Universal key for all locks. How to open a lock without a key? Do-it-yourself master key from a paper clip

Surely it happened to you that you forgot your keys at home. This "pleasant surprise" can happen at the most inopportune moment and pretty ruin your life. And what do you want to do if the key is broken or you accidentally lost it on the way home? Of course, in this case, each key has a duplicate, but it is far from always available. Therefore, now we will talk about a fundamentally different solution, namely: we will try to make a key for all the locks and open the door with our own hands. But, if you don’t have time at all to search for and use improvised means for opening, we recommend that you contact a specialized organization http://newzamok.ru

Pin cylinder mechanism

So how do we open the lock without a key? Good question, but first, let's figure out exactly how the lock works and how does it work in general? Most locks in the CIS countries are based on either a pin or perforated cylinder. These two cylinders have significant differences, but in general, their principle of operation is similar and based on a spring-pin mechanism.

Simply put, pins are small, oblong rods supported by a spring. Their principle of operation is to build a certain combination, which opens the lock.

When you insert a key into such a cylinder, all the rods fall into place, thus forming a given structural pattern. It is precisely this element of the secrecy of the core that we have to imitate by opening the ill-fated lock that stands in your way.

Do-it-yourself master keys

To open an ordinary English lock without a key, we need two master keys. One of the picks will keep the lock in tension, like a lever, gradually turning the cylinder of the larva, and the other will press the pins, exposing them in a certain sequence.

A lot of things can serve as a material for making elementary master keys, starting from the most ordinary paper clip or hairpin, which will not last long, but will have time to fulfill their role, and ending with more wear-resistant materials.

For example, a master key for sequential pin clamping can be machined from a hacksaw blade. It will be quite strong, but elastic. This factor is important, since the master key can easily break right in the door lock, and it will be extremely problematic to get it without special tools. Such a tool should have a small recess at the end, the so-called "hook", which will be quite convenient to press the rods and open the door.

The master key that turns the lock should be more solid, be an L-shaped “handle” with a longitudinal protrusion at the end. This ledge must be made rectangular so that it can easily pass into the lock hole. Such a bench tool can be made, for example, from an ordinary hex wrench of small diameter, and it will last you a long time.


The process of opening the lock should not take more than 2-5 minutes ideally, but you may need much more time at first. Therefore, be patient and practice on your castle. Do it slowly, in stages, remembering every detail of the process as carefully as possible. In the future, having honed your skills to perfection, you will open such locks without much difficulty.

For information on how to open the lock with a hairpin, see the following story:

Consider the stages of opening the lock in more detail.

  • We insert the L-shaped master key into the groove of the core and turn it clockwise, while applying a slight constant pressure. It is necessary that when you press the rods, the following ones do not return to their original position.

  • We insert the hook-pick into the core hole and alternately press each pin, which in modern locks can be on average from 5 to 8 pieces, depending on the company and country of manufacture. You need to press the pins methodically and consistently, otherwise you will not succeed.

If it was not possible to open the lock the first time, repeat the steps. How do you know if the lock has opened, because you did not use the key? Everything is very simple. At the end of this process, the cylinder should be affected by turning the lock-lever. In this case, you can consider all stages of opening the lock successful and mentally congratulate yourself.

The mechanism of the perforated cylinder

A lock with a perforated cylinder is based on a similar principle of operation, but has a number of significant differences. One of the most important is that the core pins here have a two-component structure, and to open the lock, the pins must accurately hit the perforations on the key plate.

Perforations are small round indentations on the surface of the key that create a combination of a secret mechanism. The core of such a lock is a complete system of bilateral pressure.

Thus, in order to open a door with a perforated core, it is necessary to be able to imitate the code of the secret two-way pins of the lock. This is a rather difficult task for an inexperienced burglar who simply does not know how to open such a door, so such locks are rapidly gaining popularity in our time. Now almost all entrance doors are equipped with such protective mechanisms, so you can be calm for the safety of property.

should warn you that this way opening the lock was described solely for use on one's property, as a locksmith's trick, but in no case for the purpose of breaking into other people's protective mechanisms. Opening other people's locks is a crime and entails criminal liability in accordance with applicable law.

