Signs about a raven - what a wise bird warns about. Why crows croak: signs and superstitions

Crows are the most famous birds among the mystics. And the most sinister. It is believed that these creatures are intermediaries between the worlds, capable of visiting the dead. Moreover, churchyard masters are advised to pay special attention to the graves, over which crows circle or sit. Also, these birds are traditionally associated with black magicians.

In the old days, they tried to determine the weather or the near future by their croaking. Having met them on the way, the great-ancestors expected both good news and bad news. Some signs about crows about crows are given:

  1. Ravens were avoided as messengers of failure, problems and death. It is also believed that the crows themselves do not carry danger, but rather try to warn about it.
  2. You should not be afraid if a crow croaks at a person once. She also wants to talk sometimes. However, if a bird flies after a person or gives a voice for more than a minute, special attention is paid to this fact.
  3. A crow that sits on the roof of houses against the sun brings misfortune to one of the inhabitants of this house who notices it. This sign informs that there may be problems with the servants of the law, the danger of robbery or quarrels increases for the unfortunate who sees the mystical bird.
  4. The sign described above can be interpreted differently, putting a person’s life in danger because of his pets. There is also a version that a crow sitting on a roof becomes a herald of death, ruin, and all sorts of misfortunes.
  5. The inhabitants of some countries, on the contrary, will be glad to see the feathered messenger on the roofs of their houses, since, according to their beliefs, it carries money, tasty treats and other pleasant things.
  6. When young people saw a bird on the roof, they could count on a love interest, and people of creativity expected well-deserved recognition for their work.
  7. When a feathered predator was seen at a height (for example, a temple, but not on crosses), and especially outbuildings, it portends wealth.
  8. When a lot of crows sit on top of the houses, but do not scream, this is a notice of a possible wedding.
  9. If these birds croak and rush over the house, misfortune will happen in this house.
  10. If an unfortunate crow decides to take a walk near a certain house, its owner must quickly install security systems in the building to ward off thieves.
  11. And if there is more than one crow next to the house, and they all croak at this building, then the owner should have been afraid of evil witchcraft on the family, the death of the patient and other troubles.
  12. Even worse, if at least one of the birds flies into the house, starts to examine the rooms and croak. Death is expected in the family visited by such a guest. The same applies to the house where the sick old man lived. If a crow sat on the roof of his house, it is time to prepare for death.
  13. Opinions differ as to how good it will be for business if the feathered messenger decides to keep a person company. If she follows, and even to the right, problems cannot be avoided. Others argue that a crow flying in front of or behind a person will certainly bring wealth.
  14. If a bird decides to bask on a stone, the person who met her should be more attentive to possible fellow travelers. And in general, the black messenger that sits is a symbol of failure. Yes, if there is still an odd number of them - anger, irritability, trouble. Traveling through the forest and meeting crows - it is advisable to turn back to miss the predator.
  15. It is very bad if a raven sits, and even on a charred tree. It is just as bad if she holds something in her beak - a symbol of misfortune.
  16. Tourists who have chosen a place to stay for the night will have to change it if they see a crow croaking and flapping its wings in the neighborhood.
  17. It’s not good at all if a crow sits on a temple - to the dead. Her tail indicated the house of the likely dead or the direction to him. The same meaning if the feathered messenger chose a tombstone as a resting place. When the bird wanted to sit on the crosses of the church - to the death of the priest who manages this church.
  18. When one crow feeds the second - pleasure and joy, which will only intensify if they croak at the same time.

Folk omens about ravens

Ravens have been considered mystical birds since ancient times. Many people associate black color with death and with various negative things. Fear intensifies if we remember that many crows live in cemeteries. Many superstitions are associated with these birds, which are known to this day, for example, a sign when a crow croaks.

Psychics and people related to assure that crows are birds, which, on the contrary, are basically harbingers of something good.

Signs - crows croak

There are many different superstitions that depend on the specific situation. For example, if a flock of birds sat on the house and croaks, this is a good sign that portends a quick wedding. There is a sign that explains why a crow is croaking over its head - this is a harbinger of receiving long-awaited news that will be positive. If the birds gathered in a flock and loudly “talk” to each other, and then abruptly fly away without any reason, then the weather will soon change and, most likely, for the worse. In most cases, you should expect cold weather and precipitation. Another popular sign, when a crow croaks in the morning, means that the weather will be fine in the afternoon.

There are bad superstitions with these birds that you should know. For example, if in the morning a crow “screams” in front of the house for a long time, then you should expect problems and troubles. Another important sign when a crow croaks out the window, while making long specific sounds, is a warning of danger in areas related to other people. When the birds arrive on the field and croak for a long time, then you should expect a bad harvest. If a crow “talks” near the house, this is a harbinger of problems in the material sphere. Since ancient times, people have noticed that if crows suddenly left the territory where they lived for many years, it means that hunger and devastation will arise in the near future. When the birds suddenly returned, one could count on positive changes in life.

Ravens have been considered mystical birds since ancient times. Many people associate black color with death and with various negative things. Fear intensifies if we remember that many crows live in cemeteries. Many superstitions are associated with these birds, which are known to this day, for example, a sign when a crow croaks.

Psychics and people related to magic assure that ravens are birds, which, on the contrary, are basically harbingers of something good.

Signs - crows croak

There are many different superstitions that depend on the specific situation. For example, if a flock of birds sat on the house and croaks, this is a good sign that portends a quick wedding. There is a sign that explains why a crow is croaking over its head - this is a harbinger of receiving long-awaited news that will be positive. If the birds gathered in a flock and loudly “talk” to each other, and then abruptly fly away without any reason, then the weather will soon change and, most likely, for the worse. In most cases, you should expect cold weather and precipitation. Another popular sign, when a crow croaks in the morning, means that the weather will be fine in the afternoon.

There are bad superstitions with these birds that you should know. For example, if in the morning a crow “screams” in front of the house for a long time, then you should expect problems and troubles. Another important sign when a crow croaks out the window, while making long specific sounds, is a warning of danger in areas related to other people. When the birds arrive on the field and croak for a long time, then you should expect a bad harvest. If a crow “talks” near the house, this is a harbinger of problems in the material sphere. Since ancient times, people have noticed that if crows suddenly left the territory where they lived for many years, it means that hunger and devastation will arise in the near future. When the birds suddenly returned, one could count on positive changes in life.

According to the common belief of our and foreign ancestors, crows are the bearers of bad news. Signs about ravens are mostly gloomy. And what other meaning can be given to carrion birds with dark plumage and unpleasant croaking?

"Nakarkal!" - a standard reproach to the one who called trouble. Raven Gray - a harbinger illness, disaster and death. Previously, it was heard over battlefields, burial places of people and livestock, and now, when city crows feed on food waste, it is next to landfills. Not so scary anymore!

In the last couple of centuries, signs about ravens, like many others, have “softened”, they have also acquired a positive or neutral meaning.

Most of the signs about a raven and a crow's croak have a negative meaning, but this bird is also able to predict pleasant events. In the old days, by their behavior, they guessed what the weather would be like, by croaking, they determined the near future. If it happened to see a raven on the way, our ancestors expected serious trouble or, depending on the meaning of the belief, good news and events.

In the old days, ravens and ravens were considered messengers of trouble and constant companions of black magicians. Meeting with this bird was an omen of failure, misfortune or death. They were feared and tried to be avoided, as they symbolized death, war and famine. In some countries, it was believed that ravens have exceptional instincts and do not bring trouble with their appearance, but try to warn about them.

You should not attach importance to the signs described below if a crow croaked at you once. Perhaps the bird just wants to communicate. But if the signs about the crow are repeated day after day or it croaks at you for more than a minute, you should pay attention to this.

If you saw a crow that sits against the sun on the roof of your house, this portends trouble for those who saw it. Usually this sign about a crow portends problems with the law, theft or robbery, quarrels with people important to you, if it faces south, west, east or north. Any of the intermediate directions of the crow's gaze means that the life of your pets is in danger. There is another version of this sign about a crow - your life is in danger because of your pets. Some believed that this bird sits on the roof of the house, either to death or to ruin.

