Nodular magic - nauses. Love conspiracy on a knot

The article provides an opportunity to understand how to use knot magic correctly and what it can really be capable of. Write your questions or advice in the comments.

A conspiracy before starting an important business on a knot how to do

An important matter will pass lightly and end with tremendous success if you start it with ease. For a conspiracy, before starting an important business, you need to take a thread of red, white, or black color and measure it evenly along the length of the distance so that you can tie nine knots. After that, you need to start making knots. For each twisted knot, the following spell words should be pronounced:

“This node is the first to start the business. This second node connects with fate. This node catches the third power in the network. The fourth knot fastens. The fifth node guides. The sixth knot animates. The seventh node returns. This eighth node was nobody's, it became mine. This node is the ninth no one will be to blame.

After such a conspiracy, any important matter will pass, as if in one breath.

Love conspiracy on a knot

For a conspiracy to love, you need to take a white woolen thread and tie knots on it along the entire length. The number of nodes is not limited. After that, you should calculate how many knots came out. Provided that the number of knots on the rope is odd, then you can read the plot on this thread, but if it turned out even, you need to immediately burn it and not perform such a ritual for three days.

The words of the conspiracy should be: “No matter how long the rope is, the last knot will be. No matter how you, slave (name), walk from me, my slander will destroy you. Love, the soul of a slave (name), the soul of a slave (your name). Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, you need to take the charmed rope to the house of your loved one and throw it under the threshold. The conspiracy will work when the person to whom it was made steps over this thread with knots.

Nodular magic for healing from illness

To conspire to heal from an illness, you should take a black woolen thread and make a loop over the place that hurts. After that, tighten this loop into a knot three times so that the knots lie on top of each other evenly and neatly. In this case, it is necessary to read the plot:

“I impose a disease on a knot,
I tie the disease to the knot,
I tie a disease in a knot,
I drive the disease to the knot,
I fix the disease in a knot,
I attach the disease to the knot.
Disease in the knot
Health is in me.

At the end of the ritual, the charmed thread must be buried in the ground, saying: “The rope will rot! Health will come!

Nodular magic protection from damage and enemies

To conspire to protect against damage and enemies, you need to use black threads. To carry out the ritual, you need to crochet a small napkin. During the entire knitting process, the following words should be pronounced:

“Corruption-corruption, wrinkled-wrinkled, I tie you with a thread, I untie you from the servant of God (name). Black thread, from the house, from the threshold, from the window, from the door, from the blockage, from the thawed patch!

At the end of knitting, you need to take a napkin and put it in any vessel that can be closed with a lid. After that, throw it into a deep river, where there will be a good current.

Nodular magic from drunkenness and alcoholism

Such a conspiracy must be performed during the waning moon. To carry it out, you need to take a black leather rope and hair from the head of a person suffering from alcoholism. The first knot must be tied with this hair, and the other two over the first. Each tied knot must be accompanied by reading the words of the conspiracy:

"I'll tie it in a knot, I'll make a break,
As water flows, so vodka will leave
From your servant, Lord, (full name).
I'll tie knots, I'll block the way for vodka
To your servant, Lord, (full name).
Damn no more beer
Do not take the throat into the mouth.
Your servant, Lord, (full name).
Knot on a break, created a fracture.
Grieve to the twist, get out of the guts,
Forever, forever, banish
from your servant, Lord, (full name).

At the end of the conspiracy, you should thank the higher powers for their help. The lace must be hidden in clothes, or things of the person for whom it was made. You can make several of these laces and hide them in different places where the drinker is most often located.

Nodular magic of science from betrayal

A conspiracy against betrayal will be effective if you resort to knot magic, namely, to make a triple knot to protect the well-being of the family. To carry out such a ritual, you will need as many green and red threads as there are corners in the house. You need to take the threads and make a triple knot in the middle, saying the words of the spell:

“Evil rivals are sweethearts,
Young girls and widows
Don't look at my husband
Take your black eyes away.
There is no place for you
Neither in his native vardo, nor on a long journey,
Not in his bed, not on his horse,
Not in his heart, not in his soul.

