Signs of approaching death. Bed patient: signs before death

What happens to a person at the time of death? What are the sensations, reactions of the body? in the last moments of life?

1. Drowning

As soon as the drowning victim realizes that the moment is near when she will hide under water, panic immediately begins. A person is floundering on the surface, trying to breathe and cannot call for help at this time. This step takes 20-60 seconds.
After immersion, the victim tries to hold his breath for the maximum period (for 30-90 s). In the end, a small amount of water is first breathed in, as a result of coughing and drawing in a larger portion of the liquid. In the lungs, water does not allow gas exchange to occur, the muscles of the larynx are sharply reduced. This reflex is called laryngospasm.
During the passage of water through the respiratory tract, there is a burning sensation and tearing in the chest. Then calmness comes, loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen. Further cardiac arrest and death.
Although death can come from simply.

2. Heart attack

The first symptom is chest pain. It can take various forms - be long and constant, be short periodic. All these are manifestations of the struggle of the heart muscle for life, as well as its dying from a lack of oxygen. The pain is given to the arm, chin, abdomen, throat, back. Shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea may occur.
People usually ignore these symptoms, do not seek help, wait 2-6 hours. This is especially true for women - more patient and accustomed to pain. But in this case, you can not hesitate! Usually the cause of death in such attacks is arrhythmia.
After cardiac arrest, loss of consciousness occurs within 10 seconds, and death occurs a minute later. If this happens in a hospital, then doctors have a chance to start the heart with a defibrillator, administer drugs and bring the patient back to life.

3. Deadly bleeding

The time of death from blood loss is highly dependent on the amount of blood and the site of bleeding. If we are talking about a rupture of the aorta, the main blood vessel, then the count goes to seconds. Typically, the cause of its breaks are strong blows as a result of falls or car accidents.
If other veins or arteries are damaged, death can occur within a few hours. In this case, a person goes through different stages. An adult has an average of about 5 liters of blood. After the loss of 1.5 of them comes weakness, thirst, shortness of breath and anxiety. After 2x - there will be confusion, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

4. Death by fire

In a fire, the hairline, throat and respiratory tract are the first to suffer from fire and hot smoke. Throat burns make it impossible to breathe, skin burns excite nerve endings and cause burning pain.
As the burns become deeper, the pain subsides. This is due to the fact that the nerve endings in the skin are destroyed - this layer simply burns out. Sometimes people just don't feel the damage when they're stressed. But then, when the level of adrenaline normalizes, the pain returns.
Most of those who die in a fire do not die from fire, but from carbon monoxide poisoning and lack of oxygen, often without even waking up.

5. Falling from height

One of the most effective methods of suicide. When falling from more than 145 meters, the speed reaches 200 km / h. An analysis of such cases only in Hamburg gave 75% of the dead in the first seconds or minutes after landing.
Causes of death can vary greatly from body position and landing site. Highest chance of instant death when jumping upside down.
So research was done on 100 lethal jumps from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Its height is 75 m, the body reaches a speed of 120 km/h by the moment of collision with water. When falling, a person gets a heart rupture, a lung contusion, damage to the main vessels by fragments of the ribs. If the landing occurred on your feet, then there are much fewer injuries and more chances to survive.

A person's life path ends with his death. You need to be prepared for this, especially if there is a bed patient in the family. Signs before death will be different for each person. However, the practice of observations shows that it is still possible to identify a number of common symptoms that portend the imminence of death. What are these signs and what should be prepared for?

How does a dying person feel?

A bedridden patient before death, as a rule, experiences mental anguish. In sound consciousness there is an understanding of what is to be experienced. The body undergoes certain physical changes, this cannot be overlooked. On the other hand, the emotional background also changes: mood, mental and psychological balance.

Some lose interest in life, others completely close in on themselves, others may fall into a state of psychosis. Sooner or later, the condition worsens, the person feels that he is losing his own dignity, more often he thinks about a quick and easy death, asks for euthanasia. These changes are hard to observe, remaining indifferent. But you will have to come to terms with this or try to alleviate the situation with drugs.

