The foundation of tires is a more reliable foundation for light buildings. Two ways to build a foundation from tires with your own hands Foundation from old tires

Old tires are a real problem for many car workshops and tire shops, as they are quite problematic to dispose of. It is much easier for the owners of such establishments to give away this used material for free, so as not to spend money on removal from the territory themselves.

Given this, many builders are wondering how to make a foundation for a bath of tires in order to save money and get a reliable foundation.

Construction principle

First of all, it should be noted that this material must have the same width. It is worth choosing tires with wheels of the same diameter and thickness, as this will greatly simplify the work. Also, you need to take care of the delivery of the required amount of this material to the construction site in advance..


  • To begin with, it should be said that in the manufacture of tires, a special rubber compound is used, which is resistant to almost all external factors except sunlight. Therefore, the finished product can last tens and even hundreds of years.
  • Given the properties of this material, you can get a stable base that can withstand significant loads. At the same time, it will always take its original shape if the weight is removed.

  • Special attention should be paid to the waterproofing qualities of tires. They perfectly tolerate moisture and separate the main part of the foundation or crown from the surface.
  • Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that with strong heating, this material can release harmful substances. However, with proper installation, such an impact on it during operation will not be.

  • The foundation of this type should not be used for high-rise and volumetric buildings. At the same time, it is perfect for baths, sheds or other buildings of an economic type.

Advice! Before deciding on the use of tires for the manufacture of the foundation, it is worth evaluating all their advantages and disadvantages and, based on the results obtained, draw a conclusion suitable for specific technical conditions. Otherwise, you may encounter big problems during installation and operation.


Special attention should be paid to the fact that there are a huge number of different types of foundations. They have different purposes and manufacturing principles. At the same time, this material can be used in almost any design, creating substrates, frames and even formwork for piles ().

In this case, a project will be considered in which the tire will be used as a substrate that protects the concrete structure from direct interaction with the ground. A plate will be installed on its surface, which will serve as the bearing part of the product, but if desired, it can be replaced with wooden crowns, raising the level of the substrate itself to the height of one wheel.


  • First of all, it is necessary to dig a pit over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future building, taking into account the indentation on all sides by 20 cm.
  • Its depth should also be 20 cm, regardless of the thickness of the material used.
  • Next, its bottom is rammed, creating a flat surface, which is worth checking using a water level for this.

  • At the next stage, you need to place the tires at the bottom of the pit with your own hands, making them close to each other, flat.
  • Next, you can use the earth, construction debris or gravel. The selected material must fill the space inside the products, compacting it with a special hammer or stick. You also need to do with the gaps between the tires themselves.
  • The backing layer should not cover the rubber from above, but it should be located at the same level with the upper edges.

Advice! The denser the material is compacted, the better and more reliable the base will be.

Concrete works

  • At the next stage, the installation instructions recommend installing waterproofing. As it is worth using a film or roofing material ().
  • Next, you need to make formwork. To create it, you can use old boards or plywood sheets.

  • The formwork design should be such that after pouring a concrete slab is obtained, which will serve as the upper part of the foundation.
  • To reinforce the product, pieces of reinforcement or other metal are used, which are tied together with steel wire.
  • Some masters, in order to make their work easier, prefer to use ready-made plates that are simply installed on the surface. However, the price of such products, together with delivery and installation, may be too high.

  • You need to fill the formwork with a concrete solution, which you can make yourself. At the same time, it is worth adding a special plasticizer to it in order to avoid the appearance of cracks during solidification and to give the product elasticity.
  • In order for the solution to dry quickly, after pouring, pieces of rags soaked in ammonia solution are placed on its surface. From above they are covered with a film. This method is very often used in production to extract moisture from the material.
  • After a week, the concrete slab should gain the necessary strength and the formwork can be dismantled.
  • In this form, the foundation on old tires can be used before the manufacture of the bath.

Advice! When pouring the slab, it is very important to observe the correct horizontal surface. Therefore, work is best done using a water level.