Become evil dogs for him,
Cold snows in winter
Poisonous snakes in the forest
Black warts on the nose.
I will always be dear to him.
My teeth, teeth, lips, my lips
My mouth, my mouth.

In the name of the Father and the Son of Jesus Christ.
Nobody will interrupt my word,
Nobody will take my case.
Key, lock, gray sand.
Aspen pole, and on it
From the coffin of nails. Amen".

After that, the charmed knots need to be laid out in all corners of the house, so much so that the husband does not find them.

Knot magic technique for fulfilling desires

To conduct such a ceremony, you need to measure 30 centimeters of a woolen cord of red, white, or black. Put a mirror, sit opposite and start knitting knots. Before knitting, you should say:

“What I think, it will come true, what I say, it will happen, what I will do, everything will turn for the best”

After that, for each subsequent knot, say: “As this knot is tied evenly and correctly, that my desire (what desire) would be fulfilled evenly and correctly.”

And so to the end of the thread. Then take the charmed knots and hide them in a secret place in your house.

Knot magic 9 knots

Such a plot for 9 knots must be done on a woolen cord, preferably red. At the same time, it is necessary to start knitting knots from the end to the middle. Each node should speak:

"With the first knot, the spells begin,
With the second knot, my wish comes true,
With the third knot the magic is released
With the fourth knot, my word is law,
With the fifth knot, the spell flourishes
Strengthens magic with the sixth,
With the seventh knot my word flies to the sky,
We create magic with the eighth knot,
With the ninth knot, strength is taken.

Knot magic on black threads on the enemy

To carry out such a conspiracy, you should take a black woolen thread, light candles and start making knots in front of the mirror. Tie three knots into one large knot. There are also three such large knots, that is, three by three. During the creation of nodes, you need to say the words, for each large node once:

“Whoever comes with a quarrel, that threshold will not cross, he will not take mine, he will not take away good from me, he will twist his arms and legs, he will cramp his stomach, he will burn his head with a red-hot iron. Whoever comes with good will enter freely. My word is strong, in word and deed - do not interrupt. May it be so!"

As the knots are made, the candles must be extinguished and, together with the thread, hidden near the threshold of your house.

Nodular magic types of nodes, examples, varieties

Nodular magic is a fairly common phenomenon. There are many techniques and varieties of weaving knots.

Types and varieties of nodules:

Straight knot. Known since antiquity, the second name of which is the Hercules Knot. A simple and effective knot with magical properties, it was often depicted on dishes and jugs.

Knot "Four winds". It is made in the form of an Indian swastika, personifies the four cardinal points, the element of fire and symbolizes the sun.

Multi knot mascot. It resembles a rosary in the manner of knitting, it is used in case of an insoluble, energy-exhausting problem.

Knot "Faithful Beloved". Created to strengthen love bonds.

Everyday amulet. Created for everyday use, created like a castle and serves as protection from dark forces.

Node for partner selection. A node that helps to better feel and understand the situation and people, enhances premonition and intuition, makes it possible to better understand people.

Knot to increase self-esteem. Fits for people who have lost faith and love for themselves. Helps to increase confidence, self-control, internal and external attractiveness.

Exit node. It is used as an aid to get out of the vicious circle, also when stuck in an incomprehensible, problematic situation.

Support Node. It is created to increase morale and improve the psychological state when hope and faith in the best are lost.

Node of acquiring personal power. It is used to develop one's own beginning in oneself: for men it is a strong masculinity, for women - gentle feminine. Develops internal abilities and power of energy flows.

Example: A man has lost a loved one. He became weak and does not see the further meaning of life. The morale is so depressed that despair will soon lead him to attempt suicide. Nobody can help him.

The only thing left for a man is to turn to higher powers and alternative medicine. This is where nodular magic comes to the rescue. In his state, several knots should be made. One is the node of support, the second is the node of exit, the third is the node of acquiring personal power.

Knot magic to attract money

To attract money, a conspiracy must be done on a green thread, because green color- monetary. Such a ritual should be performed on Thursday. You need to take a green woolen thread and tie nine knots, for each knot, saying these words:

“The first knot of sorcery begins.
With the second node, the work is done.
With the third knot, the money goes to me.
With the fourth knot, new opportunities are knocking at my door.
With the fifth node, my business is booming.
The sixth knot fixes witchcraft.
With the seventh node I am given success.
With the eighth node, income is multiplied.
With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!"
After the conspiracy, carry the thread with knots with you all the time.