With the approach of death, the patient sleeps more and more, showing apathy towards the outside world. In the last moments, a sharp improvement in the condition may occur, reaching the point that the patient who has been lying for a long time is eager to get out of bed. This phase is replaced by the subsequent relaxation of the body with an irreversible decrease in the activity of all body systems and the attenuation of its vital functions.

Bedridden patient: ten signs that death is near

In conclusion life cycle an elderly person or a bedridden patient feels more and more weak and tired due to lack of energy. As a result, he is increasingly in a state of sleep. It can be deep or drowsy, through which voices are heard and the surrounding reality is perceived.

A dying person can see, hear, feel and perceive things that do not actually exist, sounds. In order not to upset the patient, this should not be denied. It is also possible to lose orientation and the Patient is more and more immersed in himself and loses interest in the reality around him.

Urine due to kidney failure darkens to almost brown with a reddish tint. As a result, edema appears. The patient's breathing quickens, it becomes intermittent and unstable.

Under pale skin, as a result of a violation of blood circulation, dark “walking” venous spots appear, which change their location. They usually first appear on the feet. In the last moments, the limbs of a dying person become cold due to the fact that the blood, draining from them, is redirected to more important parts of the body.

Failure of life support systems

There are primary signs that appear at the initial stage in the body of a dying person, and secondary ones, indicating the development of irreversible processes. Symptoms may have outward manifestation or be hidden.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

How does the bedridden patient react to this? Signs before death, associated with loss of appetite and a change in the nature and volume of food consumed, are manifested by problems with the stool. Most often, constipation develops against this background. A patient without a laxative or an enema finds it increasingly difficult to empty the bowels.

Patients spend the last days of their lives refusing food and water altogether. You shouldn't worry too much about this. It is believed that dehydration in the body increases the synthesis of endorphins and anesthetics, which to some extent improve overall well-being.

Functional disorders

How does the condition of patients change and how does the bed patient react to this? Signs before death, associated with the weakening of the sphincters, in the last few hours of a person's life are manifested by fecal and urinary incontinence. In such cases, you must be prepared to provide him with hygienic conditions, using absorbent underwear, diapers or diapers.

Even in the presence of appetite, there are situations when the patient loses the ability to swallow food, and soon water and saliva. This may lead to aspiration.

With severe exhaustion, when the eyeballs are very sunken, the patient is not able to completely close the eyelids. This has a depressing effect on those around you. If the eyes are constantly open, the conjunctiva must be moistened with special ointments or saline.

and thermoregulation

What are the symptoms of these changes if the patient is bedridden? Signs before death in a weakened person in an unconscious state are manifested by terminal tachypnea - against the background of frequent respiratory movements, death rattles are heard. This is due to the movement of the mucous secretion in the large bronchi, trachea and pharynx. This condition is quite normal for a dying person and does not cause him suffering. If it is possible to lay the patient on his side, wheezing will be less pronounced.

The beginning of the death of the part of the brain responsible for thermoregulation is manifested by jumps in the patient's body temperature in a critical range. He can feel hot flashes and sudden cold. The extremities are cold, the perspiring skin changes color.

Road to death

Most patients die quietly: gradually losing consciousness, in a dream, falling into a coma. Sometimes it is said about such situations that the patient died on the “usual road”. It is generally accepted that in this case, irreversible neurological processes occur without significant deviations.

Another picture is observed in agonal delirium. The movement of the patient to death in this case will take place along the “difficult road”. Signs before death in a bedridden patient who embarked on this path: psychosis with excessive excitement, anxiety, disorientation in space and time against the background of confusion. If at the same time there is a clear inversion of the wakefulness and sleep cycles, then for the patient's family and relatives such a condition can be extremely difficult.

Delirium with agitation is complicated by a feeling of anxiety, fear, often turning into a need to go somewhere, to run. Sometimes this is speech anxiety, manifested by an unconscious flow of words. The patient in this state can perform only simple actions, not fully understanding what he is doing, how and why. The ability to reason logically is impossible for him. These phenomena are reversible if the cause of such changes is identified in time and stopped by medical intervention.


Before death, what symptoms and signs in a bedridden patient indicate physical suffering?

