Victims of the Nazis: Nazi Racial Ideology. How the Aryans calculated the Jews By what signs did the Germans identify the Jews

This photograph was taken in Austria a few days after the Nazi annexation (March 1938).

1938, the Holocaust was in the passport office to receive his first certificate, which gave him the right to straighten his shoulders, but it was already clear where Europe was heading. The Nazis, having taken power into their own hands, had not yet begun the mass extermination of Jews, but they were already preparing the ground for it. Germany has already begun the process of preparing the population for the dehumanization of the Jews. Segregation, as shown in this photo, was part of this process. And the point here is not to provide benches for all Jews in need, the task was a little different. The Germans had a policy that German non-Jews were not to sit on a bench "contaminated with unclean things". It was psychologically exhausting and built a clear distinction between the "dirty" Jews and the "clean" nation in the minds of the Germans.

This whole process began in January 1933, when the Jews became "subhuman". Jews were banned from restaurants, theaters, concerts, exhibitions, cinemas, and even swimming pools. Jews were not allowed to sit on the benches unless they were painted yellow, which was reserved especially for them. By 1934, all Jewish shops were already marked with a yellow Star of David, or had the word "Juden" written on the glass.

How did the Nazis define Jews? Germany, as the most pedantic European country, meticulously kept records of all its inhabitants. The records kept information about several generations of Germans, and therefore not a single German resident with "dirty" genes in his great-grandmother could escape the Nazis. Also, the Jews had different names and surnames from the Germans, they were much more religious people, and observed all the traditions, so the task of the Nazis was not difficult.

And since hatred of Jews in Europe originated in the Middle Ages, almost every second German sought to help the Nazis in the search for "dirty" people. Even before the arrival of the Nazis, the authorities in Germany considered the Jews strange, because their traditions were radically different from the German ones. So when the Nazis came to power, everyone already knew which of the neighbors was a Jew.

The Nazis also used the "Ariernachweis" (Aryan certificate), a document that testified that a person was a member of the Aryan race. Starting from April 1933, every official and employee of the education system should have this document. With this document, anyone can prove that their parents and grandparents were German. And this will not seem stupid, after the absence of this piece of paper at the beginning of World War II began to mean a direct road to a concentration camp.

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1. “You have such a Jewish face,” they once said to Booknik with love, and he immediately forgot all those cases when the same phrase was uttered with disgust, embarrassment, sarcasm, hostility, and even disgust. You will be recognized by your face, and then by your deeds, and there is no getting away from it.

2. Recognition of a Jew by the face has become a science. Recognizing a Jew by face is an innate skill of some peoples, in particular, the Jews themselves. Recognizing a Jew by his face is a folk pastime, because it is known that a Jew is always a stranger, although he may seem infinitely his own. And it is important to be able to recognize it.

3. The art of reading faces - physiognomy - has long been a science. If you believe her, eyes, nose, ears, mouth - these peculiar antennas that report twenty-four hours a day what is happening around, and their shape, as well as facial wrinkles, can tell a lot about a person. It turns out that the large, wide-open eyes of that same average Jewish face are a sign of the enduring ability to be surprised and interact with the outside world. About large ears - the same conclusions, but a large nose ... No, it doesn’t work. None of the texts we have studied says that persons of Jewish nationality perceive smells in some special way. Unless the same common Mediterranean ancestor sent us greetings along with a large nose - there are a lot of spices and incense in the Middle East.

4. Another version, explaining the peculiarities of the ethnophysiognomy of the Jews, Buknik heard at school from a particularly militant classmate. He seriously defended the theory of noses: they say, Jews are smart because all sorts of nasal sinuses and other internal parts of the nose of homo sapiens in Jews are taken out to the area of ​​the protruding part of the schnobel, and from this place in the head (and, consequently, space for the brain) remains more. Booknik never believed in this nonsense, but for some reason it is she who is remembered from childhood, and not some important science there.

Meryl Streep as Rabbi (Angels in America)

5. The nose, of course, is the theme. In Nazi Germany, special classes, lectures, and seminars were held to teach people to recognize Jews. Here is how in the children's textbook Der Giftpilz, published by Reich's number one anti-Semite Julius Streicher, boys and girls are taught to identify Jews. (We will present here brief retelling this text that brings together almost all stereotypes.)

There's a buzz in seventh grade today: Beloved teacher, Herr Birkmann, is talking about Jews. Even the laziest boy, Emil the snorer, does not sleep and listens attentively. Herr Birkmann knows about Jews from life and knows how to present this knowledge in an accessible form, so the children's favorite time is the “Jewish hour”. It's time to check what the kids have learned. Hands stretch. How do we recognize a Jew? “We can recognize it by the shape of the nose: it is bent at the very tip and looks like the number six. We call this sign the “Jewish six.” disciples. We can also recognize him by his lips - they are usually fleshy. And his eyes are different from ours - their eyelids are heavy, their gaze is suspicious and piercing, you can immediately see a deceitful person. They are small in stature, from medium to short, suffer from flat feet, ears they are big and stick out like the handle of a cup. Their hair is black and curly, like a negro's, and when they talk, they wave their hands."
At the end of the lesson, the children sing in unison in sonorous voices: “The devil himself looks at us from a Jewish face” and joyfully scatter.

6. It is noted that among Ashkenazi Jews the percentage of fair-haired people is lower than among other inhabitants of Northern Europe, and among Sephardim and Mizrahi the percentage of such people is higher compared to Arabs and other Asian groups. There are more blondes among Ashkenazim, less among Sephardim, and even rarer among Mizrahi. Before the Holocaust, 30% of German Jews were fair-haired, 25% of English Jews, but only 5% of Italian Jews. Studies conducted at the beginning of the 20th century showed that among Ashkenazim (Galicia, Poland, Germany) fair-haired from 10 to 30% and redheads - from 2% to 4%. Sephardi (Bosnia, England, Italy) - 10% blond, 1% red. Among the Mountain and Dagestan Jews - 2% are blond and 2% are red. Russia, Galicia and Poland had the highest concentrations of redheads.

7. Statistically processed data on 145,000 Jewish children in Austria, Germany and Hungary in the pre-holocaust period showed: 30% blond, 55% brown-haired and 14% burning brunettes. Red - half a percent.

8. The color of the eyes of the great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers of living Jews also underwent statistical processing at the end of the 19th century. Among Russian Jews, 23% were light-eyed, among Austrian Jews - 27%, and among Ashkenazi Jews living in England - 11.1%.

