Body type according to the zodiac sign. Portrait by the stars: features of the appearance of different signs of the zodiac

It may seem that it is very easy to determine a star diet for yourself, it is enough to know your own zodiac sign. In fact, the menu of the right star diet for weight loss depends on a number of indicators. To really get the result, you need to know your type of figure, have an idea of ​​​​what elements patronize you according to the horoscope and how these elements combine with each other. Few people know that only a very small number of people are pure representatives of one element - this is generally a rarity. Much more often, a person is under the auspices of two, and sometimes three, elements at once, which affect the structure of his body, as well as the star diet menu.

In order to correctly determine the type of physique, you need to familiarize yourself with all twelve descriptions of the types of figures and choose the one that best suits you. Do not be surprised if the found description of your body type does not correspond to the true sign of the zodiac. This only once again confirms that the body is influenced by not one, but several elements at once. Let's say you are Libra according to the zodiac, and your body type is like that of Scorpio. Therefore, the diet of a star diet for weight loss should be selected in the future, based precisely on the “scorpio” features of the figure, and not vice versa.

The type of figure is determined by the general characteristic features characteristic of representatives of a certain element.

The elements of Fire include the sign of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. These representatives of the elements, as a rule, are distinguished by a strong physique, their height is slightly above average. They have a bright appearance, a somewhat large nose, an expressive look. The skin is swarthy. Another feature of those born under the auspices of the elements of fire is the expressiveness and stateliness of the upper body. They have a tendency to be obese.

Types of figures according to the signs of Fire

Aries. Thin, but wiry. Rarely gain weight due to the fact that they lead an active lifestyle. When walking, they often tilt their head forward, as if preparing to take any blows of fate with it. Usually Aries are very well built, have an open, direct look. Outwardly, Aries are very different, but always noticeable. Aries men look athletic. They are fit, muscular, devoid of body fat. Their figure is to match the warrior. The color of the skin can be very different, but the face is usually much redder than the rest of the areas. Aries rarely have small noses, as well as obedient hair. Another feature is the presence of large or simply prominent moles and scars on the face. The voice of typical representatives is a little hoarse, breaking.

Aries women are true Amazons. They have boyish figures that help to stay young and active for a long time. As a rule, superciliary arches are well distinguished. They love sports, short haircuts, they prefer to wear trousers, because they feel more comfortable in them.

a lion. Staten, always taut, which, as it were, emphasizes his superiority, royal blood, authority among other signs of the zodiac. He has a good physique, noble manners. His movements are restrained, unhurried. The appearance of Leo is always noticeable and catchy: a wide face, large, expressive eyes of greenish-yellow hues. The look is fearful, wary.

Representatives of the weaker sex of this sign are no less interesting. often have long hair light or red. The upper part of their figure is usually curvaceous, and the legs, on the contrary, are very thin. Leo women are always stylish, love to wear expensive things and jewelry made of precious metals, do not skimp on spending a lot of money on their hair. The way they look is their number one priority.

Sagittarius. Very well put together. Growth is often slightly above average, although they can be quite high. They have a noticeable, even authoritative appearance. Characterized by a large, open forehead, oblong face shape. The look is attentive and insightful.

Women of this sign have a highlighted lower part of the figure, wide hips. Even if they are not inclined to be overweight, they must have a small tummy. With age, due to the love of gastronomic delights, their figure deteriorates greatly and increases by a significant number of sizes. Their passion for travel and entertainment helps Sagittarius to keep their ideal forms for a long time. Perhaps that is why they go through life as optimists.

The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. All of them have a dense physique, a wide chest and bones, which makes them seem a little square. May be obese. Their gait is heavy, their height is average. But always an open and clear look.

Types of figures according to the signs of the Earth

Taurus. As a rule, all Taurus are not tall, but very dense. They have very broad shoulders and a thick neck. From the outside, they resemble a pile of muscles, although they may have absolutely nothing to do with sports. Their movements are somewhat slow and smooth, their gait is sedate and measured. They have a very bright face, often dark, sometimes curly hair. Most Taurus have large eyelashes, a slightly snub-nosed, wide nose, and a ruddy face. The lips are especially beautiful, although the lower one sags slightly. It is thanks to this that Taurus women are born fashion models with truly classic shapes and proportions. In order to remain impeccable, they do not need diets, since they are not inclined to be overweight.

Capricorn. All Capricorns are distinguished by some thinness and small stature. It is amazing that with age they literally “shrink”, becoming even leaner than they were. As a rule, they have heavy jaws, a narrow face. Their eyes are usually deep-set, their corners turned down, which makes them look somewhat sad.

Women of this sign have thin lips and sharp knees. They are lovers of antiques, classical music and muted tones. Cosmetics are used little or not used at all, believing that they are endowed with natural beauty.