Such an unpleasant situation can happen to anyone when, due to the loss of the key or its breakdown in the lock, it is not possible to get home. You can, of course, contact a service that specializes in solving these problems. But you will have to prove that you are the owner of this apartment by presenting your passport, which indicates your place of residence. But few people carry a passport with them, preferring to leave it at home, so for sure you will receive a categorical refusal to your request. If you have your passport, they will help, but you will pay a tidy sum for it. So at least it will be more difficult, but cheaper, to open the lock without a key on your own, using improvised means.

What to do if the keys are lost?

In specialized stores master keys for sale capable of opening almost any lock. But to use them, you need skill, which you, of course, do not have. Yes, and returning after dark, tired after work, you are unlikely to have a desire to look for such a store. And I want to go home.

Do not despair, the master key can be made from ordinary paper clips or hairpins. To do this, take 2 paper clips. One needs to unbend and straighten the long end until a relatively flat wire is obtained. Now move on to the second thread. It should be fully extended so that when bent in the middle, the ends of the paperclip converge, while the first should be made about a centimeter shorter than the second, the protruding part of which should be bent at ninety degrees. Now the second paperclip needs to be inserted into keyhole and push in the direction of the lock.

In case you can't remember this direction, the chances of successfully completing the operation to open the lock without using the key are fifty percent. You can try to advance the paperclip according to the movement of the hands in the clock, this is how the locks most often open.

However, there exceptions to this rule. If the direction is chosen correctly, it will be easy to turn the paperclip, since there will be practically no resistance. Now, having fixed the pressure, with the first paper clip, try to find the pins, as a rule, there are only 5 of them. Start at the back of the keyhole and press all the pins one by one. They need to be fixed. In the event that the pin has become as it should, you will hear a click. When all the pins are in place, make another turn with a paper clip and the door will open.

Opening the lock with tools

Also, without keys, the door can be opened with the help of tools that are selected, depending on the type of lock. For example, if you have a simple cross-cylinder mortise lock, not without a drill. It is necessary to drill a hole above the keyhole and use a master key to raise the stopper, after which it remains only to move the bolt hook and the lock is open. If you come across a lock, which is a cylinder with pins, make a hole in it with a drill, after which, inserting a master key there and turning it, open the door. Welcome home.

Things are a little different with padlocks. Without his key can be opened in 2 ways:

  1. With the help of a master key, as mentioned above, which is very difficult to do
  2. Just knock down the castle. To do this, you can use a crowbar: press on the place where the shackle is attached to the body, and the padlock will open, or rather, break. Does not work? Saw with a hacksaw, which will take no more than 10 minutes

If you come across an extremely strong and reliable padlock, use an ordinary aluminum can. Cut a shamrock out of it and open the lock with its middle tongue.

The rack lock is quite easy to open without a key, and there are three ways to do this.

  1. Insert a screwdriver between the door frame and the door, press the door with force, making a loop out of the fishing line, stick it into the keyhole, circling the pins, and pull it towards you. Reiki move away - the door opens.
  2. This lock can be opened without using a key with an ordinary carrot or pencil. To do this, lubricate the mechanism and release the bolt, then push the door in the same direction as you close the door, then you need to drive one of these “master keys” into the keyhole, turn it and the door will open.
  3. With a drill and screwdriver. First, determine the location of the crossbar - a sheet of paper should be dragged between the door frame and the door, and then, having felt the crossbar, make a hole in the box with a drill and a screwdriver will only move the crossbar.

What to do if the key is broken in the lock?

Of course, you have to take it out first. Use jigsaw file. It must be inserted into the keyhole so that the teeth are directed upwards, then try to hook the key with it and if you manage to do this, just pull it out. And then, using the above methods, open the door. And if part of the broken key protrudes from the keyhole? It’s quite simple here - you can get the key and open the lock, as long as the pliers are at hand. Having hooked the key with them, turn it until the door opens, and then pull it out.

Finally, it should be noted that when using these methods to open locks, be conscientious and remember that opening other people's doors is punishable by law.

