Express your thoughts correctly. misunderstanding between people

The ability to speak beautifully will be useful to every person, regardless of profession. Interlocutors always respond positively to the set voice, good diction, well-formed phrases and justified intonations. Mastering the introduction to the art of rhetoric.

Among the professions in demand lately, most are based on the ability to speak beautifully and correctly. Lawyers, politicians, announcers on numerous television and radio channels, teachers, those who work with clients - in a word, representatives of a huge number of successful people must speak in such a way that they are listened to, listened to, admired.

Therefore, work on your speech includes three main areas:

  • diction training (clear pronunciation);
  • work on the technique and content of speech;
  • increase your vocabulary and development of speech.

In addition to verbal (verbal) there are non-verbal means of speech: intonation, facial expressions, eye contact, etc. True, these means will begin to “work” if the main tool - your beautiful speech - will bear fruit.

The correctness of speech, the clarity of the origin of vowels and consonants, the change of intonation, the emphasis in your voice - all these characteristics of your speech will help you influence almost any person, win him over, convince him that he is right or that he needs to continue further cooperation with you.

diction training

You need to start training with proper breathing. If you breathe incorrectly, then this can lead to a breakdown in the voice, prolonged pauses, and a distortion of the meaning of the phrase. Therefore, during public speaking, speakers do not use ordinary breathing, but speech. Normal breathing may simply not be enough, so it is important to learn how to use air correctly and restore it in time. In this case, diaphragmatic breathing is used. It is developed by a whole system of breathing exercises, but they require perseverance and great patience.

  • Record your reading of any text on the recorder.
  • Listen to the resulting recording.
  • Let others listen to it.
  • Compare your opinion with someone else's.
  • Highlight major weaknesses.

The most common pronunciation errors are:

  • incorrect pronunciation of vowels in a weak position (without stress);
  • "eating" individual consonants;
  • loss of vowel sounds;
  • incorrect connection of consonants when they are connected;
  • indistinct pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds;
  • mispronunciation soft sounds etc.

It is advisable to correct diction with the help of specialists. Now there are many organizations where speech therapists work. Of course, in general, classes are designed for children, but you can take private lessons to quickly achieve the desired effect.

All classes should begin with exercises to relax the muscles responsible for proper articulation. It is better to follow a certain sequence of exercises. You need to start the exercises with the simplest ones, gradually moving on to more complex ones. You need to practice every day. Move on to the next exercise only after fully mastering the previous one. Every day you need to set new goals and objectives. The results achieved from time to time need to be maintained by repeating the basic exercises.

Work on the content and technique of your speech

One of common mistakes speech - too fast speech. When a person is in a hurry, what is called chattering, it is difficult to perceive him. You need to learn to control the pace of your speech. To begin with, you can pronounce some speech material at a very slow pace that does not require special understanding. It can be a sequence of numbers, for example, up to one hundred, names of months, cities or countries, a list of male or female names.

It is better to write down this sequence so that you can pronounce the words in the forward and reverse order. Over time, having memorized this sequence, it is better to reproduce from memory, while simultaneously training the memory. Then you need to move on to repeating the text by ear. Moreover, it should be recorded at a fast pace, but it will need to be repeated at a slow pace.

How to "put" a voice

Of course, the term "voice production" refers more to musicians, actors and other creative professions. It means that you need to train the strength of the voice, its range and timbre. The strength of the voice can be trained if you pronounce texts of various types loudly and clearly: poems, fables, odes, poems in prose.

The range can be expanded if you pronounce a variety of text exercises at the highest or lowest tones. In this case, the voice should ideally become higher or lower, depending on the ultimate goal. The timbre of the voice depends on overtones, that is, on an additional tone that sounds like a kind of echo. An overtone appears at the moment of reflection of sound from the wall of a natural resonator (one's own skull, chest cavity, larynx, and others).

Speech development

Unfortunately, modern people they become more and more tongue-tied, they cannot correctly express an idea, they get confused in the meanings of words. This is due to many reasons.

Firstly, now they read little, as they spend more time at the computer monitor or TV screen.

Secondly, samples of literate speech are heard too little. It's no secret that even from the TV screen you rarely hear samples of correct and beautiful speech. There is no need to talk about radio stations at all: DJs communicate with radio listeners in the same way as they are used to communicating with friends - sprinkling their speech with slang words and expressions.

