Who is the card for? The history of the creation of the deck.

Ellen Dugan

Magic for every day of the week: rituals, spells, talismans

© Electronic version of the book prepared by LitRes, 2014

Ellen Dugan, also known as the Garden Witch, is a clairvoyant and psychic. She lives with her husband and three children in Missouri. Ellen has been practicing magic for over twenty-four years and has many years of experience in nurseries and garden centers, including landscaping and garden design. She received the status of a master gardener at the University of Missouri, and also studied in her homeland. More articles by Ellen Dugan can be found in Llewellyn's annual almanacs The Magical Almanac, The Wiccan Almanac, and The Herbalist's Almanac. Visit her website: www.ellendugan.com


I want to give special thanks to my husband Ken and our three children, Craig, Kyle and Erin. When the deadline for this book came around, you all supported me in your own way, minimizing the caustic comments about my absent-mindedness and eccentricity, which especially manifest themselves when deadlines are running out.

I am indebted to John Absey, editor of the reissue, who enthusiastically seized on my idea of ​​expanding the original manuscript. Without his enthusiasm, this project would not have come to fruition. I am grateful to Elysia Gallo, who makes me work harder and better and keeps me slacking off before the deadline. I also want to say thank you to Becky Zins, who I enjoy working with, for being the best editor anyone could wish for.

Special thanks go to Heather. When I once complained to her that I couldn't think of a title that would suit this particular book, Heather thought for a bit and instantly came up with a great title.

I am grateful to my friends and coven mates for their love and continued support - especially Mickey for the arts and crafts information; Sandy for highlighting questions about Norse gods and goddesses; Amber, a witch and fellow writer who promptly provided information about minerals and gems. And special thanks to Mary Butler for Additional information about tiger's eye, talking about puppy training and being my friend. Jenn M. for being my witch sister. "Love you, really!"

And finally, Jen: thank you, dear, for letting me bombard you with ideas, for an unplanned trip to Salem in 2008, and for listening to me when I need to pour my heart out. Thank you for helping me look at full moon magic from different perspectives and for being my first belly dance witch friend.

Introduction. Book of Shadows

Love for knowledge, secluded corners and the sweet calmness of books.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Why Book of Shadows? - you ask. Over the years, this was the type of book I needed more often than others. When I started teaching group witchcraft classes, practical magic and craft, I built every lesson based on the first version of this book - "Seven Days of Magic". However, I have always wanted to try to expand and deepen this initial little work. But regardless of the size of the manuscript, the first version of the book was filled with day of the week correspondences, spells, and lessons to help weave witchcraft into daily life. In essence, it was the "Book of Shadows", containing a set of spells, magical formulas and correspondences - in general, all those effective magical things that I created, recorded and successfully applied, which I subsequently began to teach others.

So, the result is in front of you. What you have in your hands is not an old book with a new cover. This book is larger in scope, it covers the topic better and deeper. The amount of information contained in it has more than doubled. This book has the main points you've come to expect from me, but this time there's more magic for you to try out. For example, you will find charming new texts of daily meditations, recipes for love potions and potions, witch tricks, full moon magic and more powerful and complex rituals, as well as the classic magic of stones, flowers, herbs, tarot cards and gods.

The purpose of this "Book of Shadows" is to encourage you to create on your own. She will give you a lot of fresh ideas to create your own style of witchcraft and magic. I promise you that with the help of this book, you will happily practice magick seven days a week. I never tire of repeating that magic lives where you notice it, and creativity is the key to it.

Witchcraft for a week

Write in your heart that every day is the best day of the year.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Magic surrounds us all the time. Enchantment can be seen in every moment of any day of life. In our crazy and crazy world, it's more important than ever to stop and take a few minutes for yourself and your magic. Set aside time every day just for yourself. Use it to connect with the miracle, divinity, and magical energies of that particular day. If you only have ten minutes of magic at your disposal, use your intuition and knowledge of the craft to wisely manage every moment of this time.

