Butterfish with a white film. Butter mushrooms: description of species and recipes

False butterflies often end up in the baskets of inexperienced mushroom pickers along with edible mushrooms. This is because several poisonous species outwardly it is quite easy to confuse with those that are suitable for food, if you do not look closely. Conversely, common early butterflies are often mistaken for false ones, and later varieties closely resemble fly agarics. There are a number of distinguishing features, in addition to the shape, by which you can find out whether a mushroom is edible or just looks like that.

Existing varieties of butter - characteristic features

Mushrooms are eukaryotic organisms that combine many of the properties of plants and animals, in Latin they are called Fungi or Mycota. They are divided according to the place of growth into meadow, steppe, mountain and forest. Oilseeds, called Suillus, of which there are more than 40 species, including both useful and conditionally edible or unsuitable for food, grow in wooded areas.

Benefit tubular fungi of the Boletov family lies not only in their nutritional value, but also in the contained elements, such as carbohydrates, a number of amino acids, B vitamins and lecithin. Oilers have and harmful properties, characteristic of all organisms of the Mycota kingdom - chitin, which has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

By nutritional value 4 categories are distinguished, which differ in the number of useful elements contained and taste. In this regard, any species from the genus butter does not belong to the second position, that is, the usefulness and taste are quite high, but inferior to many other mushrooms. There is another gradation.

  • excellent edible;
  • good edible;
  • conditionally edible;
  • unfit for food;
  • poisonous.

Mushrooms of the genus Suillus occupy the second and third positions, depending on the species. The fact is that false butterflies are not included in this family and do not exist as a separate species. This is just the name of some other representatives of the Mycota kingdom, which have a similar shape and color. The difference lies in the fleshy ring around the stem, which appears as it matures from the film covering the spore pockets of the young fungus - this is not the case with false butterflies. Therefore, the fourth and fifth categories do not apply to Suillus.

To good mushrooms include such species popular among mushroom pickers as common butterdish (known as late, autumn), pale (or white), granular (or early), yellow-brown (or variegated, familiar to us as swamp moss fly). In Russia and Europe grow Suillus tridentinus (red-red or trident), plorans (cedar or weeping), Siberian (this type is closer to conditionally edible) and remarkable.

Conditionally edible, there are several types of oil: yellowish, larch, sour and gray. All of them are suitable for food only after thorough cleaning of the outer films and long cooking.

How to recognize good and tasty Suillus species?

Although most mushrooms of this family have a furry collar-like rim on the stem, some species lose this distinctive feature as they grow. Therefore, they are often so easily confused with similar poisonous or simply inedible. In order not to make a mistake when collecting forest gifts, you need to know the characteristics of each species that occurs in the surrounding area. The following butterflies grow in Russia.

Common (Luteus)

You can recognize it by a brown, with a bias in yellowness or brown color, hat with a diameter of 5 to 12 centimeters, the sticky, oily skin of which is very easily removed. Sometimes the shade is brownish-purple. The leg is divided into two parts by a mossy ring, which is formed when the fungus grows up, after the veil breaks on the spore spongy pulp. Above the ring, the color is light, below - with a purple tint. The spore pulp under the cap is tubular, yellow.

Grainy (Granulatus)

A very common and popular mushroom that grows in large numbers from June to November. It is recommended to collect only young ones, because, growing up, this species quickly becomes flabby and tasteless. The hat with a diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters in young animals is painted bright red, while in large ones it turns out to be yellow-orange. The shape also changes from convex pyramidal to flat, similar to a round pillow. Easily detachable skin becomes mucous only at high humidity, the rest of the time it is shiny, but dry.

This fungus does not have a characteristic ring for oiling, the leg up to 8 centimeters high is light yellow, it often has brownish streaks from the liquid released from the spore sacs. This species has a pleasant nutty taste and a slightly tart smell of pulp, the color of which is usually light, slightly yellowish. The cuts of the granular oiler do not darken.

Cedar (Plorans)

Quite a large mushroom stem height up to 12 centimeters. The brown hat has a diameter of up to 15 cm. Feature- shiny, but not oily, but waxy surface of the skin. Another feature by which this species can be recognized is the yellowish-orange flesh that turns blue on the cut. The surface of the leg is often strewn with brown spots, because of which the cedar butter dish is often confused with the boletus.