Thirdly, they rarely watch theatrical performances. Indeed, the theater requires a special style of dress, it is necessary to behave culturally, the most important thing is to understand the content of individual mise-en-scenes, the complexity of the character of the characters. All this requires extra effort from people, so it’s much easier to go to the movies, eat popcorn and “neigh”.

However, if you are firmly convinced that your speech is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary, the abundance speech errors and incorrect construction of sentences, and you intend to learn how to control the attention of the audience, then you just need to urgently start working on your own speech.

Learning to speak beautifully

So, here are some tips that will help you learn how to master beautiful and competent speech.

1. Build sentences correctly

Illiterate and monotonous speech is given out primarily by incorrectly constructed sentences. When a person painfully selects words to continue the thought he has begun, makes long pauses, and as a result receives a “clumsy” thought, this indicates that he does not own the technique of correctly constructing sentences.

You need to start learning the correct construction with written exercises, writing down interesting thoughts, observations, aphorisms in a separate notebook. In the future, immediately before the performance, you need to compose the text in advance on paper, retelling according to the finished plan, repeating individual expressions.

You can generally keep a diary (it's fashionable, judging by TV shows like "The Diary of Dr. Zaitseva" and the like), writing down impressions for the day, some of your observations, reasoning. All this contributes to the development of speech in general, and the correct construction of sentences in particular.

2. Increase your vocabulary

The poverty of speech betrays the meager vocabulary. If a person expresses his assessments, judgments, comments in the same words, this indicates that it is difficult for him to express his thoughts due to lack of knowledge. Therefore, such speech makes a repulsive impression, and the person himself will not have authority, especially among those who are fluent in speech.

Agree, in our time, say, a tongue-tied director of a school is nonsense. He simply will not be able to speak to teachers, which means that he will not be able to gain authority either among colleagues or among students of his own school. After all, even illiterate students understand that teachers, and even more so the director, must be literate in every sense of the word.

How to diversify your speech? Of course, first of all, work with an explanatory dictionary. Hearing a new word for yourself, you need to look up its meaning in the dictionary, write it out and remember it. Moreover, you need to memorize the word only in the context, that is, in the sentence. Used without context, the word may be incomprehensible or perceived in a distorted sense.

It’s not bad to solve at least crosswords or crossword puzzles, because the meanings of words are also given there, and sometimes in an allegorical or ironic sense, which helps to learn to understand the ambiguity of a word. It is also important to read articles in various magazines - not only in glossy ones.

For example, reading economic news will help you understand the financial and legal fields and greatly enrich your speech with terms from these areas. If you are interested in medicine, even if you watch programs like Living Healthy and the like, you can understand a variety of medical concepts, ranging from an elementary injection to highly specialized terms.

By reading articles on psychology, you can expand your vocabulary with many fairly modern concepts, because now almost everyone in our country is either a psychologist for himself or a doctor for himself. Ideally, it is better to expand the circle of your contacts. After all, maintaining relationships with lawyers, IT specialists, doctors, teachers, etc., you will voluntarily or involuntarily hear new words for you, starting to gradually understand their meaning, and then introducing them into your own speech.

3. Learn to prioritize

Attention to detail is good for observation. But, especially public ones, excessive detailing can lead to a weakening of interest and boredom. Therefore, it is important to learn how to compress any information. With the help of computer programs, compressing the amount of information is quite simple. How to do it with text?

You also need to learn how to control the pace of speech so that there is time to stop before you manage to blurt out something like that. Let a short pause be better than “squishing” and “squirting”. This requires self-discipline, constant self-control from a person, but the result is certainly worth such sacrifices.

5. Expand your speaking practice

Now, in the age of testing and copying off ready-made homework, it is rarely possible to give a monologue speech. That is why former schoolchildren and students then come to work tongue-tied. Therefore, if you set out to learn how to speak correctly, it is important to use all the opportunities for public speaking already at school.

Oral answers in class, speeches at various scientific and practical conferences, performances in front of classmates, on stage - all this will help not only become self-confident, but also make you speak coherently, competently, and convincingly.

Of course, reading classic fiction or non-fiction literature will also help, because you can always give examples from books or modern reality. And nothing makes a speech more persuasive than giving a lot of arguments.

