See what "Erebus" is in other dictionaries. Gods of the first generation God of eternal darkness Erebus

Good day, dear readers. At the request of the workers, another article, this time dedicated to the Greek deities, is published. This time we will talk about Tartarus, Erebus and Nyukta. So, without further ado, let's get started!

Tartarus, in ancient Greek mythology, is the deepest abyss under the kingdom of Hades, where, after the war with the Titans, Zeus overthrew Kronos and all the survivors and where they were guarded by the hundred-armed giants of Hekatoncheira, the children of Uranus. Cyclopes were also imprisoned there.

According to the descriptions, Tartarus is a dark abyss, which is as far from the surface of the earth as the sky is from the earth: according to Hesiod, a copper anvil would fly from the surface of the earth to Tartarus within nine days. Tartarus was surrounded by a triple layer of darkness of the god Erebus and copper walls with copper gates of the god Poseidon. Above Tartarus were the lower foundations of the earth and the ocean. It served as a place of detention for the overthrown Kron and the defeated titans, who were guarded by the hundred-armed giants, the children of Uranus. In Tartarus is the abode of the goddess of darkness Nyukta and the god of death Thanatos. Even the Olympian gods are terrified by this gloomy abyss.

The Greeks unequivocally shared the concepts of Tartarus and Hades, which was an underground kingdom inhabited by the souls of the dead. Tartarus was significantly lower than Hades. According to ancient Greek authors, Tartarus was in the North. However, already in the time of Virgil, Tartarus was considered as the darkest and most remote place in the realm of the dead, where blasphemers and impudent heroes were punished.

IN further development fantasies about Tartarus, he became a more spiritual realm of ether and wind. And, unlike the fiery hell of Christianity, the imagination of late antiquity painted Tartarus as a space of dense cold and darkness.

In Hesiod, Tartarus is personified. He appeared among the four primary deities (along with Chaos, Gaia and Eros). According to Hesiod, it arose after Chaos and Gaia. According to Epimenides, he was born from Aer and Nyukta. According to other authors, as the personification of this abyss, Tartarus was the son of Ether and Gaia. From Tartarus, Gaia gave birth to the monstrous Typhon and Echidna.


Erebus (Ἔρεβος, "darkness"; lat. Erebus) - in Greek mythology, the personification of eternal darkness. Mentioned in the Odyssey and in Alkman's Cosmogony.

Erebus is the primeval god of darkness and fog, one of the real primary gods, the second ruler of the cosmos. According to Hesiod, Erebus was born from Chaos, the brother of Night (Nyukta), who gave birth to Hemera (day) and Ether (air) from him.

According to Hyginus, Erebus was born from Chaos and Mist. From him, Nyukta gave birth to the nymph Styx, the deity of the river of the same name in Hades, as well as the three Moira (Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos) and the Hesperides (Egla, Hesperia, Erika).

Interesting Facts:

Nyukta, Nikta - a deity in Greek mythology, the personification of night darkness.

According to Hesiod, Nyukta was born from Chaos (in the presentation of Hygin, from Chaos and Mist), is one of the primary world-forming potencies. Nikta gave birth to forces that hide the secrets of life and death, causing disharmony in the existence of the world, without which, however, neither the world nor its ultimate harmony is conceivable.

“Black Night and gloomy Erebus were born from Chaos.

The night gave birth to Ether and the shining Day, or Hemera:

She conceived them in the womb, uniting with Erebus in love ...

The night gave birth to another Terrible Mora with black Kera.

Death also gave birth to the Dream and the crowd of dreams.

Mom then gave birth to Sorrow, the source of suffering,

And Hesperides - beautiful golden apples are groomed

Over the ocean they are on trees bearing fruit.

She also gave birth to Moir and Ker mercilessly executing ...

Also Nemesis, a thunderstorm for earthly people,

Terrible Night gave birth, and after it - Deception, Voluptuousness,

Old age, bringing trouble, Eridu with a mighty soul.


Nikta lives in Hades, in the abyss of Tartarus. There Nyukta-Night and Day-Hemera meet, replacing each other and alternately bypassing the earth. Nearby are the houses of the sons of Nikta - Sleep and Death, which Helios never looks at.

Nikta leaves Hades every day, carrying Hypnos and Thanatos in her arms.

She was more sympathetic to people than many of her descendants, brought peace, calmed passions. Nikta participated in the battle with the giants on the side of the Olympian gods. Some legends bring Nikta closer to the deity of death and understand it as the root cause of the discord that exists in the world. Nikta was depicted with a muffled face and in dark clothes.