White (Placidus)

It forms small groups, mainly growing in cedar forests or in pine forests. Like many species of the Suillus family, the hat in young animals has an almost pyramidal shape up to 5 centimeters in diameter, and with age it becomes flat and even with a small hole in the center, about 12 cm in size. The covering of the light yellow skin is slightly mucous, but not sticky, but smooth. Sometimes purple spots appear on the hat, because of which you can confuse it with a poisonous mushroom and pass by. This is facilitated by the fact that there is no characteristic ring on the leg.

Yellow-brown (Variegatus)

Popularly known as the swamp or sand flywheel, this mushroom is large in size, its hat, yellowish with brown patches in color, often reaches 14 centimeters. Its shape is slightly semicircular, the skin does not have a characteristic oily coating, on the contrary, as the body grows older, it cracks and begins to peel off. The pulp of the leg, which, due to growth, is extended by 10 cm, always turns blue on the cut. Variegatus grows in pine forests, singly and in groups.

Red-red (Tridentinus)

Appears near coniferous trees, mainly in foothills, from June to October inclusive. It is distinguished by a large semicircular hat, the diameter of which often reaches 15 centimeters. The main color is light orange, the skin is covered with a dense layer of bright red scales, because of which the mushroom acquires a characteristic color.

Spongy pulp of spore tubes too orange shade. The leg up to 10 cm high has a slightly pronounced ring remaining from the spore cover. If the flesh is cut open, it will quickly turn reddish, although it was originally yellow.

False butterflies - what are these mushrooms?

Many refer to false conditionally edible representatives of the Suillus family. The same larch or gray (Aeruginascens) has a very pleasant taste and smell, it is enough to boil it for a while in boiling water. Therefore, it is more correct to consider false oilers similar mushrooms, which are included in other families, are inedible or poisonous.

Such, first of all, is the pepper mushroom (Piperatus), which belongs to the genus Chalciporus. Knowing what the butter dish looks like, it is not difficult to confuse with it a glove similar in shape, but it can be distinguished by dimensions that do not exceed 6 centimeters in height and 8 in the diameter of the cap. The color of this species is entirely brown, and its flesh is yellow inside. The skin of the cap has a glossy sheen characteristic of the Suillus family, but is not slimy. Another similarity is in the period of growth, from June to October.

The plucked mushroom has a rather pleasant smell, but a very burning, peppery-like taste. On the cut becomes reddish. Piperatus is still good for food, but only in small quantities, after boiling in boiling water and drying, as a seasoning to spice up the dish. If you cook it like a butter dish, there will be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Such a treat is especially undesirable for children; the substances contained in such food cause the effect of poisoning in them.

Another mushroom with which some types of oil can be confused is panther fly agaric (Amanita pantherina). Place of growth - deciduous forests. It has a semicircular long hat, brown or dark brown. On it, along the edges, it is easy to notice a thin terry from an early spore cover, which often forms a ring on a white high (up to 12 centimeters) leg of an adult organism.

On the skin of the cap there are light specks of scales that are easily removed from the surface, the spore pulp is represented by plates, and not tubes, as in ordinary oil. The mushroom is very poisonous!

Butter dish (Suillus) — edible mushroom, which is loved by the people for its excellent taste and productivity. During the period of mass growth, many tiny butterflies appear. They are sometimes collected on their knees. Otherwise, it is difficult to see slippery balls the size of a coin in the grass.

Oiler late, photo from Wikipedia

The butterdish has a characteristic shiny surface with a sticky cap skin. The light film on the back of the cap in young oil is also noteworthy. During rainy weather, the skin is "snotty". The species of butterdish and the conditions of its growth affect the color of the cap, legs and other features of the fungus.

Butterflies grow in waves. The beginning of the first wave falls on the time when rye begins to ear. Spike mushrooms appear: not only, but also boletus. Mushrooms pour out and disappear at once, as if the Master of the forest gave them a command. I found confirmation of my observations from V.A. Soloukhin. On a warm June day, in a short time, he and his wife managed to pick up twelve buckets of strong butter, growing in a pine forest near the village. We could have taken more, but even so we had to adjust the car to take the mushrooms home.