Often, when you are especially bored, you want to amuse yourself with something. Banal games on the phone have long been tired. We need something practical, but no less interesting. There is an exit. As children, everyone played spies. Surveillance, eavesdropping, secret surveillance and even collusion - all then interested in the children's mind. Now you can step up a level and start picking locks. You can immediately feel like James Bond or the hero from the movie "Mission Impossible". In fact, jokes aside, picking a lock is a painstaking but fun undertaking. So in boring hours anywhere (at home, in the office, at work) you can remember your childhood. So, let's try to answer the question: "How to make a master key at home?" About all this - below.

moral question

Before asking the question: “How to make a master key for a lock?” - you need to think about morality. Picking a lock is a delicate matter both on the part of conscience and on the part of the law. This activity should not cause any harm to others. The subject of an autopsy can be a lock lying on the table harmlessly. But by no means a foreign mechanism.

Because fun is one thing, and other people's secrets are quite another. You should not use these skills against others, otherwise the game may turn into trouble. It’s not that the information disclosed is worth a lot, it’s just that the owner will not be very happy when he learns about this incident. Again. Opening locks should only be for personal entertainment, and not for your own benefit.

Classification of opened mechanisms

Houses would never be completely safe if it were not for the large number of types of locks. There are dozens of types of defense mechanisms, all of them are designed for their own purposes, therefore they are good in their own way. Immediately, without much bother, locks can be divided into two main groups: open and built-in. Further branches are not particularly important.

Mounted. The half-moon lock (or barn mechanism) is known to many. It is cheap, but, accordingly, not very reliable. This type is easy to crack not only with a master key. It can be eaten or cut with a simple hacksaw.

Overhead locks. They also belong to the open group, since the body of the mechanism does not hide in the door plane. They are screwed to the door with screws, the rest of the structure to the wall. It turns out a kind of valve with keys.

Locks that are built in are much more reliable than their comrades. The English mechanism (aka cylindrical) is the most common. It is used in homes, offices, shops.

The lever lock also belongs to the built-in ones. It differs from the cylindrical one only in the shape of the locking elements.

In general, no matter which lock you choose, each has its own specifics and, most importantly, requires its own approach to hacking.

Opening tools

From what has been said above, one truth can be understood: "To each his own." If there are a huge number of locks, there must be a variety of unlocking tools. How to make a master key for a lock of various shapes and sizes? The question is easy. With diligence.

Only diligence and accuracy can give the desired result. Any deviation from the norm or banal negligence - and the locking mechanism will not only not open, but may also break.

Variety of lockpicks

There are many types of master keys. You can't count them in your mind. But it is worth paying close attention to the most common options. Oddly enough, but the most frequently asked question is: “How to make a master key from a paper clip?”

Perhaps many will smile, but the old movie trick has a place to be. Indeed, from a simple stationery set, you can make a tool for opening the lock. Naturally, an ordinary paper clip will not open the door, but mail padlocks can significantly spoil life. More experienced burglars, of course, ask another question: “How to make a master key out of a mechanical screwdriver?” It turns out that a repair tool can change its classification and become an opening tool. These are the metamorphoses in the family of master keys.

The master key is a legend, or a tribute to cinema

A paperclip skeleton key can help when picking a "light" lock. These can be cheap Chinese padlocks, which are often used to close caskets, mailboxes and even gates. So, actually, how to make a master key? This process must occur in a certain sequence. To open the mechanism, you will need two paper clips.

One is the main, the second is auxiliary. The first one should be untwisted so that a couple of curls remain at the end (you need to hold this tool for something). The rest must be made even. A hammer will help with this. It turned out to be a kind of direct key. Doesn't it remind you of anything? But the master key is not ready yet. The end should be bent at a ninety degree angle. The second paper clip only needs to be unfolded and bent in half (ideally, flatten them with a hammer to each other). So, the homemade legendary cinematic master key is ready. It's worth trying it out.

The principle of hacking with a master key from a paper clip

From the first time, no one will be able to crack even the most elementary lock. Claims that some craftsman could do it in a minute is not an argument. To feel correctly, to guess the moment when you need to scroll the master key - only an experienced master is capable of this. Actually the principle of breaking: a flat paper clip must be inserted into the lowest part of the lock. After that, push to the side, give a load. Next comes the "key". His task is to open the locking parts. Put them in the right places. To do this, you just need to drive back and forth with a master key, not forgetting about the voltage. In the course of action, the castle will begin to give in. It can be felt.

