High-speed filling of tomatoes. Why tomatoes don’t turn red in the greenhouse: what to do to make them ripen faster, what to do if the tomatoes don’t pour well Tomatoes don’t pour well, what to do

Summer residents often wonder why there are small tomatoes in the greenhouse. It is necessary to consider the most common mistakes made by people who are little familiar with the growing conditions of a particular plant, for example, tomatoes, in greenhouses.

For this type of plant the following growing conditions must be observed:

  1. Strict adherence to temperature conditions at all stages of ripening. At night, the temperature should be kept within 16-18 °C, and during the day it should not go beyond 23-25 ​​°C. If this condition is not met, the flowers will begin to fall off due to insufficient pollination. Such tomatoes do not ripen well in a greenhouse, and they develop small fruits that do not contain seeds. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to do additional heating of the greenhouse at night in the summer (especially on cold evenings at the beginning and at the end of the summer season).
  2. Maintain proper soil moisture by frequent watering. If it gets very hot, then place bottles of water (plastic) between the tomato bushes.
  3. It is necessary to fertilize plants on time and carry out all agrotechnical operations without exception. Failure to perform any manipulation may lead to the development of small fruits, or the plant may die.

Failure to comply with the above parameters usually leads to a sharp decrease in yield.

What happens if normal humidity is not maintained?

If the mode is incorrect, for example, high temperature, tomatoes in closed ground may curl their leaves, or they begin to develop at a right angle.

If the greenhouse owner does not maintain the required humidity, then the tomatoes grow little in the greenhouse, the bushes become low and stunted. This occurs due to the spread of various fungal diseases, especially when the humidity is too high.

The owner of the greenhouse should carefully examine the plants - additional roots appear on them - this is a signal that the humidity is high and the greenhouse needs to be ventilated.

Vice versa, lack of moisture causes leaves to curl, tomatoes don't pour well. This happens because the plant pollen has become heavier and the ovary cannot develop. Therefore, the fruits will be very small. To correct the situation, it is urgent to increase watering.

If this operation is not performed regularly, the tomatoes may crack.- This happens when plants receive too much moisture after a drought. Then all the liquid is directed into the fruit, the volume of which is limited and cannot contain all the water.

Why tomatoes don't grow, although watering is carried out in required deadlines? This can happen during drought. Usually during such periods the plants develop little and the fruits are small.

In order to avoid such developments, it is necessary to water the plants once every 3-4 days. This is done after ripening has begun. Typically, watering should be done in the morning. If this rule is violated, the fruits ripen poorly and have a small diameter.

After a period of drought, it is necessary to thoroughly wet the soil in the greenhouse - this is done in several stages.

To maintain moisture in the soil, it must be loosened regularly and moisture-intensive soil mixtures must be used.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Problems with plant nutrition and care

Many greenhouse owners often ask why tomatoes wither and do not bear fruit. This may occur due to a lack of boron in the soil. In this case, many stepsons are formed, and this usually negatively affects the fruiting of the plant.

Why do tomatoes wither if there is no growth of stepsons? This situation occurs when plants lack such an important element as copper. When there is a lack of metal, flowers fall off on a massive scale.

If plants feel potassium deficiency, then their leaves begin to die, and unsightly stains and marks may appear on the fruits.

If tomato bushes feel a lack of nitrogen compounds , then, although they grow quickly, the fruits are small. Lack of phosphorus leads to falling leaves and thinning of the stem. In this case, the plant may dry out completely.

To eliminate these negative phenomena, the soil must be enriched with nutrients before planting the bushes, and then 2 additional fertilizing must be done at intervals of 30 days. But you can’t overdo it either - it will kill the tomato bushes.

Small fruits can also occur if certain plant care procedures are neglected, for example, many people are lazy to do pinching and do not engage in the formation of bushes. In this case, the plant directs all its forces to increasing the growth and development of leaves. In this situation, enough ovary comes out on the stems, but all the fruits will ultimately be small in diameter.

The density of planting of bushes plays a huge role. If the sun's rays cannot reach every leaf or flower, pollination will be poor. The fruits will grow small and underdeveloped. When the bush is poorly lit, a small number of inflorescences and fruits develop on the plants. In this case, there is practically no ovary. This is due to the non-viability of pollen without exposure to the sun. In such conditions, the tomato bush strives to get into the illuminated space and begins to grow upward, but everything useful material it is spent on stem elongation and leaf development.

