Mortar for artificial gypsum stone. DIY artificial stone

Many of us consider artificial stone to be a new material, however, it has been known to people since time immemorial. Ordinary clay brick, cement, gypsum and lime mortar are types of artificial stone.

The popularity of this material began to grow after new polymer compositions and forms appeared that made it possible to use it for interior decoration and landscape design.

In particular, artificial stone can be used to make tiles for cladding walls and floors, steps and other elements of stairs.

It is used for the manufacture of countertops, decorative stucco and sculptural compositions, borders and paving slabs.

In terms of strength and durability, some types of artificial stone are not inferior to natural stone, surpassing it in ease of processing and ease of finishing. This material can be made into very thin tiles, which reduces its weight and reduces cost. For natural stone, such a thickness is unattainable due to its high fragility.

Not inferior to natural material in terms of color and variety of surface textures, artificial stone is more profitable to use for several reasons:

  • it can be immediately made perfectly smooth, which eliminates expensive sawing, grinding and polishing operations;
  • there is no need to transport it, since this material can be made with your own hands at the place of use;
  • the amount of waste is minimal, since there are no losses for transportation and processing;
  • In addition to a rectangular shape, it can be made figured or shaped, which allows you to finish surfaces exactly in place without additional adjustment.

Types of artificial stone

When considering the question of what artificial stone is made from, it is not difficult to choose a technology acceptable for use at home.

Depending on the raw materials and methods of processing, artificial stone is divided into the following types:

— Ceramic (tiles) – the manufacturing process requires the creation of high temperatures to roast raw materials and transform them into a monolithic conglomerate.

— Plaster (cast). It can be done at home. The costs of raw materials and production are minimal, however, such stone is suitable only for interior decoration, since it is not resistant to frost.

— Concrete molded. The cost of production is more expensive than gypsum, since the resource of molds for casting concrete is less. Suitable for self-production. Frost-resistant.

— Free-formed reinforced concrete. This artificial stone is made piece by piece, usually at the site of use (artificial cobblestones, boulders, slabs).

— Hot-curing polyester. In terms of its mechanical and decorative characteristics, it is superior to some types of natural stone, but the synthetic compound hardens only in a vacuum at elevated temperatures. It is not suitable for home production.

— Cold-hardening cast acrylic stone. Suitable for home production. In the temperature range from +175 to 210 it is thermoplastic, therefore it allows additional molding after casting.

How to make artificial stone with your own hands?

This requires two basic components: mold and casting mixture. The home technology for producing artificial stone can be implemented both in a factory-made polyurethane mold and in a home-made silicone mold. It all depends on the total footage of the finishing and the budget allocated for this work.

The polyurethane matrix is ​​quite expensive, but it allows you to make several hundred high-quality impressions. Silicone mold is more suitable for small-piece stone production and home sculptural crafts. Its resource usually does not exceed 20-30 castings.

For making your own silicone molds a set of natural stone or tiles is laid out on a horizontal, stable and flat surface, having previously covered it with polyethylene. After this, a frame made of wooden slats or plastic is placed on it. The height of its sides should be 1-2 centimeters higher than the height of the copied material.

The surface of the tile and the inside of the sides are coated with solid oil or cyatim. You can take the cheapest silicone - acidic. It is squeezed out of the tube into the mold in a spiral, starting from the center to the sides until it is filled.

To prevent the formation of bubbles, the silicone is smoothed with a wide fluted brush. It needs to be dipped in a solution of dishwashing detergent. Soap solution is not suitable here because it is alkaline and can ruin the acidic silicone. After filling, the surface of the future form is smoothed with a spatula, also moistened with detergent.

Dry molds for making artificial stone at room temperature in a ventilated area. The drying rate of the silicone composition is approximately 2 mm per day.

Molding mixtures

Gypsum artificial stone

The mixture for gypsum stone is prepared from gypsum grades G5 - G7. It is made in small portions, counting on simultaneous filling of no more than two forms, since the setting time of this binder does not exceed 10 minutes.

Composition of the mixture: gypsum, citric acid to slow down hardening (0.3% by weight of gypsum), water - 60-70% of the volume of gypsum. The pigment is taken at the rate of 2 to 6% of the weight of the gypsum. The dosage of the coloring substance is selected on test samples of castings.

concrete stone

You can make artificial stone inexpensively and with high quality with your own hands from concrete. Unlike construction, here the initial composition of the components is slightly different: take 3 parts of cement for 1 part sand. The proportions of the pigment (you need to use an alkaline resistant one!) are the same as for gypsum stone.

The addition of polymer additives reduces the brittleness of this material and increases its abrasion resistance.

Cold hardening acrylic stone

This material is made on the basis of acrylic resin and hardener. The recommended volume of mineral filler to acrylic is 3:1. The amount of pigment is taken depending on the total weight of the filler (on average from 2 to 6%).

As an inexpensive filler, you can take gravel, stone chips or granite screenings. Before preparing the mixture, the filler is washed with dish gel, then calcined over a fire and rinsed with clean water.

The preparation process consists of three stages: first, the pigment is mixed with the filler. Then the acrylic resin is mixed with a hardener and a filler with pigment is added to it.