How to make a pick from a screwdriver

Do not forget about the things that are at hand. Thus, even an ordinary screwdriver will help to pick the lock. But for a screwdriver to become a master key, you need to work hard. First, you have to grind off unnecessary parts. For a sample, you can take a regular crescent moon lock. Its key, in general, has the shape of a semicircle. This is how the lockpick should be. Its use is simple. Paste and scroll. The elements are unlocked, but the lock itself becomes unusable.

PRO lockpicks

I am often asked questions about how to make master keys, how to learn how to unlock locks with the help of master keys. I will answer, why do it, they have been made for you a long time ago and industrial production has been established. All the lockpicks that you see in the photographs are manufactured abroad in an industrial way. Their purpose is very diverse: they are for the police, and for rescuers, firefighters, etc. However, they are commercially available and anyone can buy them. Lockpick sets can also be ordered online.

You see the picks that are used to unlock the locks with a cylinder mechanism, they are also called locks with a profile cylinder. These are the locks that are most easily unlocked, which is why I recommend starting with these locks. Learning how to use them is very simple, for this you just need to understand how such a mechanism works. Work principles different types locks are very clearly presented on the website of the "Factory of locks and hardware" where there are professionally made flash videos showing the operation of locks. Below are photos of single picks and cylinder lock release sets with one row of pins.

The unlocking principle is as follows. An "L"-shaped plate is inserted into the key hole in the upper part (they are visible in the photographs) and is created using its tension (turn) of the cylinder. But the cylinder does not rotate, because. it is prevented by spring-loaded pins. Next, the master key itself is inserted into the keyhole and the pins are lowered alternately, while not loosening the tightness. In this case, at some of the moments of the pins sinking, a small (fraction of millimeters) rotation of the cylinder mechanism will occur. Due to the error in drilling the holes for the pins, which is always there, even in the most expensive locks, one (or several) pins are "hung out" when lowered, i.e. no longer interfere with the rotation of the cylinder, then, pressing the remaining pins in stages, lower them all to the break line (the pins usually consist of three parts) and turn the cylinder one turn, then the operation is repeated again. You read this much longer than unlocking the lock. It's definitely better to see it once.

But this is already a mechanical "pistol" for unlocking locks with a cylinder mechanism, they can already unlock cylinders with two rows of pins. The principle of its work is the same. With a "L"-shaped plate, we make a tension on the cylinder, insert a master key into the key hole, which is fixed at the end of the "pistol" and, pressing the "trigger", strike the pins. When they fail, the cylinder rotates. The "pistol" has an adjustment of the amplitude of the movement of the master key, and you can adjust the frequency of blows with your own hand.

Well, these are already electrical devices, the same as a mechanical "gun", but for the lazy - they work on batteries. But in fact, it is much better than the mechanical counterpart, because it allows you to subtly manipulate the master key in the keyhole.

I myself used all these devices for unlocking locks. By the way, I started training only when a mechanical "gun" fell into my hands. After that, I became interested in unlocking the lock in the old, "old-fashioned" way. Let me put it this way, I've only unlocked locks for fun and in class with my experts, and I've done it in seconds. True, I unlocked old domestic locks (they did not differ in the accuracy of production), and the current Chinese ones (including APEX). Well, now think about how many seconds a thief will open your door?

May troubles pass you by!

Method one:

two paper clips are taken, the first is fully unbent, and folded in half. After that, one half of it bends several times, so that the bends form between themselves no more than an acute angle, as shown in diagram 1.

Then you need to determine which side the cylinders are located on - scheme 2, and insert the made master key all the way into the keyhole, with the curved side towards the cylinders and try to turn it clockwise, with sharp but gentle movements, trying not to bend. If the attempt fails, repeat the whole action again, but so that the "pattern" of the master key being made does not coincide with the previous one.

Some useful tips:

Always keep an eye on the top or bottom of the cylinders, it usually depends on which way to turn the master key. For example, if the cylinders are on top, as indicated in diagram 2, then the master key must be turned counterclockwise, and not vice versa. These types of locks are usually installed on office furniture(on drawers, cabinets, etc.). If the made master key does not fit the lock you are currently opening, in no case should you throw it away. It can still be useful to you, it didn’t fit this castle, it will fit another. For these purposes, I advise you to get a special wallet or something like that, where you will put the master keys you made at your leisure (always carry this wallet with you, just in case, because there are different cases).

