Pros and cons of drinking green tea. Green tea: pros and cons

Green tea is much thinner than black tea hot water will destroy its taste, aroma and beneficial features. 80-85C is the ideal water temperature for green teas.

The only thing to remember when preparing green tea is that its infusion time should not exceed 10 seconds. (Of course, you can follow the directions on the package and steep for 3-4 minutes, but who likes the result?) Many green teas become bitter even when steeped for 3-4 seconds. Dilution of tea with water negates its beneficial properties. Adding sugar equates tea to compote, which is not bad in itself, but makes no sense, especially if the tea is expensive. High-quality teas can withstand up to 15 repeated brewings. That is why the teapot should be small.

Black tea according to recipes insist 5 minutes.

Don't drink stale tea. If tea is brewed for more than 30 minutes, then the oxidation process begins in it, and it becomes hazardous to health.

Repeated brewing will not bring pleasure and benefit. If the first infusion extracts from tea up to 50% useful substances, the second - up to 30%, then the third only 10%. The fourth tea leaves can add only 1-2%.

What is the difference between green tea and black tea

  • black - at the highest oxidative transformations;
  • green - at the smallest;
  • red and yellow - with oxidative transformations of medium degrees.

It is often difficult to realize the fact that black tea is made from the same tea leaves as green tea, but undergoes additional processing, which makes it less useful.

That's why green tea in its final chemical composition, pharmacological and physiological action is the most valuable and healing product. When brewed, green tea retains much more minerals than black tea. In particular, green tea contains a large amount of zinc, which is necessary for the functioning of many body systems.

Pros and cons of black tea

Minuses: Sadly, black tea can cause varicose veins, poor digestion, palpitations, tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue, and constipation.

Brewing black tea with fluoridated water can be hazardous to your health.

Black tea is harmful within an hour after it has been brewed. If observed, then a dark coating from tea remains on the mug, and so this coating is a kind of slag. Green can be brewed several times and it will be useful.

Pros: The effect of strong black tea is similar to that of coffee. It also contains large amounts of caffeine. Also in tea there are substances that tone up the nervous system, increase urination, and have a strong stimulating effect on the heart.
According to British researchers, regular consumption of black tea shortens the recovery period after a stressful situation.

Improves mental activity, increases the ability to process and assimilate information.

Relieves fatigue, stimulates metabolism, normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels.

Effectively prevents caries, especially in children.

Excellent remedy for cataract prevention.

There is a lot in tea tannins which remove radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the body. Tannins also have antimicrobial activity.

Normalizes the intestinal microflora, useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tea is also the champion among beverages in terms of content. bioflavonoids- substances that strengthen the immune system.

Stimulates the renewal of the endothelium - a thin layer of cells lining the blood vessels.

Relieves nausea, soothes the stomach. Reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels.

Medium-strength tea brings down the heat a little. But too strong (both green and black), on the contrary, raises the temperature!

A weak infusion of tea lowers blood pressure, while a strong one (especially with sugar), on the contrary, increases it.

Black varieties contain a substance - quercetin which prevents the formation of blood clots.
Strong tea can cause tachycardia - an increase and failure of the heart rhythm.

Stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, respiration, blood flow, brain, appetite (reduces in large doses).

Caffeine in tea promotes enhanced production by the body insulin. As a result, the level of the hormone increases in the brain. serotonin- "substances of joy."

Pros and cons of green tea

Minuses that too much green tea can cause liver and kidney disease. But it is not harmful if you use tea in moderation - ten small cups a day or two regular ones. With more intensive use in the body, the amount of polyphenols increases, causing negative changes in the liver. Tea of ​​other varieties can be drunk in large quantities, but you should not get carried away too much either.

pros: with regular consumption of green tea, vision becomes sharper and the susceptibility of the nervous system increases, the reaction speed increases, the thinking process accelerates, the ability to long concentration increases and creative activity is stimulated.

Green tea causes the expansion of skin pores, increases sweating. Cosmetologists say that it biochemically cleanses pores, has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect on sensitive skin.

Green tea removes toxins, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. This variety is rich polyphenols. One of the groups of substances catechins- has not only a preventive anti-cancer effect, but even blocks the growth of some tumors.

Removes heavy metals from the body and compensates for radiation computer monitors and TVs.

In green tea vitamin C four times more than in a lemon, it is rich antioxidants and kill bacteria phytocins, stimulates cardiac activity and relieves fatigue.
In green tea caffeine more than in coffee - up to 5%, but it is present there in the form of a compound with tannin, therefore, it is absorbed into the blood longer and acts softer - tea invigorates, but does not excite.
Slows down the aging process of cells. Tea leaves give a rejuvenation effect that is 18 times greater than that of vitamin E.

Slows down the formation of fatty deposits on the inner surface of blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of sclerosis, hypertension and cerebral clots.