In some countries, it was believed that if a crow sits on the roof of a house, then the family is waiting for profit, treats and other pleasant events. For young people, this sign portends a love adventure, and for creative individuals, a chance to gain recognition from society. Wealth, according to the folklore of some peoples, is also predicted by a crow sitting on a height - the roof of a temple (but not on a cross), a granary or another outbuildings, sheaf of grass. A lot of crows sitting quietly on the roof of the house - for an imminent wedding.

If crows circle over your house with a croak, this promises you misfortune. If a bird walks along the road near your house - to theft in it. When a lot of crows gather in front of the house in the morning and croak at it, this is a bad sign, possibly to death, evil witchcraft to harm the family and other unpleasant incidents.

The omen was especially bad when the bird flew into the house, flew around the rooms and croaked. This foreshadowed death in the family that lived in this house. Another sign about this bird had the same meaning, if it beat against the window or flew near it and croaked, and also flew over the house with a croak. If there was an old sick person in the house, and a croaking crow sat on the roof, most likely he would die.

Signs about a crow met on the road

Some believe that if a crow follows a walking person, this promises him trouble, especially if she flies to his right. In some countries, it is believed that a crow following a traveler or flying in front of him portends wealth.

To meet a crow sitting on a stone on the way - to a dangerous fellow traveler. Anyway, to see a sitting crow is a sign that warns of failure. If an odd number of crows sit on the road in front of you - to anger, irritation, quarrel. If you walked through the forest and sang, having met a crow, it is better to turn back, in the old days they believed that this sign was the appearance of a predatory beast.

  • To see a raven sitting on a charred tree - to death.
  • Seeing a raven holding something in its beak is a warning of danger from illness, theft, predatory animals and others.

If you are going to make a halt or put up a tent somewhere in nature, and at the same time a raven will croak and flap its wings, you should choose another place. Most likely, stopping at the intended place will bring you trouble.

If a crow sits on a churchyard, this is a sign of a funeral. Especially if she sits on the roof of the church and croaks. In the villages, they still believe that this is the appearance of the dead. If she was sitting on a cross, they looked in which direction her tail was pointing. It was believed that in one of the houses, on which the tail “looks”, someone will die. They also watched the tail of a bird if it was sitting on a tombstone. It was sometimes said that if a crow croaks on a church cross, this is to the death of a priest who serves in this church.

A flock flying out of the forest portends difficult times for many people, a poor harvest, in the old days in such cases it was believed that famine would come. In the past, if two flocks flew towards each other, people were preparing for war.

Not all signs associated with a crow have a negative meaning and warn of impending troubles, giving you time to be ready for them. Some of them are quite positive.

Seeing two crows, one of which feeds the second, is a good omen, to pleasure and happiness. And if they croak at the same time, it promises you a love adventure. In the old days, two crows predicted a quick wedding.

Good and bad omens about crow croaking

Our ancestors believed that whoever heard the ominous croaking of a crow from the nest and was frightened by this sound would be in great danger. But there is another opinion, which says that the croaking of a crow from a nest or not far from it does not portend any bad events. But if you have to hear it in another place, this is a failure.

  • Hearing croaking from the left, while in the water - to difficulties at work.
  • Three crow cries were considered by our ancestors as an omen of death.

If you are on the road and a crow caws first to your left and then to your right, beware of thieves and keep a close eye on your belongings. First on the right, and then on the left - this is to wealth. If the bird croaked and flew away in the opposite direction, something will interfere with your journey. A crow croaking behind your back - to injury or the appearance of an enemy that you can handle over your head - to problems.

Other signs about ravens

To see one crow at a wedding is a failure. In the old days, a lonely flying raven predicted bad events. Two crows at a wedding - to the luck and happiness of not only the young, but also the guests.

  • In the past, it was believed that if a blind man was kind to these black birds, his sight could return.
  • If a crow has marked you, do not be discouraged, this is for money.

In the old days, they were afraid to kill crows. They believed that whoever did this would have livestock and pets dying. Sometimes it was believed that this would continue until as many years had passed as the crow was, and they live quite a long time. Some gave this sign approximately the same meaning as other negative signs about crows - to death, ruin, trouble.