Virgo. They are characterized by medium height and some dark skin. Many, on the contrary, have pale, grayish skin. Virgos have small eyes, an attentive, sometimes shifty look. The face is oval in shape, the lips are bowed. The body is very beautiful, but only because they pay much attention to it.

Home same distinguishing feature Dev is a protruding, not a flat tummy. For the time being, for the time being, he is very beautiful, but as soon as he crosses the line in food, he becomes the main problem. Representatives of this sign are very flirtatious, carefully follow fashion, think over their wardrobe for a long time. They are also characterized by increased gesticulation, by which it is easy to distinguish them from the general mass.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are affected by the element Air. They are tall and have long arms and legs. At the same time, their physique is beautiful, and they themselves are graceful and flexible. The main difference between the representatives of Air is a narrow bone.

Types of figures according to the signs of Air

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> Appearance by zodiac sign

Horoscope in modern world is a lifesaver for those who want to build their lives in a harmonious way. And surprisingly, most prefer to go blind when the stars have provided a universal beacon in the form of zodiac signs. Knowing only to which zodiac representative a person belongs, you can get acquainted with his positive and negative traits, inclinations and fears, hobbies and irritants. Furthermore, Zodiac sign even predicts appearance!

What do zodiac signs look like

You can guess the zodiac if you train your eye and remember the main features. At Aries thinness prevails, but the body is embossed. Remember the long neck, elongated face and dark hair. There may be scars, because he is a bully and has fought more than once.

First of all, eyebrows and a thick mop of hair are striking. There is no specific advantage in the direction of color, but it should always be pronounced. That is, if the blond, then literally shines, and the brunette - darker than the night. However, red-haired representatives often flash by. Eyes blazing with fire and a cheeky expression, which gives the impression that you are being challenged, attract attention. He is a strong and muscular man with dark skin.

There are moles on the face and head, and one should be larger, and next to it there are several small ones. Both sexes are endowed with narrow hips and broad shoulders. They can be tight and thin. But among them you will not notice the full ones, since the temperament of the choleric constantly makes you move. He does everything abruptly and without grace.

Articles dedicated to Aries

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A wide nose, thick and often dark hair (in men - a mustache), swarthy skin. It's strong and often fat man, because most Taurus have a sweet tooth, and a sedentary lifestyle only exacerbates the situation. Men in old age face a big belly, but remain attractive. He is confident in his every move, but gesticulates little. He is generally stingy with body movement and tries to remain as calm as possible.

I haven’t heard of grace, so it can be awkward, like an elephant in a china shop. Full lips on a broad face, cheeks blush. On one of them you can find a noticeable mole. With the ears, everything is not so good, because they either stick out or are too pressed to the head (women are especially embarrassed). The main advantage is the eyes, endowed with depth and wisdom.

Articles dedicated to Taurus

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The physique is rather weak and sometimes too thin. Slender, with outstretched arms and legs. Often distinguished precisely by their height. The face is elongated and sometimes asymmetrical, freckles are possible, the features are thin, the lips are narrowed or elongated. Of course, it happens that he gains weight, but then his mobility and the usual active pace decrease. The eyes, though small, but liveliness and speed are read in the look.

They have to tinker a lot with their hair, as they are often thin and not amenable to styling. Therefore, both sexes reconcile and choose a short type of hairstyles. The nose is usually elongated and may even have a sharp tip. This sign gets used to using facial expressions, so distinctive facial wrinkles appear with age. He speaks very quickly and in high tones. It also moves quickly and surprisingly easily.

Gemini Articles

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Tends to gain weight, especially as it approaches adulthood. Moreover, several times in a lifetime it can dramatically lose weight and again return kilograms. The body can hardly be called muscular or strong. Features are soft and smooth. Shapes are rounded. The face is full, with pale and thin skin. The hair is either deep black or blond. You rarely see a red Cancer, as well as a curly one. The teeth are small or large and move forward.

Give out the sign of the zodiac eyes, which are divided into two types. The first ones are round, watery and with a noticeable bulge (usually looks sad). The second - the incision is narrow or bright in color, they look as if not at the interlocutor, but somewhere inside themselves (looks detached). Girls often big breasts with a birthmark. Facial expressions are incredibly highly developed, so you can always see when you are happy, offended or angry. A charming smile, sometimes reminiscent of childish mischief.

Cancer Articles

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Muscular, with an excellent figure and a wide bone. Men are endowed with narrow hips, broad shoulders and thin legs. And girls are not so often faced with narrow hips (this goes away with age). Communicating with Leo, it is difficult not to note the special solar energy and charm that he radiates. It is Lionesses who are perceived not only as alluring beauties, but also as sexual predators. True, in this they are second only to Libra.