Use gestures that will allow you to feel more comfortable being in front of the audience, and listeners will evoke the right associations. If at first you speak, peeping into the notes, then frequent and long speeches will soon help you feel confident even during direct communication with the audience or a certain circle of people.

Be able to express your thoughts correctly is a skill that most of us have to master. In fact, at school they constantly tried to teach us this skill: do you remember what your homework was - to learn and retell a paragraph in the lesson? But it is clear that somehow we were taught wrong, if not everyone manages not only to retell the information they read or heard, but also to correctly express their thoughts. Clear and crisp.

If you do not fully understand whether you manage to say what you want to others in a competent language, test yourself: see how other people perceive your speech, or record your speech on a voice recorder and then listen to it. Both tests will give an absolutely correct picture: do you need to train your speaking skills further, or will you realize that the result satisfied you.

Yes, the ability to express your thoughts competently is a skill that must be trained. You must have met in your life interesting people whose speech was illiterate, uninteresting and boring. As a result, the impression of a person deteriorated, which, in fact, could happen in relation to you. Learning to speak in such a way that speech is competent, beautiful and convincing is not an easy task. Some people are given this gift by nature, while others have been trying to master this skill all their lives.

Are you also familiar with this situation? Or another example: many people express their thoughts better in writing than in conversation. The ability to delete, correct bad places, and having time to think about a proposal makes this skill more accessible to many than engaging in dialogue or owning a monologue. But realizing that ours directly depends on this skill, you have to learn the secrets of the masters in order to learn how to correctly express your thoughts and reach a high-quality new level communication and interaction with other people.

So, let's outline an important problem, because of which we may want to learn how to correctly formulate our thoughts.

misunderstanding between people

The ability to communicate is the ability of a person to express his thoughts. Analyze your communication with your surroundings. Do you often quarrel? Friends and relatives don't understand you? You cannot convey main idea at a presentation or in a conversation with the boss? It's time to change the situation, because the reason is not what you say, but how you say it. It's time to become a person who makes a favorable impression.

All recommendations are practical and will definitely help you. learn how to express your thoughts. You need to understand that you should not expect a quick result, but the process is so interesting that from the very first days you will begin to notice the changes that will occur. The most important thing that you need to really want and achieve is the desire to communicate on an equal footing with a large circle of people and be an interesting interlocutor for them. Your life will sparkle with new colors!

comments 33

    We had such a subject at the institute - rhetoric, which teaches how to correctly build a sentence, memorize other people's statements, take over the audience with the help of a “word”. The ability to speak gives confidence in life, communication, work ... For those who want to comprehend oratory, I can recommend rhetoric courses. Expressing your thoughts competently is a truly valuable skill.

  1. Interesting article Elena! I know for sure that you can learn to speak coherently and not be afraid of the audience. Multiple experience of public speaking is the best school. Advice with a voice recorder is cool, it really helps to hear yourself from the outside, be horrified and start working on yourself).

  2. Good afternoon!
    I seem to know a lot of words, but when I start talking with my opponent, my vocabulary ends abruptly))), I can’t find the words, it’s like I know what I want to say in my head, but I can’t get it with my tongue, I start to get nervous, I start to twitch and in the end I look like a person who cannot connect two words (((.
    All this affects my self-esteem, I begin to consider myself a loser, stupid (((
    At the moment I'm looking for a job, they invite me for an interview and I think I look insecure and notorious there.
    Please advise what should I do?

  3. Hello! I write stories and poems very well, but after giving birth I was short-circuited, I can’t connect two words, even with friends I communicate with pauses, I try to remember the middle of a sentence, it’s generally some kind of brake, because of such a stupor, the birth has passed okay, or have I completely switched into the role of a mother, and my thoughts won't gather in any way? I don’t understand anything, I always communicated well with everyone! (

    Hello! I am 23 years old, I used to be sociable, I was the center of attention in the company, I always found a common language with people .. I knew what to say and how to react. Since childhood I have a speech problem, stuttering, I didn’t pay attention to it before , everything was fine. a couple of months ago I changed my place of residence, I endured the move very hard .. in a new place I sat at home for days, of course alone, waiting for my boyfriend, he is an officer. I didn’t have enough people, communication, fuss. , I began to drive on trifles, take everything very close to my heart. Now I have returned back to my native land .. but this feeling remains .. I can’t connect two words, I want to run away and hide so that no one sees me .. stuttering has returned again which doesn’t please me. I began to devote a lot of time to books. but this doesn’t help. described in the article, very hopefully I hope that will help ((((