In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. Also, based on the text presented above, we can conclude that the foundation created on the basis of tires is quite simple to make. At the same time, given the availability and price of this material, the finished design will turn out to be inexpensive and at the same time very practical ().

The building itself depends on the foundation of any building, so the choice and manufacture of the foundation should be taken as responsibly as possible.

Since the 90s of the last century, the foundation of tires has been popular. This is an inexpensive, prefabricated and interesting way to build the base of a house with your own hands. To build such a base, you will need a lot of old tires and a minimal set of tools. As a result, you will receive a reliable and durable base made by yourself.

Foundation on tires: advantages and disadvantages

For the construction of the foundation of tires, car tires made of rubber are used. Why rubber? The process of its decomposition has been going on for more than 100 years - this is a rather good indicator of the life of the foundation. And given that rubber does not absorb moisture from the soil, the tire foundation has excellent waterproofing characteristics.

If you follow all the rules and technologies for building a foundation from tires, you will quickly, efficiently, and most importantly not expensively get a reliable foundation for a house, bathhouse or outbuilding, on a private or industrial site.

Tire base has many advantages:

  • Buried foundations may begin to crack due to ground vibrations, and a tire base serves without forming;
  • Tires have excellent damping characteristics, so the base can withstand almost all oscillatory loads;
  • The service life of the foundation on tires does not differ from the service life of any other foundation, but the material is much cheaper;
  • Tire base has excellent seismic resistance;
  • To create such a frame at home, you do not need to have serious knowledge and spend a lot of time;
  • The construction of a house on a similar basis occurs without the involvement of heavy construction equipment.

However, such a frame for the house also has disadvantages:

  • The base of the tires is quite wide for the load-bearing walls of the building, so there may be difficulties with facing;
  • If the tires lie on the ground, they can emit harmful substances, therefore it is recommended to lay the tires on a waterproofing layer.

Tire foundation: what is it used for

This kind of base is used in the construction of small buildings: garages, baths, small houses, outbuildings. For large buildings with several floors or houses made of heavy materials (made of bricks, blocks, and so on), classic types of foundation should be used.

You should not take risks and build a big house on a similar basis with your own hands. If you try to save money, you will incur more significant losses.

Tire base: tools and materials

Thinking about building a base from tires, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools, namely:

  • Car tires;
  • Rake or pipe for tamping;
  • crushed stone;
  • Building levels;
  • Sand;
  • Whole and broken bricks;
  • Shields or boards to create a framework for pouring mortar;
  • Ruberoid or linoleum;
  • Shovels;
  • Metal armature.

How to make a tire foundation

There are many ways to build a base from used tires with your own hands, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular and proven methods.

Tiled method of erecting a frame under a building

This is a frame for construction, erected using old tires in the form of a foundation slab.

Construction process:

  • The process of laying tires is carried out in 2 layers, the tires need to be laid as much as possible, the strength of the frame under the building depends on this;
  • The voids between car tires are covered with gravel and bricks and rammed;
  • Roofing felt or thick linoleum is laid over the tires for uniform pouring;
  • Next, the formwork is mounted from panels or boards around the laid tires;
  • Before pouring on roofing material or linoleum, reinforcement is lined to give strength to the cement structure;
  • Next, pouring with a solution of cement, sand and water is carried out;
  • The frame for pouring with a solution can be removed no earlier than seven days.

Columnar method of erecting a base from tires

The frame under the building made of tires in the form of pillars is also very popular. This method takes more time than the tiled one, but its reliability and stability indicators are higher.

Construction process:

  • A significant layer of turf is removed;
  • Next, a hole of the required dimensions breaks out and is covered with rubble;
  • Crushed stone is tightly rammed;
  • The site allotted for construction is marked with wooden pegs;
  • Car tires are laid out on pegs so that the stakes are in the center;
  • The distance between the tires is filled with pieces of brick or rubble;
  • Next, the cement mortar is poured;
  • A week later, you can begin the installation of the strapping beam.