The time during which the acrylic mixture must be poured into the mold (from the moment the hardener is introduced into the resin) is no more than 20 minutes. The setting time of the mixture lasts from 30 to 40 minutes. The product requires 24 hours to completely harden.

If you are interested, the best materials for their manufacture are concrete or acrylic. The concrete product is heavier and does not allow you to create surfaces as varied in pattern as when using acrylic resin. However, the low cost of raw materials and the simplicity of the casting process partially compensate for this disadvantage.

Release agents

For different types of artificial stone, different compositions are used to separate the form from the product.

For gypsum stone, the optimal solution is one consisting of artificial or natural wax in turpentine in a ratio of 1:7. To do this, add wax shavings in small portions, stirring, to turpentine heated in a water bath to +50 - +60 C.

For concrete stone, conventional lubricants are used (litol, emulsol, cyatim). Before pouring the acrylic composition, the mold is lubricated with a solution of stearin in styrene (proportion 1 to 10) or cyatim.

When using a homemade silicone matrix, it must be protected from deformation that occurs when the hardening gypsum stone and acrylic resin are heated. To do this, before pouring the working mixture, it must be placed in a tray with fine dry sand so that the thickness of its layer is from 2/3 to 3/4 of the height of the mold.

Useful video

In terms of mechanical resistance, color range and variety of surface textures, artificial stone is in no way inferior to natural stone, surpassing it in ease of processing and ease of finishing.

Key advantages of artificial stone:

  • unlike natural material, artificial stone can be made into thin tiles, which reduces the weight and cost of products while maintaining the necessary strength;
  • even at home, such a stone can be produced in the desired shape for a specific application site without additional adjustment;
  • artificial stones can be immediately made perfectly smooth without such expensive procedures as sawing, grinding and polishing;
  • there is no need to transport the material, since it can be produced directly at the site of use.

Types of artificial stone

One of the main advantages of this material is the ability to produce it with a surface and texture that imitates any natural stone.

The shapes of artificial stones are:

  • chipped - with an uneven surface and edges;
  • sawn - with smooth, even edges;
  • rubble, similar to ordinary boulders;
  • arbitrary, embodying any fantasies of the master;
  • decorative.

Depending on the purpose of use, artificial stone can be made from several types of materials. For interior decoration, plaster and acrylic are used. For exterior work, the most suitable material is cement, which is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

In terms of cost, the most expensive is acrylic stone, followed by gypsum products, and the most economical material is cement. To make the stone more durable and save the main raw materials, sand, small crushed stone, marble chips or fiber are added to the pouring mixture, which prevents cracking of the finished products.

Plasticizers help improve the physical characteristics of stone. These substances reduce the volume of water in the mixture and increase its density.

Depending on the source material and methods of its processing, the following types of artificial stone can be made at home:

  • molded gypsum - due to low frost resistance, it is suitable only for interior work, and the temperature in the room during its production must be at least +18°C;
  • concrete (cement-sand) molded - frost-resistant, during production the temperature in the room can be +12 ° C and higher;
  • reinforced concrete of any shape - usually made piece by piece directly at the site of use (artificial boulders, cobblestones or slabs).

Molds for making stone

To produce artificial stone at home, you will need a mold and a casting mixture. You can either buy a ready-made form or make it yourself.

Ready-made matrices are polyurethane and silicone. They usually already come with plasticizers, pigments and fiberglass. Such forms are produced for the production of decorative material of various sizes and thicknesses with imitation of any natural or artificial stone - slate, brick, cobblestone, sandstone or rock.

The choice of shape depends on the area of ​​the object and the available budget. Polyurethane matrices are expensive and are designed to produce several hundred high-quality impressions. The silicone mold is more budget-friendly, but with its help you can make no more than 20-30 products.

Making your own mold

First of all, you need formwork. This structure is best made from boards or plywood. The frame must be connected so that there is not a single gap left. The formwork should be 3 cm higher and 1 cm wider than the original stone sample.

Any lubricant, for example, grease, is generously applied to the bottom and walls of the frame. After this, a sample stone is placed in the formwork, which is also generously coated with lubricant. This procedure is necessary so that the finished form can easily move away from the original stone and frame.

At home, the mold is made from silicone sealant. In this case, you can use the cheapest silicone. Squeeze it inside the formwork in a spiral, starting from the center and moving towards the walls until it is filled.

To avoid bubbles, the silicone must be carefully smoothed with a wide paint brush. The brush is first dipped in a solution of dishwashing detergent. An ordinary soap solution will not work, since due to the alkaline environment it can change the properties of acidic silicone.

After filling the formwork with silicone, it is recommended to smooth the surface of the future form with a spatula soaked in the same detergent.

Dry the mold at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. Drying time - 15 days. After this time has expired, the structure can be disassembled and a stone sample can be removed from it.

The output is convenient silicone molds, which are ideal for making artificial stone at home. If there are cracks or other irregularities on the surface of the mold, carefully fill them with silicone.

How to paint artificial stone

To give the stone the desired color, add a coloring pigment to the solution when mixing it. For these purposes, it is the pigment (iron oxide inorganic dye) that is needed, and not the color for paints.