  4. Elena good afternoon! My problem is that I do not know how to express my thoughts correctly. I'm not good at making sentences. When I try to explain something, apart from a huge number of words of parasites (well, damn it, I think, etc.), I can’t give anything away. I reviewed a huge number of different trainings, basically they teach you to be more courageous, teach you how to present yourself correctly, teach you to be self-confident. But I did not come across a single training where they taught exactly the formation of sentences, phrases. I have not seen a single training where they teach the correct language, which is spoken, for example, by announcers, news anchors, etc. I also saw such a suggestion-advice for those who want to learn oratory, read more books. But my problem is that I read a lot, but something doesn’t stick in my head. Maybe it has something to do with my bad memory. I am a commercial manager in construction company, and when I communicate with clients, I very often lack the right and necessary words that will hook the client and interest them. Please tell me something that can be done. The only thing I see is to take dictionary Russian language and learn all the words, but this is not realistic.

The ability to express our thoughts correctly helps us achieve mutual understanding in any situation - in a conversation with a spouse, a boyfriend, in raising children, in working with clients and employees. For easy communication with girlfriends or kitchen chatter in the spirit of " how was your day» simple phrases and human participation are enough.

But if you want others to take you seriously and listen to your point of view, you just need to be able to present your thoughts clearly and competently. How to learn this?

How others perceive your words

Have you ever had a feeling of confusion and bewilderment when your words are not clear to the interlocutor? It becomes surprising why you cannot convey seemingly simple thoughts.

We speak the same language, we can easily exchange meaningless phrases, but as soon as it comes to important messages, a wall seems to grow between the speakers - what is the reason?

Usually people perceive speech not just as a set of words, but along with a complex psychological context - this includes, for example, attitude towards you personally, readiness to hear the opposite point of view, the general tone of the conversation (calm or annoyed), and also the level of education of the interlocutors and what meaning each of them puts into sounding words.

Isn't it really complicated? And yet we all often communicate without making any special effort to be understood.

There's an old army joke that anything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood. If the result of the conversation is really important to you, connect all the skill so that the listener understands you to the last letter. And we'll show you where in the conversation most problems arise, why this happens and how to deal with it.

Why are we sometimes misunderstood?

  • Too many words - the interlocutor loses his train of thought among the endless digressions, details, irrelevant facts, suddenly remembered a similar story;
  • You have said too little. Being stingy with words is also a problem, since the other person has to think out the missing facts himself (and believe me, he will do it, but hardly in your favor);
  • Small vocabulary. This is forgivable for children, but adults should choose more precise expressions, use different words so that they don’t have to explain themselves with lowing, a pathetic “uh ...” or a wink, they say, you yourself understood what I want to say - see paragraph above, you will be understood, but not in the right way;
  • The logic is lame - it's just the scourge of God in a conversation between a woman and a man. We want to express everything at once, without missing a single important (as it seems to us) detail, conveying all the nuances of the mood and achieving empathy at every minute of our speech. What is the result? Accusations of lack of logic, indistinctness, confusion and stupidity. It's a shame what to say, but the logical connections and the purpose of each phrase must be traced very clearly - this must be learned;
  • Passion for sarcasm. This is when you mockingly say the opposite of your thoughts, hoping that the interlocutor himself will catch the absurdity and understand how it should be - that is, vice versa. The downside is that your wit may not be appreciated - which means the message will be useless and incomprehensible.

When you undertake to pull yourself up in eloquence, you yourself will easily find a few more gaps and stumble upon other pitfalls of the art of conversation. Most importantly, practice, listen carefully to yourself and others, concentrate on the central thought. Now start with a few practical tricks that will immediately improve your communication with anyone.