Magic doesn't have to be complicated at all. If you prefer to stick to the basics and the principle of directness, this does not diminish your importance as a witch. Who says that you have to prepare for an hour for sorcery and only after that do it? Certainly not me! You will experience more pleasure if everything is simple and practical for you - then you will be able to practice magic more often. Witchcraft is not limited to wheel-of-the-year celebrations and occasional full moon rituals. Magic happens twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Every day, from Sunday to Saturday, is charming. Each has special correspondences with the planets, gods, magical energies and the possibilities of using his energy. A clue to how these magical traditions originated lies primarily in understanding the origin of their names. In ancient times, only seven planets (or celestial bodies) were known - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Then people believed that these seven planets revolve around the Earth, which is the center of the universe. They also believed that the movement of the planets expressed the will of the gods and their direct power over human lives.

IN English language it is obvious that Monday is named after the closest star to us - the Sun. Monday got its name from the moon. All other days of the week in English got their names from ancient Roman and Scandinavian gods and mythological creatures. Each day of the week has its own energies and characteristics, so it can have a different effect on people. For example, does Monday make you feel annoyed or irritated? Why? But this day is not always the beginning working week. For those of us who work weekends, Monday is just another day. However, this day is special, dedicated to the moon. What magical rituals can be performed on Monday?

On this sacred day of the moon, you can work on enhancing your psychic abilities or get in touch with the god or goddess of the moon. And if there is a full moon on Monday, it inhales additional forces into any lunar spell. Sounds like a double whammy. How can this information help you in your own style of witchcraft and magic?

Techniques for Newly Initiated Witches

Over the years, I often meet neophyte witches, often confused and overwhelmed by the magical correspondences to the days of the week. Rubbing their foreheads and looking at me with eyes full of suffering, they ask: “What is Tuesday for?” May the Goddess see, I have answered this question many times to my students, mage friends and coven comrades. Some practitioners of magic break into a sweat after looking at huge tables of correspondences and planetary hours. I sympathize with them from the bottom of my heart!

Although just looking at the impressive astrological tables and the accompanying information to them, my eyes crawl out of their sockets (I think these tables remind me too much of mathematics), it is still possible and necessary to study deeper the magical connections characteristic of the days of the week. Information about the planets and magical connections for each day will help you outline the range of questions regarding magical actions and how to perform them. Once you learn how to put these correspondences into practice, you will turn on the power and increase the volume of your craft. Essentially, this will give you unique magical tools, which in turn will give you more room to be creative.

Tarot cards originated in medieval times. The deck has 78 cards, each of which carries a secret meaning. Since the foundations of astrology, occultism and alchemy are embedded in the meaning that the card carries, the Tarot has always been considered something magical, a source of secret, hidden knowledge. The magician, who uses these cards in his practice, communicates with the cards, as it were, and receives encrypted answers to the questions posed.

Tarot Ellen Dugan - a deck whose cards are filled with rich meaning

There are many varieties of tarot decks due to their long history of use. They differ in the style in which the images were drawn and in the meaning. In different eras in different countries artists drew these magical amrakhs (cards), conveying their individual style and idea of ​​what this or that amrakh should be like, what should be depicted on it and how.

There are cards based on famous paintings, there are cards with Egyptian motifs, depicting love positions, or mysterious signs that are difficult to understand for an inexperienced person, each card has a magical meaning. But, although the decks differ very much from each other, each of them has a clear structure: they all have the same number of amrah, in which the junior and senior arcana are divided, the minor arcana are divided into four more suits: wands, swords, cups, denarii.

Ellen Dugan - contemporary medium and tarot practitioner, mother, wife and scholar

Ellen Dugan is known to the world for her gift of clairvoyance. She lives in the USA, has a husband and three children, and began her magical practice more than 20 years ago. She gives us her knowledge in books, from which you learn about the magical properties of plants, their influence on human life, about magical rituals, spells, talismans, about the magic of cats.

The medium is absolutely sure that the things around us, plants and animals influence us energetically and magically, that what kind of plant you plant in your garden depends on how things turn out in business or in your personal life. She even has a PhD in horticulture.

Cats for her are generally very mystical animals, with them she associates many opportunities, signs and situations that affect the life of the owner of the cat. Another well-known work was the creation of modern and understandable to the common man magic cards like Tarot.

Witch Tarot Dugan "Open your destiny"

The Witches Tarot is a deck of magical amrah created by a famous sorceress, based on the classic Rider-Waite Tarot. This deck is very popular at the moment. Their very name speaks for itself. A person who picks up this deck will be able to discover secrets and find out his fate.

A distinctive feature of Tarot Helen Dugan is that they will fit and be understandable even to a beginner, this is a great opportunity to discover the world of Tarot, that is, for a person who has just begun to learn it. This deck is suitable for both simple, classic direct layouts, and for magical rites. The author took the creation of her Tarot deck very seriously, also applying creative talents.

Tarot Ellen Dugan - ideal for a novice tarot reader

Ellen Dugan's Witch Tarot is very beautifully done by artist Mark Evans. He was able to embody Helen's idea in the best possible way.

What is special about the Tarot deck from Ellen Dugan

The cards are filled with rich meaning. The drawing of each card is thought out to the smallest detail. All the details are important: what necklace, what it is made of; what animal sits next to the hero depicted on the card; what kind of plant grows under your feet, whether it has blossomed, bloomed or withered.

The cards even convey emotions. In the drawings of the cards, the major and minor arcana meet, echo each other. Somewhere you will meet the Empress in the background, somewhere the Pages. And here it is also important where the depicted hero is looking, where he is turned or turned away. It is also thought out what kind of weather is around, what element (water, fire) is behind the hero's back, what clouds are in the sky.

The deck is very colorful and modern, more spectacular, brighter, more voluminous, takes into account the interpretation of modern life situations. The back (back side) of the cards, which depicts the Cosmos and the Moon, is also beautifully decorated. The cards have different meanings depending on how it fell straight or the picture may be upside down. All the details of the cards and their meaning are fully described in the book by Ellen Dugan. This book is included with the deck.

This deck is different from the classic Tarot. The Wheel of Fortune in this deck turned into the Wheel of the Year, the Court - into Fate, the Devil - into the Shadow side, the Hierophant - into the High Priest, the denarii became pentacles. Among experienced magicians, there are recommendations when the magical Tarot Dugan is more suitable in the layout: for the triple layout of the goddess, the four elements and the wheel of the year.

For ritual purposes, a deck of witches is used for prosperity in the house, the call of love into a person’s life, for protection, comfort of the heart, improvement of family relations, detection of hidden diseases. Next to other types of tarot card decks, this deck looks more attractive.

Ellen Dugan's Witches Deck

Such a deck can be called universal, because it is she who is like Tarot cards:

  • suitable for use by beginners;
  • filled with modern interpretations of situations from life;
  • high-quality, bright drawings;
  • a book with a decoding of the meanings of each card;
  • many small details, each of which has its own meaning;
  • the possibility of using in rituals, rituals and meditation.

Tarot Ellen Dugan can be used in various rituals.

Witch deck structure

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the Ellen Dugan deck. It consists of 22 major arcana and 56 minor ones. In turn, the minor arcana are divided into four suits: these are the arcana of wands, cups, swords and pentacles. Some familiar cards are called differently in this deck. Major arcana will introduce you to such heroes:

  1. Jester.
  2. Mage.
  3. High Priestess.
  4. Empress.
  5. Emperor.
  6. high priest.

You will find among them the card of Lovers, the Chariot, the card of Strength, the Hermit, the Wheel of the Year, Justice, the Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, the Shadow Side, the Tower, the Star, the Moon, the Sun, Karma, the World.

Among the minor arcana, we usually meet amrahi in four suits from two to ten, pages, knights, queens, kings and aces. A detailed description of what each dropped amrah means is in the book that Ellen Dugan carefully thought out and described there all possible options for their interpretation.

Before you start guessing on the amrs of witches, you need to calmly and slowly examine the cards, peer into their details, and be imbued with the spirit of mysticism that they carry with them. If you are a person open to letting magic into your life, the cards will begin to “talk” to you.

The use of the Witches deck in magical rituals

Also in her book, she gives training instructions on how to do layouts correctly, ask questions and get answers, make wishes and perform magical rites. When a person feels the need for additional energy and motivation in order to change something in his life, to do some voluminous work, you can perform the ritual “Calling pages for inspiration and inspiration”.

After carrying out such a magical rite, a person feels a surge of strength, enthusiasm and easily does the necessary work. If four kings are used in the ritual, then this helps to be filled with wisdom and strength, when four queens are used in the ritual, you get an emotional and creative fuse.