Japanese aged 40 to 79 with no history of stroke, cancer, or heart disease. Those who drank five (0.5 liters) and more cups of green tea every day died less frequently than those who did not like tea as much and drink up to a cup a day. Mortality rates, especially from heart disease, among green tea drinkers were 16% lower in 11 years. Moreover, in the first 7 years this figure was even higher - 26%. No association was found between other types of tea - primarily black and oolong - and mortality.

Who shouldn't drink it

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of tea or exclude it altogether for pregnant women.

People suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension should not drink strong tea, and during the period of exacerbation, you can and should refuse tea in general, especially black tea.

If you have insomnia, then you should not drink tea after 18 hours.

Patients with high fever hot tea is contraindicated.


Do not drink too hot scalding tea. Due to the strong stimulation of the throat, esophagus and stomach, painful changes can occur in these organs.

Do not drink medicines with tea, as it makes them completely useless.

Tea with milk - good prophylactic. This drink is especially useful for diseases of the kidneys, heart, and also as a tonic for dystrophy and exhaustion of the nervous system.

Tea with lemon - this is a purely Russian invention. In combination with lemon, the tea enhances nutritional and healing properties drink: it better restores lost strength, quenches thirst. However, the opinion that lemon tea becomes "weak" is not true. Tea only brightens, its color decreases, but the strength does not change.

Tea with sugar- too much sugar worsens the taste of the drink, muffles its specific aroma. In addition, sugar absorbs vitamin B1 (this vitamin is vital for the full functioning of the nervous system). Therefore, it is better to get used to drinking tea with raisins or honey.

And one more thing about tea...

Green tea prolongs life, reduces mortality and heals the heart.

Just a few cups a day - and the risk of getting any cardiovascular disease is sharply reduced.

Oddly enough, the drink does not protect against cancer in the least, as several previous animal studies have suggested.

According to the authors, the healing effect of green tea is associated with polyphenols - plant substances that act as antioxidants. But exactly how polyphenols work - no one has yet understood. Perhaps they trigger the body's natural antioxidant mechanisms or reduce the activity of free radicals in the body that destroy cells. And according to one version, they even prevent inflammatory processes in the blood vessels.
The study has been conducted since 1994 in the northeast of Japan, in an area where 80% of the population consumes green tea and more than 50% drink more than three cups daily. The study included people aged 40 to 79 who had no history of stroke, cancer, or heart disease.

Those who drank five (0.5 liters) and more cups of green tea every day died less frequently than those who did not like tea as much and drink up to a cup a day. Mortality rates, especially from heart disease, among green tea drinkers were 16% lower in 11 years. Moreover, in the first 7 years this figure was even higher - 26%.

The cardiological effect is more pronounced in women. Apparently, because men are more likely to smoke, the authors believe.

Overall, the number of study participants who died of cardiovascular disease during the reporting period was generally extremely low: less than 1% in each category of tea consumption. No association was found between other types of tea - primarily black and oolong - and mortality.

Many of us drink green tea with milk, but not everyone knows about the benefits and dangers of this drink. Nutritionists around the world are arguing - green tea with milk - good or bad. Consider what is the benefit, and what is the harm. What are the beneficial properties of green tea with milk, and how to drink it.

Is green tea with milk healthy?

  • Milk lowers caffeine levels, making tea healthier yet more invigorating.
  • Green tea with milk has low calorie, so it is used for diets and fasting days

Better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for a day (Chinese proverb)

  • Milk with tea is absorbed much better, while the stomach does not suffer from milk fermentation.
  • Warm milk tea is an excellent remedy for coughs and sore throats.
  • Cleanses the kidneys and removes excess fluid from the body
  • Green tea contains calcium, and in combination with milk, even more of it enters the body, it is better absorbed. All this affects the health of teeth and hair.

Is green tea with milk bad?

Is green tea with milk so useful, let's see.

  • Green tea and milk are rather heavy drinks in terms of their effect on the body. And in combination, they destroy the beneficial properties of each other. Scientists have proven that the property of tea to positively affect the heart and blood vessels is lost when interacting with milk.
  • Together, these drinks form certain compounds that are difficult for the stomach to digest.

How to drink green tea with milk

  1. Milk at 40°C is added to freshly brewed green tea in a ratio of 1:1/
  2. The milk is heated to 60-75°C, the tea leaves are poured and infused for 1/2 hour. For 1 liter of milk, 2 teaspoons of tea leaves are taken /
  3. Green tea with milk and salt. In almost boiling milk, add tea leaves and salt, preferably sea salt in equal proportions, i.e. for 1 liter of milk 2 teaspoons of tea leaves and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. Spices are added to taste: cardamom, coriander, cumin, cloves. You can add a spoonful of honey. It turns out a very tasty drink.

Green tea with milk is drunk both cold and hot, its usefulness does not change from this.

In many countries, green tea with milk has long been drunk; in Tibet, this drink is popular both thousands of years ago and today. In India, you can also enjoy this wonderful drink. Whether it is useful or harmful, you be the judge, try it, see how it will act on you.

This drink will not bring harm for sure, therefore, if you like green tea with milk - enjoy this drink, try various recipes for green tea with milk and be healthy!

