A strong conspiracy against the offender, which can be read from a distance. How to bring damage to a person - to someone who has greatly offended

The article will help you figure out how to inflict damage on a person and what needs to be done so that a spell or conspiracy gets maximum efficiency in the shortest possible time.

How to make damage without consequences at home and what to read on male impotence

Any damage has consequences, and no one can say exactly where the opposition to this action will manifest itself. Only sorceresses are engaged in such a thing, who filigree perform rituals and correctly pronounce conspiracies. Such knowledge is inherited by other sorceresses, and ordinary people often this is not given.

The ritual looks quite simple, but the atmosphere is creepy. Often, sorceresses use the personal belongings of those who are damaged. A phallic object is created from threads, rubber bands or wires, and after certain spells this object is thrown into the victim's house.

How to make damage for those who steal from the garden

To protect your garden from intruders, you need to say the following spell:

Damask knives, steel needles,
Prick, cut out the brain from my enemy,
Thief, adversary.
Close the light in his eyes
Take out his movement from the hands and feet,
Blow his belly, tear it,
Wrap his legs with cones.
Black is white for him
Red is gray to him.
Let him not find the door
His hand will not take the bracket,
He can't see the window
He won't steal, he won't offend.
I bury his way
I send him longing, anxiety.
The dog is a bird to him,
The wolf is a fox for him, honey is shit for him,
Fire is ice for him.
Let the brain turn his mind
He won't remember anything and he won't understand:
No name, no family
He is not from any tribe or people.
I roll it into tartars:
To the grave, the earth, the desert.
Like a dead man will not come out of his grave,
So he will not leave my circle.
Be you, my words, strong,
Sculpting, relentless, inexorable:
Neither gray-haired, nor young, none.
From now on and forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

That's just the spell you need to say, sitting bare ass on the threshold of your own bedroom, at exactly 3 o'clock in the morning, on any Monday.

How to make damage to the hair, what conspiracies help and will be effective

most efficient and active conspiracy will be listed below.

The plot itself takes place after sunset during the period when the moon is in a growing phase. Dial a full basin of clean water and put a small mirror in the water.

Gaze at it closely and imagine how your hair becomes strong and begins to grow rapidly. At this time, read the text of the plot:

“Grow my hair, grow my hair, like an ear in a field, do not break from dryness, gain strength from the earth and rain. In the nest you, hair, sat down, swarm there, so that I have, servants of God ( full name), not sexy.

Hair, you grow, get stronger, but shine like a full bag. In you, hair, all my magical power is contained, all spiritual will. It does not spoil you, hair, neither cold water, nor a sick head, nor a heavy, thoughtful thought.

Let my hair grow faster. Let them fall from my shoulders like young colossi, let the sun strengthen them, let the fresh wind cleanse them, and I, the servant of God (name), will protect you.

Hair, you, hair, like a young ear, you did not grow for people, but for me, not for an hour, not for one moment, not an hour, but for a whole century.

Blessed Mother Theotokos, circle me with your holy spirit, protect my hair and myself, save me from the evil eye, envious, rumbling at someone else's joy, only looking from behind.

My words are strong, my will is pure, everything will come true, what I said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to make damage to death, signs and how to remove

Damage to death is one of the most difficult spells that a mediocre magician cannot handle. Corruption is performed only by the most powerful wizards and is used only in extreme cases, as it takes a lot of energy.

The most important signs are the occurrence of serious illnesses, suicidal thoughts and loss of strength. Such a combination of bad signs can appear not only from damage, so you should not immediately run to parapsychologists.

The best method for checking is the following manipulations: draw water into the dishes, salt it and light three matches, then throw them into the water. If all three matches are drowned, then this damage has been imposed on you.

There are only two ways to remove damage to death: with the help of strong white or black magicians and the church. The second option is the most successful, since any church minister can tell you which prayer to read and what manipulations to do in order to remove damage from yourself.

How to make damage to the one who greatly offended by photo

This ritual is best performed in a temple, it is the easiest and has no negative consequences for the caster. It is required to buy twelve candles and, eleven of them, put the Mother of God and pray for the salvation of your soul, and take the last one instead of funeral candles, then say the following words: “God, forgive and save! I do not wish death to your servant (name). Justice please! Let (say what to spoil the enemy). If the Lord does not help, the devil will rush. Everything will happen, I think. Amen."

If the Lord considers it necessary to punish the offender, he will do it.