The Orphics considered Nyukta (and not Chaos) to be the primary source of being. In the Orphic theogony from Derveni, Nyukta is the "nurse of the gods", from which the genealogy begins. According to the Orphics, there were three Nyuktas: the first “prophesizes”, the second is “venerable”, her father Fanes connects with her, and the third gives birth to Dika.

The third Orphic hymn is dedicated to her, where she is identified with Aphrodite.

According to Musei, everything comes from Night and Tartarus.

Her oracle is in Megara. Gave divination at Delphi.

Interesting Facts:

Two celestial bodies are named after Nyukta. This name is given to the asteroid "Nyukta" with serial number 3908 and one of the five satellites of Pluto - "Nikta", discovered in 2005 and named on June 21, 2006 at the session of the International Astronomical Union.

Well, on this I, perhaps, will end. See you again, hopefully soon.

Titans - in ancient Greek mythology, the deities of the second generation, the children of Uranus (heaven) and Gaia (earth). Their six brothers and six sisters-titanides, who married among themselves and gave birth to a new generation of gods.

Hekatoncheirs (Hundred-handed, lat. Centimans) - in ancient Greek mythology - hundred-armed fifty-headed giants, the personification of the elements, according to Hesiod - the sons of the supreme god Uranus (heaven) and Gaia (earth): Briares (Egeon), Kott and Gies. According to Eumelus, they are the eldest children of Uranus and Gaia (according to Hesiod, younger than the Titans and Cyclopes).

Gods are powerful supernatural higher beings. And not all of them are good and patronize something good.

There are also dark gods. They meet in the most different nations and religions, they are often mentioned in myths. Now we should briefly talk about those who are considered the most powerful, strong and powerful.


This is the name of the dark god of chaos, patronizing the elements of destruction. Once he was an angel. Some believe that he still is, and any demonization of Abaddon is provided by his cruel nature.

It is mentioned in the Revelation of John. Abaddon appears as a horde of locusts that harm the enemies of God, but not all of humanity or heaven. For this reason, many consider him an angel - supposedly the power of his destruction has good consequences, since it is used to punish the guilty.

But in most sources, Abaddon is characterized as a demon. Previously, he really serves as the destroyer of the Lord, but his passion for murder and irrepressible destruction led to a fall into the abyss.


This is a dark god, the incarnation of Satan, who was worshiped by the Templars. His image was used as a symbol of Satanism.

The Templars paid for their fanaticism - the church also saw the devil in Baphomet, and therefore, having accused them of heresy, they were burned at the stake.

He is depicted with the body of a woman, the head of a goat, a pair of wings, a candle on his head and cloven hooves.


This is the name of the goddess of misfortune, the patroness of violent death. IN Ancient Greece she was considered the gloomy daughter of the lord of darkness and his wife, the goddess of the night. Ker looks like a girl with two pairs of arms, wings and scarlet lips.

But initially, the kers are the souls of the dead, who have become bloodthirsty, evil demons. They brought endless suffering and death to people. So the name of the goddess is not accidental.

According to myths, Ker emits a terrible gnashing of teeth from his anger, and appears before unfortunate people, all spattered with the blood of previous victims.


Continuing to list the names of the dark gods, we must also mention this. Eris is the patroness of struggle, competition, rivalry, contention, disputes and quarrels. In ancient Greek mythology, she was perceived as the goddess of chaos. Eris is an analogue of Discordia, which took place in Roman culture.

She was the daughter of Nyukta and Erebus, the granddaughter of Chaos itself, the sister of Hypnos, Thanatos and Nemesis. Everyone hates Eridu, because it is she who causes enmity and war, excites warriors and incites abuse.

According to the myth, she became the reason for the rivalry between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. This is what led to the Trojan War. At the wedding of the goddess Thetis and King Peleus of Thessaly, Eris threw an apple with the inscription "Most Beautiful" - as a sign of resentment, since she was not invited to the celebration. This created a controversy, because all three girls considered themselves the most excellent.

The dispute was resolved by the Trojan prince - Paris. Aphrodite seduced him with a promise to give him the most beautiful girl. Paris gave that apple to her. The goddess gave him Helen - the kidnapped wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. This was the reason for the campaign of the Achaeans to Troy.


This is the name of the dark god of death in Greek mythology. Thanatos is the twin brother of the god of sleep Hypnos, lives at the very end of the world.

He has an iron heart and is hated by the gods. He's the only one who doesn't like gifts. His cult existed only in Sparta.