For me so "Everything you believe in works". For me, this is an axiom that is also true and vice versa: “Nothing will work if there is no faith…”

And the stronger the faith, the better and faster it works ...

I promised to lay out the witchcraft methods of nodular magic from ailments and diseases.

I will say right away that I myself have never used nodular magic in my practice ...

Firstly, because I’m not friends with needlework) Well, I can’t sew and embroider)

Secondly, because other methods work for me. I have enough faith in my thoughtform.

And this does not mean that I do not believe in “nodular magic”) I just clarify that I myself have not used it. If you are into needlework (of any kind), remember that this process (whether you like it or not) is magical anyway. That is why I spend so much time on this topic.

The methods that I give are not mine, they are, so to speak, “folk”. Therefore, you can use them, or you can come up with your own). Everything will work out if you approach the matter with soul and faith.

"Tie up the disease"

Formula = woolen thread (red, yellow or green, depending on the diseased organ) - tied around the diseased organ with the intention of curing it. As if we “tie up” the disease, we patch it with a thread.

"Vest from diseases"

Crochet a vest from a solid (!) thread and wear it under your clothes for forty days without taking it off (instead of a shower, you will have to limit yourself to rubbing). The method is good for those who suffer from chronic diseases of those parts of the body that can be covered with a vest. She heals, including from spiritual sorrows. Socks, leggings, etc. are knitted for sick legs. It is important that the thread does not break.

"Remove the disease."

Cut the black cotton thread with a magic knife or tear it off with your hands, make a loop over the sore spot and then tighten it into a knot. At the same time, say something in free text about your intention, but formulate it very clearly and preferably laconic. Repeat the tying on one thread three times, trying to make the knots lie on top of each other..

“I impose a disease on a knot,

I tie the disease to the knot,

I tie a disease in a knot,

I drive the disease into a knot,

I fix the disease in a knot,

I attach the disease to the knot.

Disease in the knot

Health is in me.

After the ceremony, bury the thread in the ground, saying: "The rope will rot, Health will come!"

To heal another person (not yourself), say everything the same, except:

"Sickness in the knot,

Health is in me. - Replaced by:

“The disease has gone into the knot,

Health (name of the patient) brought.

I will clarify that magical rites for recovery are performed on the waning moon. For women on women's magical days (Wednesday, Friday), for men on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

Ancient nodular magic Slavs today are not known to many. But she has a colossal ability to protect from the evil eye and damage.

Nauzes can also be attributed to such good magic - a unique way to tie knots, which allows you to attract well-being to a person. Such knots of interwoven threads can become a powerful amulet for any person.

Features of Slavic nodular magic

If you are desperate and do not know how to attract happiness and good luck into your life, special nodular magic can help you. This is a fairly simple method that is available to everyone and helps succeed in various areas of human life.

Let us consider in more depth what is nodular magic.

This kind of witchcraft is widespread not only in Slavic culture, but also in the traditions of many world cultures.

Many centuries ago, our ancestors learned to make special nauses to protect yourself from spoilage and the evil eye, cure serious illnesses, protect children, attract love and prosperity into your life.

This kind of magic is distinguished by the simplicity of symbols. When a knot is tied, its performer in this way binds to wealth, health, love or luck.

Another option is also possible - with the help of such nodules, you can tie up any negativity from which a person wants to get rid of. After the rite, such a “bad” nauz needs to be burned. In this way, as it were, the negative binding is destroyed.

The ancient Slavs did not knit complex knots. With this question, it was easiest to turn to the Magi. Nevertheless, every woman knew perfectly well how much witchcraft can be done with the help of ordinary knots of threads. different colors. These rituals have survived to this day. Today, the descendants of the ancient Slavs may well use the magic of their ancestors for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

Knot magic in other cultures

In many countries of the world, the unique opportunities provided by the magic of knots were well known and highly appreciated.

  1. Residents of most European countries firmly believed that with the help of magic knots tied in a special way, one could deprive male power and even destroy the family.
  2. Similar beliefs exist in Asian culture. Until now, Syrian brides have been careful to ensure that there are no knots on the groom's clothes. It is believed that with their help, an evil sorcerer can destroy the family happiness of a young couple.
  3. In African tribes, there is also a belief that nodular magic can affect male potency and love relationships in general.
  4. The responses of ancient beliefs are also found in modern signs associated with weddings.
  5. A large number of such signs are associated with pregnancy. It is no coincidence that women in labor are forbidden to weave braids even today - after all, this is also a kind of knot. Before the onset of childbirth, a pregnant woman should not have any nodules on herself.
  6. In Europe, there have long been rituals associated with untying knots and designed to make childbirth easier for a woman.
  7. Almost all the magicians of the world know that during many rituals you need to let your hair down and untie all the knots on your clothes. After all, any knot on the clothes or body of the sorcerer can significantly distort the meaning of the ritual and turn the magical flows in a completely different undesirable direction.

Nowadays there is a sign that forbids untying other people's knots on bags and packages. Thus, someone else's negative energy can turn on you.

Knot magic can be done both in the name of good and evil. It all depends on the thoughts and intentions of the one who addresses it.

Rules for making nauz

If you decide to make nauzes, they will only have the value that you give them in the process of work.

Like any magic, nauzes are subject to a number of rules. If you want your plot to work quickly and effectively, you should strictly adhere to the rules on how to tie a knot on a thread:


The materials you plan to use are also important. The material must be natural and not distort the shape of the knot.

In ancient times, animal veins, leather, wool or linen laces were used to make such knots.

Nowadays, you can find a wide variety of types of threads that will allow you to realize your plans. It can be linen, cotton or natural wool, as well as leather laces. The thread must be the correct size. Experts in the manufacture of such magic knots recommend choosing a thread length that will be a multiple of three.

It is not necessary to use only textiles. You can learn how to make knots from metal wire and make beautiful amulets. However, it should be borne in mind that different metals have different magical properties.

The use of synthetic materials will significantly weaken the effect of a magical ritual. In order to influence a living entity, one will need living natural materials. Even if the synthetic thread is not visible to the eye, it can make significant changes at the energy level. The result may be unpredictable.

Thread color

It is very important that the color of the threads matches the purpose pursued by the ritual.

  1. For love rituals, pink threads are best suited.
  2. Money can be attracted with the help of green threads.
  3. Orange is a good color to attract good luck.
  4. Red knots will attract love, protection and health.
  5. To get rid of negativity, use black thread.

Rules for tying by day of the week

There is a certain pattern of tying knots by day of the week:

  1. On Monday, nauzes are made to bring love into life.
  2. Tuesday is a good day to protect against negativity.
  3. Wednesday - success in all matters.
  4. On Thursday, you can attract success and money.
  5. Friday brings love.
  6. Saturday is the time to get rid of negative influences.
  7. On Sunday, you can be healed of diseases.

When starting to make a nauz, it is very important to determine for yourself the purpose for which this is being done. You can say your desire out loud, very clearly and confidently. Before work, you can read the prayer of Our Father or Virgin Mary.

Wear rules

There are no specific requirements for which hand the bows are worn on. You can wear them on any part of the body, as long as the nodules are in contact with you. And show them to others or hide them under clothes - it's up to you.

A prerequisite for effective influence is the observance of secrecy. It is not recommended to tell everyone you meet about this amulet and recommend it to everyone in a row. Wearing knots, as well as the purpose for which they are tied, should remain your personal secret. This explains why you can not untie other people's knots.

Nauzas, made of red threads, are most often worn on the left hand. According to legend, this is how you can protect yourself from the effects of evil forces penetrating a person from the left side. If you want to get what you want as soon as possible, you can put the amulet on your right hand.

Of no small importance is the item that you choose as a pendant.