Not for the sake of mushrooms, but for the sake of curiosity, two days later we visited our pines and were amazed. As if everything that we saw two days ago, we dreamed or happened in fairy tale. Even if we had wanted to, we would not have carried away a single mushroom from the pines now. The forest was clear of mushrooms. A fresh person would never have believed that just two days ago ... Yes, we somehow couldn’t believe it ourselves, but at home we had clear evidence of this little mushroom miracle (V.A. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt”).

Types of oil

Mushroom pickers know, as a rule, only a few types of oil. In the genus Oiler (Suillus), which belongs to the family Bolletovye (Boletaceae), there are about 50 species. The most famous of them are three types.

Late oiler (real, ordinary, yellow)

(Suillus luteus) is also called real, ordinary, yellow. In the Central Russian forests, this is the most common species. The name of the mushroom can be misleading, since the late butterdish does not appear in late autumn, but from to. True, the time of mass collection really falls on autumn (in some years even on). Late butterdish is a mushroom of pine forests. It can also be found in those places where, in addition to pines, there are other coniferous trees.

Late butterdish is very productive, it grows in large groups. This mushroom is prepared fresh (fried, boiled, stewed), dried, salted and pickled.

Hat. The shape of the mucous cap (up to 12 cm in diameter) in young fungi is cushion-convex and hemispherical. In adults - wide-conical. Its edges are down. The color of the surface of the cap is chestnut-brown, red-brown or dark brown. The tubular layer is golden yellow or lemon yellow. Old mushrooms have an olive tint.

Cap pulp. The color of the thick pulp is white or yellowish. It has a pleasant smell and a slightly sour taste.

Leg. The height of the solid cylindrical leg of the late oiler is up to 10 cm, the thickness is up to 2 (3) cm. Adult mushrooms have a white or grayish-purple ring on it. Above it, the color of the legs is white, below it is brownish.

Summer oiler, granular

Summer butter dish, grainy (Suillus granulatus) is also productive. It is suitable for fresh use (it is fried, boiled and stewed), drying, pickling and pickling. The mushroom is harvested in the summer (in June -) in coniferous forests, where there are many pines. Separate summer butterflies appear from the end.

Hat. The shape of the mucous cap (up to 10 cm in diameter) in young mushrooms is convex, in adults it is flat. The color of the skin is from yellowish-brown to ocher-brown. The tubular layer is yellow or light yellow.

Cap pulp. The color of the thick pulp is yellowish-white. She has a pleasant taste and smell.

Leg. The height of a solid cylindrical leg is up to 8 cm, the thickness is up to 2 cm. The color is yellowish. The stem has a granular surface (hence the name of the species). There are no rings on the stem, which is a distinctive feature of the species. In the upper part of the leg, small watery drops protrude.

(Suillus grevillei) is more common in places where larches and cedar pines grow. This type of butter dish is fried, boiled, dried and pickled. This species is considered very beneficial for health, almost a cure for people suffering from arthritis.

Hat. In a larch butter dish, a cap (up to 10 in diameter, less often up to 14 cm) changes its shape depending on the stage of growth of the fungus (from convex to flat). The mucous skin is yellow-orange or yellowish-brown. The tubular layer of young and strong mushrooms is yellow; as the oil dish ages, it becomes olive-brown.

Cap pulp. The color of the pulp is white or yellowish. On cut, the tissue may acquire a brownish tint.

Leg. The height of the stem is up to 10 (12) cm, the thickness is up to 1.5 cm. It has a cylindrical shape, solid. The color of the stem is from golden yellow to light brown above the ring. Below the ring, a reddish and reddish-brown hue appears. On the leg of young mushrooms there is a white or yellowish hanging ring. As the fungus matures, it becomes less noticeable and almost completely disappears in older mushrooms.

Larch butterdish, photo from Wikipedia

Less well-known among us are oiler white (Suillus placidus), cedar butter dish (Suillus plorans) and oiler Siberian (Suillus sibiricus). There is swamp oiler, or yellowish (Suillus flavidus), mushroom category IV. Another view oiler yellow-brown, he is motley (Suillus variegatus), very similar to the flywheel, it is considered a mushroom with a mediocre taste. American butter dish (Suillus americanus) is an edible mushroom that grows in Chukotka and in thickets of dwarf pine.