Like any other natural product on the market, green tea has its pros and cons.

Fortunately, this tea has more advantages than disadvantages. This healthy drink has positive recommendations from health experts. In China, India and Japan, green tea is used as a diuretic and astringent.

Whether it's in tablets, capsules, or extract, you'll reap the enormous health benefits of green tea. Listed below are some of the benefits of consuming green tea.

Pros and cons of green tea

1. Prevents the appearance of cancer cells

Compared to coffee, green tea has 10 times more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. Various medical studies have shown that this tea is very helpful in detoxifying harmful chemicals in the body with the help of antioxidants.

Green tea polyphenols travel through your body looking for cell-damaging free radicals. Once detected, they are immediately detoxified so that they can be easily eliminated from the body.

Green tea also neutralizes cells damaged by smoking and other toxic substances. In studies, rats that regularly drank green tea showed trends towards a lower risk of developing cancer.

The example of residents of Japan and China, who constantly consume green tea, clearly shows a decrease in the level of cardiovascular diseases. The rates of cancer in their population are also lower than in the Western world.

2. Regulates the pH level

Increased levels of acidity in the body can be harmful to your health. Unfortunately, fried foods and red meat are among the culprits in lowering your body's pH levels. What's wrong with an acidic diet? It can contribute to chronic inflammation, as well as exacerbation of reflux disease and osteoporosis.

But this could be alleviated by the alkalizing effect of green tea. It protects the pH level in the body from dropping, thereby affecting overall health. It also reduces the risk of kidney stones; by slowing down bone loss and muscle waste, increases growth hormone and relieves back pain. Green tea can also prevent colon cancer due to its alkalizing effect.

3. Prevents tooth decay

Green tea is also good for your oral health. A cup of green tea a day reduces the risk of tooth decay, according to a new study. Researchers have suggested that the antimicrobial properties known as green tea catechins are the reasons for its protective role for your teeth and mouth.

However, the health benefits of green tea will remain at the level of knowledge for you if you consume it with sugar. The sweetener negates its beneficial properties. In addition, sweet green tea can damage tooth enamel.

However, the stimulating effect of green tea on your periodontal health should not be overlooked.

4. Prevents Rheumatoid Arthritis

Consuming at least four cups of green tea every day can stop or slow down the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Again, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Unfortunately, green tea has more than just benefits. This type of tea, if consumed in excess, can cause negative side effects.

Here are some of the side effects of this tea:

Nausea and indigestion

These side effects are not uncommon. The main reason for these negative effects is the presence of tannins in tea, stimulating your body to produce more acid. This is one of the reasons why green tea is not recommended for peptic ulcer patients. However, if you still want to use this tea, postpone its intake for a while after a meal. Nausea can be avoided if you add milk to tea. But doing so can render such beneficial polyphenols inactive.


But you can avoid this by opting for decaffeinated green tea or Japanese green tea. The latter has a calming effect on the brain, which can help reduce the stimulant effects of caffeine.

Green tea has been known for a long time. Even in the old days, this tea was very popular. Healers used this drink for various diseases. Nowadays, modern scientists, having conducted many studies, were able to prove the usefulness of green tea.

It turns out that this popular drink contains a huge number of useful chemicals. Approximately 500 elements: fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and others. The drink contains 450 types of organic compounds (fats, proteins, etc.), as well as vitamins of almost all groups. However, despite this green tea, in some cases, can harm the body. This article will tell you about all the pros and cons of drinking a healing drink, as well as some useful rules essential for green tea lovers.


1. Cleansing of blood vessels. Green tea helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, as well as cleanse them.
2. Slimming. This plus, of course, will please women who are struggling with being overweight. Green tea for losing weight people is just a godsend. The drink removes from the body all substances that contribute to the deterioration of its condition. As a result, the weight begins to decrease. Also, tea helps to break down fats, which also contributes to weight loss.
3. High physiological activity. With the help of this property, the drink helps with rheumatism, hepatitis, and also tones the heart muscles.
4. Vitamin enrichment of the body. Due to the high content of nutrients, elements, minerals and vitamins, tea enhances immunity, and increases the protective functions of the body. The drink gives energy and strength to a person.


1. You should control the number of cups drunk. Doctors different countries agreed that you should not drink more than one liter of tea per day. Tea contains a large amount nutrients, which, if in excess in the body, can cause harm.
2. You can not drink medicines green tea. Medicines may lose their properties. Doctors attribute this to the increased caffeine content in tea. Also, due to caffeine, it is not recommended to drink a drink before bedtime to prevent a long falling asleep or insomnia.
3. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach. Green tea irritates the gastric mucosa, thus, an ulcer or gastritis can form.
4. Green tea is contraindicated in chronic diseases, especially if they relate to the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you should get advice from a specialist and only the field of his permission to drink this drink.

If you follow all the rules for drinking green tea, then there are no risks of harming the body. Give preference to proven brands of tea, which are famous for their high quality. And also follow the recommended dosage and then the healing drink will only benefit your body.