Maryin root medicinal. Useful properties of Mary root

grassy perennial Mary's root (Paeonia anomala), also called an extraordinary peony, or a Mary's root peony, or an evading peony, or an irregular peony, is a species included in the genus Peony. Most often, such a plant is found on the territory of Siberia, and it prefers to grow in meadows, in river valleys, on the edges and glades of mixed forests. This species is among the endangered, and it is listed in the Red Book of the Komi Republic. In the name of the species, the word "anomala", which translates as "unusual" or "wrong", appeared due to the fact that in autumn this plant differs from other representatives of the Peony genus in its color. This species has been cultivated since 1788. Gardeners grow such a peony as a medicinal and ornamental plant. As a medicinal plant, the name of this genus, marin root, has received the greatest fame.

The herbaceous rhizome plant marin root has a furrowed stem, the height of which can reach 1.2 m. The root system of such a plant is located horizontally. It consists of a thick spindle-shaped tuber, as well as a branched, shortened brown root. The white pulp of the root has a sweetish taste and a sharp aroma. Petiolate leaf blades, twice tripartitely dissected into lobes of a lanceolate form, have a length of about 0.3 m and the same width. Flowers in diameter reach from 10 to 12 centimeters, they consist of 5 petals painted in purple or pink, there are also many stamens. Flowering begins in May or June. The fruit is 3-5 leaflets, glossy black seeds should ripen in them in the first days of August.

Planting a Mary root

For propagation of the marin root, seed and vegetative way. If there is such a peony in the garden, then the bush can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. Using a very sharp tool, it must be cut into several parts, while taking into account that each division must have buds and roots. Places of cuts should be sprinkled with crushed coal. Then the delenki are left in the open air so that the sections can dry. For their planting, you need to prepare holes measuring 50x50x50 centimeters, which need to be covered by 2/3 with a mixture consisting of garden soil, sand and humus, you also need to pour 20 grams of superphosphate and potassium salt into it. The pits, with delenki placed in them, are covered with nutrient soil, its surface is rammed. Planted divisions need abundant watering. When planting, you need to take into account that the distance between the bushes should be at least 0.7 m. The evading peony is transplanted and divided in the autumn period in the evening or on a rainy day. After planting, the plant will not bloom during the first season. The following year, the marin root will bloom, but the flowering will not be plentiful, since the plant needs time to gain strength.

You can grow this culture from seed. Seeds that you have collected yourself need a two-stage stratification. To begin with, the seed is combined with moistened sand, where it should stay for 8-12 weeks at a temperature of about 20 degrees. After that, it is placed on the refrigerator shelf for vegetables for 6 months. The seed, which has been stored for 12 months at room temperature, is sown in open soil before winter. In the spring, seedlings should appear, which must be looked after for 2 years. Only after this, the plant can be transplanted to a permanent place, keeping a distance of 0.7–1 m between the bushes.

You can grow an evasive peony both in a shaded and in a well-lit area. The soil needs to be well-drained and rich in organic matter. If the soil is poor, then compost or humus must be added to it for digging. Acidic soil can be corrected by adding slaked lime.

Maryin root is distinguished by its undemanding nature, and it is also unpretentious in its care. Therefore, growing it on your site is quite simple.


This plant does not need frequent watering. At a time, from 20 to 30 liters of water are poured under 1 bush. In order to prevent water from spreading over the area during irrigation, it is recommended to dig pipe sections around the bush. If water is poured directly into them, then it will be absorbed into the soil layer in which the root system of the Mary root is located. In early spring, during the period of bud formation, and even during the laying of flower buds in August, the bush especially needs a sufficient amount of moisture. When it rains or the plants are watered, you need to loosen the surface of the soil near the bushes. You should also pull out all weeds.


While the plant is young, it is recommended to feed it foliarly. Such dressings begin to be carried out regularly from May. To do this, once every 30 days, the bushes need to be watered from a watering can, using a solution of Ideal or another mineral fertilizer for this. At the same time, in 1 bucket of nutrient solution, before watering, you need to put 1 large spoonful of washing powder or liquid soap. It is recommended to feed the evading peony in this way in the evening or on a cloudy day.