How to quickly learn to express thoughts correctly

  • Read. Popular books on business and psychology will do even better than the old Russian classics. From the first you will learn more successful speech turns that are understandable to modern man than from the works of Dostoevsky and Turgenev. Although the latter are undoubtedly better than women's romance novels;
  • Write out sentences from books and magazines that you think make sense. You can use dozens of other people's phrases as templates for your statements, the only thing is to watch their relevance;
  • Start a diary or blog on the Internet. In writing, it is easier to get used to formulating your thoughts correctly, you will quickly get used to discarding the superfluous and concentrating on the essence when you reread and correct what you have written;
  • Avoid sayings and hackneyed expressions - often their meaning is so erased by time that you may be surprised to find that you have been understood exactly the opposite;
  • Start keeping a notepad My day in 6 words”- today there is simply no better exercise than this. It will form the habit of succinctness in a few weeks;
  • When rehearsing a speech, look at yourself in the mirror, so you can carefully filter out unnecessary phrases - the observer effect works wonders;
  • Most fast way is to find a friend with concise and capacious speech and adopt his manner of speaking. Nothing to be ashamed of - we all learn from each other!

How to express your thoughts in a letter

An email or a traditional letter in an envelope assumes that you have prepared its contents well.

As a rule, when sending a message, we know that it is no longer possible to change its text, so it is very important to write successfully the first time. (No matter how later you have to explain in repeated letters what exactly you had in mind, confusing yourself and confusing the addressee.)

To write a clear and beautiful letter, use the publisher's technique. Imagine that you are an editor, you have to publish a new article, book, etc. Everything will depend on the quality of the text - reviews of readers, critics, your reputation and earnings.

Of course, if you just congratulate your aunt on the New Year, it will be difficult to screw up. But on work issues, you can ruin the whole program if you don’t work on a clear presentation.

First of all, determine the purpose of the message. The structure of the letter will depend on it. You can simply list the facts and submit them as information for reflection - then follow the accuracy and reliability of the facts, do not add your comments and conjectures.

If clarification is required, build the text on the classic formula: what should be done? - why? - what should be the result? Everything! Without emotional details, complaints and threats. And by the way, in letters, a boorish tone is no less harmful than in live communication, do not use rude expressions, otherwise the result will unpleasantly amaze you, no matter how unambiguously you put it.

Having embodied thoughts in the text, reread it several times aloud (to yourself), put yourself in the place of the recipient. Did it happen naturally? Does each sentence follow logically from the previous one? Check your spelling - and feel free to send, you did everything right.

How to communicate by phone or skype

In remote mode, it is also important to be able to express your thoughts correctly. Prepare for the conversation: calmly think over everything you want to convey to the interlocutor, write down the main thoughts point by point - there should be no more than three, one specific message would be even better.

Before speaking, rehearse your words, check if an important piece of information is missing. Even in everyday affairs, this sometimes comes to the ridiculous: you agreed to meet with a friend “at the subway”, he will be waiting on the platform, and you will be on the surface, at the steps.

It is useful for every person to know how to express their thoughts correctly. Words have extraordinary power. They become the cause of war, thanks to them civilizations collapse, the most fateful events occur. If you correctly convey the necessary information to the interlocutor, you can achieve any goal in life. The art of oratory is within the power of any interested beginner. A huge amount of literature on the topic of communication between people has been created in the world.

Misunderstanding is the problem of the 21st century

An unsuccessfully spoken phrase often becomes a reason for inciting conflict in the family, at work, between peoples. When communicating, it is important to know how to express your thoughts correctly. Families collapse from misunderstanding of the interlocutor, wrong decisions are made. Sometimes the situation can't be fixed.

Failures in new interviews or in business are due to the inability to speak. Having voiced thoughts aloud at the right time, a person can take a high position or please loved ones. It is not an easy task to arrange a public discussion on any topic. But in any case, diligence is needed.

Not a single speaker was born with an already clear head and well-defined diction. All of them studied at one time through fear and embarrassment, overcoming the surrounding indifference. It is easy to watch how the speaker at the microphone quickly and coherently pronounces entire poems, stories, conveys an urgent problem to those around him.

To become a master at anything, you have to start making mistakes. Only through your own bumps comes an understanding of how to correctly express your thoughts. You need to immediately go to practice, then the acquisition of real experience will be guaranteed. In addition, they study methods for the formation of clear thinking.

Preparing for a speech

At the beginning of learning to speak, experienced ringleaders recommend writing down your thoughts at any convenient moment. Future speech must be constantly thought over in search of flaws and ugly phrases. It can take you a month of daily research to get just one sheet of perfectly connected text.