If over time the sign becomes lazy and suspends its usual activity, then this chic image may disappear. Cheekbones stand out brightly on a wide face. The head is often large and always proudly raised. It is unlikely that you will see a Leo hunched over or hiding his face behind a hood. Eyes sparkle and look at everything with interest. Hair burns out quickly. The voice is velvety and rich, so it is an excellent speaker and interlocutor.

Articles dedicated to Leo

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The physique is usually average, as Virgo watches her diet and tries not to go to extremes. Can be lean or obese, but definitely not fat. An oval face, and the gaze is often tense due to criticality and restraint. Usually the part below the waist feels heavy. The guys have an elongated and sometimes too prominent nose. There may be a hump or a sharp tip.

Hair comes in a variety of colors, but they are even and thin. You rarely see him with curly curls. Whatever the natural color, closer to old age it becomes still darker. Common eye colors are blue and brown. This person attracts attention with his accuracy and neatness in everything, even in the smallest details. The movements are fast and elegant, as if everything has been rehearsed several times.

Articles dedicated to Virgo

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The bone is thin, but appearance looks very harmonious. This is not surprising, since the zodiac tends to balance. Fragile, graceful, elegant and in some ways even decorative, like an ideal figurine made by a professional. Girls are recognized as the most attractive of the entire zodiac circle, due to their beauty, femininity and sweet nature. Height is usually below average, so women appear petite. The chest and waist, buttocks and hips are always highlighted in ideal proportions.

Even in old age, it will look incredibly fresh and toned. Men, though handsome, but definitely not jocks. The lower lip is swollen, a clearly defined eyebrow line. Attractive cheeks with dimples. The hair is slightly curled and very beautiful. Guys can afford a luxurious beard or mustache. Behavior shows mannerisms.

Articles dedicated to Libra

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This is an extraordinary and remarkable character. Scorpio is actually appearance may not stand out at all. But he cannot hide his gaze: as if it pierces you with fire and reaches the very heart. The color is different, but always concentrated. In most cases, brown or cold blue. The nose is thin and resembles a hawk's beak (downward tip and hump).

The shape of the lips and mouth most often create an expression of sarcasm. Hard and thick mop of hair (usually brunettes). Prone to weight gain, especially in old age. But this is a disciplined sign, so it does not allow itself to be launched. If not an athlete, then very strong. He is above average in height. Although he looks calm, he is always able to break away and rush into battle. Attracts sexually and radiates intimate desire. Massive neck and broad forehead.

Articles dedicated to Scorpio

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Strong body, often muscular. The physique is dense and exceeds the average height. Nature is endowed with a tendency to be overweight, but even with extra pounds does not lose its presentability. If this happens, then the girls will have the weight concentrated in the hips, leaving the upper part attractive, and the guys will face a "beer" tummy. The nose can be of any shape, but always slightly elongated. The eyes are set wide (usually brown), and in the look you can read not just a mockery, but real insolence.

There is a dimple on the chin, and the face is elongated and with a high forehead. The hair is thick and soft (especially for the fair sex), but a man can go bald. Among the representatives, brown-haired women are predominantly found. In behavior rather unleashed, but devoid of elegance and grace. Strongly gesticulating, waving his arms. Therefore, it is better to remove all valuable and fragile items, otherwise your favorite table clock and vase will turn into fragments. He gets used to shuffling his feet when walking.

Articles dedicated to Sagittarius

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Looks too thin and dry. True, rarely, but still there are stocky representatives. But still, in reality, they are rather strong in spirit and character than in body. The neck is thin and the chest is narrow. The skin is pale and the face is elongated. Height can be anything, but the facial expression is always strict, focused on his thoughts and calculations, and also not very emotional. Nasolabial folds and a narrow lip line are noticeable. It is better not to grow a beard, as it will not be thick. The hair is usually even and closer to black.

It can be recognized by the way the outer corners of the eyes are lowered. Because of the detached, extinct and devoid of interest look, one gets the impression that he does not care about everything that happens around him. However, every year it is more and more revealed. Closer to maturity, real metamorphoses take place and the person seems to be getting younger. Confident gait with well-thought-out movements.

Articles dedicated to Capricorn

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It is not an athlete or an athlete, but with a strong average body constitution. In most cases, these are tall people with an oval face. Thanks to this appearance, make-up artists and makeup artists adore them, as they are easy to make up and take on any look. Often has completely unique features that are remembered only after a long acquaintance. He is completely devoid of the forms of the face, nose and lips inherent only to him. True, it is worth noting that the hair is mostly wavy, the lips are raised in an eternal smile.

Type 1 - Boar - associated with Mars - this characteristic suggests activity, irritability, indiscretion, harshness, authoritarianism, lack of softness of character. Such are the people of the Martian subtype who put all their strength into the first blow. They can only submit to greater power.

Type 2 is associated with the Sun - the solar subtype. Outwardly, these people are more refined, among them there are many artists, artists, because the Sun predisposes to the development creativity. People of a massive warehouse, closer to the Jupiter types, are obese, portly, which differs from representatives of the first subtype with their leanness and strong muscles.
All Aries are characterized by a reddish skin color, hair stiffness, a lot of dandruff, skin often with a rash, freckles. If representatives of the first subtype are characterized by sharp “corporal” folds from the nose to the corners of the mouth, then Aries of the second subtype are characterized by sophistication and representativeness. They like to be visible, they play a leading role in society.

Type 3 - Hades, associated with Water - associated with Pluto, where he has his own abode. People of this type are rather gloomy, prone to pessimism and misanthropy. They are characterized by dissatisfaction with everything. Active sexuality, look sickly, rather gloomy. They have dark eyes. One could take them for Scorpios if they were not betrayed by the sharpness of Aries.

Type 4 - the Lamb - is associated with Venus - outwardly, its representative gives the impression of a meek, docile person. Women of this subtype are immediately remembered - they have a pretty face with an upturned nose, but a bulldog jaw; it betrays their latent unused martian energy. Despite their prettiness, they can “bite” painfully, they have the harshness and rudeness of Aries. However, they are outwardly soft, sentimental, supple and vulnerable. Painfully perceive love and hate, vulnerable emotionally. Their emotions are somewhat superficial: they are not capable of real dramatic feelings, they are rather characterized by violent outbursts of feelings. The impression of them as soft and calm people is deceptive.

1. Venus, element - Earth - people with a great tendency to be overweight, especially men. They, as a rule, have bellies, rough faces, although they retain the outward beauty of the face. Thick lips, especially the bottom. The shape of the mouth is outlined sluggishly, the lower lip is saggy (with strong Venus). The Venusian type is characterized by a steep forehead. Psychologically, Taurus is characterized by sybarism, sensuality, love of food, sleep, and all sensual pleasures. They are aesthetes, but their aestheticism is coarse, more connected with external manifestations.
The person of this sign is soft. Often it is called an ox (lower form) - it pulls the yoke of life on itself, it is not very impressionable, everything does not reach it immediately, with difficulty. Rough. It is difficult to establish relationships with people, it is difficult to find a common language with them. Attached, devoted. There is a lack of sophistication, although Venus gives him ideas of beauty, comfort, a taste for life. Optimistic, cheerful. You can rely in life on both the male and female types: both are practical, efficient. They don't like to do things in a hurry. Fast, but they do everything firmly and thoroughly.

2 type. Element - Fire. Free Bull, living in freedom - this subtype retains the features of Taurus, but they do everything with great aggression and harshness. Hot-tempered, jealous people. Jealousy often reaches their self-blindness, and they can fight. Practical, hardworking, take on all the work, very hardy. Clarify the relationship sharply. Usually thin. Ulcerative addition. The figure is lean, the neck remains bullish, but the figure is more taut, more lean than dense.

Type 3 is associated with Pluto, which in Taurus has a place of exile. He has a strongly pronounced forehead, thick eyebrows, small boring eyes.
In Taurus of this subtype there is something attractive and repulsive at the same time. Characterized by a tense look, casting a certain distance. These people are not very good at communicating, because Pluto is in exile here (more typical for Scorpio), so they repel more than they attract. In life, they often experience great suffering due to the absence of a sexual partner. Good organizers, they connect everyone to work and subordinate them to the cause.

4 type. Moon in exaltation. Element - Air. People of this subtype are often quite thin, sometimes even fragile. Refined in manners, housewives. Affectionate. In behavior, they are characterized by healthy egoism. Understand and accept all conflicts. Calm, silent, they are characterized by frequent transitions from one extreme feeling to another. Tenderness is characteristic. sentimentality. They love the house, comfort, they know how to beautifully furnish their homes, they have great taste, especially in terms of clothing. Tastes are changeable, but this gives them great charm. The type of woman is like from the paintings of O. Renoir, S. Botticelli.

Castor and Pollux (Pollux) are the twin sons of the god Zeus. Zeus allowed them to live either in the underworld or on Olympus. This detail of the myth is due to the fact that there are periods when Castor can be seen against the background of the morning dawn, and Pollux against the background of the evening.

1. The mortal twin - Castor - is associated with the element of Air. A real "Mercurian" is of medium height, lively, agile, with a small nose. In women of this subtype there is something boyish. Type sociable, talkative, contact. Mandatory, everyone loves them, but they also get tired of them. This type needs a good partner, always a restraining, strong person, otherwise marriages are terminated. People are mobile and flexible. They love sports, especially hand-related volleyball, basketball, swimming, archery.

2. Pollux - this twin is associated with Jupiter, the element is Fire. People of high stature, wardrobe-like appearance. Representative. Women are "dumplings". Geminis love to work with people. Prosecutors, investigators, detectives come out of this subtype.

