a dream.

Vanga's dream book says that a dreaming wild animal carries a warning: an evil enemy will appear, which can do much harm. And in the future, the dreamer will be wary of people.

The color of the animal can play a key role - the very interpretation of the dream depends on this. So, in a dream a bear may dream:

  • white (polar);
  • the black;
  • brown;
  • grizzly.

Depending on the color of the lye, sleep will have distinctive characteristics.

A clubfoot in a snow-white fur coat will dream of a possible imminent wedding. According to other dream books - someone from a close circle can deceive the dreamer. Better be on the lookout.

Black - portends illness. But also an animal of this color portends a very serious opponent. The probability of defeat in the fight against such a person is high. And in order to win, you need to activate all possible resources - from spiritual to material.

I dreamed of a big brown bear, what is it for? A brown bear dreams of the appearance of such an opponent who has more influential connections and opportunities at his disposal. Such a person will try to manipulate the dreamer's behavior.

If a grizzly dreamed, oddly enough, this is a good sign. Such a bear means the appearance of something new in life, perhaps even a cardinal change of life. According to other dream books, a grizzly may mean that a new face will appear among friends, which will bring various interesting events to everyday life.

I dreamed of a bear in hibernation, kind, friendly, dancing.

Optionally, in a dream, a huge bear can chase the dreamer and attack. Maybe a dream where the beast shows no signs of aggression. Namely:

  1. The bear is hibernating.
  2. playing.
  3. Dancing.
  4. Trained, manual.

If you had to see a big bear hibernating in a dream, then you should not lose vigilance. The enemy is hiding, he does not care about the dreamer yet. It's too early to relax - it may soon make itself felt.

Is the good bear dreaming? The dreamer's affairs will go uphill. According to some dream books, if you dreamed of a friendly bear, this portends a change of job.

Sometimes you may dream of a dancing animal. Make friends with superiors or get promoted career ladder. Or it means that the dreamer was able to completely take control of the situation and the likelihood of force majeure is extremely small.

Seeing a trained bear is not a very positive sign. Such a dream means that the dreamer is afraid or does not want to take responsibility. But this will have to be done so that there are no problems in the future.

Such a guest with a woman is a sign of impending troubles in relations with the male sex. Problems may arise in areas such as:

  • love relationship;
  • career.

In these cases, everything will depend solely on the dreamer - how she behaves, she will receive such an outcome.

The love relationship that the dreamer is in can be broken. And all this will happen through the fault of a woman who has appeared on the horizon - a cunning rival.

In terms of work, a woman can also have trouble. There is a possibility that in order to be promoted, someone will greatly interfere with the dreamer's work. Against the dreamer, intrigues will be weaved behind their backs.

different scenario

What can a talking bear dream about? In reality, this means:

  1. For a woman, a girl: a young man will appear who decides to marry the dreamer.
  2. For a man - a solution will come out of a difficult situation.

The talking bear can give clues that will come in handy.

She may dream about how a bear walks, walks and next to her is a small bear cub. This means that the girl will have a meeting with a wealthy person, or for a married woman - an early pregnancy.

A bearskin dream may mean that in life, because of a trifle, a protracted conflict will arise. Or a dream means that it is impossible to make far-reaching plans - they may not come true.

Thus, a clumsy inhabitant of the forest dreams of a person as a harbinger of not very positive, and sometimes bad events in the future. In all cases, one must be prepared to fight for one's honor, perhaps there will be gossip, to defend one's rights with a person who, according to some criteria, is stronger than the dreamer.

Find out from the online dream book what the Bear is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What does the Bear dream about and what does it mean:

A bear seen in a dream - to win; fall into his clutches - to high costs, loss of property; to see how he dances - to receive the desired loan; hunting a bear is in danger; to see a bearskin - to wealth. If you hit him or see him from afar, the dream portends some kind of miracle or the death of a relative:

To overcome a bear in a dream portends a victory in reality in a fight with a stingy, greedy and dishonorable person.

To see a bear's den in a dream - to trouble, to kill a bear means to defeat the enemy. To eat his meat means to take advantage of the property of the enemy or portends a wedding; drink bear's milk - to trouble, humiliating mercy from the enemy; run away from a bear - to be pursued by enemies; make friends with a bear in a dream - to repentance.

A polar bear may dream of a wedding, a girl to see a bear - to marriage.