Yellow-brown butter dish, photo from Wikipedia

In our area under larch grows every two years gray larch butter dish (Suillus aeruginascens). It is also called blue butter dish. It has a hemispherical hat (up to 12 cm in diameter), which becomes almost flat as the fungus grows. The surface of the cap is slimy, light gray-brown in color. Old mushrooms have a pale hat of a dirty gray color. There are few mushrooms, they are very different from those reference oil that we find in the forest. Gray larch butterdish is an edible mushroom of category III. It is this species that I would classify as twin mushrooms, since there is a lot of incorrect information about the toxicity of larch gray butterdish.

Delicious boletus and their inedible counterparts

Does the butter dish have inedible or poisonous counterparts? Habitual types of butter are delicious mushrooms. They have a characteristic hat. Only a yellow-brown butter dish, in which the flesh turns slightly blue on the cut, can disappoint gourmets because of its mediocre taste. Some Western reference books define it as inedible (but not poisonous!). Siberian butterdish is also considered a non-toxic inedible mushroom.

There are no poisonous butterflies in our forests. But to confuse a delicious butter dish with pepper mushroom (Suillus piperatus) quite possible. This mushroom is called pepper oiler. It contains bitterness but is not poisonous. Mushroom pickers who put pepper oilers in the basket say in their defense that the bitter taste is greatly reduced when boiled for 15 minutes. After that, the mushroom is fried along with other mushrooms. Pepper butterdish grows not only next to pine trees, but also in spruce and deciduous forests.

In what forests do butterflies grow?

Autumn and summer butterdish grow where there are pines. Especially the young ones. Mycologists have noticed that those pines that have two needles in each bunch are more suitable for him. Indeed, butterflies often appear under the pines growing on our site.

Oilers do not like strong shading, so they are less common in overgrown forests. There are more chances to collect a basket of strong oil in thinned out plantings of pines, on the edges of pine forests, on the sides of forest roads, and even on old fires. If the butter dish grew under another tree, then there is probably a pine somewhere nearby.

People paid attention to the fact that oiling almost never occurs in those pine forests where white moss covers the ground. They are not looked for in pine forests with blueberries.

Wormy butterflies are common. Not only big and old, but also quite tiny.

How to prepare oil for future use?

Butter has a sticky skin that can be easily removed. During the cleaning of mushrooms, it is certainly removed. The fingers then turn black and can be difficult to wash off. Not bad helps a slice of fresh lemon, which wipe the skin of the hands. I saw how boletus was fried in one village. There they rinsed the mushrooms, cut them into several pieces and threw away the wormy ones. After that, they began to fry the mushrooms along with the skin. Since then, I also do not always remove the skin from the butter hats.

Connoisseurs believe that the butter dish is suitable for frying, drying and marinating. But salting this mushroom is not worth it. However, in cookbooks you can find recipes for pickling oil. The best for blanks are strong boletus, their caps are no larger than a ring, which is formed if you connect the thumb and forefinger of one hand.

Pickled butterfish

Pickled butternut squash is very tasty. Small mushrooms are specially selected, for example, the size of a three-kopeck coin. They are marinated whole. Pickled butternuts are difficult to hook with a fork. This is "aerobatics", the result of the skill of a mushroom picker and a cook. More often you have to cook not tiny, but different-sized boletus, which we managed to collect in the forest.

First of all, butterflies clean, remove the film and skin from the hats. It is believed that it gives bitterness. Hats butter cut in half or into several parts. For medium-sized mushrooms, it is better to separate the leg. After that, the mushrooms are washed and boiled in water, which was previously slightly salted and acidified with 9% table vinegar. The foam must be removed. After about fifteen minutes, the butterflies will begin to sink to the bottom. Cooking is stopped. Mushrooms are thrown into a colander, cooled, laid out in glass jars, garlic cloves are added and poured with marinade.

