Do-it-yourself knot of longevity amulet. Money knot - its meaning, how to make

Nauzy is the strongest amulet since ancient times. It protects a person from ailments and damage. You can knit knots yourself, or you can entrust the weaving to your loved one.

Not everyone knows the ancient Slavic good magic. Some of her secrets can reliably protect a person. from corruption and evil eye. These include nauzes - unusual way tying knots, capable of attracting to a person positive energy and well-being.

Knots of threads are woven, which serve as a talisman for a person. Do not consider such a thing just a tied thread. After all, the knot is magical remedy capable of strengthening or holding something. Such a talisman was taken much more seriously in ancient times than in ours. modern time. Moreover, the bundle is an indispensable tool for any witch and sorcerer.

The magic of tying knots

Since ancient times, people have worn bracelets with knots on their hands. It was these items that were considered nauzes. Depending on what the person wanted: health, happiness or money, each knot was tied differently.

The sciences were created not only to protect and preserve. Another of their purpose is healing or healing. In addition to a bracelet, bows can be worn around the neck. It can be just a thread, or it can be a thread with pendants made of wood, herbs, figurines. The ancient Slavs also tied coal stones, salt, sulfur, leather goods, bat wings and even snake heads to their amulets.

How does knot magic work? The fact is that at the moment when a person ties a knot, he certainly thinks about something. If you follow your thoughts while creating nauzes and think about what is necessary, you can instill a special power into your bundle, which will be fueled by your faith.

At the heart of nauzes is far from the material from which the amulet is woven, but human faith in its effectiveness and strength from the moment it is woven. It is worth knowing that it is necessary to tie knots by reading conspiracies aloud. A prerequisite for tying knots is the presence of a good mood.

Knitting knots should only be done by someone you trust, who has warm feelings for you, or you need to weave them yourself.

Video: "Nauzy"

Knot magic nauzy around the wrist

The nodules follow the man in his Everyday life almost always: laces, ties, belts, beads, ribbons in braids, braids, scarves, scarves and much more. A knotted knot on a special occasion can symbolize a human life path. So, if you make a knot, you are striving to somehow change your life.

Tying such knots on the wrist can help a person in many areas: in his personal life (find his love), heal (in case of a disease) or protect from black magic (damage, evil eye or envy).

wrist bracelet, nodular magic

Before you start creating nauz, you should think about what goals you are pursuing. You can tie and create such a charm for happiness, for love and for money. You can make a charm from any material, you are free to use both synthetic and natural threads.

Natural materials, such as woolen and silk threads, have a special clean energy. For this reason, it is still recommended to perform bows from natural threads.

A red thread has the strongest power for a person, which should be wrapped around the wrist three times and tied into three knots. In addition, other colors also carry energy:

  • Green thread - save you from deception, attract financial well-being to you
  • Yellow thread - protects people from envious people and their bad eyes
  • Blue thread - gives a person self-confidence, helps to be sociable and interesting people
  • White thread - necessary for those who want to change something in their lives, improve their mind, achieve goals

Video: "Nauzes, nodular magic"

Nauses on hand meanings, how to tie?

Before you tie an amulet on your hand, you should be aware of the intricacies of its creation. All amulets should be knitted only during the growing moon, as it invariably affects all areas of human life. In the growing moon, "a person gains", in the waning moon, "a person loses."

In addition, there are some rules for tying knots on a specific day:

  • Monday - to attract love
  • Tuesday - protect yourself from negative
  • Wednesday - to be successful in business
  • Thursday - to attract success and earn a lot of money
  • Friday - attract love
  • Saturday - protect yourself from evil and unkind forces
  • Sunday - get healthy, be healed

Before you start weaving nauzes, you should clearly define for yourself all your desires and goals that you are trying to achieve with the help of the amulet. Feel free to say them out loud, for example: "I want to find love, I want to meet my loved one, I want to experience the brightest warm feelings for my beloved." Speak words confidently. You can read a prayer to the Mother of God or Our Father so that the amulet can reliably protect you.

