How to tame mobs in minecraft without mods and without command blocks. Tameable mobs in minecraft How to tame animals in minecraft

Wolves and ocelots are classified as neutral, but if friendly, these animals become tamed, begin to follow the player character and attack his enemies. Let's take a closer look at such creatures and how to tame them.


The gray predator lives in forest and taiga biomes, preferring well-lit places. The meeting with the wolf will end in a fight if you hit the beast. In response, his eyes will fill with scarlet anger, and he will begin to frantically attack. The members of his pack will do the same - the wolves located nearby. If you anger the animals, you can forget about the opportunity to appease them.

To tame a neutral wolf, you need to pick up a bone or meat. This will immediately attract the attention of the animal. Feed the beast a treat, and joyful hearts will spread around, the look of the wolf will become more friendly, and a collar will appear on its neck.

After that, the beast will follow you on your heels and attack those who try to harm you, and those whom you attack. If the hero moves more than 32 blocks away from his wolf, he will teleport to the owner, but this does not happen if the game character goes to hell.

Click on the wolf with the right mouse button to instruct him to sit down and stay in one place. If you want to breed wolves, feed two individuals meat, and they form a pair. This doesn't work between wild and tame animals.

Tamed wolves have more health - 10 hearts instead of 5 for wild ones. They are more effective in attack, taking 2 hearts from the enemy. Killing a wolf will give you 1-3 experience points.

One look at a wolf is enough to understand the state of his health. This is evidenced by the tail - the higher it is raised, the better the animal feels.


Ocelots are more shy than wolves. When a minecraft hero makes sudden movements, they simply run away from him. Having entered the jungle and met an ocelot there, pick up a fish. The deliciousness will attract the beast and make it come closer. Be patient and wait for the ocelot to sit down. Only in this position start feeding him, otherwise the ocelot will run away again. But even after feeding, taming may not happen. The chance of success is fifty-fifty. In order not to fail the operation, take a large supply of fish with you.

A tamed ocelot becomes a cat. Even his color will change, becoming black, red or "Siamese".

The cat behaves almost the same as a tamed wolf: he will follow his master and attack his enemies, teleporting to him when moving away from a person (excluding the hellish world). To leave the cat in one place, you need to give him the command to sit down.

But there are also differences. The cat scares away creepers, so you should take it with you to explore the caves. Giving a cat a fish will make it purr. Cats love to hunt for chickens and frolic in the house, jumping on the bed and a working stove.

It turns out to breed cats in the standard way for Minecraft animals - to feed the fish to two animals so that they become mom and dad of the baby.

Since the animals in the Minecraft game perform many very important and useful functions, they must be kept in the household. If your character can tame animals, they will make his life much easier. But remember that tame animals far from all, but only a few wild ones. These are ocelots, horses and wolves. All other animals without taming will follow you if you pick up certain food.

How to tame a wolf in minecraft?

If you tame wolves, they will be of great help to you during the hunt, as they will attack the monster along with you. To tame a wolf, right-click on it while holding bones in your hands. As soon as the animal becomes tame, it will sit down and you will see that it has a collar around its neck. To make the wolf follow you, right-click on it.

On our site there are also mods for minecraft:

How to tame an ocelot in minecraft?

To tame an ocelot - a wild cat that lives in the jungle - you need to be extremely careful. Any awkward or abrupt movement of yours will frighten away the beast, and he will run away from you. You need to carefully lure the ocelot closer, for which you can use fish, and with its help taming occurs. You need to click on the cat with the right button, holding the fish in your hand. A hand ocelot will get a different color and will look like an ordinary cat. Ocelots are used to drive creepers away from the house and into caves during mining.

Taming a horse in minecraft

A wild horse can be tamed very easily, and no tricks or additional resources are required for this. It will be enough to click on the horse with the right mouse button. And yet there is one feature. The horse will not become tame the first time, it will reset the character. But each new attempt at taming will increase your chances of success until the horse eventually resigns itself. Now you can put a saddle on the animal, this will give you the opportunity to control it.

Why do animals need to be bred?

Domesticating animals is only half the battle. You need to breed them. The peculiarity of reproduction is that the offspring that ocelots and wolves will give will not need to be tamed again, but with foals, the taming process will need to be repeated. Reproduction is an important part of the game, because as a result, you can get the necessary resources from animals, such as wool, milk, food. In addition, animals are able to fight for you and drive away monsters.

How to breed animals

For breeding, you will need two individuals of the same species and a specific food. For example, wolves use meat, cats use fish, horses, and cows and sheep need wheat. Chickens need any grains, and pigs need carrots.