9. If you delve into the statistics, perhaps there is an explanation for another cliché - “Jews more often have a combination dark hair and bright eyes than other peoples.

10. In the middle of the 20th century, in the Peruvian city of Cajamarca, two brothers Alvaro and Segundo Villanueva Correa en/Community.aspx?Name=The+Inca+Jews"> decided to convert to Judaism. They started a community that was formed by 1958. Members of this community, called the Sons of Moses (Bnei Moshe), strictly observed the Sabbath, holidays and kashrut. Over time, this group grew to 500 people, and the people began to call them "Inco-Jews." More recently, they were recognized by the rabbinate, and many of them moved I wonder how they got there? Jews or Italians played. So the students of Booknik, discussing his nationality, once argued: one said that he was a Jew, and the other that he was Maya.

11. The beard is also a theme. And not only Jewish. In the 15th century, Cardinal Bessarion lived, who converted to Catholicism from Greek Orthodoxy and tried to unite the split churches. He was popular, and the papacy was predicted for him, but the beard that he wore from old memory interfered. At one of the receptions in 1471, King Louis XI pulled his beard and said rude things. Vissarion was upset and died a year later. Because of a beard, a papacy was lost. Now let's imagine how everyone and sundry mocked Jewish beards at all times. And they were not at all right, for it is said: “Do not cut your head around, and do not spoil the edges of your beard” (Lev 19:27).

12. Jews keep exactly this covenant. In addition, the beard and leadership are obviously interrelated things in culture. There is such a Talmudic story about Rabban Gamliel II, the spiritual leader, Naxi, in the period after the destruction of the Temple. The moment came in his life when he was removed from leadership for abuse of power, and Eleazar ben Azariah, a brilliant young rabbi, a descendant of the high priest Ezra, was expected to replace him. But he was young and beardless, which became a serious obstacle to his appointment. However, a miracle happened: Eleazar woke up one morning and saw that God had given him a long and, most importantly, gray beard.

13. So the beard has become an important cultural marker. But still, facial hair is not to the taste of all Jews, some of our contemporaries are looking for and finding a compromise solution between the covenant and reality. If you can’t just shave, that is, cut off, then you can, for example, depilate with a cream (it’s true, there is a risk of losing facial skin). Further, as is usually the case, the dispute moves into the area of ​​the semantics of the expressions "cut off the ends of the hair" and "destroy / spoil the ends of the hair." For example, you can remove vegetation with a machine (trimming is possible, shaving is not): facial hairs are destroyed, but not completely. Some halachic authorities forbid electric shavers, others believe that the device does not cut hair as thoroughly as a machine, and therefore does not completely destroy it, and it is possible to use an electric razor. Do not ask where the logic is here, read the literature. Another thing is that both the Torah and the Talmud make it clear: a Jewish man must have a beard. Its loss is directly related to the loss of identity.

14. However, Christians interpret Scripture differently. Possibly Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) introduced a rule for Catholic priests to shave in order to distinguish them from their Jewish and Muslim counterparts, but over time this rule found a more lofty explanation in the writings of the medieval theologian Gilelm Durand (1237-1296), who argued that By cutting off the beard, we get rid of vices and sins, because their essence is superficial, and beardlessness brings a person closer to the angels who are eternally young. So Joseph was shaved before being taken to the chambers of the pharaoh, for the Egyptians cultivated beardlessness as a sign of youth. It turns out that the Jews are not at all afraid to appear older, because they cultivate the wisdom that inevitably accompanies age. Oh, if only that were the case...

15. Here is a reconstruction of an Israeli Jewish face from the first century AD. It was made for the BBC movie "Son of God" is a version of the Jesus face. And researcher and documentary filmmaker John Romer, in another Discovery Channel film, The Seven Wonders of the World, points out that the traditional depiction of Jesus may be derived from the classical Hellenistic depiction of Zeus. Now let's put it all together and look at a hypothetical representative of the "Jewish nationality." What did you think of it?

16. There are not so many images of ancient Jews. Booknik came across two interpretations of one of the most famous, a procession from a fresco of the tomb of Khnumhotep III from Beni Hassan. “A group of four Jewish women carry antimony to touch up the eyes of an Egyptian prince. This fresco shows us how great the difference is in the clothes of the Egyptians and the Jews. We also see how very different Egyptian and Jewish women are in profile: Egyptians are beautiful, with perfect noses, and Jewish women are fearful! - with hooked noses. Jews generally envy the beauty of other peoples, since they have faces like those of gnomes (no one has yet paid attention to this obvious resemblance, because they are afraid of Jews), huge noses and furry, like a yeti, eyebrows.

17. Surprisingly, others see in the same paintings of the tomb of Khnumhotep III a source of knowledge about the arts and crafts of the Jews. “Thirty-seven merchants and artisans with their wives and children are depicted on a fresco inside the burial. Their clothes, hairstyles and skin color indicate that they were from Canaan. The artists carefully painted the Semitic robes, and this allows scientists to establish that the fabrics were made on looms not yet known in Egypt, and dyed in colors that were not used in Egypt at that time. Actually, for our topic it is not so important that many advanced technologies were brought to Egypt by the Semites. We are interested in the portrait of the ladies who lived in Canaan in the 19th century BC and seen through the eyes of an Egyptian artist. They are very attractive, and there is a resemblance to our contemporaries.

18. Bees recognize people's faces. No one has yet figured out how they do it. Moreover, they recognize the right person, even if their photo is turned upside down.

19. Sniper rifles will soon be able to distinguish the face of a person in the scope, in order to know exactly whether to shoot or not.

20. The habit of determining the nationality of a person by his appearance will never disappear, because it is directly related to survival and the need to classify the world. As well as animals with their skills of accurate attribution of individuals different types. And only the most advanced of us are able to remember in time how easy it is to deceive the eye and how little this classification gives the heart.

Each nationality has distinctive features of appearance, character, lifestyle. According to them, they find out who a person is: Russian, Negro, Chinese, Jew. Representatives of the last nation have a rich history and cultural heritage, they live in many countries of the world. To identify a Jew, a description of how he looks, knowledge about the features of the mentality and lifestyle will come in handy.

How to distinguish a Jew: characteristic features

There are ways to determine and recognize in a person belonging to the nation in question. Easy - ask about it. Jews are often proud of their nationality and do not hide their origin. This can be said by the name of a person and even his character. Also, the method of determining Jewish affiliation is the recognition of the nation by the features of appearance.

head shape

To establish the nationality of a person, it is advisable to pay attention to the skull, type of face.

