Treatment of a steel bath with polyurethane foam. Getting ready for winter and insulating our bathroom

The bathroom is always an important integral part of any residential building. And the most important element of the bathroom, as a rule, is the bath itself. If there is a need to install a bath in a new building or replace it, then the metal container will be the easiest and most affordable.
Undoubtedly, today metal bathtubs are not in great demand. This situation is directly related to the fact that this water container cools down quickly and makes loud sounds when struck. However, this disadvantage can be successfully dealt with even with basic knowledge of how to insulate a metal bath.
However, a metal bath has a number of advantages. So, for example, it heats up quickly enough, has a low weight and low cost. In addition, the enamel on this container lasts quite a long time during operation, which is a huge advantage in relation to acrylic and cast iron containers. Let's also note the plus that many people pay attention to at the last moment: it is easy to deliver, it can be lifted to any floor without any special difficulties and it can be installed independently.
Of course, after you have purchased a bath of the required size, you need to carry out a number of preparatory work, including thinking about how to insulate a metal bath. If you install and insulate the bath yourself, then you should pay attention to more expensive types of bathtubs, below on the outside of which you can often find special rubberized materials attached. The main task of these pieces is to absorb sounds and have a thermal insulating effect. You can do the same with a metal bath, which can be successfully insulated and soundproofed using conventional bituminous sound insulation, which, by the way, many drivers use to improve the soundproofing qualities of a car. Such material can be purchased at any automotive store. Basically it is called "Vibroizol".
The use of "Vibroizol" for warming the bath is quite simple and comfortable. On the one hand, it has an adhesive surface, which can be successfully attached to metal at room temperature. To carry out this process, there is no particular need to glue the whole bathtub, it will be enough to glue those parts of the container on which water falls and the sides of the bathtub to remove the boominess.
If this method of insulating a metal bath does not quite suit you, you can use ordinary polyurethane foam. The process of warming is carried out as follows. Mounting foam is applied to the bottom of the inverted bathtub, on top of which it is necessary to lay polyethylene and straighten it with your hands, forming a covered surface. After the foam dries, you can turn it over and start installing.
With the help of this method of insulation, the resulting container will have heat-insulating qualities in relation to the cast-iron colleague several times more.
There is also a way to insulate a metal bath with foam. Many experts in this field are constantly arguing about this type of insulation, because in addition to foam today you can find more effective bath insulation, but also more expensive.
The process of foam insulation itself is quite simple. To do this, you need to purchase foam and adhesive composition at any hardware store. Note that when choosing an adhesive, it is important to pay attention to its ability to withstand high temperature effects. After that, you need to make pasting in a similar way to the process of pasting the bath with the help of Vibroizol.

Apartment renovation

The main disadvantage of a metal bath, a large heat transfer, can be corrected by packing it into a heat-insulating “fur coat”. It is easy to make such a fur coat. Now we will consider how to insulate a bath with our own hands, and what you will need in this case.

How to insulate a bath

As a thermal material, we will take polyurethane foam, as well as polystyrene in sheets 20-30 mm thick. The approximate consumption of insulation is calculated in this way. First, we calculate the surface area of ​​our bath, for simplicity, we will consider it as a rectangular box. We take the dimensions of the inner faces. A standard steel bath with a length of 1500 mm usually has internal dimensions of 1400x550x400 mm. We calculate the perimeter (1400 + 550) x 2 = 3900 mm. To get the surface area - multiply the perimeter by the height 3.9x0.40 \u003d 1.56 m2. Although, due to the curvature of the profile, the area will still be smaller, but we will not take this into account, since foam sheets are sold in meter panels.

The approximate consumption of mounting foam can be calculated from the thickness of the thermal layer of 20 mm, that is, we need about 30 liters of mounting foam (1.56x0.02 / 1000 = 31dm3). One bottle of 0.5 liters is enough even with a margin.

Due to the fact that we will have to apply the foam in two stages, if it is overused, you can buy another bottle.

It is better to apply mounting foam on the back surface of the bathtub with a special gun. Such a device is not expensive, about 500 rubles, moreover, if we take into account the material savings that such a gun gives (up to 20%), then its cost will decrease even more.