Now right click on the animal. If hearts begin to appear from it, it is ready for reproduction. Then click on the second individual. After that, the animals will look for each other, and when they meet, a baby will appear next to them. For another 5 minutes, the animals will be able to continue breeding. Remember: you can only breed adult animals, and wolves must have maximum health.

How to tame zombies in minecraft?

Minecraft game has huge gameplay possibilities. Players can change the game world the way they want. In addition, players can tame and domesticate animals, plant plants and farm. However, players do not have the ability to tame dangerous creatures like spiders, skeletons, aliens, and zombies in the usual way. Unfortunately, the developers did not introduce this feature, but the players still found a way to tame zombies in Minecraft.

Let's consider this question in more detail.

Taming zombies: ways

There are three relatively simple ways taming zombies, which were developed by the gamers themselves:

  1. With the help of a trap.
  2. By replacing the skin of the creeper with a peaceful animal.
  3. With the help of a mod.

Let's look at all three methods.

How to tame with a trap

In this case, you just need to lure the zombie into a trap, and then you can either wall it up in it and there will be something like a cage, or turn it into a servant. In the first case, there is nothing complicated, and in the second, you will have to try a lot. For this you need:

  1. Obtain special soul sand from the nether world.
  2. Then we throw out the sand of souls where it will be convenient for you to build a trap.
  3. We build a trap around the sand of souls, which will close behind the zombies. You can use any system of buttons and other devices. It is important to understand here that it is necessary to be at a distance from the trap so that the zombie does not explode.
  4. We lure the zombie into a trap or wait until he himself falls into it over time. In the second case, you will have to wait several nights or longer.
  5. Once on the sand of souls, the zombie will not be able to get out of the trap. To turn a zombie into a civilian, you need to douse it with an explosive potion. He will convulse, and then turn into a normal person.

This way you will get zombies as a servant.

Taming with skin change

To tame a creeper in this way, you need to change its skin to the skin of any peaceful creature, and it will become friendly. So you can collect a herd of zombies that will peacefully graze near your house.

Taming via mod

If the developers did not initially add the ability to tame zombies, then gamers corrected this oversight with their mods. Today you can find several mods for taming zombies on the Internet. One of the most popular is the "You are Creeper" mod, which can be downloaded from the creator's website.

After installing the mod, you will also become a zombie. You can collect a whole army of zombies under your leadership if you first defeat the King and get his crown. After that, your compass will indicate where your army of 15 zombies is located, with which you can attack civilians in villages and fight other enemies and players. This will be especially interesting in a multiplayer game with friends, where you can arrange entire battles for the crown.

Also on the page you can see a video that teaches how to tame zombies in Minecraft.

Many players are wondering: how to tame zombies in Minecraft? Nothing is impossible. And we will prove it.

General information about residents in Minecraft

Zombie is a mob hostile to the player. In early versions of Minecraft, this was the second humanoid figure that appeared after the human mob. Looking just like a person, an ordinary alien is distinguished by a green coloring of the head and hands. Differences are only in zombies, obtained from the villagers or their children. Such individuals have facial features characteristic of the slowness inherent in ordinary residents and zombie villagers, not inherent in their children. And if in the early versions the evil spirit only pursues a person, then in later versions it picks up clothes and armor, increasing the degree of protection. Zombies can strike with picked up objects, however, they are not able to use the bow for its intended purpose. Finding items that are superior in quality to those he has, smart individuals from the darkness will throw out the worst. Afraid of burning out in the sun, zombies use shade, hiding places, picked up helmets, and gourds to protect them from daylight.

Taming the evil in Minecraft

It has long been no secret how to tame zombies in Minecraft. Evil individuals can not only be defeated or healed by bringing the villager back to life, but also tamed. What for? Commanding an army of tamed monsters that quickly regenerate after hits and are immune to explosive potion, you can attack villages, destroy obstacles and give many other commands. Therefore, the corresponding question among players in the Minecraft game is very popular: how to tame zombies?

"Minecraft 1.5.2". Features of version 1.5.2

In this version, the described inhabitants already represent a fairly organized, one might say, intelligent being. In addition to the fact that otherworldly enemies in this version, as before, spawn, pursue the player in groups, collecting individuals from all over the area when hunting, single individuals bypass obstacles, overcome small labyrinths and are able to break obstacles such as a door. However, if you "dig a hole" in front of a one block high door, the zombie can only jump without causing any damage. This is explained by the fact that he is able to break only the upper part of the door. When engaging in battle with a single zombie, you can continuously strike to destroy it. However, when taking damage, he can call for help from others nearby. Once in the environment, you should move as quickly as possible and attack the nearest individuals. Burning evil can set the player on fire.