Video: "Weaving Nauz"

On which hand are bows worn?

There is no definite specifics on which hand should be worn a charm of tied knots. Knot magic involves wearing a talisman in principle on any part of the body, the main thing is that it touches you. You yourself decide whether your amulet will be visible to someone else's eye or not.

A separate condition also implies your non-disclosure about the amulet. You should not brag about them, tell and advise others to knit. Your secret should also remain the purpose of tying knots.

Most often, nauzas woven from a red thread are worn on the left hand. It is believed that in this way the amulet will protect a person from evil forces that penetrate him through the left side. You can also wear it on your right hand - this is so that you can get what you want as quickly as possible: a desire, achieve a goal, receive a gift, buy a thing, and so on.

Of great importance is also the thing that you tie on the amulet as a pendant. In ancient times, people hung old dry roots and plants, minerals and stones, metal figurines. Nowadays, buying a pendant is not difficult, but it is important to know its meaning.

Pendant value:

  • Bird - a symbol of longevity, a stork has a strong energy
  • Angel - purity of thoughts, making the right decisions
  • Scales - the ability of a person to make only the right decisions and do the right things
  • Wolf - helps a person gain career growth, good luck in business and recognition of society, human strength
  • Horse, unicorn symbol of purity, cleanses the soul
  • Star or sun protection from evil forces
  • Money sign - attracts financial well-being
  • Heart - attracts romance, feelings, love
  • Hand - allows you to make the right decisions, protects from the evil eye and damage

bows with pendants

Knot magic on black threads

In some cases, you can weave a charm on your hand not only from multi-colored threads, but also from black. This amulet will far from have a mourning value. If you intertwine a black thread with a white one, the nauzes will be able to give you wisdom and enable them to achieve their own goals.

If we discard all the negative associations that the black thread causes, then we can understand how strong the energy it has. No wonder black threads on their hands in ancient times were worn by sorcerers, magicians and witches. But in those days they caused damage to people and, probably, therefore modern amulets black color is still scary.

It is worth knowing that the black thread has its positive meaning. She has the power to give a person confidence in himself and his abilities. We can say with confidence that black nauses are needed for those people who are not too decisive in life. In addition, it helps to gain balance, that is, the ability to respond normally to any circumstances.

Black thread - a charm that will help a weak person gain confidence and too emotional - to control their feelings. The black amulet will also help anyone gain success and recognition by society.

black thread on the hand - a talisman of special significance

Red thread of nauzy, the meaning of the amulet

The red color, including the red thread, has been considered the strongest amulet for a person since ancient times. She drove away evil and evil spirits from people, attracted love and money. There are two ways to wear red thread:

  • on the left hand from corruption and envious people
  • on the right hand for the fulfillment of desires

Weaving a charm from a red thread should also be done only in a good mood, state of mind and a positive attitude. Such a charm will have great power if you make it for a loved one or a loved one makes it for you.

It is not at all difficult to create this amulet - it is enough to have a red thread (preferably woolen), which should be wrapped around the wrist and tied into seven knots. While tying knots, one should wish the person well with each knot or simply read a prayer, for example, to the Mother of God or Our Father.

Same way red thread on hand It is considered the strongest amulet, which originated in Kabbalah. But just like the Jews, the Slavs red is of great importance. Do not be embarrassed to wear a red thread amulet, because it does not harm your religion in any way.

red thread - the strongest amulet of all times and peoples

Nodular magic for love: scheme

Each knot carries certain information and therefore, knots should be tied correctly. If you are striving to achieve harmony in personal relationships, to find love and a dear person, you need a knot of love.

nauses of love

tie nauses of love follows a loved one, or a loved one should tie them for you.