Previously, dried roots were used as pendants. various plants, stones and metal figurines. Nowadays, you can choose a pendant, given its symbolic meaning:

  1. The figurine of a bird symbolizes longevity. The figures of storks have the strongest energy.
  2. The image of an angel means purity of thoughts and wisdom in making decisions.
  3. Libra emphasizes the ability to make wise and informed decisions, to do the right thing.
  4. The image of a wolf is a symbol that helps a person achieve success, move forward career ladder and gain social acceptance. In addition, the wolf symbolizes strength and good luck.
  5. Horses or unicorns contribute to the purification of the soul.
  6. The image of the sun or star helps protect against evil forces.
  7. A banknote or coin allows you to attract financial well-being and prosperity.
  8. The heart symbolizes love and romance.
  9. The hand allows you to do the right actions and make the right decisions.

Knots on black threads

There are cases when nodular amulets are woven not only from colored threads, but also from black ones. However, this does not mean that such a talisman has a mourning character. The combination of black and white threads will give the wearer the wisdom and success in achieving any goal.

In this case, it is very important to distract from the stereotypical perception of black as a sign of negativity. Then it will become clear what a strong energy this product has. It was not for nothing that the most powerful sorcerers and magicians wore black threads on their hands.

It should be remembered that such weaving from black threads also has a positive meaning. It is endowed with the power that will allow you to feel confident and filled with vital energy.

People who by nature are not too confident in themselves, it is simply necessary to wear such black bows. In addition, they give a person peace and the ability to adequately assess the situation and respond appropriately.

In addition, the black amulet allows you to learn how to control your emotions, gain success and public recognition.

Red bows

Since ancient times, the red color has been considered the most powerful amulet that allows you to protect yourself from any misfortune. Naauzes of red color were designed to drive away from a person evil spirit and all negative impact. In addition, it is able to attract love, luck and health into the life of its owner.

There are several ways to wear red nodular amulets. If you tie such an amulet on your left wrist, it will reliably protect from envious glances and even from damage. An amulet tied to the right hand helps to fulfill the most secret desires and dreams.

It is necessary to weave a red nodular amulet with a good mood and wholesome thoughts. In this case, the amulet will have tremendous power. It is especially good if you make such a talisman for a person who is very dear and close to you. It is also auspicious sign to receive such a gift from your beloved or beloved.

Creating such a charm is not so difficult. To do this, you need a red thread made of natural wool. The optimal length of the thread is 30 cm. The thread must be wrapped around the wrist and tied into seven knots. Before you tie a knot on a thread, you need to wish the person all the best. You can read to yourself or aloud the prayer of Our Father or the Mother of God.

Such a red thread on the hand will play the role of a powerful amulet. It originates from ancient Kabbalistic magic. Both among the Jews and among the Slavs, the red color is of no small importance. Do not be afraid to wear such an amulet, because it will not cause any harm to your religious worldviews.

Attention, only TODAY!

Nauzy is a kind of Slavic magic. It is a weaving of knots in a special way with their conspiracy. As a result of this, a talisman was obtained, which was supposed to maintain health, attract money and bring good luck. This is not surprising, because the knot is an obligatory attribute of magic and witchcraft.

Slavs often intertwined various objects into nauzes. These could be images of gods, stones - talismans and various plants. So nodular magic intensified and a powerful amulet was obtained.

Until now, Slavic sciences have not lost their relevance. Absolutely anyone can weave them with their own hands. In this case, it is not necessary to have a magical gift. It is enough to choose the right materials for weaving, not to allow negative thoughts during work, and also to know the patterns of weaving and the desired plot.

The magic of knots is a special magic and in order to master it, first of all, you need to know the rules for weaving nauzes.

It is necessary to work for the growing moon. It is best to weave amulets in nature.

It is also important to choose the “correct” day of the week:

  • Monday - on this day, knots are made for love;
  • Tuesday - suitable for making amulets from the evil eye and damage;
  • Wednesday - on this day, bows are made for good luck, as well as knots for successful trading;
  • Thursday - suitable for making a money amulet, knots for repaying a debt, as well as attracting good luck;
  • Friday - this day, like Tuesday, is suitable for weaving a talisman for love and happiness;
  • Saturday - on this day they make a talisman against evil forces;
  • Sunday - on this day, nauzes are made for health.

The materials from which the knot is made are also important. First of all, they must be natural. Do not use synthetic materials in the work. Knots can be made from laces, threads or ribbons.

The color of materials also matters:

  • Red - to protect against evil forces and to attract love.
  • Violet - to protect against premature and violent death, accidents and accidents. Nauzas are also made from such a thread for health.
  • Green - helps to attract wealth and promotes career growth.
  • Yellow and orange - these colors will protect against evil witchcraft.
  • Blue and blue - give protection from various ailments, as well as from quarrels and scandals.
  • White - helps to fulfill desires, including the most intimate ones. The wish fulfillment technique is quite simple. A white lace or thread is woven into the knot and during this you need to imagine that the desire has already come true. Then it will really come true. In addition, the white thread is tied to study. It improves memory and enhances attention. Such a bundle will help to achieve academic success both at school and at the institute, academy.
  • Black - bestows self-confidence and relieves excessive emotionality.
  • Black and white neti, used at the same time, bestow wisdom and help achieve your goals without anyone's help.

In the amulet, you can use three laces or any other material of a different shade. The number of threads may be more, but it is desirable that their number be a multiple of three. In this case, the sciences will be obtained for all occasions. Such a charm will protect, preserve health, bestow love and attract money. The more complex the knot is woven, the stronger it will be.

In addition, colors can be chosen according to the horoscope:

The Slavic magic of knots, as mentioned above, allows the use of pendants in nauzes. For their manufacture, metal, paper, wood, natural stones, cereals, as well as various plants can be used.

Various figurines are made from these materials. They can be woven directly into the knot itself or embroidered into a pouch and hung from it. The main thing is to choose the right figure for the amulet and know its meaning. Here are the most popular pendants:

  • horseshoe - bestows good luck in any endeavor, brings happiness;
  • bird - helps to find love and attracts money;
  • key - bestows wealth and protects against theft;
  • tooth or claw of the beast - protects from evil forces and enemies;
  • slave - bestows good luck and attracts money;
  • sickle - helps to get a rich harvest;
  • spoon - bestows prosperity and well-being.

Nauzas can be worn on the arm or around the neck. From time to time, nauses need to be kept in the sun so that they are charged and freed from the accumulated negativity.

Making nauzes

Science for wealth

Noises for money can be made from everything. It can even be a handkerchief tied around the neck, a ribbon with a knot woven into a braid or tie. While tying the knot, you need to think about money, wealth and imagine the material goods that are bought with money. In no case should negative thoughts be allowed, and even more so thoughts about poverty. This is the easiest way to make nauzes to attract money.

In addition, knots for wealth can be made in a more complex way. These nauzes are called " Money Tree". It consists of three identical knots that are woven in the shape of a tree. The talisman is not worn on itself, but stored on the desktop or in a desk drawer. It can also be hung above the front door. When making an amulet, you need to pronounce such a conspiracy: “Grow money. Multiply money. Add money. Make (name) me rich, come to me. May it be so!".

There is another way to make a bundle for wealth, as well as to repay a debt. You need to buy a green candle for the waxing moon. You will also need nine identical threads of green. They need to be placed next to each other and rolled into one bundle.

At the same time, the following conspiracy should be pronounced: “Nine roads, nine ways will come to me what I want, copper nickels, silver rubles, gold chervonets, significant bonds on paper, marked with signatures and seals.”

After that, exactly nine knots must be tied on this tourniquet. For each of them you need to read the plot:
“I fasten this knot all in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power.”

Such a lace can be put in a wallet, bag or in a desktop drawer.

Knowledge for love

Ordinary braids can become nauzes to attract love. To do this, while weaving them, you need to think about love or a loved one. You can also represent family and children.

In addition, you can weave a "knot of passion." To do this, you need one piece from yourself, and the other from a loved one. You can, for example, take laces. Such nauses will help to revive past feelings or reunite with your loved one. While working, you need to think about him and joint happiness. In addition, there are other knots to attract love - these are "lovebirds" and "flaming hearts".

During weaving, you need to say the following words: “Knot, strengthen the union. There are no stronger bonds of love! The conspiracy must be pronounced with confidence that the amulet will really help to find love and revive old feelings.