During intensive growth, adult plants need to be fed foliarly 3 times with an interval of 20 days. And it is necessary to start such top dressing from the second half of May. During the first feeding, a solution of urea is used (50 grams of the substance per 1 bucket of water). For the second top dressing in 1 bucket of nutrient mixture containing urea, dissolve one tablet of microfertilizer. For the third feeding take nutrient solution, consisting of 1 bucket of water and two tablets of microfertilizers.

Adult bushes are recommended to be fed by the root method, however, it should be noted that in each period of development they need certain substances. At the beginning of the growing season, the marin root needs nitrogen, during the formation of buds and flowering it needs phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium, and during the laying of flower buds for the next year - phosphorus and potassium. In this regard, during one season, the bush should be fed 3 times foliarly:

  1. In the last days of March or the first - April, from 10 to 15 grams of potassium-nitrogen fertilizer must be applied to the soil under one large plant. If at this time there is still snow on the site, then the granules must be evenly distributed over its surface. When the snow begins to melt needed by the plant nutrients together with melt water will penetrate into the soil.
  2. In the last days of May or the first - June, the bushes are fed using a phosphorus-nitrogen-potassium solution for this (20:10:10). Instead of such a solution, you can take organic matter. So, the bushes can be shed with a solution of mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:25).
  3. After the plant has faded, after half a month, 15 grams of potash fertilizer and the same amount of superphosphate should be added to the soil under the bush. A groove should be made around the plant, in which the required amount of fertilizer is evenly distributed. Then it is shed with plenty of water and covered with soil.


During the preparation of the plant for winter, its shoots must be cut almost to the very surface of the soil. Then the bush should be covered with wood ash from above, two or three handfuls should be enough. It is necessary to cover for the winter only young specimens that are under 3 years old. And adult bushes do not need shelter, as they have a fairly high frost resistance.

This plant is highly resistant to diseases and pests. However, it can, under certain circumstances, get sick with gray rot. In order to prevent this and other fungal diseases, the bushes need to be treated 3 times with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (50 grams of the substance is taken for 1 bucket of water). The marin root is sprayed in the spring after the appearance of young shoots, then it is treated a couple more times with an interval of 10–12 days. When spraying one bush, 2 to 3 liters of solution should go away.

This culture is also prone to rust infection. For the purpose of prevention, the plant is treated with a solution of copper oxychloride (60 grams of the substance and a small amount of liquid soap are taken for 1 bucket of water). You can replace it with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (see above) or colloidal sulfur (100 grams of substance per 1 bucket of water).

As ornamental plants are usually grown garden varieties and evasive peony hybrids. A species plant does not have such a spectacular appearance, therefore, it is usually cultivated for medicinal raw materials, while it must be taken into account that it can only be collected from bushes with purple flowers.

The collection of medicinal raw materials is carried out 1 time in 5 or 6 years, while harvesting both roots and herbs. It is possible to collect raw materials throughout the entire growing season, but it is best to do this in the autumn. It is not worth digging up the whole bush. First, using a sickle or a very sharp knife, you need to cut off the part of the bush located above the ground. It should be noted that for drying and storage, the roots and grass of such a plant are placed separately from each other. The collection of petals is carried out as soon as they begin to fly around. They are placed in the shade to dry.

Harvesting of roots is carried out throughout the entire growing season. Remains of soil must be removed from the dug roots, then they are washed under cold running water and divided with a knife into strips, which should be no more than 15 centimeters long and about 30 mm thick. They are laid out under a canopy or in a semi-dark, well-ventilated room, where it should be cool. The raw material must be dried until it becomes brittle. After that, they must be dried in a dryer, setting the temperature to about 60 degrees. When the raw material is ready, it will become dark brown or brown-yellow in color, and its taste will be slightly sweet and burning.

Foliage and shoots should also be dried in a shaded place under a canopy. After the raw material becomes brittle, it is crushed.

Such medicinal raw materials have an expiration date. It can be stored and used for no more than three years, and then the remnants of raw materials are destroyed. Dried petals, foliage, buds and shoots should be kept away from roots. For storage, raw materials prepared from any part of the plant are poured into dark-colored cardboard boxes. Before using it for its intended purpose, you should check if the dried peony evading has extraneous unusual odors.