Tying a knot of love is not difficult with the help of a scheme. You can tie it anywhere. Wear on the arm or on the neck, from a thread or from beads. Such a node should cleanse your negative energy of previous unsuccessful relationships (celibacy) and attract a new, positive and kind one.

love knot, tying pattern

knot of love tied

Video: "Nauzy: a love adventure"

Nodular magic for health and treatment: weaving pattern

If a person is sick or has a serious chronic illness, he will need a talisman that can assist in healing. Nauzas can easily act as a talisman; they can be worn both on the hands and around the neck. If your legs hurt, put a thread on your legs.

It is not uncommon for nauzas to be worn by those who have a harmful profession that can have a negative effect on a person. Negative influence. Pop stars often wear noses from the evil eye, masseurs wear them on their hands to avoid pain and fatigue, and so on.

Weaving nauzes for gaining health follows only from natural materials, woolen threads, silk ordinary threads or floss, cotton fabrics are useful for this. Natural material does not irritate the skin and vice versa, contributes to your well-being.

knot weaving: health

Gain health and cope with any ailment, as well as cleanse your body of negative energy will help Celtic knot of life.

Video: "Health Knot: Celtic Knot"

Do-it-yourself nouzes from the evil eye

Do not be afraid to make bows with your own hands, moreover, it is the right way achieve what you want. Making a charm with your own hands, you are sure to charge the item with positive energy, which will be with you in a difficult hour.

Buying bows in a souvenir shop, you never know who made them. What if they were not woven by a kind person? Or not healthy? For weaving nauz, find free time and a place in advance. You must have a good mood and pure thoughts. Try to literally "instill" a piece of your soul into each knot. Only such an amulet will protect from the evil eye.

nauses from the evil eye and damage

You can also weave nauzes for health close person who is currently ill.

Video: "How to tie a knot for health?"

How to make a nauz amulet?

Make nauzes according to the strength of each person. The main thing is to believe in the power of your amulet. This is the only way to guarantee the effectiveness of this amulet and its strength. Choose the most suitable color for weaving nauz.

It is interesting to know that if you choose to weave several colors at once, then you will get an enhanced result, fueled by several values.

Video: "Weaving Nauz"

Nauses for good luck, weaving a talisman

Every person dreams that he will always be favored by luck in business and personal life. Nodular magic will allow you to achieve what you want as soon as possible and without problems. To do this, you must have with you or on your body a special amulet, created with your own hands from a simple thread.

A knot for good luck does not have to be worn as a bracelet or necklace. It can be a key chain or jewelry that will be in front of you every day and have contact with you, for example, a key chain or headband, belt or belt.

Weaving a knot for good luck is not difficult with a simple scheme. Choose your thread color to enhance the effect of magic.

knot weaving pattern for good luck

Such a charm can be worn every day, and you can only have it with you when you need luck: on an exam, on a business deal, on a date, at work.

Video: "Slavic science for good luck"

How to make nauz for money?

For those who deal with business and big money every day, it is very useful to have a talisman that can protect a person from negativity. The amulet is only able to drive away the evil eye and damage, but also to attract well-being.

It is customary to keep such nauses in a wallet (in order to attract finance), in safes, at the workplace. If you believe in the power of the amulet, constantly feed on its energy and do not tell anyone that you have it, you have every chance of getting a favorable outcome their business, earn a lot of money and live in abundance.

It is best to make bows to attract money from a red thread (the color that attracts good luck, the color of a leader) or from a green thread (the color of money).

Video: "Nauza for good luck in trading"

nauses from the evil eye

Knot magic reviews

Kristina:“I believe in knot magic. Not because she is confused by something, but because she really has power. I wear it as a nauz bracelet. Usually, I make them myself and weave multi-colored threads into them, which have a special meaning for me. As for me, demolished nauzes should be burned and in no case should they be thrown away, because if you throw them away, you will throw out part of your energy!”