As a rule, uncontrolled pain in the last hours of a dying person's life rarely increases. However, it is still possible. An unconscious patient will not be able to let you know about this. Nevertheless, it is believed that pain in such cases also causes excruciating suffering. A sign of this is usually a tense forehead and deep wrinkles appearing on it.

If, during examination of an unconscious patient, there are assumptions about the presence of a developing pain syndrome, the doctor usually prescribes opiates. You should be careful, as they can accumulate and, over time, aggravate an already serious condition due to the development of excessive overexcitation and convulsions.

Giving help

A bedridden patient before death may experience significant suffering. Relief of symptoms of physiological pain can be achieved with drug therapy. Mental suffering and psychological discomfort of the patient, as a rule, become a problem for relatives and close family members of the dying.

An experienced doctor at the stage of assessing the general condition of the patient can recognize the initial symptoms of irreversible pathological changes in cognitive processes. First of all, this is: absent-mindedness, perception and understanding of reality, the adequacy of thinking when making decisions. You can also notice violations of the affective function of consciousness: emotional and sensory perception, attitude to life, the relationship of the individual with society.

The choice of methods of alleviating suffering, the process of assessing the chances and possible outcomes in the presence of the patient, in individual cases, can itself serve as a therapeutic tool. This approach gives the patient a chance to really realize that they sympathize with him, but they perceive him as a capable person with the right to vote and choose possible ways to solve the situation.

In some cases, a day or two before the expected death, it makes sense to stop taking certain medications: diuretics, antibiotics, vitamins, laxatives, hormonal and hypertensive drugs. They will only exacerbate suffering, cause inconvenience to the patient. Painkillers, anticonvulsants and antiemetics, tranquilizers should be left.

Communication with a dying person

How to behave relatives, in whose family there is a bed patient?

Signs of approaching death can be obvious or conditional. If there are the slightest prerequisites for a negative forecast, it is worth preparing in advance for the worst. Listening, asking, trying to understand the non-verbal language of the patient, you can determine the moment when changes in his emotional and physiological state indicate the imminent approach of death.

Whether the dying person will know about it is not so important. If he realizes and perceives, it alleviates the situation. False promises and vain hopes for his recovery should not be made. It must be made clear that his last will will be fulfilled.

The patient should not remain isolated from active affairs. It is bad if there is a feeling that something is being hidden from him. If a person wants to talk about the last moments of his life, then it is better to do it calmly than to hush up the topic or blame stupid thoughts. A dying person wants to understand that he will not be alone, that he will be taken care of, that suffering will not touch him.

At the same time, relatives and friends need to be ready to show patience and provide all possible assistance. It is also important to listen, let them talk and say words of comfort.

Medical assessment

Is it necessary to tell the whole truth to relatives in whose family there is a bed patient before death? What are the signs of this condition?

There are situations when the family of a terminally ill patient, being in the dark about his condition, literally spends his last savings in the hope of changing the situation. But even the best and most optimistic treatment plan can fail. It will happen that the patient will never get back on his feet, will not return to active life. All efforts will be in vain, spending will be useless.

Relatives and friends of the patient, in order to provide care in the hope of a speedy recovery, quit their jobs and lose their source of income. In an attempt to alleviate suffering, they put the family in a difficult financial situation. Relationship problems arise, unresolved conflicts due to lack of funds, legal issues - all this only aggravates the situation.

Knowing the symptoms of imminent death, seeing irreversible signs of physiological changes, an experienced doctor is obliged to inform the patient's family about this. Informed, understanding the inevitability of the outcome, they will be able to focus on providing him with psychological and spiritual support.

Palliative care

Do relatives who have a bed patient need help before death? What symptoms and signs of the patient suggest that she should be treated?

Palliative care for the patient is not aimed at prolonging or shortening his life. Its principles affirm the concept of death as a natural and regular process of the life cycle of any person. However, for patients with an incurable disease, especially in its progressive stage, when all treatment options have been exhausted, the question of medical and social assistance is raised.

First of all, you need to apply for it when the patient no longer has the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle or the family does not have the conditions to ensure this. In this case, attention is paid to alleviating the suffering of the patient. At this stage, not only the medical component is important, but also social adaptation, psychological balance, peace of mind of the patient and his family.