The pigment colors can be mixed with each other to create the desired shade. The amount of pigment is determined in practice. It will be possible to find out exactly what color the final product will be only after the stone has completely dried.

The dye can be applied directly to the silicone mold before pouring the mixture. It is better to paint over the form not entirely, but in fragments. This will give the casts an individual design and help create a better imitation of natural stone.

Creation of artificial stone from gypsum

Most often, artificial stones at home are made from gypsum. For this technology you will need the following materials:

  • white plaster;
  • river sand;
  • warm water;
  • large plastic container;
  • pallet;
  • ready-made form;
  • corrugated glass;
  • water-based dyes.

In addition, you need to prepare your workplace. To make artificial stone from gypsum, you do not need a large area. Just a few square meters will be enough. It is important that all the necessary racks and shelves are at hand.


  1. Prepare the required volume of solution equal to the number of molds. The gypsum hardens quickly, so it cannot be left until the next pouring procedure.
  2. Add water to a plastic container and pour plaster into it. The solution should be thick. To increase the density of the material, you can add sand to the mixture in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  3. Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with wax and turpentine. This measure will make it easier to remove the frozen stone from the mold.
  4. Pour the gypsum solution into the mold. Using a spatula, carefully level the surface of the future stone.
  5. For maximum uniform installation, it is recommended to cover the molds with long corrugated glass and subject the workpieces to light vibration for two minutes.
  6. The plaster hardens in about 20 minutes. After this, the glass can be removed and the casts can be removed from the molds. The resulting products are dried in the open air.
  7. When the stones are completely dry, they need to be painted. Don't forget to remove dust and other debris from the surface first. After this, use a brush to evenly distribute the dye over the surface of the stones.

Artificial stone made of cement

Artificial stones for external use are usually made from cement. This material is much cheaper than gypsum, but the strength of products made from it is an order of magnitude higher.

To make cement stones at home, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • cement;
  • warm water;
  • putty knife;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • fine sifted sand;
  • separation composition;
  • ready-made forms;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • coloring pigments and brushes.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix cement and sand in a ratio of 3 to 1. Add to them the coloring pigment necessary to create the desired shade.
  2. Slowly pour water into the resulting mixture until the solution acquires the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Fill the molds halfway with the mixture, then shake them thoroughly to compact the cement.
  4. To increase the strength of future products, place a reinforcing mesh on top and fill the molds with mortar to the very top.
  5. After completing the filling procedure, draw several lines on top with a stack or nail to create shallow grooves. This measure will help improve the adhesion of future stones to the application surface.
  6. The stones are removed from the molds 12 hours after pouring and dried for two weeks. After removing the impressions, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the molds to remove cement residues.

If the coloring components were not added to the mixture before pouring it into the molds, the stones can be painted after they have completely dried. Before painting, be sure to clean the surface of the casts from dust and debris. Apply paint evenly to the surface of the stones, creating the desired pattern, and let the product dry.

For many millennia, decorative stone remained the best construction and finishing material. Decorative stone is expensive, so many craftsmen have mastered making stone at home, for example, light gypsum stone or heavier and inexpensive concrete-based stone.

In the 60s of the twentieth century, artificial stone began to be actively used in the West - the walls and foundation look organically in the concrete jungle of the metropolis. The idea of ​​producing decorative stone and decorating buildings was picked up by architects and interior designers, pushing an entire segment of entrepreneurship to the development. A forgotten building material is popular again.

Ancient craftsmen long ago learned how to process stone; they distinguished it by type of use, such as:

  • construction or hewn;
  • finishing or decorative;
  • ornamental for jewelry work.

In previous centuries, sand and stone chips, grated pumice and shells, lime and chalk were mixed into the hardening gypsum. Natural dyes were used:

  • soot;
  • colored clay;
  • metal oxides.

Nowadays, stone and its analogue have come into modern construction and arrangement of rock gardens, and today it is difficult to imagine a modern house without them. The decorative stone, a photo of which is presented in the article, clearly demonstrates the capabilities of this building material.

Do-it-yourself decorative stone today is made on different bases, and there are technologies available at home. The molds are prepared independently or purchased from factory models. Recipes, technologies and components are also known - they are offered by specialized companies.

Simple mixtures are based on water, cement and fine, pigment is added. The material turns out to be quite durable, similar to natural stone, and has excellent decorative properties. An option close to ancient methods is made from gypsum, and today polymer materials are used as a binder.

The texture of wild stone has a different surface:

  • fine-grained and smooth,
  • layered and lumpy,
  • chopped and ribbed.