The main sign of a Jew is the asymmetry of the head, in contrast to the Slavic-Russian, which has an oval of a clearly defined oval shape. For the latter, this creates a feeling of a secure, firm fit.

The Jews often have an elongated head, the oval of the face is elongated, as in the photo of actor Nicolas Cage.

The asymmetry is due to the types of skulls that Jews have, in addition to the elongated: pear-shaped, round, squeezed. The sloping back of the head is characteristic, which can be observed in the photo of the cellist, pianist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich.

In this case, the person's profile clearly shows a flat area slanting slightly backwards.

The round head of a Jew is not uncommon, while it is pressed into the shoulders due to the short neck. The photo shows humorist Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

This feature is often combined with a small stature and overweight of a person.

Another characteristic of the Jew's head shape is a sloping forehead, visually tilted back. A photograph by Yuri Nikulin shows this anthropological feature.


The way to determine nationality by appearance is to pay attention to a person's nose. There are varieties of typical Jewish noses: wide, drop-shaped, elongated.

The famous "schnobel" is bent at the base, resembling a hook, while the wings are raised. This form forms the number 6, therefore, in anthropology, the nose is called the "Jewish six".

The sign can be traced in the photo of actor Adrien Brody.

Among the Nazis in Germany, this characteristic of the nose was considered the main one, how to recognize the Semitic appearance. Special classes were held in German schools, where children were told the signs of the Jewish nation.

However, Russians also have such a nose shape (Gogol, Nekrasov), therefore, to judge nationality only by one external features it does not follow.

The Jews are characterized by an elongated thin nose, the tip of which goes far down the line of the wings, which differs from the classical form of the Slavs. The sign is clearly visible in the photo of musician Leonid Agutin.

The Jew Zinovy ​​Gerdt has a nose-drop. This form is characterized by a wide tip and elongation down.

The Jewish nose turned up above the edge of the nostrils is shown in the photo of actor Alexei Batalov.


It is possible to understand that a person belongs to the Jewish nationality by the eyes. characteristic feature their bulge stands out, as in the photo of businessman Roman Abramovich.

When the eyes are closed, heavy eyelids are presented as part of a ball - this is the way the Germans defined the Jews. They were also distinguished by the piercing gaze of the “deceitful man”. Briefly and clearly, the signs were listed in the German-sounding children's manual "Der Giftpilz", which was created by Julius Streicher.

It is believed that the Jews have poor eyesight: they are more likely than other nations to suffer from color blindness and wear glasses.

The close arrangement of the eyes is characteristic, congenital strabismus is possible.

The color is predominantly dark, but there are other shades, such as blue. There are blue-eyed brunettes among the Jews.


A striking sign of Jewish nationality is a weakly expressed, fused earlobe.

The shape of the shell is different, the contours of the lower half are often asymmetrical to the upper.

The Slavic ear is pressed against the side of the head in the middle. The Jewish one is grown by the lower and upper regions, as can be seen in the photograph of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Sometimes it seems that the shells from below extend almost from the neck, they are called "saiga ears".

Hair and beard

Among the representatives of the nation there is a variety of shades of hair: from light to black. Curly, wavy strands are characteristic. Jewish nationality is characteristic dark color hair: chestnut to black.

However, blondes are not uncommon. There are more fair-haired people among Ashkenazi Jews (German-speaking European Jews) than among other types.

Redheads are also possible, mainly Polish Jews and representatives of the nation in Russia.

Sidelocks are an element of the hairstyle - grown strands at the temples. They are optional, but along with the beard and sideburns, they are considered a custom, a tradition of Jewish culture.

If a person is bald, overhead strands attached to a headdress are used as sidelocks.


The peculiarity of the structure of the mouth of the Jews is the excessive exposure of the gums when smiling, like Andrei Makarevich.

Lip mobility, their asymmetry during a conversation is noted.

Representatives of the nation are characterized by an uneven dentition. In comparison with the Slavs, in whom it is dense, the Jews have asymmetry of teeth, they are somewhat rare, as in the photo of Evgeny Evstigneev.

Last name and first name

The way to find out if there are Jewish roots is to analyze the last name and first name of a person. However, the method should not be used as a fundamental one.

Characteristic endings of Jewish surnames:

  • to "-man" (Lieberman, Guzman);
  • on "-er" (Stiller, Posner);
  • on "-ts" (Katz, Schatz);
  • on "-on" (Gordon, Kobzon);
  • on "-ik" (Yarmolnik, Oleinik);
  • to "-y" (Vishnevsky, Razumovsky).

But their carriers are people of different origins. Possible endings similar to Slavic (Soloviev). The origin of the Jewish surname from male and female names is known (Abramovich, Yakubovich, Rubinchik).

Leaving Poland, many Jews changed their surname, depending on where they came from - Vysotsky (Vysotsk village), Dneprovsky, Nevsky, and so on.

There is a great variety in names. True Jewish (Daniel, Leo, Ilya, Yakov, Dina, Sofia) are often worn by representatives of Russian nationality.

What does a Jewess look like

Jewish girls are confused with representatives of other nations, Caucasian or Mediterranean.

Distinctive features are similar to those of men, but are milder.

A full-blooded Jewish woman of middle and old age is usually presented as a woman with outstanding forms, a loud voice and the name Rosochka, Sarochka, and so on.

The representative of the nation is considered a caring wife and a reverent mother, overprotective of children. However, they note the negligence of women in everyday life, clothing and appearance, specific body odor. The rude manners of young and old Jews, who are characterized by loudness, are distinguished. Due to negligence, they often smell of tobacco, sweat.


The portrait of a Jewish woman, like a man, has characteristic national features. The hair is mostly dark. The nose is large, elongated or with a hump, plump lips.

Beautiful eyes deserve attention: slightly bulging, bright and expressive.

They display eternal sadness, anxiety and anxiety.

The cheeks are sometimes puffy, which is noted from childhood and persists in young girls and boys. Some sources cite excessive overfeeding of children and overprotection as the cause.

Jewish traditions include covering one's hair in public places or in the presence of an outside male.

However, today the custom is rarely observed, only in strictly orthodox circles.


Wide hips and narrow shoulders, full legs are considered a genetic feature of the body structure.

Jewish women predominantly have magnificent and sensual forms, but there are also opposite types of figures.

Such women are characterized by a narrow bone, swarthyness, subtle oriental beauty.

With age, the figure often deteriorates, excessively fat Jewish women are a common occurrence. Among the reasons, childbirth is distinguished, since it is considered normal for a family to have 4-5 children, which is reflected in the appearance of the body.


A specific way to check Jewishness is to establish the integrity of the foreskin of a man's penis.

In fact, circumcision is not only a Jewish rite, but also a Muslim one. The difference is that in the latter case, the foreskin is missing. The Jews are shown to do the procedure partially, the area was cut off only from above.

It is believed that the manipulations of the Jews caused the gradual formation of an upward bend in the penis and the acquisition of a hook-like appearance.

Features and rules of life

The difficult history of the Jews justifies why they did not have their own state for so long, which left an imprint on their development and way of life. In ancient times, they were under the yoke of the Egyptians, located on the land controlled by them. After the capture of Judea by Rome, the Jews were finally expelled by the Latin pagans and forced to spread throughout the world, starting two thousand years of wandering.

A nation that existed for more than 2 thousand years without its own state is now spread almost everywhere. The place where most of its representatives live is Israel (43%), 39% is in the United States of America, the remaining share is in other states. At present, the number of Jews living on earth is 16.5 million.

The question of what race the Jews belong to is difficult, since they combined the features of various peoples that came into contact with them, which also reflected on the external signs of the nation. According to their anthropological type, they are classified as Caucasoids of the Indo-Mediterranean race.

The nation includes half-breeds (mixing with Russians, Poles and Poles, and so on), while a person with Jewish roots by mother is considered a true representative. To find out if they exist, you can contact a special service that will search the archives and determine the relationship. To receive an inheritance, move to Israel, join a community, and so on, they prove the presence of Jews in the family up to the third generation (maximum grandparents).

The peculiar behavior of the representatives of the nation is a sign of belonging to it. Allocate such qualities of Jews as self-confidence, self-esteem, pride. Psychology unites them in the concept of "chutzpah". Jews are bad and dangerous in the opinion of the public, who consider them greedy, stingy, selfish, rude.

An interesting fact is how Jews get to know each other. They call the sign "sorrow in the eyes." A happy look is not characteristic of them.

Jews are the only people who have managed to preserve their isolation, culture, religion, despite the terrible history. Perhaps they have achieved this by considering themselves better than others, living by established rules, and why they do not attract others to their community.

However, after passing the rite of conversion, you can become a Jew even if you are not a Jew. This requires the consent of 3 rabbis, memorize 613 commandments, learn the religious canon, take an oath, circumcision is shown to men.

The rules that real Jews observe are described in the Torah book: what they eat and drink (kosher food and drinks), use separate utensils when they are not working (on Shabbat), and so on.

Jewish blood is given out by the peculiarities of the voice timbre: high in men and low in women of middle and older age. At the end of sentences, there is an increase in tone. The signs include an senile, rattling voice, which persists from childhood until the end of life. However, this feature does not prevent Jews from singing and impressing others with their talent. An example of this is Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

An important feature is the fact that the Jews live long. Average life expectancy is 82 years. The reasons are advanced medicine, favorable social conditions. However, the representatives of the nation themselves determine longevity by warm friendly relations, love and harmony in the family.

Jews are considered cunning and quick-witted people. Everywhere they write and tell stories, jokes about their mind and ingenuity. This also explains why the 3rd floor is called Jewish. It is convenient in terms of life: it is low to rise, removed from the roof. The term appeared in the USSR and is relevant for five-story buildings. To some extent, it reveals the essence of Jewry.

Representatives of the nation are distinguished by their extraordinary mind and creativity, among them there are politicians, musicians, actors and so on.

This is the reason for the public opinion that a terry Jew cannot be deceived and cannot be defeated. The photo shows a young, but already well-known journalist and political scientist Friedrichson Nadana Aleksandrovna.

Relations between Russians and Jews were characterized by mutual dislike, the former call the latter contemptuously Jews. However, now there is no tension between the representatives of the nation, there is a tendency for the better.

Common misconceptions

There are rumors, conjectures, assumptions about the Jewish nation. However, not all of them are true.

  • Only those who are born Jewish become Jews.. The statement is erroneous, since a non-Jew, having passed the rite of conversion, is recognized as a member of the community.
  • Representatives of the nation have a huge nose, plump lips and black eyes. In fact, there are fair-haired or red-haired Jews with a thin nose.
  • An indirect sign of the Jews is that they burr. This is due to the guttural pronunciation of the letter "p", which is why it is perceived as a speech defect. However, most of them speak correctly and clearly, and burriness is characteristic of people of other nationalities.
  • The Jews crucified Jesus Christ. The Romans did it. The Jews reported on the son of God, and also did not interfere with the execution.
  • Jews have the largest breasts. The statement is due to the peculiarities of the figure of women, but according to research, the primacy belongs to residents of the UK.
  • Jews have the longest nose. However, a more prominent size of the olfactory organ was recorded among the Turks.
  • Hebrew Yiddish. Their languages ​​are Hebrew and Aramaic. Yiddish is a form of the dialect language characteristic of Ashkenazi Jews.

Nazism was born by the Jews, who called themselves "Aryans" to disguise themselves!

In fact they Jews- and Adolf Aloizovich Shiklgruber (Hitler), and the main propagandist of fascism, Joseph Paul Goebbels. It was they who first inflated the "anti-Semitic hysteria" for the whole world, and then arranged for hundreds of thousands of their fellow tribesmen Holocaust, and all this in order to solve several problems at once in such a mean way:

Here they are in this photo - fake "Aryans"

1. Saddle sharply growing then in Germany and around the world anti-Jewish sentiments. These were exactly anti-Jewish sentiment, a not "anti-Semitic", as they say now, because to the group "Semites" included over 10 different nations, and the Germans had dislike only for Jews . (In addition to the Jews, the modern Semitic peoples include, in addition to the Jews, also Arabs, Maltese, descendants of the ancient representatives of the southern subgroup of the southern Semites in South Arabia, the Mahri, Shahri, the inhabitants of the island of Socotra, etc., Amhara, Tigre, Tigrai and a number of other peoples of Ethiopia, Assyrians. .).

2. lead on the wave of anti-Jewish sentiments, more than 90 million German people, who experienced strong dislike for the Jews, especially after the economic crisis of the 1930s, as a result of which every second adult in Germany was unemployed.

Reference: "The Great Depression (English Great Depression) is a global economic crisis that began in 1929 and lasted until 1939. (The most acute from 1929 to 1933). Therefore, the 1930s are generally considered the period of the Great Depression. The Great Depression is most severe affected the US, Canada, UK, Germany and France, but was also felt in other states. Industrial cities suffered the most, and construction almost ceased in a number of countries. Due to the reduction in effective demand, prices for agricultural products fell by 40-60%". .

3. revive in the new capacity of the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" (create the "Third Reich""Third Rome") due to the political or forceful subordination of most European countries to Germany;

Moreover, the idol of the Jew Adolf Hitler, who became the head of Germany in 1933, was the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, the son of a Jewish woman, Judith of Bovarskaya - Friedrich Barbarossa(1122-1290). It was in honor of him that Adolf Hitler called his plan for the attack of the Wehrmacht troops on the USSR "Plan Barbarossa":

4. Organize as the Holy Roman Empire once did, under the symbol of the cross the real one "crusade" , aimed at Russia ("Drang nach Osten"), in order to conquer it by the forces of a united Europe.

Crusades of different times.

Reference: "During the war of 1941-1945, the whole of Europe fought against the USSR. 350 million people, regardless of whether they fought with weapons in their hands, or stood at the machine, producing weapons for the Wehrmacht, did one thing".

5. Discredit the ancient Aryan solar symbol - the swastika - to the point of impossibility of its further use in Russia and Europe as a positive symbol, initially charged with the energy of peacemaking and prosperity.

Why did the Jew Hitler have to discredit the swastika and generally tarnish the memory of the Aryans in such a way? The answer is easy if you think about it! Aryans, whose second name is - hyperboreans , went down in history as a missionary people who founded ancient Rome and taught the ancient Greeks the sciences and arts, as evidenced by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. In the twentieth century, thanks to new scientific discoveries and new archaeological finds in Europe, the second Renaissance could begin, which, like the first Renaissance, would certainly be oriented towards antiquity and its unique Culture created by the Aryans, or Aryans.

What the Aryans (Hyperboreans) looked like can be judged from these sculptures of Apollo and Aphrodite.

So that no one else in Europe would remember about the Aryan Culture, and the devil in the flesh was needed - Hitler, who would paint the old image of the noble Aryans with black paint and make a new image to replace him - the Aryan killers.

Reference: "Revival , or the Renaissance (French Renaissance, Italian Rinascimento; from re / ri - "again" or "again" + nasci - "born") - an era of world significance in the history of European culture, which replaced the Middle Ages and preceded the Enlightenment and New time. It falls - in Italy - at the beginning of the XIV century (everywhere in Europe - from the XV-XVI centuries) - the last quarter of the XVI centuries and in some cases - the first decades of the XVII century. A distinctive feature of the Renaissance is the secular nature of culture, its humanism and anthropocentrism (that is, interest, first of all, in a person and his activities). Interest in ANTIQUE CULTURE is flourishing, its “revival” is taking place - and this is how the term appeared ". .

Here, briefly, are the tasks that during the Second World War of 1939-1945 were solved by Jewish Adolf Hitler being the head of Nazi Germany, who was brought to power first over the German people, and then to power over all of Europe, by other very rich and influential Jews.

In January 2015, already knowing this vile secret, carefully hidden by those in power from all the peoples of the planet, I wrote an article "Jews! Give the Germans back the money for the Holocaust six millions Jews scam". The very idea to appeal to all Jews with such an appeal came to me after I analyzed a number of historical facts and realized that the whole history of Nazism, including the so-called "Holocaust of 6 million Jews", was a monstrous fraud on the part of the Jews themselves.

I was especially shocked by this information in the world media:

"Germany undertakes to pay compensation in the amount of one billion dollars by 2017. This will be compensation for the bullying suffered by the Jewish people during the Holocaust, when almost six million Jews died". .

An interesting "oil painting" is obtained!

On the one hand, during the Second World War Nazis who carry out their orders Jewish leadership killed hundreds of thousands of Jews. This is a fact that cannot be doubted.

Jewish leadership of the Wehrmacht.

Concerning numbers allegedly killed by the Nazis "6 million Jews" , then this number of victims is still documented by no one not proven!

On the other hand, Jews to this day take from Germans, men and women, the vast majority of whom were born after the Second World War, compensation for 6 million Jewish souls! And this tribute is taken only from the Germans, although a large number of European countries and peoples fought on the side of Nazi Germany under the one-man command of Adolf Hitler. How much multinational was Hitler's "Nazism", can be judged by the list of Hitler's soldiers who were in Soviet captivity:

So, in the confrontation with the troops of the "Third Reich" Soviet army captured with weapons in their hands:

Germans - 2 389 560,
Hungarians - 513 767,
Romanians - 187 370,
Austrians - 156 682,
Czechs and Slovaks - 69,977,
Poles - 60 280,
Italians - 48 957,
French - 23 136,
Croats - 21 822,
Moldovans - 14 129,
Jews - 10,173, (even Jews, Carl!)
Dutch - 4 729,
Finns - 2 377,
Belgians - 2010,
Luxembourgers - 1652,
Danes - 457,
Spaniards - 452,
gypsies - 383,
Norwegians - 101,
Swedes - 72.

Why are the Germans alone paying Jews compensation for the Holocaust?! Where is the logic?! What is this, the historical revenge of the Jews on the Germans?! How can you take any monetary compensation from those Germans who were born in Germany already in the post-war peacetime?! This is an unheard of injustice and even impudence!

And if the leaders of the Jewish people had the intelligence and impudence to take money for "dead souls" from all German citizens indiscriminately, even 70 years after the end of that war (remember that "Germany undertakes to pay compensation in the amount of one billion dollars by 2017"), then return the money fraudulently received from them to the Germans too all Jews must indiscriminately! All indiscriminately! It will be fair! Especially after the newly discovered circumstances! Especially after it became known that Adolf Hitler was 100% Jewish!

By the way, the reason for writing this article was that I, the author of the article "Jews! Give the Germans back the money for the Holocaust six millions Jews scam", the Russian judiciary wants to impute "denial of the facts established by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal for the trial and punishment of the main war criminals of the European Axis countries". This is Article No. 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to this criminal article, citizens of Russia "shall be punished by a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles or by imprisonment up to 3 years." What if "denial of the facts established by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal...", It was committed "With use of funds mass media, as well as with the artificial creation of evidence for the prosecution," the fine reaches up to 500 thousand rubles, and the term of imprisonment can reach 5 years.

Allow me! And can it be considered a fact, and even "established by the verdict of the International Tribunal", these are the words included in the protocol of the Nuremberg Tribunal Rudolf Hess(Rudolf Heß; 1894–1987), who also referred to another Nazi criminal Jewish blood, who at that time managed to escape from justice in Argentina - Adolf Eichmann:

“Adolf Eichmann, who was commissioned by Hitler to carry out this program, calculated that as a result of the policy pursued, six million Jews, of which four million were killed at the extermination points".

These words are not "an established fact" and cannot be by definition, since they are just "the words of Rudolf Hess", who said that, they say, Jew Adolf Eichmann, which Jewish Adolf Hitler "instructed the implementation of this program", later called the Holocaust, counted something...

Moreover, there is no other "evidence" about "six million murdered Jews" in the verdict of the International Tribunal! Amazing thing! The Nazis did not bother to count how many Soviet people they killed during the Second World War, how many Poles they killed, and all the rest, why did they need to count how many Jews they killed?! So that the Jews could then present them with an invoice?!

And what was the value of the testimony of Rudolf Hess at the meeting of the Nuremberg Tribunal, if he, being a high state and political figure in Germany, the third person in the hierarchy of the "Third Reich", the deputy Fuhrer in the NSDAP, in 1941 alone flew to Great Britain with the aim of convince the British to make peace with Nazi Germany, but failed in his "mission" and "was arrested by the British authorities and remained in captivity until the end of the war!» . Good witness!

And even if it is another Rudolf Hess (Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höß; 1900-1947) testified at the International Court held in Nuremberg, who was the commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp (from May 4, 1940 to November 9, 1943) and inspector concentration camps(from November 9, 1943 - to 1945), then his words could not serve as an "established fact."

Now, if during the work of the Nuremberg Tribunal these words of Rudolf Hess about the destruction of "six million Jews" by the Nazis were taken into development as a version and would be scrupulously rechecked by various commissions, followed by the provision of information to the world community about the burial places of these same 6 million Jews, as well as other information proving the fact that the Nazis destroyed just such a number of Jews, then this would be "established fact". And since none of this followed the words of Hess, then his statement, what "as a result of the policy pursued, six million Jews were killed, of which four million were killed at the points for the extermination of people", is not " established fact."

In this regard, any historian right to doubt in the truthfulness of the number of victims of the Jewish people. Moreover, they are known numerous facts of fraud and speculation on the topic of the Holocaust by Jewish journalists, politicians and historians! What I actually told about in my article, which fell into the field of view of the Russian "Center for Combating Extremism".

Here, for example, is a video posted in the public domain on the Internet and made, most likely, by a US citizen who has old issues of the New York Times for 1915-1938. He filmed them in great detail on video to show and tell everyone that the horror story about the "Holocaust of 6 million Jews" was launched by Jewish politicians many times LONG before the start of World War II !!!

How then can one trust the unfounded statement of Rudolf Hess, who, speaking at a meeting of the Nuremberg Tribunal, referred to the Nazi Jew Adolf Eichmann, if for the Jews the figure "6 million" is, apparently, of a symbolic or cult (religious) character, as all these newspaper publications eloquently speak about?! Of course, after these obvious facts of Jewish speculation on the topic of the Holocaust, there can be no confidence in the declared figure. Holocaust Six Million Jews!

Here is another irrefutable fact that exposes both Rudolf Hess and the entire world Jewry in wickedness. This is an October 31, 1919 publication by prominent US Senator Martin Glynn. Even then (in 1919!) the American politician used the word Holocaust and repeated like a spell seven times the number "six million Jews!".

So how many times in the 20th century were Jews killed by 6 million? However, these deadly facts, revealing the fraud of the Jews on the "dead souls" of their fellow tribesmen, are NOTHING compared to what has become known relatively recently. As it turned out, Adolf Hitler, skillfully pretending to be an Aryan and constantly demonstrating the Aryan swastika everywhere, was 100% Jewish!

This news is not from the yellow press! It was said on TV channel "Russia-24"! Now listen to the statement of one of the oldest deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky(by the way, a Jew by the pope, who until June 10, 1964 bore the surname Eidelstein):

"You know that there are already published diaries from the family Rothschild?! Who was Hitler? It was 100% Jewish, not German! And they, the Rothschilds, deliberately adopted anti-Semitism, realizing that it is growing in all countries of the world! And then they saddled him! It was good for them to do so! Yes, let the German Jews die, or someone else, but they pushed the two powers together! The Americans then openly said: "We will give weapons and money to both Germans and Russians, and let them kill each other as much as possible!"

The words "and let them kill each other as much as possible", expressing the direction of US official policy , said on June 24, 1941, US Senator Harry Truman, who later became the 33rd President of the United States, threw the first atomic bombs in August 1945 to the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:

Below is a video recording of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky's speech in the State Duma of Russia, a fragment of which I quoted above:

If all this is true about the Jewish Rothschild clan and about the Jew Adolf Hitler (and nothing prevents our powers that be from carefully checking this information and raising it to the level of an "established fact"!), Then the peoples of the planet have the right to demand the convening of a new Nuremberg Tribunal, who this time must condemn the customer or group of customers of all Nazi crimes ( the Rothschild clan, the Habsburg clan, other Jewish clans that financed the Nazis), as well as world Jewry itself for speculating on the Holocaust! Important application: "Jews are to mankind like corrosion to iron!"

And now, perhaps, it's time to ask the question: why did the leaders of Nazism saddle the Aryan theme and decided to discredit and fill the Aryan swastika with a negative meaning? First of all, let us ask ourselves: when exactly did Adolf Hitler first combine the swastika and Nazism? As you know, the swastika has become the official emblem of the Nazi party NSDAP ("National Socialist German Workers' Party") since 1923. Since September 1935, it has been made the main state emblem of Nazi Germany, included in its coat of arms and flag, as well as in the emblem of the Wehrmacht - an eagle holding a wreath with a swastika in its claws. Until that time, the swastika was widely used in Russia. She was present on traditional old and modern Russian clothes as a pattern - well-being symbol!

The family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II also loved the swastika.

This symbol / sign flaunted both on the personal car of Nicholas II and on the personal diary of his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, but the most interesting thing is that in 1916 in Russian Empire a monetary reform was planned and new clichés of Russian banknotes with swastikas were already made! However, their release was prevented by the events that preceded the two revolutions of 1917. Then, in the spring of 1917, the "Provisional Government" that came to power over Russia used these clichés with swastikas to issue banknotes of 250 and 1000 rubles. Well, the so-called "Bolsheviks", who seized power in Russia in October of the same 1917, had to use these imperial clichés for banknotes of 5,000 and 10,000 rubles, purely out of necessity.

Does everyone see the swastika in the center of the banknote of 10,000 rubles?

So, if not for the revolution of 1917, Russia and the entire Russian people would have lived under the sign of the Aryan, or rather the Hyperborean swastika! And this is a firmly established historical fact! Why did the Jew Adolf Hitler, who was brought to power over Germany in 1933, intercept this initiative from Russia, and in September 1935 the swastika became the main state emblem of Nazi Germany? Everyone is free to seek and have their own answers to this question, but I want to express my point of view.

If we have already recognized as a fact that the Second World War unleashed by Adolf Hitler was a diabolical idea of ​​​​high-ranking Jews, then part of this diabolical idea was their desire to hastily discredit both the Aryans themselves and their solar symbol - the swastika.

Why and why?

Why is known. Throughout the centuries, Christian leaders have constantly reformed the Christian religion, and its external and internal content has constantly changed, like in a children's game of "broken phone". What was the original Christianity, which originated in the first centuries new era, modern people there was no way to even guess. And now imagine that in the Jordan at the very beginning of the twentieth century, archaeological excavations are being made and scientists find an ancient city Gerasa(Gerasa), which was once part of the famous Decapolis, mentioned in the Bible. What do they find during excavations? ancient city Geras?

In 1920, archaeologists find this floor mosaic in it, which is full of swastikas depicted, pay attention, ... in motion! Also on this floor mosaic there is an image of a man in traditional Russian shirt and boots like Ivan Tsarevich, and next to the letters Old Russian alphabet the word CHRIST is written.

Mosaic Christian Orthodox Church"St. Kosmas and St. Damian", the city of Gerasa, Northern Jordan. Dated 553 year new era. (Swastika mosaic of the Christian Orthodox Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian, Gerasa (Jerash), Northern Jordan, 553 AD).

Here is the scene taken from a wider angle. The red square outlines what is shown in the photo above.

Help from Wikipedia: "In antiquity, Gerasa was a developed and lively trading city, part of the so-called Decapolis. The famous philosopher Nicomachus of Geras was born here. A strong earthquake in 747 AD destroyed most of the city. The ruins of Jerash remained covered with a layer of soil for hundreds years until they were discovered in 1806 by a German orientalist by Ulrich Seetzen. The inhabitants of Sakib and other ancient villages of the region were the founders of the modern city of Jarash in the early nineteenth century. After 70 years, the Adygs settled in Jarash, who emigrated to Jordan from the Caucasus in 1878, after the Russian-Turkish war". .

Imagine! Already 1059 years (from 747 to 1806) the ancient city of Gerasa was hidden under a layer of soil, Christianity during this time reached its power on the planet, the priests convinced everyone that Christ was a Jew, and then suddenly in 1920 an ancient mosaic picture, CHRISTE appears in Russian national clothes, surrounded by multiple images of the swastika!!! As they say, "Mom dear!!!"

According to the logic of things, Christian leaders: Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox should have somehow explained or at least commented on such a sensational archaeological find! The very inscription on the mosaic "CHRIST" obliges them to this. However, it is still observed deathly silence for such a unique find. It was to fill this unexpected silence in the religious sphere that arose at the very beginning of the 20th century that the mission of the "lifesaver" was entrusted to Adolf Hitler. On the one hand, he also had to have an Aryan-Christian swastika denigrate to the maximum so that no one should think of her as a holy symbol, and conquer Russia with its Russian people with all the might of a united Europe - by the forces of the "Third Reich".

Today, for most people, it seems unthinkable to combine the swastika and Christianity on the mental level! It seems impossible to them. However, what to do with these artifacts, the authenticity of which cannot even be doubted, since you can even feel it?!

Here is the left and right rotation swastika dressed as a deacon a (XVI century). Now this clothes of an Orthodox priest is a rare exhibit in the museum of the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow. The monastery itself was built in 1524, more than 100 years before Nikon's famous reform, which split the Orthodox faith into the so-called "Nikonians" and Old Believers. The presence of images of the swastika on the ancient clothes of Orthodox priests is also not accidental, is also indicated by the historian A. von Fricken, the author of the pre-revolutionary book "Roman Catacombs and Monuments of Primitive Christian Art." (M., 1872).

This book contains the following information:

"One of the central places in the symbolic language of the early Christians is swastika: “The gamma cross is found on Christian monuments, first of all, next to the epitaphs, before Constantine. We see it near the inscription of the III century from the catacombs of the city Chiusi in Tuscany; on a tombstone of Roman origin, now preserved in the collection of antiquities of the city Bergamo, together with the monogram of Konstantinovskaya, near the epitaph of the year 363 and accompanied by a monogram, a wreath and a palm tree. In many other examples, an equilateral cross with curved ends is an addition to catacomb tombstones, either separately next to the name of the deceased, or between A and Q. The same sign is repeated several times on a Christian sarcophagus of the 4th century (now in the city Milan[With. 154; 519].

Information, as we see, is scarce, but the historian of the century before last confirms that in early Christianity the swastika occupied "one of the central places". So it was still 1872! And in 1920, that very famous find was made in the city of Gerasa, on which, according to the Bible, Christ himself once walked! To neutralize this sensation completely (with a guarantee!), later the enemies of the human race came up with a cunning move with Nazism and with the fake "Aryan" Hitler, who kills peoples under the symbol of the Aryan-Christian swastika! Well, it seems that I have told everything that I would like to convey to millions of people. At the end of this article, it remains to repeat once again the main historical sensation of the 21st century.

The Jews are a nation whose roots go back to the ancient kingdoms of Judah and Israel. The people, which existed for more than two thousand years without their own state, are now scattered over many countries of the world.

So, according to official data, 43% of Jews live in Israel, 39% - in the United States, and the rest - in various parts of the world. Many of them live very close to us. Do you know how to recognize a Jew among Russians, Germans, Caucasians and other peoples of the world? What features of appearance and character distinguish this ancient and mysterious nation?


So, how to recognize a Jew? Directly ask him about it. Most Jews are proud of who they are and do not hide their origins. Many half-breeds do not even wonder which half to prefer: Jewish or Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian ... And even a drop of blood is priceless for them. This is, by the way, a normal human reaction. After all, the Jews are an ancient people with a rich history and cultural characteristics. So why not be proud of it? Ask them yourself.

But there are times when people try to hide their Jewish origin. And that's not okay. For example, in the years of distant perestroika, TV presenter Lyubimov was directly asked about this. And the showman swore live in front of the whole country that neither he nor his parents were Jews. Characteristic features, however, were present in his appearance and behavior. And the surname spoke for itself: Lyubimov is derived from Lieberman.