Today we will talk about master keys from what and how to make them.
What do we need for this:
1.drill or machine, or better sharpened
2.Ground circle (if only drill) see Photo1
3.folding meter see Photo2 or a suitable plate with a thickness
0.5-0.7mm (the main thing is to be made of good metal and not
bent too much, such as a knife, a hardened plate or a spring of the right size)
from it we will make the master key itself.
4. a small hexagon from it we will make a knob
5. tested (any suitable mask from the lock, but better some Korean
as it is easier to start training)
6.tesky (without them it will be very inconvenient)
7.patience and hands from the right place
Let's start
First you need to choose what kind of master key we want to make (there is a huge selection of them)
We will do one of the three simplest and most common
We disassemble the meter for this, it is necessary to grind off the rivets on the sides, just do not throw them away
we will also need see Photo3
The next stage is the processing of the meter link, we process it according to the dimensions given on Photo4
Processing is carried out using a stone nozzle, see Fig. Photo1 the main thing is not to overheat the meter link
Too long working part should not be done, as it can break, but we need everything
For the master key to reach the last soldier, see Photo5

After we have made the master keys, we need to polish them, this is done in order to
they didn’t cling to anything, so that no one would speak, and it’s easier to work with polished master keys
(opening locks with master keys is a very subtle science)
Now we fasten the finished master keys in three pieces with the same rivets, but you can not fasten them
whichever is more convenient for you, see Photo6
The next thing we will do is a pusher, we need it to give a turning
castle efforts
We take a hexagon 3 or a suitable bar of good metal and make a “poker”, see Fig. Photo7
You can also make a pusher from a key, see. Photo8 we just remove the working part
leaving only the top part of the key.

Now consider other types of locks , master keys to them and methods of opening without master keys.
Let's start in order
The first one we'll look at is Finnish castle so-called disk
with round keys
. It usually opens in two ways.
1. Roller it is made from nozzles (bits) from KRAFTOOL or similar
well-known firms, but not from such as STAYER and similar consumer goods
You can make it from bars of a good alloy, it is checked by poking
It is best, of course, to make it from titanium, you can get it from turners and process it there
Looks like a convolution, see Photo9 as a blank wrench with a hex at the end for the head
Processing bits with the same stone, see. Photo1 and most importantly, the temperature of the bit during processing
should not exceed 80 degrees, as this will lead to metal tempering
after processing, the finished roll must be polished, this is done so that it does not break
imagine if you make a scratch on the glass and hit it, then the glass will break in this
place on the fold is the same if there is a scratch, then it will curl up in this place
Well, everyone understands how to use it. We insert the roll up to the stop in the lock, put on the head
And we turn clockwise.
2.Using a puller. Buy self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the discs
all the way so that the bolt head protrudes from the lock by a centimeter, this is done in order to
puller caught. The puller looks like this Photo10
in the same way you can open the English lock (pin)
Consider padlocks
Well, it's all just opening padlocks makes no sense if it can be bypassed
We take an adjustable wrench with a length of 40 centimeters, the longer the easier it is to wield it
We clamp one of the darlings of the door and bend it.
Bambing This method was invented back in 1950, it was based on simple method
We all played billiards, if we hit ball 1, then we give it an impact impulse
Ball 1 hitting ball 2 stops and ball 2 starts moving
As we know, cylinder locks have two soldiers in each cell.
If we hit the upper soldiers, then they will remain in place and the lower ones will go into
down to the stop for a few nano seconds if we start to turn at this moment
then the lock will open, it's not difficult as it seems the first time.
According to this method, spring pistols were invented that hit the soldiers
But more recently, they came up with the ingenious thing BUMP-key how to make it, see below. Photo11
Now I will explain the meaning of the alteration
We need to open the lock, no matter how good the company gets the key to the same
lock, we grind grooves to the maximum length of the secret, now we grind the spout
and the emphasis of the key, this is done so that the key after we have inserted it
left a gap between the key and the cylinder 0.5-1.0mm now if we hit on
the end of the key, then it will go 0.5-1.0 mm into the cylinder, forcing the soldiers to go down
forward energy to the lower soldiers and at this moment we turn the key.
This way you can open even Mul-T-Lock and absolutely any cylindrical locks
with vertical and horizontal cutting of secrets
Good luck in your endeavors!!!