The personnel conditions for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Service do not apply. Creation of personnel conditions

The system of conditions for the implementation of the PEP IEO in accordance with the requirements of the Standard

This section of the main educational program, which characterizes the system of conditions, contains:

· personnel conditions for the implementation of the main educational program;

· psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program;

· financial support for the implementation of the main educational program;

· logistical conditions implementation of the main educational program;

· information and methodological conditions for the implementation of the main educational program;

· mechanisms for achieving targets in the system of conditions.

1. Personnel conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.

In the aggregate of the Requirements for the conditions and resource support for the implementation of the BEP, the IEO is the core requirement for human resources due to their key importance. (Annex 9)

Personnel potential of primary general education are:

1) teachers who are able to effectively use material, technical, information, methodological and other resources for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education, manage the process of personal, social, cognitive ( intellectual), the communicative development of students and the process of their own professional development;

2) a practical school psychologist, whose activity is determined by the needs of creating a psychologically safe educational environment, designing a zone of proximal development, establishing a real picture and problems of personal, social, cognitive ( intellectual), communicative development of students, psychological support for the activities of a teacher, other subjects of education to achieve modern educational results in primary school;

3) the administrator of primary general education, focused on the creation ( formation) systems of resource support for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education, managing the activities of the primary school as a single socio-cultural organism, a key link in the developing educational space, capable of generating, perceiving and transmitting innovative educational ideas and experience.

Professional development and advanced training of teaching staff

The main condition for the formation and building up of the necessary and sufficient human resources of the school is to ensure, in accordance with the new educational realities and tasks, the adequacy of the system of continuous pedagogical education to the ongoing changes in the education system as a whole. At the same time, the pace of modernization of the training and retraining of teaching staff should outpace the pace of modernization of the education system.

To achieve the results of the main educational program in the course of its implementation, it is supposed to assess the quality and effectiveness of the activities of pedagogical workers in order to correct their activities, as well as to determine incentive part of the wage fund.

Indicators and indicators can be developed by the school based on the planned results (including for interdisciplinary programs) and in accordance with the specifics of the main educational. They reflect the dynamics of educational achievements of students, including the formation of UUD ( personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative), as well as the activity and effectiveness of their participation in extracurricular activities, educational, creative educational and social projects, including those of different ages, school self-government, volunteer movement. When assessing the quality of the activities of pedagogical workers, the demand for teacher services (including extracurricular services) by students and parents can be taken into account; usage teachers of modern pedagogical technologies, including including ICT and health-saving; participation in methodological and scientific work, dissemination of advanced pedagogical sky experience; raising the level of professional masters you; the work of the teacher in the formation and maintenance of individual educational trajectories of students, managing their project activities; interaction with all participants in educational relations, etc.

Expected result of advanced training - about professional readiness of educators for the implementation of the GEF IEO:

securityoptimal entry of educators into the system of values modern education;

Adoptionideology of GEF IEO;

developmenta new system of requirements for the structure of the main educational program, the results of its development and the conditions for implementation, as well as a system for assessing the results of the educational activities of students;

masteryeducational methodological and informationalmethodological resources necessary for the successful solution of the tasks of the GEF IEO.

One of the conditions for readiness educational organization to the introduction of GEF IEO is the creation of a system methodical work providing support for the activities of teachers at all stages of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The school’s methodological work plan may include the following activities:

1. Seminars dedicated to the content and key features FGOS NOO.

2. Trainings for teachers in order to identify and correlate their own professional position with the goals and objectives of the FGOS IEO.

3. Meetings of methodological associations of teachers, educators on the problems of introducing the GEF IEO.

4. Conferences of participants in educational relations and social partners of the school following the development of the main the educational program, its individual sections, the problems of approbation and introduction of the GEF IEO.

5. Participation of teachers in the development of sections and components of the main educational program of the school.

6.  Participation of teachers in the development and testing of performance assessment in the context of the implementation of the GEF IEO andnew wage system.

7. Participation of teachers in conducting master classes, kruopen tables, internship sites, open lessons, extracurricular activities and events in certain areas of the introduction and implementation of the GEF IEO.