A dying patient needs not only attention, care and normal living conditions. Psychological relief is also important for him, relief of experiences associated, on the one hand, with the inability to self-service, and on the other hand, with the realization of the fact of an imminent imminent death. Trained nurses know the intricacies of the art of alleviating such suffering and can provide significant assistance to terminally ill people.

Predictors of death according to scientists

What to expect for relatives who have a bed patient in the family?

Symptoms of the approaching death of a person "eaten" by a cancerous tumor were documented by the staff of palliative care clinics. According to observations, not all patients showed obvious changes in the physiological state. A third of them did not show symptoms or their recognition was conditional.

But in the majority of terminally ill patients, three days before death, a marked decrease in the response to verbal stimulation could be noted. They did not respond to simple gestures and did not recognize the facial expressions of the personnel communicating with them. The “smile line” in such patients was omitted, an unusual sounding of the voice (grunting of the ligaments) was observed.

In some patients, in addition, there was hyperextension of the cervical muscles (increased relaxation and mobility of the vertebrae), non-reactive pupils were observed, patients could not close their eyelids tightly. Of the obvious functional disorders, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract (in the upper sections) was diagnosed.

According to scientists, the presence of half or more of these signs may most likely indicate an unfavorable prognosis for the patient and his sudden death.

Signs and folk beliefs

In the old days, our ancestors paid attention to the behavior of a dying person before death. Symptoms (signs) in a bedridden patient could predict not only death, but also the future prosperity of his family. So, if the dying person asked for food (milk, honey, butter) in the last moments and relatives gave it, then this could affect the future of the family. There was a belief that the deceased could take wealth and good luck with him.

It was necessary to prepare for imminent death if the patient shuddered violently for no apparent reason. It was like looking into his eyes. Also a sign of close death was a cold and pointed nose. There was a belief that it was for him that death was holding the candidate in the last days before his death.

The ancestors were convinced that if a person turns away from the light and most of the time lies facing the wall, he is on the threshold of another world. If he suddenly felt relieved and asked to be transferred to his left side, then this is a sure sign of an imminent death. Such a person will die without pain if the windows and the door are opened in the room.

Bedridden patient: how to recognize the signs of impending death?

Relatives of a dying patient at home should be aware of what they may encounter in the last days, hours, moments of his life. It is impossible to accurately predict the moment of death and how everything will happen. Not all of the symptoms and symptoms described above may be present before the death of a bedridden patient.

The stages of dying, like the processes of the origin of life, are individual. No matter how hard it is for relatives, you need to remember that it is even more difficult for a dying person. Close people need to be patient and provide the dying person with the maximum possible conditions, moral support and attention and care. Death is an inevitable outcome of the life cycle and it cannot be changed.

What can be expected and how to respond to the process of natural death.

No one can predict the moment of death. But the doctors and nurses who care for the dying know certain symptoms of the body dying. These signs of impending death are inherent in the process of natural dying (as opposed to the symptoms of certain illnesses that a person may suffer from).

Not all symptoms of dying show up in every person, but most people, in the last days or hours, show some combination of the following:

1. Loss of appetite

Energy needs are decreasing. The person may begin to resist or refuse to eat or drink at all, or take only small amounts of soft food (such as warm porridge). The first will probably give up meat that is difficult to chew. Even favorite foods are consumed in small quantities.

Just before death, the dying person may be physically unable to swallow.

Reaction: do not stuff; follow the person's desires even though you may be concerned about losing interest in food. Offer ice chips periodically ( so in the text - ice chips - I don't know what it is, translator's note,, popsicles, or a sip of water. Use a moistened warm washcloth to wipe around your mouth and apply lip balm to keep them moist and supple.

2. Excessive fatigue and sleep

A person may begin to sleep for most of the day and night as the metabolism slows down and the reduced amount of food and water contributes to dehydration. It becomes difficult to awaken him or her from sleep. Fatigue intensifies so much that understanding, perception of the environment begins to become clouded.

Response: let sleep, do not wake or push the sleeping person. Assume that everything you say can be heard, as hearing is believed to persist even when the person is unconscious, in a coma, or otherwise unresponsive.

3. Increasing physical weakness

Decreased diet and lack of energy lead to a lack of physical strength to perform even such actions as lifting the head or moving on the bed. The person may have difficulty even taking a sip of water through a straw.