Some of these pistols may have a set of interchangeable nozzles of various shapes. The nozzle can also be made independently by taking a tip from a plastic or polyethylene tube of the required diameter. The edge of the tube heats up and flattens, at the end it is necessary to leave a narrow slot so that the mounting foam is squeezed out not in a thick stream, but in a strip.

If insulation steel bath do-it-yourself is not included in the general apartment renovation, then you can use ordinary foam cylinders and without a gun.

Preparation for work on the insulation of the bath

The bath must be dismantled and taken out of the bathroom, and put "upside down" on small wooden blocks, placing it so that access for work is from all sides. All manipulations must be done very carefully so as not to. Before performing work, the floor must be covered with a covering material in order to prevent soiling material from getting on it, it is better to take polyethylene, since polyurethane foam does not stick to it at all. Bath legs can be left on.

Taking masking tape and scissors, we close up those areas where the mounting foam should not get, for example, drain and overflow holes, as well as the edges of the bath. It is better to take care of this right away than to clean off the dried foam later, otherwise you can clean the surface of the bathtub from mounting foam using acetone, or a solvent.

We make bath insulation with our own hands

The surface of the bath must be moistened for better adhesion. We press the nozzle of the gun at a slight angle to the metal, and apply foam in small areas. Then we apply foam panels from above, pressing down and moving them in different sides, we achieve a uniform distribution of mounting foam under the entire plane of the insulation. Moving from the bottom up, we cover in this way the entire non-insulated surface of the bath.

In places with a large radius, the foam should be cut into smaller pieces, for a tighter fit to the metal. On flat areas, cut the foam larger. But it is not necessary to make their sides more than 150-200 mm.

We continue to warm the bath with our own hands. After waiting around half an hour, an hour, after laying the foam, we fill the gaps between the pieces of insulation with foam. Then, after the second portion of the foam has completely dried, with the help of a clerical knife and a grinding mesh, we remove the protruding mounting foam, and clean up the bumps.

On this, the insulation of the bath could be completed, but it is better to make an additional strong protective shell on top of the fragile insulation, using fiberglass. We take putty or two-component glue, the main condition is compatibility with foam and water resistance, you can take acrylic, epoxy or polyester. In order to exclude wrinkles of fiberglass on the protruding surface, it is necessary to glue it in separate fragments with an overlap, not sparing glue or putty.

At the end of the work, remove the tape by cutting it with a sharp knife. We check whether the overflow and siphon necks are well mounted, if necessary, we cut the insulation to fit the seats.

With the help of polyurethane foam, it is always possible to make thermal insulation of steel bathtubs of various sizes and shapes. If you decide to insulate a cast-iron bath, take into account its large weight and involve several assistants in the work.

Our article on how to insulate a bath has come to an end. Good luck with your repair!

At to overcome the main disadvantage of a metal (steel) bath, high thermal conductivity, you can “dress” it in a heat-insulating “shirt”. This shirt is easy to make. Let's consider, how to insulate a bath with your own hands, and what is needed for this.

Materials and tools for bath insulation

We use polyurethane foam and sheet foam 2-3 cm thick as a heater. We calculate the approximate consumption of materials as follows. We find the surface area of ​​the bath, considering it as a rectangular box. To do this, measure the dimensions internal parties. An ordinary steel bath 1.5 m long has internal dimensions of 1.4x0.55x0.4 m. We find the perimeter (1.4 + 0.55) x 2 \u003d 3.9 m. Multiplying the perimeter by the height 3.9x0.4 \u003d 1 .56 m 2, we get the surface area. Of course, due to the curvature, the area will be smaller, but in practice this is not so important, since the foam is sold in meter-long pieces.

We calculate the approximate foam consumption from a conditional layer thickness of 2 cm, that is, we need about 30 liters of foam (1.56x0.02 / 1000 \u003d 31dm 3). A bottle of 500 ml should be enough with a margin.

Since we will apply the foam twice, if necessary, it can be purchased in addition.

It is better to apply foam with a gun. It is not expensive, about 300 rubles, in addition, given that such a gun saves foam up to 20%, its actual cost will be even lower.

Some pistols are equipped with interchangeable nozzles of various sections and shapes. If you purchased the device without attachments, you can do homemade tip from a polyethylene or PVC tube of a suitable diameter. We heat the end of the tube and flatten it, leaving a narrow gap so that the foam comes out not in a stream, but in a strip.

