Martial god of the Romans 4 letters crossword. What was the name of the god of war among different peoples

Roman god of war

Alternative descriptions

Platform at the top of the mast for observation of the horizon

In ancient Roman mythology, the god of war

Planet solar system

In Roman mythology, the god of war

fourth planet in the solar system

Chocolate variety

interplanetary station

. "remember everything", planet

. "companion of Augustus"

. "Chocolate" planet

planet closest to earth

god of War

God with a chocolate name

Hosts. wells planet

War planet

Warrior Planet Wells

Phobos revolves around him

The spacecraft Spirit and Opportunity were sent to study this planet.

Ancient Roman war god

His moons: Phobos and Deimos

Is there life there

What planet was explored by the American interplanetary station "Mariner-6"

Red Planet

M. morsk. a plank or slatted platform at the top (top) of the mast, on the first knee of the spars, when the mast is connected to the wall; a similar lattice on the wall is called saling. According to the mast, mars are called: grotto-mars, fore-mars and crus-mars or crucsel. Command: on the mars, means an order to climb the shrouds on the mars. Call: on Mars! there is a calling review, the senior of the ranks, who is on Mars, means: listen, there will be an order. Mars, related to Mars; in the form of a noun. a sailor whose place is on the mars (shkanechnye, poop and bow on the deck); on the Volga, muzur. Marseille m. The second from the bottom is a straight sail, raised along the topmast on a mars-yard, with a tackle with a mars-fall. Mainsail Marseille. Fort Marseille and Crucel. Marseille, relating to Marseille. Marseille wind, in which, in a close-hauled (in bet, twist), it is impossible to carry the upper sails (bram-sels), but only topsails. All gear related to this sail takes the word mars in front of it, for example. marsa-bras, marsa-topenant, sheet, git, bulin; and in front of this is also the name of the mast: main-marsa-bras, fore-marsa-topenant, etc., and at the mizzen-mast: begin-bras, crus-topenant, etc. sail, on a retractable fox-spirit along the yard, raised by a mars-fox-half

M. the fourth planet from the Sun, between which and Venus is the earth. Greek god of war and alchemical name for iron; martial, martial, military; glandular. Martial waters, baths, ferruginous

Observer's mast

mast observation deck

Between Earth and Jupiter

Location of the novel "Aelita"

On what planet did the Italian Giovanni Schiaparelli discover canals in 1877

What planet is Paul Verhoeven's 'Total Recall' set on?

On what planet is the action of the novel by A. Tolstoy "Aelita"

A. N. Tolstoy sent the heroes to this planet in the famous science fiction novel

The name of this particular planet is associated with its blood-red color.

Planet close to Earth


Planet of Curiosity

Aelita's planet

Solar system planet

Planet of Phobos and Deimos

Planet in orange dust

Rocker Mouse Planet (animated)

orange dust planet

planet next to earth

planet next to us

Solar system planet between Earth and Jupiter

Planet, god and bar

A planet where apple trees will bloom

The planet whose chronicles were written by American Ray Bradbury

Roman Ares

Alien home of Wells

What planet were the cartoon rocker mice from?

The highest mountain on the planets of the solar system is located there

Observation deck on the mast

Observation deck at the top of the mast

Sailboat observation deck

Shooting platform on the mast

Fantastic film by Brian de Palma "Mission to ..."

Tim Burton's sci-fi film "...attacks"

Film "Mission to..."

Fourth planet from the Sun

Fourth in the parade of planets

chocolate bar

What planet were the cartoon rocker mice from?

English automatic pistol from 8.5 mm to 45 caliber

Ancient Roman god of war, corresponding to the Greek Ares

Cinema in Moscow, st. Engineering

Lower platform at the mast connection

Platform at the top of the mast for observation

Roman god of war, in ancient Italy he was also a god of fertility

Soviet automatic interplanetary station

Platform on top of compound mast attached to longsalings and spreaders

. "companion of Augustus"

Which ancient Roman god corresponds to the Greek Ares?

What god was the month of March dedicated to?

Emperor Augustus placed the temple of this god in the center of the forum in gratitude for the victory over the assassins of Caesar

What planet was explored by the American interplanetary station Mariner 6?

On what planet does the action of A. Tolstoy's novel "Aelita" take place?

The spacecraft Spirit and Opportunity were sent to study this planet.

This god was the father of the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus

He constantly has to rotate in an environment of Fear and Horror.

What planet is Paul Verhoeven's movie "Total Recall" set on?

Tim Burton's sci-fi film "...attacks"

Fantastic film by Brian de Palma "Mission to ..."

. "bar" from the solar system

God of war in ancient Roman mythology

Moscow cinema

Russian space station

. "remember everything", planet

. "chocolate" planet

Is there life there?

Film "Mission to..."

Location of the novel "Aelita"

Roman brother of Ares

Following the Earth

Planet of Curiosity

Sailboat Observation Deck..

Sail observation deck

The name of the chocolate bar

God of war or chocolate. bar..

Shame from the end to the beginning

In ancient times, the Romans represented the gods in the form of some invisible forces that accompany a person throughout life and even after it.

Gods of Ancient Rome

To systematize knowledge, we will create a list and description of the gods ancient rome, which are the main ones.


During the closer relationship between Rome and Greece, the Roman gods from an inexplicable substance acquired a human form.

Rice. 1. The Roman god Jupiter.

It is the chief of all gods. Protector of the sky and thunder. He guards the world order, is the highest deity. He is accompanied by an eagle, and uses lightning bolts as a weapon.