Method with strapping tires with a channel

This is a fairly simple and not labor-intensive way to build a reliable and strong foundation with your own hands.

Construction process:

  • The territory allotted for construction is cleared of debris;
  • The top (fertile) layer of turf is removed;
  • Automobile rubber is laid around the perimeter of the future building;
  • Each tire is filled with stone or pieces of brick and poured with mortar;
  • An anchor is inserted inside each tire;
  • Then they are tied with metal channels.

This method is not used to build heavy houses made of bricks or slabs. It is used only for small houses, garages, small baths and outbuildings.


Which frame to build for the building is up to you. If you are thinking about building a foundation with your own hands, but do not have the necessary knowledge to build a tape or any other foundation that requires an accurate calculation, a tire foundation is perfect for you.

Despite certain problems with protruding automotive rubber, it can be easily decorated with any facing material.

The foundation of car tires updated: February 26, 2018 by: zoomfund

The design of the foundation of a future bath, garage or house must be approached very carefully. The type of soil, the seismic situation in the region, the occurrence of groundwater and much more are taken into account. On some soils, it is very difficult to build an expensive strip foundation. Sometimes even the most durable structures at first glance begin to “float” or simply crack.

There is an option for a pile foundation. But it is also not suitable for every soil. Or you can use tires and build a fairly cheap and durable foundation. However, many are confused by this option, since it is not entirely clear how exactly old tires can perform such a crucial function. Let's consider in more detail.

Why do people choose tire foundation

Among the main advantages of tires is their durability. These products are made of several layers of rubber and are able to withstand huge loads. Since they are mostly hidden from direct sunlight, you can not be afraid that they will collapse and crumble. On average, a car tire has a lifespan of more than 80 years.

This foundation has many other advantages. For example,:

  • Low cost. By and large, most of all you need to pay only for the tires themselves (the cheapest is to buy used ones) and for cement. When compared with a strip foundation, for which you have to build formwork and purchase expensive reinforcement, a tire base becomes the most budget option.
  • Low labor intensity. Yes, of course, you will have to wave a shovel and carefully tamp such a foundation, but it's still faster than digging a trench and knitting reinforcement. True, in this case, the pile foundation still wins. It builds the fastest.

  • No need to use heavy construction equipment. For a strip foundation, you will have to hire an excavator; for a pile foundation, pay for the services of a pile driving machine. For a foundation of tires, by and large, you will need a shovel and a regular car jack.
  • Resistant to deformation over time. Due to their material, tires do not lose their integrity throughout the entire period of operation. They are resistant to seasonal ground movement. For the same reason, such a base is optimal for sites in areas with low seismic resistance.

It is also worth allocating a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe resulting support. This type of foundation is suitable for baths, gazebos, small houses, terraces, summer verandas, garages and many other buildings.

Are there any cons

In fact, the tire foundation does not have many disadvantages. The most important of them is that tires are completely unsuitable for load-bearing walls. In this case, difficulties will arise in the process of facing the building.

The second minus is rather not a minus, but a necessity. For the construction of such a foundation (even though the tires are made of a material resistant to moisture), a layer of waterproofing will be required. It is not worth laying the wheels directly on the ground. In summer, during the heat, the soil becomes very hot. Because of this, tires begin to exude not the most useful fumes.

Therefore, it remains only to choose a specific type of this simple foundation and get to work.

Features of arranging the foundation on heaving soil

If we are talking about soil that contains a lot of moisture or other varieties of "difficult" soils, then it is very difficult to build a foundation on them. During the year, the ground rises unevenly, so any foundation, even if tires are used for it, must be built in accordance with several recommendations.

For example, you can "remove" a layer of heaving soil and replace it with coarse sand, which is carefully compacted. Water will not stagnate in such soil, which means that the soil will not freeze and swell. The second option is to "heat" the soil. To do this, between the soil and the foundation, you need to organize a layer of insulation. Some simply build a drainage system to carry water away.

Nevertheless, the tire foundation is the best option for heaving soil. It can be laid without first removing the soil. True, in this case, you will have to make a full-fledged pouring of concrete. This version of the base is called tiled or solid.

