What helps with the smell of sweat under the arms. Armpits: they stink and sweat a lot, why, what to do

Despite the fact that sweating is a natural physiological process, the unpleasant smell of sweat and wet spots under the armpits cause great discomfort, give self-doubt and hinder movement.

The human body is designed in such a way that with the help of sweating, the cooling process occurs. There are several areas on the body that are characterized by increased sweating, in this article we will focus on the armpits.

Armpits sweat a lot: causes of bad breath ^

Many people complain that their armpits sweat even when it's cold. This has nothing to do with the cooling of the body, some internal disturbances and changes are involved here. Unfortunately, the use of deodorants does not always solve the problem of repulsive "aroma".

Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. To choose the most appropriate way to solve the problem, you need to find out why the armpits sweat.

The main causes of excessive sweating include:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Violations of the endocrine system;
  • Diabetes disease;
  • Bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol;
  • Overweight;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Nervous tension;
  • Benign or malignant formations;
  • The use of certain drugs.

But the appearance of profuse sweating does not mean that a person will smell unpleasant. Freshly excreted sweat has virtually no odor. The unpleasant smell of sweat appears in case of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, because within half an hour in areas of increased sweating, a lot of bacteria develop that emit a stench.

In addition, the appearance of the smell of sweat contribute to:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • natural sexuality,
  • Menstruation,
  • Eating certain spices, such as onions or garlic.

Unpleasant smell under the armpits in a child: causes

Children's sweating is no less common than an adult. If parents notice that an unpleasant odor comes from their child, they should pay attention to simple hygiene rules. The causes of the smell of sweat in children are as follows:

  • Too high temperature in the room where the baby sleeps;
  • Strong emotionality of the child;
  • Imperfection of the sweat glands (begin to function from 3-4 months, but work stably from 5-6 years);
  • Lack of vitamin D in the body;
  • Diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms with folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

There are many ways by which you can eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat, but the most effective is the use of folk recipes.

Kombucha from the unpleasant smell of sweat under the arms

Kombucha-based product helps to successfully eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat. It is recommended that the armpits be thoroughly washed and dried, and then wiped with infusion of kombucha.

  • To prepare the infusion tea fungus mark in the liquid.
  • After a month, they can begin to wipe problem skin.

Oak bark from the unpleasant smell of sweat under the arms

  • 5 tablespoons of oak bark, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, should be placed in enamel pan and brew with two glasses of boiling water, put on low heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Leave for 2 hours for the water to absorb everything. beneficial features raw materials, then filter through a sieve and cool.
  • Sponge or a piece of cotton cloth should be moistened in decoction and lubricated with armpit after taking a shower, and then several more times a day.
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure within 14 days.

Vinegar from the unpleasant smell of sweat under the arms

Apple cider vinegar is widely used to treat the problem of underarm odor. Preparing the vinegar solution is quite simple:

  • Dilute 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one liter of water.
  • Before going to bed, after a shower, wipe the skin of the armpits dry.
  • Soak a cloth or cotton wool in the solution and wipe the skin with it.
  • Do not go to bed until the vinegar is completely dry.

Strong tea for the unpleasant smell of sweat under the arms

Strongly brewed tea helps reduce armpit sweating:

  • It is necessary to brew tea leaves and insist the drink for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wipe the skin under the armpits three times a day, soaking a cotton pad in a strong brewed drink.

Baking soda for underarm sweat odor

To prepare an effective deodorant that masks the unpleasant smell of the armpits, ordinary baking soda is used:

  • You need to pour a teaspoon of soda into 200 ml of boiling water and add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the soda solution.
  • With the resulting product, you need to wipe the armpits 2-3 times a day for a month, using a cotton swab.

Pharmacy chamomile from the unpleasant smell of sweat under the arms

  • One and a half tablespoons of dry chamomile color must be brewed with two glasses of boiling water, then cooled and passed through gauze.
  • Add a dessert spoon of baking soda to the liquid.
  • It is recommended to wipe the armpits with the resulting solution twice a day.

Peppermint for underarm sweat odor

If the armpits are regularly wiped with a decoction of peppermint, you can forever forget about the problem of excessive sweating and unpleasant odor.