Natural stone crumbles and delaminates upon contact with a tool, while artificial stone does not require treatment. It is immediately given the required shape. The most common varieties:

  • rubble, similar to a natural boulder;
  • chipped, uneven, resembles chips from an impact;
  • sawn, with smooth and even edges;
  • wild stone, natural form;
  • decorative of any shape, with sagging, folds or bumps, reflects any designer’s imagination.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial material

The manufactured stone has the following advantages:

  • Possibility of on-site casting to reduce transportation costs and scrap generated during delivery;
  • made in small thin plates to reduce the weight of the finished structure;
  • its strength does not depend on the size and shape of the tile;
  • the pigment added to the mixture gives the desired shade;
  • it is possible to obtain a stone of straight and arbitrary shape;
  • allows you to make tile sizes that correspond to the installation location, even taking into account curvature and unevenness;
  • manufactured ready-made forms make it possible to obtain a coarse-grained and smooth texture, almost polished;
  • it is easy to make material of any irregular shape and broken front surface;
  • some technologies make it possible to obtain a more durable analogue of fragile natural stone;
  • polymers provide plasticity, and even after manufacturing, you can give a new shape or think over the edge for a seamless connection;
  • artificial material often has better decorative properties;
  • differs from natural stone in ease of installation, thanks to the smooth back side;
  • an indispensable fire-resistant building material for decorating stoves, barbecues, fireplaces and fireplaces;
  • quite moisture resistant, suitable for wet areas such as a swimming pool or wine cellar;
  • the price of artificial decorative stone is less than its natural counterpart, which requires technological cutting and processing;
  • does not require special care, serves for a long time and reliably;
  • Various options for shape, shade and texture allow artificial stone to fit into interiors of any style.

Possible disadvantages:

  • some decorative types have complex manufacturing technology, which increases the cost of the material;
  • not every wall is suitable for finishing with wild stone due to its high specific gravity, with the exception of gypsum analogues;
  • sometimes requires additional costs for transportation and high-tech installation;
  • It is not always possible to ensure an impeccable joint between individual fantasy-shaped blocks; gaps must be designed.

Main types of decorative stone

To guarantee quality, finishing building materials are made in strict accordance with the recipe and production technology. The components and production technology make it possible to obtain decorative stone of different names and properties.

1. Concrete reinforced stone, the so-called monumental, is a free-forming material, it is made piece by piece by hand where it is installed. This is a technology for cobblestones, boulders and artificial granite slabs.

The basis for the mold batch is cement-sand mortar:

  • for 3 parts cement in proportion - 1 dry sand;
  • 2-6% pigment by weight of the solution;
  • add polymer additives.

2. A similar material is a molded stone from the same cement-sand mixture. Suitable for construction and finishing. It is characterized by increased strength and frost resistance. It is made in hangars, workshops and garages in the cool season.

3. Ceramic - the most expensive material, requiring firing or hardening at a certain temperature. Its production requires high energy consumption and the presence of a large free heated area. In addition, trained workers are needed.

4. Gypsum cast decorative stone - the simplest technology and minimum equipment. They do it at room temperature, but it is only suitable for interior finishing work; it does not like temperature changes. The mixture quickly becomes viscous.

It is made in small portions and immediately poured into the prepared form, but no later than 3-4 minutes from the start of the batch. You need citric acid up to 1.3% by weight of dry gypsum, it will slow down hardening, pigment - 2-6% by weight of gypsum plus water. It is better to make several test samples to adjust the proportions.

5. Decorative polyester synthetic material. It is made by hot hardening with the addition of mineral fillers. It is superior to many natural analogues, but the hardening technology requires a vacuum and is done in workshop conditions.

6. Liquid stone on gelcoat. It is inferior in hardness to cast stone; the gel takes less mineral fillers. The mixture is suitable for producing products with complex configurations, such as stone puzzles, but gel-acrylic-based stone is more expensive.

There are 2 compositions - primer and front, they differ in the percentage of filler and composition. Primer composition: gelcoat – 20%, microcalcite – 73%, hardener – 1% and accelerator – 6%. Front composition: gelcoat - 40% accelerator and hardener - as in the 1st composition, back composition - filler plus pigment up to 6% by weight of the solution. The composition sets in about half an hour, after a day the stone can be laid.

7. Cold-hardening cast acrylic stone based on acrylic resin. Easy to manufacture, requires strict adherence to instructions and additional equipment, such as a vibration stand. It is superior to other artificial materials in many properties. At high temperatures up to +210°C, you can change its shape without changing quality.

Advice: The absence of pores and resistance to chemical reagents of acrylic stone in finishing ensure impeccable hygiene, so it is suitable for rooms where frequent contamination and cleaning of surfaces is possible - hallway, kitchen, veranda and covered terrace. The material is also known for its low thermal conductivity and gives a feeling of warmth - this is the best choice for a bathtub, toilet or swimming pool.

Forms for decorative stone

There are many methods for making stone molds yourself using your chosen method, but it’s easier to buy ready-made ones.

There are about a dozen types of molds for making artificial stone with your own hands, but most often 3 types are used:

1. Ready-made polyurethane, for small-scale production, they are offered by companies producing equipment and selling wild stone technologies, they are convenient and durable, but they cost a lot.

2. Lost wax clay molds, suitable for sculpting and art casting.

3. Silicone molds are suitable for making tiles individually at home; they are enough for dozens of castings; they become deformed over time.

Tip: A sand cushion is required for silicone molds; vibration and heat cause them to expand. Before casting, the mold is deepened into sand in a tray up to 3/4 of the height to reduce deformation, and the horizontalness of the immersion is checked with a water level.

Additional components and accessories

1. Pigment for building mixtures is offered in catalogs and stores for building materials in various forms: liquid, paste and powder. The synthetic pigment powder is evenly introduced into plaster or other dry filler, the pigment paste is introduced into the prepared batch. By the way, thanks to the pigment paste it is easier to get uneven coloring - layered or spotty; it is injected with a syringe directly into the batch at the end of mixing.

