Increase productivity and help protect. How to increase efficiency and mental activity - overcoming fatigue

Sometimes emotions overwhelm you so much that instead of a thousand necessary phrases, you say a short one: "There are not enough words." The fact is that the brain does not have time to generate enough images that can be quickly and easily translated into verbal form. One of the particulars why this happens, linguists consider the lack of words. Today we will talk about how to increase vocabulary in communication and shine in any dialogue.

General cleansing

A few articles are not enough to understand the kitchen of fast reading. We recommend that you turn to books: this is a source of concentrated information, written in chronological order.

Purchase or download:

  • "The Art of Reading. Understanding Books Thomas Foster. Read before you start a quick read. On the example of the works of the classics, the author teaches to understand the meaning between the lines and perceive information from a different angle. "Memories, symbols, parallels - that's what separates the professional reader from the amateur," says Foster. Adopting a different model of reading books will help you remember information better, which will now be based on associative thinking and related to the experience.
  • Short reading in practice. How to read quickly and remember what you read well" Pavel Palagin. The book was recognized by millions of book lovers and received good reviews. The techniques are simple and clear, allow you to master the technique of fast reading in a few weeks. The author harshly criticizes sluggish readers, thereby motivating them to finish the study of the issue as soon as possible. At seminars, Palagin does not hesitate to advise reading only 25% of the book and discarding the rest as unnecessary. This statement fuels the interest of the public, seeking to refute the words of the author.
  • "The Development of Memory" by Harry Lorraine. The perfect book to train your memory and imagination. After reading, you will become better at perceiving information, remembering dates and large numbers, and effortlessly continue the storyline of any story.

We all try to pay maximum attention to our work - for the sake of good pay, future prospects, because of our innate perfectionism. At the same time, we often run the risk of burnout, and a depressive state is only a small part of what increased demands on ourselves can turn into.

How to increase your own performance and at the same time maintain a good mood. Here you will find simple and effective tips.

We all know situations when the load becomes too high. Gradually, the fuse is replaced by fatigue, fatigue by unwillingness to do at least some work, and then real depression and a complete decline in physical and mental strength follow. As a result, the desire to not only work, but also to relax disappears - to spend time with family, meet friends.

The reasons for the decrease in performance can be very different. For example, the most common among them is the wrong motivation. We often tell ourselves that we need to work hard and hard, but at the same time, deep down, we don’t understand at all why exactly we need all this.

In addition, the reason for the rapid decline in strength may lie in the wrong daily routine, bad weather, and more.

What to do to improve performance

If you dig a little in yourself, you will quickly find the reasons for the decrease in performance and fix the problem. However, there are a few techniques that will help you improve your productivity, regardless of what was the main reason for its disappearance.

How to maintain stress resistance under high workload

If you have accumulated too much work and you feel the approach of chronic fatigue, then it's time to make time for a hobby. Find at least half an hour in your work schedule for your favorite activity, which will allow you to relax and is guaranteed to cheer you up. And although your work will not become less from this, you will return to its implementation with a completely different emotional mood.

Don't neglect family and friends too.. Be sure to devote time to them, arrange family gatherings and friendly meetings. Such a pastime will nourish you with new forces, which again will be useful in the performance of professional duties.

As we can see, it is quite possible to increase efficiency and at the same time maintain a positive attitude. It is only necessary to approach the solution of this problem competently, and a good result will not be long in coming.

Video: Aerosmith - Crazy

High performance and good mood to you!

Almost every person in life has periods when they do not want almost anything. I don’t want to go not only to work, but also to a party with friends, to the cinema or to visit - in a word, nowhere. I want to lie in bed and not leave the house.

Why does it happen? After all, it seems that life goes on as usual: no special loads. Maybe that's what it's all about...

The mood is lowered, depression is felt, the future is seen as vague. Falling self-esteem; activities that you liked before seem boring and meaningless; sleep and appetite are disturbed, attention is scattered, bouts of irritability become more frequent.

And of course, there is no talk of any activity, energy and efficiency. And what to do with it? After all, to remain in such a state is simply dangerous, and not only for oneself, but also for the people around.

Causes of depression and what to do about it

First of all, you need to find out the reason. If this is seasonal depression associated with a lack of vitamins, physical activity, hormonal causes, then it is worth trying to lead healthy lifestyle life: eat vegetables and fruits, drink juices, take natural vitamins; do gymnastics, sign up for a fitness club or swimming pool. Time will have to be found for this, otherwise problems may begin in different areas of life and activity.

Perhaps you are oppressed by unresolved problems that threaten to become chronic. These may be problems in personal relationships or at work. You should not pretend that there is no problem, or “ignore”, as friends and acquaintances often advise. Problems must either be solved or figured out: do you need it?

If an unresolved problem becomes chronic, it “hangs” on our psyche as a heavy burden, not allowing us to change anything for the better, and taking away vital energy. The load must be dropped, even if it seems impossible, and move on freely - then things will immediately go smoothly.

Sometimes it is vitally necessary for a person to reconsider his goals, his place in society. It is not worth tormenting yourself with questions about the meaning of life: as many examples, real and literary, show, this does not lead to anything good.

Take a sheet of paper and write down what life values ​​and goals are important to you, what you follow in life, why and why you do it.

Then select from them those that are really dear to you. It can be anything: family, love, freedom, health, a favorite thing, the opportunity to realize oneself in something - everyone has different ways. Perhaps you should reconsider your life before it's too late ...

After all, in our time you can learn a lot, and achieve a lot in life - if there is a desire.

The weather often has a depressing effect, especially in autumn and winter. When the dull autumn rain is pouring, we become slow and sleepy, and it is useless to drink coffee - it does not work.

In winter, there is a desire to sleep as long as possible, get up slowly, take a warm bath or shower, and eat something tasty. So that's what needs to be done. After all, there is nothing complicated about this, and water washes away negative energy, fatigue and bad mood. A gentle bath foam or gel with your favorite scent will help you feel that everything is not so boring and uninteresting.

How to improve performance. Tools that increase performance

These recommendations help improve well-being and performance, but they may not be enough, especially if you are unable to create the most comfortable conditions for yourself during work, as well as normalize your diet.

First, let's talk about how to feel better at work- after all, your productivity depends on it, which means your career and financial well-being.

How to make yourself feel good and cheerful while working? Drinking coffee every hour is not the best solution. Put a jug of clean water on your table and drink it every hour, even if you don't think you need it. Believe me - dehydration of the body, including brain cells, most often causes overwork at work.

A state close to depression can also cause blockages on the desktop. Perhaps you are used to working this way and do not notice the disorder, but it has a negative effect on the subconscious. Try to clean the table, eliminate the accumulated dust, and wipe the table to a shine. Then sit down at the table, drink clean water, and just sit for a while. Do you feel how things have changed?

Not every office has air conditioning, and in such cases, the amount of oxygen in the room quickly decreases. Employees become lethargic and drowsy, quickly get tired and think only of one thing: the working day would soon end! Get up and ventilate the room as often as you can, and go outside if you can.

Quiet, muffled music helps many people work. Previously, people worked with the song at the harvest and at construction sites, but today the song helps to work in the office.

You can also stimulate brain activity with the help of color combinations and shades. It is known that yellow color has a tonic and invigorating effect. Choose yellow accessories for your desktop, hang a small picture above the table: let it have yellow and greenish shades - this way you can avoid overexcitation.

Smells also help the brain to work more actively, especially citrus or wood scents, such as pine. Do not buy an air freshener, but buy a small aroma lamp and sets of natural essential oils, especially since the smell does not have an irritating effect on those around them.

Do not drink coffee during breaks, but brew yourself a tonic herbal tea, preferably with honey or dark, unrefined sugar. Use herbs such as lemongrass (root), ginseng, rosea rhodiola, eleutherococcus, aralia.

Plan your time so that you have time to do warm-ups. It only takes a few minutes to do this: stretch your hands, muscles of the head and neck, and feet. In these parts of the body there are many biologically active points and receptors, so this warm-up will also help the brain work.

Products that increase efficiency and mental activity. Nutrition for the brain

Now about nutrition. How to eat to increase efficiency, improve memory and mental activity? In order to maintain clarity of thought, the brain needs protein, therefore it is necessary to include protein foods of plant and animal origin in the diet.

It is known that the brain needs sugar to work, and many people eat sweets. With sedentary work, this is a sure way to overweight: after all, sugar is quickly absorbed and burned. It is better to eat those foods that contain natural sugars and starches: black bread, potatoes, rice, legumes, nuts, etc. Such foods will be absorbed more slowly, and the brain will have enough food for several hours.

If the brain lacks biologically active substances, it is useless to train memory and perform various exercises. Cells do not have enough food - where should they get it from? Of course, only from food. Vitamins of the group and vitamin PP are very important, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Include oily fish, cereals, eggs, dairy products, yeast in your diet. Avocados, raisins, dried apricots and seeds also help relieve fatigue and cope with prolonged mental stress. Take with you to work


Personal efficiency, Self confidence

Participants of my trainings are always interested in: how to increase efficiency, how to really manage their mental and physical tone.

The main difference of our time is the growth of labor intensity. In order to achieve good results in work, we are forced to work more and more, therefore, the efficiency must be high. Among my acquaintances who have really achieved success, there are many people who already work 10-12 hours a day without days off. The intensity of labor will continue to increase.

Every year, competition in the labor market is growing, and we need to do our best more effort to remain competitive. To do this, you need to study a lot and process a huge amount of information, learn new skills, that is, increase efficiency.

Naturally, such a rhythm of life leads to high energy costs, and our possibilities are not unlimited. But life requires us to always be in good physical and psychological shape. How to increase efficiency, how to maintain our physical and mental tone, because our capabilities are limited by the capabilities of our body, especially if you have to work intensively for months or even years?

Here are the liver of signals that you are losing your physical and mental tone: disturbing sleep, lethargy in the morning, it takes a certain period of time to get in shape, your head works worse, you feel tension in your body, anxiety or despondency prevails in your mood, apathy, constantly I have to force myself to do something. During the day, you are like a squeezed lemon, and in the evening you cannot fall asleep quickly.

At my trainings, I teach people how and by what parameters to diagnose the state of physical and mental tone. I usually suggest evaluating following parameters in points from 1 to 10:

  1. Sleep quality. How do you sleep?
  2. Physical tone, feeling of energy, inner strength.
  3. Mental tone: clarity of mind, level of concentration, quick wits.
  4. Emotions, your mood.

If your scores for all parameters range from 6 to 10 points, then this is the norm.

If below 6 points to 4 points, this is the lower limit of the norm.

If the scores are below 4 points, your condition needs correction, support and treatment.

It also happens that healthy sleep, optimal physical activity, proper, balanced nutrition no longer give the same effect, and you need to work at the level of the same or even greater intensity, and the possibilities of psychopharmacology will help you here.

Already one third of people in Europe and Japan use various drugs that increase mental and physical performance. I’ll make a reservation right away that I will consider only those drugs that are sold in a wide pharmacy network without a prescription, have minimal side effects and have long been used to increase physical and mental tone. These drugs increase concentration, memory, associativity, speed, flexibility and critical thinking, create a reserve of endurance.

There are four main groups of drugs that affect performance

  1. Nootropics, neuropeptides: Aminalon, Gamalon, Piracetam, Nootropil, Phezam, Phenotropil, Cogitum, Semax and Q 10
  2. Vascular drugs that improve the quality of cerebral circulation: Cavinton Cinnarizine, Tanakan, Gingo Biloba, Detralex, Q 10
  3. Vitamins: Neuromultivit, Berocca plus, Lecithin
  4. Adaptogens: Chinese lemongrass, Schizandra

These drugs can be used as prophylactic agents, some of them can be used as an ambulance: Phenotropil, Semax, Cogitum, Chinese magnolia vine, Schizandra.

We all know perfectly well that our energy at the level of the biochemistry of our body is the exchange of ATP in our body. BUT in order to have the energy we need, we need glucose, water and oxygen. It seems that the whole body is working in order to maintain optimal brain activity.

Our brain uses significantly more energy than all other human organs. The body is an excellent self-regulating system, you just need to create optimal conditions for it so that our brain works more efficiently.

In order to increase efficiency and always be in good shape, you need to fulfill a number of conditions.

  1. First of all - high-quality, sound sleep of 7-8 hours, it is better to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night.
  2. Sleep should be as deep as possible. To do this, you need: a comfortable pillow, a hard mattress, the room should be cool - 20 degrees.

    Criteria for healthy sleep: you fall asleep quickly and hardly wake up at night, you have either pleasant dreams or no dreams at all. In the morning you get up in a good mood, filled with energy and can quickly get to work. Three, four nights of lack of sleep reduces our intelligence by 30 percent.

  3. Optimal physical activity. Our body is 30-50 percent muscle and there is a whole science of kinesiology that studies the functioning of our muscles. If the muscles do not receive the load they need, they gradually atrophy, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the muscular corset, especially in the region of the spinal column. Reduced muscle tone is the cause of a decrease in performance, including mental performance.
  4. There are three main types of physical activity:

    Cardio workouts: running, swimming, aerobic exercise

    Strength: exercise equipment, barbell, dumbbells

    Stretch marks

    Depending on the characteristics of your body, you need to combine all three types of physical activity. Each of these types affects the body, increasing physical tone. If cardio loads are needed to increase endurance and oxygen supply, then weight training increases muscle tone and forms a muscle corset.

    In turn, stretching helps to reduce muscle tension and create additional stimulation of the central nervous system. Regular stressful and sub-stressful physical activity on the body contributes to the development of endurance, psychological stability, and increased efficiency.

  5. Be sure to be outdoors. We need oxygen for our body and brain to function optimally. At least half an hour outside. Breathing exercises, full rhythmic breathing, abdominal breathing can help you get an extra supply of oxygen.
  6. A balanced diet is another important factor contributing to optimal brain function.
  7. Regular autogenic training will help you relieve physical and mental fatigue, restore efficiency, significantly reduce muscle tension, even out your mood and tune in to vigorous activity.

I wish you to increase your efficiency, work in drive, enjoy life and always be in joy. I am ready to help you learn all the psychotechnics and auto-training at my Stress Management and Emotional Intelligence trainings. You can find a lot of material on this topic in my books on psychology "Management of Joy", "Drive Management", "Stress Management", "Management of Emotions".

Regular stress and sub-stress loads on the body contribute to the development of endurance, psychological stability, and increased efficiency.

© Vagin Igor Olegovich

Marina Nikitina

The pace and rhythm of life obliges a person to work hard and productively if he wants to. It is necessary to have time to do the planned things in a short period of time. You need to work quickly and avoid mistakes at work and at home.

How to do everything without getting tired? How to stay productive throughout the day?

What is performance

Human performance is the potential ability to perform expedient activities effectively over a certain period of time.

Influence on working capacity is exerted by external and internal mental and physiological factors.

Types of performance in terms of efficiency:

maximum, the highest possible
optimal, acceptable
reduced, inadequate.

Periodic decrease and increase in working capacity occurs during the working day at different intervals and speeds, depending on the nature, temperament, health of the employee's personality and the work performed by him.

Types of performance by the nature of work:

Physical performance - the ability to perform the maximum possible amount of mechanical work, avoiding breakdowns.
mental performance the ability to perceive and process information at a certain speed, without making mistakes.