  • To prepare a healing infusion, you need 2 tbsp. place dried mint leaves in a thermos and pour raw materials with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 12 hours and filter through a sieve.
  • A cotton pad should be moistened with a medicinal liquid and wipe the skin under the armpits with it.
  • When the skin dries, you should lubricate it with infusion several more times in the same way.
  • This procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning and in the evening for a month. After a week of using mint, sweating will decrease many times over.

Radish from the unpleasant smell of sweat under the arms

Radish juice is very effective in the treatment of excessive sweating:

  • To prepare a healing agent, you need to mix radish juice and glycerin in equal proportions.
  • The mixture should be rubbed into problem areas twice a day.
  • It is advisable to take a shower before the procedure.

Lemon from the unpleasant smell of sweat under the arms

Citric acid contained in lemon juice helps to kill bacteria that live in the sweat environment.

  • To eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat, lemon juice should be wiped under the armpits.
  • Lemon juice can be mixed in equal proportions with baking soda.
  • It is advisable to pre-wash the armpits and wipe them dry.
  • Wipe the problem area should be until the smell of sweat is completely eliminated.

No need to worry if after using this method, the skin of the armpits becomes a little lighter. After a short time, the color will be restored.

Nutrition to eliminate hyperhidrosis

Following a diet for excessive sweating is a prerequisite for successfully eliminating the problem of unpleasant odor of sweat. It is recommended to adhere to the following principles of nutrition:

  • There are fewer foods containing iodine (asparagus, veal, liver, broccoli);
  • Include more strawberries, almonds, grapes in the diet;
  • Drink enough liquid;
  • Cereals, milk and fish are indispensable foods for regulating sweat;
  • Reduce coffee consumption by replacing it with herbal tea;
  • There are products containing vitamins B, C, folic acid;
  • Limit the use of salty, smoked, sweet foods and spices.

Wet circles on clothes and an unpleasant smell ... How annoying! So there is a question that bothers most people: "under the armpits?" Modern means, allowing to prevent an unpleasant smell, are presented today in a wide range. These are talcs, and deodorants, and antiperspirants and, of course, soap. It is important to find and unpleasant odor and fight it. Then there will be no consequences.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms: identifying the cause

The following factors can be identified as factors influencing the emergence of this situation:

The release of adrenaline into the blood;

Imbalance of hormones in the body;

Internal diseases that contribute to the onset of diabetes and weight gain;

Thus, the following methods and means can be used against underarm sweat. If there are internal diseases, then first of all it is necessary to treat them. Hyperhidrosis also requires medical intervention, it will not be possible to cope with this ailment on its own. But if the cause is in the blood, you can use folk remedies or cosmetic deodorants.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms: following the basic rules

Firstly, it is important to observe basic hygiene standards (daily shower or other water procedures).

Secondly, clothes should be changed daily, and even more often in hot weather.

Thirdly, upon completion of the water procedure, it is necessary to wipe the skin dry and only with a fresh towel. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the frequent change of the towel itself, as it can accumulate bacteria that provoke the formation of odor.

Fourth, you need to monitor the freshness of the linen, since dead skin particles and bacteria on the bedding can also activate the appearance of sweat.

Fifth, you should always carry special wipes with a deodorizing effect, which will allow you to remove the smell of sweat, although not for long.

Sixth, you can try traditional medicine that reduces sweating and helps to avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant odor.

There is one more thing to keep in mind. In the cold season, it is worth using warm clothes worn over cotton underwear, thanks to which the skin breathes and sweat is released moderately.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits: we use a folk medicine kit

The first remedy may be mint infusion. For its preparation, it is necessary to use a handful of dried mint leaves, brewed with boiling water (0.5 l) and infused for 12 hours. The resulting infusion wipes the armpit area.

The second remedy is a decoction of 50 g of oak bark in a liter of boiling water. Apply similarly to mint infusion: wipe the armpits at least once a day.

Thus, today the smell of sweat is not such an acute problem. Everything can be solved by observing the elementary rules of personal hygiene and using simple medicinal decoctions.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

Before you remove the smell of sweat from things, you need to understand the causes of the problem. All deodorants and sprays only mask the unpleasant "aroma". You can eliminate it forever only by getting rid of the causes.

