How to equip a spinning rod for sea fishing. Marine spinning

Spinning tackle is a very wide range of opportunities. We have seen this more than once on fishing in various conditions on fishing with spinning in freshwater reservoirs. It's time to take a look and see what on the sea? How spin fishing in the sea. What are the features of such sea ​​spinning fishing, tackle, tricks, bait.

We've got into the habit of spinning we catch in fresh water bodies (rivers, lakes), obviously predatory fish, occasionally - semi-predatory. On the sea, everything is somewhat wrong ... It is difficult to take some, even a small sea ​​fish, and declare that she is not a predator. Sea It's a wild, hostile environment. There everyone is eating each other. So, by and large, those classifications that are in the reservoirs of the mainland do not roll here, they say give a candy bar to this, and a baubles to these. In the sea everyone wants MEAT!!! Well, or what will seem to the greedy marine life, a source of meat. 😀

Another question is that despite the general predatory disposition sea ​​fish, not every fish in the sea reasonable and efficient to catch with a spinning rod.

Some of marine fish they are simply not of such great value to catch them with aristocratic English tackle. some fishing on spinning in the sea just not convenient and technically problematic.

So, the same navaga, in theory, can be caught in the open sea on spinning, using small lures. However, you will have to catch on fairly small baits. And you will have to fish at depths of 8-20m. So, this is hard to implement. Well, okay, we will deliver a heavy load, 60-100 grams. and above, on the diverting leashes there are small baubles of a turntable. Turntables will rust in 2-3 fishing trips from aggressive, salty sea water ... doesn’t it hurt to be fat, for the sake of catching fish 20-30 cm long ...

The second case, a prime example, where spinning will not be effective in hunting for sea fish. Flounder. The fish lies on the bottom, breaks away from the bottom to grab the prey, no more than 30-50 cm. The mouth is small. So, too, you don’t spin too much.

spinning effectively in the sea they catch: salmon, sea bass, halibut, pollock, sharks, and even a whole cohort of relatively large marine fish.

Spinning fishing at sea is very often associated with trolling fishing. It is much more efficient to comb large sea areas by trolling, with a boat on a motor, than by whipping with a spinning rod. If a school of salmon or sea bass was found somewhere in the bay, then you need to anchor and catch with a spinning rod. If there is an active search for marine predators in the open sea, on the shelf border, then only trolling.

Spinning rods for sea fishing quite powerful, tough, with increased test and vitality are taken. The same coils. Powerful, reliable, high-torque.

There are two approaches to buying tackle for sea spinning. If you don't have a big budget for gear, go for the cheapest gear. Chinese hard spinning, cheap reel, up to inertial or cheap “barrels”. It makes no sense to take middle class gear. Anyway, during the season of operation in the harsh conditions of salty sea water, the gear will become unusable. So why ditch tackle for $500, when, with the same success, you can ditch for 150-200 ... On the contrary, if you are not limited in terms of money, then buy right away marine spinning with accessories of special marine lines. This class of rods and reels is available from many large companies, manufacturers of tackle. Everything is extremely powerful, reinforced, reliable. All metal surfaces have reliable anti-corrosion coatings. All this is especially for the sea. Such gear (this is especially true for coils) is incredibly reliable. True, and the prices are high ... They prefer multiplier coils, as they are more powerful.

Since you have to catch large fish at great depths, then lures for spinning in the sea, these are mostly large, heavy oscillating baubles or wobblers-divers, with large immersion depths. By the way, there are also special series marine wobblers. They have all reinforced construction details. Plus, their coating is much more resistant than freshwater spinning wobblers.

It is used everywhere on our seas, and the quality of fishing determines the choice of equipment. Usually, for catching large fish, a hard rod is taken, which is equipped with a fishing line from 0.3 to 0.6 mm and leashes from 0.2 to 0.3 mm. The presence of a compact reel is desirable - it allows you to mobilely adjust the release of the fishing line. In some cases, when the probability of hooking is low and it is assumed that the size of the fish will not exceed 1-1.5 kg, smaller lines are used. And for catching small fish such as red mullet, laskir, medium-sized ram and roach, it is better to take the thinnest tackle. Hooks are selected in accordance with the nozzle and the size of the intended fish. For sea fishing, you should take oxidized or nickel-plated hooks - they are not subject to oxidation in salt water. Due to the higher density of sea water, the load by weight should be slightly larger than for fishing in fresh water. Marine floats are generally larger than those used on rivers and lakes. They should have good stability, because you have to catch almost always on a wave.

The use of a float rod at sea is a fairly common occurrence. Despite significant excitement, the presence of strong currents and other factors that interfere with this, the float fishing rod is firmly in service with the sea angler. She is caught from the shore, where it is possible to throw tackle at least to a depth of 0.5-1.0 m from stones, rocks, hydraulic structures, etc. You need to know that on some berths, marinas, and so on, local authorities do not allow fishing for various, not always sufficiently justified reasons.

Sea float fishing rod: 1 - for fishing a katran; 2 - for fishing garfish; 3 - for fishing mullet


A float rod for fishing at sea does not have any special structural differences from a rod for freshwater fishing. The main differences are in the quality of the equipment, in the use of thicker lines and more reliable hooks. The sea float rod has a long rod of increased strength and strong fishing line, as well as a load-lifting float that is stable on the wave. Her hooks must be tinned, always with a long shank.

Fishing rods designed for fishing in different conditions of different fish, for obvious reasons, differ significantly from each other.

So, fishing rods for fishing from coastal structures can be with a long rod if they catch pelagic fish, and with a very short rod if they catch bottom fish directly at their feet, under stones.

Sea float fishing rods are practically not produced without access rings and a reel.


The general features of the manufacture of fishing rods for sea fishing are not much different from those of its freshwater modification. Therefore, we will consider the construction of fishing rods for catching specific types of sea fish.

