Automotive mechanic job responsibilities. Job descriptions of the chief mechanic of motor transport

The mechanic of the technical control department (OTC) is a mechanic for the release of rolling stock on the line, monitors the technical condition of the vehicle when leaving the line and returning from the line, as well as after maintenance and current repairs. The mechanic reports to the head of the Quality Control Department. Appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise.


  • 1.1. Carries out control over the technical condition of the rolling stock when it leaves the line and returns from it in accordance with the technical checklists;
  • 1.2. Measures the amount of fuel in the tanks of the vehicle when returning from the line;
  • 1.3. Releases to the line only technically sound vehicles in accordance with the requirements of instructions, traffic rules, traffic police;
  • 1.4. Checks the completeness of the vehicle, the mandatory availability of fire fighting equipment, appearance TS;
  • 1.5. Notes in the waybills of the drivers of the vehicle the actual time of departure to the line and return from the line;
  • 1.6. Certifies with his signature in the waybill that the vehicle is in good condition;
  • 1.7. Keeps records of the location of the vehicle within the enterprise;
  • 1.8. Draws up a "Checklist for maintenance and repair of vehicles";
  • 1.9. Fills in the journal "Application repair of the vehicle".


2.1. Suspend the release to the line of rolling stock, the technical condition and appearance of which does not meet the requirements of instructions, traffic rules, traffic police.

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A complete reference book of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

General provisions in the job description of a mechanic for the release of vehicles

Job description mechanics for vehicles can be compiled individually, based on the current needs of the fleet or other organization that owns cars of different sizes. If a official duties do not imply the use of special or additional skills or abilities, a standard document sample can be used.

As a rule, a person with a technical education, as well as work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical positions for at least one year or an average special education with at least three years of work experience. Some organizations also accept novice specialists, but in this case it is better to assign them to more experienced workers in order to avoid emergencies.

General provisions in the job description of a mechanic for the release of vehicles:

an employee for the production of vehicles is accepted and dismissed by order of the director;

reports to the immediate supervisor, but may receive additional orders regarding work from the director;

the specialist is guided by the instruction, the developed provisions, as well as instructional materials, orders and other instructions of the management.

The job description of a motor transport mechanic regulates knowledge in the field of labor protection, safety in the workplace. The employee must be on time briefings sign the relevant documents. These provisions must be included in the local act, which is familiarized against signature after it is drawn up or amended.

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Job responsibilities of a mechanic for the release of vehicles on the line

The duties of a motor transport mechanic include ensuring trouble-free and reliable operation on the lines, monitoring the good condition of the rolling stock, releasing it on the route in accordance with the established schedule. The competence of a specialist includes the determination of malfunctions when receiving cars of any type from the line at the end of work.

The employee controls the correct operation of the transport, carries out periodic technical supervision of the condition of the machines on the line, and identifies the causes of malfunctions. If a breakdown is detected, the mechanic for the release of vehicles is obliged to take measures to eliminate them, including organizing the transfer of vehicles to workshops. Upon completion of work, the mechanic accepts vehicles, while monitoring its technical condition.

The job descriptions of a mechanic for the release of vehicles may contain the following duties:

  • carries out quality control and timeliness of work on the maintenance of vehicles in accordance with the drawn up maintenance schedules;
  • responsible for the entry and safe exit of vehicles from the enterprise, the presence of foreign vehicles on the territory of the organization;
  • instructs drivers, regardless of their experience, before being released on the route;
  • draws up documents for the repair of vehicles with emergency damage;
  • after the end of the work of the transport and putting it into the boxes, the mechanic puts them under protection;
  • takes part in the presentation of transport during the inspection of the State traffic inspectorate;
  • works in contact with dispatch services;
  • makes rational proposals for imposing disciplinary action on employees of the organization who are subordinate to him;
  • carries out daily inspection of cars leaving the route and returning to the garage;
  • replaces, rearranges vehicles that are in the plan, but not ready to enter the route, does not allow disruptions in the exit of cars according to the plan.

The duties of a mechanic for the release of vehicles on the line include monitoring the repair works derailed from the line of transport. At the same time, the employee is obliged to replace it in order to prevent trip disruptions. In addition, the mechanic must check the sanitary condition of the transport, take all measures to keep the parking boxes clean.

The mechanic before leaving the freight transport on the route must conduct a major inspection of all parts, including:

  1. evaluate the state of health of the body sides;
  2. check for cracks and other defects balance trolley, brake hoses and brake system in motion.

In some organizations, mechanics check traffic safety, labor protection, controls fuel consumption, as well as the availability of all documents necessary for the driver. If necessary, the job description of a motor transport mechanic can be supplemented with separate items, but the employee must be familiarized with them without fail.

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What a car mechanic should know

Requirements for the knowledge of a mechanic involved in checking vehicles and its release on the route may vary. Most often, an employee is subject to standard requirements fixed in the job description.