Any "overload" of the body results in increased energy costs, and at the same time increased sweating. Among the main factors are:

Image Cause
Excess weight
Various diseases

Improper nutrition
Pregnancy and feeding


Bad habits

If you yourself cannot figure out the reasons for the increased work of the sweat glands, contact a specialist - first, a therapist.

We remove the smell of sweat

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes without washing, many people think. And in the course of solving the problem, they have to fork out for monthly purchases of special products and even for dry cleaning.

Or you can just bring good habits into your life and get rid of the smell once and for all:

Image Recommendations

Watch your body hygiene.
Keep your clothes clean.

Watch your health.
Use good spirits.

When the cause of the disease is known, it becomes clear that it is quite difficult to quickly remove the smell of sweat - it takes time. However, to freshen up clothes, you can use folk remedies from the smell of sweat under the arms:

Image Description

Tip 1. Ventilation

No matter how trite it may sound, you can remove the amber even on a jacket, even on a scarf, by sending the thing to fresh air.

Freeze clothing for best results.

Tip 2. Salt

In the fight against an unpleasant train from linen or silk things, you can use table salt:

  1. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water.
  2. Apply the mixture to problem areas.
  3. Wash normally after 20-30 minutes.

For denser fabrics, increase the amount of salt.

Tip 3. Soaking

50% of the success of the procedure will provide you with pre-soaking. Water has the ability to draw out odors.

For water temperature, refer to the recommendations on the clothing label.

Method 4. Double dose of powder

This method can be attributed to extreme measures. Here the principle works: a wedge is knocked out with a wedge.

In other words, the unpleasant odor will displace the stronger odor of the powder.

Method 5. Ultraviolet

Organic odors release bacteria that live on our skin. And to get rid of the smell of sweat, you need to remove microorganisms.

The sun, more precisely, the ultraviolet emitted by it, will help with this.

For everyday things - 6 methods

Most of all, T-shirts, T-shirts, blouses and everything that directly touches our skin suffer from organic secretions. As a rule, these are clothes made of thin fabrics.

I know exact ways to remove the "flavor" from things like this:

Image Description
Method 1. Shampoo

By themselves, sweat stains are removed easily, but the smell often remains. If you wash your favorite blouse with shampoo, unpleasant odors will be eliminated.

Method 2. Laundry soap

A universal remedy not only for do-it-yourself washing, but also for disinfection - laundry soap:

  1. Thoroughly rub the underarm areas of clothing with the product.
  2. After 5-10 minutes, wash off the soap with running water.
Method 3. Vinegar + soda

Vinegar quenched soda has unique property- disinfection:

  1. Wash the item with a spoon of the mixture by hand.
  2. Or add 2 tablespoons and half a cup of 9% vinegar to the drum of the automatic machine and wash on a delicate cycle.
Method 4. Vodka

Persistent stains from dense fabrics, for example, from a jacket - will remove a strong table drink:

  1. Mix ¼ cup of water and a tablespoon of fiery liquid.
  2. Apply the mixture to problem areas.
  3. Wash the item as usual.
Method 5. Citruses

The zest of these fruits has a pleasant and persistent aroma. Arrange the crusts in the closet next to the clothes - so clean clothes will absorb light notes of citrus.

Method 6. Gasoline

Gasoline is the most vigorous among other means for the most complex pollution:

  1. Treat stains with gasoline.

Use gloves and do not allow the product to penetrate deep into the material.

  1. Rinse things and apply ammonia solution.
  2. Air your clothes well.

For outerwear - 5 methods

Outerwear, unfortunately, is also saturated with sweat. It is not so easy to take and wash it at any convenient moment.

To remove, for example, an unpleasant smell from a down jacket, you will have to resort to dry washing:

Image Instruction
With a down jacket or with a coat

Method 1. Alcohol + water
  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of water.
  2. Using a sponge, treat the underarm areas of clothing.

To enhance the effect, add a teaspoon of salt to the solution.

Method 2. Vinegar
  1. In a glass of warm water, dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.