By involving four knights in a magic circle, a person gets an incredible result in overcoming difficulties and initiating change. You need to decompose the Ellen Dugan Tarot according to the instructions from the book, cast a spell, sit in the center of the circle created from the cards and think a little about the subject of the ritual. At the end, open the circle, say the final words of the rite, and then leave the circle.

Having met with the witching Tarot Helen Dugan, you will definitely fall in love with this particular deck. After all, this type of magic cards is quite easy to read, they are fascinating and emotional, they carry positive energy.

Negative responses are presented with a positive outcome and goodwill. With the help of this deck, any person will be able to discover his magical potential, conduct a ritual that will help him at this particular stage of his life path, and help him find the answer to a question of interest.

Many people, relying on the performed ceremony, become bolder, more confident and stronger, do not hesitate, making this or that decision, because they know in advance from the cards what awaits them after that. It is only important to always remember that the fate of a person is in his hands and not to shift the responsibility for how your life will develop later on. Go through life with a positive attitude and optimism.

Ellen Dugan

Magic in your garden. The magical properties of plants and how to work with them

Magic in your garden. The magical properties of plants and how to work with them
Ellen Dugan

In this book, Helen Dugan brings to your attention the principles of gardening, based on the laws of magic, and techniques landscape design. Part of the book is dedicated detailed description magical properties of plants and ways of working with them. In addition, the author pays special attention to the topic of poisonous plants and the nuances of their use for magical purposes.

A book written in an easy and plain language, with an abundance of explanatory examples and stories from the life of the author, will be of interest to both experienced gardeners - they will discover the unknown potential of their garden, and just people who revere nature - they will learn to communicate with it in a new way.

Helen Dugan

Magic in your garden. The magical properties of plants and how to work with them

Published by Llewellyn Publications Woodbury MN 55125 USA. www.llewellyn.com (http://www.llewellyn.com/)

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.


New lessons in the oldest of magics

But there are the highest secrets of culture, which are not for apprentices, but for masters. These lessons are only for those who dare.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What never ceases to amaze and fascinate us is the eternal mystery of plants - trees, flowers and herbs - and their place in green magic. Perhaps we are captivated by its timelessness and eternity. The theme of magical plants has always been popular in magic. It seems like people never get fed up with ancient green magic. Every spring, when the gardening season begins, witches, pagans, and just ordinary people flock to greenhouses and garden centers looking for the perfect addition to their magical gardens. Perhaps they are looking for some new plant, or a prize strain that has eluded them for years. They are inspired by the passion of hunting and the spirit of adventure. I am convinced that a deep study of green magic and magical plants is a great way to learn new lessons that ancient magic can teach us.

I think green magic practical, natural system of Art, based on the reverence natural world, the environment, as well as plants and herbs native to a particular area. Herbal magic and nature magic are the essence of green magic.

No matter how long you practice the Art - months, years or decades - there is always a need to deepen your connection with the earth, comprehend this world, expand magical skills and learn as much as possible. With this in mind, I wrote The Garden Witch's Herbal. In this book of mine, the tenth in a row, I have returned to the topic with which my authoring activity began, to the topic to which my soul gravitates most of all. So let's go to the witch's garden to once again plunge into green magic.

By following the path of green magic and listening to our heart, we gain a deep and important sense of connection with nature; in addition, we have the opportunity to increase the level of spirituality. Nature is the main teacher of the green witch and her most important magical tool.

Green magic and spirituality

Nature is a symbol of the spirit.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Green (natural) spirituality claims that all life is a magical experience. People who practice green magic live in harmony with nature, cherish and revere it. Green spirituality is an individual, personal path of magic, as it takes into account the peculiarities of the climate and geographical location the place where you live, as well as your relationship with the energy inherent in the environment around you personally.

Witchcraft traditionally uses the energies that are naturally present in the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, combining them with the personal power of the witch, in order to bring about positive changes in the surrounding world and achieve a magical goal. In green magic and green spirituality, the witch becomes the link between the natural world and the human world. The witch transfers information from one world to another, becoming a kind of "bridge". This connection allows energy and knowledge to flow from the magical world to the everyday world and back, bringing hope, peace, healing and positive energy to each of the worlds.