Type 3 is associated with Neptune - a medium. Element - Water. Neptune is a magical, magnetic female planet. Such Gemini is characterized by frequent periods of longing. Feelings of loneliness, physical heaviness, extreme vulnerability, soreness, impressionability. People of this subtype often go crazy because they see things intently and carefully. They can be irritated by rough touch. They often have spiritualistic and mediumistic abilities. Good musicians. They are truly faithful, but only to their ideal, since in life they often cannot find their own, embody their ideal. The most unhappy subtype in terms of personal life. Feverish eyes, lips with a bow (features characteristic of all Gemini).

Type 4 is associated with Chiron (in exile). Element - Earth. Such Geminis have a mathematical mind, the ability to quickly grasp and react, a business-like practical streak, a quick transition from one area to another. People of this subtype are the most practical.

Cancer is a sign of Water, indicating reflectivity, dreaminess.

1 type. Element - Water. Representatives of this subtype are characterized by a mouth with angles down, such people are melancholy, lethargic, sad. They are not very harmless, they can sting (Medusa), but outwardly they are “dead” with the look of a person who has withdrawn into himself. Blonde, with thin hair. The figure is a “barrel” on legs, white skin, a round face, like a pancake. The beard almost does not grow, the eyes are small, the hands are wet, with “pads”, the fingers are short. In a sensual sense, much stronger than they seem. Well adapted to women. Women are chosen older than themselves, reliable and respectable. Women of this type always play the role of a girl (at any age).

2 type. Element - Fire. This subtype is characterized by impressiveness, a desire to play a leading role, to portray a strong personality. Such Cancers are touchy and "puff up2. Outwardly effective, endowed with a good figure. Women have a bright appearance. Tendency to corpulence.

1 type. Element - Air. Solar subtype. His representative is characterized by sophistication, correctness of facial features, straightness of the nose. The beauty of Apollo, there is something cold, detached. Seeks to play a big role, often a man of art, with mannered conversation. Strong man, used to do everything himself. The family is constant. Terrible, does not forgive insults. Women are very beautiful, spectacular, brilliant "socialites". In sexual and sensual terms, they are not very wealthy, more external and superficial.

2 type. Element - Fire. Elemental power. The appearance of people of this subtype corresponds to this: often a huge mane, beard, luxurious hair, more often dark than light. Hoarse voice, rough manner.
Both men and women are sexy, attractive, it is impossible to break away from them, although they take more than they give (as you can see, they feed on this). They love to seduce, while playing with a partner, like a cat with a mouse.
They know how to hold and concentrate their enormous power. They are characterized by early bald patches (like representatives of all fire signs).

3 type. Element - Water (Uranus in exile). These Lions are cheerful and broken revelers, generous people, very imposing, playing nobility. They have many love affairs, as Uranus predisposes to innovation. Bright people. They love companies. Weaknesses - "yak", vanity, vulnerability.

4 type. Element - Earth, planet Saturn. People are quite pathetic, small type, you can never say that this is a Leo. Often - short stature, cutesy mannerisms, unpresentability, appearance.
Women have a cold, prim appearance. Withdraws into himself. Operable. Never say that Lioness. Only sometimes something feline wakes up in her, an ability in the game, but very rarely.
Such people make "henpecked" husbands or downtrodden wives. These are Lions of a weak subtype, who have lost their pride, but kept the Napoleonic complex in secret.

All Lions play with feelings, like to dramatize them. The game is very important for them and is furnished with chic, brilliance, especially when they are addicted. Emotionally attached to a partner. The emotional, fiery nature of Leo does not withstand a long game.

A man with a cold calculation, with secret thoughts. He will play to the end and will not admit it even under the threat of execution. The game is in her nature, in the depths of her subconscious.

1 type. Mercury, element - Air. People are smart, practical, changeable, with a huge stock of common sense. All Virgos are practical, they do everything with their own hands. In sex, any Virgo subtype is cold, so to satisfy them, they need a game of external accessories, flirting. "Mercury" Virgos, however, do not like to play very much, they are quite sober and prudent, women are often intellectual. Men of this subtype are grumps, “bespectacled know-it-alls”, bores. Always clean, sleek, petty to the last fastener. Very "correct" type.

2 type. Proserpine element - Fire. The type of people are often pseudo-significant, who pose as a strong personality. They are characterized by a game of significance, but there is not enough fire, the role of Superman does not work. People of this subtype often behave like formalists, at home they are slobbers, at work they are vultures.

3 type. Element - Earth. A very rare type of person is hermit monks. They have a developed sense of duty, self-restraint, the ability to endure, endurance, asceticism, and a willingness to take on incredible burdens. Survive under impossible conditions, while maintaining performance. Women of this subtype are “blue stockings” (more common than men), often do not get married and do not even expect it. Not coquettish, hardworking, accustomed to "work hard". The true power of the Earth is manifested through Proserpina - the lord of the Earth.

