Calendar of magnetic storms for October. During solar flares, it is worth monitoring your health more closely.

26.09.2017 23:00

The first month of autumn brought us all many problems. In October, the Sun will be relatively calm, so you should not expect serious magnetic storms. Despite the relative calm, we are in for a couple of surprises.

Of course, in modern world Earth's magnetic activity due to the solar wind is rarely a surprise. Weather-sensitive people can find out in advance the most dangerous days in any upcoming month.

Possible magnetic storms

It is possible that the solar wind will cause the excitation of the magnetosphere as early as October 1. These will be the consequences of a strong outbreak that occurred at the end of September. The probability that the excitation develops into a storm is about 2%, which is extremely small.

It is also worth noting the possible excitation of the Earth's magnetosphere in the period from 23 to 26 October. These days, a first-level storm or a long period of excitement is possible. The analysis of spots on the Sun cannot yet give an exact answer, but the probability of a storm will be about 10%.

Magnetic storm from 11 to 14 October

The solar wind, caused by a solar flare on October 9, will reach Earth around October 11. The negative impact will immediately be quite strong. Almost all weather-sensitive people will feel this effect by the second day of magnetic excitation. Proper rest will help you cheer up - walks in the fresh air, meditation, relaxation.

Since the storm will have a protracted character, it will be harder and harder to hold on every day. Even healthy people can feel this pressure from outside. Fatigue will be increased. It may seem to you that absolutely everything is against you, but no load of problems will break you if you set yourself up correctly.

Boost your energy with anything available methods: water procedures, walks, communication with nice people, doing your hobby will help with this. Your health always depends more on yourself, so do not try to look for reasons - look for solutions to problems.

A five-day magnetic storm is approaching, which will cause many problems with the well-being and mood of the majority of the world's population. However, this will be a good reason to take care of your health.

There are not so many weather-dependent people - this is only 3% of the total population of the Earth. However, during the period of prolonged geomagnetic disturbance, which will begin on October 11 and last until October 15, almost everyone will be hit. Such a prolonged storm will cause negative reactions of the body: many will feel lethargy, fatigue, depressive mood and a number of other irritating factors, before which even completely healthy people will be powerless.

Features of the coming magnetic disturbance

The energy assault, accompanied by the solar wind, will reach our planet on October 11th. Oscillations of the magnetosphere at first will not be much like a powerful magnetic storm. According to forecasts, this will most likely be a super-powerful warning of a possible danger. This means that there will be no visible threats to health on Wednesday, so there will be time to prepare your body for a meeting with impulsive solar activity. As early as October 12, the state of weather-sensitive people may fail. The storm of the first level will begin to rage, retaining its strength until the deepest night.

The remaining three days will be more dangerous, as the strength of the magnetic storm will begin to grow rapidly. On October 13, Friday, a magnetic storm will break out, exceeding the second index of irritation of the magnetosphere. This will be the culmination of an entire five-day magnetic disturbance, accompanied by an energy storm and a squall of wind emanating from the Sun. By October 14, the storm will become weaker, dropping to the first level, but retaining its negative impact. Already on October 15, only a strong aftertaste of the past solar wrath will remain from the magnetic storm. However, this also has its advantages. The approaching magnetic storm will overtake our planet smoothly and gently retreat, allowing people to prepare and repel the negative impact of solar energy.

You will also like -Schedule of magnetic storms for October 2017

The impact of a magnetic storm on people and ways to stay healthy

From the very beginning of the magnetic disturbance, many people will begin to suffer from headaches, oncoming fatigue, loss of strength and lack of energy. By the middle of the day, the condition of meteorologically dependent people will sharply worsen: chronic diseases will begin to remind of themselves, pain in the heart area and broken bones may occur. The body will not be able to cope even with a number of simple and topical problems. Magnetic tension will deprive you not only of vitality, but also of motivation, the desire to work, which is very inopportune, because October 11 falls in the middle of the week. Wednesday will be held in the fight against solar flares and the tension that has erupted on this soil. If possible, try to combine work with timely rest, avoid stressful and conflict situations.

To stay in shape, you will need practices that increase the energy of the body, as well as medication support. At the beginning of a magnetic storm, it is important to start sticking to healthy lifestyle life. This means that you should abandon the overload of the body with alcohol and tobacco products, overeating and overstrain - both physical and mental. Go to bed earlier so that each new day, colored by negative solar activity, begins with a positive attitude. Sleep deprivation is your main enemy in the next five days.

Also don't ignore advice. traditional medicine: Herbal treatment, especially herbal tonic drinks, can help in the fight against painful symptoms. They improve health, mood and energy.

During a magnetic storm, our emotions and physical well-being are inextricably linked. Therefore, protect yourself from various kinds of confrontations, do not enter into open disputes, do not express or listen to discontent. It is important to maintain inner harmony from October 12 to 13 - this is the time of the peak negative impact impulsive sun. Having survived this time in a positive mood and with an attentive attitude to even subtle fluctuations in the body, you can avoid the devastating effects of a magnetic storm. In the following days, you will find it easier to deal with the magnetic storm, which will begin to lose its strength until it completely disappears.

Already on October 14, the body will get used to the pace of life in such conditions, so the most difficult time falls on the 11th, 12th and 13th. Much will depend not on the strength of your health, but on the strength of the spirit. Do what you love, increase your energy, monitor your well-being and do not let negativity into your life. As long as your biofield is closed from negative programs, the threat from a magnetic storm is minimal.

Our planet will be covered by a powerful magnetic storm caused by a massive explosion on the Sun. A high degree of geomagnetic disturbances will not only affect people's health, but will also create serious interference in the operation of technical devices. Be vigilant: an increase in accidents at work and accidents on the roads is expected.

Magnetic storm today 2017

A distinctive feature that it possesses is its growing character. If the first critical day is of low intensity, then already on October 26, 2017, we can talk about a real geomagnetic storm!

Experts say that there will be two flares on the Sun, so two solar wind streams alternately rush towards the Earth. The overlap of two energy flows will give the magnetic storm a special brightness and power.

Solar flare October 2017

The density of the solar wind on "critical days" will double and provoke a sharp deterioration in the health of weather-sensitive people. Scientists warn that in the future the number of magnetic storms will only increase, as it becomes increasingly difficult to predict events in advance.

The daytime luminary behaves unpredictably, which was proved by the most powerful solar flare in September in the last 12 years. Now daylight is experiencing the final period of an 11-year cycle of activity, however, powerful explosions shaking it speak of the complex nature of these phenomena.

What to do when magnetic storm 2017

Most the best recipe against "critical days" in the Sun - a healthy sleep, a balanced diet, refusal to watch the news on TV and warm clothes in bright colors.

Scientists have found that warm colors such as orange, red and yellow increase the content of happiness hormones in the brain (dopamine, endorphin and serotonin). Therefore, a new scarf, handbag or gloves in a bright color will have a beneficial effect on overall well-being. On the days when strong magnetic storm October 25-27, 2017 come into its own, do not forget about preventive treatment. So, aspirin will come to the rescue for hypertensive patients, a sparing diet is shown for diabetics, but people with diseases of the central nervous system need to drink sedative pills and medicinal herbs.

Not always feeling unwell, in particular pressure surges and unreasonable headaches It is the body's response to changing weather. Sometimes the reason lies in solar activity and magnetic storms. Experts call the second autumn month extremely calm and balanced month in terms of strong activity of magnetic storms. But to protect your health, see the schedule of magnetic storms for October 2017, which was compiled by experts in advance.

Chart of days of magnetic storms in October 2017

The month opens with a weak magnetic storm on October 1. And then dangerous days are expected at the end of October 2017, in which hypertensive patients should be especially careful, as they are likely to have sharp jumps in blood pressure. The second magnetic storm this month is expected on October 29th. Experts warn that it can become dangerous for people who suffer from insomnia. Perhaps the appearance of irritation, mood swings, aggression and moral apathy. October 30 is another weak magnetic storm that ends the month. Arrhythmia, sleep disturbance and headaches are possible.

Forecast of magnetic storms for October 2017 - causes

Any geomagnetic disturbances that occur with our planet directly depend on the processes that are taking place on the Sun at this time. While flashes occur on our star in areas of dark spots, plasma particles enter space, which rush to the planets at great speed solar system. When these particles reach our planet's atmosphere, they cause the Earth's geomagnetic oscillations.

What to expect from magnetic storms

Everyone reacts differently to geomagnetic storms. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. Most often, during magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people lose strength, stress, experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, increased adrenaline in the blood, and depression.

Magnetic storms can cause deterioration in general well-being and exacerbation of chronic diseases. People with diseases of the cardiovascular system are especially affected. Possible reactions of the human body to magnetic storms are: headaches, sleep disturbance, loss of strength, pressure surges. If the schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017 is known in advance, then every effort can be made to minimize the impact of natural negativity on the body. What needs to be done in order not to suffer from the activity of atmospheric change:

  • refrain from taking alcohol and plentiful food, including fatty, spicy, salty. For this period, it is better to observe moderation in food and try to focus on healthy food;
  • drink clean water more often. Do not neglect teas, compotes, chicory. During magnetic storms, you can drink soothing herbal tinctures or add them to tea. Motherwort, valerian, sage, and some other herbs can help you get through magnetic fluctuations more easily. It is better to refrain from coffee, strong and invigorating teas;
  • Try to spend as much time outdoors as possible. It is advisable to postpone any heavy physical activity for another period;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • magnetic storms can cause a sharp change in mood. Therefore, try to avoid quarrels and conflicts, nervous work and communication with people unpleasant to you;
  • give yourself and your mind a break. On days of maximum geomagnetic activity, avoid overwork.

October is recognized as an extremely calm and balanced month in terms of strong activity of magnetic storms. Experts have compiled a schedule of magnetic storms for October 2017 in advance to help weather-dependent people protect their own health from the adverse effects of a well-known natural phenomenon.

Magnetic storms for October

Such a phenomenon of our nature as a magnetic storm is known to very many people. It is most carefully studied by weather-dependent people who, with various changes in the atmosphere, begin to feel unwell. The danger of a magnetic storm lies in the fact that its activity can cause the activity of chronic diseases, as well as negatively affect the general well-being of cores and hypertensive patients.

When magnetic storms are planned in the atmosphere for October 2017, the schedule by day and hour will certainly help to carry out effective prevention against the development of serious ailments. It is important to know that specialists can determine a reliable and most accurate schedule only a couple of weeks before the “rush hour”. Preliminary forecasts are also made, which accurately indicate negative dates, but are not able to indicate an unfavorable time.

In the coming October, the activity of our solar system is in a calm state. Bright flashes in the sun will not be noticed, respectively, natural phenomena will not manifest themselves as strongly as possible. In total, 3 negative dates are expected when the activity of the solar system will be increased. Such dates may become unpleasant for weather-dependent people, but for ordinary person they won't cause any harm.

1 - an atmospheric storm, weak in its own strength, opens the autumn month. During this period, headaches may worsen. If a person suffers from inflammatory processes, then he may have a sharp increase in temperature marks to high limits. Caution is required for hypertensive patients, as they are likely to have sharp jumps in blood pressure.
29 - the second magnetic (and also weak) storm can become dangerous for people who suffer from insomnia. At this point, the possibility of a drop in blood pressure continues. In addition, the emotional state of a weather-dependent person can also suffer - irritation, mood swings, aggression and moral apathy may appear.
30 - completes the month again weak in its own strength natural negative phenomenon. All the warnings of the above dates are preserved, therefore, a weather-dependent person should be especially attentive to the changes taking place in the body.

Security measures

If the schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017 is known in advance, then every effort can be made to minimize the natural negative. What needs to be done in order not to suffer from the activity of atmospheric change?

You can not get involved in "harmful" food, this includes fatty and salty foods, smoked and pickled foods. On negative dates, it is not recommended to eat dishes that are prepared by frying. The ideal food is steamed or stewed food.
It is important to reduce communication with people, especially strangers and business partners. A negative mood encourages quarrels and conflicts, the less communication, the less risk of getting enemies and ill-wishers through the fault of a natural phenomenon.
Do not engage in heavy physical or mental labor. Rest is important for the body, not overexertion.
On days when the sun is active, you need to walk more often and be in the fresh air, so walking in the park or in the forest is very important for health and a great mental mood.