Summing up and discussion of the results of activities can be carried out in different forms: meetings with the director, meetings of the pedagogical and methodological council goods, in the form of decisions of the pedagogical council, placed on the website of presentations, orders, instructions, recommendations, resolutions, etc.

2.Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.

The requirements of the Standard for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the BEP IEO:

1) ensuring the continuity of the content and forms of organization of the educational process in relation to entry level general education, taking into account the specifics of the age-related psychophysical development of students, including the features of the transition from primary school age to adolescence;

2) formation and development of psychological and pedagogical competence of participants in the educational process;

3) ensuring the variability of directions and forms, as well as the diversification of the levels of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process.

Achievement of the planned results, implementation of the content and organization of the educational process, focused on the formation of a common culture, spiritual, moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development, self-development and self-improvement of students, ensuring their social success, development creativity, preservation and promotion of health is possible only in the situation of creating a developing educational environment. The content characteristics of the educational environment of the school are determined by those internal tasks that a particular school sets for itself. The set of these tasks determines the external characteristics of the educational environment.

These can be attributed criteria:

1) meaningful (level and quality of cultural content);

2) procedural(communication style, activity level);

3) effective(developing effect).

Psychological and pedagogical resources and conditions to create an educational environment adequate to the goals and objectives, contain:

1. Portrait of a teacher ready for the implementation of the set of pedagogical tasks proposed in the main educational program, as main condition implementation of the ideas of the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation.

2. Proposals for the formation of pedagogical competence (opportunities for professional development and advanced training of teachers).

3. Proposals for the formation of pedagogical competence in terms of ensuring continuity.

Portrait of a teacher implementing BEP IEO

The introduction of unified state educational standards implies the unity of requirements for the level of formation of professional competencies of teachers, a common understanding of their content. At the same time, we consider competence as the ability to establish a connection between knowledge and action, suitable for solving a specific problem. The Federal State Educational Standard defines the main groups of professional pedagogical competencies on which the activities of a teacher focused on achieving new educational results can be based:

1) general cultural competencies, including the ability to generalize, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve them, understanding the meaning of culture as a form of conscious existence of a person in the world, using knowledge of the scientific picture of the world in educational and professional activities, the ability to analyze worldview, social and personally significant philosophical problems, willingness to work in a team;

2) general professional competencies, involving the teacher's awareness of the social significance of his profession, the ability to use systematized theoretical knowledge of the humanities, social, economic sciences in solving social and professional problems, possession of modern types of communications;

3) professional competencies, including the ability to implement educational programs, apply modern technologies and methods of training and education;

4) competencies in the field of cultural and educational activities, including the ability to interact with its participants and use at the same time domestic and foreign experience such activity.

Based on these basic competencies, professional and pedagogical teacher competence. The peculiarity of professional and pedagogical competence as a teacher's readiness for pedagogical activity lies in the fact that it is acquired and manifested in specific psychological, pedagogical and communicative situations, in situations of real solution of problems that constantly arise in the educational process of the school. The teacher must be ready to organize and perform various types of pedagogical activities, which largely determine the level of formation of the teacher's professional and pedagogical competence.

At the same time, pedagogical competence cannot be simply extracted from any information sources, but is always a product of self-education, self-development and self-improvement. Its formation and development is associated, first of all, with the development of those fundamental abilities of a teacher that allow effective pedagogical activity, that is, communicative, organizational, design and research.

As main components professional and pedagogical competence, we identified the following: cognitive, design and constructive, organizational, information technology, didactic, research, communicative.

cognitive component is associated with cognition and forms the basis of professional and pedagogical competence. Possession of knowledge makes it possible to effectively achieve the results of activities in accordance with accepted professional and social norms, standards, and requirements. To be competent, according to P. Weil, means "knowing when and how to act." Pedagogical knowledge forms the basis of professional pedagogical activity.