Working phases:

Working in. Gradual increase in work efficiency and productivity.
Sustainable performance. Maintaining the level of performance over a long period of time.
Decrease. Gradual decrease in working capacity, development of fatigue.

These three phases take place in the morning, until the lunch break, and then repeat. In the second half of the day, high performance is observed less frequently than in the first.

The phases of mental and physical performance coincide, but the dynamics are different and depend on the severity of the work performed.

Labor motivation

The performance of a person depends on the interest in work. Interest depends on the good that the worker will receive and the needs that he will satisfy. In other words, performance depends on motivation.

Motive is a personal need in the form of an image of a material or non-material good. Motivation is an impulse based on the desire to satisfy a need or achieve a goal.

Motivation of work - motivation to labor activity. This is the process of conscious choice of the type of activity under the influence of an internal or external stimulus.

If the work is too difficult or too easy, . A person is interested in work only when it is within his power and to his liking.

High performance is observed when labor motivation is strong. The sooner the worker wants to achieve the goal of labor, the better and faster he will work.

Types of labor motives:

Biological. These are motives derived from physiological, primary needs and the need for security. The proverb “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without labor” is interpreted in the context of a biological labor motive: there is a need for food - you have to work hard.
Social. These motives are based on the needs for love, belonging, respect, self-fulfillment:

self-expression, the desire to successfully realize labor potential in a particular activity;
independence, striving for moral and material independence;
stability, future prosperity;
competition, desire to be successful among many;
involvement with the team, the desire to work for a group of people;
obtaining new knowledge and experience;
the desire to establish justice: to revive, rebuild, correct;

If once an employee satisfies the need through labor activity, he will develop a behavior model that he recognizes as effective. He wants to continue doing the same.

If the result of the work partially or completely does not satisfy the employee, he will take measures to change behavior or stop acting.

Ways to improve performance

In addition to motivation, the individual's lifestyle and type of work activity have an impact on performance.

You can increase productivity and efficiency in the following ways:

Analysis. Identify the factors that hinder or distract and those that help to work and take steps to eliminate the former and reinforce the latter.
Planning. Schedule and daily routine organize activities. Daily planning of affairs helps, punctual, to keep up with everything and is an additional incentive for activity. It is better to write down plans for the day and week in a diary, indicating the deadlines for completing tasks and the necessary resources.

Goal setting. When, for which he works, it is easier and more pleasant to do it. To stimulate yourself to work better, you need to more often present an image of the goal, be able to set achievable life goals for yourself.
Food. Physical and mental performance depends on nutrition, as necessary for the normal functioning of the body useful material come with food. Correct, it will increase performance. Overeating and starvation negatively affect the ability to think and work.
Physical activity. In order not to overload the brain with work, from time to time you need to switch from mental to physical activity, do physical exercises, gymnastics, including for the eyes. The activity of people who work physically is limited in time to avoid injury and overwork.
Massage. Self-massage of the head, neck, shoulders invigorates and improves blood circulation, relaxes tense muscles.

Relaxation. To work effectively, you need to rest before and after work, and on weekends. Take breaks during the work day to relax and recharge. Leisure energizes and inspires, passive - relaxes and restores.
Reading. It's "charging" for the brain. It is recommended that you read at least thirty minutes a day. Reading classical world literature, popular science publications and teaching aids expands vocabulary, horizons, increases the amount of general and special knowledge, improves the culture of the individual.
Smell, hearing, vision. Efficiency is increased by pleasant and special smells, sounds, colors. It has been proven that yellow color tones. Citrus smells and classical music help to work.
Creation. Creative activity is pleasant and useful. This is both a way to relax, relax and train the right, creative hemisphere of the brain. Creativity develops imaginative thinking, creativity and a sense of beauty.

If you use the technique without interruption, it will soon fail. Should we talk about the human body?

To work effectively, you need not only to work, but also to relax, enjoy your personal life, hobbies, and creativity.

March 28, 2014, 05:46 pm