How can you damage a person on your own and the consequences of a needle

For the ritual, non-professionals use a new needle, bought without a single word. They use a gypsy rite, which can bring a serious illness to the victim.

A gypsy needle is bought and with the help of its big eye you need to look at the victim and say the following words three times: “Go where the black leg walks, misfortune will spill with water, it will lead you (name) to wade, will not return home!”.

If it is not possible to look at the victim through the ear, then a thread from the victim’s clothes or a hair is used, which must also be looked at and passed through the ear, then cast a spell and let it fly into the wind.

Good day. The magician Azal is with you, and today we will discuss how to bring damage to a person. Why does this topic require a separate detailed discussion, when there are many available ways to ruin a person's life? Because the main thing in magic is to work correctly and safely!

Many masters own various methods of inducing damage, but they do it with disastrous consequences for themselves and customers. Moreover, they often consciously substitute customers, and not out of ignorance. In addition to the masters, there are simply people who do not have a base of magical knowledge and want to damage the one who greatly offended them.

All of the above people will be very useful knowledge of the pitfalls in this matter. Many have heard about recoil, kickback and kickback, but few people know how to avoid these phenomena, so today we will discuss the following important questions:

  • what kind of damage to inflict on a person, work strategies;
  • what are the consequences of causing damage to the victim, the performer and the customer;
  • how to cause damage without consequences for yourself and the customer.

What damage to inflict on a person

From the articles on "Magic about Magic" we knowwhat is spoilage and what are types of damage . We know that damage is domestic and comes from envy. But today we are talking about damage as a professional magical work. Such damage can be:

  1. groundless - its causes also lie in envy;
  2. damage that has a reason - damage as a punishment for any misconduct.

In each of these cases, the master's work strategy is completely different!

If the damage is unreasonable, then the person necessarily receives serious consequences for punishment without a reason. He punished a man for nothing, just according to his will. By doing this, he violated the balance of justice, so he himself will receive punishment - "what you sow, you will reap."

In this case, special techniques of mastery allow you to avoid the consequences you have earned - retraction (retraction from a rollback and a retraction from a reverse strike). The main thing is to know where the serve will come from and be able to prevent this blow in time.

In the case when the desire to inflict damage on a person is justified and has a reason, damage acts as an instrument of revenge, as a punishment, as a reward to a person for a misconduct committed. Retribution leads to balance, balance, restoration of justice, but this does not mean that in this case there will be no consequences.

Why? 'Cause a man fails to fairly pickproportionate punishment to another. For different offenses, higher powers "issue" different punishments, the severity of which also varies.Damage-punishment can be different:

  • illnesses and injuries (punishment in the field of health);
  • problems in life situations (punishment in the sphere of luck);
  • lack of money (punishment in the financial sector);
  • loneliness or problems in relationships (punishment in the love sphere);
  • death.

In general, damage-punishment is a much safer type of damage (for the one who makes and orders), but due to the problem of proportionality of punishment, a reverse blow is still inevitable in this case. Therefore, when inducing this type of damage, it is imperative to include a diverter from a reverse strike in the work plan.

What are the consequences of damage to the victim

So, one person decided to spoil another person and wants to understand what will happen to him. And it will be exactly what happens from the application of the method of damage he has chosen. The main thing is to do your job correctly, without making mistakes. Each method of corruption has its own consequences for the victim.

For example, if damage to health, then a person will get sick or get injured; if damage to finances, then a person will suffer losses (crashed a car, stole a salary, was fired from work, or money will be required for the treatment of a relative, etc.).

If a combination of methods is chosen, then the consequences for the victim will not be as straightforward as in the examples above. For example, the combination of egylet and magical work on passion gives a painful effect of “wants, but cannot”.

What are the consequences of causing damage to the customer and the master

So, one person decided to bring damage to another and wants to understand what will happen to him personally. Everything is very simple - “what you sow, you will reap”, “whoever comes with a sword will perish by the sword”.

In other words, be prepared to take on what you desire for the victim of your corruption. If you want to bring damage to death, then be prepared to put your life on the line.

How is responsibility for damage distributed? Two situations are possible:

  1. a person does damage himself of his own free will; in this case, it is he who rakes all the consequences;
  2. a person orders damage from a master, and the master acts as an instrument of punishment; here the responsibility is shared between the customer and the contractor.

In the second situation, one must understand that for the master this is work, and not his personal will, that the master most often knows about the mechanisms for distributing responsibility and about methods for avoiding this responsibility. If he doesn’t know, then such a master will not live long or happily :)

If you order damage, make sure that your master works responsibly and performs all related work and diversions, and not just the damage you ordered!

Why do I say so? Because people often come with similar stories of this kind: “I ordered a love spell 5 years ago, they did it inexpensively, the love spell worked, but now I am left without a job, my father has lost his business, my mother is sick and I cannot give birth to children. All this could have been avoided by choosing a smart master.

By the way, I personally guarantee my customers safe spoilage for them. I always do all related work and protect my work from viewing and removal.

If you want to damage yourself, then you personally need to know and be able to do this without dire consequences for yourself.

How to damage a person without consequences

In general, it is not difficult to bring damage to a person. "To break is not to build." It is difficult to do this safely, without consequences for yourself and the customer. This is what professionalism is all about. Damage without recoil, without rollback and without a reverse blow is realistic to do if you know and be able to.

So, how to bring damage to a person - we analyze step by step. Choose a specific working method of damage or combine different methods to achieve the desired effect. If you have chosen one method of damage, then it must be duplicated several times. What for? To be sure to break through the energy field of the victim.

If the victim of your influence is an energetically strong person or a person who constantly prays, performs spiritual practices, conducts cleansing and cleansing rituals, then you must first weaken such a person. This is done before inducing damage in order to weaken its field and minimize recoil and rollback. (A separate article will be published soon about what is return and rollback, and there will be a link to it here.)

In addition, I advise you to duplicate each of the bypass 2-3 times - this will avoid disastrous consequences for you and your clients. After such work, you will be sure that you have securely covered your grateful customers with your broad back :)

This work is not finished. Next, you need to do protective work- from removing the impact and from viewing. These are different works, but I strongly advise you to close them from viewing. We go by the principle - "won't see the work, and therefore won't shoot."

In any case, the "blind" will not shoot much, even if he undertakes to shoot. If the master does not see what to shoot, it means that he does not know how to shoot. That is, another master will have to blindly simply select cleaning methods - this is a game of “roll - no ride”. It's long, tedious and often ineffectual, and there are very few patient people lately :)

And one more thing. Be sure to protect your workmagic traps . Do not be lazy to set traps and do not be greedy for resources. I speak from my own experience - this approach is as safe as possible and such work pays off with interest.

If they remove your damage, they will definitely run into traps - this will give you at least time to confront another master. You will gain time and gain an advantage.

If all this is done, now the work is considered finished, you can sleep peacefully :)

For those who do not understand how to damage the one who offended greatly, and do everything that I wrote about above

I am sure that you have noticed that for masters and adepts, the work option that I have described will be curious, informative and will give food for thought. But there will be people who will not understand anything from what is written above.

I want to say to such people - do not be upset. There are other areas where you are a professional, but this is not the area of ​​magic. The main thing that you now understand is that it is not as easy and simple to damage an enemy without consequences for yourself as it might seem at first glance due to a lack of magical knowledge.

If you have a desire to figure it all out - figure it out, this article has a lot of tips and direct instructions. Good luck to you :) If you realize that you can’t do it yourself, then entrust this work to a professional magician. In this case, this article will help you choose an intelligent master and understand what you are paying money for.

On this, thank you for your attention. Subscribe to the site news so as not to miss the latest articles. Ask your questions about the topic of the article in the comments. If you want to order damage, then write not in the comments, but directly to my mail. Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site “

How to damage yourself? To do this, you need to understand what the concept of "spoilage" means.

On the net you will find a dry text with approximately the following content: energy-information impact on the human biofield.

On the one hand, it seems to be correct, because both information (the text of the conspiracy) and the energy of the master work here.

But there is something that spoilage differs from a simple household evil eye. These are certain manipulations that will lead to the desired result.

Thus, damage is a more complicated matter in all respects than the evil eye.

At first, when photographs were rare, people thought that with each picture a person loses some of his energy. But it turned out that it was something else.

A photograph is an almost absolute image of a person, and with the help of a ready-made image, it is easier for a magician to tune in to an object. Less effort is spent on this process, and the communication channel is much stronger.

Paradoxically, you can do harm even if you don't have any magical abilities.

To do this, you need to bury the photo in the cemetery.

This will not lead to death, but the person will be sick for a long time, and his affairs will go down.

In order to bring a person to the grave, in addition to manipulation, there must be certain abilities for black magic.

If you are a good healer, then, most likely, the effect of your manipulations will not be much, although there are also so-called generalists.

So, you will need:

  • Black scarf;
  • Photograph of the victim;
  • needles;
  • Wax candle.
  1. Find a fresh (up to 30 days) grave with the name of the victim in the cemetery;
  2. Take the black handkerchief;
  3. Pour the earth from the grave into it;
  4. Pierce the photo of the victim an odd number of times, putting all the anger and hatred into the action;
  5. Then fill everything with candle wax, as if sealing;
  6. Bury on the grave;
  7. Go home the other way without looking back;
  8. When you reach the third crossroads, throw over your left shoulder the pre-stored coins with the words

"Bought off"

How to damage yourself with runes

If you want something powerful, radical and simple, use runes.

There are a lot of runic corruption formulas on the Internet, but here is just the case when the number of runes in the formula is not always proportional to the quality of the work.

In order not to suffer for a long time, use the ancient and proven formula - triple Vunyo in a straight position.

Mentally apply three runes on the forehead of the victim or on the heart area.

This is a very strong rune.

And an excess of her energy destroys human body, and allows damage yourself.

In life, events occur when you need to bring damage to the enemy; how to do this, a person does not know, and turns to black magic in order to carry out a ritual to induce damage on his own. The desire for revenge is dictated by strong negative emotions that make it difficult to give a correct assessment of the situation.

Practicing magicians warn that attacking the energy field is dangerous for both participants in the magic ritual. As a result, both the victim and the person who decided to do the damage will suffer. The negative message reaches the goal and returns with tripled force. It is difficult to avoid the punishment of the Higher powers, because the Universe considers any sincere desire and gives an answer to it.

What is spoilage

Damage as a magical effect on a person's energy from ill-wishers, with the help of the evil eye or a magical ritual through food, household items, liquids, plants is common among all peoples. All rituals associated with corruption came from antiquity. They are still used today because practice shows that magical rites that negatively affect the energy field work. To make damage, professionals use different methods and techniques:

  • a doll in which there are organic elements of the victim;
  • bird feather rings;
  • a tuft of hair fastened with a thread to the bone of a dead animal;
  • water and remnants used to wash the deceased;
  • fetters from the feet of the deceased;
  • personal belongings of the enemy;
  • images of the victim;
  • cast of traces;
  • visualization of the image.

Both damage and the evil eye are the result of launching a negative program that affects all areas of human activity.

People involved in magic share different types of corruption. It can be:

  • An attack in which a certain influence is enhanced with the help of a conspiracy.
  • Damage in the likeness, which is done with the help of a volt, personifying the victim.
  • Photo damage.
  • Spoil for food.
  • Use of dead objects.
  • Lining.
  • Damage to the next.
  • Transfer by likeness.

Most often, damage to a woman and a man is done on the new moon and with the growing moon. The closer to the new moon the ritual is performed, the stronger the effect of corruption on a person will be, and the longer it will last.

Damage to food

A popular way to send spoilage to a person is to add menstrual blood or blood from a finger to drinks or first courses. At the same time, an affirmation is pronounced, in which the desired result is clearly pronounced. A person who has eaten a dish with witchcraft filling will be submissive to the one whose blood he has tasted. The impact of such damage is temporary, requiring a monthly repetition of the ritual.

The more precisely the wish is expressed, the better the result of the damage done to the blood will be visible.

Spoilage for food is more often than other types used in everyday life. It is easy to spoil the energy potential of food with a bad word, even without wanting to do harm. Specially made damage to the offender with the help of food is much more dangerous than magical items that are thrown to the victim. At the meal, everyone who eats spoiled food will suffer.

The rite is done for whatever it takes. The result of spoilage can be seen within a few hours by symptoms similar to the development of an acute illness with high fever, general weakness, low blood pressure.

You can do damage to a person yourself with the help of salt, which lay for 3 days on any grave. To get dead salt, they take a closed pack and hide it so that a random person does not see the package. When they come for a ready-to-work remedy, they leave an expensive alcoholic drink, honey in combs and white bread on the grave.

The high cost of the ransom reduces the risk of harm, which always threatens the conjurer.

Dead salt is stored outside the dwelling. It is sprinkled on the victim's food, scattered on the doorstep or in the car when they want to harm. To obtain the effect, grains of salt must fall on the body or clothing of a person. When scattering, they say an affirmation in which they formulate their wishes to the enemy, making damage.