Jupiter's wife and sister. She was the protector of girls, taking care of their marriages and maintaining innocence before entering into it. She certainly had a scepter in her hands, and a golden diadem covered her head.

Father of Romulus and Remus. Mars guarded the fields, but then transformed into the god of war. The month of March is named after him. The shield and spear are his permanent weapons.

God of sowing and harvest. taught people agriculture and life in peace and harmony. The feast of Saturnalia was held in his honor.

God of winemaking and entertainment. In honor of him, the Romans sang songs and staged performances.

He was a god with two heads, looking forward and backward at the same time. He was the god of any beginning or undertaking. Temples in his honor were in the form of city gates. They were opened in wartime and closed in peacetime.


He was the messenger of the gods. He brought dreams to people and led the dead to realm of the dead. Mercury patronized thieves and merchants. In his hands he always had a purse with money and a caduceus wand.

Goddess of wisdom, patroness of all Roman cities. She is the protector of poets, teachers, actors and writers. Her weapons are a shield, a helmet and a spear. Near it there is certainly a snake or an owl.

Apollo was the overseer of the execution of the will of Jupiter. He struck the disobedient with arrows or diseases, and bestowed various blessings on others. He is also the god of divination and creativity. Depicted with a bow in his hands and a quiver of arrows behind his back or in the form of a singer holding a lyre.

This is god water world. He controls the storms and sends the calm. His rage knows no bounds. His weapon is a trident.

He is the god of the underworld and the owner of vast underground wealth.

He was the god of blacksmithing and fire. Protected people from fire and was the patron of blacksmiths. Lived in the depths of the Sicilian volcano Etna.

Goddess of beauty. The patroness of spouses and an unusually beautiful woman. Considered a distant ancestor of Julius Caesar

Cupid (Cupid)

A young man in charge of affairs of love. With his bow and arrows, he struck the souls of lonely people, kindling in them love for each other. It is also capable of killing love between a man and a woman.

Responsible for agriculture and grain productivity. Depicted with a sheaf of grain ears in her hand.


Roman goddess of victory.

Goddess of the hearth and the flames within it. Vesta had her own servants in the temple - Vestal Virgins. They worshiped only her and kept their innocence throughout their lives.

The patroness of the forest and its inhabitants. She is a hunter and assistant to pregnant women during childbirth. Protector of the plebeians and slaves. Her weapon is a bow, and her doe accompanies her.

According to the beliefs of the Romans, Quirinus is Romulus, the founder of the city of Rome. After death, he was reborn, having received a divine beginning.

The Greeks worshiped two gods of war: Ares, an insidious, treacherous and bloodthirsty god who loves chaos and war for the sake of war itself, and Athena, an honest, fair and wise goddess who prefers to wage an organized war using strategy. Ares and Athena were among the twelve main Olympian gods. According to ancient Greek myths, Ares also had companions: discord and strife Eris, the goddess of violent war and rage Enio, as well as his sons Phobos (god of fear) and Deimos (god of horror).

Roman gods of war

The main god of war was Mars, who was originally the god of fertility and was considered the founder and guardian of Rome. After the conquest of Greece, Mars was identified with Ares. Mars was one of the three gods who stood at the head of the Roman pantheon. His were the god of terror Pavor (identified with the Greek god Deimos), the god of fear Pallor (identified with the Greek god Phobos), Bellona (identified with the Greek goddess Enio) and the goddess Discordia (identified with the Greek goddess Eris). The Romans also revered Minerva, identified with the Greek goddess Athena, as the patroness of war.

Egyptian gods of war

The Egyptians revered Set, Sekhmet and Montu as gods of war. Initially, in ancient Egyptian mythology, Set was considered a warrior god patronizing royal power. Set was later demonized and opposed to Horus, one of the central Egyptian deities. As a result, Set became the god of war, death, chaos and destruction. The goddess of war, Sekhmet, was considered the guardian of the world, but at the same time she had a changeable character: she let in diseases and healed them, enjoyed bloodshed, and her anger brought epidemics. The ancient Egyptian god Montu was one of the solar deities, but later also began to be revered as the god of war.

West Semitic god of war

The Semites did not have a single mythological system, since each locality, as a rule, had its own patron god. However, the common deity of war for all Western Semites was Baal, also called Baal and Balu. Baal was revered not only as the god of war, but also as the god of fertility, sky, sun, water, the creator of the universe, animals and people.

Celtic gods of war

The Celtic deity of war was Camulus, whom the Romans identified with Mars. The functions of Camulus are little known, since there are few written references to this god. In addition to Kamul, the Celts worshiped the three Morrigan sisters, Badb and Maha. Some researchers believe that they were not separate deities, but reflected different aspects of the trinitarian goddess of war.

Scandinavian gods of war

The supreme god of the Scandinavians, Odin, was also the god of war. His retinue was made up of Valkyries - virgins who decide the fate of warriors on the battlefield and select heroes for the heavenly chamber of Valhalla. Odin's son Tyr, also called Tyr or Tiv, was worshiped as the god of martial prowess. The Scandinavian goddess of love and fertility, Freya, could also bring victory in battle, so she was also revered as the goddess of war. In addition, she took away those fallen warriors who did not fall into Valhalla.

Slavic god of war

The main god of the ancient Russian pagan pantheon, Perun, was revered as the god of thunder and lightning, as well as the patron of the prince, squad and military elite. After the advent of Christianity, the military features of Perun were transferred to George the Victorious and partially to the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb.