population of the West Indies. West Indies - Paradise in the Caribbean

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West Indies(English West-Indies, Dutch West-Indië - "Western India" or "Western Indies") - the traditional historical name of the islands caribbean, including the Caribbean Islands (see list), the Bahamas and the islands in the adjacent waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean (including some continental islands - off the coast of the continent). It is contrasted with the East Indies ("East India") - the countries of South and Southeast Asia.


The name of the West Indies region was given by the first European navigators, who mistakenly believed that they got to India, moving westward from Europe. Hence the name of the native inhabitants of America - the Indians. The West Indies should be distinguished from the West Indies - they are completely different regions, although "West Indies" literally translates as "Western Indies".

There is an opinion that it is correct to say "West Indies" (eng. West indies, "Western Indies"), since the West Indies include the Spanish West Indies, Portuguese, British, French and other West Indies - the lands of each states of Europe in this region since the end of the 15th century. Some of these West Indies are referred to as the Antilles: for example, the English use the term "English West Indies", while the French say both "French West Indies" and "French Antilles". When most European countries occupied the lands of the New Continent, the term West Indies appeared. Thus, the West Indies and the West Indies are to some extent different concepts. The first concept means the entire region, and the second - political and economic (trade) formations in this region.

AT West Indies-AND. are included Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. The islands belong to North America. The total area is about 240 thousand sq. km 2. The population is over 24 million people. (1968). The relief of the islands is strongly dissected, mostly mountainous; height up to 3175 m(on the island of Haiti). Many active and extinct volcanoes; frequent earthquakes. Deposits of manganese ore, chromites, iron ore, asphalt, oil, bauxites, phosphorites. The climate is tropical trade wind. In the lowlands, the vegetation is mainly cultivated, in the mountains - laurel and coniferous forests.

On islands West Indies-AND. the states of Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados, as well as a number of possessions of Great Britain, the Netherlands, France and the USA are located.

Ethnic composition. The bulk of the modern population are Negroes - the descendants of slaves imported from Africa in the 16th - early 19th centuries. (Haiti - over 90%, Barbados - about 89%, Jamaica - about 80%), as well as mulattoes (Dominican Republic - about 70%, Puerto Rico - at least 50%). The descendants of Europeans (mainly Spaniards) are found in significant numbers only in Cuba (about 50%), Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. In other countries, the white population (mainly English) does not exceed a few percent. The ethnic composition of Trinidad is peculiar, where about 50% are descendants of immigrants from India. In all countries there are small groups of Chinese and Syrians. A few descendants of the indigenous Indian population, almost completely exterminated during colonization, survived only on the islands of Dominica, Cuba, Trinidad. Languages: Spanish - in the former colonies of Spain (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico), English - in the former English colonies (Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados), French - in the former and current French colonies (Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique) ; local dialects prevail everywhere. In the Dutch colonies, in addition to Dutch and of English language, the Papiamento dialect is widespread. By religious affiliation, the inhabitants of the former Spanish and French colonies are Catholics, the rest are Protestants of various persuasions. Most Indians are Hindus. In some countries, remnants of African beliefs are also preserved.


Historical essay. Most of the islands West Indies-I., inhabited by Indian tribes of the Arawaks and Caribs, was discovered during the voyages of Columbus (1492-1502), who mistakenly mistook them for part of India. Unlike India, West Indies(East Indies), these islands later became known as West Indies-AND. Colonization West Indies-AND. the Spaniards was accompanied by the total extermination of the Indians, and already from the middle of the 16th century. began a massive import of slaves from Africa to work on sugar and tobacco plantations, in mines. With the decline of the power of Spain West Indies-AND. evolved into main object rivalry between European powers in America. During the 17-18 centuries. as a result of seizures, wars and under international treaties, Great Britain acquired the islands of St. Christopher (St. Kitts), Barbados, Antigua, Montserrat, Jamaica, Grenada, Dominica, Trinidad and others; France - the islands of Martinique, Guadeloupe, Haiti; Holland - the islands of Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire; Denmark - the islands of St. John, St. Thomas and Santa Cruz from the group of the Virgin Islands. By the beginning of the 19th century. Spain retained only Puerto Rico and Cuba.

The brutal exploitation of the plantations caused frequent uprisings of the slaves against the oppressors. The largest of them is in Haiti at the end of the 18th century. - escalated into a war of independence, as a result of which the Republic of Haiti was proclaimed in 1804. In 1844, the Dominican Republic was established in the eastern part of the island of Haiti. The rest West Indies-AND. still remained in colonial dependence. Slavery was legally abolished in the English colonies in 1833, the French in 1848, the Dutch in 1863, and the Spanish in 1880.

From the 2nd half of the 19th century. US infiltration began West Indies-AND. As a result of the Spanish-American War of 1898, Puerto Rico became a colony of the United States, Cuba was declared an independent republic (1902), although in fact it became a protectorate of the United States as early as 1901. "Platta Amendment" ). The United States has repeatedly carried out the occupation of Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic. In 1917, the United States bought part of the Virgin Islands that belonged to Denmark.

The victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia had a great influence on the deployment in West Indies-AND. anti-imperialist national liberation movement. In the 20s - 40s. in many countries West Indies-AND. communist parties emerged. In the 30s. major anti-imperialist and anti-colonial demonstrations took place in Cuba (revolution of 1933), in the British West Indies-AND. The first political parties arose in the English colonies, putting forward the slogan of independence.

During the 2nd World War (1939-45), the United States increased its influence in West Indies-AND. Under the Anglo-American agreement of 1940, the United States received the right to build military bases in British possessions in America for 99 years. With the creation of the Caribbean Commission (1942), the resources of the colonies of the European powers were actually transferred into the hands of the United States. Severely cracking down on the liberation movement in the colonies, which had especially intensified after the end of the war (arrests of leaders of the movement in Jamaica in 1943, military reprisals against strikers on the island of Grenada in 1951, suppression of the 1950 uprising in Puerto Rico), the ruling circles of the imperialist powers at the same time were forced maneuver by proclaiming a series of political reforms that were supposed to cover up colonial domination in countries West Indies-AND. To this end, Martinique and Guadeloupe were declared "overseas departments" of France (1946), Puerto Rico - "freely acceded (to the United States) state" (1952), Dutch colonies in West Indies-AND. - "an integral part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands" (1954). British colonies in 1958 were united into West Indian Federation.

The victory of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 led to the emergence of the first socialist state in America, contributed to a new upsurge in the liberation movement in West Indies-AND. In 1962 the West Indies Federation broke up; independent states were formed - Jamaica (1962), Trinidad and Tobago (1962), Barbados (1966). The English colonies of Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Kitts - Nevis - Anguilla (1967) and St. Vincent (1969) received internal self-government and were declared "states associated with the United Kingdom."

Political division of the West Indies

States and territories

Modern status

Square, km 2

Population, thousand people (1968)

Capital or administrative center



St. John's


British possession



Nassau (Nassau)

Barbados (November 30, 1966)*

Independent state





British possession




Virgin Islands

British possession



road town

Virgin Islands: Santa Cruz

St. Thomas

Saint John

US possession


Charlotte Amalie

Haiti (January 1, 1804)

Independent state





Overseas Department of France





"British Associated State"



St. George's


"British Associated State"




Dominican Republic (February 27, 1844)

Independent state



Santo Domingo

Cayman islands

British possession




Cuba (May 20, 1902)

Independent state





Overseas Department of France



fort de france


British possession





West Indies-AND.:

Saint-Martin (southern part)

Sint Eustatius

Autonomous overseas part


(Curaçao Island)

Puerto Rico

"Freely affiliated (to the United States) state"



San Juan

Saint Vincent

"British Associated State"




Saint Kitts - Nevis - Anguilla

"British Associated State"




Saint Lucia

"British Associated State"




Turke and Caicos Islands

British possession



Grand Turk

Trinidad and Tobago (31 August 1962)

Independent state



Port of Spain

Jamaica (6 August 1962)

Independent state




* In brackets is the date of declaration of independence.

Lit.: Peoples of America, vol. 2, M., 1959; Countries of Latin America in modern international relations, M., 1967, ch. 9.

E. L. Rovinskaya.

Article about the word West Indies" in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia was read 9608 times

Between North and South America stretches the western "outskirts" of the Atlantic Ocean - the Caribbean Sea. Great depths coexist with uplifts, which, "surfacing" to the surface, form large and small islands, often of volcanic origin, with coral reefs and sandy beaches. Once tropical forests grew on these islands, and now there are villages, tourist complexes and agricultural land.

The general name of the entire system of islands sounds rather strange - the West Indies (Western India). After all, the Indian Peninsula is located on the opposite side of the globe. These islands were so named because of a misunderstanding: Christopher Columbus headed west from Spain across the ocean, seeking to reach the southeastern edge of Asia. When the navigator met the islands, he decided that they lay near India.

St. Thomas Island.
Virgin Islands (USA).

Paradise islands

Columbus had a cherished dream: to discover a place of primeval paradise near the equator. Sailing along the coast of Jamaica, he wrote in his diary: “There were bays, one better than the other. Countless canoes followed the ships, and the Indians served the Christians, giving them food, as if the aliens were their own fathers. The navigator discovered, in his words, "a green, beautiful and happy land."

The natural environment of the West Indies is truly magnificent. This is a zone of the tropics with a warm and humid climate, little changeable throughout the year. The archipelago includes the Bahamas, Greater and Lesser Antilles. Large islands are mostly mountainous, with short turbulent rivers, numerous active and extinct volcanoes. The highest point is Mount Duarte in Haiti (3175 m). The total land area is 240 thousand km2. The subsoil of the islands is rich in minerals: there are deposits of manganese and iron-nickel ores, chromites; in Jamaica - oil and bauxite, in Trinidad - natural asphalt, in Curacao and Aruba - phosphorites.

Before the arrival of Europeans, the islands were buried in lush evergreen tropical vegetation, and broad-leaved and coniferous forests grew in the mountains. Over time, the rainforests were destroyed. Now the fertile lowlands and low mountains are dominated by plantations sugar cane, bananas and coffee. The savannahs, which are used as pastures, have been preserved intact. There are many cities and towns, industrial enterprises and resort areas on the islands.

The West Indies are subject to powerful natural elements. There are frequent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, destructive hurricanes, tornadoes, tropical cyclones, tsunamis. However natural disasters affected the fate of local residents and landscapes much less than social storms, conflicts, wars, and the destructive activities of people. This is also evidenced (as a memory of the past) by the renaming and modern names of geographical objects, starting with the largest water area - the Caribbean Sea.

Coast of the Bahamas. Many countries
The West Indies are famous as seaside resorts.

Filibuster Sea

Caribs, or Caribs (from the Spanish caribe - "savage"), the Spaniards called one of the tribes of the West Indies, which was soon almost completely exterminated. The discoverers believed that the Caribs feed on people. However, they were wrong. However, ritual cannibalism was really popular among the Aztecs, Incas, as well as among many other tribes and peoples of the world. Europeans deliberately spread the notoriety about the Caribbean: these brave, freedom-loving people knew how to repel greedy newcomers. According to Columbus, "... the Indians were so simple-minded, and the Spaniards were so greedy and insatiable, that they were not satisfied when the Indians gave everything they wanted for ... a piece of glass, a broken cup shard or other useless things."

In the West Indies, Europeans became acquainted with such crops as tobacco, maize (corn) and potatoes, although they sailed there to enrich themselves with precious stones and metals. It soon became clear that the main wealth is concentrated in the continental countries of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Then the islands of the West Indies became transshipment bases for the conquerors and sources of slaves.

In the second half of the 16th century, when Atlantic Ocean galleons with precious cargoes heading from the New World to Europe began to cross, pirate "nests" appeared on the islands. In 1588, after the British (with the active participation of the pirate Francis Drake) defeated the Spanish Invincible armada, English, Dutch and French sea robbers settled on the islands of the West Indies. One of the main pirate bases was the island of Tortuga, captured by the French in 1639. The same thing happened with the island of Jamaica, recaptured by the British from the Spaniards 15 years later. The sea, literally teeming with pirates, began to be called the Flibuster (from the French flibustier, from the Dutch vrijbuiter - "adventurer", "pirate"; according to another interpretation from the English flyboat - this was the name of light small ships on which the robbers raided).

The old fort in Puerto Rico is a witness of the era
Spanish rule in the West Indies.

By the beginning of the XVIII century. the situation in the region changed in favor of England and France. Less precious goods were exported from the New World, because the robbery could not last indefinitely. When the local inhabitants in the West Indies were exterminated, slaves began to be delivered from Africa. Now in most countries of the West Indies, the basis of the population are Africans, representatives of European peoples (mainly Spaniards), mulattoes and mestizos.

The filibuster freemen were gradually eradicated, and power on the islands passed to Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and the USA. In the 19th century slavery was abolished in the West Indies, and in the 20th century. Caribbean countries began to gain independence, more precisely, they moved to self-government, falling under the rule of local dictators. Despite more or less similar natural conditions and the still mixed composition of the population, each country of the West Indies has its own destiny and its own characteristics.

In direct translation into Russian, it means Western India, but this Latin American subregion should not be confused with the western part of the Hindustan peninsula. The West Indies got its name in memory of how the ships of Christopher Columbus, moving to discover India, landed on the shores of the western islands. As you know, these islands did not belong to India at all, but the name "West Indies" remained unchanged.

It is the smallest, both in terms of area and population, sub-region of Latin America. Many island states are located in the Caribbean Sea, and some of these states have gained independence quite recently. For many years, most of them remained colonies of European maritime powers such as Spain, Holland, France, and Great Britain. On the territory of the West Indies, there were even Danish colonies, which later came under the protectorate of the United States of America. The influence of the former metropolises in the West Indies has survived to this day. This is expressed not only in architectural monuments, religious preferences, but also in the official language and the percentage of tourists visiting a particular Caribbean state.

The largest income of the states of this subregion is the tourism business and banking activities. Moreover, the first source of income extends to almost all countries of the West Indies. The largest number of tourists arrive in such countries and regions as Cuba, Jamaica, Bahamas, Lesser Antilles and Greater Antilles.

Without a doubt, Cuba remains the most unusual country in the West Indies for many years. This is a state where the socialist regime has been maintained for half a century. The policy of the Castro brothers continues to be the only correct one for ordinary Cubans. Perhaps this position of the people has developed due to the non-interference of the state in religious affairs. That is why, despite the communist principles of development, Catholicism is the official religion in Cuba. Today Cuba is one of the most developed countries in the region in terms of education, but in terms of economic development seriously inferior to many Latin American countries. Thanks to the climate, magnificent beaches and low prices, several million tourists visit Cuba every year.

In the Lesser Antilles group of the West Indies, there are states that rely on the banking sector in their development. One such state is Barbados. This is the main offshore zone of the entire sub-region. Barbados is an independent state, however, like a number of other countries, it considers its head the British Queen. That is why in all information brochures Barbados is called a constitutional monarchy. This state is very high level life compared to many other West Indian countries. Thanks to its unique location in that part of the Caribbean, where sea waves reach several meters, Barbados is a favorite place active rest for surfers from all over the world.

The former French colony, and now the parliamentary republic of Dominica, is one of the poorest states in the subregion. According to the UN, it is in 209th place in the world in terms of WFP. However, Agriculture and the principle of no taxation of foreign companies in recent years began to improve the situation in the country's economy.

It remains the sub-region of Latin America, which has the richest potential, which, unfortunately, remains unrealized. There is a large outflow of capital and human resources from the region to the United States and EU countries.

See also:

Central America

Seven states belong to continental Central America: from Guatemala and Belize in the north to Panama in the south. It is a geographical link between South and North America.

Middle America

The northernmost sub-region of Latin America is the so-called Middle America. This is a collection of both mainland and island states, predominantly with Spanish as the official language.

In 1492, having gone in search of a western route to India, Christopher Columbus and his team landed in the Bahamas. Columbus mistakenly decided that he had reached his goal, so the region was called the West Indies (Western India. The West Indies is the traditional name for a group of islands encircling the Caribbean Sea. They stretch in a huge arc for more than 3 thousand km between Florida in the USA and northern coast South America.

Geographic location of the West Indies

The West Indies is an archipelago of several thousand islands located in the Caribbean Sea. The islands are located in an arc about 3500 km long, from North to South America. Geographical coordinates from 10° to 27° degrees N. sh. and from 50° to 85° degrees W. d.