Response: Focus on making the person comfortable.

4. Clouding of consciousness or disorientation

All organs, including the brain, begin to gradually fail. Higher consciousness tends to change. "Only in rare cases do people remain fully conscious when they die," says palliative care physician Ira Biok, author of Dying Well.

A person may not know, not understand where he or she is, or who else is in the room, may talk to or answer people who are not in the room (see "Passing Away: What to Expect When Witnessing a Loved One" s Death" - "Death: what to expect, being present at death loved one”), may say seemingly meaningless things, may get the tenses mixed up, or may become restless and start picking at the bedding.

Response: Stay calm and comforting. Talk to the person gently, and identify yourself when you approach.

5. Difficulty breathing

Inhalation and exhalation become intermittent, irregular, and labored. You can hear the specific “Cheyne-Stokes breathing”: a loud, deep breath, then a pause without breathing (apnea) lasting from five seconds to a minute, then a loud, deep exhalation and the cycle slowly repeats.

Sometimes excessive secretions cause loud throat sounds when inhaling and exhaling, what some people call a "death rattle."

Reaction: Stopping breathing or loud wheezing may cause alarm in those present, but the dying person is not aware of this altered breathing; focus on total comfort. Positions that may help: head or upper body, well supported, slightly raised on a pillow, or head or body lying, tilted slightly to one side. Wipe your mouth with a damp cloth and moisten your lips with lip balm or petroleum jelly.

If there is a lot of phlegm, allow it to drain naturally from the mouth, as its selection may increase salivation. A humidifier in the room can help. Some people are given oxygen for comfort. Be calm, indicate your presence by stroking your hand or speaking soft words.

6. Withdrawal

As the body fails, the dying person may gradually lose interest in their surroundings. He or she may begin to mumble something unintelligible, or stop talking, stop answering questions, or simply turn away.

Sometimes, a few days before withdrawing into himself for the last time, a dying person can amaze his loved ones with an unexpected burst of unsettling attention. This can take less than an hour or a whole day.

Reaction: Know that this is a natural part of the dying process and not a reflection of your relationship. Show your physical presence by touching the dying person and if you feel the need, the need, then continue to speak without demanding an answer. if it feels appropriate without demanding anything back. Treasure these moments of unsettling attention if and when they happen, because they are almost always fleeting.

7. Changes in urination

A small entry (as the person loses interest in eating and drinking) means a small exit. Low blood pressure, part of the process of death (and therefore untreated in this case like other symptoms), also contributes to kidney failure. Concentrated urine is brownish, reddish, or tea-colored.

In the later stages of dying, loss of bladder and bowel control may occur.

Response: Hospice caregivers sometimes decide that a catheter is needed, although not in the final hours of life. Kidney failure can increase the presence of toxins in the blood and contribute to a peaceful coma before death. Add a mattress topper, put on new sheets.

8. Swelling of the legs and ankles

Since the kidneys are not able to excrete fluid, it can accumulate in parts of the body far from the heart - especially in the legs and ankles. These places, and sometimes also the hands and face, may swell and become swollen.

Response: When the tumor appears to be directly related to the death process, usually no specific treatment (eg, diuretics) is given. (The tumor is the result of the natural death process, not its cause.)

9. Cooling hands and feet

Hours or minutes before death, circulation to the periphery of the body stops to help the vital organs and therefore the limbs (hands, feet, fingers and toes) become cold. The nail beds may also look pale or bluish.

Response: A warm blanket will help the person stay warm until he or she forgets. A person may complain of heaviness in the legs, so leave them uncovered.

10 Spotted Veins

One of the latest signs of approaching death is that skin that has been uniformly pale or ashen develops many purplish/reddish/bluish patches. This is the result of reduced blood circulation. The first spots may appear on the soles of the feet.

Response: No special steps need to be taken.

Note: In different people, these common signs of impending death may appear in different sequences and in different combinations. If a person is on life support (respirator, feeding tube), the process of dying may be different. The signs of death listed here describe the process of natural death.