What knowledge can be regulated by the job description of a motor transport mechanic:

  • device, design features, purpose, technical and operational characteristics of the rolling stock of transport;
  • orders, instructions, regulations and other regulatory materials relating to the activities of the organization;
  • the order of release of the car on the route;
  • algorithm for handing over cars for repair and acceptance after it;
  • inner order rules;
  • . An employee may not release broken vehicles on the route, not accept cars after maintenance or TR, if the malfunctions have not been eliminated.

    Improper performance of official duties can lead not only to the imposition of administrative fines, but also to real term. If the fact is proved that the mechanic did not do his job well enough, released broken cars on the line, and so on, the employer has every right to fire him, based on the clauses of the job description and the employment contract.

The job description is a local document that should be in every enterprise. This document indicates all the duties of a particular employee.

Before hiring a new employee and signing with him labor contract, the employer is obliged to let him familiarize himself with his job description. If this is neglected, then the employer will not be able to bring the employee to disciplinary liability for failure to fulfill his official duties.

The instruction is developed by personnel officers together with a lawyer. It is approved by the employer or hired manager, if he is endowed with such authority. The document must bear the main seal of the employer.

Job Responsibilities of a Motor Vehicle Mechanic

A transport mechanic is an employee who ensures the serviceability of the company's fleet. If this specialist does not fulfill his duties, the vehicles may not reach the line on time.
As a rule, the employer imposes the following requirements on this employee:

  • higher education in the specialty;
  • experience in other companies.
  • organization of work on timely maintenance of the employer's vehicles;
  • taking measures for timely troubleshooting;
  • organization of vehicle repair;
  • drawing up plans for the maintenance of machines;
  • control over the schedule of maintenance and repair of vehicles;
  • drawing up and completing applications for spare parts and tools necessary for repair service workers;
  • development and implementation of measures to optimize the cost of repairing each machine or trailer;
  • verification of information about the serviceability of each unit of transport before it enters the line;
  • participation in the provision of technical assistance to the machines of the enterprise;
  • implementation of technical supervision of transport that is on the line or in the sludge;
  • drawing up a report and submitting it to the management on the serviceability and malfunction of vehicles at the enterprise;
  • development of measures for the economical use of spare parts and tools;
  • implementation of these measures;
  • compliance with the norms of consumption of fuels and lubricants and operational materials;
  • instructing their employees;
  • ensuring that employees comply with labor safety standards;
  • control over the observance of safety rules by drivers;
  • timely provision of their employees with the necessary clothing, gloves, shoes and other protective equipment for work with fuels and lubricants and other hazardous materials;
  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • compliance with the provisions of the internal regulations and labor discipline;
  • other duties that may depend on the number of vehicles in the fleet and the number of subordinates of this specialist.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization) belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A mechanic of an automobile convoy (garage, motor transport organization) is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the head of the organization on the proposal of the deputy head of the operating organization (chief engineer, head of the automobile convoy, other official).

1.3. A person who has a higher technical education and at least 3 years of professional experience in road transport or a secondary specialized education and at least 5 years of professional experience in road transport is appointed to the position of a mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization).

1.4. In his activities, the mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization) is guided by:

Regulatory legal acts, other guidance and methodological materials relating to the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport;

the charter of the organization;

Orders, orders of the head of the organization;

This job description.

1.5. The mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization) must know:

Regulatory legal acts, other guidance, methodological and regulatory materials of higher authorities regarding the maintenance and repair of road transport rolling stock;

Prospects for the technical development of the organization;

Device, specifications, design features, purpose and rules for the operation of vehicles and trailers;

Organization and technology of maintenance and repair of vehicles;

Established forms of accounting and reporting;

Excellence in the field of maintenance and repair of vehicles;

Computer facilities and rules for its operation;

Methods for diagnosing the technical condition of cars;

Fundamentals of environmental legislation;

Economics and organization of production, labor and management;

Basics of labor legislation;

Rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. In the event of a temporary absence of a mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the head of the organization, who is responsible for their proper performance.

2. Job responsibilities

The mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization) performs the following duties:

2.1. Ensures the correct condition of the rolling stock and its release to the line in accordance with the schedule and the identification of malfunctions when receiving from the line at the end of work.

2.2. Carries out technical supervision of the state of the fleet of cars and trailers on the line and in the sludge.

2.3. Monitors compliance with the schedule for maintenance and repair of rolling stock and monitors the quality and timeliness of these works.

2.4. Participates in the provision of technical assistance to vehicles on the line.

2.5. Monitors driver compliance technical operation.

2.6. Conducts briefings for car drivers before leaving them on the line.

2.7. Participates in the acceptance of new rolling stock, as well as in the write-off and delivery of them for repair.

2.8. It studies the operating conditions of the rolling stock, individual parts and components of vehicles in order to identify the causes of their premature wear.