He was depicted as a winged youth holding an extinguished torch in his hand. On Kypsel's casket, he is a black boy standing next to a white one (this is Hypnos).


That was the name of the son of Nyukta and Erebus, the brother of Hypnos. Mom is the dark god of ridicule, stupidity and slander. His death was extremely ridiculous - he simply burst with anger when he could not find a single flaw in Aphrodite.

Mom hated the people and the gods who helped them. He slandered constantly, but because Zeus, Poseidon and Athena expelled him from Mount Olympus.

It should be noted that Mom is mentioned in fables, in the writings of Plato, and Sophocles made him the protagonist of his satyr dramas, the volume of which was named after this god. Unfortunately, not a single line has come down to us. Mom was also mentioned in the writings of Achaea of ​​Eretria.


Goddess of the deep sea, daughter of incest - she was born to Gaia from her own son Pontus. One version says that Keta was very beautiful. Another claims that she was born ugly, scary, old woman who embodied in her appearance all the horrors of the sea.

The husband of the goddess Keta was her brother - Phorky. Incest did not lead to anything good. Keta gave birth to sea monsters - dragons, nymphs, gorgons, three gray sisters and Echidna. And they produced their offspring, which turned out to be even more terrifying.

By the way, according to the myth, it was Kete who fed Andromeda.


She is the head of the dark gods of the Krynnian pantheon. Depicted in the form of a 5-headed dragon, capable of turning into such a beautiful temptress that not a single man will be able to resist her. Also often appears in the guise of a dark warrior.

Takhisis is the most ambitious of the light and dark gods. And its main goal is to break the complete domination of the world and the balance that reigns in it. She is banished from Krynn, and therefore she builds her sinister plans while living in the Abyss.

Takhisis is so terrible that no one says her name. Even fools and children. Because one mention of him brings destruction, darkness and death.

Interestingly, she had a husband - Paladine. Together they created chaos and dragons. But then Takhisis became jealous. The Goddess wanted to be the sole creator. And then she corrupted the dragons, depriving them of their nobility.

This upset Paladine, and Takhisis only cheered. She went to Sargonass, the god of vengeance and rage. And their children were born - the goddess of storms and the sea Zeboim, and the lord of black magic Nuitari.


The god of decay, decay and disease, also known as the Rat King and the Black Wind. He wants Krynn to suffer. Morgion opposes painless death, safe life and health. God is sure that only the strongest will survive. And in order to survive, one must suffer.

Morgion is isolated from other gods. He longs to infect everything around him with horror and plague. God wants everyone to experience as much pain as is possible.

This terrible creature appears before its victims in the form of a rotting sexless human corpse with a goat's head.


This dark god is also known as the Prince of Lies. He is the master of cunning deals and ill-gotten wealth. The Prince of Lies patronizes thieves, businessmen and merchants. According to the myths, Hiddukel is the only one capable of deceiving Takhisis herself.

The prince is always looking for ways to make a deal in exchange for which he will receive the soul of a mortal. He always succeeds. Hiddukel is so cunning that being a true coward, he manages to get along with all the gods. And all because he skillfully switches their attention, if they suddenly begin to suspect him of lying.

He is a traitor, patron of broken scales. Hiddukel enslaves the souls of desperate people - those who are ready to benefit by any means. Because he is selfish. And take care of yourself. Therefore, he encourages his followers to become exactly the same, and follow the path of the dark god.


God of death on Krynn, Prince of Bone and master of all undead. Dwells in the cold, always accompanied by white dragons, who love ice and long sleep.

Chemosh is also the Lord of false atonements. He offers immortality to his victims, but in return people are doomed to eternal decay.

Chemosh sincerely hates life and everything animated. He is sure - this is a gift that is given to mortals in vain. That is why he penetrates deep into their hearts, forcing them to abandon their shell.

The priests of Chemosh are the oldest and most evil. They are called Masters of Death. Appearing in black robes, with white skull masks, they attack the victim with spells using their staves.


It's time to talk about the dark gods of the Slavs. One of them is the Black Serpent. Better known as Chernobog. He is the lord of Darkness and Navi, the patron of evil, death, destruction and cold. The Black Serpent is the embodiment of everything bad, the god of madness and enmity.

He looks like a humanoid idol with a silver-plated mustache. Chernobog is dressed in armor, his face is full of rage, and in his hand is a spear, ready to inflict evil. He sits on a throne in the Black Castle, and next to him is Marena, the goddess of death.