The marinade is very easy to make. To do this, dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar in one liter of boiling water, put spices (bay leaves, cloves, allspice, cinnamon or ready-made seasoning for pickling mushrooms), increase the gas and boil the liquid for several minutes. After that, remove the pan from the stove and pour 3-4 tablespoons of 9% vinegar into the marinade. Butter is poured with cooled marinade. It should cover all mushrooms. Vegetable oil is poured on top so that there is no mold. It is safer to use nylon (plastic) lids, and keep jars in the refrigerator. Banks rolled up with metal lids are stored in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator. They must be opened before the New Year. The shorter the shelf life, the less chance of getting botulism.

Canned fried butternuts

V.A. Soloukhin, an excellent writer, connoisseur of nature and mushroom picker, described an interesting way of preserving fried butter. He learned this recipe from M.I. Tvardovskaya.

The method turned out to be extremely simple. Well fried without onions and without any spices, the mushrooms are tightly placed in a glass jar and poured with melted butter. The oil will harden, and this is the whole preservation. Well, of course, it is better to keep it in a cool place. This method, it turns out, is ancient, it came from manor estates, such as Larinsky, where they lived exclusively with their supplies (V.A. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt”).

Mushroom cutlets

This is very tasty and satisfying food. The pulp of butter is suitable for cooking meatballs using mushrooms instead of meat. First, the butternuts are boiled for ten minutes. Then the water is poured into another bowl and white bread is soaked in it. Minced meat is made from mushrooms, soaked bread and onions, passing everything through a meat grinder. Eggs, flour (if necessary) and salt (to taste) are added to the minced meat. It is advisable to introduce finely chopped parsley or other herbs. Cutlets are formed from minced meat, which are rolled in breadcrumbs and fried on vegetable oil under the lid. Product ratio may vary.

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Butterfish are so named because the cap of the mushroom is covered with an oily, shiny skin that is sticky to the touch. It is thanks to her that the mushroom looks glossy, as if someone had oiled a hat.

These mushrooms are widespread not only in Russian forests, but also in other countries of the Northern Hemisphere. And in each country, mushroom pickers call these gifts of the forest in their own way: in England, this mushroom received the name "Slippery Jack", in the Czech Republic the butter dish is called "butter", and in Belarus - "butter".

Maslyata usually grow in coniferous forests, but there are also varieties of this fungus that can be found under oaks or birches. In any case, these gifts of the forest prefer light places in the forest, it is almost impossible to find them in the dark more often. Usually you can meet these forest dwellers in forest clearings or edges, in the young growth of coniferous trees, or even on forest paths.

What do butterflies look like

Butter mushrooms are usually medium to small sized mushrooms. In young small butterflies, the caps usually have the shape of a cone or hemisphere, which changes with the growth of the fungus, gradually straightening. In grown-ups, the hat becomes more like a pillow and can reach fifteen centimeters in diameter.

The main feature of oil is the presence of a thin film of oily consistency, which completely covers the hat. In this case, the film can change its condition depending on weather conditions: if in damp time it is slimy and sticky, then in dry time in some mushrooms it becomes dryish and slightly velvety, which later cracks, which looks like small granular scales.

Butter hat is very interesting: Unlike other mushrooms, the skin of this cap can be easily separated from its flesh. And it can be very diverse in color: from brown tones with spotted patches to ocher tones and even yellow shades. At the same time, the color of the mushroom is directly affected by the type of forest in which it grows and the illumination of the place.

The inner layer of the cap, where the spores of the fungus are located, is tubular. The inner pulp of the mushroom has a dense texture of yellowish or white color. At the same time, many mushroom pickers know that the cut of the mushroom can become darker over time.

Usually the pulp of this forest gift is odorless, but some lovers " silent hunting"It is believed that oil, unlike mushrooms growing in larch forests, has a distinct smell of fresh needles.

Unlike other mushrooms, the life of the butterdish is very short: 7-10 days after it appears on the forest surface, it begins to age. Its flesh darkens and becomes flabby. Yes, and worms are very fond of eating butter, and these gifts of nature are subject to their attacks, regardless of their age. On average, when collecting, you need to be prepared that only one of the fifteen collected trophies will not turn out to be wormy.

Types of mushrooms

All forest gifts of this species are divided into numerous groups, each of which has its own description and name. Here is a description of only the most popular and common oil in our country.