2. Separators come in different types:

  • for cast acrylic;
  • for concrete mortar;
  • for gypsum composition;
  • for liquid stone.

They are sold with ready-made instructions and a detailed recipe. You can also use high-quality lubricant - cyatim, fiol.

3. A heat gun is a device like a small hair dryer with a strong jet of heated air.

4. Vibrating stand - the main machine for making stone with your own hands, guaranteeing high quality of the final product and ensuring the uniformity of the hardening mixture.

Advice: you can make such a stand yourself - there are detailed instructions and videos on the Internet, for example, on making decorative stone on a cement base using a homemade vibration stand.

The simplest technology for producing cement-based artificial stone

1. Sand is mixed with cement for the first layer 3:1 until smooth, for coloring add a suitable dye about 2-3% relative to cement, mix with water until sour cream thick, the liquid pigment is pre-diluted with water.

2. The finished mixture is evenly poured halfway into the mold, compacted and distributed by shaking and tapping. To reinforce the stone, a metal mesh is placed on the 1st layer, the 2nd layer is poured without pigment and cross-shaped grooves are struck with a nail for adhesion during installation.

3. After 10-12 hours, the finished stone can be removed from the mold and laid to dry completely. The mold must then be cleaned and rinsed with Fairy after each pour.

4. In the process of monumental molding of a large block, the base is formed on a blank covered with reinforcing mesh and wire, onto which thick cakes without dye are laid out in layers. When the base has set a little, prepare a solution with the addition of pigment of the desired consistency and make the final shape. When artificial boulders harden, they are covered with a film from rain for about a month.

Making stone from gypsum in the simplest way

At home, decorative stone is made in several ways. Let us dwell on the description of what has been proven in practice.

2. 1 liter of silicone sealant based on acetic acid is evenly squeezed into it, the layer is lubricated with grease or other separator so that the finished stone does not stick.

3. The sample stone is pressed into a box with silicone until it is completely sunk in it, right up to the back surface, the excess silicone must be cleaned off, and the mold dries for a couple of days.

4. After complete drying, the sample is carefully removed from the mold box. The finished silicone is soft and elastic.

5. The gypsum mixture is kneaded according to the recipe until it becomes thick with sour cream and pigment, and poured into a mold greased with grease. After the first layer, it is advisable to reinforce the tile with a fine metal mesh, pour in a second layer without dye, shake to achieve leveling and leave to dry. If the gypsum sets quickly, interfering with the reinforcement process, the mixture is diluted with milk - then it takes longer to thicken.

6. It is better to drown the mold in sand on a pallet to preserve the silicone mold, and press the plaster with corrugated glass on top so that the uneven back surface is better attached to the wall.

Advice: There are labor-intensive methods for making stone, such as quartz, that allow you to obtain the highest quality and durable building material for cladding. Having mastered some techniques, you can open your own business.

Do-it-yourself installation of artificial stone

1. The finished decorative stone is attached to any dry surface with additional sheathing. Installation, with or without jointing, is done using cement mortar, construction adhesive, the stone is cut with a grinder at low speed with a concrete disc.

2. Before starting installation, it is better to make a sketch of the finished work or use a picture with similar material. The stones are laid out according to the pattern on the surface for the most beautiful placement and fit of the fragments.

Additional decoration of stone in landscape design

For a long time, stone was not only widely used in architecture, the Japanese decorated Tobiishi gardens with it. Today, for special design purposes, the stone is additionally painted or primed on part of its surface, so that green growth will form in the rock garden more quickly. They rub it with ocher and soot, making it old, and the protuberances on the south side are rubbed with red lead to obtain the appearance of tanning and weathering.

Artificial stones have been produced for a long time. The substance is a frozen mixture of certain materials. The same brick or mortar can also be classified as artificial. However, in this article we will talk about artificial stones, which have found application in home decoration and landscape design. In the article you will also learn the process of making such materials at home, as well as the technology for creating stones with your own hands.

Artificial stones - what is their advantage

Some people ask a completely reasonable question: why create artificial stones when nature has already created real masterpieces in the wild. There is a certain logic, but when comparing two types of stones - artificial and natural, you can see that natural material is very expensive. Not everyone is able to purchase such stones to decorate a house or adjacent area. In addition, the stone is very fragile, so there are big problems with cutting it. If left in its original form, it will place too much stress on the walls and ceilings due to its enormous weight.

Such problems will not arise if you try to make artificial stone with your own hands or purchase such material at a hardware store. Mechanical properties, quality, durability, appearance - in all these indicators, imitation is in no way inferior to its natural analogue. There are several other important advantages:

  • The stone is available in various designs, including in the form of thin small tiles that have a high level of strength but do not put pressure on the walls;
  • You can produce such materials directly on your own site, which eliminates the need to spend extra money on transporting finished products;
  • A huge number of surface textures and color shades. To create stone, you can use various formworks and other forms so that the result looks beautiful and original;
  • Depending on the manufacturing methods, artificial stone can be smooth and shiny, resulting in no need for grinding and polishing;
  • The shape of the artificial stone can be absolutely any, it all depends on your imagination and imagination.