The death of a person is a very sensitive topic for most people, but, unfortunately, each of us has to deal with it one way or another. If the family has bedridden elderly or oncological sick relatives, it is necessary not only for the guardian himself to mentally prepare for an imminent loss, but also to know how to help and alleviate the last moments of the life of a loved one.

A person who is bedridden for the rest of his life constantly experiences mental anguish. Being in his right mind, he understands what inconvenience he causes to others, imagines what he will have to endure. Moreover, such people feel all the changes that occur in their body.

How does a sick person die? To understand that a person has a few months / days / hours left to live, you need to know the main signs of death in a bedridden patient.

How to recognize the signs of impending death?

Signs of death of a bedridden patient are divided into initial and investigative. At the same time, one is the cause of the other.

Note. Any of the following symptoms may be the result of a long-term and there is a chance to reverse it.

Changing the routine of the day

The daily regimen of an immobile bedridden patient consists of sleep and wakefulness. The main sign that death is near is that a person is constantly immersed in a superficial sleep, as if dozing. With such a stay, a person feels less physical pain, but his psycho-emotional state seriously changes. The expression of feelings becomes scarce, the patient constantly withdraws into himself and is silent.

Edema and discoloration of the skin

The next reliable sign that death is inevitable in the near future is the appearance of various spots on the skin. These signs before death appear in the body of a dying bedridden patient due to a disruption in the functioning of the circulatory system and metabolic processes. Spots occur due to the uneven distribution of blood and fluids in the vessels.

Problems with the sense organs

Older people often have problems with vision, hearing and tactile sensations. In bedridden patients, all diseases are exacerbated against the background of constant severe pain, damage to organs and the nervous system, as a result of circulatory disorders.

Signs of death in a bedridden patient are manifested not only in psycho-emotional changes, but the external image of a person will certainly change. Often you can observe the so-called "cat's eye". This phenomenon is associated with a sharp drop in eye pressure.

Loss of appetite

As a result of the fact that a person practically does not move and spends most of the day in a dream, a secondary sign of approaching death appears - the need for food is significantly reduced, the swallowing reflex disappears. In this case, in order to feed the patient, they use a syringe or probe, glucose, and a course of vitamins is prescribed. As a result of the fact that a bedridden patient does not eat or drink, the general condition of the body worsens, problems with breathing, the digestive system and “going to the toilet” appear.

Violation of thermoregulation

If the patient has a discoloration of the limbs, the appearance of cyanosis and venous spots - a lethal outcome is inevitable. The body consumes the entire supply of energy to maintain the functioning of the main organs, reduces the circle of blood circulation, which in turn leads to the appearance of paresis and paralysis.

General weakness

In the last days of life, a bedridden patient does not eat, experiences severe weakness, he cannot move independently and even rise to relieve himself of natural need. His body weight is drastically reduced. In most cases, the processes of defecation and can occur arbitrarily.

Altered consciousness and memory problems

If the patient has:

  • memory problems;
  • a sharp change in mood;
  • bouts of aggression;
  • depression - this means the defeat and death of the parts of the brain responsible for thinking. A person does not react to the people around him and ongoing events, performs inadequate actions.


Predagonia is a manifestation of a protective reaction of the body in the form of a stupor or coma. As a result, metabolism decreases, breathing problems appear, necrosis of tissues and organs begins.


Agony is the dying state of the body, a temporary improvement in the physical and psycho-emotional state of the patient, caused by the destruction of all vital processes in the body. A bedridden patient before death may notice:

  • improvement of hearing and vision;
  • normalization of respiratory processes and heartbeat;
  • clear consciousness;
  • reduction in pain.

Symptoms of clinical and biological death

Clinical death is a reversible process that appeared suddenly or after a serious illness, and requires urgent medical attention. Signs of clinical death, manifested in the first minutes:

If a person is in a coma, attached to a ventilator (ALV), and the pupils are dilated due to the action of medications, then clinical death can only be determined by the results of an ECG.

With the provision of timely assistance, within the first 5 minutes, you can bring a person back to life. If you provide artificial support for blood circulation and breathing later, you can return the heart rhythm, but the person will never regain consciousness. This is due to the fact that brain cells die earlier than the neurons responsible for the life of the body.

A dying bedridden patient may not show signs before death, but clinical death will be recorded.