Some greenhouse owners do not take into account the importance of constant ventilation. Free circulation of air is important for pollination of inflorescences and helps maintain a comfortable temperature for plants. If this is not done, then pollen-carrying insects will not fly up to the tomato bushes, since there is no nectar on their buds. In this case, you need to shake the flowers yourself so that the ovary appears on time.

Many people do not take into account the above factors, so their harvest does not grow as they expected.

Necessary procedures for tomatoes during their growth (video)

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Summer residents often wonder why there are small tomatoes in the greenhouse. It is necessary to consider the most common mistakes made by people who are little familiar with the growing conditions of a particular plant, for example, tomatoes, in greenhouses.

For this type of plant the following growing conditions must be observed:

  1. Strict adherence to temperature conditions at all stages of ripening. At night, the temperature should be kept within 16-18 °C, and during the day it should not go beyond 23-25 ​​°C. If this condition is not met, the flowers will begin to fall off due to insufficient pollination. Such tomatoes do not ripen well in a greenhouse, and they develop small fruits that do not contain seeds. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to do additional heating of the greenhouse at night in the summer (especially on cold evenings at the beginning and at the end of the summer season).
  2. Maintain proper soil moisture by frequent watering. If it gets very hot, then place bottles of water (plastic) between the tomato bushes.
  3. It is necessary to fertilize plants on time and carry out all agrotechnical operations without exception. Failure to perform any manipulation may lead to the development of small fruits, or the plant may die.

Failure to comply with the above parameters usually leads to a sharp decrease in yield.

What happens if normal humidity is not maintained?

If the mode is incorrect, for example, high temperature, tomatoes in closed ground may curl their leaves, or they begin to develop at a right angle.

If the greenhouse owner does not maintain the required humidity, then the tomatoes grow little in the greenhouse, the bushes become low and stunted. This occurs due to the spread of various fungal diseases, especially when the humidity is too high.

The owner of the greenhouse should carefully examine the plants - additional roots appear on them - this is a signal that the humidity is high and the greenhouse needs to be ventilated.

Vice versa, lack of moisture causes leaves to curl, tomatoes don't pour well. This happens because the plant pollen has become heavier and the ovary cannot develop. Therefore, the fruits will be very small. To correct the situation, it is urgent to increase watering.

If this operation is not performed regularly, the tomatoes may crack.- This happens when plants receive too much moisture after a drought. Then all the liquid is directed into the fruit, the volume of which is limited and cannot contain all the water.

Why tomatoes don't grow, although watering is carried out at the right time? This can happen during drought. Usually during such periods the plants develop little and the fruits are small.

In order to avoid such developments, it is necessary to water the plants once every 3-4 days. This is done after ripening has begun. Typically, watering should be done in the morning. If this rule is violated, the fruits ripen poorly and have a small diameter.

After a period of drought, it is necessary to thoroughly wet the soil in the greenhouse - this is done in several stages.

To maintain moisture in the soil, it must be loosened regularly and moisture-intensive soil mixtures must be used.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Problems with plant nutrition and care

Many greenhouse owners often ask why tomatoes wither and do not bear fruit. This may occur due to a lack of boron in the soil. In this case, many stepsons are formed, and this usually negatively affects the fruiting of the plant.

Why do tomatoes wither if there is no growth of stepsons? This situation occurs when plants lack such an important element as copper. When there is a lack of metal, flowers fall off on a massive scale.

If plants feel potassium deficiency, then their leaves begin to die, and unsightly stains and marks may appear on the fruits.

If tomato bushes feel lack of nitrogen compounds, then, although they grow quickly, the fruits are small. Lack of phosphorus leads to falling leaves and thinning of the stem. In this case, the plant may dry out completely.

To eliminate these negative phenomena, the soil must be enriched with nutrients before planting the bushes, and then 2 additional fertilizing must be done at intervals of 30 days. But you can’t overdo it either - it will kill the tomato bushes.

Small fruits can also occur if certain plant care procedures are neglected, for example, many people are lazy to do pinching and do not engage in the formation of bushes. In this case, the plant directs all its forces to increasing the growth and development of leaves. In this situation, enough ovary comes out on the stems, but all the fruits will ultimately be small in diameter.