If you put natural and handicraft stones side by side, an ordinary person will not even be able to tell the difference. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to create stones at home, taking into account all the features of natural analogues, avoiding all their disadvantages, preserving only their positive qualities. The surface can be absolutely anything, for example, arbitrarily decorative, represent a cut of sawn mineral, and also imitate uneven edges in the form of chips.

Classification of artificial stones - their main varieties

The production of artificial stones is carried out in a variety of ways. Depending on this, as well as on the source materials on the basis of which the material is prepared, the following types of stones are distinguished:

  • Ceramic stone. The base is ordinary clay, which undergoes heat treatment at high temperatures. It is quite difficult to obtain such a stone at home, since it requires specially trained personnel, a large amount of energy, as well as large areas for work;
  • Gypsum stone. Excellent for creating at home using the casting method, due to the low cost of raw materials and the processing process itself. The only limitation is that gypsum stone can be used exclusively in interior spaces, since low temperatures have a destructive effect on the structure of the material;
  • Concrete molded stone. This option is also suitable for home production. In addition, it has increased resistance characteristics to high and low temperatures. The disadvantage is the high cost - concrete forms fail quite quickly, which requires their regular replacement;
  • Polyester stone. This type of artificial stone boasts remarkable decorative and mechanical qualities, in no way inferior to natural stones. However, you won’t be able to do it yourself, which is due to the complexity of the technological process. The binder is processed with polymers only at very high temperatures under absolute vacuum conditions;
  • Acrylic stone. A very popular option along with gypsum stones, since you can make it yourself at minimal cost. Important advantages include the complete absence of pores, as well as a high level of chemical resistance, resulting in excellent sanitation and hygiene. The casting method allows you to create very durable and strong materials of any thickness at home, which are even suitable for use as stone wallpaper.

The main reason that forces you to make a solution and subsequently produce artificial stones at home is the low cost of the finished product. Even though the price of the product is significantly lower than natural stones, such financial costs are still unacceptable for many. If you have sufficient skills, knowledge, experience and tools, you can relatively inexpensively make exactly the kind of stone that is best suited for you for finishing walls and other surfaces of any area.

We make stones at home - what we need

The entire process of preparing stones includes several stages, each of which we will discuss in detail. Among the main stages, we should highlight the creation of models of stones, the preparation of a linear form, the mixing of the finished mixture with its subsequent molding, as well as the addition of pigments or dyes if necessary.

Naturally, creating high-quality artificial stone without the appropriate equipment is an impossible task. To implement our plans, you will need the following list of tools and devices:

  1. 1. Vibration stand. This is the main equipment, the heart and brain of the entire process. Competent and correct work with the stand has a direct impact on the quality and strength characteristics of the final product. Due to its design features, homogeneity of the solution is achieved for its subsequent polymerization. This equipment can be purchased at the store, but you can also assemble the table manually if you want to save money.
  2. 2. Models of casting molds. If you do not have ready-made products for molding, then you will not be able to do without models.
  3. 3. Release agent. A special substance applied to the inner surface of the mold, as well as to the model itself during the manufacture of the mold. As the name suggests, the mixture provides separation of materials, preventing them from sticking to each other.
  4. 4. Casting molds. It is in these forms that the solution will be present during its polymerization. There is no point in saving on molds, since cheap plastic products will cause unsightly stones, the shape of which will differ dramatically from your expectations. In addition, after just a few stages of pouring the solution, low-quality forms can simply break. Preference should be given to polyurethane products, as well as silicone molds, which boast reliability, durability and durability.
  5. 5. Foundry mixtures. The composition from which an artificial stone will later be made, which we will discuss in more detail below.
  6. 6. Coloring pigments. Required in cases where you want to give artificial stone a color that most accurately imitates natural minerals.
  7. 7. Sand pillow. The need for this device is due to the protection of casting molds from damage and deformation that occurs during the manufacture of artificial stones.
  8. 8. A heating device, for example, a hair dryer or a heat gun. Due to the strong and hot air jet, it is able to weld finished acrylic elements.

Models for creating stones - the correct technology for creating them

Various options can be used as models for creating casting molds. So, ordinary natural stones of appropriate sizes and shapes are suitable, but you can purchase several blanks in the store. However, regardless of the chosen option, the range of shapes and surface reliefs will be seriously limited. The way out of the situation is very simple - it’s ordinary clay, which is an almost endless material for creating unusual and unique models. Moreover, it’s material that you don’t have to pay for.

Unlike other natural substances that could be used for similar purposes, working with clay does not require any additional permits. Clay is initially suitable for creating models; there is no need to perform analyzes for fat content and the content of any impurities.

It is required to assemble a special grille consisting of strips of thin and smooth plastic. The height of the grate depends on several factors, including the source material from which the stone is made. So, for clay with stucco, you will need a grid with a height of up to 40 mm, for acrylic stones made of liquid clay the height will be no more than 3 mm, and for gypsum and concrete substances this figure is in the range from 6 to 12 mm.