4 type. Venus, element - Water. The subtype with the best figure. Its representatives are characterized by posturing, mannerism, reaching sugariness, coquetry. At the same time - sobriety and the choice of what is better, men have a sports interest in love. Love turns into a “fad”, they take it around. Women love to flirt, give the impression of accessibility. However, just like that, you can’t resent the Virgin, especially if there is no money. Men have a sugary look, heavy lower jaw, like emotional women. They are not strong in sex, although they have great conceit.

1. Venus, element - Air. Refined, sugary aesthetes, with external pampering, lazy, "with a stretch" in the voice. There is an impression of unnaturalness. On the face of "sagging" from the sides, the figure is portly. They love beauty, sophistication, tranquility, security. Women are spoiled and capricious. Men are sugary, refined, mannered. Often actors, musicians, poets, artists, announcers.

2. Mars, element - Fire. Subtype with capriciousness, subject to mood swings, imbalance. Often there are snub-nosed, with an upturned nose. A small sprout, aggressive "bulldogs", quick-tempered on trifles. They start up quickly and cool down just as quickly. Brawlers, brawlers. Libra cannot be "shut up" or shouted down (especially the Martian type). Venusian type people are more peaceful. The Martian subtype always stands up for justice, and if its representatives “get excited”, scream, scandalize, a cascade of arguments will fall on those around them.

3 type. Element - Earth. people of this subtype are tall, thin, very imposing, with a cold mannerism, without affectation. Collected, restrained, sociable, loving justice and establishing it everywhere (lawyers, prosecutors), smart, they have regular facial features. Women choose their partners very carefully, they love rich, respectable, reliable, secure marriages.

4 type. Element - Water. The desire for paradoxes, shocking. Freethinking in the spirit of Arthur Rimbaud, a game in contrast. The representatives have the appearance of an esthete renegade, a free artist, a freethinker poet. These qualities are organically inherent in them, this is not a pose, not a mask, but a true face. These qualities are inherent in them. They have something of anarchism in them. In love they play unearthly romance. A person of this subtype is guiding, eccentric, has no attachment to something, and one cannot bind him. A vagabond is an aesthete, but even in vagrancy he retains sleekness, semi-smartness, semi-intelligent mothers.

People of this sign of obscenity speak with a “trick”, with a smile. The eyes are sharp, they see through everything.

1. Element - Fire. People are hardy, sharp, reliable, efficient. They can always adapt, endure anything. The eyes are small, powerful physique. Women are masculine, there is no femininity. In love, there is a great thirst for possession. The sign is the sexiest, most sensual of the entire zodiac. They are demanding to a partner, they do not know how to forgive, they can destroy, punish for any injustice.

2. Uranus (exaltation), element - Air. The subtype is very rare. Its representative is characterized by complete detachment, high flight, the ability to overcome everything and soar. He is characterized by demonic, sunken cheeks, a thin profile, great strength, eccentricity, and an unpredictable line of behavior. Women are usually tall.

3. Pluto, element - Water. People of this subtype have a demonic appearance, their evil wishes, as a rule, come true, their gaze is penetrating. The nose is often large, the hair is coarse and black.

4. Venus, element - Earth. Women are a charming, demonic, beautiful type, vampires with red lips (“Plutonians”), “Venusians” are sweet and desirable, but they are betrayed by a scorpion look that puts its stamp on everything. They love to attract, envelop, then torment for a long time, forcing them to live with their problems, hanging on everyone everything they live with. Men of this type are also "Velcro" - do not let go, torment, attract and repel at the same time. This is a sexual complex that they take out on others: they love a partner like a spider a fly. Sadism, masochism - these complexes are associated precisely with this type. They love for a long time, painfully, they feed on it. As a rule, they are beautiful, except for the eyes that give out the essence of the scorpion.

The gaze of all Scorpios is heavy and directed, tenacious. Moreover, it is flaming, magnetic, piercing, as if striving to influence, but this property is unconscious.

Those born under this sign are people-horses, "brave guys." They speak quickly, their laughter is contagious, their voice is sonorous, their manners are dashing. Sagittarians stay young for a long time.

1. Jupiter, element - Fire. The figure of representatives of this subtype often has the appearance of a closet, and the face, stomach and hips stand out. Often - baldness. Characterized by great conservatism, liveliness and familiarity. In communication, they are rude worse than Aries, they talk to everyone in a familiar way, if they are in charge, they simply “clog”. They like to lead, force, prefer to work in the field of society - in the police, traffic police, etc. Plainities are uttered with importance.