Biological or true death is the irreversible cessation of the functioning of the body. Biological death occurs after clinical, so all the primary symptoms are similar. Secondary symptoms appear within 24 hours:

  • cooling and rigor of the body;
  • drying of mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of cadaveric spots;
  • tissue breakdown.

Behavior of the dying patient

In the last days of their lives, the dying often remember what they have lived, tell the brightest moments of their lives in all colors and details. Thus, a person wants to leave as much good about himself as possible in the memory of loved ones. Positive changes in consciousness lead to the fact that a recumbent person tries to do something, wants to go somewhere, while being indignant that he has very little time left.

Such positive mood swings are rare, most often the dying fall into a deep depression, show aggressiveness. Doctors explain that mood changes may be associated with the use of narcotic painkillers with a strong effect, the rapid development of the disease, the appearance of metastases and jumps.

A bedridden patient before death, being bedridden for a long time, but in a healthy mind, ponders his life and actions, evaluates what he and his loved ones will have to endure. Such thoughts lead to a change in the emotional background and peace of mind. Some of these people lose interest in what is happening around them and in life in general, others become withdrawn, others lose their minds and the ability to think sensibly. The constant deterioration of the state of health leads to the fact that the patient constantly thinks about death, asks to alleviate his situation by euthanasia.

How to relieve the suffering of the dying

Bedridden patients, people after trauma or having an oncological disease, most often experience severe pain. To block these, strong painkillers are prescribed by the attending physician. Many pain relievers are only available with a prescription (eg Morphine). In order to prevent the emergence of dependence on these drugs, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient's condition and change the dosage or stop taking the drug when improvement appears.

How long can a bedridden patient live? No doctor can give an exact answer to this question. A relative or guardian caring for a bedridden patient needs to be near him around the clock. To more and alleviate the suffering of the patient, you should use special means - beds,. To distract the patient, you can put a TV, radio or laptop next to his bed, it is also worth getting a pet (cat, fish).

Most often, relatives, having learned that their relative needs, refuse him. Such bedridden patients end up in hospitals, where everyone falls on the shoulders of the workers of these institutions. Such an attitude towards a dying person not only leads to his apathy, aggression and isolation, but also aggravates the state of health. There are certain standards of care in medical institutions and boarding houses, for example, a certain amount of disposable products (diapers, diapers) is allocated for each patient, and bedridden patients are practically deprived of communication.

When caring for a bedridden relative, it is important to choose effective method alleviate suffering, provide him with everything he needs and constantly worry about his well-being. Only in this way can his mental and physical suffering be reduced, as well as prepare for his inevitable death. It is impossible to decide everything for a person, it is important to ask his opinion about what is happening, to provide a choice in certain actions. In some cases, when there are only a few days left to live, you can cancel a number of difficult medicines that cause inconvenience to a bedridden patient (antibiotics, diuretics, complex vitamin complexes, and hormonal agents). It is necessary to leave only those medicines and tranquilizers that relieve pain, prevent the occurrence of seizures and vomiting.

Brain reaction before death

In the last hours of a person's life, his brain activity, numerous irreversible changes appear as a result of oxygen starvation, hypoxia and the death of neurons. A person may see hallucinations, hear something, or feel as if someone is touching him. Brain processes take a few minutes, so the patient in the last hours of life often falls into a stupor or loses consciousness. The so-called "visions" of people before death are often associated with a past life, religion or unfulfilled dreams. To date, there is no exact scientific answer about the nature of the appearance of such hallucinations.

What are the predictors of death according to scientists

How does a sick person die? According to numerous observations of dying patients, scientists made a number of conclusions:

  1. Not all patients have physiological changes. Every third person who dies has no obvious symptoms of death.
  2. 60-72 hours before death, most patients lose their response to verbal stimuli. They do not respond to a smile, do not respond to the gestures and facial expressions of the guardian. There is a change in voice.
  3. Two days before death, there is an increased relaxation of the neck muscles, i.e., it is difficult for the patient to keep his head in an elevated position.
  4. Slow, also the patient cannot close his eyelids tightly, close his eyes.
  5. You can also observe obvious violations of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding in its upper sections.