Instead of regular acid, you can add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

  1. Apply liquid to problem areas and let the tissues soak well.
Method 3. Hydrogen peroxide
  1. Pull back the lining and dip it into the 3% solution.
  2. Squeeze out the peroxide after 30-60 seconds.
  3. Air your outerwear well.
With a leather jacket
Method 4. Soda
  1. Baking soda is applied to the wrong side - sprinkle it on the item.
  2. Gently rub the sodium into the cloth with water.
  3. Dry the jacket and brush off the residue.

Method 5. Lemon juice
  1. Dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  2. Treat the surface of the jacket with lemon juice.
  3. After 2-3 hours, wipe the jacket with a damp sponge.

How to prevent odor?

Of the huge selection of household chemicals for clothing, I tried as many as eight, but I appreciated only two.

Before using any product, be sure to read the INSTRUCTIONS section:

Image Means

An effective agent for removing any smell on clothes. Versatile for use on anything from socks to fur coats.

Price- 650 rubles.


The main feature of the drug is environmental friendliness. For this reason, the spray can remove the smell of sweat from the head in hats and on children's clothes.

Price- 570 rubles.


I gave all the necessary recommendations, the rest is up to you. The video in this article also tells how to competently get rid of unpleasant odors. If you have your own effective recipes, I will be glad to read them in the comments - write!

thermoregulation human body carried out by perspiration.

Such a process is considered natural and should not be accompanied by unnatural odors, and even more so cause some discomfort.

However, there are no absolutely healthy people, and from time to time everyone is faced with an unpleasant smell of sweat.

The smell of sweat from under the arms is especially annoying, with which you have to constantly fight and look for effective ways to get rid of it.

The smell of sweat under the arms: causes

The sweat produced is actually water and salt, and even with increased sweating caused by high temperature environment or excitement, may not have a specific smell. Therefore, fresh excreted sweat cannot emit any odors.

The appearance of unpleasant odors is most often associated with non-compliance with hygiene rules. There are many different sweat glands in the armpit area. Therefore, in such places there is an increased accumulation of sweat. At the same time, the bacteria on the skin begin to multiply rapidly and emit a stench.

A similar problem is more often encountered by people who have increased sweating. The smell of sweat in their armpits can be observed even in the cold season.

Such deviations are not associated with the cooling of the body. Behind this problem are internal violations. Pathological causes hyperhidrosis, as excessive sweating is called in medical practice, is quite diverse.

Despite the fact that the sympathetic part of the nervous system regulates sweating, failures can occur when:

Infectious diseases;

Kidney diseases;

Exchange disorders;

Damage to the nervous system and brain;

Hormonal imbalance;

Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, excessive sweating is closely related to changes in the human body that occur under the influence of:




Improper nutrition;

Taking certain medications;

bad habits;

Nervous strains.

The appearance of a specific smell of sweat in the armpit area is observed with hormonal disorders, menstruation, increased sexuality. Certain foods and spices eaten can also affect the smell of sweat.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms: drugs

Most often, people use deodorants or antiperspirants to get rid of underarm sweat odor. It should be borne in mind that deodorants can only mask the smell of sweat, but do not solve the problem of sweating. In turn, antiperspirants block sweating due to the content of healing components in them. Therefore, it is necessary to use antiperspirants immediately after hygiene procedures.

In addition to cosmetics, there are many medicines, allowing to solve the problem of the smell of sweat under the arms.

The most common include:

1. Formidon, which is produced in the form of a solution containing formaldehyde. With this solution, you need to wipe the armpits. The tool is able to create a thin film, dry the skin and reduce sweat.

2. Pasta Teymurova. Refers to dermatological agents that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the drug is able to refresh and cool the skin. The paste contains salicylic and boric acid. Due to the content of glycerin, zinc oxide, talc, and formaldehyde, the drug is able to relieve irritation and eliminate diaper rash, which can be caused by excessive sweating.

3. Powder Galmanin. Refers to powdered products. The composition of the drug contains zinc oxide, as well as salicylic acid. The powder has an antiseptic effect and dries the skin.

4. Dry Dry Deodorant. Differs in the long prolonged action. Can dry out skin and shrink pores. The uniqueness of the deodorant is that one application per week is enough. At the same time, the work of the sweat glands is not disturbed.