Rod for catching gobies

A school for this gear is not always needed. When fishing between stones, anglers simply wind the line around their fingers. But in most cases, a light "telescope" 4.5 m long is used.

The reel needs a small, inertial one, which makes it possible to have a supply of fishing line of 15-20 m.

The main fishing line should be thin enough, with a cross section of up to 0.20 mm, since a large goby has become very “wiser” in recent years and does not rush to the bait with such greed as it was in the last century. Leashes are used no thicker than 0.10-0.15 mm.

Floats in most cases are not used at all. The bite is well transmitted by a sensitive rod to the hand.

Hooks are placed with a long forearm, but not very large sizes - from No. 4 to No. 7. It is not at all necessary that they be tinned or have great strength. Some anglers release them on purpose. This is necessary when the hook gets stuck between stones, because gobies are inhabitants of stone crevices. The released, soft hook unbends, and the tackle is released. Otherwise, the tackle has to be torn. According to some anglers, good results are obtained by using summer sea mice on this rod.

Smelt fishing rod

Since smelt fishing is almost always carried out from hydrotechnical structures and rocks, this rod needs a light “telescope” of maximum length. Sometimes physically strong anglers use even 7-meter whips.

A simple, inertial reel is quite suitable, with a supply of fishing line up to 30 m. Sometimes a larger supply of vein is stored on it, bearing in mind the need to repair gear in case of cliffs.

The fishing line is needed thin, with a cross section of no more than 0.20 mm, preferably masking colors. Leashes are not placed

thicker than 0.15 mm.

Hooks are subject to special requirements. They should be light, tinned, with a long shank, no larger than No. 5. The best are hooks No. 4 with a shank no shorter than 15-20 mm. This will save the line for a longer fishing period.

The float and the sinker are selected in such a way that they make up a pair that is stable when the sea is rough, for example, a float of the “Middy No. 4” type, loaded with two sinkers weighing 1 g and 2 g.

Fishing rod for mullet

The rod is long and light, you can use the usual telescopic rod, 4.5-6.0 m long.

The main fishing line can be a section of 0.20-0.25 mm. Sometimes it is possible to catch a mullet of solid weight, and with its chisel-bone, this means that you will need a strong tackle. The vodka is placed with a cross section of at least 0.15 mm.

The reel is needed light, plastic, inertial, containing a supply of fishing line up to 50 m.

Sinker and float use light and sensitive. They are arranged in such a way that, with a minimum size and weight, there is still the possibility of casting against the wind.

A fishing rod for fishing a mullet is supplied with three hooks No. 8-10 with a long forearm, tinned, made of the thinnest possible wire. Their location is terminal, that is, a sinker is attached to the fishing line, and below it, with an interval of 5 cm, hooks. Hooks have very short leashes, no more than 20-25 mm.

Fishing rod for garfish

A dwelling for fishing a garfish is built on the basis of a standard “telescope” no more than 5 m long. As the most primitive forest storage, a simple inertial reel with a supply of fishing line up to 100 m is used.

The garfish is not as careful as the mullet. The line on this rod can be 0.25 mm in section, and a leash is not needed at all.

The float used is not necessarily highly sensitive, but capable of steadily holding a sinker weighing 5-8 g and a nozzle.

The hook will need a size of at least No. 7 WITH A LONG shank. However, sometimes a hook when fishing a garfish, which is also called a sea needle, is not used at all. Instead, a special bait is knitted at the end of the fishing line. It is made in such a way that, when gripped, the garfish gets tangled in it with its teeth. There are several options for its manufacture. Traditionally, it is a foam ball surrounded by fibers made from silk or viscose threads. The bait looks like a fluffy brush. Her ok-raska may be different. As a bait, even a piece of a washcloth made of fine-fiber plastic will be appropriate.


You need to be careful when storing metal elements of gear. They are thoroughly washed in a press
water and lubricate with a decomposition-preventing composition, such as technical petroleum jelly or silicone grease.

super fishing rod

The use of this gear at sea is limited by the presence of strong currents and a bottom covered with algae and stones. But where it is possible to cast onto a sandbar or into a clearing between stones with a small pebble bottom, the super rod is quite “combat-ready”.


The sea super fishing rod differs from freshwater tackle only by the great power of all its elements. The sinker is heavy. The most suitable option for loading is the standard “olive”. It is also convenient in that if it is lost, it is easy to replace it with the same one. Their weight is almost the same.

Long-range casting rod (super rod) for sea fishing: 1 - general view; 2 - various tooling options

If you want to fish at home - no problem, it would be a desire.


The rod used is spinning, powerful, no longer than 3.6 m, medium action, that is, the whip must be flexible enough to make a long cast, and have a test corresponding to the expected weight of the cast. At the same time, its rigidity should allow for efficient and fast hooking at a great distance from the angler with a heavily sailing line.

They put high-quality inertialess coils with an open spool. The reel should allow you to work at a distance of up to 50 m and have a supply of fishing line up to 150 m.


It is better to use a home-made float, with large linear dimensions and a solid load capacity, naturally sliding. Carrying capacity is important for its stability on the wave. Attaches to tackle at one point. The movement is limited by a stopper pellet from below and a stopper knot from above.

The fishing line is rarely used with a cross section of more than 0.25-0.30 mm.

Hooks on different rigs are different, but the most universal should be considered hook No. 6, tinned, with a long shank. In some designs, 2-3 pieces are used.

Fastening hooks to the fishing line - marine, on leashes no more than 5 cm long.

Unlike fishing on a lake or river, sea fishing has a number of significant features:

  1. Fish are much more mobile and active, even in cold weather.
  2. It is necessary to use a more intensive technique of catching, it is required to make the right cast to get the proper result.
  3. Marine life is hypersensitive to any fluctuations in air temperature and pressure.
  4. With strong gusts of wind, the fish go to the depths.