2. Mercury, element - Air. Representatives of this subtype are lively, short, thin sanguine people. They love nature and travel. “Gags in any barrel”, talkative (“scribble like a machine gun”), funny, love to tell jokes. Often travelers, geologists, pioneers. As a rule, they are lascivious and not picky in relationships - this property is expressed in them even more strongly than in Gemini.

3. Neptune, element - Water. A subtype of such a detached Sagittarius, often religiosity. Weakly expressed Sagittarius, shoots little and only at his loved ones, likes to work with people (for example, a teacher). Such people distribute everything, sacrifice everything for everyone, they are characterized by a developed sense of duty, abstract thinking (A. Blok, G. Heine)
All archers love to drink, take a walk, eat. Everyone, except for the "Neptunians", for whom this goes into the abstract. They are characterized by high love. The property of Sagittarius is interesting - being carried away, deceived and put his beloved on a pedestal; when love passes, a new lover is placed on a pedestal, that is, there is an authoritarianism in love.

4. Chiron, element - Earth - Centaur. People of this subtype - with uncontrolled mood transitions, wild, "spontaneous" in behavior. However, very practical. They are characterized by a density of physique, an inexpressive gray appearance. Women are strangely changeable, as if they have two different person.

There are 4 types of Capricorn:
1. Saturn, element - Earth. Type of tall people with thin mobile lips, dryish and gloomy. Appearance aloof, prickly glance, deaf voice.
Late development, late maturation, late sex. Loners, dreamers, they become theoretical scientists, among them there are many designers.

2. Moon (in exile), element - Water. A type of people with a darkly attractive appearance. The look is quick, clearly evaluating everything, as if photographing, fixing the main thing and not getting bogged down in the details. But if needed. Such people are “undressed” to the smallest detail: they clearly see what is what, they despise all laws, they have their own law (the law of Capricorn, who climbed to a height).
There are many secret dreams, romanticism, detachment from life in the lunar type of Capricorn, and outwardly its representatives perfectly adapt to life. They can be actors, poets. A woman of this subtype is a refined type of beauty.
They get married or get married, and then change partners several times. They strive for a partner who would understand them and whom they would understand (this is the most important thing for them). Capricorns are cold people on the outside, but inside they harbor romantic dreams that they carefully protect from everyone.

3. Mars, element - Fire. People with an active attitude to life. They are characterized by an extreme degree of practicality, a cold passion for activity, an invincible pressure. In any kind of activity, always ahead, a tenacious grip, the ability to take, consolidate, and maintain the won positions.

4. Uranus, element - Air. Representatives of this subtype are people of surprises. They are prone to everything new, often foresee the future, predict it. Generators of great ideas of humanity, uniting everyone.

There are many subtypes. First of all, this is an eccentric, a man of advanced views. Freedom and independence are theirs character traits. In their personal lives, they remain single, or they themselves terminate the marriage. Aquarius men are eccentric, more calm than women. Aquarius is a masculine sign and masculine traits are strongly manifested in women. In the family, if there is one, the Aquarius woman often dominates.

1. Saturn, element - Earth. Rough singles. They like to be observers from the outside, they always try to remain “on their own”. They speak little, but clearly. The jokes are strange, with a twist.
A woman, as a rule, is lonely, independent, loving her freedom and respecting according to the principle: "You are on your own, and I am on my own."

2. Element - Water. People of this rare subtype are characterized by selflessness, love for friendship, spiritual communities, for people who understand them. Always ahead of their time. They are an example for those around them, living according to the commandments, which they consider to be the highest. They show an example of humanity, help, mercy in everything.

3. Uranus, element - Air. People of this subtype cannot keep themselves within certain limits. The woman is impregnable by nature, but she loves to play. Trying to get close to her is useless, this woman is a wall. She always keeps her distance, even if she is very disposed towards a person. Appearance is very spectacular, something from an alien.

4. Element - Fire. A two-faced person: he behaves either softly or harshly, mood swings and relationships are uncontrollable. It can look significant, imposing and immediately turn out to be in fact a nonentity.
Sensuality in Aquarius is manifested by flashes, they do not need it all the time. You need an original partner, then they bloom. But if they don't, they worry.

Pisces are very different, as if including the entire Zodiac. They often have an amazing inward, magnetic gaze.

1. Element - Fire. People of this subtype are characterized by a representative appearance, respectability, a tendency to be overweight, although not always. They love the company, strive to be in the center of events. They make good teachers. Their tendency to talk a lot and beautifully often makes them demagogic: Pisces of this subtype know how to “hang noodles on their ears”, not to answer directly the questions posed.
Unlike other subtypes, they are not vindictive. They believe that happiness is not in money, but they must be had. They love to spend money on pleasure.
Fish of the fiery subtype often suffer from liver diseases; more often than others, they have heart attacks, strokes.
This subtype is characterized by slow mood swings. There are periods of complete apathy among its representatives. Often they fall into melancholy and despondency, are disappointed in themselves. They often find solace in religion.

