Why does my right hand itch. What is itching for what according to signs

Folk sign itchy eyes (left or right) Itchy eyes - this is one of the most common signs of scabies of body parts, and it promises tears. The left eye usually itches to joy, and tears - itching of the right eye. There is also a belief that the right eye can itch and to joy. It all depends on the day of the week on which he combed it. If the name of the day of the week contains the letter "r" (for example, Tuesday), then the eye itches to joy, on other days - to tears. True, if you rub both eyes at the same time and cross them three times, there will be no tears.

Sign: itchy ear

When it itches in both ears, expect bad weather or wind. A more joyful interpretation of this sign speaks of the appearance of a newborn in the family. If the right ear itches, someone scolds you, the left one praises you. Itching in the auricles means condemnation, moreover, on the left - outsiders, people distant to you, condemn, and on the right - relatives and friends. If in the winter it itches and flares up the whole ear - soon there will be a thaw, and in all other seasons - you will receive unexpected news.

Eyebrow itches

If some part of the body is strongly combed, then there is no need to draw hasty conclusions and immediately look for a secret meaning in what is happening. You should carefully examine the itchy place. Perhaps this is a manifestation of an allergic reaction or a dermatological disease. Another reason is an insect bite. If redness and rashes did not appear there, then you can begin to interpret this phenomenon. It should be noted that signs are interpreted the same way for men and women.

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Head, neck and face

Folk omens about itchy places on the head and face:

  • nose - to a fight or to a noisy party with the use of a large amount of alcohol;
  • ear - you should expect a serious conversation;
  • left eyebrow - to a meeting with a deceitful and two-faced person; right - to friendly meetings and a pleasant pastime;
  • auricle - to clarify relationships with loved ones;
  • the sky in the mouth - to condemnation and a damaged reputation;
  • the left eye is a bad omen, to sadness and tears; right - to joyful emotions and pleasant surprises;
  • cheeks - to gossip and bad news;
  • forehead - to solve a long-standing problem;
  • chin - to a difficult choice;
  • the back of the head - to hopeless sadness;
  • lips - to tenderness and caresses;
  • language - to empty chatter;
  • crown - this part of the body is associated with receiving news.

In the scratcher, several interpretations are given about the itching of the neck:

  • The whole neck itches unbearably for a fight.
  • If it itches on the right, then one should expect a magnificent feast, which can end with the use of physical force.
  • It itches on the left - to exquisite pleasures.
  • Feel itching under the hair, in the back of the head - for a long-awaited meeting with a lover or lover.

If the girl’s whole face is itching and she feels that her cheeks are burning, then behind her back someone weaves intrigues and spreads untrue rumors.

Back and chest

If the right shoulder blade suddenly itches - to heartfelt affection and love adventures. Left - to interesting acquaintances and romantic dates. If it itches between the shoulder blades - to sudden weather changes. The lower back burns - the plan is not destined to come true.

A burning coccyx portends great misfortune, but if a woman manages to restrain her impulses and she does not touch the itchy place, then she will be able to avoid trouble by a happy coincidence.

Superstitions regarding itching of the chest and abdomen:

  • ribs - to the appearance of an envious person;
  • chest - to mental suffering and strong feelings;
  • stomach - to a deterioration in well-being or a change in the weather;
  • navel - to triumph;
  • collarbones - to unexpected guests;
  • itching in the armpits - to a sudden illness that will drag on for a long time.

The right side itches - to return the debt. If it itches in the left side, then you will have to pay for it yourself.

Arms and legs

It is important which part of the arm or leg is itchy.