If a young woman had a dream about an angry bear, it means that in reality she will have a happy, dangerous rival or the temptation to go to her secret friend. If you dreamed of a trained bear, then you will meet a compliant, calm person, life with whom will be cloudless.

Miller's dream book

Why does the Bear dream in a dream?

A sign of rivalry in business.

To kill a bear in a dream - you will find a way out of any predicament.

If a young woman sees a bear in a dream, then she will have a dangerous rival or failure will overtake her.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did the Bear dream

The brown bear is the symbol of your enemy.

For a woman to see brown bear in a dream means that she will meet a rival with whom she will not be able to compete.

A brown bear in a circus, at a performance - do not borrow money, you will not be able to return it.

Idiomatic dream book

Why is the bear dreaming

"Clumsy as a bear", "a bear in a china shop". "Bearcub" - a robber, cracker of safes. "Disservice" - help out of place and to the detriment.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

The good-natured disposition of your new friend is only a cover for his insidious nature, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of a Bear

The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters. If a young woman sees a bear in a dream, this portends her failure or the appearance of a dangerous rival. Killing a bear portends a way out of a predicament.

Small Velesov dream book


  • You will see an important person, health, the husband will return, wait for the matchmakers, overcome the enemy, win // a serious illness, the net will catch on a snag, a cunning enemy;
  • the bear is dancing - get money; black is a disease;
  • the bear grabs and knocks down a person - a disease in different degrees of development, big losses;
  • the bear chased and did not catch up - the disease only threatens; he strikes and looks at a distance - it will be a marvel // the death of a relative;
  • hunting a bear is a danger; to eat his meat - to receive the property of the enemy, a wedding in relatives; skin - wealth; drink bear's milk - fear.

Universal dream book

Bear which means:

Bear - A symbol of evil, cruelty and rudeness; also the phrase to share the skin of the unkilled. Pretending to be dead in a dream so that he doesn’t eat you is a sign of danger from which there is a way out.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about the Bear

  • A double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness.
  • The image of a bear that arose in a dream can be caused by the following folk expressions deposited in your subconscious: “The bear sucks its paw all winter” or “And they teach the bear to dance.”
  • The first expression always comes to mind when in real life we ​​meet a thrifty to greed person, we remember the second expression when we try to teach something to a negligent person.
  • When deciphering the image of a bear that appeared in your dream, one should not forget such folk wisdom: “Bear service” and “Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.” Sometimes it is these well-known expressions that serve as the key to deciphering a dream.
  • Pretending to be dead in a dream so that a bear does not eat you is a sign that in real life you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, the most difficult situations.
  • If your friend is watching this scene from afar, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to the dishonesty of your friend.
  • From the situation that has happened, you need to draw a conclusion, following one simple folk wisdom: a friend is known in trouble.
  • Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face terrible injustice. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your enemy is much stronger than you, and therefore he can seriously harm you.
  • If you managed to defeat the bear, then, thanks to your skill and ingenuity, you will be able to defeat your enemy.
  • If the bear prevailed over you, then in real life you will not be able to interfere with the machinations of your enemy for a long time, and therefore you should be more careful.
  • Watching from afar the fight between a bear and another animal - soon you will meet with a strong and very influential enemy who will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans. You will have to make every effort to defeat him.
  • Seeing a wounded bear in a dream is evidence that your honor will suffer greatly due to the gossip of evil envious people.
  • Finding a bear's lair in a dream is a big nuisance. You will face the cruelty of a person close to you.
  • Watching in a dream how a bear sucks its paw is a sign that in real life you will be very surprised by the thriftiness of other people. Perhaps you will meet a very greedy person who will refuse to help you at a time when he could help you, and you really needed it.
  • To dream of a bear with cubs - such a dream means that you are raising your children incorrectly: you are very cruel and unfair to them.
  • Sharing the skin of a bear in a dream is a sign that soon you will become a participant in a dispute that will arise from scratch, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing the Bear, how to unravel the symbolism

attacking bear - strong enemy wants to destroy you. But if your actions are wise and prudent, you can avoid danger. A fleeing bear - a dream portends minor troubles that you can easily deal with. The bear, which calls you after him, leads somewhere, and at the same time you clearly see pictures of nature - a forest, a river, etc., you will probably change your team, and they will try to "poach" you to another job. You can agree only if you are completely sure. Otherwise, you will lose your position, and the other will not suit you.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the Bear interpret the dream book?