2. Mercury, element - Air. People of this subtype are lively, thin, with a pointed nose, with the appearance of a “hungry pike”. Always looking for their water. Schemers, talkers, excellent actors and can play anyone, but they do not just play, but live the game.
In the house they are housewives, but even for kitchen table Pisces will dream of scarlet sails, which is why Pisces dissolve the marriage (especially with Leo or Scorpio, which act on Pisces like a boa constrictor on a rabbit). Often choose the acting profession.

3. Neptune, element - Water. The most strange and aloof Pisces. The most subtle subtype, poets, musicians and drug addicts most often come out of it. Most often there is no family and it is not needed. Because they are absorbed by higher matters. There are hobbies, but fleeting, helping to once again make sure that everything is empty.

4. Proserpine, element - Earth. The rarest subtype of people associated with the Karma of humanity. They are "none", they easily pass from one state to another. White on white, black on black. Today he says one thing, tomorrow another, and all without batting an eyelid: “I always say this ...”

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Representatives of different zodiac signs undoubtedly have similar external features. Your attention - a generalized portrait of the average representative of each sign of the Zodiac. Check the statements of astrologers on your friends and relatives, but do not forget - there are exceptions to every rule.


Representatives of this sign, as a rule, are distinguished strong, "outstanding" facial features: it can be thick eyebrows, a large nose, a strong-willed chin, sensual lips. Aries of medium height, with a strong bone structure, athletic build. The whole figure creates impression of strength. Blonde or red hair. Aries often have moles, birthmarks, or scars on their face. Among other characteristic features - fast, confident step.


Owners of one of the most harmonious, what is called the "correct" features, with full lips. The shape of the face is square or oval, the nose is slightly snub-nosed. The pride of Taurus is their hair: thick, shiny hair. Somehow the neck stands out- it can be thick or, conversely, long, swan-like. As befits this sign, they have powerful shoulders. The body is proportional.


Tall and strong, with a special gleam in the eyes and an even skin tone. Gemini's face is very expressive, with a wide forehead, straight nose and thin lips, their features remain in memory for a long time. With their gait, posture, gestures, representatives of this sign give the impression of fast people filled with energy, even when they seem to be completely relaxed. It is worth noting their natural flexibility.


This sign has a certain roundness. This may be a moon-faced face, rosy cheeks, a small rounded nose - no high cheekbones or aquiline profile. The hair is dark and/or thin. Among the symbolic signs of Cancer - neat, musical, hands and small feet. The main role in the body is assigned to the chest and stomach. But the cubes on the stomach are not their story at all.


Strong, volitional facial features, usually with a wide forehead, large nose and thick hair. lions tall, with long legs. These zodiac "cats" gain easily muscle mass, are reputed to be strong and fit; with good posture and graceful, flowing movements. Them almond shaped eyes and dark - not necessarily brown, but dark gray, dark green ...


Those born under this sign are constantly look serious, reserved and focused. Medium or high growth, not prone to fullness. They do not have too bright distinctive features, which reflects their desire to pay as little attention to themselves as possible; at the same time, their appearance is pleasant and harmonious. They move gracefully and look younger than their years.. And the Virgo instantly blush!


Libras usually have an oval or heart-shaped face, which instantly wins you over. With beautiful lips and nose; often - a cleft chin and dimples on the cheeks. Small or medium stature. An annoying Libra tendency is to gain weight with age. But what they have a beautiful and charming voice!


The face is a well-defined square with charismatic features and their own characteristics: Scorpios can rarely be called average or faded. Thanks to high cheekbones and piercing eyes. Their hair is thick, brown. And everything - from gestures to gait - broadcasts to others an aura of power, seriousness and secrecy. scorpions quickly build direct eye contact with the interlocutor.


Sagittarians are quite strong and tend to be tall or even very high. The face is open and good-natured, with a wide smile and long thick hair. Alas, like Libra, Sagittarius over the years become prone to fullness. Therefore, they have to carefully monitor their weight. They lean forward slightly when they speak. And they are also called "gracefully clumsy", often bumping into things or getting into minor accidents, but they do it very gracefully.


Almost all Capricorns are unusually slender and, as they say, comfortable growth. Winter "goats" have very interesting features: long nose, serious, deep eyes… Their distinctive feature - teeth: they can be incredibly white; with a gap ... The hair is straight, and the voice is low. Capricorns consciously move slowly, aware of their every step. They are very confident on the ground.


Both men and women are reputed to have a heroic physique - large leg size, broad shoulders, steep hips. Aquarius in high forehead, and the hair is usually dark and thick. The eyes are beautiful, bright and shiny e - you can look in them endlessly!


For normal and productive work, our body needs healthy sleep. This time is necessary for the body to relax, rest and gain strength for a new day.