2.9. Carries out an analysis of the causes and duration of downtime associated with the technical condition of the rolling stock.

2.10. Develops and implements measures to increase the service life of rolling stock, reduce downtime due to technical malfunctions.

2.11. Ensures compliance with the norms of consumption of operational materials.

2.12. Participates in the consideration of rationalization proposals on the issues of maintaining the rolling stock in a technically sound condition, ensures the implementation of the accepted proposals.

2.13. When carrying out work, ensures compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

The mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization) has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

3.2. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.

3.3. Within its competence, report to the immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the organization (structural unit, individual workers) identified in the course of the performance of their duties, and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the organization from the departments of the organization and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

4. Relationships (connections by position)

4.1. The mechanic of an automobile convoy (garage, motor transport organization) is directly subordinate to the deputy head of the operating organization (chief engineer, head of the automobile convoy, other official).

4.2. The mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization) interacts with the heads of all structural divisions of the organization on issues within his competence.

5. Evaluation of work and responsibility

5.1. The results of the work of a mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization) are evaluated by the deputy head of the operating organization (chief engineer, head of the automobile column, other official).

5.2. The mechanic of an automobile column (garage, motor transport organization) is responsible for:

Failure ( improper execution) their official duties;

Failure to comply with the internal labor regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety;

Causing material damage to the organization - in accordance with applicable law.



Organization name I APPROVE

INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization

N ___________ Signature Explanation
Place of compilation Date



1.1. Mechanic of an automobile column (garage) refers to
category of professionals, hired and fired from work
by order of the head of the organization on the presentation of _________________
1.2. For the position of a mechanic of an automobile column (garage)
a person with a higher technical education and experience is appointed
work in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 3 years or
secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty
engineering positions for at least 5 years.
1.3. In his activities, the mechanic of an automobile column (garage) is guided by:
- normative documents on the issues of the work performed;
- methodological materials related to relevant issues;
- the charter of the organization;
- labor regulations;
- orders and instructions of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);
- this job description.
1.4. The mechanic of an automobile column (garage) must know:
- normative legal acts, other guiding and methodological documents on the organization of repair of rolling stock;
- device, purpose and design features of rolling stock, trailers, special equipment, technology and organization of maintenance and current repairs of rolling stock;
- rules for the technical operation of vehicles;
- Traffic Laws;
- means and methods of monitoring the technical condition of the rolling stock;
- established forms of accounting and reporting;
- procedure for registration of technical documentation;
- requirements for the quality of maintenance and current repairs;
- rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.
1.5. During the absence of a mechanic of an automobile column (garage), his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy who is fully responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.


The following functions are assigned to the mechanics of an automobile column (garage):
2.1. Organization of work on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock and its release on the line in accordance with the release plan.
2.2. Implementation of control over the use of rolling stock for its intended purpose, the technical condition of special vehicles.
2.3. Ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety during work.


To perform the functions assigned to him, the mechanic of an automobile column (garage) is obliged:
3.1. Ensure the technically sound condition of the rolling stock and its release on the line in accordance with the release plan.
3.2. Manage the maintenance and current repair of rolling stock: ensure the timely delivery of special vehicles to Maintenance and current repairs, monitor the timely and high-quality performance of these works, draw up documents for the delivery and acceptance of special vehicles from repair.
3.3. Manage the release of special vehicles on the line, identify the reasons for the delay in release and take measures to ensure their liquidity.
3.4. Ensure proper storage of serviceable vehicles and property of the convoy, as well as vehicles awaiting repair and in long-term storage.
3.5. Take measures to provide timely technical assistance to machines on the line.
3.6. Remove special vehicles from the line (in agreement with the head of the convoy) that do not meet the requirements of the rules of technical operation.
3.7. Monitor the use of rolling stock for its intended purpose, the technical condition of special vehicles that have returned from the line to the garage.
3.8. Require drivers to park cars in assigned places in the parking lot of the convoy.
3.9. Ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety during work.

The mechanic of an automobile column (garage) has the right:
4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.
4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
4.3. Receive from the heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.
4.4. Engage specialists from all structural divisions of the organization to solve the duties assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the organization).
4.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.


5.1. The mechanic of the automobile column (garage) is subordinate to ______________
5.2. The mechanic of an automobile column (garage) interacts with
issues within its competence, with employees of the following structural
departments of the organization:


- With ______________________________________________________________________:


6.1. The work of a mechanic of an automobile column (garage) is evaluated by the immediate supervisor (another official).
6.2. The mechanic of an automobile column (garage) is responsible for:
6.2.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
6.2.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
6.2.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Job title
head of the structural
divisions _________ _______________________
Signature Signature transcript
Visas _________ _______________________
Signature Signature transcript

Familiarized with the Instruction: _________ _______________________
Signature Signature transcript