Dasuni demons serve him - the dragon Yaga, the goat-legged Pan, the demoness Black Kali, the sorceress Putana, Mazata and the sorcerers Margast. And the army of Chernobog is made up of witches and sorcerers.

He was sacrificed before a military campaign. All of them were bloody. Chernobog accepted dead horses, slaves, captives.

They say that the Slavs revered him because they believed that any evil was in his power. They hoped to get a pardon from him by reconciling him.


This creature belongs to the darkest gods of the world. Morana is a formidable and powerful goddess of Death and Winter, a pure embodiment of evil, without a family, and constantly wandering in the snow.

Every morning she tries to destroy the Sun, but always retreats before his beauty and radiant power. Her symbols are the black moon, as well as piles of broken skulls and a sickle, which she uses to cut the Threads of Life.

Her servants are evil spirits of disease. At night they wander under the windows of houses, whispering names. The one who responds will die.

Morana accepts no sacrifice. Only rotten fruits, wilted flowers, fallen leaves can bring joy to her. But main source its strength is the extinction of human life.


The son of the goat Seduni and Chernobog. Viy is an ancient dark god, who is the lord of the underworld, the king of Hell and the patron of torment. They say that he personifies all those terrible punishments that await sinners after death.

Viy is the spirit that brings death. He has huge eyes with eyelids that do not rise from gravity. But when the strongmen open his gaze, he kills with his gaze everything that falls into his field of vision, sends pestilence, turns everything into ashes. In other words, Viy is deadly.

Other gods

There are hundreds of different characters in different cultures. It is unrealistic to list all the gods even briefly - above it was told about the brightest, most colorful ones. You can also add to the list:

  • Adramelech. Is the Sumerian devil.
  • Astarte. The Phoenicians considered her the goddess of lust.
  • Azazel. Weapon master.
  • Will. God of Hell in Celtic culture.
  • Demogorgon. In Greek mythology, that was the name of the Devil himself.
  • Euronymous. The name of the prince of death in ancient Greece.
  • Loki. He was the Teutonic devil.
  • Mastema. Jewish Satan.
  • Mictian. The Aztecs were the god of death.
  • Rimmon. The devil in Syrian culture is the one who was worshiped in Damascus.
  • Sekhmet. In Egyptian culture, she was the goddess of revenge.

- (Greek erebos). God of darkness, son of Chaos, brother of the night; kingdom of darkness, the underworld. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. EREB (Greek myth.) The darkest part of the underworld. Dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Erebe, Albert Albert Erebe (German: Albert Aereboe; born January 31, 1889, Lübeck, d. August 6, 1970, Lübeck) is a German modernist artist, a representative of the New Materiality art movement. Biography A. Erebo was born into a family ... ... Wikipedia

- (Erebus, Ερεβος). Son of Chaos, the source of darkness, the seat of the god Hades in the underworld. (Source: "A Concise Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities." M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, edition of A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) EREB (Έρεβος), in Greek mythology ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

Hell, darkness Dictionary of Russian synonyms. ereb n., number of synonyms: 3 hell (25) god (375) ... Synonym dictionary

- (Greek darkness) in Greek mythology, the personification of primordial darkness, together with Nikta, the product of Chaos. According to another myth, the husband of Nikta and the father of Hemera and Ether ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the personification of darkness, the son of Chaos and the brother of Night ... Historical dictionary

- (Greek darkness), in Greek mythology, the personification of primordial darkness, together with Nikta (see NIKTA) the product of Chaos (see CHAOS). According to another myth, the husband of Nikta and the father of Hemera (see HEMERA) and Ether ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Erev (Erebus) (inosk.) the underworld. Underworld is the darkest part of hell, underground chaotic night Cf. Peace be with you in the darkness of Erev! Your life was not taken by the enemy; You fell by your own strength, Victim of fatal anger. Zhukovsky. Celebration of the winners. Wed But her... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

In ancient Greek mythology, the personification of the underground darkness. Together with Nikta (Night) he was born from Chaos, and then, having united with her, gave birth to Ether Hemera (Day) ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

In Greek mythology, the son of Chaos and the husband of his sister Night (Nikta); their children were Ether (the most pure and subtle air of the higher spheres) and Hemera (Day). Erebus (which means darkness) was called the gloomy desert, which the dead overcame on their way to ... ... Collier Encyclopedia