The main features of fishing from the shore on the Black Sea are:

  1. An extremely stiff rod can be used.
  2. It is possible to successfully use artificial baits.
  3. There is a fairly strong resistance when fishing.
  4. On hot days, biting, as a rule, is not.
  5. Individuals mostly live in packs.
  6. There are both permanent residents and passing ones.
  7. You can often catch very large fish.
  8. Fishing is suitable for anglers with many years of experience and beginners.

On the Black Sea, the best time when you can freely fish and fish for all kinds of gear is from the beginning of August until about the end of September. In the event that autumn is favorable, then in October active biting is often observed.

It is worth remembering that at the height of summer, the fish goes far to the bottom due to the high temperature of the water, so it is very difficult to catch it.

An important tip: it is ideal to fish after eight in the evening and until four in the morning, without rain and in complete calm.

Main fishing spots

On the Black Sea, you can fish in different places, which have their own characteristics and differences.

1. Fishing from the shore

  1. Suitable for beginners or experienced anglers.
  2. It makes it possible to use almost any gear, including those made independently.
  3. An individual of any size is fished out, even quite large.
  4. Suitable for all kinds of baits.
  5. You can fish in more remote places and vice versa.

Important Tip: for fishing large fish, preference should be given to a telescopic rod (more than seven to eight meters in length).

2. Fishing from rocks

Note: this kind of fishing is called rockfishing.

  1. Fishing belongs to the category of extreme.
  2. Suitable exclusively for people with a number of skills and who are professionals in this field.
  3. You need to fish from high and steep cliffs.
  4. Tackle should be used telescopic.

Important Tip: the main thing is that the weight of the rod should not be less than two hundred grams.

3. From the shore at the time of the surf

  1. Fishing is possible only when there is a strong wind, ideally a storm.
  2. Casting is required as far as possible, at least ten meters.
  3. Predatory species can be successfully caught as a large number of clams, worms and other things are thrown into the surf, which attract their attention.

4. From the pier

  1. Fishing is carried out near the beach.
  2. Ideal for non-professionals.
  3. Often crowded, especially during high season.
  4. Mostly small fish caught.
  5. Spinning is an ideal tackle for such fishing.

Important Tip: when fishing from a pier, it is better to purchase all lures in a specialized store.

What can be caught

Today, fishing in the Black Sea is very different from the fishing that was observed, for example, fifty years ago. This is due to the fact that many species of inhabitants were sent to meet extremely rarely.

Currently, about one hundred and eighty species of fish live here.

Basically you can catch:

  1. Sea bass.
  2. Goby.
  3. Mullet.
  4. Ruff.
  5. flounder.
  6. horse mackerel.
  7. Red mullet.
  8. Sprat.
  9. Hamsu.
  10. Herring.
  11. Eel.

Note: The last two species are transient.

In the summer, you can especially often meet:

  1. Tuna.
  2. Mackerel.
  3. Bonito.

An interesting fact: in the Black Sea, even experienced fishermen are often sure that they have caught a goby, but in fact it may well turn out to be such a fish as a dog or greenfinch. Outwardly, they are very similar, but the taste leaves much to be desired.

Significantly less common:

  1. Garfish.
  2. Beluga.
  3. Slab.
  4. Sultanka.
  5. Dark.

In addition, you can successfully catch about twenty species of crabs, from the smallest to the largest, mussels and.

Important nuance: there are cases when dangerous (poisonous) inhabitants, for example, a dragon or a sea ruff, come across on the hook. In these cases, extreme caution is required, and if necessary, immediately consult a doctor.

Gear used

For fishing at sea, gear must have a number of requirements:

  1. Be strong enough and durable.
  2. Easy to cast over long distances.
  3. Withstand strong water fluctuations.
  4. Be resistant to gusts of wind.

The most popular and effective gear for fishing from the shore in the Black Sea are considered to be:

They are mainly used when a sharp cutting is required. It must be at least three meters long and extremely resistant to corrosion.

It is used mainly for catching such species of individuals as:

  1. Bychkov.
  2. Sea bass.
  3. Karasey.
  4. Tunas.
  5. Slabs.
  6. Bonitos.
  7. Hamsa.
  8. Mackerel.
  9. Acne.

Note: often a croaker weighing five kilograms is fished out.

You can fish for spinning from the pier and in those places that are as far as possible from the beach, most importantly, where the bottom is rocky or pebble. In addition, spinning is also suitable for rock fishing.

2. Bottom gear

Ideal for catching relatively small or even small fish. The main thing to remember is that the smaller the individual, the easier the rod should be used and, accordingly, vice versa.

As a rule, fishing is carried out on such tackle:

  1. Carp.
  2. Eel.
  3. flounders.
  4. Sea bass.
  5. Slab.
  6. Red mullet.

Donka can be used everywhere, but more effectively in a calm place, as well as in shallow water. Especially good tackle is suitable for non-professional fishermen.

3. Telescopic rod

Designed for long distance casting. This tackle is used to fish out:

  1. Sea bass.
  2. Bonito.
  3. Herring.
  4. Beluga.
  5. Hamsu.
  6. Tuna.

It should be used in remote places, as well as when fishing from rocks.

4. Float rod

Suitable for a small individual. Note: the main thing for such tackle is a competent selection of hooks and fishing line.

Can be caught:

  1. Goby.
  2. Eel.
  3. Bonito.
  4. horse mackerel.
  5. Carp.
  6. Sargan.
  7. perch.

A suitable place for a float rod is fishing from a pier, as well as a place where the bottom is muddy or sandy, and the average depth reaches up to two meters.

5. Tyrant

It is a rod with a hard reel, it can be homemade or purchased. It is not used so often for fishing from the shore, however, some types of fish can be successfully fished with it, especially:

  1. Goby.
  2. Eel.
  3. Herring.
  4. Hamsu.
  5. Sea carp.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. Discussion of the Hungry Fish bite activator.
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.