Mary root properties: harm and benefit

Medicinal properties of the marina root

A plant such as peony marin root contains flavonoids, essential oil, tannins, sterols, saponins, sugars and resins, gallic and salicylic acids.

The use of roots this plant helps to eliminate stress and fatigue, quick recovery after a long binge, improve metabolic processes in the body and cleanse toxins. They also have a positive effect on the state and functioning of the nervous system.

Such a plant contributes to the production of endorphin, which is the hormone of happiness, due to which a person has an improvement in mood without any unwanted side effects. This plant is used in the treatment of headaches, coughs, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gout, epilepsy, malaria, asthma, diarrhea, insomnia, hysteria and skin diseases. Peony evading helps in the presence of "female" problems, namely: it helps to cure mastopathy, infertility, erosion and fibroids, it is also used for uterine bleeding. Such medicinal raw materials are recommended for use by men in order to get rid of impotence. Tincture on the roots of this plant has a sedative effect, eliminates feelings of anxiety, anxiety and fatigue, and helps with insomnia. Another such root is able, when used as a cosmetic product, to improve the condition of the skin, namely, to get rid of blackheads and pimples, as well as oily sheen. Such a plant will help with eczema.


The root of the evading peony contains poison, therefore, using products based on it, it is imperative to adhere to the recommended dosage, in no case exceeding it. Tinctures and decoctions prepared using such a root are forbidden to be used for gastritis with high acidity and hypotension. Also, they should not be taken during pregnancy, as well as children under 12 years of age. But a healthy adult, before taking any remedy prepared on the basis of the marina root, should consult with a qualified specialist.

If a person is worried about insomnia, stress and irritability, a decoction of marina root will help. It is prepared according to this recipe: 40 grams of root marin per 400 ml of water must be infused for two weeks. Drink three times a day, thirty drops for a month. Such a decoction will help put the nervous system in order, restore healthy sleep.

A decoction is also actively used to improve bowel function. After a course of its use, one feels lightness, the stool normalizes, pain in the digestive tract disappears. To prepare the product, you need to boil 800 ml of water and put 10 grams of chopped marin root there. For 7 minutes, the broth should be on medium heat. After cooking, it should be decant. Take the remedy before meals, three times a day for half a glass.

For people who, on a diet, want to remove salts and fluid from the body, it is worth using a complex herbal tea. You need to mix the flowers of peony, cornflower, calendula, all 10 grams each. Then add 20 grams of elderberry, birch leaves, horsetail. The resulting mixture should be boiled and let it brew for 30 minutes. The prepared broth should be drunk every two hours, one glass.

If you have to treat skin lesions, you need to prepare an infusion for lotions. For cooking, you need 20 grams of the plant and 40 ml of boiling water. The mixture is heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then filtered. Then gauze is impregnated with the solution and applied to the affected areas of the body. Such lotions heal wounds very well, eliminate foci of inflammation, and relieve pain.


Wild peony has many useful properties and is used to treat a huge number of diseases. But before taking it, you need to consult your doctor, as some of its components are poisonous. Like any other plant, the plant has a number of contraindications that should not be neglected so as not to harm your health.

The main contraindications for use:

  • Pregnancy. If marin root is taken during pregnancy, the pregnancy may be terminated;
  • Lactation. The use of the plant breastfeeding can harm the child (wild peony contains too active substances);
  • Alcoholism (contraindication refers to taking alcohol tincture);
  • Children under 12 years of age;
  • Individual intolerance to the components in the composition of the plant;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Increased acidity of the stomach;
  • Low pressure.

A beautiful and useful plant - marin root helps to get rid of many diseases, rejuvenates and heals the body. By using drugs with a plant, you will forever forget about diseases, you will begin to feel like an active, cheerful, balanced person.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Maryin root - evasive peony, perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the genus Peonies, is used to activate the metabolism in the body, treat disorders of the nervous system, insomnia, and improve digestion.

Chemical composition

Maryin root, or as it is also called Maryina grass, zhgun-root, heart berries, unusual peony, is found in the Perm Territory, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia. The elusive peony is a rare plant, and in some regions it is even considered endangered; this species grows in meadows, edges of mixed light forests, in river valleys.