Nodules for health

There are several ways to make bows for good health. For example, if a person is sick, then you can take a black thread and tie an odd number of knots on it. For each weaving, you need to say the name of the disease. After that, it must be destroyed. Most the right way is to burn the thread. After that, the disease will immediately recede. You can also give a thread to the ground. It is believed that after this, the disease will also immediately go away.

There are also such sciences for health promotion as “alive”, “solar” and “tree of life”. Each of these nodules helps to get rid of existing ailments, and also prevents the occurrence of diseases.

To activate the sciences for health promotion, you need to think about the recovery and health of loved ones during work.

Nauzas are not simple knots, but magical ones. The main thing is to know how to whip them and what words to say at the same time, and also to believe in their magical properties.

Ancient nodular magic Slavs today are not known to many. But she has a colossal ability to protect from the evil eye and damage.

Nauzes can also be attributed to such good magic - a unique way to tie knots, which allows you to attract well-being to a person. Such knots of interwoven threads can become a powerful amulet for any person.

If you are desperate and do not know how to attract happiness and good luck into your life, special nodular magic can help you. This is a fairly simple method that is available to everyone and helps succeed in various areas of human life.

Let us consider in more depth what is nodular magic.

This kind of witchcraft is widespread not only in Slavic culture, but also in the traditions of many world cultures.

Many centuries ago, our ancestors learned to make special nauses to protect yourself from spoilage and the evil eye, cure serious illnesses, protect children, attract love and prosperity into your life.

This kind of magic is distinguished by the simplicity of symbols. When a knot is tied, its performer in this way binds to wealth, health, love or luck.

Another option is also possible - with the help of such nodules, you can tie up any negativity from which a person wants to get rid of. After the rite, such a “bad” nauz needs to be burned. In this way, as it were, the negative binding is destroyed.

The ancient Slavs did not knit complex knots. With this question, it was easiest to turn to the Magi. Nevertheless, every woman knew very well how powerful witchcraft can be done with the help of ordinary knots of threads of different colors. These rituals have survived to this day. Today, the descendants of the ancient Slavs may well use the magic of their ancestors for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

Knot magic in other cultures

In many countries of the world, the unique opportunities provided by the magic of knots were well known and highly appreciated.

  1. Residents of most European countries firmly believed that with the help of magic knots tied in a special way, one can deprive male power and even destroy a family.
  2. Similar beliefs exist in Asian culture. Until now, Syrian brides have been careful to ensure that there are no knots on the groom's clothes. It is believed that with their help, an evil sorcerer can destroy the family happiness of a young couple.
  3. In African tribes, there is also a belief that nodular magic can affect male potency and love relationships in general.
  4. The responses of ancient beliefs are also found in modern signs associated with weddings.
  5. A large number of such signs are associated with pregnancy. It is no coincidence that women in labor are forbidden to weave braids even today - after all, this is also a kind of knot. Before the onset of childbirth, a pregnant woman should not have any nodules on herself.
  6. In Europe, there have long been rituals associated with untying knots and designed to make childbirth easier for a woman.
  7. Almost all the magicians of the world know that during many rituals you need to let your hair down and untie all the knots on your clothes. After all, any knot on the clothes or body of the sorcerer can significantly distort the meaning of the ritual and turn the magical flows in a completely different undesirable direction.

Nowadays there is a sign that forbids untying other people's knots on bags and packages. Thus, someone else's negative energy can turn on you.

Knot magic can be done both in the name of good and evil. It all depends on the thoughts and intentions of the one who addresses it.

Rules for making nauz

If you decide to make nauzes, they will only have the value that you give them in the process of work.

Like any magic, nauzes are subject to a number of rules. If you want your plot to work quickly and effectively, you should strictly adhere to the rules on how to tie a knot on a thread:


The materials you plan to use are also important. The material must be natural and not distort the shape of the knot.

In ancient times, animal veins, leather, wool or linen laces were used to make such knots.

Nowadays, you can find a wide variety of types of threads that will allow you to realize your plans. It can be linen, cotton or natural wool, as well as leather laces. The thread must be the correct size. Experts in the manufacture of such magic knots recommend choosing a thread length that will be a multiple of three.