  • Erebus (2012 ed.), W. Poznansky. Nick became interested in Erebus - computer game, which is passed from hand to hand in his school. Its rules are extremely strict: a person has only one chance to play, while he must be all ...
  • Erebus, Poznański Ursula. Nick became fascinated with "Erebus" - a computer game that is passed from hand to hand in his school. Its rules are extremely strict: a person has only one chance to play, while he must be ...
And they came out of their houses in the daytime with stakes and crosses, and they wanted to catch the Knower of Blood. And they wandered in ignorance, for they did not know that there were those among them who served the Knower, and the servants of the Knower hid among the vain inhabitants and confused them and incorrectly pointed the way, and when night came, they did not have time to hide under the roofs of their houses and they heard the laughter of the Knower of Blood in the middle of the forest, and HE came, and his servants worshiped him and he laughed and people went crazy, and the last one who retained his mind was ordered by the knower to bring the most beautiful girl of the village, for their guilt was great before the knower, as they wanted find his daytime refuge, otherwise, the Knower threatened, he would come to the village at night and his steps would be the steps of Horror itself, his touches would be the touches of Eternity, and his eyes would be the eyes of the Ancients who sleep, where they used to be sacrificed.

The gospel of Lamia (chapter 6 verse 7:3)

And they chose the most beautiful girl of the village and left her where He said, and when the night fell over the world and the wolves sang the Song of the Hunt, the Knower of Blood came, and he took off her clothes and took possession of her virgin body and He drank her blood and tore with sharp like razor nails with her snow-white skin, chewed her still beating heart with sharp fangs, and her screams spread over the place where they once worshiped the Ancient Horror and heard the Beast sleeping deep underground and felt the blood of a girl deprived of her virginity seeping through the ground with a terrible and ancient rite, and the Beast woke up and rose up raising the earth under the light of the Night Sun. And the Knower of Blood broke away from the bloodied piece of meat, which was once the most beautiful girl in this area, and went towards the Ancient Beast, and he smiled, and leaves and flowers withered from this smile, and unknown abysses looked from his eyes. And he fought with the Beast, and that night a terrible thunderstorm broke out, and the wind rose, which later turned into a tornado that broke down trees with roots and in the center of this whirlwind the Knower of Blood fought with the Ancient Beast, and he knocked down the Beast, and began to drink his blood, filled with unknown power. The storm died down, the day came, and the Knower of Blood left, becoming even more powerful, and the tormented corpse of the girl received new life, since it contained the seed of the Knower of Blood, and it turned into a nightmarish creature that for a long time drank the blood of the surrounding people.

The gospel of Lamia (chapter 6 verse 7:4)

And one day the Knower of Blood turned his gaze to the people who were at war. And he came to one of the armies that was defeated and went straight into the tent of the commander and no one dared to stop him. The Knower looked for a long time at the flabby face of the one who once ruled the world and thought what was special about this head, which subjugated so many heads. And in the morning he turned away his gaze from the head of the commander that lay on the table and he went out to the soldiers and said I will be your ruler, I will lead you to victory And he led his small army to a myriad army and walked ahead, Knowing the Blood and the demons of the Abyss laughed along with him. And he went through the enemy army like a knife through butter, and he tore the soldiers with his bare hands, and tore them with fangs and drank their blood, which flowed in streams that day. And his soldiers, inspired, went after the Knower and scattered the enemy army, and many, following his example, drank blood and ate raw fresh human meat, and they realized with surprise that this gave them strength, and they glorified the Knower, and he laughed with the laughter of a madman who know the essence of the mind. And he led them on, and they took the city by storm, and rivers of blood flowed through the streets, where the warriors of the Knower of Blood satisfied their hunger. And he created the Great Empire and fear before his armies conquered foreign countries. One day, the Knower of Blood was feasting in his throne room when an old man came to him. The gray-haired old man with a mad look watched for a long time as the Knower gnawed the throat of a young beauty, how eagerly he drinks blood and how he throws it away, having had his fill, to his slaves.
Why are your servants copulating with a dead girl? asked the old man with a shudder.
Thus, answered the Knower, they copulate with Eternity.
I have seen many such rites on the streets of the city, and this one is not the most terrible, why did you do it, oh damned one? Why did he create the Evil Empire, where people turned into demons. I have seen how parents drink the blood of their children, how children eat their brothers and sisters. Do you really think that this is how they know the Blood?
No, ... ... answered the Knower, - I just showed them how to live in a different way, your world is no less cruel, but you hide your cruelty inside. All these people have a Beast inside, now it just came out, who are you, old man, that you are not afraid to ask me such questions?
I am a prophet, a messenger of the Gods, who were horrified by your deeds.
No! - the Knower of Blood laughed, - you are not a prophet, you are one of these Gods, who just became curious.
And for a long time the Knower of Blood looked into the eyes of the Ancient God until they laughed together, and the heavens shuddered from this laughter. And grabbed ancient god, who was previously worshiped as the patron of virtue, the first slave that came across, and tore out her liver, and ate her, and broke her skull and drank her brain, without ceasing to laugh, and then he took possession of her in all possible ways and he did this with several dozen slaves, and the Knower of Blood sat across from him and laughed at his most successful prank, the Old God, who had fallen for the same hook as the people who worshiped him. And continuing to smile, the Knower of Blood got up and left the throne room and left the Empire, never to return to it again, leaving the mad God in the mad land, for it was not given to them to know the Blood.