Look at your passport

What are the surnames of the Jews? The characteristic features of Jewish surnames are the German suffixes "-man" and "-er". However, you need to be careful here. After all, both Germans and Latvians carry such surnames. For example, Blucher was pure and the German surname came to him from an ancestor who participated in the war with Napoleon. It was a reward for courage and services to the fatherland - to bear the name of a famous German commander.

There is another feature of Jewish surnames. So, it can be a kind of "geographic stamp". Many Jews, moving to Russia from Poland, changed their surnames in such a way that it was possible to understand where they came from. For example, Vysotsky (the village of Vysotsk in Belarus), Slutsky, Zhytomyr, Dneprovsky, Nevsky, Berezovsky (the village of Berezovka), Donskoy, etc.

They can also be formed from diminutive female names. After all, unlike the Russians, they trace their genealogies along the maternal line. Example: Mashkin (Mashka), Chernushkin (Nigerushka), Zoikin (Zoyka), Galkin (Jackdaw), etc.

But remember that the surname is not distinguishing feature Jews. Mashkin and Galkin may turn out to be real Russian men, while seemingly standard Ivanov and Petrov may turn out to be Jews. So it's too early to draw conclusions based on the surname alone.

Choice of names

With names, everything is much more complicated - they can be anything. Of course, there are purely Jewish ones. For example, Leo (derived from Levi), Anton (from Nathan), Boris (from Borukh), Jacob, Adam, Samson, Mark, Abram (from Abraham), Moses, Nahum, Ada (Adelaide), Dina, Sarah, Esther ( from Esther), Faina and others.

But there is also separate category names that are of Israeli origin, but Russian people wear them even more often than the Jews themselves. The characteristic features of such names are the ending -il (Daniel, Michael, Samuel, Gabriel), as well as the biblical meaning (Mary, Joseph, Ilya (Elijah), Sophia).


So, what are the characteristic facial features of the Jews? The first thing they always pay attention to is the nose. Moreover, many believe that this feature alone is already enough to consider a person a Jew. The famous "Jewish schnobel" begins to bend from the very foundation. Thus, the Israeli anthropologist Jacobs described this phenomenon in detail: "the tip is bent down, resembling a hook, and the wings are raised." If you look from the side, the nose resembles the number 6 elongated upwards. In the people, such a nose is called the "Jewish six".

However, this feature alone cannot be used to say with certainty that a person is a Jew. If you look at it, it turns out that almost all of them were big-nosed: Nekrasov, Gogol, Karamzin, and even Turgenev. But it is known for certain that they were not Jews.

In fact, Israelis can have a wide variety of noses: fleshy "potatoes", and narrow with a hump, and straight, long, with high nostrils, and even snub-nosed. So that only one nose is far from being an indicator of "Jewishness".

Common Mistakes

There is an opinion that there are certain features that only Jews have (characteristic facial features) - a huge nose, black eyes, thick lips. We have already dealt with the nose. As for dark eyes, these are the most common negroid signs. A Negroid admixture is characteristic not only of Jews, but also of persons of other nationalities. For example, as a result of the union of a Mongoloid and a Negro, the same traits can be obtained. Such an admixture is often observed among the Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Arabs, Armenians, Georgians.

Another popular misconception is that Jews have dark curly hair. Everything is the same here. Negroid sign - there. On the other hand, the biblical Jew David was blond. This is already a Nordic admixture. And look at the Russian singer Agutin - a typical Jew, but by no means dark-haired.

sign number one

And yet how to distinguish a Jew from a Slavic-Russian by the face? Are there reinforced concrete signs? Answer: yes.

If you are in doubt who is in front of you: a Jew or not, first of all pay attention to the racial trait - the Mediterranean admixture. It is not even among Caucasians, who are often confused with Jews because of their fleshy noses, thick lips and curly hair. Mediterranean admixture is very characteristic and clearly expressed even with great incest. What is it?

Both straight and in profile it is a very narrow long face. It does not expand upward, unlike typical Slavic-Russian faces. Only Jews have such a head shape with a narrow and oblong nape. Characteristic features can be seen in the photographs of Louis de Funes or Sofia Rotaru. Russian Jews are a mixture of Mediterraneans and Western Asians (Caucasians, Armenians). Ideal examples are Boris Pasternak and Vladimir Vysotsky.

So, the main distinguishing feature of the Jews is a very narrow, long face, which does not expand towards the top. If, due to any impurities, such a face has expanded, then anywhere, but not in the forehead area. The Jew's forehead is always narrow, as if he were being squeezed in a vise. In other places, in principle, the head can expand. And after you have seen this sign, you can pay attention to the nose, lips, eyes, last name and everything else that distinguishes Jews.

Character traits

The main character traits of any Jew are self-confidence, absolute self-esteem and any absence of shyness and timidity. There is even a special term in Yiddish that combines these qualities - "chutzpah". There are no translations of this word into other languages. Chutspa is a kind of pride that causes a desire to act, without fear of being insufficiently prepared or incapable.

What is "chutzpah" for the Jews? Courage, the ability to change one's destiny, to fight its unpredictability. Many Jews believe that the very existence of their state of Israel is sacred, and this is an act of chutzpah.

As mentioned above, there are no analogues in other languages ​​and translations of this concept. But in non-Jewish society, chutzpah has a negative connotation and is identified with the concepts of “arrogance”, “intolerance towards other people”, “shamelessness”, etc.

Indirect signs

It is worth considering some more Slavs and Jews. So, for example, cleanliness of the face. Jews, unlike most Russians, often have an accumulation of birthmarks in the area of ​​the nose, mouth and chin. Moles are a sign of aging and degradation of the body. The later they form on the human body, the stronger the body. In Jews, as a rule, they are formed in childhood.

We continue to name the characteristic features of the Israelis - heavily naked with This is very rarely observed among the Slavic-Russians. The Jews often have a rather rare and asymmetric dentition, in contrast to the Slavs, who are characterized by dense lower and upper teeth.

Burr as a speech defect is often considered an indirect sign. In principle, it is characteristic of some Jews. But only to a minority. Most Israelis pronounce the letter "r" very clearly. And they even teach it to Russians. But still, burriness is a rare sign, because many of the Jews who had such a defect worked hard with a speech therapist. And any Russian child can have such a pronunciation from birth.


All the peoples of the world do not have mandatory and strict laws that regulate nationality. Here is freedom of choice: either the nationality of the mother or father. The only exception is the Jews. They have a strict and inviolable law: only one who is born of a Jewish mother can be considered a Jew.

And this law is strictly observed throughout the entire existence of the nation.