To cause severe harm to the health of the victim, damage can be done on dead bread. A piece is taken from a glass of vodka, which stands separately at the wake and is intended for the deceased.

It is necessary to quietly take it and feed it to your enemy in the form of crumbs added to food. There will be a lesser effect of such damage if crumbs are scattered under a table or bed, which a person constantly uses.

Significantly enhances the result of damage to dead bread by an ancient conspiracy that is read 6 times on the growing moon:

“What is prepared for the dead, the living slave (name) is prepared. Wither, wither, become soft in dry crumbs, lose your health, get dryness on your spine. What is prepared for the dead, the living slave (name) is prepared, you can’t collect crumbs, my business can’t be broken. Amen".

The action comes quickly. On the morning after the corruption ritual, the victim feels severe weakness, feels wandering pains throughout the body. A person is constantly sleepy, he develops symptoms of acute diseases associated with damage to the organs of internal secretion, which leads to death.

How to harm the offender through things

The strongest damage done to the enemy on their own with the help of things will be the one where items related to the dead world and storing the energy of the dead are used. To disrupt the work of the chakras, the victim's clothes are splashed with water that was used to wash the dead, which leads to a painful condition and weakness.

On the fresh grave of a dead person who has the same name as the enemy, you can dig up a personal item of the victim. For her to keep appearance, put it in a waterproof package. On the ninth day, and no later, the object is dug up and secretly returned to the owner.

You can break into 2 parts a photo of the enemy over a fresh burial. Bury one half in a burial, and put the other half in the place where a person spends a lot of time.

Wanting to spoil, the victim is given a rare plant planted in flower pot, where earth collected from the namesake's grave hill is poured from above. Damage done using dead things will not immediately lead to death. The victim will be sick for a long time until he dies. More often there are cases when the energy is restored.

Damage is often done using the fetters that tied the legs of a deceased person. They are cut after the deceased is placed in a coffin and must be buried in the same grave with him. They can be taken after cutting to be used in magical rituals, including for inducing damage. Relatives of the deceased suffer from magical rituals. In inept hands, the fetters can harm not the victim himself, but his children, who will suffer from asthma attacks, which are not removed by anything except magical conspiracies.

People can use the remnants with which they washed the deceased. They draw pentagrams on the clothes of the victim, they offer for washing. After such damage, a person is sick for a long time.

Pins are another common technique for inflicting damage. They are first spoken, and then injected into the lining fabric of the victim. For work, they buy a black candle and a tiny safety pin. Wax from a lit candle is dripped into the eye of a pin, and they read three times:

“As a needle is sharp, so is the arrow of the evil spirit directed by my hand.
As this wax sticks to iron, so my words and deeds of the spirit of evil stick to that needle.
May it be so!"

Pin damage is a common form of revenge because it is easy to stick it into an enemy's outerwear or into the upholstery of a car seat.


Damage to the lining is popular in everyday life. You can make a spoiled lining from any little thing that will attract the attention of the victim. Choose it based on the preferences of the person who will use it. You need to put a negative program into the chosen thing, using the technique of creating amulets.

To do this, the thing is left on the window from the new moon to the full moon. On the full moon, they speak it, reading the Our Father in reverse. Then they present a video sequence where misfortunes happen to the victim. After that, the video sequence is accelerated until there is a feeling that the event happened instantly and has already been fulfilled. Further, the thing is given as a gift to a person, or thrown to his house, hiding inside the room where the enemy constantly lives.

How to get revenge on an unfaithful lover

Young men often want to spoil a girl for loneliness. In black magic, there are many rituals designed to carry out such revenge, but they all require special knowledge and the implementation of certain rules, the violation of which leads to unforeseen complications.

If you want to independently make a strong damage to an unfaithful lover, then at home you can use the negative energy of hatred. Reprisal against the enemy is carried out at the moment of the highest nervous tension, when anger chokes, and the person is ready to tear the offender to pieces. The technique of damage to the enemy is suitable for people with a good imagination. Need:

  • close eyes;
  • present a white blank screen;
  • draw a bloody inverted pentagram on it;
  • inside it to place the face of the enemy;
  • mutilate this face by any means;
  • collect the remnants of anger and stick a sharp knife in the middle of the pentagram so that blood spurts out;
  • imagine a screen completely covered in blood;
  • feel complete indifference to the victim;
  • turn off the picture;
  • open eyes;
  • take a cleansing breath.