Design and construction component includes ideas about the promising tasks of training and education, as well as strategies and ways to achieve them, provides a conscious transition of the teacher from an abstract model idea of ​​the trajectory of movement to the result and from the result itself to a description of specific actions (steps) to achieve results.

structural component due to the peculiarities of the teacher's construction of his own activity, the activity of students, taking into account the immediate goals of training and education (lesson, lesson, cycle of classes) and implies a focus on obtaining a practically significant result, taking into account the real possibilities of resource support for the intended.

Forecasting is focused on the final result clearly presented in the mind of the teacher - the subject of management. The basis for setting goals and searching for possible ways to solve a specific pedagogical problem is the analysis pedagogical situation. Pedagogical forecasting, carried out on a scientific and methodological basis, is based on knowledge of the essence and logic of the pedagogical process, the laws of age and individual development of students. Based on this, the composition of the teacher’s prognostic skills can be represented as follows: setting pedagogical goals and objectives, choosing ways to achieve them, foreseeing the result, possible deviations and undesirable phenomena, determining the stages (stages) of the pedagogical process, time allocation, planning life activities together with students.

Organizational Component ensures the construction of the teacher's own activity, as well as the activity of students, inclusion in different kinds joint activity that turns them from an object into a subject of education; contributes to the connection of all the threads and directions of the learning process into a common communicative (semantic) space. In exercising management, the teacher takes into account the nature of the learning process as much as possible, creates the necessary conditions for this, directs, controls, selects the necessary means and information. In general, the organization and management of the educational process is a purposeful interaction of all its participants to achieve the designed learning outcomes.

Information Technology Component includes information literacy of the teacher. Possession of adequate ways of influencing students with external "flows" of information allows the teacher to information Technology the basis for building the learning process as a common information and communication space, a situation of understanding. Creating conditions for tripartite interaction in the teacher-student-media system makes it possible to introduce the factor of someone else's opinion into the process of education and upbringing, to develop the thinking and behavior of students based on independence of judgment, argumentation, movement towards understanding and interpreting information.

Didactic component due to the teaching activities of the teacher, which includes:

1) possession of the content and its didactic organization;

2) the ability to organize their activities in the learning process;

3) the ability to expand the educational and cognitive activity of students;

4) the ability to activate and motivate the student's personality in the learning process;

5) the ability to organize the structural and compositional construction of the lesson.

It is important to note that the identified main aspects of the teacher's activity in teaching are related to the main components of the educational process. Communicative component associated with the peculiarities of the communicative activity of the teacher, the specifics of his interaction with students, parents, teachers. The teacher's attitude to students determines the success of his constructive and organizational activities, the emotional well-being of students in the learning process. A communicatively competent teacher understands and produces speech that corresponds to the specific sociolinguistic context of the learning situation; accurately conveys information to students, focusing on their thesaurus; owns the appropriate information level of knowledge, various approaches to their interpretation for educational purposes, the "language of the subject", etc. With the help of speech, which expands the channels of communicative interaction, it not only serves the process of education and upbringing, but also makes it a means of achieving its main goal - developing in schoolchildren a “sense of the word”, linguistic instinct, creating an atmosphere, without which it is difficult

understand a given subject.

Research component implies: the teacher's possession of the basics of a research culture (a certain system of value orientations, knowledge, skills, traditional and innovative approaches), the ability to develop personal and professional qualities necessary for a successful research search. The teacher-researcher is aware of the nature of the search activity as creative, productive, aimed not just at attracting information, but at its creation and understanding of the meaning, at finding effective solutions; reveals general scientific and subject erudition, general cultural outlook; shows personal creativity, strong-willed and moral and psychological qualities (honesty, perseverance, enthusiasm, criticality, etc.); owns the methodology of scientific practical research - theoretical and practical; owns technologies - basic procedures, sequence of operations and actions, methods and algorithms of activity.

3. Financial conditions for ensuring the implementation of the main educational program.

Financial support implementation of the BEP, the IEO relies on the fulfillment of spending obligations that ensure the constitutional right of citizens to free and generally accessible general education. The amount of current spending obligations is reflected in the task of the founder for the provision of state (municipal) educational services in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational Standards of general education. The task of the founder ensures that the indicators of the volume and quality of the services provided by the educational institution (performance of work) correspond to the size of the budget funds allocated for these purposes. Financial support for the task of the founder for the implementation of the BEP IEO is carried out on the basis of normative per capita financing. The introduction of normative per capita financing determines the mechanism for the formation of expenses and bringing funds to the implementation of state guarantees of the rights of citizens to receive public and free general education in accordance with the requirements of the Standard. The application of the principle of normative per capita financing at the level of an organization carrying out educational activities is to determine the cost of a standard (basic) budgetary educational service in an organization carrying out educational activities, not lower than the level of the actual cost in the previous financial year. Regional calculated per capita standard- this is the minimum allowable amount of financial resources necessary for the implementation of the main educational program in institutions of the given region in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard per student per year, determined separately for organizations engaged in educational activities located in urban and rural areas. Local self-government bodies may establish additional norms for school financing at the expense of local budgets in excess of the established regional per capita norm.

4. Material and technical conditions for ensuring the implementation of the main educational program.

Material and technical resources are the primary, initial component of the resource support for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education. The material and technical resources for ensuring the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education are:

1) educational equipment ( training equipment for training sessions(lesson, self-study, optional lesson, additional lesson, individual lesson, other form of lessons) - available;

2) educational and practical and educational and laboratory equipment (handouts, tool kits, constructors, three-dimensional models, easels, balls, hoops, etc.) - partially available;

3) computer and information and communication facilities - partially available;

4) technical teaching aids (interactive whiteboard, magnetic board, video recorder, multimedia projector, etc.) - partially - available;

5) demonstration aids (demonstration numerical rulers, demonstration multiplication tables, cards, etc.) are available;

6) games and toys (desk educational games, sets role playing, theatrical dolls) - available;

7) natural objects (collections of minerals, collections of fruits and seeds of plants, herbariums, models, living objects, etc.) - partially available;

8) equipment for change between classes - available;

9) equipment of educational premises (student tables, cabinets, wall boards for announcements, etc.) - available;

10) equipping administrative premises ( computer tables, office chairs, wardrobes, information storage media on paper and electronic media, etc.) are available.

Based on the personality-oriented goals of modern primary general education, educational equipment intended to provide material and technical resource designed to provide):

1) visibility in the organization of the learning process of younger students;

2) natural conformity of education of junior schoolchildren;

3) cultural conformity in the making ( formation) the identity of the younger student;

4) subject-learning environment for the implementation of areas of personal development of younger students on an activity basis.

We emphasize that the GEF IEO is focused on ensuring a real transition from reproductive forms of educational activity to productive independent cognitive activity, to search and research types academic work, focuses on the analytical component of educational activities, the formation of a system of competencies.

5. Educational and information and methodological resources for ensuring the implementation of the main educational program.

Educational and information and methodological resources occupy their own, only their inherent place in the system of resource support for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education. This is an essential, necessary, integral component of the infrastructure, instrumental support of primary general education, without which any effective educational process is impossible. The target orientation of this resource is to create information and methodological conditions of the educational process that are optimal from the point of view of achieving modern educational results in primary school, which means the presence of an information and methodological developing educational environment based on an activity approach.

Information and methodological resources for ensuring the implementation of the BEP IEO are:

1) information and methodological resources for ensuring the management activities of administrators of primary general education (FGOS IEO, Basic curriculum, exemplary (basic) curricula in subjects, educational program (s) of the educational institution, program for the development of universal educational activities, materials on personal development students, models of student assessment, recommendations for designing the educational process, etc.) are available;

2) information and methodological resources for ensuring the educational activities of students (printed and electronic media of educational ( educational) information, multimedia, audio and video materials, digital educational resources, etc. - partially available;

3) information and methodological resources for ensuring the educational activities of students ( primary school teachers) (printed and electronic media of scientific and methodological, educational and methodological, psychological and pedagogical information, program and methodological, instructive and methodological materials, digital educational resources, etc.) are available.

The conditions for the formation and growth of the necessary and sufficient information and methodological resources of educational institutions of primary general education are the systemic actions of administrators of primary general education, education authorities at the municipal, regional and federal levels, within their competence to fulfill these requirements, to objectively assess these resources and implement corrective actions where appropriate.

The main regulatory documents that define the requirements for information and methodological resources of organizations engaged in educational activities are:

2) List of digital educational resources.

6. Mechanisms for achieving targets in the system of conditions

Justification of the necessary changes in the existing conditions in accordance with the goals and priorities of the BEP IEO, the mechanisms for achieving targets in the system of conditions, the system for assessing the conditions are prescribed in the School Development Program.

An integrative result of fulfilling the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the BEP IEO is the creation and maintenance of a comfortable developing educational environment that is adequate to the tasks of achieving personal, social, cognitive (intellectual), communicative, aesthetic, physical, and labor development of students.

The conditions created at the school should:

comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

guarantee the preservation and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students;

ensure the implementation of the BEP of the IEO and the achievement of the planned results of its development;

take into account the peculiarities of the location of the school, its organizational structure, requests of participants in educational activities;

provide an opportunity to interact with social partners, use the resources of society.

GEF SOO p. 22 Requirements for staffing conditions for the implementation of the BEP of secondary general education. Key features of GEF SOO. Federal Law, article 5, paragraph 2) The right to additional professional education in the field of pedagogical activity at least once every three years. The qualifications of teaching staff of educational organizations should reflect: The teaching staff must have the basic competencies, including skills: Competence in relevant subject areas of knowledge and teaching methods. Provide conditions for successful activity, positive motivation, as well as self-motivation of students. The formation of a humanistic position, a positive orientation towards pedagogical activity. search and analyze information using ICT. The general culture that determines the nature and style of pedagogical activity, influencing the success of pedagogical communication. Develop programs, methodological materials, recommend to students additional sources of information. Self-organization, emotional stability. Organize and accompany the educational, research and project activities of students. to implement pedagogical assessment of students' activities in accordance with the requirements of the Standard. Use standardized and non-standardized works; to interpret the results of students' achievements.

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GEF Introduction

"Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard" - 1. Content of work on the development of a single project. Method of analysis and determination of necessary changes. 1. Development of a project for teaching the subject in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Problems of introduction and implementation of fgos. Flowchart for analyzing changes in the educational system of the school. The structure of the project for the introduction of GEF NO.

"Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education" - Formation of the Federal State Educational Standard. About education in Russian Federation. Network form of implementation of educational programs. GEF - standards of choice. Requirements for the structure of the main educational program. Key features of GEF SOO. personal results. Russian Federation. Financial terms of implementation.

"Introduction of GEF IEO" - Some features of the teaching materials. Approval of federal state educational standards. Normative-legal regulation of the introduction of GEF. OOP structure requirements. Phased introduction of GEF. Decipher the abbreviation. Information support of GEF NOU. Introduction of the federal state educational standard.

"The problem of the introduction of the GEF" - The problem of the introduction of the GEF IEO. objective contradictions. Organizational support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Legal support. Requirements for the conditions for the introduction of GEF IEO. Common problems on the introduction of the GEF NOU. Ways and means of implementation. Cooperation of educational institutions with institutions of higher education vocational education.

"Actual problems of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard" - the main educational program. Change of basic paradigm. Innovative components. Approval of the main educational program. Decree. Competences. Information Support. Common name educational institution. Preparation of a professional student. Forms of organization of the educational process.

1. Complete the sentences (choose 1 required word):

“Federal state educational standards should provide:
a) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation”;
b) continuity basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education”.
Words for reference: a) unity, b) continuity, c) continuity, c) accessibility.

2. List the distinguishing features of the GEF of the new generation from the standards of 2004

1. does not regulate the content of education in its pure form
2. includes requirements for the structure, conditions and results of the implementation of basic educational programs
3. important attention is paid to education
4. results are not only subject, but also meta-subject, personal
5. new methodological basis
6. new document format structure
8. Wider range of user functions

3. Select the main principles on which the GEF is based?

a) succession;
b) development;
c) scientific character;
d) variability

4. What basic document of the Federal State Educational Standard defines a system of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal types of educational activities that are adequate to the requirements of the standard for educational outcomes?

a) The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen
b) The fundamental core of the content of general education;
c) The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;
d) Message from the President to the Federal Assembly.

5. Complete the sentence: “The standard establishes requirements for the structure, conditions, ....

a) goals;
b) teachers;
c) results;
d) content.

6. What approach allows you to highlight the main results of training and education in the context of key tasks and universal learning activities that students should master:

a) informational;
b) system-activity;
c) integrative;
d) traditional.

7. The system-activity approach as a methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard establishes the priority of developmental education. Select the signs of developmental learning:

a) is based on the principle of accessibility;
b) relies on a combination of individual, group and frontal forms of education;
c) focused on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge;
d) relies on the zone of proximal development;
e) learning tasks come to the fore, solving them, students learn common ways mental activity.

8. The development of the main educational program of the LLC is within the competence of:

a) Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
b) the Department of Education of the Vologda Oblast;
c) the founder of an educational institution;
d) an educational institution.

9. What document specifies the requirements for the basic educational program of an LLC?

a) the Charter of the educational institution;
c) Exemplary educational program of LLC;
d) The fundamental core of the content of education.

10. The main educational program of the LLC contains the following sections (select the correct ones):

1. Regulatory
2. Target
3. Informative
4. Organizational

11. In the requirements for the structure of the main educational program of the LLC, the presence of a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process is fixed. What is their ratio?

a) 80% and 20%;
b) 60% and 40%;
c) 50% and 50%;
d) 70% and 30%.

  1. Compare the goals of the implementation of the main educational program of the LLC with the sections and subprograms aimed at their implementation:

The objectives of the implementation of the OOP LLC Sections and subroutines
1). Ensuring the planned results of the OOP LLC a) Education and socialization program
2). Formation of target settings, knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies b) Curriculum
3). Accounting for personal, family, social, state needs and opportunities of students c) The program of individual subjects, courses
4). Formation and development of personality in its individuality, originality, uniqueness, uniqueness d) Target section of the OOP

(“Planned results of mastering OOP by students”)

5). Accounting for the individual characteristics of the development of the student and the state of health e) UUD development program

13. What is not included in the universal educational activities:

a) personality block
b) regulatory block
c) cognitive block
d) health block
e) communication block

14. Complete the sentence:

If meta-subject results in primary school mean mastered universal learning activities, key competencies and interdisciplinary concepts, then in the middle link the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independently plan, carry out educational activities, build ... is added.
a) development program;
b) individual educational trajectory;
c) life plans;
d) relationship.

15. Personal universal actions are ... (eliminate unnecessary):

a) the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles;
b) knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior;
c) orientation in social roles;
d) orientation in interpersonal relationships;
e) knowledge of the fundamentals of religion.

16. Regulatory actions are… (eliminate unnecessary):

a) goal setting;
b) planning;
c) forecasting;
d) attention;
e) control;
f) correction;
g) assessment;
h) self-regulation.

17. What is not included in the block of cognitive universal educational activities:

a) logical actions;
b) general educational activities;
c) evaluation activities;
d) the actions of setting and solving problems.

18. The program of education and socialization of students at the LLC level should be built on the basis of the basic national values ​​of Russian society such as patriotism, social solidarity, citizenship, family, work and creativity, science, traditional religions of Russia, art and literature, nature, humanity. Which value is missing?

and love
b) health
c) happiness
d) communication

19. The system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of the development of the MEP LLC should (select the odd one):

a) provide an integrated approach to assessing the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, which makes it possible to evaluate the subject, meta-subject and personal results of basic general education;
b) orient the educational process towards the assessment of subject knowledge;
c) provide an assessment of the dynamics of individual achievements of students in the process of mastering the main general education program of basic general education;
d) provide for the use of a variety of methods and forms that complement each other (standardized written and oral work, projects, practical work, creative work, introspection and self-assessment, observations);

20. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, a component of the final assessment of a graduate of a basic school is an assessment for the implementation and defense of the project. Determine the type(s) of this project:

a) individual;
b) social;
c) group;
d) game.