Almost all well-known cosmetic lines have deodorants, shower gels and antiperspirants that help fight the unnatural smell of sweat.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms: folk remedies

Each patient who is faced with the problem of hyperhidrosis is looking for effective ways to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms. Available funds and folk recipes can help him with this.

Tea mushroom

To combat sweat and odor, the use of a strong infusion of kombucha is effective. This tool has an antiseptic effect, which helps to reduce sweat by narrowing the pores. With this solution, it is necessary to wipe the armpit area. The procedure must be done after the hygienic treatment of these areas.

Oak bark

A decoction made from oak bark has astringents and tannins. With this tool, you can wipe the skin under the arms several times during the day. To prepare a healing decoction, boil five tablespoons of raw materials in half a liter of water for half an hour. The finished broth must be insisted for at least 2 hours, after which it must be filtered and used for its intended purpose.


To prepare a chamomile setting, you need to take one and a half tablespoons of flowers, which are infused in boiling water (2 cups) until completely cooled. After straining, it is necessary to add baking soda (1 l) to the finished tincture and apply it to wipe the armpits. Repeat the procedure twice a day. The effect is explained by the antiseptic action of chamomile, as well as the narrowing of pores, which provides soda.

Apple vinegar

You can get rid of the bad smell of sweat with a solution of apple cider vinegar. Preparing apple pie is quite simple. It is necessary to pour 3 tablespoons of raw apples into a liter of water. After an evening hygienic shower on the armpit area, carefully wiped dry, apply vinegar solution with a cotton swab. It is necessary to wait for the product to dry completely under the arms before going to bed.

Strong tea

Tea leaves help reduce sweating. It is necessary to prepare tea leaves from tea leaves and let it brew for up to 20 minutes. Wipe the skin under the armpits with such tea leaves up to three times a day.

Baking soda

Ordinary baking soda can be used to make a fairly effective deodorant that will help mask unpleasant odors. To do this, pour soda (1 tsp) into boiling water (200 ml). After the solution has cooled, you can add any essential oil. Apply a garden deodorant to wipe the armpits three times a day. Treatment is carried out for a month.


Lemon has an antibacterial effect. It is able to destroy the bacteria that have settled under the armpits. To eliminate the specific smell, the armpits are wiped with fresh lemon juice. You can mix lemon juice with baking soda. It is necessary to use such a remedy to combat the smell of sweat until it completely disappears. Apply the juice to clean and dry armpits. After such procedures, the skin may become lighter. This is a natural reaction as lemon juice has a bleaching effect. Over time, the color will return.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms: what clothes are best to wear?

Any clothing that is not able to pass air and absorb sweat contributes to the active reproduction of bacteria. Therefore, in case of problems associated with the unpleasant smell of sweat, it is better to refuse to wear any clothing made from synthetic fabrics. An ideal option for people who have problems with sweating would be clothing made from natural cotton fabrics.

In addition, it is better not to resort to wearing tight blouses, T-shirts and blouses. On such clothes, with increased sweating, ugly wet spots form, which, when dried, leave yellowish marks.

And remember to follow the rules of hygiene. No deodorants are able to block the unpleasant specific smell of sweat coming from stale clothes. Therefore, try to change clothes daily and do not wear them again without washing or special treatment.

Sweating is a natural function of the body. Droplets of moisture provide thermoregulation of the body, remove toxic substances. If there is a strong smell of sweat under the armpits, it is considered to be untidy. However, in the expert opinion of preventive medicine endocrinologist Kati Yang, a sharp change in the aroma coming from the body during sweating is associated with a number of diseases, and not only - it can also be stress, age-related changes, fluctuations in sexual activity, dietary habits and much more.

The development of bacterial flora in places of sweating provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the body.

Why does it stink afterwards?

Increased sweating, the manifestation of a strong odor appears in everyone, even with a constant visit to the shower. The causes of the smell are different, but they are united by one problem. Provokes the process of sweating:

  • completeness;
  • spices;
  • excitement.

Sweat secretion in a healthy person

In healthy people, two types of glands are responsible for sweating: apocrine and eccrine. The sweat glands are closely connected to the nerve endings. Load, emotional experiences, temperature contribute to their irritation. The first are located in the groin, under the armpits and react to the emotional state with a viscous sweat.