If the nervous system is still tense, then you need to drink valerian with motherwort and go to bed. The results of the damage done appear within a week.

Curse can act stronger than corruption. If you curse a photo of a person every day, spitting on him and calling on the head of the offender of trouble, then this will bear fruit, but at the same time change the character of a person who is obsessed with his enemy.

Damage to a deadly disease

If it is necessary to make damage to the enemy, because of which a person died, a dead amulet is created to induce damage. It is used at funerals. To do this, first make a figurine that looks like a victim, using dry wormwood grass, his hair, drool, cigarette butts, scraps of clothing, as well as a photo. All this is burned, and biological material belonging to the enemy is mixed with the ashes.

Everyone falls asleep in a small bag, which is either made from the victim's clothes or made from fabric bought from a store. The resulting amulet is secretly placed on the chest of a deceased person whose gender matches that of the enemy. When a person is buried, the victim suddenly falls ill and is left alone. You can put only a photo of the enemy in the coffin and achieve a similar result.

Many people are interested in what can be done with a doll that was molded in the likeness of a victim. After its completion, the “Our Father” is slowly read, backwards, starting with the last words (Nima ikevan ...). While reading, you need to pierce the doll with scissors and present in full detail a picture of an accident or accident that should happen to the right person. The doll is left on the table for three days, constantly thinking about what should happen to the enemy.

At this time, you need to refuse food, with a strong thirst, drink clean water, do not come into contact with anyone.

Three days later, at midnight, the doll is wrapped in a new cloth, where several stones are placed to make the bundle heavy. This will allow the volt to sink. Then they go out into the street and throw it into a pond or into a sewer, and, without looking back, return home. You can't talk to anyone.

Having dealt with the volt, you need to return to normal life and not think about the damage done and the sacrifice. Her fate is decided by the council Higher Forces and your opinion is already heard there.

Damage to the trail is an ancient technique that can lead to death. If you fill the trail with gasoline and set it on fire, it can cause severe illness. Grandmothers in the villages filled the trace of the thief with wax, then took out the frozen trace, read the prayer “Our Father” backwards, pronounced their own formulated curse and threw the wax plate into the fire. If the burning of the trail took place on a new moon, then by the full moon a person could die or commit suicide from this type of damage.

How to take revenge on the braggart and gossip

In everyday life there are people who want to put in place and do damage to them. A person can slander, spread false information, say a lot of unnecessary words and think that everything is allowed to him.

Silencing a talker is very simple with the help of damage. To work, you need a pork tongue, which is bought on the market. You need a candle, where the name of the enemy is written with a needle, and a package of hat pins or needles. The corruption ritual is carried out as follows. First, a candle is lit. Needles are heated in turn on it and stuck into the tongue. At the same time, they say 6 times a conspiracy to spoil:

“You can’t connect phrases, you can’t say words. You will choke on your blood, you will choke on your tongue. Brings pain, burns fire. Swells, swells - falls out of the mouth, reduced, twisted, covered with ulcers. Sounds - blood, groans - pain. It happened just like she said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Then the tongue, which has passed the ritual, is buried in the ground and forgotten about it.

When a neighbor begins to show off his wealth, his luck can be transferred to your side.
In order to make damage, you need to take a bill with the number 5 in face value, 6 patches, a candle and a photograph of a braggart. The corruption ritual is performed on the waning moon.
A bill is placed on the table in front of them and coins are placed on it, folded in a column. There they put a candlestick with a burning candle. Put a photo next to it.

Read the plot 6 times, looking at the photo:

“Just as the eyes of the deceased will no longer see the light, so you (name) will not see more money.

Be my words strong and sculpting. Amen. Amen. Amen.".

Waiting for the candle to burn out. Then coins and a stub from a candle are deeply buried in the ground. The bill must be given to hold the one who was damaged. He must touch it for the corruption to begin. To do this, you will have to play a scene on the topic: “Help me figure it out, see if this is a fake piece of paper?”

To silence a person, you can temporarily deprive him of his voice. To make such damage, you need to perform a simple ceremony on the waning moon. As a result of the work to punish the enemy, there will be a strong distortion of the voice until its short-term loss. The victim will wheeze, but he will not be able to clearly pronounce the words. This is how they deal with gossips, and those who interfere with work by constant chatter.

For the ritual you need:

  • thick needle;
  • black threads;
  • dry wormwood;
  • church wax candle;
  • chicken neck from the store.