Part of the body From the left side On the right side
PalmTo profitTo meet a friend
Arm above the elbowTo loveTo the visit of the enemy
Fingers and wristUnexpected expensesProfitable offer
ElbowA series of sad events that will cut the ground from under a person's feet
ShinFor long trips
HeelTo irreparable lossesTo rise wages or career growth
Both heels itch at the same time - to a tiring and dangerous road
HipBy the arrival of distant relatives or acquaintances whom the person has not seen for a long timeTo unforeseen expenses up to complete lack of money
SoleTo unrestrained dancingFor hiking
SoleTo the treacherous act of a friend or the betrayal of a loved one. Perhaps something very unpleasant will be revealed soon.To pleasant travels with a lover / oh
KneeExpect unpleasant surprises

If you believe in folk omens and their meaning, then this article is for you. In it, we will tell you in detail what itches for, and what events this portends to a person. Signs help to predict the future and prevent undesirable consequences.

Itching in different parts of the face

As folk signs say, the face itches for a reason. Let us consider in detail the meaning of itching in the facial part.


The itching of each eye has its own meaning. If the eyelid itches on the left, then a person is waiting for joyful events or news. The right eye itches to sad events and tears.

Both eyes itch at once - to good events and changes in life.


As in the case of the eyes, each itchy eyebrow carries its own interpretation.

There are several interpretations about this. One source claims that an itchy left eyebrow portends a person to meet an unpleasant and judgmental person. The right eyebrow portends a meeting with a good old friend. If both eyebrows - wait for the meeting.

In other sources, the itchy left eyebrow is a harbinger of a meeting with a man, and the right one with a woman. If itching appears between the eyebrows, a meeting with a married couple is coming.


Since ancient times, the itchy tip of the nose has been a harbinger of drinking alcohol. Scabies of the nose in the nostrils is a sign that your friends or relatives will soon have an addition to the family. The left nostril means a girl will be born. Scabies of the nose on the right side is a sign of the birth of a boy.

If the bridge of the nose itches - expect bad news. It is possible that you will lose someone close or dear.


This interpretation has an unambiguous meaning - wait for kisses. Lower lip - you will kiss a man, upper lip - kiss a child or a woman, both - there will be friendly kisses with a married couple.


If the tongue is combed at the tip, someone is vigorously discussing you. And this is bad gossip and gossip. If the itching has spread to the entire tongue, a long and important conversation awaits you soon. On the right side, the tongue itches - you will solve serious problems, on the left - expect good news.


Itchy left ear - so someone praises you, right - remembers not in the best way. Inside the auricles in winter portends an early thaw. The lobe on the left itches - you are waiting for the resolution of all conflicts, on the right - serious misunderstandings are brewing (in the family, at work). Also, our ancestors determined the weather by an itchy lobe. If the right side - then warm and sunny days are coming, on the left - there will be heavy rain or snow, depending on the season.

If the ears itch at the tips of the top, and it doesn’t matter from which side - folk signs portend big financial waste.


There are two interpretations when both cheeks itch:

  • to tears;
  • for the arrival of unexpected guests.

The left itchy cheek portends the arrival of close relatives, the right - distant relatives. Moreover, this interpretation is valid regardless of the day of the week.


In men, mustaches can itch for only one reason - a date and a kiss from a lady you like is coming soon. The beard itches - the girl misses you.

Teeth and mouth

There are folk superstitions about scabies in the mouth, because this zone is no less important and this is what it predicts for us:

  • teeth - beware of condemnation from the outside;
  • folk signs have the same interpretation when the sky or gums itch;
  • if you feel an itch near your throat - wait for a pleasant guest with whom you will have a nice conversation.

Itchy head

Folk superstitions associated with scabies in different parts of the head:

  1. Itchy head in the forehead - to a long and meaningful conversation with a member of the opposite sex. There is another popular interpretation, when the forehead was combed - such a person will have to bow before the ill-wisher.
  2. The back of the head - you will have to face sad events.
  3. The head itches in the temple area for various reasons. For people working in a dangerous job, this is a kind of sign warning of possible injury. If a girl’s temple itches, she should expect a date soon. Also, itching in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head may indicate an upcoming quarrel or indisposition of your or your loved ones, especially if the right temple itches.
  4. Temechko. This part of the body itches on the eve of making some important decision or solving serious problems. The more the crown itches, the more bigger problems waiting for a person.
  5. If a woman's chin is combed, a passionate love relationship will soon begin, which will be short-lived. In men, scabies in this area is a sign that it is time to act and make decisions about the girl you like. Moreover, such a sign promises him good luck in love.

upper body


If your neck is itching in front, get ready for a quick departure. It can be a trip to relatives or a business trip. If the neck itches in the back of the head - wait for a meeting with an old acquaintance on the upcoming trip.