The density of planting of bushes plays a huge role. If the sun's rays cannot reach every leaf or flower, pollination will be poor. The fruits will grow small and underdeveloped. When the bush is poorly lit, a small number of inflorescences and fruits develop on the plants. In this case, there is practically no ovary. This is due to the non-viability of pollen without exposure to the sun. In such conditions, the tomato bush strives to get into the illuminated space and begins to grow upward, and it spends all the useful substances on lengthening the stem and developing the leaf.

Some greenhouse owners do not take into account the importance of constant ventilation. Free circulation of air is important for pollination of inflorescences and helps maintain a comfortable temperature for plants. If this is not done, then pollen-carrying insects will not fly up to the tomato bushes, since there is no nectar on their buds. In this case, you need to shake the flowers yourself so that the ovary appears on time.

Many people do not take into account the above factors, so their harvest does not grow as they expected.

Necessary procedures for tomatoes during their growth (video)

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Hello, dear garden lovers.

My readers often ask me questions about growing tomatoes in the comments. They are worried about such things as: “leaves curl,” “flowers fall,” etc., which further affects the formation of plants, inflorescences, the number of fruits set, and therefore the quality and quantity of the harvest.

In this article I will answer the most FAQ readers and will give you practical advice for growing tomatoes on site or in a greenhouse.

Question 1: The upper leaves of tomatoes constantly curl, but the plant itself is powerful, has thick stems, juicy, large green leaves.

Answer: In this case, experienced gardeners say this: “The plant is fattening” - which means everything goes into greenery - vegetative mass. Such tomatoes will not produce a harvest. As a rule, they form a weak flower raceme, and the number of flowers on it is small. The cause of this problem is usually excessive watering and too large doses of nitrogen and organic fertilizers. A similar phenomenon can also be caused by a lack of light for plants. Most often, all these moments are present together.

What to do?

  1. First of all, you need to stop watering these plants for 8 to 10 days.
  2. If your tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, then during the day the temperature should be increased to 25 - 26 degrees, and at night the temperature should be brought closer to 22 - 24 degrees.
  3. It is necessary to properly pollinate tomato flowers by manually shaking the flower brushes from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in warm weather.
  4. Apply root feeding to delay growth: you need to take 3 tablespoons of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. The consumption of this fertilizer is 1 liter for each bush.

Question 2: My tomatoes in the greenhouse have leaves pointing upward at an acute angle. They do not curl during the day or at night, and small fruits and flowers often fall off.

Answer: Here the reason most likely lies in dry soil, high temperature in the greenhouse, low light and poor ventilation. "The plants are suffocating."

What to do?

  1. Water the plants urgently!
  2. Organize regular ventilation in the greenhouse and reduce its temperature. Under normal conditions, in normally developing plants, the upper leaves are daytime should curl slightly and straighten at night. There should be a lot of flowers in the flower brush, the flowers should not fall off, they should be large, their color should be bright yellow. These signs indicate that the plant has everything it needs for normal growth: nutrition, light, etc. The harvest from such bushes will be wonderful.

Question 3: I grow tomatoes and can’t understand why the first cluster of my tomatoes produces excellent large fruits, but the second and third clusters grow very slowly?


  1. In this case, you need to remove the fruits from the first cluster as early as possible, while still brown, without waiting for redness. These fruits will ripen quickly on a windowsill illuminated by the sun.
  2. Immediately after removing the fruit from the first cluster, you need to thoroughly water the soil.
  3. There is no need to trim leaves and shoots, and the temperature in the greenhouse should be reduced to 16 - 17 degrees by opening windows and doors, especially at night. In such conditions, the crop quickly forms on subsequent clusters and ripens at an earlier date.

Always remember that tomatoes are the most light-loving crop. Therefore the main advice on growing tomatoes: “Provide adequate lighting for your green pets!” and they will thank you with juicy and sweet fruits.

We'll talk about 8 simple ways speed up the reddening of tomatoes, available to absolutely everyone. The first 4 methods are mandatory, the rest are optional.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes

No. 1. Pick the first reddened fruit. After this, everyone else suddenly starts to turn red!

No. 2. Trim leaves to the first brush. On tomatoes, be sure to expose the stem to the first fruits so that the bush is well ventilated. It will be enough to leave a couple of leaves on top.

This is also the easiest way to protect tomatoes from late blight. It is from the lower leaves that touch the ground that this disease most often begins.

No. 3. Pin the crown after tying the tassels with fruits. This is done so that everyone nutrients They only went to fill and ripen the tomatoes.