It is useful to express thoughts in writing, the next day you can evaluate your work from the outside. Sometimes it will seem that complete nonsense is reflected on the sheet. But it’s not worth doing, but it’s better to take and finalize the text later. No wonder famous poets wait months for a muse to write just two lines. Similarly, the brain of any person works.

Perhaps an idea will appear on the road, but it will be somehow inconvenient to say thoughts out loud. A smartphone or a classic piece of paper will come to the rescue. Poets still use ink, yes, and from such a carrier it is easier to perceive what is written with one's own hand.

Voice recorder and gestures

It is better to exclude unnecessary repetitions of words. You need to express thoughts briefly without using templates. The text will have to be memorized. You can read from a piece of paper, but such a speaker is not taken seriously. Literacy is the basis of attracting attention.

In the video, you can often find how hands are trying to find pockets. You will have to keep the pose until the end of the discussion, and this moment should not be overlooked. The interlocutor should capture the meaning of the conversation, and not observe shyness and ridiculous movements.

Facial expressions are important in any conversation so that the interlocutor does not fall asleep. It is desirable to express benevolence and seriousness. An eternally smiling face will be comparable to the simplicity and disinterest of affairs.


Delivered speech is the key to half the success. A loud and distinct voice always attracts the attention of the crowd. And if the interlocutor is alone, then he definitely will not get bored. This can be learned if a person does not have physical defects of the larynx. But the sonority of the tone will not affect the semantic content in any way.

It is better to practice at first not in crowded places. While reading a speech, it is recommended to yell loudly. It is better if this happens in a field or an empty hall. So quickly learn a foreign pronunciation. There are practical examples when a person from a lonely settlement has no accent at all, having studied a foreign language.

The tonality of the voice is also important, the interlocutor should not perceive speech, straining the hearing aid. Monotony is unacceptable, it is necessary to express thoughts in bursts and drops of words. It is better if sometimes there are slight pauses, at this moment the listener tries to gather himself and continue the conversation. To return attention is obtained by diluting material in the form of a pre-prepared joke.


In order to correctly express thoughts on the chosen topic, you must first delve into the basics of the subject. Without understanding the question, the words will be confused, and the prepared text will look like the work of an amateur. Reading books helps improve the situation.

A literate person is more trustworthy. A week you need to read one work in the chosen field of at least 100 pages. It is recommended to select literature under the guidance of a qualified specialist. Russian classics will help you improve your vocabulary.

Memory and conversational training

It is not enough to speak on the chosen topic and understand it, you still need to know how to learn how to correctly express your thoughts. To do this, work on thinking. After all, it is one thing to express the words memorized in advance, and another to competently conduct a conversation in the right direction.

In the process of discussing the problem, laconicism is welcome. However, no one needs a long silence either. During the period of talkativeness of the interlocutor, you can remember the material, gather your thoughts.

The conversation is supported by standard phrases indicating that you are listening.

It is not recommended to be distracted and look away. It is better to smile and shake your head in agreement. When thoughts are again put in order, it will be useful to gently interrupt the opponent and start talking about more pressing things. Random acquaintances and discussion with the first comer of any issue will help to raise your experience in such things.

Overcome the fear of public speaking

The ability to express one's thoughts grows stronger during mass discussions. Everyone happened to make a presentation in the class in front of their peers. Some students were very uncomfortable during their speech. Only practice will help overcome embarrassment. The casual audience on the bus will only say thank you if you read any passage of prose to them.

It’s hard to decide on this, and it can turn out to be embarrassing. But experience grows in proportion to accumulated failures. At the first attempts, it is recommended to remember that a person's memory is short. Even if the speech causes laughter, the next day every listener will plunge into his worries and forget not only the words, but also the failed speaker himself.

But on the tenth attempt, the right thoughts will arise in the head, and they can easily be conveyed to the crowd. The cause of confused consciousness is often self-doubt. There are a huge number of techniques that raise self-esteem.

How to find strength in yourself?

Many beginners lose their desire after the first attempts. However, in case of failures, you need to start describing the events that occur earlier. You should not concentrate on ridiculous moments, you should understand the reason for the embarrassment. Often with public speaking comes across one negative listener. It just ruins the whole mood.