Shoulders itch - a trip awaits you soon. The duration and distance of the path will depend on which side the shoulders itch:

  • on the left - a near departure from the house is coming;
  • right side - the trip will be long and long.

Scabies in the forearm - changes are coming in your life. It can be affected by both good and bad events.


Itchy sensations in the armpit signal a slight malaise (cold, runny nose, weakness). Itching on the right armpit means you will easily and quickly get sick without medical help, on the left - your whole family will endure the sore.


If the breast itches, you will soon have to make an important and serious choice in your life.

Nipples itched - expect changes in your personal life. An itchy left papilla indicates that someone passionately loves you and wants to see you soon. The right nipple is a sign that you will soon meet your loved one.

If the body itches in the region of the heart, you will find great disappointment and annoyance.

Other parts of the body

It itches in the waist, hips or sides - bad news awaits you, unpleasant actions from people close to you, or the arrival of unexpected guests.


Itchy back under the shoulder blades or between them - much to bad weather. The same can be said when the lower back itches.

The lower back itches on the right - big troubles and problems, on the left - you have a chance to avoid or mitigate unpleasant circumstances.

The back itches in the spine - expect sudden changes in the weather.


In this case, there are two interpretations:

  • changing weather conditions;
  • sadness and grief.

To determine exactly what awaits a person, it is necessary to find out exactly how the belly itches. Scratching from top to bottom - the weather will change quickly, from one side to the other or from bottom to top - the weather will change, but not soon.


Elbow scratching marks a scandal, a quarrel, and even a fight. Also, such an itch portends someone else's bed or grief.

Itchy hand in the forearm - expect love affairs, a romance is possible. The wrist itched - you will be limited in your actions or receive news of a good friend who is very far from you.

Itchy palms, little finger or index finger - expect a big influx of money or large financial costs.

Some argue that if the palm itches on the left, the person will receive a lot of money. Others argue that it is with the left palm that they give money. The right hand indicates that there will soon be a handshake with an old friend.

If the ribs of the palms itch, you will receive a gift. The fist itches - wait, soon you will have to face serious problems and their solution will depend only on you.

lower body

Let's find out why the lower parts of the body itch, because there are also many signs and beliefs about them.


The priest itches or, as they say, the back seat on the right side - to a serious illness or manifestations of selfish goals. If the ass itches from all sides, it means that such a person is being praised. The buttocks are itching on the left side - expect a love adventure.

If the buttocks itch and burn, you will soon get a lot of pleasure.


Consider the meaning of folk signs associated with scabies in different places on the legs:

  1. Lower leg on the right side - expect a pleasant meeting, on the left side - big financial losses. Therefore, be careful in your future financial calculations.
  2. The meaning of signs, if the sole is combed different interpretation, depending on which one itches: the right foot - a predictable road is coming, the left sole - there will be a road in an unknown direction.
  3. Folk omens, why the eyes itch.

    Here's What Itches Your Left or Right Hand Really!

    Why does the right eye itch.

    Why is my right hand itchy?

    The meaning of other signs

    Consider when other parts of the body itch:

    1. Groin - expect big troubles and difficulties in your personal life.
    2. Tailbone itches not good. This is a sign that you have ill-wishers who gossip and gossip behind your back. Another itchy tailbone may indicate an impending illness and trouble.
    3. Eggs - for men, this is a very good sign. Expect attention and care from the girl you like.