21. Select aspects of communicative UUD:

a) planning of educational cooperation;
b) possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech;
c) managing the partner's behavior;
d) establishment causal connections;
e) forecasting.

22. Indicate the correct definition of the work program:

a) The work program allows you to fully take into account and reflect the national-regional component (taking into account the specifics of the taught training course, subject, discipline (module)), the author's intention of the teacher, the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support of the educational process, the level of training of students, the specifics training in a particular educational institution.
b) The work program is a curriculum developed by the authors of the teaching materials on the basis of Sample program for a specific educational institution and a specific class (group), which has changes and additions to the content, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use organizational forms training, etc.
V) working programm compiled on the basis of the Fundamental core of the content of general education and the requirements for the results of general education, presented in the federal state standard of general education. It also takes into account the main ideas and provisions of the Program for the development and formation of universal educational activities, and gives general methodological recommendations.

23. The personnel conditions for the introduction and implementation of the GEF LLC do not include:

a) advanced training of teachers and heads of educational institutions;
b) development of recommendations for teaching staff on the organization of extracurricular activities;
c) creation of a teacher's self-development program;
d) ensuring continuity in relation to the primary stage of general education;
e) providing constant scientific, methodological and informational support to teachers.

The educational organization must be staffed with personnel who have the necessary qualifications to solve the problems defined by the main educational program of the educational organization, capable of innovative professional activities.

Staffing requirements include:

staffing of the educational organization with pedagogical, managerial and other employees;

the level of qualification of pedagogical and other employees of the educational organization;

· continuity of professional development of teaching staff of an educational organization implementing the educational program of basic general education.

Basis for development job descriptions containing a specific list of job responsibilities of employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of labor and management, as well as the rights, responsibilities and competence of employees of an educational organization, are the qualification characteristics presented in the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees (CEN), section "Qualification characteristics positions of educators.

Job responsibilities can be based on the generalized labor functions presented in the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)", which can be entrusted to an employee holding this position.

Certification of teaching staff in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Article 49) is carried out in order to confirm their compliance with the positions held on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities, taking into account the desire of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category. The certification of pedagogical workers in order to confirm their compliance with the positions they hold should be carried out once every five years on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities by certification commissions independently formed by educational organizations.

Conducting attestation in order to establish the qualification category of pedagogical workers is carried out by attestation commissions formed by the federal executive authorities in charge of these organizations. Conducting attestation in relation to pedagogical workers of educational organizations that are under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal and private organizations is carried out by attestation commissions formed by authorized state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for attestation of teaching staff is established by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of education, in agreement with the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of labor.

The educational organization must be staffed by support staff. The description of the personnel conditions of an educational organization can be implemented in the form of a table. It is advisable to correlate the duties and qualifications of specialists in accordance with the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)", with the existing human resources potential of the educational organization. This will determine the state of human resources and outline ways necessary work for its further modification.

Staffing for the implementation of the main educational program basic general education can be built according to the scheme:

- job title;

- official duties;

- the number of employees in the educational organization (required / available);

- the level of employees of the educational organization: requirements for the level of qualification, the actual level.

An educational organization, taking into account the peculiarities of pedagogical activity for the design and implementation of the educational process, draws up a list of necessary positions in accordance with the CSA and the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" .

Professional development and advanced training of teaching staff. The main condition for the formation and building up of the necessary and sufficient personnel potential of an educational organization is to ensure, in accordance with the new educational realities and tasks, the adequacy of the system of continuous pedagogical education to the ongoing changes in the education system as a whole.

In the PEP of an educational organization, schedules can be presented, including various forms of continuous professional development of all teaching staff, as well as schedules for certification of personnel for compliance with the position held and the qualification category in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 7, 2014 No. 276 "On the procedure certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational organizations, as well as a methodology for assessing the level of qualification of teaching staff.

In this case, various educational organizations that have the appropriate license can be used.