If insulating an iron bath with your own hands is not part of a general home renovation, you can do without a gun using ordinary (“household”) cylinders.

Preparation for warming the bath

We take the bath out of the bathroom and put it “upside down” on small wooden linings, placing it so that you can work from all sides. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the enamel. We cover the floor before installation polyethylene film or thick paper, so as not to stain it. It is better not to remove the legs of the bath.

Armed with masking tape and scissors, we seal the places where the foam can get, but where it is useless, in particular, the edges of the bathtub and the edges of the drain and overflow holes. It is better to do this immediately, so as not to scrape off the foam later.

Replaced massive, clumsy and the same type of washing containers Soviet period. They immediately fell in love with customers who were not spoiled by the variety of the model range.

However, during the operation of steel baths, it turned out that the noise that occurs in them when water is taken in is audible even after 2 floors, and the water in it cools down very quickly. The low price partly compensates for this defect in products, but it is difficult to put up with such discomfort in everyday life, especially if there are small children in the family. But experienced craftsmen believe that the noise of steel fonts is by no means a reason to refuse to buy them, because you can eliminate this defect with your own hands, using inexpensive improvised means.

Steel features

Steel is a strong, durable and corrosion-resistant alloy, which is actively used for the manufacture of sanitary equipment. Steel bathtubs belong to the lowest price category, they are distinguished by a variety of models, colors and ease of installation, which is why they are well-deservedly popular among buyers. But during operation, you can notice that the water in products made of this material cools down faster, and when it is set, it makes a lot more noise than cast-iron bathtubs.

These features are associated with 2 characteristics of steel:

  • High thermal conductivity. When dialing hot water into a steel bath, the walls of the bowl quickly heat up, but also quickly remove water, giving off heat to environment. As a result, the water cools quickly, which reduces the comfort of performing hygiene procedures. If you do not insulate the font, you will either have to get out of the bath or constantly add hot water, which is why bills for utilities grow by leaps and bounds.
  • High resonant power. The walls of steel bathtubs are 2-3 times thinner than those of cast-iron counterparts, so drops of water falling on them from the height of a faucet cause the metal to vibrate. From this vibration, the noise of the water intensifies, causing discomfort to the household.

Please note that the thinner the walls of the steel product, the stronger the vibrations and noise when collecting water, the faster the water cools. Experienced craftsmen note that you need to choose baths with a wall thickness of at least 4 mm, then do-it-yourself elementary insulation will help eliminate its shortcomings.

Improving the quality of steel models

The low price of steel baths makes many buyers purchase such models, but few know that you can get rid of their main shortcomings on your own, using affordable materials at hand. It is necessary to plan the insulation of the outer surface of the bottom of the bowl before installation and connection to the sewer system, since after the bath is put into operation it is problematic to do so. To improve the quality of steel products, the following measures are taken:

Important! Both problems of steel baths have a simple solution that eliminates noise and reduces thermal conductivity in a complex way. To improve the performance of inexpensive steel models, you need to insulate the bottom of the bowl with your own hands.

Materials for thermal insulation

An experienced craftsman has an extensive selection of materials with which to insulate steel thin-walled bathtubs with his own hands. They differ in thermal conductivity, price and method of application. If the wash container is thermally insulated prior to installation, virtually any material that suits the price-performance ratio can be used. The most popular means of insulating steel products are:

Note! In order to qualitatively insulate the washing container on your own, using polyurethane foam sealant, you will need at least 3 full cylinders, the average price for each of which is at least 300 rubles. It is more economical to choose sheet polyurethane foam for thermal insulation, but this method is less effective.


In order to qualitatively insulate a steel washing container with your own hands, you need to carefully prepare the bath for work. Applying mounting foam or gluing heat-insulating material to an unprepared surface will not achieve an optimal result. Before performing insulation, the following operations are performed:

  1. On the floor of the bathroom you need to put cardboard, soft cloth or wooden blocks to put a washing container on them.
  2. Disconnect the font from the drainage system, disconnect the siphon and overflow.
  3. Turn the bowl upside down, and then lower it onto the prepared bars.
  4. Clean the outer surface of the bowl from dust or dirt.
  5. For degreasing steel baths, gasoline, alcohol or a solvent are used.