A healthy person does not feel his own aroma. Only after 30-50 minutes an unpleasantly pungent smell of sweat is felt - the result of bacteria attached to the armpits. The eccrine glands react with a colorless, watery, odorless sweat. It stands out on the skin of the whole body, moisturizes it and acts as a thermoregulator.

Each person's scent is different.

A person's scent is as individual as a fingerprint.

The smell is individual, like fingerprints. For example, a baby and milk are two inseparable concepts, there is not even a hint of a foreign smell. In adults, the apocrine glands are actively working, and the individuality of the aroma is determined by the specific features of metabolism. The microflora of a man and a woman is significantly different, respectively, the aroma released will be different. The aroma of women is distinguished by a sour smell (it smells of dampness), in men it is heavier, sharper and more unpleasant. The stronger sex sweats more chemical composition perspiration released varies, which means that the smell from the body will be bitter, expressive.

Possible Causes of Bad Smell

Armpit odor is a delicate problem. It brings not only inconvenience, but indicates ongoing changes in the body. An unpleasant reaction can be after taking medications (for example, an organism saturated with penicillin gives a “horse” aroma), a symptom of an illness, the result of experienced stress.

The pungent smell of sweat is a companion of diseases

Different smells of sweat indicate different diseases.

If sweating under the armpits, bitter, smelly sweat is felt, this may be a consequence of the disease. Violation of the metabolic process as a result of the disease leads to deviations in the chemical composition of the fluid secreted by the body. With the advent of a new microflora, the aroma of the body changes. It is important to determine which diseases are indicated by increased sweating with an altered aroma:

  • The skin smells of chlorine, a strange sour aroma reeking of acetone has appeared - the situation indicates problems with the liver.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (kidneys) are accompanied by a pungent smell of sweat, similar to a cat's spirit, sometimes the body smells like bleach.
  • Tuberculosis accompanies a strange odor of vinegar.
  • Diabetes brings a sweet flavor to the flavor. A sweet smell is also present in diphtheria.
  • In case of metabolic disorders, the body stinks badly: sulfur or mice. Mouse aroma (phenylketonuria) also speaks of a congenital metabolic disease.
  • The development of a fungal infection gives a mouse stench. The fungus often settles on the legs. If you do not pay attention in time to the fact that they smell strongly of mice or sulfur, the problem can drag on for a long time.
  • Diseases of the stomach are accompanied by a specific smell of sulfur.
  • It smells of rot and earwax - this may indicate oncology.
  • From the body carries urine - a symptom of kidney disease. A disease with an unpleasant odor is called uridrosis. Uridrosis is accompanied by thick sweat. Due to the excessive release of urea through perspiration, it not only smells, but also becomes the cause of various dermatological complications. You can get rid of the smell with uridrosis only by eliminating the main problem.

This is not the whole list of unpleasant odors. The patient's sweat smells of old age, mice, rubber, yeast. It is hard to believe that such odors come from the body.

Violations of the microflora and failure in the hormonal system

The hormonal system can provoke a change in the smell of sweat.

If you feel excessive sweating - it is worth checking the hormonal background. Most often, an adult undergoes such deviations, but a child, especially in adolescence, is not left aside by hormonal changes. Menopause, sexual development, a violation in the endocrine system - situations that adversely affect the chemical composition of perspiration. In people with a similar problem, not only the armpits begin to sweat, but the whole body.

Everyone knows that there are a large number of microorganisms in the human body. Each organ (intestine, vagina, skin) has its own microflora. Any deviations from the norm in the microflora lead not only to disturbances in the functioning of the body, but also make a heavy, pungent smell of sweat. For example, a vaginal disease provokes a sensation of the aroma of yeast in the groin, and during menstruation it can smell like fish.

The development of pathogenic microflora leads to an imbalance of fungi and bacteria. If the balance is disturbed, you feel under your arms the aroma of fish, sour milk or a room washed with bleach. Sweating has increased, the number of bacteria on the skin is greatly increased, it can give off chlorine, mice, sometimes rubber.

stress sweating

A person sweats not only under the influence of temperature, physical stress, but also in stressful situations. Stress is encountered at every step, it captures suddenly. The body instantly reacts to excitement, joy, fear - perspiration is released. Eccrine and apocrine glands are involved in the process of stress sweating together.