This two-way connection is the essence of ancient magical practice. In folklore, witches are often referred to as "hedge jumpers". The term emphasizes their knowledge of the plant world and their ability to "jump over the fence", that is, to cross the border between two worlds. It was believed that witches living at the edge of the forest (Hedge witches, as they were commonly called) were able to travel from the physical world to the spiritual and back at will. However, they did not so much "jump" from one plane of existence to another, but practiced their Art, standing firmly with one foot in one world, and the other in another, thus creating a spiritual bridge. Subsequently, they came to be called "walkers between worlds", and today this epithet is often used to illustrate the path of the green witch.

However, it is impossible to establish a balance between the two worlds by retreating into the depths of the forest in a small enchanted hut. We must balance our magical self by holding the natural world in one hand and the reality of city life in the other. Green witchcraft is a sacred connection with the world on all planes of its existence.

For people who want to learn green witchcraft, it does not matter how they earn a living, and what label society or pagan community hangs on them. They may call themselves a garden witch, a village witch, a kitchen witch, a Celtic witch, a self-taught eclectic witchcraft, and even a traditional witch, depending on what kind of formal training they have received in one tradition or another - Gardnerian, Alexandrian, fairy magic, Dianic ... The mantle of green magic is easily put on for all these practices. Green magic is not so much a tradition as a magical way of life.

Modern adherents of green magic are smart and easily adapt to the surrounding reality. They may live in the city or take refuge in the suburbs, but their physical location is not their defining characteristic. Green witches are able to work with magical natural energies wherever they find them, regardless of their lifestyle, magical title, profession, place of residence, or climate.

The path of green magic - no matter where you live

Her green mind made the world around her green.

Wallis Stephens

The path of green magic is inherently paradoxical: it is both a time-tested form of witchcraft and an eclectic path. And this means that, despite the use of ancient techniques and time-tested practices of the Art, there is enough room in green magic for an individual approach and adaptation to the environment in which the witch happens to be. This path is associated with the cycles of life in nature, the Wheel of the Year, the knowledge of herbs, groves and gardens. In whatever corner of the world the green witch lives, the path of her magical development is always individual.

If you live in the north East Coast or Midwest of the United States; you will take into account the peculiarities of the climate of this area, its flora, fauna and four classic seasons. Similarly, if you live in the South, West Coast, or Southwestern United States, you will include flowers, trees, seasonal cycles, and native plants that are typical of the area in your practice.

For example, a witch living in the south of the United States will most likely never be given the opportunity to work with snow or ice magic; however, she has access to the plants and flowers that grow right on her doorstep even in January - something that one who lives in the north can only dream of.

In short, you must learn to make do with what you have at hand, as a skilled witch will always easily adapt to her surroundings. When necessary, she improvises and studies environment to know which Natural resources are at her disposal. In the end, she will overcome any obstacles using a wise combination of knowledge, personal strength, love and iron will.

In order to use green magic effectively, you must know that it comes from two sources: the heart and the mind. You must fill your heart with it and believe that change is not only possible, but has already taken place. And then you will certainly succeed! A witch using green magic will work to create and maintain balance within herself, to find harmony with her mundane and magical community, and to celebrate her connection to the natural world. Sounds a little high-flown, doesn't it? Do not be afraid, this goal is quite achievable, and the path to it is beautiful. In the following chapters, you will discover many fascinating ideas and techniques that will show you specific ways to achieve your goal.

No matter where you live, what your experience is, and what kind of magical tradition you follow - in this book you will find the information that will enrich your magical practice and help deepen your connection with the religion of the earth.

In order to follow the path of green and natural magic, a witch must have courage. It takes courage to be an adherent of a religion that is often misunderstood or made the object of ridicule. Courage and determination will stand you in good stead as you expand your research into green magick, herbs, and green spirituality. Keep in mind that most magical work should be done alone, as this work is a personal expression of your magical skills.

As you follow your path, you will acquire qualities similar to those of the natural world. This will allow you to establish your own unique connection with nature and the plant world. Your success depends on your willingness to go ahead and experiment. Plan the creation of your spells and carefully observe the results of magical work by writing them down. Those who have a predisposition to green magic will receive generous rewards and the most impressive magical results.