Forms of advanced training can be: postgraduate education in higher educational institutions, including master's, postgraduate, doctoral studies, advanced training courses; internships, participation in conferences, training seminars and master classes in certain areas of the implementation of the main educational program; Remote education; participation in various pedagogical projects; creation and publication of methodological materials, etc.

To achieve the results of the main educational program in the course of its implementation, it is planned to assess the quality and effectiveness of the activities of teaching staff in order to correct their activities, as well as to determine the stimulating part of the wage fund.

Approximate criteria for evaluating the performance of teaching staff. Performance can be assessed according to the following scheme:

· criteria for evaluation,


Indicators and indicators can be developed by an educational organization based on the planned results (including for interdisciplinary programs) and in accordance with the specifics of the main educational program of the educational organization. They reflect the dynamics of the educational achievements of students, including the formation of UUD, as well as the activity and effectiveness of their participation in extracurricular activities, educational, creative and social, including projects of different ages, school self-government, volunteer movement. A generalized assessment of the personal results of students' learning activities can be carried out in the course of various monitoring studies. When assessing the quality of the activities of pedagogical workers, the demand for teacher services (including extracurricular services) by students and parents can be taken into account; the use by teachers of modern pedagogical technologies, including ICT and health-saving; participation in methodological and scientific work; dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience; increasing the level of professional skills; the work of the teacher in the formation and maintenance of individual educational trajectories of students; management of project activities of students; interaction with all participants in the educational process, etc.

The expected result of advanced training is the professional readiness of educators for the implementation of GEF LLC:

- ensuring the optimal entry of educators into the system of values ​​of modern education;

- mastering a new system of requirements for the structure of the main educational program, the results of its development and the conditions for implementation, as well as a system for assessing the results of educational activities of students;

‒ mastering the educational and methodological and information and methodological resources necessary for the successful solution of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.

One of the conditions for the readiness of an educational organization for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC is the creation of a system of methodological work that provides support for the activities of teachers at all stages of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC. The organization of methodological work can be planned in the following form: activities, deadlines, responsible, summing up, discussion of the results (but not limited to this).

In this case, the following measures can be used:

1. Seminars dedicated to the content and key features of GEF LLC.

2. Trainings for teachers in order to identify and correlate their own professional position with the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Meetings of methodological associations of teachers, educators on the problems of introducing GEF LLC.

4. Conferences of participants in the educational process and social partners of the educational organization based on the results of the development of the main educational program, its individual sections, the problems of approbation and introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

5. Participation of teachers in the development of sections and components of the main educational program of an educational organization.

6. Participation of teachers in the development and approbation of the assessment of the effectiveness of work in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC and the new wage system.

7. Participation of teachers in conducting master classes, round tables, internship sites, "open" lessons, extracurricular activities and events in certain areas of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Summing up and discussing the results of events can be carried out in various forms: meetings with the director, meetings of the pedagogical and methodological councils, decisions of the pedagogical council, presentations, orders, instructions, recommendations, resolutions, etc.

Similar information.

Tasks. Creation of personnel conditions for the introduction and implementation of GEF SOO. Regional level. It is necessary: ​​to promote the reorganization of real pedagogical practice, to equip the teacher with new activity samples that demonstrate a different level of pedagogical professionalism, to create an infrastructure that allows the teacher to have access to these samples (internship sites, tutor centers, including remotely), to create a system for monitoring the effectiveness of mastering programs PC, correlating the criteria with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and practical activities, to develop not only an individual professional, but also the teaching staff, the “team” of the NGO to organize additional professional education in the mode of personification of state obligations, to ensure the possibility for teachers to independently determine the terms and forms of advanced training, to introduce new effective financial and economic mechanisms (direction of funds to the PA, to the teacher, the impact of the PC on the salary). To ensure the formation of professional competence - a dynamic combination of knowledge, cognitive (cognitive) and practical skills, values ​​that a person operates in a professional context.

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GEF Introduction

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"Introduction of GEF IEO" - Decipher the abbreviation. Monitoring the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of the school. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". About education. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the PEP IEO. Order of the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region. Requirements for the results of mastering the BEP IEO. Normative-legal regulation of the introduction of GEF.