Alexander:« My girlfriend discovered knot magic for me. I am an avid lover of various hand-made baubles and bracelets. That is why he did not refuse to wear another beautiful little thing. I want to say that I never experience a breakdown: I always strive for the best, I always come up with something and experiment. Perhaps the amulet helps me with this. ”

Video: “Conspiracy for a better future from the book“ Nauzy. Slavic magic of knots»

The knot is perhaps one of the most ancient magical symbols, tells Clinic Tibetan Doctor SPb . At the same time, its essence is surprisingly dual: both the tying of the knot and the process of untying it have a special meaning. Moreover, the first is associated with the capture, attraction of something, and the second - with the release, the node itself is able to store energy or an idea.

The Tibetan knot (Shrivatsa Skt. Shrivatsa, Tib. Dpal be’u, other names - “knot of eternity”, “knot of infinity”, “knot of happiness”, Bur. - “ulza”) is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism. The knot of infinity symbolizes the desire to know the secrets of immortality, eternal youth and beauty.

The Tibetan Endless Knot represents the changing nature of time, the impermanence and interconnection of all things in nature, and the unity of wisdom and compassion. It is also a symbol of the interdependence of all phenomena and living beings in the universe. It is only natural that the Infinity Knot becomes a symbol of love.

How to use the symbol?

The infinity knot is used today most often as an amulet. It can be made from metal wire or ribbon, knitted from cord, or simply drawn on paper. You can purchase it from the store or make with my own hands(so the talisman will work more efficiently).

A variant of the "endless knot" used as a talisman. It symbolizes the infinity and continuity of the world and, in fact, is a multiply multiplied "eight" - a symbol of infinity. This sign can be used in home decoration or carried with you - it is able to attract good luck both in love and in business. It is especially good if you try to make this knot yourself or at least draw it.

In the form of a pendant or pendant on a bracelet, the infinity knot protects its owner from imprudent actions and opens up power over time.

A person who wears such a symbol is able to accurately determine goals for himself and achieve them, bypassing all obstacles.

How to weave an infinity knot?

It is better to weave the Tibetan infinity knot yourself.

1. Take a thread 3 meters long. Pin it on the pillow in the middle, form a loop with each end (see Fig. 1, vertical loops), pin it.

2. Take the right end of the thread, make a long loop out of it and thread it through all the vertical loops that were formed in the previous step. The loop will pass through each of them according to the scheme "under the thread-above the thread" (see the same Fig. 1). Stab.

Now make another long loop from the same thread, pass it through the vertical loops, like the first, pin it up.

3. Now we take the left end and lead it along the upper part of the knot, wrapping around all the vertically running threads, except for the rightmost eye loop. In this case, the thread will pass first over the loops, and then under them (see Fig. 2). We stab. Once again we start the same thread to the right (in this case, a loop is formed on the left) and repeat the same at the bottom of the knot.

4. Now you need to additionally walk the left end of the thread along the vertical of the knot (see Fig. 3).

The main principle to remember is that when the thread goes up, it goes under 1 thread, over 3, again under 1, and again over 3 threads, and when the thread goes down, it goes under 2, over 1, under 3, over 1 and under 1 thread.

Remember this sequence for yourself (“under one-over three-under one-over three-and down-under two-over one-under three-over-under”), this will simplify things.

1 — 3 — 1 — 3 — 2 — 1 — 3 — 1 — 1

5. Gently pull the knot over the outer loops and risers. It remains only to equalize the size of the petals, pulling up the corresponding sections of the thread (go from the middle of the knot in turn in different directions).

In ancient times, the Slavs believed in the magic of wicker amulets. Tied in a certain way, they brought good luck, strengthened health, and attracted material well-being. Nodular magic has not lost its popularity to this day.

The church in the past centuries severely persecuted everyone who adhered to the pagan faith and made amulets. Therefore, the techniques for manufacturing nodes have not fully reached our days.

Nevertheless, some knowledge is still preserved. Nauses deserve special attention - in Slavic magic, knots into which various objects were tied. Thus, special knots were woven for love, luck, wealth, protection from envious people. For example, in the old days, a young girl who wanted to find a groom, unnoticed by others, weaved Mokosh's nauz. The Slavic amulet is named after Mother Makosha, who, according to legend, spun the threads of fate. If it was time for the girl to get married, she would soon meet her fiancé, but if Makosh was against an early marriage, the girl understood this, since the knot did not help her meet her betrothed.

The action of such a nauz is similar to other amulets of the goddess Mokosh - her eponymous and.

ATSlavic nauzesfigurines of ancient deities, small gifts of nature (pebbles and plants), metal elements were intertwined. Each material and object has its own meaning. Interestingly, the plants could be replaced vegetable oil, just lubricating the amulet from time to time.

According to the rules of the Slavic magic of knots, you should not wear more than 2-3 knots on one thread. It is better to make several different sets and change them periodically. The prepared talisman can be stored for a very long time, the main thing is that outsiders should not see it.

Knot magic in other cultures

For the first time nodular magic appeared in Slavic culture. Over time, it spread to the countries of Europe. But some importance was attached to knots in other nations:

  • Africans believed in the impact of knots on male power and loving feelings;
  • the peoples of Asia to this day believe that the knot can destroy family happiness. Therefore, brides carefully monitor the absence of knots on the groom's clothes;
  • in European countries, there have long been special rites for tying a magic knot that helped a woman in labor to endure childbirth. At the same time, signs have survived to this day - pregnant women should not wear knots before childbirth, this also applies to weaving braids.

Each of us at least once in our lives has seen the Chinese knot of happiness.

In the circles of magicians, there is a sign - during any rituals, you can not braid your hair or have ovaries on your clothes. All knots are untied, otherwise the meaning of the ritual and the attracted energy may be distorted and render negative impact on the magician.

Sign. It is believed that untying a knot on someone else's bag or bag can attract someone else's negative energy.

Rules for the manufacture of nauzes

There are several rules in the Slavic magic of the Nauzes:

  1. Periodically, the bows need to be substituted under daylight heavenly luminaries. For example, a talisman for money requires sunlight, and a love nauz or for women's health and beauty requires lunar energy.
  2. It is ideal to make nauzes in nature. In an apartment, they should be woven only if there are no other options. If there is an opportunity to go to a beautiful, quiet, peaceful place, it is better to choose a day and go to nature. In extreme cases, a suburban area is suitable.
  3. Nauz knots are woven only on the growing moon. According to Slavic beliefs, with a growing moon, a person acquires what he wants, and with a waning one, he loses.
  4. Before the manufacturing process, you need to try to eliminate all possible sources of noise - nothing should distract the thoughts of the creator from the weaving process.
  5. During the entire time of weaving, you need to continuously pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

Nauz knots need to be woven on the growing moon. According to Slavic beliefs, with a growing moon, a person acquires what he wants, and with a waning one, he loses.

If it is not possible to weave complex knots, you can simply tie the threads. In this case, their number makes sense:

  • one is union with solar energy;
  • two - connecting together feelings and mind, attracting the energy of the moon;
  • three - development of creative potential, assistance in work, attraction of the energy of Mars;
  • four - inner harmony, connection with the magic of Mercury;
  • five - fertility and success in work, the use of the magic of Jupiter;
  • six - attracting love and harmony;
  • seven - the preservation of the family hearth, the strengthening of faith, the attraction of the magic of Saturn;
  • eight - harmony between emotions and reason;
  • nine - religiosity.


They should be only natural - so the power of Mother Nature will increase the effectiveness of the amulet. For you can use not only threads, but also ribbons, bunches of plants. In ancient times, the Slavs even made magic hair knots.

Thread colors

Carefully consider the choice of elements for the manufacture of nauzes, giving preference only to natural materials.