Signs of imminent death in a bedridden patient manifest themselves in different ways. According to the observations of doctors, it is possible to notice obvious manifestations of symptoms in a certain period of time, and at the same time determine the approximate date of death of a person.

Development time
Changing the routine of the day A few months
Swelling of the limbs 3-4 weeks
Perceptual disturbance 3-4 weeks
General weakness, refusal to eat 3-4 weeks
Impaired brain activity 10 days
Predagony Short-term manifestation
Agony Several minutes to an hour
Coma, clinical death Without assistance, a person dies in 5-7 minutes.


Cancer before death: what you need to be prepared for?

The period of the end of life is individual for each patient with oncology. so spreads in the body that it becomes uncontrollable. In this case, health care professionals often decide that further treatment is useless. However, patient care continues further, but with an emphasis on improving the quality of life. The main task is to make the last days of the patient as easy as possible.

Treatments and medications are aimed at controlling pain and other end-of-life symptoms. Patients and their families often want to know how long a person will live. This question is difficult to answer. In cancer before death, life expectancy depends on a number of factors, including the type of malignant process, its location, comorbidities, and their ability to influence the situation.

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Cancer before death: symptoms, signs, sensations

People who care for a dying person should be aware of the physical difficulties their ward is experiencing. The caregiver should be prepared for the occurrence of unusual symptoms of cancer before death in order to immediately seek qualified medical help and alleviate the suffering of the patient. Emergency situations include:

  • the patient experiencing new symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, uncontrollable states (severe anxiety or restlessness);
  • increased pain that does not go away even after taking prescribed medications;
  • the presence of breathing problems, discomfort expressed by grimaces of pain or a strong groan;
  • inability to urinate or have a bowel movement;
  • depressed state of the patient, which even comes to topics about suicide.

How do cancer patients feel before they die?

Some symptoms of the patient's condition may clearly indicate the approach of death, namely:

  1. People often focus on recent weeks life, supposedly forgetting the previous one. This does not necessarily mean that patients become depressed. This situation may indicate a decrease in blood flow or oxygen levels in the brain, as well as psychological preparation to death.
  2. Loss of interest in things that previously occupied them (TV shows, talking with friends, pets, hobbies, etc.).
  3. Some patients may have increased drowsiness, confusion upon awakening, which is associated with a decrease in the functioning of the brain system.

Signs of cancer before death, for which relatives or caregivers should be prepared

  1. Extreme restlessness, unwillingness to be alone. It is better for a person caring for a sick person to be near the dying person in order to help in the next bouts of panic or despair.
  2. The pain can get so intense that it becomes difficult to control. In this case, massage or other methods of relaxation, as well as properly selected medications, can help.
  3. Weakness and fatigue increase with time.
  4. As soon as the body is affected by a malignant process, the patient's body needs less food. Loss of appetite is caused by the body's need to conserve energy expended on the use of food and liquid, as well as the inability to normal operation digestive system.
  5. Toward the end of life, people often have episodes of confusion or daydreams. They can get confused in time, place, loved ones.
  6. Sometimes patients report seeing or talking to loved ones who have died. People with cancer often talk about an exciting ride, radiant light, butterflies and other symbols that are hidden from prying eyes before they die.

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Symptoms that indicate the process of dying

  • Loss of bladder or bowel control due to relaxation of the pelvic muscles. Therefore, a person needs to change linen and personal hygiene products. You can place disposable diapers under the patient or wear diapers for adults.
  • have reduced kidney function, and therefore consume less fluid. This leads to infrequent urination and a strong odor.
  • The intervals between breaths shorten, become faster, or become cyclical. In this regard, different sounds may appear, which indicate the collection of saliva and other fluids in the upper respiratory tract. This condition may disturb the caregiver, but it does not bring suffering to the patient. To alleviate the situation, you can use a pillow under your head or a roller, which allows a person to stay in an elevated position.
  • The skin may take on a bluish tint. The dying person often feels cool because the blood flow slows down. This condition is not painful. However, the caregiver must warm the patient with a heating pad or electric blanket.

For acquaintance:

No one can stop the approach of death, but close people are able to do everything so that the dying person does not feel lonely in the last days of his life.