Plants are closely woven into magic and earthly religions. For people who are able to listen sensitively and perceive, plants give inspiration to comprehend magical experience. So join me as we explore the enchanted groves together and explore in depth the magical garden of the green world. Let's discover the amazing wonders that the natural world has to offer.

We create the magic of the garden with the heart

Whoever wants to have beautiful roses in his garden must first grow beautiful roses in his heart.

Samuel Reynold Hole

Over the past few years, traveling around the country and meeting with people involved in magic, I constantly came across the same thing. Pagans and witches came to me with well-read copies of Magic Gardening in their hands and said with a smile that they now wanted more - more information about magical plants, more advanced techniques, even more green magic and advice on magical gardening.

I promised them to continue my work; and now you have this book in front of you. Let's dive into it!

As a magical gardener who explores the depths of the mystical world of plants, I know firsthand that here you can find a true connection with the divine and an earthly sense of power that comes from working with the earth, building your own gardens and caring for them, thanks to the fact that you are not afraid get your hands dirty. This is essential for magical grounding and centering.

By gardening, we enter into a close relationship with the five elements of the natural world. The five elements exist in many magical traditions, although their composition may vary. In the Wicca tradition, these five elements are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit; in the Chinese tradition, Wood, Fire, Metal, Earth, and Water. In order to firmly master the basics of natural magic, you need to honor all five elements in your magical garden.

If you take a short break from reading the book, you can establish a close relationship with the elements right now. Let's try?

Close your eyes for a moment and listen to your heart. What does it tell you? Step outside and look around. What do you feel? Take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass. Do you feel the blades of grass tickle the skin of your feet? Be grateful for the support and grounding energy that the element of Earth gives you.

Tilt your head up. See the birds soaring in the sky? Feel the breath of the passing breeze? If yes, then welcome the element of Air, which gives you inspiration and change. The sun that warms you, as well as garden lantern, illuminating the paths, can symbolize Fire. The female, fertilizing element of Water can appear in a variety of guises: in the form of a natural reservoir, stream or pond; garden fountain; drinking bowls for your feathered friends, rain falling from the sky or dew drops trembling on the leaves of plants - all these are representatives of the water element. Feel these magical elements with all your heart, and the world around you will acquire a greater magical meaning for you.

When we work our green magic in harmony with the elements and the natural world in general, we join something much more ancient than just gardening. We touch the eternal connection with the harmonics of the universe. This allows us to get in touch with the fifth element - the Spirit. As witches and natural magicians, we are in daily contact with the forces of divine creation, no matter where we live. Our life becomes richer because it includes the deities of the Earth, the energy of the changing seasons and the amazing power of nature. It is very important to understand that a close connection with the Earth deepens our spirituality and becomes more individual and meaningful over time. On a deep level, our magical arts become stronger as our connection to the Earth deepens.

Witch Tarot Discover Your Destiny was created by Ellen Dugan: a medium and clairvoyant, an experienced magician. It is based on the classic Waite Tarot deck. Cards can be used to attract love, increase wealth, protect, strengthen relationships, and heal.

In the article:

Features of the Reveal Your Destiny Deck

Ellen Dugan's witchcraft tarot is a great deck that will suit not only an experienced magician, but also a beginner. The deck artist is Mark Evans. This pleasant, beautiful deck is made in the tradition of Waite, it can be attributed to the category of paganism.

As in, a book is attached to the deck, in which not only the most suitable interpretations of all cards are indicated, but also various layouts that it is desirable to perform using these magical attributes.

Ellen attaches great importance not only to the interpretation of the direct or inverted position of the cards, but also to the presence of various symbols depicted in the figures.

In addition to the fact that tarot can be used for the usual layouts, experienced magicians will be able to use the deck to perform various rituals aimed at protecting against evil spirits, attracting money or love. The deck is different from those that we are used to seeing, for example, , and so on.

The cards have their own characteristics. Here the Wheel of Fortune has turned into the Wheel of the Year, Judgment into Karma, the Devil into the Shadow side, the Hierophant into the High Priest. The main characters of the deck are mermaids, fairies, magical animals and birds. Of the most popular layouts, in which it is customary to use the Witching Tarot Discover your destiny, they usually distinguish the triple alignment of the goddess, the four elements, the wheel of the year.