The best lures for fishing from the shore in the Black Sea are:

  1. mussels- are the most popular among anglers, their advantage lies in the fact that almost all types of fish successfully peck at them, and even a beginner can find them for catching;
  2. Peeled shrimp and squid (good for horse mackerel, goby, bonito, beluga). It is better to catch such a bait in spring and summer, they can be purchased at the store or caught directly at the place of fishing. Note: Crucian carp are perfectly fished for unpeeled shrimp.
  3. small fish (especially sprat or anchovy). Attracts the attention of predators, is considered the best bait for catching large fish.
  4. sea ​​worm, found in the coastal soil, as a rule, in any season a good bite of different sizes of individuals can be traced on it.
  5. All kinds of silicone baits (twister, vibrotail and others). It is noted that they often, especially in the cold season, you can observe active bites, and in addition, large fish often bite.

Important Tip: the only requirement for any bait is that it must be fresh.

Features of winter fishing

With the advent of cold weather, the nature of fishing in the Black Sea changes somewhat. The main features of winter fishing are:

  1. Strong winds and even storms are often observed.
  2. It's easy to miss a bite because of the waves.
  3. A strong wind usually blows from the sea.
  4. Cutting should be done with the utmost care.
  5. Throwing is required to be done as far as possible.

Important Tip: depending on the waves and wind strength, it is necessary to weight the tackle or vice versa.

During this period, the most successful is fishing out:

  1. Mullet.
  2. Horse mackerel.
  3. Anchovy.
  4. Sea carp.
  5. Garfish.

In the winter months, you need to be especially careful about the choice of gear. You can use any suitable for sea fishing, especially spinning rods and bottom fishing rods.

The main requirement for winter tackle is a powerful rod and hooks numbered five to seven. You can fish from the shore, pier or rocks (the latter requires special training and experience).
During this period, it is much more effective to use such baits that live in these places. Ideal are small pieces of fresh fish (preferably anchovy), sea worms, shrimp and twisters.

Important Tip: you can try boiled shrimp on garfish.

  1. Study in advance all the habits and preferences of the fish that will be caught.
  2. Prepare several types of baits.
  3. Don't buy cheap gear.
  4. Where seagulls circle, there are many bonitos.
  5. When fishing for a tyrant, it is better to use several different types.
  6. It is more effective to use a purchased tyrant than one made on one's own.

Spinning is a tackle that can be caught very successfully in any body of water, and, of course, in the largest one, at sea. Fishing, and the most diverse, by spinning, is carried out on the northern seas, on the Black, Caspian, in a word, on any sea of ​​​​our planet where you will be. Many consider it a sports tackle.

To find a fish in the sea, to enter into a duel with it and, as a result, to pull it out, many lovers wish. This also applies to people who live near the sea, eager to join the spinning community, and to a large number of vacationers who, on their vacation, want to change rivers and lakes to another aquatic environment and find out: “how is fishing going there”?

Sea fishing

Features of fishing at sea

If you fish at sea, then the requirements for spinning will be completely different than when fishing from the shore or from a boat in freshwater. The sea is salty and very aggressive environment. Fish in this environment swim a considerable size. For example, elite shark fishing is catching a very large fish.

Spinning for sea fishing has powerful characteristics, especially if fishing is from a boat. And gear must withstand a high concentration of salt in the water.
The main enemy is the wind, which raises waves and makes it impossible to fish either from the shore or from a boat. Weather, in general, is of great importance when sea fishing. After all, there is no coastal vegetation on the sea, or reeds behind which you can hide from the wind.

At sea, it rarely fails. Someone to grab your bait. If fishing will be carried out from the shore at a shallow depth, then this means that it is necessary to select baits that can be used to catch among the stones.

At sea, slow wiring is unacceptable. There, the fish react to the sharper and faster movements of the bait.

What kind of fish are caught

You should always keep in mind that in the sea you can catch anyone, this is absolutely unpredictable fishing. In the sea they catch horse mackerel, cod, mackerel, red mullet, mackerel, sea urchin. In less salty seas, for example, in the Baltic Sea, or at the mouth of rivers flowing into the sea, there are fish that live in fresh water - pike perch, perch, pike,. All the fish and do not count. The variety of fish suggests completely different fishing. Each type of fish requires its own approach. For example, the methods of catching large sharks and a small goby on spinning will vary greatly.

Goby catching

The goby is caught with delicate gear using light spinning. Braided cord is suitable as the main fishing line. A fluorocarbon leash is tied to the cord. A leash is definitely needed, as fishing will be carried out among the stones. Can be used and fished with a micro jig or a light rod with a drop-shot rig. All rigging will be adjusted to the quality of the bottom, whether it be stone boulders or pebbles. The bull is caught on edible silicone worms, twisters.

Goby on microjig

There will be a lot of bites, just have time to pull out the rod. Goby fishing is usually carried out from the shore. You can catch this fish in the Black and Caspian Seas. Goby fishing starts early in the morning and ends at 11 o'clock. You can't catch fish in the midday heat. Features of catching a goby are that this fish does not react to calmly standing baits or baits lying on the bottom. The wiring should be jerky, with the movements of the bait by 10-15 centimeters, the bull should constantly see it. As soon as the fish loses sight of it, the attack stops.

shark fishing

The opposite of harmless bull-fishing from the shore is extreme shark fishing. Fishing, associated with great risk and muscle tension. Conducted only from a boat or yacht, on the high seas. On spinning, you can catch a small shark in the Black Sea, off the coast of Bulgaria or Crimea. Small sharks are called katrans. Large sharks are caught off the coast of Africa. Such fishing will require a lot of money. Since fishing is carried out from a boat, the length of the spinning rod for a shark is small, the main thing is that it be strong and elastic.

Little shark - katran

Tackle for the sea

If you are not targeting a specific fish, but have taken to spinning any prey that falls on the hook, then do not take expensive gear with you. The telescopic rod is convenient to take on the road, it is compact and fits well in any luggage.