Each nauz is characterized by a specific color:

  • Black. You have to be careful with this color. Its use may be questionable. But with the right mindset during creation and accurate plotting, the black thread will help insecure people become more determined, and emotional and unrestrained people more balanced. If you use a combination of white and black thread, nauz will help you stay in the right direction in achieving your goal.
  • Red. There are many options for its use: both protection from negative energy (worn on the left hand), and for the fulfillment of desires (worn on the right hand). Three red threads speak of love, linking them seven times.
  • Yellow. It is aimed at preserving the energy channel of its owner, attracts solar energy.
  • Green. It has long been used to attract money and protect property from envious people who want to take advantage of a person for their own benefit.
  • Blue. Helps to strengthen self-confidence and develop intuitive skills.
  • Violet. Knot purple protects against accidents.
  • White. It will be useful for students and professionals in professions that require a good memory and constant learning of new information. Promotes easy learning and improves memory.

Today, it is the most commonly seen. It is mainly used as protection against the evil eye and a talisman of health.

In the universities it is not forbidden to use threads different colors. It is even considered useful, as different shades enhance the braided amulet.

Weave nauzes on our own

You can create a Slavic talisman with your own hands. This is a short process, but it requires attention and positive thoughts. Slavic amulets not used with malicious intent.

Science for wealth

The easiest way to attract money is to say a daily conspiracy when tying items of clothing: for example, a tie or a neckerchief. As speaking words, you can use something like the following: “Multiply money, but increase! Come to me, (name), and stay with me for a long time!

Nauzes to attract material wealth: a simple money knot, nauz " Money Tree”, Nauz Prosperity.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the scheme of weaving a simple money nauz in the figure below:

A more complex and permanent amulet will be a bracelet or neck harness with a figurine. A horseshoe can be used as a pendant - so that luck accompanies career development. In ancient times, three nauzes were woven, the combination was similar to the crown of a tree.

To enhance the monetary energy, you can lubricate the Slavic amulet with bergamot oil.

When creating money sciences, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When the moon begins to rise, buy a thick green candle and a ball of natural thread of the same color.
  2. Light a candle first. Then unwind a little ball and cut 9 threads of the same length. Roll them into one bundle, saying: “Nine paths, nine paths, will lead to what I want. Coppers, patches, chervonets, paper bills, signed and sealed.
  3. Then tie exactly 9 magic knots on the tourniquet in any convenient way, repeating each time: “I connect everything together in this knot: my will, passion, monetary power.”

If the finished amulet is small, you can put it in your wallet. Then it can be combined with other purse talismans, for example, or. Otherwise, it is necessary to put the money nauz in a place invisible to visitors in the house or workplace.

Nauses for love

Parting for a long time, lovers can exchange lovebirds.

There are many different patterns for love: for passion, fidelity, for newlyweds and attracting the attention of a person you like. You can make two amulets - for yourself and your lover. As a material, you can use a ribbon or a coarse cord that would look good as a bracelet.

Scheme for tying the "Lovebirds" nauz.

Love nauz is made on the growing moon. When tying a nauz, they say: "Knot, seal our union. There are no stronger bonds of love in the world!

To create a Slavic knot of happiness, you can use thin threads, and weave a horseshoe into the knot itself - for good luck in finding love.

Science for good luck

Especially the four-leaf, is considered a symbol of good luck among many peoples. Nauz for good luck outwardly resembles a clover leaf. Any thread color can be used, depending on the need. You can add a horseshoe - the symbol increases the magical properties of the nauz.

Nauz for good luck looks like a clover leaf.

Science for health

Nauses for health and healing should be worn around the neck or arm. If you are concerned about diseases of the legs - tie on sore joints. It is also recommended to wear such amulets to people engaged in work dangerous to life and health.