Friendship, fiance.

Freud's dream book

Why did the Bear dream

  • To hunt a bear in a dream - you achieve the location of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. Often you behave unnecessarily aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away.
  • Run away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent.
  • You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments are quite interesting, although not safe.
  • Fight in a dream with a bear - you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners.
  • Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream - you experience excruciating difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which you find difficult to overcome on your own. Try to find a person who will treat you with understanding and who can dispel your fears, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is the Bear dreaming?

Seeing a bear is a win; fall into his clutches - high costs, loss of property; see how the bear is dancing - get the desired loan; hunt a bear - beware of danger; bearskin - wealth. I dreamed of a white polar bear - they love you. There is bear meat - a wedding in the family.

Interpreter of dreams of Maria Fedorovskaya

See the Bear

Bear - To marriage, an intimate friend.

Old French dream book

Why is the bear dreaming, interpretation:

We must beware of a rich, powerful, brave, cruel, but not dexterous enemy. If in a dream a bear attacked you, it means that you will be persecuted, from which you will leave, contrary to any expectation.

Lunar dream book

Bear in a dream what does it mean:

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about the Bear, what does it mean?

Symbolizes the winning power of female nature, as well as impulsive aspirations. Fighting a bear, running away from him is a meeting with a rude, ignorant person. Caressing a bear - girls for marriage or dangerous relationships.

Modern dream book


Evil enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

What did the Bear dream about according to spiritual sources

Bear - Unrestrained, rude, terrible enemy.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

To see a bear in a dream:

Bear - Seeing him is a win in the game; fall into his clutches - you will incur big losses; to see a dancer - you will get a big loan; eat bear meat - a wedding in the family; bear hunting - avoid danger; see the polar - you are loved.

Esoteric dream book

Dream bear:

Strengthening the economy. Aggressive, attacked, you are too carried away by everyday issues, "rowing for yourself." A bear with cubs is an addition to the household, prosperity.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong

Bear according to Chinese ancient books:

Bear - Heralds the birth of a noble offspring.

Simone Kananita dream book

What does the bear dream about according to the saint:

Seeing a bear - winning the game - falling into his clutches - incurring big losses - seeing a dancer - getting a big loan - eating bear meat - family wedding - hunting - avoid danger - polar - you are loved.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Bear from your dream

White - Happy marriage; the polar bear is a good help in a repeated situation.

Bear - New friend, friendship; groom; profitable proposition. Bear - maternal feelings in difficult situation; help, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Mythological dream book

Bear - how to understand the symbolism

Bear (as a fabulous, wonderful creature) - Helper, friend, friendship, support; wedding, winning, according to the dream book - predictor.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Bears

Many psychologists consider the bear a symbol of wisdom, and most dreams with this animal portend the completion of the process of spiritual maturation, due to the exit from a difficult internal struggle. At the same time, almost all signs, if you see a bear in a dream, are most often interpreted as follows: expect a serious test initiated by a powerful and wealthy enemy. Are you planning to go on a trip? Expect obstacles and annoying misunderstandings that you, thanks to your own ingenuity and patience, will successfully resolve.

Romantic dream book

Why is the bear dreaming

  • If an unmarried woman saw a bear in a dream - this is a good sign - a meeting with a future groom or an early wedding.
  • Running away from a bear in a dream - changes in personal life, the fulfillment of a dream associated with the desire to achieve the location of a man.
  • If in a dream a girl felt fear of a bear, this portends the appearance of a serious rival, seeking to recapture her beloved.
  • Hiding in a dream from a bear - in reality, you will get bogged down in a hopeless relationship, devoid of certainty.
  • The brown bear is a symbol of lost love.
  • A white bear with a bear cub was dreamed of by a man - a symbol of a strong relationship that will soon develop into a happy and stable marriage.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why did the Bears dream

The appearance of bears in a dream - good example the fact that dreams are due to the peculiarities of culture and national traditions. Most Americans perceive bears as far from being the best companions - for them, these animals personify a bad character. But this does not apply to the traditions of the American Indians. Among the Navajo and Crow Indians (crows), the bear is considered a symbol of a father or grandfather, possessing the wisdom and knowledge of the initiates.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Bear - To the lazy owner in the house.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing a bear in the circus arena is a waste of time.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Seeing in a dream how a bear performs in the circus arena is a spectacular event.