In general, a flat panel is used, which is rolled with PVC film. We will subsequently place a grid on this shield, each of the cells of which will be filled with clay or any other solution. Experts advise placing grilles in places protected from direct sunlight. After all, the sun can damage the surface texture of finished products, since the rays lead to the appearance of numerous cracks and chips. If a low grid is selected, then the solution is poured into it almost to the top. This will provide a unique and natural texture after complete drying. For a high grid, the filling level of the composition is adjusted based on the required height or thickness of the finished product.

Finally, we note that the master can independently change the surface relief of stones, creating various unusual signs, runes or even hieroglyphs. In any case, drying of artificial stones should be carried out in a dry place, where, as already indicated, there is no direct sunlight. As practice shows, it may take up to five days depending on the level of humidity and temperature.

To speed up the drying process, you can use additional tools, for example, an infrared lamp with a power of up to 200 W. The lamp should be placed at a distance of about two meters. This matters because being too close can cause the same effect as the sun, causing the stone to become covered in a network of cracks. And a lamp that hangs too far away will not have any positive effect at all.

Creating homemade forms - how to do it correctly

When creating artificial stones with your own hands, it is recommended to use silicone molds, which you can also construct without any problems. We need a straight, flat surface covered with film. We lay out any number of models on this film and surround it with a side that is approximately 2 cm above the level of the outer surface of the model. In addition, we will need some additional substances, for example, grease or similar fatty lubricants, with which we will lubricate the model itself, as well as the inside of the fence.

The shield assembled in this way, which must be placed in a strictly horizontal order, will be used in the future as a bottom for the casting mold.

The next stage of work involves filling the shield with acidic silicone. As a rule, such substances have a characteristic unpleasant odor of vinegar. Silicone is squeezed directly from a can or tube onto a casting model. You should start from the middle of the side, filling the silicone in a spiral. If necessary, the silicone should be smeared with a flute brush to prevent bubbles. To maximize the effect, dip the brush in a specially diluted solution, preferably from a dishwashing detergent. Soap diluted in water will not help us, since the alkali it contains has a negative effect on silicone.

That's basically all. When the silicone solution completely fills the cells, use a metal spatula to carefully smooth the surface, not forgetting to wet the spatula in the same solution that we made for dipping the brush. Leave the mold in a dry place for several days.

This time, an infrared lamp will not help us, but if you want to speed up the drying process, you can achieve the effect using a fan, since ventilation significantly increases the drying speed of the silicone. Finally, we note that the finished product will serve in the manufacture of artificial stones for a very long time. So, if everything was done correctly, the resource will be more than a hundred castings.

Mixtures for stones - proportions and ratios of materials

In order for artificial stones made at home to meet your requirements and expectations in terms of beauty, quality and durability, it is necessary to mix the mixtures in the correct proportions. If we talk about concrete stones, then its base is a mixture of sand and cement. In this case, three shares of cement should be added to one share of sand. If polymer additives or mineral dyes are added, their weight should not exceed 6 percent of the weight of the finished product.

With stones for the production of which gypsum is used, the situation is somewhat different. The solution includes elements such as gypsum itself, as well as water with a volume of about 80 percent of the volume of gypsum. That is, the ratio is almost one to one. In addition to these components, you will need to add 0.3% citric acid. The mass of pigments remains the same - up to 6 percent of the mass of the entire mixture.

It should be noted that the gypsum solution can only be stored for 10 minutes, after which it loses its performance characteristics. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare small portions, otherwise most of the mixture will be hopelessly spoiled.

It is impossible not to talk about acrylic stones, which are very popular and in demand. The material is created from a hardener and acrylic resin, and the ratio is one to three, respectively. The hardener includes mineral pigments, as well as various fillers, including screenings, stone chips or regular gravel. It should be noted that to increase the strength of the stone, gravel or stone chips will need to be added as much as possible, but this will negatively affect the elasticity of the product.

The recipe for producing acrylic stone is very simple. To begin with, the filler is thoroughly washed in any detergent, then washed in clean water, calcined and put into clean water again. After this, all that remains is to introduce the dye into the filler, mix and add acrylic resin with thorough stirring until the mixture has a homogeneous consistency. The solution may be usable within 20 minutes of being created, so again you will need to prepare small portions of the mixture.

You can use a wide variety of pigments, which are divided into mineral, synthetic, powder, liquid and many others. The type of each specific pigment depends on the mixture and the starting materials used. For example, liquid fillers should be added only when mixing the solution, while powdered pigment is excellent for adding to a dry mixture. Some pigments are available in the form of a thick paste-like substance. By adding this dye with a syringe at the very end, you can achieve a spotted or striped color of the stone.

Finally, we note that the choice of material for artificial stone is also determined by the finishing requirements. For example, acrylic materials are best suited for interior decoration, and durable concrete stone, characterized by excellent moisture-resistant properties, will be an ideal option for external walls and ceilings.

The construction market offers a variety of products manufactured using the latest technologies. It contains interesting combinations of materials that produce striking visual results.

In this article we will talk about such a finishing material as decorative gypsum stone and its use for interior and exterior decoration.

Gypsum facing stone and its properties

Even in ancient times, craftsmen from India, China, and Egypt used gypsum for exterior and interior decoration. Plaster was used to cover walls, floors and ceilings in various rooms.