If your chest is itchy, there are a lot of signs associated with this. So, it is important for the left or right mammary gland to itch. Your body tells you what to expect in the future. Therefore, do not ignore such signs of fate.

Common sign about chest itching

It itches just above the mammary gland or under it - a warning about the meeting.

Itching around the chest:

  • in the morning - the meeting is successful, it will be possible to conclude a deal, communication will be friendly;
  • in the afternoon - difficulties in communication. If a meeting with business partners, an agreement can be concluded, but it will take a long time to persuade them, if to reconcile with a friend, you will have to try to forgive you;
  • in the evening - it will not be possible to come to a consensus with the interlocutor;
  • at night - the rendezvous is neutral.

The whole breast is completely disturbing (either the nipple, then the mammary gland, then around) - get ready to meet guests who have not been seen for a long time. It can be both friends and relatives from afar who decide to suddenly descend.

Both breasts are itching synchronously (on the right or on the left side, both nipples), this indicates trouble. Do not make hasty decisions, someone will try to annoy. Don't trust people completely.

If the itching is asymmetrical (for example, the bottom of the right mammary gland and the left nipple itches), expect good news, joyful meetings, pleasant surprises. The stronger the sensations, the better the event awaits you.

The listed signs also work with other signs that can be sent higher powers. For example, itching also manifests itself:

Having deciphered both one and the other, you will make a more accurate forecast and will know what to prepare yourself for.

Why does the left breast or nipple itch

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This belief has several interpretations, especially women should pay attention to it.

If the nipple is itchy:

  • indicates an admirer who yearns for a woman;
  • if the relationship with the soulmate does not add up, this feeling can speak of the resurrection of feelings, the improvement of relations;
  • according to accept for money, anxiety of the left nipple or the entire breast can prophesy profit. The more it itches, the more money you get. It is possible that on the street they will either return a long-forgotten debt.

If the left breast itches:

  • for a woman under 40 years old - life will be full of happiness and good luck.
  • after 40 - to problems;
  • may indicate bad weather;
  • regular itching (in a woman and a man) - a belief in a comfortable life;
  • if a single unmarried girl often itches her left mammary gland, she will marry a man who is much older and the marriage will be happy.

What does it mean when the right breast itches?

Less optimistic when it comes to itching in the right breast. According to beliefs, this indicates the unfaithfulness of the beloved. Actual similar belief if this happens for several days.

But if the chest itches extremely rarely, this indicates a good relationship with loved ones and that they miss you very much. One of the transcripts says that a bored person has light blond hair.

Itching can be a warning for a lonely person - there will soon be a chance to start a serious romance.

Feel itching during sleep - a warning for women. This phenomenon indicates a negative relationship with a lover. There may be quarrels or mistrust, disagreement in relationships, but also betrayal.

A good interpretation of the omen is the hour, which occurs at about the same time of day every day, indicates the speedy achievement of the goal. Moreover, absolutely any dream can come true.

How to strengthen the magic of signs

If the mammary gland is itching and you have found a positive decoding of this phenomenon that you like, you can enhance the effect, attract even more positive things to yourself. Several methods can be used for this. Immediately after the chest itches, look at yourself in the mirror. Scratch the disturbing place in front of him. When the sensations pass, put the mirror aside.

The next option is when it stops itching, go to the window and gently tap on the glass with your fingers. You can artificially induce itching. Many people say that if you start scratching an area of ​​the body very intensively, after a few seconds it actually starts to itch a little.

Knowing the sign of the fulfillment of desire, you can scratch your chest at the same time every day, thereby causing a feeling of itching and thus attract the fulfillment of a dream.

The people have always paid attention not only to such “large-scale” manifestations of life as the weather. Death, birth, but also as trivial as the desire to scratch some part of the body. As a result of such observations, interesting signs and beliefs appeared, which in fact turn out to be not so idle conjectures ...