Important! Before starting the treatment of the bathtub with polyurethane foam sealant, it is necessary to wet the surface to be treated with plenty of water in order to improve adhesion between the surfaces. If pasting with sheet polyurethane foam is to be done, the walls and bottom of the font must, on the contrary, be dried.

Thermal insulation technology

When preparatory work completed, you can begin to insulate the steel bath. If you use mounting foam, you will need 2-3 cylinders. To paste over the thermal insulation with polyurethane foam sheet, it will take 2-2.5 square meters material. Warming is performed according to the following algorithm:

Important! Thermal insulation of steel baths immediately eliminates 3 problems of these models: rapid cooling, high noise and deformation of the walls, leading to chips on the enamel. Warming is quite possible to do it yourself, without spending a lot of time, effort and money on this routine operation. This method of reducing the thermal conductivity of steel does not affect appearance products.

Video instruction

Metal baths have many advantages - they are inexpensive, durable, do not require special care, if necessary, a metal bath can be restored. But they also have one significant drawback - a large heat transfer, and as a result of this - the water in them cools quickly. Therefore, a reasonable question arises - how to insulate the bath? In this article, we will tell you how to insulate a bathtub yourself at the lowest cost and effort.

What materials are needed to insulate the bath?

To reduce the heat transfer of a metal bath, we will wrap it in a special "fur coat" made of heat-insulating materials. As these materials, we take the usual sheet foam with a thickness of 15-30 mm, and the usual polyurethane foam. Both of these components have exceptional thermal insulation properties, which is exactly what we need from them. The "fur coat" itself will consist of pieces of foam fixed on the bath mounting foam. To simplify the calculation of the required amount of foam, you can consider the bath as a rectangular box and calculate its area using a simple algorithm - multiply the perimeter of the rectangle by its height. Of course, when calculating in this way, the amount of foam will be more than required and its surplus will remain, but taking into account that this material is very cheap and that it is sold in pieces of certain sizes, this can be ignored.

As for the consumption of mounting foam, practice shows that for insulating a bathtub of standard sizes (1400x550x400 mm), one, maximum two cans of foam are enough. In this case, the layer thickness will be approximately 20 mm, which is quite enough for our task. Well, if you use a special professional gun for polyurethane foam, then one can is more than enough, because. this tool allows you to accurately dose the flow of foam, you can apply it exactly as much as you need.

Bath preparatory work

For the performance of insulation work, the bath must be dismantled and pulled out of the bathroom. Prepare the place where you will work by spreading some material on the floor in order to prevent liquid foam from getting on the floor, because. it will then be quite difficult to remove it from him. Prepare small wooden blocks and place the dismantled bath upside down on them. Be extremely careful when doing this - the enamel covering the bath is quite fragile and can be damaged upon impact.

After that, it is necessary to take care that the mounting foam does not get into those areas that are not needed, for example, the drain and overflow points, as well as the upper edge of the bathtub. To do this, it is enough to stick masking tape on these places, which is simply removed after the end of the insulation work.

We warm the bath

To begin with, we wet the back side of the bath with water - this will contribute to better adhesion of the foam to the metal. After that, we begin to apply mounting foam with a layer of 15-20 mm. This can be done like a regular foam can, equipped with a special tube, but it is still better to purchase a special gun for this purpose. As we have already said, the gun will help save a lot of foam, as well as do this job more accurately and faster. Immediately after this, you can start applying pieces of foam directly to the foam, which in this case serves as an adhesive. In large straight sections, use larger pieces of foam, and in areas with a radius curve, correspondingly small ones. Thus, we cover the entire back surface of the bath and leave it for an hour and a half. After this time, you can start filling the seams between the pieces of foam with the same foam. After the foam dries at the seams, we can only remove its excess. This can be done with an ordinary knife, although it is better to use a special clerical knife.

In fact, the insulation of the bath is completed and it can be used. However, you can also make a final touch, which will give our work a finished look and give strength to the insulating coat. This can be done by covering the “fur coat” with a protective layer, which will prevent the foam from crumbling and give it overall reliability. For this, pieces of fiberglass are perfect, which should be applied over a fur coat. To fix the fabric, use any two-component adhesive compositions, for example - "epoxy". The glued fiberglass "tightly" grabs our protective layer and makes the structure monolithic.