Such widespread use is explained by its uniqueness: the mineral stone had the ability to regulate the microclimate of rooms due to good air conductivity.

Currently, facing decorative artificial stone is a composite material, which includes high-strength gypsum. Due to its qualities, it received the name “gypsum polymer stone”.

Properties of decorative gypsum stone:

  • low specific gravity;
  • material strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of processing;
  • high level of sound and heat insulation;
  • maintains the required level of humidity;
  • fire resistance.

Thanks to its interesting texture and aesthetic appearance, decorative stone is suitable for the interior of any room.

The stone is used to cover the internal and external surfaces of walls, both in children's rooms. It looks great when finished with design elements and is absolutely safe.

The fine dispersion of gypsum and the ease of its processing make it possible to create a variety of architectural forms consisting of interesting elements.

The low specific gravity facilitates the use of decorative stone even in the cladding of thin partitions between rooms.

Walls lined with artificial gypsum stone are easy to clean and practically do not become dirty. The only drawback of this material is its hygroscopicity.

Making artificial stone from gypsum with your own hands

As a rule, professional production of artificial stone from gypsum occurs in a factory. However, it is quite possible to make it yourself.

Some craftsmen have turned the interesting and exciting activity of making decorative stone into a quite profitable business. Moreover, without large investments and with minimal effort, its production pays off in a short time.

If certain rules are followed and high-quality raw materials are used, such activities are promising and quite profitable.

The use of natural gypsum in its pure form is not advisable, since the products have low strength and are short-lived. Modern technologies offer the production of compositions from modified gypsum that have high strength and retain the qualities of the natural material.

Technology for manufacturing decorative artificial stone from gypsum

Not everyone can afford natural stone cladding, as it has a high cost. Therefore, it is more rational to use artificial stone made of gypsum or cement, which contains various color pigments, as well as polymer materials.

Required material and tools

  • Plaster is white;
  • A container, preferably made of plastic, for mixing components;
  • Pallet;
  • Table and polyethylene roll;
  • Forms (matrices);
  • Electric drill;
  • Fluted glass;
  • Any water-based dyes.

Preparation of the workplace

To produce stone, large working areas are not required. Two square meters is enough.

We will provide the workplace with a table in advance. There should be racks with shelves at hand where all the necessary elements and equipment will be placed.

Preparing forms

Attention should be paid to the forms themselves (matrices). The most optimal are silicone molds. They are quite flexible and plastic. But forms made of metal, wood, and plastic are also allowed, although they do not so thoroughly convey the texture of plaster, which reflects the smallest details of the relief and its bends.

Preparation of materials

After preparing the workplace and equipment, we prepare the material. For the gypsum test we need mineral gypsum, anhydride, and clean water. This will form the basis of the plaster test. Sand or similar filler is also prepared.

The process of making stone from gypsum

Preparing gypsum dough

In order to save money, the volume of the solution should correspond to the number of forms.

Since gypsum dough hardens very quickly, you cannot leave the mixed solution for the next time.

We independently determine the proportion of gypsum and water. Having poured water into the container, gradually add gypsum and stir continuously until the gypsum dough reaches normal thickness.

The consistency of the solution should be thick, since segments made from a liquid solution are less durable and take a long time to dry. To make the material stronger, add about 10% sand.

Processing forms (matrices)

We lubricate the working surface of the molds with a surfactant (a mixture of wax and turpentine 3:7), this is done so that the finished (frozen) stone can then be easily removed.

This mixture can be made using a water bath, which promotes uniform and complete dissolution of the wax. The mixture is applied in a thin layer to the inner surface of the mold.

Next, to protect the stone from the formation of shells, we apply liquid gypsum to the working surface of the molds.

Place the prepared forms in a tray.

Creating Color

Mix the desired dyes with gypsum. We use separate containers for this.

We pour the resulting shades into molds. As a result, we get a rather heterogeneous color.

Pouring plaster

After this, we pour the bulk of the gypsum.

Using a spatula, carefully level the plaster. We cover the molds with pre-prepared corrugated glass, and then subject it to vibration for even laying. This procedure will take approximately 2 minutes. The hardening time of the gypsum is approximately 15-20 minutes. When the glass freely separates from the molds, remove the products and dry them in the open air.

How to lay decorative gypsum stone

When fixing such gypsum tiles to the base (for example, a wall), the contacting surfaces are primed.

After this, glue the gypsum stone. Suitable glues include mastic, assembly glue, water-acrylic glue, a mixture of gypsum and PVA, sealant, and cement-adhesive mortar.

You can change the geometric parameters of such a workpiece using an ordinary hacksaw.

One of the articles has already discussed the process of how it is performed, which, in fact, can be found.

In fact, making decorative stone from gypsum is not difficult. Of course, “the first pancake is lumpy” cannot be ruled out, but nevertheless, the result is worth it.

A rich imagination and flight of fancy will help you find original color solutions and textures (you can even make artificial marble from gypsum). Thanks to this decoration, your home will be filled with a unique flavor, and elements decorated with its help will add extraordinary comfort and beauty to the interior.

Making artificial stone from gypsum - video

Decorative stone made of gypsum - photo in the interior