1. It itches in the groin - not good.

2. Chest itching - to grief or bad weather.

3. If the whole body itches, then the usual signs lose their significance.

4. If the lips itch - be at the hotel or at a party. Upper lip - kissing a man, lower lip - kissing a woman or a child. Both lips itch - kissing a married couple.

5. If the forehead itches - greet someone or bow to an arrogant one. In some cases, a sign is understood as a prediction of a conversation with a traveler of the opposite sex.

6. If both legs itched at the same time - to a long but vain road with a lot of failures. To avoid this, you need to lean against the wall, stand upside down and say - "To whom is dear, but to me - the help of God."

7. If two hands itch at the same time, there will be a lot of wasted work. To avoid this, you need to simultaneously rub your left palm on your right ear, and your right palm on your left.

8. If your tongue tingles - talk with a windmill, that is, with a person who came from the wind, with a stranger, the tip of the tongue - to gossip and evil intentions against you. To prevent evil intentions, it is necessary to tie a strong knot on something so that the mouths of spiteful critics are also tied up, or prick the tip of the tongue with a needle, or sprinkle the tip of the tongue with something sharp (salt, pepper, etc.) so that all evil back to the detractors. The sky and gums - to trouble.

9. If the hand itches, in order for the money to flow, you need to scratch or rub the back side of the table board with this hand. Right palm - to receive money (pay will be more accurate if you scratch your palm on a tree). Left palm - give money.

10. If itching in the nose - to good news or to secret neighborly good deeds. Nose bridge - you will hear about the deceased. The tip of the nose is to be in honor or drink wine (look into a glass), or look at a drunk, or to the news. The nostril itches - to the news of childbirth: the right - someone will give birth to a son, the left - a daughter. Nose on the side - to the news. Under the nose - to failure, ingratitude, etc.

11. If itching in the ears - to a newborn or to bad weather, to the wind. The right ear - someone scolds, the left - someone praises. The whole ear itches and burns: in winter - to a thaw, and at other times of the year - to fast news.

12. If the back itches - to sadness, the shoulder blades or between the shoulder blades - to bad weather and rain, the spine - to a change in weather, the lower back - to bad weather.

13. If the beard itches, kiss.

14. If the head itches - be cursed.

15. If the stomach itches - to sadness or to a sharp change in the weather, and if it itches from top to bottom, then the change will come within a day, from bottom to top or from the side - in a day. The navel and the place around it are either for a party, or for news from afar, or for a guest (guests) from afar.

16. If the collarbone itches - to be in an honorary meeting, at a party.

17. If it itches under the armpits - to a mild illness, under the right - to one's own illness, and under the left - to the illness of loved ones.

18. If the right eyebrow itches - to a date with a friend, or someone praises you. Left eyebrow - a date with a hypocrite, or someone scolds. Both eyebrows - you will look at sweaty horses, that is, at a guest who has come from afar, and you will bow to him or you will bow to someone for a good deed done to you.

19. If the sides itch, there will be guests or the debt will be returned.

20. If your eyes itch or under your eyes - on this day you will cry about something, regret. Left eye - to joy, right eye - to tears.

21. Ass itching - praised. The right buttock - to illness and sadness, the left buttock - to self-interest.

22. The back of the head itches - they will scold.

23. Itchy temechko - to thoughts about family and related matters, and the more it itches, the more important things to be resolved.

24. Itchy knees - pray on your knees in a strange church or repent for sins.

25. Elbow itching - to grief, or to sleep on someone else's bed, or fall on it. Right elbow - to a dispute, quarrel, fight. Left elbow - in front of a strange, unrealistic proposal.

26. It itches between the eyebrows - to a meeting with a married couple.

27. Toes itch and calluses on them - to change the weather to inclement, but this is true only for the elderly and at the same time sick people.

28. Soles itch - you have to work with your feet or set off on foot, to the road. In this case, the people say: “The soles are combed - to be boots behind your shoulders” (dangling boots on a staff). Right sole - go on a pleasant trip. Left sole - an unpleasant and difficult trip lies ahead.