A branch of wormwood is pressed to the neck with hot wax from a candle. With a needle with a black thread, several stitches are made along the neck, reading the plot 6 times:

So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After that, they bury the chicken neck in the ground and wait for the result of the damage done, which comes very quickly and continues until the new moon.

When is the best time to see a professional?

When damage to death is the only way to take revenge, you need to go to a professional. Magicians who are constantly engaged in inducing damage use in their work various methods and strategies to protect them from negative impact. They have practical experience to minimize the risks when the spell of witchcraft corruption dissipates.

People who decide to punish the offender on their own and do damage often lose more than they find. Any action directed at someone else's energy is an interconnected process in which the hunter and the victim participate. They are connected by energy bindings, and no one knows how the risky desire to make damage will affect the health and well-being of the avenger.

When a person who has suffered from a single damage manages to get rid of it, the negative energy charge returns to the one who did it. The impact on health will be so strong that the avenger will again be in the role of a victim, and he will need medical attention.

It is much easier for people who have studied the system of magical rituals to hide their actions and protect themselves from kickbacks and reverse action of the energy message. In order for the enemy to be avenged, you need to work with a cool head, and this can only be done by a person who has no personal claims to the intended victim. Call the number listed on the site, and they will help you carry out revenge with minimal risk to your health.

Do you want to take revenge on your offender? Or maybe you are very jealous of the success of a friend in your personal life? I am not going to delve into the causes of your anger and conduct a psychological analysis of your attitude to life. I will offer you an effective way to help get rid of the destructive feeling of hatred and envy for a particular person.

I propose to spoil. Yes, this is witchcraft. Yes, this is black magic for which you will be held responsible. But, if it helps you get rid of a competitor or allows you to build your own life the way you dream, then why not use this method.

Ways to induce damage

Exist different ways harm a person. This diversity makes it possible to influence the object regardless of the distance between you or the ability to penetrate into his house. I will talk about the most effective methods which he has repeatedly used in his practice.

Damage from a photo

What is photography? Yes, this is a way to save a variety of moments from a person's life. But, in fact, the picture is not just a memorable image - it captures a particle of the energy of the people who are captured on it. Therefore, magicians willingly work with photos, inducing or removing witchcraft. The energy stored in the picture helps them to access the energy field of the object and, then, to carry out the necessary manipulations with it.

The most common way to damage a person using his photograph is to bury it (photo) on the grave of the same name. At the same time, you should leave a fee of a few coins to the deceased and quickly return home, remaining silent all the way.

Rituals using land from the cemetery are most often performed when they want not only to take revenge or spoil the life of the enemy, but to bring him to the grave or make him suffer from a long and deadly disease.

But if you are afraid of the dead or you failed to find a suitable grave, then I can advise you on a few simple rituals.

Block the victim's chakra

by the most in a simple way to independently bring damage to a person is to block the energy exchange between his chakras. By doing this, you will cause the victim to have problems not only with health, but also with the environment.

To perform the ritual, prepare:

  • fresh photo of the victim in full growth;
  • a long wax candle;
  • a piece of natural fabric;
  • 7 pins with colored heads (purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red).

Now sit down at the table, take a candle and attach a photo of the victim to it. Next, you should pin the picture with pins to the candle to get a straight vertical line and match the color of the pin and the chakra. It should be like this:

  • insert a purple pin into the crown;
  • insert a blue pin into the area between the eyebrows;
  • a blue pin should be stuck in the throat area;
  • insert a green pin into the thoracic region;
  • insert a yellow pin into the solar plexus area;
  • stick an orange pin into the abdomen, just below the navel;
  • stick a red pin in the groin area.

Now light a candle and mentally imagine how with each dropped pin your enemy has all sorts of life troubles. When the last pin falls out, extinguish the candle, collect all the remains of the ritual and wrap it in the prepared cloth. Find a dry tree and bury this bundle under it, saying:

Howthe dead does not bear fruit, so you will not know joy. Ordered!

Elimination of an opponent

This ritual can be used against a rival in any area of ​​life. But, most often they turn to him if they want to eliminate a competitor from a love triangle.

Before proceeding with the ritual itself, do a little preparation that will increase the effectiveness of the rite.

  • Determine when the phase of the growing moon begins. Since you are going to introduce an alien negative program into the opponent's energy, it is this time that will allow it to gain a foothold and germinate in the victim's biofield.
  • Prepare some photos of the victim. Take only fresh portrait shots where the opponent is photographed alone. It is best if they are made no earlier than a month before the ritual.
  • To obtain the maximum result of this ritual, the entire procedure should be repeated throughout the entire time of the growth of the moon. Therefore, stock up on several copies of the selected image.