In salt water, any fishing line or cord quickly becomes unusable, so when choosing a main fishing line, you need to think about whether it can be more profitable and use a monofilament. Since fish of various sizes will come across, then the test blank must be chosen universal, less sensitive, but suitable for different prey 10-45 grams, for example.

In the salt water of the sea, literally all metal parts of the equipment rust. In 2-3 days, your spinner will become unusable and covered with rust. By the end of the season, the access rings, spool, hooks, and so on may rust.

The coil must be powerful so that any prey is not taken by surprise. Better to be safe.

After fishing, spinning should be washed with fresh water, dried, and metal parts should be lubricated. Better fish oil, you can technical petroleum jelly. Hooks that are rusted are regularly sharpened with a bar. Daily thorough drying requires fishing line.

Fishing from the shore and from the boat

In general, it is better to fish from the pier at sea, because there is almost always a wave in shallow water. If you fish directly from the shore, then you need to make a long cast in order to transfer this wave.

Fishing is good from the shore after a storm. Catchable places will be on the border of muddy and clear water. But it is better to fish from piers or breakwaters, clear water comes closer to them and the border is visible. The bait is thrown as far as possible into a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sea and led to the border. In muddy water, you should not play with bait, do not waste time, because there are still no fish there. Any wiring, stepped, wavy, the main thing is that the bait is in the water column at the bottom, or dragged along the bottom.

Catching a fish that lives on a rocky bottom is called rockfishing. Mostly these are small fish species. The place for rockfishing is chosen visually. Large coastal stones form small caves and shelters in which fish hide. You can view the bottom from a hill, if any. The presence of algae also indicates where the fish live.

See what kind of spinning fishing in the Canary Islands in Lanzarote, rock fishing:

But not only between the stones they catch fish, it is also well caught on the sandy bottom. For example, in the Black Sea there is such a bottom in the Anapa region.

Especially good fish peck at the sea at night. At sea at night, very fast wiring is used. The rate of fishing at night is very high.

If , then you need to look for fish. Fish go in schools and it would be nice to find such a school.


When fishing from a boat at great depths, heavy lures are used, which are called pilkers. Pilkers have a different shape for fishing in calm, waves, on the course. Reach a weight of up to 500 grams. The most common oscillating and pointed pilkers. They are used to fish at depth.

  • Oscillating jigs have a flat shape and a uniform mass; they do not lie on the bottom, but perform oscillatory movements similar to the movements of a fish.
  • Pointed pilkers are weighted at the bottom and fit well on the bottom.

Often a twister is attached to the jigsaw. Marine fish distinguish colors, so the color of pilkers can be varied. Navaga, herring, greenling, cod are caught on jigs.

When fishing from the shore, try fishing with deep-sea wobblers. For example, on floating cranks with a depth of up to 2 meters. Acceptable size is from 3.5 to 5 centimeters. Here, for example, such models: jackall diving chubby 38f; jackall diving cherry 48f; smith camion magnum dredge. You have to try all the baits.

Wobbler for rockfishing

Fishing on the sea, you always have to be vigilant. You can encounter poisonous inhabitants of the bottom. So, for example, the thorns of the Black Sea fish scorpionfish and dragon are poisonous.

Folk sign: If a seagull sits in the water, wait for good weather!

Being on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea many times, fishing and talking for a long time with local apologists for amateur marine and commercial fishing, I was repeatedly surprised at their extremely dismissive and skeptical attitude towards sea crucians. Local residents intensively cultivate catching of mullet, red mullet, garfish, horse mackerel, but the nutritional value of such fish as crucian carp, so popular and in demand in the Mediterranean countries, is subjected to terrible ostracism.

I think that this fact is connected with their incompetence and the practice of effective amateur catching of schooling fish, such as mullet (pelengas, sharp-nosed, golden mullet, striped mullet, golovach-ramada), red mullet and horse mackerel, when they can be “pulled” up to 5 kg in an hour. However, the culinary and nutritional value of such types of crucian carp as: white spar, mormor, laskir, zuban, bison is still higher than mullet and horse mackerel, which means that any costs for their production are fully justified and recoverable.

At present, based on the experience of local amateur fishermen and their colleagues from the Mediterranean region, there are two very effective ways to catch crucian carp - on a rod without guide rings (often called "hard", according to the method of attaching the forest) and on a spinning rod with bottom mounting tackle. Let's consider the first method first.

Fly fishing technique from the shore

On the Black Sea, the method of catching marine fish using a fly rod that does not have access rings and is mobile and easy to use is extremely popular and common among local amateur fishermen (it is often called “hard” abroad). First of all, fish weighing up to 1 kg are caught in this way from the shore, piers, breakwaters, piers, etc., which is associated with the main drawback of the fly rod, the inability to fish larger trophies without breaking the line or getting the prey off the hook. The name "hard" rod means that the tackle does not have a reel and guides and that the line is "hard" tied (often with a special carabiner) to the tip of the tip, which has a special ring for this. At present, taking into account the experience of professionals, 4-6 meter telescopic rods are used with varying degrees of flexibility and workmanship. With the help of such, in fact, primitive rods, you can effectively catch mullets, crucian carp, wrasse, scorpionfish, gobies and red mullet from the shore, quickly changing nozzles, gear and fishing places as needed. An excellent advantage of the fly rod is the quick change of equipment, carried out with the help of 3-6 pre-prepared reels with different purposes. In fact, using a fly rod 5-6 meters long and combining rigs from different reels, you can quickly choose the right tactics and fishing strategy for the moment, taking into account weather conditions, current, pre-cast bait and depth.