Weather signs about a crow

Birds and animals better feel the approach of changes in the weather, so forecasts have been made from their behavior for a long time. Crows were no exception.

A crow or even a whole flock of these birds croaks, looking at the water - to the rain. If there are many crows near the water in the evening, there will be a storm.

  • Cawing after thunder - to rain.

If you hear the almost continuous cawing of a flock, then the weather will worsen. In summer it portends rain, and in winter - severe frosts.

If the croak is the first bird sound you hear in the morning, and it has sounded an even number of times, the day will be clear. An odd number - to bad weather and rain.

Any number of crows flying towards the rising sun - to good weather. If in the morning a flock of crows sits and looks at the sun, the day will be clear.

A lot of crows flying in the air - to the deterioration of the weather and strong wind. If they gather in a heap - there will be bad weather.

A crow cleans feathers, walks with an open beak or bathes - to rain. If they started swimming in puddles on March 29, it will be warm soon.

If in winter crows hide in branches, there will be severe frosts, snowstorms and snowstorms. If they sleep on the tops of trees, the weather will be warm and clear. Birds flying high in the sky speak of clear and warm weather.

In general, raven signs will help you both learn about the weather and what can happen to your life. In addition, watching these birds is always very interesting.

Signs about crows - ancient riddles of birds - all the secrets to the site

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Any corvid bird has an extremely negative reputation in our area. Her piercing screams are annoying, and her gloomy appearance brings heavy thoughts. This is a scavenger, a bird of warlocks. Therefore, in the beliefs of our people, corvids took the place of the "bad messenger". So, if a crow croaks, a sign speaks of bad news.

Meanwhile, this opinion is not entirely fair. Often in various mythologies (including Slavic) this bird is revered as divine, prophetic.

Famous signs about ravens

Often signs about birds are unfavorable. This is especially true for crows, here are some popular folk wisdom with their participation. There are, however, some signs in which the crow refutes this trend.

There are an odd number of crows in front of you on the road - you will be angry with someone. And to see a crow or a crow in a dream - to death or trouble.

If you find a dead crow near the road, this is a possible sign: the path is unfavorable for you.

Although not everything associated with it is synonymous with trouble. The dream books say that when you dream of a dead crow, a bright streak will come in life.

Crow croaks: weather phenomena

Most superstitions about crows are related to the weather:

  • Karkusha walks with his mouth open, and "says" a lot at the same time - wait for the rain.
  • Corvids scream in a flock on a tree - to frost.
  • If the crow croaks an odd number of times, tomorrow it will rain, and even if it will be dry.
  • There is also such a belief: a crow croaks - to bad weather, and a raven - unfortunately.

How to react if a crow is nearby

In general, corvids pay quite a lot of attention to people. If the crow sat on its head, the sign is as follows: expect a pleasant surprise, a messenger, a letter.

As for the situations when this bird flies to the window of the dwelling and knocks on it, there are different opinions.. Some argue that when a crow is on the window, the sign is as follows: if it behaves calmly and peacefully, does not knock on the glass, then there is no danger. And even vice versa: bright news awaits you. Others say that the corvid can remain on the windowsill for a long time when it brings bad news.

All signs about a crow

If a crow sits on a house for a long time and at the same time croaks with its head tilted towards the cemetery- then this prophesies to the house of the imminent deceased.

The crow flutters under the clouds- to bad weather.

Crows cawing in a flock: in winter- to frost, and in summer - to bad weather.

The crow walks with its mouth open, and croaks intensely at the same time- be rain.

The crow bathes - to bad weather.

The crow is plucked- to the rain.

The crow croaks - for worse or for rain.

When a crow sits at the top of a tree in winter at the lodging for the night in the wind- then the next day there will be calm weather, when she sits down on the lower parts of the tree and hides between the branches, then bad weather should be expected at night and the next day.

If a crow has five or seven eggs in its nest- to good year, what if three or four- to the bad.

If a crow cries- then a lot of chickens will soon divorce.

Crows gather together- to bad weather, bathe - too; croak in a flock in summer- to bad weather, in winter - to frost.

If a crow croaks an odd number of times- Expect wet weather. If even - the weather will be clear.