Major Arcana

Jester- determination, dreams, risky idea. Inverted (hereinafter P.) - frivolity, dangerous adventures.

Mag- a leader, a person engaged in self-realization. P. - greed.

high priestess- calmness and wisdom, power. P. - lack of balance, lack of recognition.

empress- birth, creativity, marriage, fertility. P. - lack of children, discord in the house.

Emperor- strength, independence, father of the family. P. - excessive thirst for power, laxity.

high priest- a tribute to traditions, magic, wisdom. P. - useless advice, wrong decision.

lovers- love, sexual relations, romance. P. - problems in relationships, aggression, quarrels.

Chariot- desire, will, travel, magical abilities. P. - lack of will, fear.

Force- inner peace, power, endurance. P. - helplessness, absent-mindedness, fear.

Hermit- intuition, enlightenment, avoidance of worldly problems. P. - search for a new one, loneliness.

wheel of the year- energy, magic, psychic abilities. P. - bad luck, loss of connection with ancestors and nature.

Justice- balance, honesty, hope for justice. P. - delay, trouble, bias.

Hanged- sacrifice, change in life, rune magic, open road. P. - inaction, inability to do something.

Death- change, release from the chains that bind, the beginning of a new one. P. - changes are too slow and hard.

Moderation- balance, rebirth, transformation. P. - envy, wrong actions.

shadow side- power over you and your emotions, fears. P. - machinations, lies, illusions.

Tower- a secret, a strong shock, a change in life. P. - disappointment, pain.

Star- wisdom, creativity, hope for the best. P. - melancholy, depression.

Moon- intuition, wisdom, protection. P. - deceit, fear, lies.

Sun- completion of what has been started, victory, natural magic. P. - problems, underestimation of rivals.

Karma- the search for meaning. P. - completion.

World- travel, success. P. - failures.

Witchcraft tarot - wands

Ace- courage, fire, work. P. - wasted energy.

deuce- partial success, important deal. P. - indecision.

Troika- growth, high position in society. P. - disagreements at work.

Four- Beltane coven, fertility card. P. - surprise.

Five- competition, thirst for energy and strength. P. - clash of interests in the work area.

Six- compliments, recognition. P. - hard work.

Seven- adrenaline, resistance, power. P. - uncertainty, fear.

Eight- the implementation of plans comes to an end, an invisible connection with other people through the distance. P. - travel cancellation, lingering troubles.

Nine- courage, protection, the need to show strength. P. - panic fear, the search for the guilty.

Ten- you have taken on too much, severe fatigue, exhaustion. P. - oppression of conscience.

Page- news from a fair-haired man, a promotion is possible. P. - rumors, gossip, negative news.

Knight- movement, change of place of work or residence, next to you is a fair-haired passionate and energetic man. P. - failure.

Queen- charm, love, generosity. P. - manipulation, rage.

King- nature, mentor, creative energy, unity with nature. P. - selfishness greed.

What will the cups say?

Ace- wedding, supernatural phenomena, the magic of the elements of water. P. - selfishness.

deuce- wedding, sincere love. P. - divorce.

Troika- manifestation of your magical abilities, creative energy. P. - selfishness, quarrels.

Four- sadness, the beginning of adventure. P. - depression.

Five- gloom, to get rid of depression will help the magic of water. P. - melancholy.

Six- meeting with old acquaintances, belief in miracles. P. - unpleasant memories.

Seven- the power of magic stones, learning lessons. P. - fanaticism, illusory nature.

Eight- movement, emotional shock, news. P. - risk, defeat.

Nine- fulfillment of desires, generosity. P. - pride, lack of friends.

Ten- successful divination, love, enjoyment of life. P. - lack of miracles, misfortune.

Page- the appearance or development of magical talent, the appearance of a mentor. P. - ignoring one's gift, rejection of magic.

Knight- divine feminine, passion. P. is a lover, a deceiver.

Queen- devotion, love, empathy, the gift to foresee the future. P. - energy vampirism, selfishness.

King- wisdom. P. - lie, dominance.

Witchcraft tarot Ellen Dugan - swords

Ace of swords- the embodiment of all the power that can only exist, the male element of air, dinner. P. - cruelty, deceit.