Laying a tiled foundation from tires

Such a base is made in 1-2 layers. The main stages of work will be as follows:

  • We prepare the site for the base. To do this, we mark the territory, remove the fertile layer of the earth and level the site using the building level. Usually it is enough to remove no more than 25 cm, so you can handle it with a regular shovel. If you do not do this, then the house will stand on the so-called humus. It contains a huge number of different bacteria and microorganisms, the vital activity of which will adversely affect the state of the base. But it is not necessary to dig a pit that will be deeper than the freezing depth.
  • We lay the tires on the prepared site close to each other, having previously laid a layer of waterproofing under them. They must all be the same height. It is advisable to purchase tires with a larger diameter (such as bus or tractor tires), as they are stronger and will create a more stable base. If large tires are used, then one layer is enough, and if you are building a foundation from car tires, then two layers are worth doing.

  • Filling tires. All voids between the tires must be covered with fine gravel or broken bricks should be used. But sand is not recommended for this. In this case, there is a risk that over time the base will begin to sag. It is most convenient to fill tires with a car jack. It can be placed between the two sides of the tire and push them apart. Just don't pump too hard on the tires. It is also worth laying a small piece of geotextile on the bottom of each tire (if you decide not to lay a waterproofing layer).

Healthy! The height of the foundation is determined based on the characteristics of the soil. For example, in wetlands it is better to build a higher foundation. Only the foundation should be in contact with the ground, not the building itself.

  • Basement or cellar. If you want to organize a basement, then it is building to think over its location even at the stage of laying tires. In the place where the underground will be, the tires do not fit.

  • Ruberoid laying. This rolled material must be laid on a layer of tires (you can use any other, but the roofing material has optimal characteristics and is the cheapest). This way we get a good additional waterproofing.
  • We mount the formwork. We build a wooden box around the entire perimeter of the base from tires. The height of the formwork must be at least 10 cm. It all depends on the height of the foundation itself. Some then also lay a layer of reinforcement, but you can do without it.
  • Pouring concrete solution. We evenly pour concrete into the resulting wooden box (the entire solution must be poured in one step so that the base gains strength evenly).

After 10 days, it will be possible to remove the formwork, but the foundation will gain full strength only on the 28th day.

This is a more complex version of the arrangement of the foundation of tires. If the soil is not so problematic, but you live in a region with high seismic activity, then you can build a different type of foundation.

Features of laying a columnar base

In this case, tires are used as structural support pillars, so the laying technology is very different. In this case, the tires act as shock-absorbing elements. They dampen tremors, so you can avoid the appearance of cracks in the future building.

To create such a foundation you will need:

  • Calculate exactly where the corners of the building will be. It is also worth buying tires from trucks for such a base. Car tires may not withstand the load.
  • Prepare the site. Also, as in the case of a tiled foundation, it is recommended to remove the fertile layer of the earth and get rid of the roots of trees, stones and other debris. It is worth removing about 30 cm of soil. After that, we dig a pit, the depth of which will be sufficient for two layers of tires (this type of foundation is made only in two layers). The bottom of the pit is leveled and well rammed. At the next stage, a layer of rubble is poured onto it and waterproofing is laid.
  • Mark out the territory. In places where the supports will be installed, you need to drive in pegs (or use metal racks) and measure again so that the distance between the future supports corresponds to the original plan. If there are serious deviations, then the load will be distributed unevenly over the tires.

  • Install tires. We put tires on the pegs, align them well so that they are in the center and located at the same horizontal level. We install the second layer of tires and fill the resulting "wells" with crushed stone and broken bricks.

After that, the crushed stone is slightly moistened and the “wells” are filled with concrete mortar. When the concrete hardens, you can lay the roofing material on the tires and start laying the timber for the formwork and proceed to the construction of the main structure.

In custody

Thus, the foundation of tires is a good alternative to other types of foundation. However, its installation looks much easier than it really is. Therefore, you need to have at least minimal construction skills and clarify the features of the soil in a particular area.