Any modern fly rod is telescopic in design and is made of a polymer material (carbon fiber) with a certain number of sections (from 4 or more, you can look at them here. For sea fishing, as a rule, rods no longer than 6 meters are used, since they very comfortable in strong gusts of wind, light enough, mobile in the cramped space of the breakwater and pier, effective when casting tackle with a nozzle and allow you to reach the required depth at the optimal distance from the shore.It should be noted that at present there are three types of rods with different indicators of rigidity.The rigidity of the rod is determined by the so-called action, i.e. the shape of the bend of the rod under load.The action of the rod can be soft, medium and hard.For medium-action rods, the top of the bend curve is at a distance of about 1/6 of the total length from the top, soft - more than 1/6 of the total length, hard - less than 1/6 of the total length For sea fishing, where fractions of seconds play a huge role and hooking should be instantaneous, it is required to use rods of a rigid action. They are extremely convenient for “fast” (meaning when a school approaching the shore is being fished) catching mullet and crucian carp, they are applied, maneuverable, less deformed and fluctuate with strong lateral gusts of wind. The spread of prices for fly rods with a length of 4 to 6 meters varies between 15 - 30 dollars. It is better to purchase two rods for fishing from the shore at once, one 4 meters and the other 5-6 meters, since different fishing places (piers, breakwaters, moorings) often dictate their own rules and conditions, allowing you to effectively use both options.


Reelers on sale are equipped with standard equipment and without it. Of course, professionals often buy all the necessary components of equipment and make the required installation of equipment in relation to specific conditions of sea fishing, and this is considered correct. However, if you are new to this business, then you can buy ready-made equipment on a reel. Sometimes it’s even useful to modify the ready-made magazine equipment a little. To catch crucian carp, you will need at least 3 fully equipped reels with different equipment, designed for different weather conditions, namely calm and high waves.


In sea fishing, it is customary to use different floats, with different carrying capacities and designs, adapted to use on a hard rod. It is better to use round-shaped floats in rough seas, when the waves constantly move all the equipment, twist the line and sink the body of the float, as they are able to support a heavy load and are clearly visible at a distance of 5-10 meters. Drop-shaped floats have proven themselves well in calm, slight sea waves and fishing at the mouth of the river on the border with the sea, they are also more sensitive to bites. The ideal option for fishing are floats with a carrying capacity of 1 to 3 grams, which have optimal sensitivity when biting mullet, crucian carp, red mullet and wrasse, allowing you to control the behavior of the fish by the slightest fluctuations in the body of the float. When mounting gear, it is recommended to use floats for deaf rigging, which have good sensitivity and have a long antenna, since when sea fishing, especially in the evening, it can be difficult to see the bite of fish and visually control the fishing process. Sliding floats are usually effective when fishing from a depth of more than 5 meters, but they are absolutely unsuitable when used on a hard rod that is 5-6 meters long.

fishing line

The best option is to use a special fishing line with a diameter of 0.14-0.20 mm, designed specifically for sea fishing and having increased resistance to the alkaline effect of the aquatic environment. However, local anglers use absolutely any forest of the same diameter, preferably light green, well camouflaged in sea water and invisible to fish.


As experience shows, the optimal length of the leash is 30-40 cm. Some anglers increase its length to 1 m or fish without a leash at all, believing that most of the breaks occur near the hook, due to frequent hooks on the seabed stones. Without a leash, the strength of the equipment increases, one extra connection is removed. When fishing in places with frequent hooks, it is necessary to use leashes, otherwise the entire equipment will break off. It is possible to use leashes made of monofilament with a diameter of 0.10 to 0.14 mm with a main line diameter of 0.15-0.17. The leash is attached to the main line by means of a carabiner or a standard swivel that prevents the line from twisting in strong waves.


At sea, there is its own, narrow specificity of fishing, due to the more aggressive behavior of fish, seeking to quickly take possession of the nozzle and, as a rule, deeply swallow the hook along with it. Therefore, it is necessary to use only thin hooks with an elongated shank and with a ring that are most adapted for fishing mullet, crucian carp, gobies, red mullet, etc., since they are more convenient when baiting a nozzle (sea worms and mussels) and removing fish, more hooky . Even more convenient are hooks, in which the ring is located in the same plane as the underwear. It is advisable to use hooks No. 4, 5, 6 in the domestic numbering or No. 12, 10, 8 in the western when fishing with a hard rod. Convenient when fishing at sea are thin nickel-plated or anodized (for example, red) hooks with a beard and various forms of bend from the Norwegian company Mustad, the French Konkurs and the Japanese Komatsu, Maruto, etc. It is worth noting that when sea fishing, hooks become dull more often, so they need to be changed more often or, in extreme cases, sharpened with a special bar.

It should be noted that the total length of the entire equipment should not exceed the length of the rod and be shorter than it by 20-25 cm, for the convenience of playing fish and increasing maneuverability when fishing. The method of attaching the line to the rod of the line can be based on the use of a carabiner mounted together with a swivel, to which the line is tied, and it, in turn, is fastened to the rod ring. In this case, when mounting all the equipment on the reel, you will need to first fix the hook on the side with the groove, and then start winding the rest of the fishing line with the float. The end of the line with a carabiner must also be fixed on the side of the reel in order to fasten it on the rod ring when removed. Then the most painful issue when fishing is optimally solved - attaching the line to the ring in extremely cramped and unsuitable conditions for this. Thus, the typical installation of all equipment will be greatly simplified, and when you arrive at the place of fishing, you simply extend the knees of the telescopic rod, select the required reel, attach the carabiner with the swivel to the rod, and in 1-2 minutes you will be able to start fishing.