The peony reaches a height of up to 1 m, the stems are furrowed, the root of the plant, which sometimes weighs up to 5-6 kg, is branched, brown in color, with thick tubers, sweetish in taste. The leaves of the root marin are large, alternate, up to 30 cm long, the flowers are solitary, up to 14 cm in diameter, red-crimson, pink or purple. The plant blooms in May-June, at the same time its preparations are also produced, for medicinal purposes the root and rhizomes of the peony are of the greatest value, which, after harvesting, are dried in a dark and dry place at maximum temperature up to 50 °C. The composition of the roots of marina grass is presented:

  • Essential oils (methyl salicylate and cineol);
  • Flavonoids;
  • Benzoic and salicylic acid;
  • starch;
  • Sterols;
  • tannins;
  • Sugars;
  • Saponins;
  • organic acids;
  • triterpenoids;
  • sitosterol;
  • resins;
  • Macro- and microelements - chromium, magnesium, strontium, potassium, sulfur, iron, copper, etc.

Ascorbic acid was also found in the leaves and flowers of the plant.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of Maryina root have found application both in official and alternative medicine. The pharmaceutical industry produces products based on herbs and peony root, intended for the treatment of neurosis (in combination therapy), insomnia, to restore and regulate the activity of the autonomic nervous system, as well as to increase the acidity of gastric juice with reduced secretory function of the stomach, to improve appetite.

Using the antispasmodic, sedative, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant properties of marin root, folk healers recommend the use of its decoctions and tinctures in the fight against: typhoid, dysentery, gastrointestinal lesions, uterine bleeding, convulsions, epilepsy, cancer (stomach, uterus). Heart berries are prescribed to eliminate obsessive-compulsive disorders, with nervous tics, mastopathy, involutional neurosis, asthma, neurasthenia, whooping cough.

The restorative, bactericidal, antipyretic and analgesic effect of the plant in alternative medicine is recognized as effective in the treatment of: cough, headache, fever, colds, liver damage, ascites, hemorrhoids. When applied externally, marin root in the form of an ointment is useful for joint pain, sciatica, gout, sciatica, and neurological inflammations. In small doses, preparations based on the root of the plant increase the tone of the muscles of the walls of the uterus, but in a larger dosage they can provoke an abortion.

Indications for use

  • sleep disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • Gastritis (with low acidity);
  • Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • Colitis;
  • Liver damage;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Gout;
  • Elevated blood pressure;
  • stress;
  • Rheumatism;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • erosion of the uterus;
  • fever;
  • whooping cough;
  • asthma;
  • Radiculitis.


Tinctures, decoctions and infusions of the plant are contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to peony preparations;
  • breastfeeding;
  • Child under 12 years of age.

It is not recommended to use Marin Root in persons with hyperacid gastritis or suffering from arterial hypotension. Since the evasive peony is classified as a poisonous plant, the prescribed dosage must be strictly observed. In case of an overdose of the drug, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, problems with concentration, and allergic reactions may occur.

Home remedies from Maryina root

In the treatment of cough, gastritis, uterine bleeding, gout and rheumatism, a tincture of the plant (roots and aerial part) is used, for its manufacture, 10 g of peony is poured into 100 ml of vodka, shaken and left in a dark and cool place for two weeks. After that, filter and take 20 drops three times a day.

For the treatment of epilepsy, paralysis, neurosis, an infusion of the plant's herb is used, for the manufacture of which 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours, after filtering, take according to Art. spoon 3 times a day.

For the prevention of acute respiratory infections and strengthening immune system the aerial part of the root can be brewed and consumed like regular tea, several cups a day.

For external use, an ointment is prepared from the roots of the plant, for this they are finely ground and combined with pork interior fat in the same proportion. The resulting mixture is simmered in a water bath for half an hour. The cooled mass is used for rubbing or compresses in the treatment of joint pain, inflammation of the sciatic or trigeminal nerve. Simultaneously with the ointment, it is recommended to take peony tincture - to increase the therapeutic effect.