#4: Minimize watering a month before harvest. And if the climate allows, then stop watering altogether. With minimal watering, the fruits grow tasty and sugary, the sourness and wateriness completely disappear.

Important: on deep soils groundwater and in the hot, dry summer you can’t do without watering.

Also significantly improves the taste of tomatoes by spraying with soda: 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of warm water. Spray once a week. Previously we wrote about.

№ 5 . Spray with iodine. After this simple procedure, the tomatoes turn red faster, receive additional nutrition and protection from late blight.

Tomatoes crack due to sudden changes in soil moisture

№6 . Spray with ash. To make tomatoes sweeter and ripen faster, they are fed with an ash solution: 1 cup of ash + 10 liters of water. There is no need to insist. Pour the ash into a bucket of water, stir well, and immediately pour it under the root. One plant will require approximately a liter of solution.

Important: you can feed tomatoes with ash only after preliminary watering. Otherwise, the roots will get burned, especially if the plants have not been watered for a long time.

If you practice complete refusal to water while tomatoes are ripening, then you can sprinkle with ash leaves and fruits.

In this case, the dosage is reduced by 2 times ( half a glass of water per 10 liters of water). Mix thoroughly, strain and spray the tomatoes in the evening or on a cloudy day. This is also protection against viral diseases and late blight.

№7 . Pour potassium humate. Potassium humate is used for additional nutrition and to help tomatoes ripen faster.

Standard dosage: 10 grams of potassium humate per 200 liters of water. First, dilute the powder in 2 liters hot water, stir very well and leave for a couple of hours.

Then pour this working solution into a barrel and pour strictly under the root. Make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves, so as not to provoke the appearance of late blight.

You can water tomatoes with humate every 10 days.. This fertilizer will speed up the ripening of tomatoes, the fruits will significantly increase in size, and their taste will improve.

Potassium humate is a cheap and completely natural drug. It contains a lot of potassium and a whole list of microelements that tomatoes need during the ripening period.

№8 . Add apples or bananas under a bush or in a box with picked green tomatoes. These fruits secrete special substances that promote rapid ripening of tomatoes. By the way, .

Another option is to put green tomatoes in a box mixed with leaves walnut . Walnut leaves secrete special substances, thanks to which tomatoes in the apartment ripen quickly.

Water generously. Tomatoes do not like sudden changes in humidity. Do not let the soil dry out and then water it generously. This causes the fruit to crack. It is better to mulch the soil under the tomatoes with hay. Under mulch, moisture is retained much longer, the earth does not crack from the heat and does not become crusty.

There are also special bacteria in hay that... During fruiting, it is better not to water tomatoes.

Feed with nitrogen. From the second half of summer, tomatoes cannot be fertilized with nitrogen in any form. Mullein, chicken droppings, infusion of green mass, and mineral nitrogen fertilizers are not used.

Tomatoes will intensively grow green mass, not fruits. And such fertilizing also worsens the taste of the fruit. Even if your climate allows you to grow tomatoes until late autumn, still apply only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Previously we wrote that

From the outside, bushes of “fatifying” tomatoes in a greenhouse look quite attractive. Tomatoes are very popular in our country. It’s rare that a gardener does not cultivate this tasty and healthy vegetable crop in his garden or garden. personal plot. Tomatoes show the highest yield in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Do some special conditions It makes no sense to grow this crop, but it is simply necessary to follow the basics of cultivation technology. Otherwise, the plants do not produce the required amount of harvest, and sometimes they simply “fatten”.

General information

Tomatoes cultivated in a greenhouse or greenhouse can sometimes be very capricious. The slightest changes in temperature, humidity or lighting can provoke various deviations in the growth and development of plants. Of particular importance is the regime and quality of fertilizing, as well as the quality of the soil.

Greenhouse soil is usually prepared in the fall. The standard procedure includes digging, disinfection and fertilization. However, some gardeners neglect these rules and postpone the main preparation of the planting area in the greenhouse for planting tomatoes until the spring. The presence of deviations in the growing season of this vegetable crop can be determined not only by external signs, but also by a significant decrease in yield.

External signs

From the outside, the bushes of “fattening” tomatoes in the greenhouse look quite attractive. In this case, tomatoes are very powerful and well developed. Leaves on a plant cultivated in a greenhouse or open ground, have a very bright dark green color and are characterized by juiciness. The apical leaves tend to curl.