Each land owner who decides to build a house or other structure thinks about saving money for the work. It is no secret that most of the money is spent on the construction of the foundation - about 35% of the cost of the building. Modern technologies make it possible not only to save on construction, but also to ensure long-term operation of the structure without loss of quality.

The tire foundation is an inexpensive, environmentally friendly, reliable solution for the construction of yard structures. To build such a foundation, you need tires from machines, a minimum of tools and materials, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of funds, while obtaining a high-quality, reliable foundation for the building.

In modern construction, much attention is paid to structures in which secondary raw materials are used. The use of out-of-service tires reduces the cost of building a base, because tires are practically free material.

Benefits of recycled foundations

The main advantages of using tires for the base are:

  1. Long service life.
  2. High wear resistance.
  3. Significant cost savings.
  4. Seismic resistance.
  5. Ecological purity.
  6. Good cushioning properties, elasticity.
  7. Ease of construction, minimum labor costs.
  8. Efficiency of use, reliability of a design.

The tire foundation has only one drawback - a large width. This creates some difficulties in the construction of load-bearing walls and the exterior design of the building.

Do not be afraid of building bases from tires, this construction novelty has already shown its stability and efficiency.

The foundation of automotive rubber - reliable and practical

The tire base has proven itself well in the construction of light houses, saunas, gazebos, utility rooms and other low-weight structures. The use of old tires allows you to minimize the cost of building a foundation, so the use of automotive rubber as a base for the construction of small structures is becoming a popular solution.

The tire foundation is light and practical; the construction of such a foundation will require a minimum of time, tools and materials.

An important nuance that is taken into account when laying the foundation of automotive rubber is the location of the tires on the same level. Otherwise, a distortion will form, which will jeopardize further construction.

Arrangement of the base from tires

As mentioned above, the foundation of car tires is used for small country houses, baths, gazebos, sheds and other light structures. Construction is carried out in two ways:

  1. According to the type of glass-type foundation.
  2. A method in which tires are used as poles to support a structure.

Equip the foundation on the tires in several stages:

  • Prepare the site.
  • Mounted in two rows of tires.
  • Fill the cavities of rubber products with soil.
  • Formwork is installed along the perimeter of the base.
  • On top of the car tires, a frame made of a metal corner, a channel, is attached.
  • The tire structure is poured with concrete mortar.

The sequence of work

Before starting construction, the site is carefully prepared: garbage, stones are removed, the rhizomes of shrubs and trees are dug up, the top layer of earth 25-35 cm thick is removed. A level is used to level the territory.

Next, old tires are laid in two tiers (the more tires you install, the stronger the foundation will be). The cavities inside and between the elements are covered with the material at hand: fine gravel, crushed stone, earth, broken bricks, construction waste.

On top of the mounted rubber tires put linoleum, roofing material for the convenience of uniform pouring of the concrete solution. The foundation site is fenced with flanges from an iron corner, a channel with a height of not more than 15 cm. Metal bars are laid inside the fenced-off space and filled with concrete mixture.

The base of the tires is allowed to settle for two weeks, after this period they begin to build walls.

To build a foundation of tires, another method is used. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. They remove the top layer of soil with a thickness of 10 to 15 cm, dig a pit of the desired size. To compact the soil, a roller or rammer made of thick logs is used. The pit is filled with gravel of fine fraction and compacted. You can also dig a hole along the diameter of the tire and fold the supports out of two or three products. The number of rubber elements depends on the height of the plinth being built and the topography of the site used to build a house, gazebo, bath.
  2. When carrying out marking work, a tape measure is used, pegs are hammered into the places where the tires are mounted.
  3. Tires are laid on the installed posts. Using the building level with a wide board, the products are aligned on a horizontal plane.
  4. A waterproofing material is laid inside each tire, then filled with fine-grained gravel, which is poured in layers with periodic compaction to a level of 6 cm from the upper edge of the tires.
  5. Next, the gravel is moistened and a concrete mixture is poured into each pillar. It is convenient to remove excess mortar with the edge of the board. With a similar method, one column is poured in one approach.
  6. A week after the concrete has gained strength, the installation of the lower strapping bars begins.