The West Indies includes many islands, the largest in terms of territory are the Greater and Lesser Antilles, Barbados, Tobago, Trinidad, Haiti, Puerto Rico and many small ones.

There are 13 states on the territory of the islands - these are Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Barbados, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Haiti.

According to the primacy of the discovery and conquest of the territory, the islands belong to different states - the USA, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands.

History of the discovery and development of the West Indies

In 1492, Columbus, who sailed in search of new roads leading to India, discovered the island of San Salvador, then Cuba and Haiti. Initially, he mistook the islands for India. Subsequently, during the travel of the Vasco da Gama expedition, the East Indies were discovered and the erroneousness of the discovery by Columbus was proved. But the name West Indies has already stuck to the islands. The population of the islands was inhabited by tribes of Indians. But in the struggle for land, the indigenous people were exterminated, the islands were settled by Spanish invaders and slaves brought from Africa. There are no indigenous people left on the islands.

Climate and nature of the West Indies

Most of the lands of the West Indies are located in the tropical trade wind climate, and only a small part of the islands are in the monsoon climate. Spring begins in May and is characterized by prolonged tropical downpours. The air is highly humid. Spring gives way to a long hot summer. The rainy season is considered to be July, and on some islands - August. Despite the high air temperature, the air still remains humid. Constant sea winds and easterly trade winds save from the heat.

West Indies is the site of the emergence and formation of tropical hurricanes.

Most of the islands have a flat surface, but there are low mountains. Winter is considered the most stable and pleasant time of the year, it lasts from November to May. Air temperature corresponds to 28-32 °C, water temperature +24°-25 °C. Favorable climate, warm sea allow tourism business to develop.

Largest islands of the West Indies


is the largest island in the West Indies. It is located in the waters of the Caribbean Sea on the border of the Gulf of Mexico. The territory is mostly flat, but there are low mountains. Tourists are attracted by endless sandy beaches and crystal clear sea. Various vegetable world allows you to open nature reserves, national parks. The most famous reserves are the Sierra del Rosario and the Guanacabibes Peninsula, the national parks are El Caguanes and Cienaga de Zapata. The population of the island is made up of the descendants of the settled Spaniards and African slaves. The inhabitants are very peaceful and sociable. Tourists like night image life inherent in the inhabitants. Cubans cannot imagine their life without music and pleasures.

The official language of Cuba is Spanish, but in tourist areas you will be understood in English, German, French.


Haiti is the second largest island. The name of the island in the translation of the local population means "High Mountain". Quite high mountains give way to beautiful plains. Tourists are attracted ideal conditions for diving and water sports. For a long time, deforestation continued, but, on the territory of the island, it was possible to preserve tropical forests, rare species of plants and birds that are characteristic only on the territory of Haiti. World famous national park"Fort des Pins" has preserved more than a hundred rare plants. In La Visite National Park, you can admire beautiful caves and preserved rainforest. Haiti is famous salt Lake-Ethan-Sumatra. The area of ​​the island is divided by two states - Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Indigenous people was practically destroyed, and modern inhabitants are descendants of African slaves and Creoles.

The official language is French, Creole. But most of the population speak Haitian Creole. It is a mixture of English, French and Spanish.


- an island located in the middle of the arc and separates the waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic. The shape of the island resembles a butterfly. Sandy beaches, transparent sea, rich flora make the island very beautiful. Guadeloupe is rich in springs, clean lakes, waterfalls. It is called the "Island of Beautiful Waters". Popular attractions are the Ekrevise waterfall and the Traverse trail, which are located in the national park of the country. The indigenous people are the Caribs.

The official language is French.

Traditions and cuisine of the peoples of the West Indies

It so happened that today's population of the West Indies is the result of intertwined cultures, different traditions and languages. This is reflected in everything, including traditional cuisine. The usual food for the indigenous people were tomatoes, potatoes, coconut milk, beans, chili peppers and a variety of fruits, seafood.

After the discovery of the islands by Columbus, National cuisine enriched with Spanish, Portuguese, French traditions. Plentifully use seasonings, onions, marinades. More varied cuisine, you probably will not find anywhere else. The West Indies is a colorful, friendly and multifaceted country.