There are several ways to use such nauzes:

  1. To get rid of existing ailments, weave nauz on black threads. An odd number of nauzes are knitted on them, for each naming one existing disease. Then, far from home, you need to burn the resulting nauzes or simply bury them in an uninhabited place.
  2. Celtic nauz. Such a scheme is used to rid the body of a serious illness that destroys physically or spiritually.
  3. Nauz "Alive" and "Solyar". Used to fill the body with energy in chronic fatigue or exhaustion. Yellow lace is suitable for creating these amulets.

Why else weave nauzes

There are nouzes to protect the house. As a rule, it is woven from one thread, forming a flat shield from the nauzes. He will protect the house from misfortunes and ill-wishers, attract happiness and preserve family comfort. When tying such a nauz, you need to pronounce words in which the desired will sound - protection from envious people or strengthening family happiness.

There is also a nauz from the evil eye. A sure sign of the evil eye is a series of failures, illnesses, constant malaise and rapid fatigue. To create a protective amulet, use a red thread. The talisman must be worn on the arm or neck. As a last resort, attach to clothing or accessory.

How and when to tie

Depending on which nauz is planned to be created, you need to choose the appropriate day:

  • Monday - love day;
  • Tuesday - protection from evil spirits and negative energy;
  • Wednesday - good luck and success;
  • Thursday - financial well-being;
  • Friday - love;
  • Saturday - protection from ill-wishers and envious people;
  • Sunday is health day.

During the tying of knots, you need to think only about your desire, the ultimate goal of your aspirations. Desires can be spoken out loud, while the words should sound confident. If you are a believer, read the prayer “Our Father” or “Our Lady of the Virgin”, charging the amulet with sacred power.

In creating and using the amulet, the main thing is to believe in its power - this is how you will attract the necessary energy from the universe, and the amulet will concentrate it on your needs.

Knot magic has come down to our days from ancient times, then this is a very ancient type of magic. It was known to so many cultures that used knots to influence the course of events. From ancient times in Russia, knots called "nauzes" were used. It was believed that nauzes had the ability to protect from misfortunes, help with illnesses or overcome various life difficulties.

Nauzas were also used as talismans, protecting from the evil eye and damage, as they bind health and well-being to their owner. In general, nauz, in Slavic culture, is a talisman in the form of a knot, which was tied in a certain way, and was considered one of the ways of magic. They were made by people who were called "nauzniki" and "nauzniki".

Nauzes were made in ancient times often from woolen threads or leather straps. Less commonly, threads from other materials could also be used to create a nauz, and in special cases, because this was not available to everyone, precious metals were also knitted into knots. In order to enhance the effect of the nauz amulet, various objects could also be woven into it, such as stones, wooden or metal figurines of various animals, fish and birds, or even the image of various weapons and household items.

Assisted by nodular magic, a person has the opportunity to cope with almost any problem in his life. After all, magic knots can be “tied up” and drive away illnesses, failures, troubles. And with the help of the same magic knots, you can “bind” health, well-being, success, happiness and love to yourself. In knots that are so simple in appearance, great power can be hidden. Almost everyone who knows how to properly "tie" a knot - nauz - can use this power.

The knot of luck, also known as the knot of love or the mystical knot, personifies the unchanging connection of the past and the future, the connection of actions and consequences. In Slavic culture, this symbol has long meant longevity and wisdom. On closer examination, we can find six eights intertwined with one another. According to the teachings of numerology, Six is ​​the number of luck, and eight is a symbol of developing infinity - an "eternal knot", which is identified with endless love. It also means unceasing eternal life, infinity, wisdom and awareness. Therefore, this knot was still considered a sign of longevity, which was widespread in different world cultures. It is found among the ancient Slavs, and among the Buddhists of Tibet (denoting good luck), and in China under the traditional name "knot of happiness."

This amulet helps to find energy balance and protect oneself from suffering and illness, to be nourished with the necessary vitality and receive life-giving energy. On a symbolic level, it denotes the infinity of growth, development, the desire for knowledge and, accordingly, the eternal youth of the mind and soul. Only being in energy balance, a person can make his life happy and healthy. According to ancient tradition, gold is considered the best conductor of cosmic energy, so gold amulets are of particular value.