It is not necessary to use only textiles. You can learn how to make knots from metal wire and make beautiful amulets. However, it should be borne in mind that different metals have different magical properties.

The use of synthetic materials will significantly weaken the effect of a magical ritual. In order to influence a living entity, one will need living natural materials. Even if the synthetic thread is not visible to the eye, it can make significant changes at the energy level. The result may be unpredictable.

Thread color

It is very important that the color of the threads matches the purpose pursued by the ritual.

Rules for tying by day of the week

There is a certain pattern of tying knots by day of the week:

When starting to make a nauz, it is very important to determine for yourself the purpose for which this is being done. You can say your desire out loud, very clearly and confidently. Before work, you can read the prayer of Our Father or Virgin Mary.

Wear rules

There are no specific requirements for which hand the bows are worn on. You can wear them on any part of the body, as long as the nodules are in contact with you. And show them to others or hide them under clothes - it's up to you.

A prerequisite for effective influence is the observance of secrecy. It is not recommended to tell everyone you meet about this amulet and recommend it to everyone in a row. Wearing knots, as well as the purpose for which they are tied, should remain your personal secret. This explains why you can not untie other people's knots.

Nauzas, made of red threads, are most often worn on the left hand. According to legend, this is how you can protect yourself from the effects of evil forces penetrating a person from the left side. If you want to get what you want as soon as possible, you can put the amulet on your right hand.

Of no small importance is the item that you choose as a pendant.

Previously, dried roots of various plants, stones and metal figures were used as pendants. Nowadays, you can choose a pendant, given its symbolic meaning:

  1. The figurine of a bird symbolizes longevity. The figures of storks have the strongest energy.
  2. The image of an angel means purity of thoughts and wisdom in making decisions.
  3. Libra emphasizes the ability to make wise and informed decisions, to do the right thing.
  4. The image of a wolf is a symbol that helps a person achieve success, move up the career ladder and gain recognition from society. In addition, the wolf symbolizes strength and good luck.
  5. Horses or unicorns contribute to the purification of the soul.
  6. The image of the sun or star helps protect against evil forces.
  7. A banknote or coin allows you to attract financial well-being and prosperity.
  8. The heart symbolizes love and romance.
  9. The hand allows you to do the right actions and make the right decisions.

Knots on black threads

There are cases when nodular amulets are woven not only from colored threads, but also from black ones. However, this does not mean that such a talisman has a mourning character. The combination of black and white threads will give the wearer the wisdom and success in achieving any goal.

In this case, it is very important to distract from the stereotypical perception of black as a sign of negativity. Then it will become clear what a strong energy this product has. It was not for nothing that the most powerful sorcerers and magicians wore black threads on their hands.

It should be remembered that such weaving from black threads also has a positive meaning. It is endowed with the power that will allow you to feel confident and filled with vital energy.

People who by nature are not too confident in themselves, it is simply necessary to wear such black bows. In addition, they give a person peace and the ability to adequately assess the situation and respond appropriately.

In addition, the black amulet allows you to learn how to control your emotions, gain success and public recognition.

Red bows

Since ancient times, the red color has been considered the most powerful amulet that allows you to protect yourself from any misfortune. Naauzes of red color were designed to drive away evil spirits and any negative impact from a person. In addition, it is able to attract love, luck and health into the life of its owner.

There are several ways to wear red nodular amulets. If you tie such an amulet on your left wrist, it will reliably protect from envious glances and even from damage. An amulet tied to the right hand helps to fulfill the most secret desires and dreams.

It is necessary to weave a red nodular amulet with a good mood and wholesome thoughts. In this case, the amulet will have tremendous power. It is especially good if you make such a talisman for a person who is very dear and close to you. It is also auspicious sign to receive such a gift from your beloved or beloved.

Creating such a charm is not so difficult. To do this, you need a red thread made of natural wool. The optimal length of the thread is 30 cm. The thread must be wrapped around the wrist and tied into seven knots. Before you tie a knot on a thread, you need to wish the person all the best. You can read to yourself or aloud the prayer of Our Father or the Mother of God.