To choose the right fishing spot, you will have to dive with a mask and look at the bottom topography, study the algae growing on it, and pay attention to the fish swimming by. A favorite place for visiting crucian carp located on piers, breakwaters, underwater ridges are colonies of mussels, as well as sea meadows overgrown with zostera, cystosira and abounding with tricolia, nereis, tilithrids, shrimp and idothea. It is in such places in the evening (from 17:00) to a depth of 2-4 meters that crucian carp approach in small flocks of 5-8 individuals, formed according to age. Surprisingly, small and medium specimens of crucian carp are not at all afraid to feed near the places where vacationers swim. For this reason, you can fish crucian carp directly from the pier, breakwater, pier and pier, just wait until the main part of the people go home, and then you, having abandoned the bait, compiled specifically for this species, you can safely start fishing.

Catching crucian carp with a hard rod (without guide rings) is necessary with specially made equipment adapted to constant hooks on stones and thickets of cystoseira. It is better to use a line with a diameter of 0.17-0.20 mm, a float with a long antenna load capacity of 1.5 g (with the option of a blind mount), shots from 0.3 to 1 g, a thin hook No. 5 red (anodized) or nickel-plated with an elongated forearm and, most importantly, make a long leash of 1 m from a line with a diameter of 0.14-0.15 mm with a swivel to prevent twisting and tangling of the line during heavy seas. All types of crucian carp perfectly take a bait from a nereis, a sandworm, a bait from a hermit crab is considered especially tasty, on which large cantar, laskir or zuban can peck in the late evening. You can also use mussel meat, however, small individuals of crucian carp (50-100 g) masterfully remove this nozzle without even causing the float to fluctuate, and the novice fisherman will simply be forced to bait the mollusk every minute again and again. Often crucian carp are self-hooking, because of their natural habit of chewing a food object with their teeth, and then it is already a problem to pull the hook out of the mouth of a large individual. Fishing is more successful and more efficient at the confluence of a mountain river into the sea, often after 20 o'clock large specimens of bison and laskire come to this area, which can be caught on a large sea worm sandworm and hermit crab.

So, throwing ground mussels or a bait based on them 5 times a day at the point of the sector of the intended fishing (breakwater, pier, mouth of a mountain river on the border with the sea) for 4-5 days, you can be sure that this the place will come to feed in the evening small flocks of crucian carp. It is better to start fishing after careful grafting in the morning, from 10 o'clock, when the bulk of small and medium-sized individuals of crucian carp begin to feed near the coastal zone at a depth of 2-4 meters until 13 o'clock in the afternoon. For catching small and medium specimens in the daytime from a depth of 2-2.5 meters, a 4-5 meter hard rod is useful, but in the evening, when individual large specimens of laskirs, bison and zubans are possible, it is better to use a 5-6 meter rod, as they are more careful and, seeing the figure of a person on a pier or breakwater, go to another place.

If you use a breakwater that extends perpendicular to the pier into the sea, then you can mark fishing sectors (2-3) every 10 meters and, having attached flocks of crucian carp to these places, move to a more successful fishing place during fishing. So, for example, in half an hour you can catch the entire friendly campaign of laskiri in the amount of 5-10 pieces and wait another 3 hours in vain for a bite. Therefore, at sea it is always useful to have a fallback in the arsenal in the form of a pre-appointed place for catching mullet, wrasse and sea carp. Ideal for float fishing for crucian carp, the option of fishing on a submerged breakwater, where you stand knee-deep in water without competitors, advisers, alone in the sea, with a jar full of nereis around your neck, with a bag on your left hand and a five-meter rod resting on your forearm . The main thing at this "event" is that you are not washed away from the breakwater into the sea. Often when catching large crucian carp, in which the oral cavity resembles emery and is extremely dense in structure, the fish swallows the hook, which is tightly stuck in the palatine bone and it is very difficult to pull it out standing knee-deep in sea water overwhelmed by waves. In this case, you need to fix the rod under your forearm, release your right hand, then tightly squeeze the front part of the crucian's body with your left hand and pry the gill cover as far as possible from the head of the fish by prying it with your right thumb. This will give you access to the palatine bone and release the hook.

If, after carefully prepared attachments and baits, you catch 50 gram specimens of crucian carp for two hours in a row, then do not despair and release the fish back into the sea. Since this fish belongs to the perch-like order and has a high content of extractive substances, it is possible to cook an excellent fish soup from prey and eat it with great pleasure, thus fulfilling the old sacred fishing law: “I ate everything that I caught, I ate it.”

Catching large crucian carp (kantar, bison, laskir, zuban, white sarga) on the bottom

In the countries of the Mediterranean (Italy, Spain, France, Greece), freshly caught large sea crucians are considered a first-class trophy, a kind of culinary delicacy (especially cantar and sea bream), which are taken to cook by virtuosos - chefs specializing in fish and other inhabitants of the sea. Here, in Sochi, during the holiday season, in any cafe you will not find crucian carp during the day with fire, since only rainbow trout from the Adler fish farm is on the menu. Such a fish "deficiency" a stone's throw from the sea has always struck me as a purely Russian lack of common sense and the slightest entrepreneurial spirit. However, if you arrived at the end of August, then you should definitely try to catch a large carp on the bottom gear, since there is everything for this: the sea, a pier or a breakwater, mussels with worms, spinning, and, finally, a head and hands.

Classical places where large crucian carp (laskir, kantar, zubarik, zuban, white sarg) are found are huge submerged boulders, semi-submerged rocky ridges and gone far into the sea, practically undetectable breakwaters made of concrete blocks. Very often during the day, in good sunny weather, diving with a mask near the above-mentioned places, you will see how, when approaching close to the boulder, the characteristic oval shadow of a large crucian carp sharply separates from it. Large specimens of crucian carp (up to 30 cm long and weighing 1 kg) lead a solitary and hidden lifestyle, approaching the shore to a depth of 2-5 meters only after 18 pm. It is advisable to catch them from the shore only with bottom tackle mounted on a plug version of a spinning rod no more than 3 meters long. The reel used is a spinless open type with a main soft line with a diameter of 0.50 mm and a spool capacity of at least 100 meters.