Thus, a solid concrete base is formed on top of the tires, transferring the main loads to the crushed stone layer, which distributes them evenly. This foundation is suitable for building a light house, garage, gazebo, bathhouse and other buildings.

The sides of rubber tires act as an excellent compensator during freezing and thawing of the soil. The crushed stone base easily dampens the movement of the soil up and down. The main advantage of this method is small earthworks.

During the construction of a rubber base in the summer season, the tires are covered with polyethylene to prevent cracking of the cement mortar poured inside the tires.

Some construction features

When laying the lower tires, be sure to control their horizontal position by using a level for this purpose.

Carefully make sure that the upper points of the tire foundation are located at the same height, this can be done using this method:

  • Wheels are installed in dug pits, rails of the same length are placed on them, a thin twine is pulled on top.
  • Next, they check the horizontal position, thanks to this method, they easily determine which depth to add land to, and which one to remove.
  • Height differences are eliminated by nailing boards of the required thickness to the lower parts of the strapping.

Such a foundation, due to the large width of the tires, protrudes far beyond the walls at the corners of the building and at intermediate points. This drawback is eliminated by decorative sheathing of the protrusions with improvised materials.


The base of the tires does not require special care, only at the initial stage of the construction of the tire should be reliably protected from direct exposure to sunlight. Be sure to follow the technology of building a foundation from car tires so that the constructed building is not in danger of destruction.

Hello to all guests and readers of the blog. In this article I will tell you how I made the foundation for my house. As you probably already understood from the previous article, my foundation is unusual.

Having studied many types of foundations, I came to the conclusion that the foundation of tires for the house, in my case, would be the most appropriate.

Why did I come to this conclusion? Read the article and find out!

A small outline of the article:

  1. Why is this?
  2. Description of the principle of operation
  3. Comparison with other types of foundations
  4. Who came up with this foundation?
  5. Completed projects
  6. Step-by-step implementation of the foundation of tires from me
  7. What to do next with the plinth

Now let's go over each point in more detail.

Why did I choose this type of foundation?

At first, for a long time I could not decide what type of foundation I should choose. I did not do like most builders in our area. And they do it here in a rather original way: They pour a dump from the ASG, and put a log house directly on it, and from the inside of the log house, two or three crowns are covered with a mound of earth.

I just can’t understand how it should work, the basic principle of insulation is to always do it outside, and the principle of the foundation is to get off the ground and give the structure stability ...

The photo above shows how it looks in my house.

At first, of course, I was skeptical about this, after all, the wheels are designed for a completely different thing. But then, delving into the principle of its work, I realized that this is just the perfect option for me.

According to these criteria, this version of the base for the house approached me:

  1. Smoothing seasonal ground movements
  2. Large footprint
  3. Ease of erection
  4. Low cost
  5. Durability
  6. Seismic resistance
  7. Reviews of those who have already implemented this version of the foundation

To understand how it all works, let's move on to the next item in the plan.

Description of the principle of operation

To begin with, consider a separate section, with one tire. As you can see, the tire foundation is extremely simple.

The principle of building a foundation

This is a tire laid on the ground, stuffed with what you have, and a grillage of the house is laid on it, of course, do not forget about waterproofing, between the grillage (house strapping) and the wheel.

Since I live in an area where the freezing depth is very deep, in some places it reaches 3-4 meters (somewhere there are even areas of permafrost), plus a high level of groundwater is added to everything, then the movements in the soil are simply catastrophic !

Look at what fences we have a few years after installation ... In three years, the right pole has grown by 12 cm.

crooked fence

People are digging huge trenches, and laying powerful metal connections between the pillars of the gates and gates, only so that the gate opens the same way all year round ...

Something got distracted. So the columnar foundation of tires helps to reduce the shear forces of the soil in relation to the house. Tires have the property of damping, and when pressure is applied to a certain area, they expand or bulge, reducing the risk of shifting the grillage.