Now you can also cast spells. Take the most ordinary saucepan, fill it with water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, put a picture of the victim in it and say the plot:

The body of the servant of God (the name of the rival) will burn from now on, her blood will boil in her veins, and then completely proceed, she will never find peace. May what has been said come true. Amen

After these words, boil the photo card for another 5 minutes. If the thermal treatment did not destroy the image, then you can remove it from the water and dry it until the next time. Pour the water itself into the toilet or in the trash.

“Give” spoilage

The next method is suitable if your appearance in the victim's house does not arouse suspicion. We are talking about directing damage through the lining. Such witchcraft is very powerful and difficult to remove without specialized help. Having come into contact with the physical body of the victim, the charmed object gains access to the biofield of the victim and activates its negative impact.

The lining can be hidden in a secluded place in the victim's house. But in this case, it will take a very long time to wait for the desired result.

If you want the damage to take effect immediately, then present the charmed item as a gift for a significant event or as a win in some quiz. In this case, the victim immediately activates the damage and very soon you will get what you want.

quarrel lovers

If you want to quarrel a couple in love, then use a charmed soft toy. For the ritual you will need:

  • a tuft of black dog hair;
  • a tuft of wool of a black cat / cat;
  • victim's hair (remove it from clothing or comb);
  • tissue paper used by the victim.

All these items need to be rolled into a very tight ball, saying the following words:

A black cat wandered around the city at night and entered the courtyard of the Servant (s) of God (s). And after that, she also brought a black dog with her. They scratched and defiled the whole yard, poured out and trampled to the ground. The guardian of the courtyard was expelled. As there is no peace between a dog and a cat, so there will be no harmony in that family. Everyone will swear and scold, and they will not want to understand each other. Never (names of people) will reconcile and forever remain enemies. I draw a vicious circle, they will suffer day and night

Gently open the soft toy, stick the charmed ball into it and sew everything back.

I hope you should not draw your attention to the fact that the threads must match the color of the factory ones.

At first glance, everything seems very simple. It remains only to give the toy to the victim and gloatingly watch how her relationship collapses. But it is from this moment that the most difficult thing begins: it is impossible to store a lining at home or outside it, and you can give it as a gift no earlier than the next day after the ceremony.

What to do? Build a reflex camera for the toy: place it between two mirrors, the reflective surface of which is directed to the lining. place this structure between the window frames.

Protect yourself from rollback

Lining is a great way to unleash black magic on the victim. But using this method of revenge, you are at great risk: sooner or later, the spoken things are victims of witchcraft and they undergo cleansing rituals. For you, this threatens a strong rollback.

So that the charmed toy does not return to you all the bad things that you wished the victim, perform a protective ritual.

Use mirrors for the ritual, between which they kept the toy. They need to be folded with reflective surfaces inward. Now go to the store and buy the very best sweets to remember. With all this good, go to the cemetery, where you need to find an abandoned grave without a sign. Dig on it with folded mirrors and ask the deceased to protect you from the return of the negative (say the request in free form). As a thank you, leave a mention and return home immediately. Throughout the journey, you must remain calm and ignore all extraneous sounds, even if you hear your own name or a pitiful request for help.

Precautionary measures

In addition to the above rituals, you can use the needle rituals that I described in the article “ ” or others folk ways. But I advise you to first think carefully about the consequences.

Spoiling is a very dangerous occupation. Using even the simplest ritual, you risk not only your life and well-being, but also the well-being of your descendants.

There is a risk that the victim of witchcraft will understand the reason for the troubles happening to her and turn to a specialist for a solution. After passing the rite of purification, the victim will send you back all your evil and add an additional portion of negativity to it.

To prevent this, you can use one of these methods:

  • get rid of the very thought of punishing the enemy and stop envying other people's successes;
  • use the services of a specialist if the first method is unacceptable to you.

It is an experienced and qualified magician, psychic or bioenergetic who will be able to properly prepare and conduct the necessary ritual. At the same time, he will take care of the protective measures against a kickback.

If you feel the need to bring damage to someone, then I advise you to find an experienced specialist in the field of magic and human bioenergy.

You can contact me and I will offer you the best solution to your problem.

I look forward to your requests at the coordinates indicated on the site.