And it may be added that intertwined designs have always been popular magical amulets, since the endless line constantly drives the eyes in circles around the figure. Therefore, even the drawing of this knot can become a yantra for meditation or even induce a trance. Among the magical properties of this image we find twelve small triangles (zodiacal dozen) and a central rhombus or square, around which the tops of four large triangles are intertwined with each other. Therefore, this image contains not only eight peaks, but also many references to the mystical triples and fours.

The Tibetan infinity knot is perhaps the most ancient magical symbol. At the same time, its essence is surprisingly dual: both the tying of the knot and the process of untying it have a special meaning. Moreover, the first is associated with the capture, attraction of something, and the second with the release, the node itself is able to store energy or an idea.

Of great importance is the purpose for which it is tied, because with its help you can attract happiness and good luck with equal success, or you can cause, for example, crop failure.

Tibetan infinity knot in the Vajrayana system

The infinity knot¹ - "the knot of eternity", "the knot of happiness" - is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism. It symbolizes the desire for knowledge, eternal youth and beauty.

However, this symbol takes on a deeper meaning in the Vajrayana systems² (a kind of occult Buddhism). In Tibet, the teachings of the Vajrayana are considered the crowning glory of reverence for the Buddha. According to the Vajrayana method, the infinity knot is a symbol of karmic³ consequences (a kind of universal justice).

Any action will have consequences. Untangling the knot at one end, you tangle it at the other. Those. our deeds, good or bad, sooner or later will affect us anyway. The very form of this symbol shows the rebirth of a person and his karmic connections with the world and the universe.

What does the infinity knot symbolize?

The Tibetan Endless Knot represents the changing nature of time, the impermanence and interconnection of all things in nature, and the unity of wisdom and compassion. It is also a symbol of the interdependence of all phenomena and living beings in the universe. It is quite natural that the infinity knot becomes a symbol of love.

What can this symbol be made of?

The infinity knot is used today most often as an amulet.

It can be made from metal wire or ribbon, knitted from cord, or simply drawn on paper. You can purchase it at the store or make it yourself (this way the talisman will work more efficiently).

What gives the infinity knot?

In the form of a pendant or pendant on a bracelet, the infinity knot protects its owner from imprudent acts and opens up power over time. A person who wears such a symbol is able to accurately determine goals for himself and achieve them, bypassing all obstacles.

Sometimes in jewelry, the knot of happiness is combined with other magical symbols, enhancing their meaning. The most interesting thing is its combination with oroboros (ouroboros⁴) - the emblem of eternity, indivisibility, and also the cyclical nature of time.

Infinity Knot in Feng Shui

In China, the mystical knot of infinity is called the knot of happiness. It is often used as a traditional symbol of good luck, happiness, success and prosperity. Therefore, this magical knowledge can be used in carving, embroidery, patterns on carpets and other interior items.

If the infinity knot is combined with another symbol or amulet, then it gives the latter an unlimited effect. For example, tied to a money talisman, it provides a continuous flow of money, with amulets for love, health, creative energy means inexhaustible resources of these benefits.

How to use the infinity node?

For maximum interaction of the symbol with all aspects of life that are important to you, you can place its image or the plexus itself in a frame and hang it on the wall in your home or office.

Ornaments in the form of ribbon knots or plexuses symbolize happiness, following one's destiny.

How to weave an infinity knot?

The knot is quite complicated, so study the diagram before you start weaving.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The endless knot or eternal knot is a symbolic knot in Tibet and Mongolia (Wikipedia).

² Vajrayana is a tantric branch of Buddhism, formed within the Mahayana in the 5th century AD (Wikipedia).

³ Karma, kamma is one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal law of cause and effect, according to which the righteous or sinful actions of a person determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences (Wikipedia).

⁴ Ouroboros - a coiled snake biting its own tail (