Mounting equipment is made special, designed only for catching crucian carp. The main leash is taken from a line with a section of 0.30 mm, 1-1.2 m long with a carabiner, 50-60 cm from the sinker (preferably torpedo-shaped), two undergrowths are mounted on a tee-swivel, 10-15 cm long with a line section of 0, 25 mm with red hooks No. 8 (better "Mustad" with a bend and a long forearm), extending from each other in the range of 30-40 cm. On the side undergrowth, you can put 6-7 beads with a diameter of 2 mm in red and black, in the middle of which should insert a "petal" of tin (top lid with a ring) from a can of Nestle coffee to use them as bait. A “petal” with beads on a leash oscillates under water and attracts the attention of a fish swimming by.

As a nozzle, you can use 3-4 nereis, alternately put on hook No. 8, a large sandworm and a hermit crab of clibanaria. Catch crucian carp should be from the pier, pier, boom, pier, i.e., where you can safely lay out tackle, nozzle, rod and personal items in the evening. In the evening and at night, a headlamp with LEDs can be recommended for use, which is worn on the head and solves the problem of equipping the equipment before catching, putting the nozzle on the hook and playing the caught fish out of the water.

Large specimens of cantars and white sargs are perfectly caught the next day after a strong storm, when the water is cloudy and food resources in the coastal zone are devastated to the maximum. Carp at this time peck greedily and almost always self-detect. The optimal time for casting bottom gear is after 18:00 in the evening and before 12:00 at night. Tackle with the help of spinning is thrown as accurately as possible, for example, 1-2 meters before a boulder or rocky ridge, and then, turning the coil handle two or three times, they begin slow wiring, stopping for about a minute and repeating everything again. It should be noted that if at this time dashing guys 100-200 meters from the fishing sector make sharp turns on a jet ski, then consider that fishing is irretrievably spoiled. Large crucians are extremely cautious and shy, and the slightest noise can make them leave their "familiar" place in another area of ​​the sea. The bite of cantar, zuban, white sarg and bison weighing 500-1000 g is clearly visible by the behavior of the tip of the spinning rod: it bends two or three times, and then barely noticeably fluctuates, so after a sharp hooking, immediately start cautious hauling.

Fishing from a boat with a spinning rod

Fishing in August-September from a moored or drifting boat 200-500 meters from the shore at a depth of no more than 6-7 meters can be recognized as a very convenient and practically the most effective way to catch crucians. By renting any small vessel, for example, a lifeboat from a nearby beach, you can catch all coastal areas in the morning and evening using spinning rods with bottom gear. For use from a boat, 2-2.5 m spinning rods with a plug-type action of medium hardness, equipped with inertial (old type, Nevskaya model) or high-speed inertia-free reels with a line of no more than 0.50 mm in diameter, will be convenient, allowing you to throw a nozzle with sinker 50-60 gr per 10-18 meters. In fact, this tackle can be called a light bottom or picker - quivertop, widely used in the Mediterranean Sea when catching bottom fish weighing up to 5 kg.

In this case, two types of bottom mounting can be used, one of which has a torpedo-shaped sinker at the end of the leash, and the second provides for its placement between the last hook and the first undergrowth. The first option often catches crucian carp, wrasse, rock perch and sea dragons, and the second mullet (rarely), small soles and scorpion fish. Leads 1-1.2 meters long are used from a line with a section of 0.25-0.35 mm with 2-3 undergrowths 10-15 cm long from a line with a section of 0.18-0.25 mm and hooks with a bend No. 8 and a long forearm (see installation diagram in fig.). It is expedient to fish with bottom gear from a drifting or moored boat in the morning (from 5 am to 8 am) and daytime (from 12 am to 4 pm) from a distance of 300-500 m from the shore, choosing areas with dense thickets of cystoseira. If you have a good lot bought in the store, then it will be extremely useful to measure the area of ​​the bottom that you have prepared for fishing. Areas with a sharp drop in the form of drops of 5 meters or more deserve special attention, since in such step-like places of the seabed large crucian carp, rock perch and mullet and now very rare trigles (sea cocks) like to feed. However, the echo sounder also does not interfere with the sea, especially when drifting slowly.

In my experience, the baits used in this method of fishing can be very different, since a drifting boat catches a fairly large expanse of the seabed, which is home to a large number of species of demersal fish. On the shore, before going sea fishing, especially when there is little time, you can run into a nearby store and buy a pound of frozen squid to use their fillet meat (the so-called strip) as a nozzle. However, the best baits for fishing will still be large sandworms, small nereis and hermit crabs of Klibanaria, carefully placed in plastic jars with sea water and algae. You can also pay attention to small mussels (no more than 3-4 cm long), capturing them in an amount of 1-1.5 kg, since in August-September the activity of biting increases sharply. It will be extremely productive to catch a light donk in the very thick of cystosira thickets, more precisely in the gaps between them, where large (up to 1 kg) sea crucian carp live almost around the clock, at a depth of 5-7 meters (kantara, bison, laskiri and white sargs). Approaching in the morning on a boat (preferably on oars, since with the sounds of an outboard or stationary motor, a frightened fish will not approach this place earlier than an hour later), immediately determine the gaps in the accumulation of cystoseira algae, which often have a size of 3-5 meters in width and 7- 15 meters in length (see the diagram in the figure). It is necessary to throw bottom tackle (see the first option for mounting gear above) with a marine worm attachment on one hook, a hermit crab on the other and a squid strip on the third, it is necessary exactly at the very beginning of the gap between the algae, and in such a way that the free drift of the boat allowed to make natural wiring along the entire line of free space. After throwing the tackle, and waiting for the sinker to reach the bottom, wind up the line until it is taut so that you can notice the bite. The fishing line should not be too tight, turn off the reel brake. The bite of a large crucian carp can be seen when the fishing line stretches and begins to slowly leave the spool, then you need to hook quite decisively.

Laskir caught in Tsandripsh, Abkhazia