Gospel of Lamia. (ch. 7 v. 1:5)

Once the Knower of Blood was walking through the ancient forgotten dungeons, where the foot of a man did not dare to set foot, and he heard a groan somewhere in the distance, and after wandering a little under the gloomy vaults of tunnels dug not by people, he stumbled upon a man chained to a burning brazier, bracelets of chains internal spikes dug into his hands, the body was one continuous wound, it was not clear how he lived.
Who are you? asked the Knower of Blood.
I know pain, - the man croaked in response, - I have been writhing here for a thousand years, and my servants invent more and more sophisticated tortures, but I endure the most nightmarish of them and never achieve enlightenment. I cannot follow the path of the cognizant, since there is no torment that will awaken Knowledge in me.
So you need the most terrible torment to know the Way? - the Knower of Blood chuckled, there is nothing easier, that's what I'll tell you: centuries of torture and torment were in vain, now I will kill you and you will never know what you wanted to know.
No!!” the man shouted, and the stone echo continued to walk under the arches of the cave for a long time, but the Knower of Blood approached to kill him, and in that short moment, only for a fraction of a second, until the hand of the Knower of Blood cut off his head, the man finally reached the point where what he aspired to through the years of torment, he Knew the Pain and died with a blissful smile on his lips, and the Knower of Blood went his own way.

Gospel of Lamia (Gl 3 v3:9)

One day, walking along a mountain path at night, the Knower of Blood met a warrior clad in armor with a cross on his chest, seeing the Knower, the warrior drew his sword and prepared to fight.
Who are you? asked the Knower of Blood, and the chill of his words made the man cringe.
I am one of those who kills your children, O cursed creature! - exclaimed the warrior and brandished his sword. But the steel only slipped past the Knower.
Why didn’t my creatures please you? - Asked the Knower, they didn’t bring harm to anyone.
Bring No Evil!! the warrior exclaimed, let's go down to the village that lies at the foot of these mountains and you will see what those to whom you have given power over blood are doing.
And they went down to the village and passed through its streets. Blood covered the ground and the walls of houses, gnawed bones lay underfoot, swollen mutilated corpses with torn out intestines, faces frozen in mute horror, babies sucked to the last drop of blood.
This is what your kids are doing! cried the knight, and only people like me can somehow stop this nightmare.
But I don't see anything reprehensible, - the Knower of Blood shrugged, they just follow the path of Knowledge.
But it's terrible, what they did! -said the warrior, -they are the creatures of Hell!
Hell and Paradise are in your soul, - the Knower of Blood shook his head, - you can look at the world through the prism of Paradise or through the prism of Hell. Look through the prism of Paradise
And the Knower of Blood crucified him on the wall of the house and ripped open his stomach and pulled out the intestines of the knight and threw them on the ground and he broke his spine and arms and legs, and the knight looking at all this through the forests of paradise only smiled at the bliss that he experienced for the first time in his life.
You see, the Knower said, you looked through Paradise, and now look through Hell!
And the Knower created magic, and the wounds of the knight healed, and the spine grew together, and the wound in the belly healed, and all other wounds healed, and the Knower left. But there was no end to the nightmarish torments of the knight, for he saw everything through Hell, and although he was healthy, he rolled in agony on the ground, finding no solace for the pain that has no name. And for a long time he searched for the Knower of Blood and found him, and asked to make him the last slave, if only not to experience torment.
You spoke of Hell, said the Knower, without knowing it. Hell and Paradise are in your soul.
And again the Knower made the knight see through Paradise, and he rejoiced, and descended from the mountains to the nearest village, preaching to people, the acquired knowledge, and blood was shed and bellies were torn up and bones were broken, for such was the preaching of a knight who once swore an oath to fight the creatures of Hell .

The Gospel of Lamia (chapter 5 verse 3:3)