The speaker's task is to find a sympathetic face in the crowd and begin to express thoughts as if to him. Then the language will not get confused, and the positive energy will be reflected through the speaker into the hall. However, it is better to start training in a familiar company so as not to get in trouble.

Help from professionals

There is absolutely no shame in using outside help. The accumulated experience is shared by the best speakers who have already spoken in public. Psychologists correct stiffness of character in a short time.

Choose the best known and proven self-esteem growth courses. But you should not forget about daily practice. Only real communication can bring a person out of the state of a snail. Not a single smart book you read will increase the level of the thought process like an attempt to talk to a stranger on a topic that interests you.

Have you ever had to sit and literally force yourself to collect your thoughts? To then say something very important and necessary? For example, to defend your rights or convey your thoughts to your boss, husband / wife, children ... Did you manage to correctly, clearly express them out loud? If so, I sincerely envy you. Because I have never been able to clearly and competently express my thoughts. Ideally folded in the head, they do not always fly out of the mouth in a way that is understandable to others. How to learn to express your thoughts correctly is a question that has always bothered me. And that question led me to an amazing answer.

Why do some people fail to clearly and clearly express their thoughts?
How to learn to express your thoughts correctly?

Since childhood, I feel like an idiot when I can’t say what I feel, think, understand. It happens to me all the time - I can't express my thoughts. At meetings and at meetings, in disputes and scandals, in general, at all moments that are important for me, when I need to say something significant and necessary, some kind of literally revolution takes place in me. Thoughts formed normally in my head, but I opened my mouth and carried some nonsense. Often, at such moments, I say something and literally the eyes of the interlocutor show that he does not catch the thread of my conversation. Moreover, often I myself catch myself on the fact that I am carrying something wrong and wrong. Chatting, saying everything that I thought in the course of the conversation, I myself get confused, and I understand what happens, well, it’s not at all as convincing as it was ... there in my thoughts.

It has always been strange for me why thoughts are so slender and light in my head. Everything fits together without a hitch. Moreover, it is in my head, in my imagination, that I can not only correctly express my thoughts, I can correctly place accents in them, accurately vary the meanings of the word and intonation. But at that moment, when I start to speak, to express my thoughts, some kind of failure occurs. And you can’t say them as beautifully and harmoniously, as clearly and correctly as it was in your head.

There are two scenarios. Either thoughts seem to crumple, speech is wrinkled. What I wanted to put into 2 weighty, beautiful sentences, for some reason turns into some kind of viscous, unnecessary phrases. There are too many of them - 10, 20 or more. They are blurry and not convincing. Collected thoughts seem to creep and lose their meaning. I literally drown in my own speech, like in a drag. And the main thing is that I understand this no worse than my listeners, but I can’t do anything.

Everything happens differently. When I prepared a big important speech in my head, full of bright arguments and convictions. But with the direct expression of these thoughts aloud, I begin to rush and cut them as I go. It seems to me that I am delaying people, that it will be too tiring for them to listen to me. I feel uncomfortable that I distract them with my chatter. I'm trying to save words, not to waste time. Therefore, the speech is crumpled and incomprehensible. What I really needed to spend 10 minutes on in order to explain everything in detail, I cram into 3 short phrases. And again, in the eyes of the interlocutors, I understand that I was not able to correctly, intelligibly express my thought.

Why can't I express my thoughts clearly?

I used to think that my inability to express my own thoughts was the problem of others. It’s just that it’s easy to make up a lot of thoughts in your own head and come to the logical conclusion of your reasoning, but in a conversation with people it doesn’t work out that way - the interlocutor can insert a word, start arguing, and give counterarguments. It is he, the one with whom I am talking, that knocks me out of my thoughts, and I can no longer express it to the end.

Then, when I began to speak at conferences, I noticed an amazing thing - it often happens that the interlocutor does not say anything at all in response. He just listens to me carefully. Very carefully. I, completely without his participation, will definitely go astray. And at the end of the conversation, I definitely understand that I myself would not understand myself, would not be able to convey the meaning of my thought for myself. So why blame the interlocutors? The only reason is me.