False butterflies

Some of the most common types of butter mushrooms can be confused with pepper mushrooms by inexperienced mushroom pickers.

It belongs to a completely different kind of fungus. similar to oils. Usually it has a relatively small size: the cap of the mushroom can reach a diameter of up to five centimeters, and the height of the mushroom stem averages five to six centimeters. Unlike real oil mushrooms, this mushroom has a smooth and shiny cap without any mucus on the surface. Yes, and the taste of these mushrooms is very peculiar.- hot-pepper. Directly in cooking, this mushroom is usually not used. Only in some countries it is added to the dish to give a special aroma and piquant taste.

In addition to this variety, there are also other types of mushrooms that can be mistaken for oil. How to distinguish mushrooms that look like butter mushrooms from real ones? In order to do this, when collecting, you should definitely pay attention to the inner layer of the cap: if it is not tubular, but lamellar, you can part with such a find without regret.

Useful properties and contraindications

Of course, butternut squash is not only tasty, but also healthy, and is also a low-calorie product. Why are they so useful?

These forest gifts include:

In addition to the obvious benefits, these gifts of the forest can also cause significant harm to the human body. Especially this harm can be caused by eating improperly cooked mushrooms. To keep yourself safe just follow a few simple rules.

In any case, at the first sign of poisoning you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid more serious consequences.

Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS! ", section" "!

It's already the middle of summer, which means that the "gribalka" begins! And to remind some useful information about mushrooms, today we will talk with you about oilers. How could it be without them, in our native forests? Indeed, in terms of popularity and taste, butterfish are not particularly inferior to their own, which, moreover, are their relatives. So…

Butter dish ( lat. Suillus - a genus of tubular fungi of the family Boletaceae (lat. Boletaceae).

The butter dish got its name from the oily (slippery) feel of the cap.

The main difference between the oiler and other boletus mushrooms is the cap, which is slippery to the touch, from which the skin is easily removed. In addition, under the cap there may be a light cover, which in adult mushrooms leaves only a trace of its early presence at the top of the stem.

Description of oiler

The butterdish has a smooth cap, from convex to flat shape, the surface of which is usually sticky or mucous, with an easily removable skin. There may be a private cover under the hat.

The hymenophore (the porous part of the cap pulp) is easily separated from the cap, it looks yellow or white, adherent, or descending along the stem.

The leg is solid, smooth or granular, sometimes with a ring (remains of a partial veil).

The flesh is whitish or yellowish, on the cut it can change color, from blue to red.

Spore powder of various shades of yellow.

Spread the oil can

All types of oil - mycorrhiza formers with coniferous trees, mainly with two- or five-needle pines and larches.

Most species of butterfish are found in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, although native and introduced species are found in many regions of the world, and even on continents such as Africa and Australia.

Useful properties of a butter dish

Calorie oil- 19.2 kcal.

Nutritional value of oil: proteins - 0.9 g, fats - 0.4 g, carbohydrates - 3.2 g.

Be careful, butterflies!

Apart from useful properties, butterflies have some negative impacts on the body. So, the fiber in the butter dish is saturated with chitin, which interferes with the good digestibility of these mushrooms. Therefore, it is not recommended to use a large amount of oil can. Experts say that chitin is not only not digested in the human gastrointestinal tract, but also makes it difficult for digestive juices and digestible substances to access. The digestibility of mushrooms will deteriorate, in particular, also due to the fact that mushroom proteins mainly belong to hardly soluble substances.

Doctors regard mushrooms as a food that is not easily digested.

What to do with oils?

Butter can be prepared in the following ways:

- to extinguish;
- weld;
- fry;
- marinate;
- salt;
- dry.

Fried and pickled boletus are considered the most delicious.

Types of oil

The genus Maslenok unites about 50 species of mushrooms.

In view of the peculiarities of morphology, some taxonomists classify the genus butterflies (Suillus) as part of the mokrukhov family (lat. Gomphidiaceae), or even separate them into a separate family, Suillaceae.

Below, for convenience, I have divided the types of oil into 3 categories, depending on the edibility.

  • Edible species:

  • Conditionally edible species

  • Inedible species