Such supports are considered a columnar type of foundation. Only the columns are obtained not buried in the ground, but lying on the surface. Well, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport for the wheels is also quite large.

Now let's see what happens when there is increased pressure in any area of ​​the tire lying on the ground.

Pressure redistribution

When this effect occurs, the tire walls begin to move apart, albeit slightly, but enough to reduce the transmitted pressure on the structure lying on it.

Almost the same effect occurs when pressure is applied to the entire tire, it’s just that it is completely deformed a little, and neighboring supports will receive less load, while the shift of the grillage will be insignificant.

The footprint of the base of a house of this kind makes it possible to erect buildings also on soft soils. Where houses usually sink, such supports will help you out, they will be much lighter than a concrete foundation of a similar area, and will help you build a house even on peat soils.

I think the principle of operation is clear, now let's compare different types of foundations with a tire foundation.

For convenience, I have compiled a table with the main criteria that I followed when choosing a base for a house.

Comparison of a tire foundation with other foundations

The choice was obvious for me, and I decided to build such a foundation for the house.

Where did the legs grow from the tire foundation?

After studying the sources, I came to the conclusion that people have been using such supports for quite a long time, but they have become more widespread thanks to the Internet, on one forum house there is already a third thread discussing the foundation for a house on tires.

There is a patent for such a foundation, Comrade Semykin Mikhail Egorovich, patented the technology for erecting a support for the foundation using tires. His tires just work to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport for the foundation, the soils are swampy, they weakly hold the load. Here's what it looks like for him.

Variant from Semykin

Where: 1 - concrete slab, 2 - Linoleum (Roofing material), 3 - tires.

How I made the base for the house

Consider how I made such a foundation. I will try to describe step by step. First, let's decide on the materials and tools that we need:

  1. Tires are automobile, the size depends on what structure will be erected. I took from trucks, Gaz-66, Kamaz, Gaz-53, there is even one from a lappetzhnik.
  2. Geotextile, it needs very little, it fits inside the tire before stuffing it with soil
  3. Any filler, sand, ASG, clay, or a mixture of them, as an option, what is on the site.
  4. Shovel shovel, something like this, preferably with such a heavy handle - will be used as a rammer
  5. Rammer, if a shovel with a simple handle
  6. A car jack, and a few bars as long as the sidewalls of a tire.
  7. A pair, or several pairs, of strong hands)))

This is a complete foundation building kit.

Now the process itself. I’ll tell you how I did it, many builders used different methods, but it all boils down to the fact that this method is the easiest, you can find others by digging on the Internet.

What can be done with such a base

As an option, you can fill the covers with sand, and make a pick-up in the form of a plinth. It can be trimmed with stone siding, it will turn out very effectively. But this is the case if you will make an insulated floor. If you plan to organize a warm underground, then I recommend doing what will be done with me.

This diagram shows what the basement will look like when construction is completed.

Option to design the basement of the house when making such a foundation

Shown here:
1. fill cap
2. The outer wall of the dam will be made of wood and finished with stone-like siding
3. filling filler - sawdust
4. outer wall of the dam
5. primer
6. tire
7. foam

You can download in one fell swoop all the diagrams and the project of the frame of the house by going to, where I made an overview of my construction in its entirety.

Before filling the sawdust, waterproofing will be laid on the ground to prevent the penetration of moisture into the sawdust, and geotextiles will be nailed to the outer wall and in a circle to the inner wall of the house to prevent sawdust from scattering.

The use of breathable material in the plinth is important to regulate the humidity in the subfloor during the winter. It is not necessary to completely isolate the movement of air with a vapor barrier.

Well, on this I consider the topic of the foundation for a house built of tires to be closed.

Subscribe to blog updates, and you will learn a lot of interesting things, do not forget that I am building a full-fledged estate - this is my main goal at the moment! Read also my other articles about, and, I honestly tried!

Well, that's all for now, see you soon!