I was terribly angry with myself for it. Especially when it comes to important things. For example, when I finally wanted to ask the director to raise my salary. Or when I wanted to tell mom and dad a beautiful toast-wish for their wedding anniversaries. Or when I wanted my neighbors to finally turn off the loud music and stop yelling in drunken voices at 3am. In each of these cases, it was very difficult for me to express my thoughts, although there were a lot of them in my head. And in each of them they did not understand me. This is the most annoying and annoying.

After all, when you say some thought, you consider it very important and necessary. That is why the ability to express your thoughts is so valuable. How to learn this? How to find a way to clearly, clearly, correctly, harmoniously express your thoughts?

The ability to express your thoughts is a great talent

Today I understand that, of course, it's not about the interlocutors. It's about me. Not in the sense that I'm bad or wrong. No, absolutely not. It's about my sound vector. soundman great importance attaches to the word, and it is he who, in the potential, is best able to express his thoughts, play with words, translate words and meanings from one language to another. When a sound vector is under stress, if for some reason he had to endure an injury, the ability to express his thoughts becomes a problem. Sometimes, the ability to think is also problematic, people say "there is emptiness in the head."

I know I'm not alone at all. There are about 5% of people like me, the owners of the sound vector. We are all distinguished by one feature - we are looking for the meaning of life, or it seems to us that we have already found it. From idea to idea, we go and seem to be drowning in our own thoughts. All sound people, and only sound people, have a constant, very interesting thought process. In transport and on a walk, while eating or in the bathroom, however, at any moment when we are alone with ourselves and no one distracts us with conversations, we always literally drown in our own thoughts. And this is not surprising - after all, this is our specific role, the purpose of life - to create correct, new thought forms. And, of course, it is very important for us to correctly express these thoughts.

In general, by and large, a sound person is subconsciously interested in questions of a not very mundane nature. Why do we all live? Why is everything in the world arranged this way and not otherwise? Why do we die, and what happens after death? These are the questions that truly matter to the sound engineer. But the answers to such questions cannot be obtained just like that, it is very difficult to formulate them in words, to express your thoughts in words.

Despite the fact that the sound engineer is interested in the questions of the universe, he also lives (or tries to live) an ordinary life. He also needs to eat and drink, to have a roof over his head, to dress in something. He has to communicate with other people, sometimes even go to work. Often, he does this only when he is fired up with an idea, otherwise depressive states begin and the constant question in his head is "who needs my mortal life?"

In the process of life, a sound person, like any other, has many situations in which it is necessary to defend one's point of view, express one's opinion, and achieve goals. For this, language was given to man - we must correctly, clearly express our thoughts. And this happens to everyone, except for sound engineers. Just because, unlike the rest, who simply express their thoughts in words, a sound person begins to get stuck in his own thoughts, withdraw into himself.

In his own mind, he can form, develop thoughts that are already in their roots not clear to other people. Full of his egocentrism, self-absorbed, he thinks too out of touch with real world. All thoughts of a sound person, as a rule, are connected with the idea of ​​the universe - after all, this is what interests him from the very beginning. But to others, interlocutors without a sound vector, in fact, this is indifferent.

It is not surprising that when trying to express such a thought, full on the one hand of many important meanings, on the other hand, divorced from reality, the sound engineer often does not succeed. In addition, the reason for the crumpledness, incomprehensibility of his speech is also the fact that in his head he often scrolls his own thoughts too many times and, in the end, he seems to get confused about what he said and what he just thought. So it turns out that he said one word, thought two, then said another word - who is able to understand such a speech? Another reason for misunderstanding on the part of others is that the sound person has a unique abstract mind, he often builds his arguments on abstract examples, which confuses other people.

So it turns out that in the end, having sucked and scrolled his thought a hundred times in his head, the sound engineer cannot express his idea clearly, convey it to the environment. Remaining not understood, he suffers greatly - because his desires are not realized. Even if these desires are really ideal.

How to correctly express your thoughts?

In order to live in harmony with yourself, you need to understand yourself. Understand, evaluate yourself, your actions and desires not through the ideas and attitudes of other people, but as they really are. Only in this case, it is possible to take a step towards your own subconscious.

It is very important for a sound engineer to understand what exactly is in his mind - his realization. Learning to clearly express your thoughts, conveying them to the interlocutor, especially on everyday topics, is quite simple. To do this, you just need to understand with whom the conversation is being conducted, to feel the person by