An instant burst of cold sweat is fertile ground for an increase in the number of bacteria, the consequence is that the aroma has changed, an unpleasant smell of sweat appears. This reaction is not affected by air temperature, it is extremely difficult to control it. Fluid protrudes throughout the body, but the main concentration of moisture is on the palms, feet and armpits.

What to do in the treatment of bad breath?

Eliminate the unpleasant odor is possible only with complex treatment.

Eliminating a strong aroma or making it less noticeable is possible only with a comprehensive solution to the problem. It is important to determine the cause, and based on the result, connect special preparations to the treatment, review the food consumed and monitor hygiene procedures.

Diet adjustment

Sweat stank, and you are confident in your health - you must radically change your diet. The main products that affect the smell are spices, burning foods, and sometimes excessive coffee consumption. Eliminating dishes from the menu that include the above ingredients will improve the situation.

Sometimes not enough carbs on the menu changes the flavor of perspiration. Due to the oxidation of carbohydrates, the body receives the necessary energy. With their insufficient amount, fat is burned, but the smell has changed. He became strange, heavy and very strong. Fat oxidation makes perspiration stink ammonia, rot, sometimes burnt rubber.

Adjusting food without consequences will eliminate the symptoms of an unpleasant problem. Only with uridrosis, it will not work to correct the situation with products.

Personal hygiene

Comprehensive treatment will not help without simple hygiene procedures.

None of the means of complex treatment of hyperhidrosis is ineffective without the usual hygiene procedures. In many cases, simply bathing in the shower can solve the problem of an unpleasant odor when you sweat (even with uridrosis). Regular use of the shower twice a day (morning and evening) with the use of fragrant products is a mandatory procedure for all people.

In the hot season, the body must be carefully taken care of. It is necessary to change clothes after physical exertion. If your feet stink - use special creams, aerosols. If you are far from home (train, bus) and do not have access to water, use wet wipes.

Modern youth began to carefully monitor the hairy areas of the body. Sweat lingers in the hairs, which acts as the basis for the reproduction of microbes, as a result, bad odor increases. The surest way, approved by dermatologists, is to shave them.


Deodorants and antiperspirants help eliminate odor and reduce sweating.

The use of deodorants, antiperspirants, and other disinfectants occupies a leading second position in the fight against unpleasant odors. The composition of deodorants includes substances that have disinfectant and bactericidal properties. Blocking the reproduction of bacteria, eliminating the smelly odor is the task of the product, with which it does an excellent job. The time of effectiveness reaches from several hours to a day. It all depends on the composition and form of release: spray, pencil, ointment.

Deodorant does not affect the process of sweating, which cannot be said about antiperspirant. Zinc, aluminum, triclosan, which are part of the composition, directly affect the apocrine glands, reduce the release of perspiration. The downside of such funds is the inhibition of beneficial microflora, clogging of pores and the aggressiveness of the effect on the skin. Abuse can lead to the onset of various endocrine complications.

A useful alternative to antiperspirants are natural substances, chitosan, allaton, which are part of the agents that temporarily block the reproduction of microbes. They create a protective film, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and do an excellent job with a smelly aroma.

Pharmacy funds

Modern pharmaceutical preparations have minimal side effects.

We noticed that you smell bad - pharmacy drugs will help. The types of funds are presented in a modern pharmacy network in a wide variety, which allows you to individually approach the choice, having previously received expert advice:

  • Lassara paste is used for a month, daily. Has an antiseptic effect. It contains zinc salts, petroleum jelly and starch.
  • Long acting DRYDRY. Presented in the form of a gel, spray, pencil with a colorless liquid. Using the drug once or twice a week brings a positive result that lasts for 7 days.
  • Teimur paste has long been used in dermatology, it can remove the bitter, ammonia odor. The ingredients included in the composition have an antifungal, anti-inflammatory, drying effect. Apply 2-3 times a day in a thin layer to the affected area.
  • Powder. Dries, removes the unpleasant sensation. Suitable for those who sweat a lot and smell like sour milk, fish, dampness, ammonia. Apply powder on clean, dry skin.