Such a massive bush will not produce a high-quality and abundant harvest, which is due to the redistribution of the flow of nutrients from the developing ovaries and fruits into the green mass of the plant. Characteristic signs will be the presence of an underdeveloped flower raceme and a small number of flowers on the cultivated plant. At the same time, massive growth of the vegetative mass is observed.

Of course, one cannot draw hasty conclusions and discard such tomatoes. It is necessary to more carefully examine all the plants in the greenhouse and identify the main cause of the current problem.

Another type of “fatification” of a tomato in a greenhouse is the formation of new shoots. This type of physiological disease, as a rule, forms on indeterminate tomato varieties and hybrids that have a long flower raceme on which fruit sets. There will be practically no harvest from such greenhouse tomatoes.


Greenhouse tomatoes are very responsive to high-quality and regular care, as well as timely fertilizing. However, if you apply fertilizer in excess, the plants become fattened. Tomatoes stop accumulating nutrition in the ovaries and fruits and redistribute the entire flow of substances necessary for abundant fruiting to the green parts of the plant.

In addition to excessive fertilization, fattening and overgrowth of plants in a greenhouse can be caused by high levels of air humidity, as well as too frequent or excessive watering. Correct and sufficient lighting of greenhouse plants is of no small importance. Tomatoes react very actively to insufficient lighting.

Why tomatoes “get fatty” (video)

It should be remembered that tomatoes with a short raceme, as well as determinate varieties of tomatoes, are practically not susceptible to the manifestations of this disease.

The main reasons that greenhouse tomatoes become fatten can be determined by certain circumstances.

  • The most common and most widespread reason for the “fatification” of tomatoes in greenhouses is due to overfeeding of plants with nitrogen fertilizers, which provokes the vegetable crop to build up green mass to the detriment of high-quality fruit formation.
  • Too frequent watering in the first fifteen days after planting seedlings in a permanent place in greenhouse soil. Such waterlogging is very detrimental to the formation of a strong and healthy root system, and also promotes superficial root growth. In addition, against this background, a decrease in the resistance of tomatoes to adverse external influences may be noted.
  • Excessive application of manure or bird droppings during the growing season quite often causes tomato “fatification”.
  • Increased growth of tomato bushes is facilitated by frequent irrigation throughout the growing season, as well as excess air humidity in the greenhouse structure.
  • Another important factor is the too thick planting of greenhouse plants combined with insufficient lighting.

Solutions to the problem

There are several ways to rid greenhouse tomatoes of this phenomenon in a fairly short time. At the first sign that the tomatoes in protected soil have become “fat,” the following measures should be taken.

  • It is required to stop irrigating tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground for at least a week.
  • Performing foliar feeding using phosphorus fertilizers. A very effective remedy is the use of superphosphate.
  • Applying superphosphate extract at the rate of three tablespoons per bucket of warm water under the root of cultivated plants. Root feeding is carried out after abundant watering. The standard dose of solution is about one liter per plant.
  • A very important nuance is the complete exclusion of nitrogenous fertilizers from fertilizing.
  • Increasing daytime temperatures inside the greenhouse to twenty-five degrees.
  • Control of night temperature indicators, the optimal parameters of which should not exceed twenty-two degrees.

  • Carefully, but extremely thoroughly, remove from the plants that part of the leaves that interferes with the full coverage of the tomatoes.
  • Remove all leaves that are located above the flower clusters and cover the developing ovaries from light.
  • High-quality phosphate fertilizers contain about thirty percent potassium and fifty percent phosphorus. These components are classified as quickly soluble, which makes settling the solution prepared for spraying impractical.

Foliar fertilizing is very effective as an ambulance for “fat” plants, however, to consolidate the result, spraying with root fertilizing should be supplemented. This measure will allow the plant to retard the growth of green mass and redistribute nutrients to the ovaries and fruits of the tomatoes.

Prevention measures

The most effective are preventive measures, the implementation of which does not require significant effort from the gardener. Most often, it is enough to adjust the microclimatic conditions in the greenhouse, as well as follow the basic stages of the technology for growing greenhouse tomatoes.

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

A good preventive measure can be the addition of ordinary wood ash, which is rich in potassium and does not allow plants to become fat. In addition, periodic inspections of plants should not be neglected, and when the first signs of change are detected appearance tomatoes, it is necessary to carry out the above activities as quickly as possible.