Pharmacy tincture is usually prescribed three times a day, 30-40 drops diluted in a glass of water, drunk for 20 minutes. before meals, therapy usually lasts at least 30 days. It is advisable to use all preparations based on marin root after consulting a doctor.

There are a huge number of plants that not so long ago were found exclusively in the wild. However, over time, humanity found out their properties and began to cultivate on their own on household plots. One of these crops is a plant called marin root. It has a lot of unique qualities and is actively used both in official and traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of various pathological conditions. Let's talk about its useful properties and methods of application in more detail.

Why is Mary's root valuable? The medicinal properties of the plant

For medicinal purposes, it is customary to use the root of this plant, which, by the way, is also called the evasive peony. This vegetable raw material contains many useful elements, balanced among themselves. So the peony root contains a significant amount essential oil and glycosides. It is rich in astringents, gallic and salicylic acid. In addition, this plant contains flavonoids and sterols, as well as starch and mineral salts. In the composition of marin root there are also sugars and saponins.

Thanks to such a surprisingly rich composition, it medicinal plant used by many doctors. So in official medicine it is customary to use it to correct poor appetite and digestion, as well as to increase the acidity of gastric juice.

In addition, scientists came to the conclusion that medicinal formulations, which are water or alcohol extracts from root marin, have a fairly good analgesic effect. But the therapeutic effect in this case becomes noticeable only after a couple of months, if the medicine is consumed constantly.

ethnoscience advises the use of marina root preparations for other purposes. So a tincture based on this culture is prescribed for the treatment of bleeding and rheumatism. She is being treated for insomnia and high blood pressure. Among other things, the evasive peony is the basis for cooking medicines from gout and epilepsy. With its help, they treat cough, restore metabolic processes in the body, and also treat vegetovascular dystonia. Maryin root is an excellent tool for eliminating emotional stress, it is also used to restore the nervous system, correct cardiac neuroses and nervous tics. Preparations based on this plant help to cope with mastopathy.

Among other things, it was noticed that the medicinal compositions of marin root improve mood quite well by stimulating the synthesis of endorphins in the body.

How to take the forces that hides Mary's root? plant application

To prepare a tincture based on marin root, it is worth taking one hundred grams of crushed roots of this plant and combining them with one hundred grams of alcohol. Such a medicinal infusion should be kept for one week in a fairly dark place, shaking from time to time. The resulting drug should be consumed forty drops about ten minutes before a meal. The duration of the course of such treatment is forty days, after which it is strongly recommended to take a break for one and a half weeks.

In the event that you have alcohol intolerance or you simply cannot consume it, healers advise preparing a water tincture based on the evading peony. Brew a teaspoon of finely chopped raw materials with half a liter of only boiled water. Cover the container and keep it overnight so that the medicine is well infused. In the morning, strain the resulting composition and consume it in a quarter cup about ten to fifteen minutes before meals. Ready infusion should be stored exclusively in the cold.

The anti-inflammatory qualities of the marin root make it possible to use it to eliminate pain in the joints, as well as in the correction of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. To prepare the medicine, it is worth taking a fresh root of the plant, grating it and combining it with interior pork fat. Simmer the resulting composition in a water bath for half an hour. After the ointment composition has completely cooled, soak a linen cloth with it and apply such a compress to the sore spot immediately before going to bed. Leave the medicine overnight, fixing it with a woolen scarf.

If your sciatic nerve is inflamed, it is worth rubbing such an ointment into the affected areas three times a day. At the same time, it is worth consuming an alcoholic tincture of Maryina root - this will significantly bring recovery closer.

To prepare a decoction, it is worth brewing a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Soak the composition in a water bath for half an hour, then strain. Take half a tablespoon of this medicine about half an hour before a meal.

Who is dangerous marin root? Plant contraindications

It is worth taking into account that marin root is inherently a poisonous plant. If you are preparing medicines based on it, be sure to follow the suggested recipes. Preparations of this type are prescribed with extreme caution for gastritis with high acidity, as well as for low blood pressure.

Medicines from the evasive peony should not be given to children under the age of twelve, women who are expecting the birth of a baby, as well as nursing mothers. Another contraindication to such treatment is individual intolerance.

Before carrying out therapy using marin root, you should consult a doctor.