Correct taming option

The method is quite easy and safe, especially if, when luring evil spirits into a trap, keep a sufficient distance from it - one or two blocks. But the result cannot be fully considered domestication. It will not be possible to control it or give orders to the "tamed" zombie. Such an instance will not burn during the day, in the presence of an explosive potion, and it will be possible to cure it without interference.

Version 1.5.2 and taming evil without mods

Let's figure out how to tame zombies in Minecraft 1.5.2 without mods. To do this, you need soul sand. Outwardly, it looks like a block of earth, but looking closely at its texture, you can find the outlines of distorted faces. You can find it in the lower world. So, there is a basis for the trap. On top of the sand of the soul, we build a cross from any blocks, except for sand and gravel. The cross should hang in the air at a height of two blocks. Be sure to remove the block located in the middle of the cross, otherwise the trap is useless. We find or spawn evil spirits and lure them to the sand of souls so that they cannot leave. The zombie is caught, but since the taming took place at night, it will burn out in the rays of the rising sun. You can make a fence of bars or glass to protect yourself from zombies, and then put the central block of the cross in place - this event will protect it from exposure to light. So, the considered method is clear and very easy to do. However, the answer to the question of how to tame zombies without mods in Minecraft is far from the only possibility in other versions of Minecraft.

Minecraft version 1.7.2

Zombie version 1.5.2 does not undergo significant changes when moving to version 1.7.2. Consider how to tame evil spirits in this version. This option, much more dangerous and time consuming, but also giving more options in the end, also answers the question of how to tame evil individuals.

Taming methods in version 1.7.2

There are several options for how to tame zombies in Minecraft 1.7.2. You can choose either of the two methods, but to use both you will need to install mods.

Method 1

After installing the You Are the Creeper 2 Mod, you need to find and kill the king of evil spirits in the castle.

  • After killing the king, we take the crown and leave the castle. Returning to the castle, you can kill the knights, acquiring armor for your future army.
  • Now in crafting there are not only obtained armor, but also zombies, which can be equipped at your discretion.
  • Orders can be given through the command line.

Method 2

  • We use the ability to install and change skins.
  • We replace the image of a pet, for example, a dog, with a zombie skin. In the folder with skins is already ready his skin.
  • As a result, we get a zombie running after him, happy to carry out any commands.

Self-spawning zombies by the player

So, several answers were given to the question, Minecraft players, how to tame zombies. But that's not all. There is another very interesting and questionable topic - how to make zombies in Minecraft? By killing zombies, the player gains experience, and by creating the conditions for obtaining zombies, you can easily and without risk destroy him. In the game, in addition to the fact that zombie villagers and zombie children are obtained by infecting villagers, ordinary zombies are made - spawned - using a "mob generator". The generator is a cube of blue bars with scattered flames, inside of which is placed a mini-image of the produced mobs, hidden in safe shelters - mines, treasuries or the Hellish fortress in the lower world. 50/50 chance of finding a zombie spawner. 25% chance of finding a spider or skeleton spawner.

Scattered throughout the world of Minecraft are villages in which residents live. I already wrote.

These settlers can trade with you. The list of their products is quite extensive, but they also have rather big requests. Sometimes you come across residents selling rare goods at an attractive price. Of course, you want to have such a merchant somewhere nearby. In this case, the instructions below will help you.

Let's start with an introduction.

Residents live in houses where they hide from zombies every night.

And the zombies, in turn, try to knock out the doors and attack them.

Sometimes residents turn into zombies, and can attack both other residents and you.

Taming a Villager

If in the village where the inhabitants live, all the houses are dismantled, then they will look for a place where they can hide. And this is where you can help them. It is only necessary to build a house for them within the village, and they will gather in it. Then you can push them to different corners and enclose them with blocks. This way they won't get out and run away, and you can trade with them at any time. And you will not need to look for the resident you need. They will all be in one place!

There are also zombie residents. They can spawn like a regular mob, or they can spawn after a zombie kills a villager. They can be healed, but will require a Level 1 Explosive Weakness Potion and a Golden Apple. You need to throw a potion at the zombie and feed him an apple. If everything works out, then he will begin to tremble and red particles will come from him.

After successful treatment, a resident receives a profession, and you can trade with him. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to brew a potion and craft an apple from gold and an ordinary apple, and this is quite expensive. And besides, you will not know what a resident will sell you. But on the other hand, such a zombie is easier to transport! He will simply follow you, and you can lead him where you need.

If you want to move a villager or zombie villager closer to your house and lock it there, then the portal gun mod will help you. Guns that can create portals and move blocks and creatures will help you a lot. But alas, this mod is only suitable for Minecraft versions 1.5.x and 1.6.x.