How to speed up google chrome: speed tips. We optimize the work of Chrome and Firefox How to increase the speed of google chrome

At one time, as soon as it appeared on the market, Google Chrome was the fastest browser. It is still positioned as the fastest browser, however, if we talk purely about performance, then the market leader has already managed to have competitors. These are both its clones, which inherited the efficiency of the Chromium platform along with Google Chrome itself, and browsers based on other engines. Keeping up with the latest web technologies may not always go unnoticed by the performance of the software. Therefore, today it would be more correct to talk about Chrome as the most advanced, functional and customizable browser than to exploit its image from the past as the most nimble web browser. However, if the performance of Chrome, which it gives out immediately after its installation, suits, so long as it is not lost over time during the operation of the browser, this is already a matter of optimization.

Browser optimization will be discussed below. How to speed up Google Chrome? Let's consider several ways.

1. Hardware upgrade

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of optimization methods, the first point is the basic and most effective method improving the performance of even Chrome, even any other browser, even the computer as a whole. We are talking about upgrading the hardware components of the computer. For a browser from Google, it is fundamentally important to have enough RAM, because it is her browser that uses it, storing its processes in it, to ensure performance. So if the RAM is 2 GB (or even less), the first thing to do is increase it to at least 4 GB. Also, for the operation of any browser, it is desirable to have, if not the most powerful, but at least a modern processor. Older and underpowered processors often can't handle today's web technologies.

2. Pages that open with Chrome

One of the reasons for the quick launch of Google Chrome is the option preinstalled in the settings to open only one browser tab - the start page, which is also the quick access page. This alignment is inconvenient when working with the browser all the time, and many reassign the opening when starting the start page to launch previously opened tabs. It should be understood that restoring the session significantly increases the browser startup time. After all, each previously opened web page will be loaded at the same time. To speed up the launch of Chrome, you can leave the preset option to launch the start page, and the web pages you are viewing can either be bookmarked before closing the browser, or, if necessary, later opened from the "History" section.

The parameters of the start pages together with the browser must be consulted if the start page is changed without knowledge. If it was replaced with another third-party software, everything can be returned back in the Chrome settings section. In the browser menu, select "Settings" and then in the "Open at startup" section, check the box for the "New Tab" option.

3. Chrome Theme

The default theme with which Chrome is installed is the best option for low-powered computers. Graphics and animation of bright and spectacular themes that can be installed in the browser in its store consume system resources. The same applies to express quick access panels with visual site bookmarks that are separately embedded in Chrome. After experimenting with the coloring of the Chrome window, you can return to the default browser theme at any time. To do this, in the settings section " Appearance” you need to click the “Restore Default Theme” button.

4. Chrome Extensions

The potential of Google Chrome lies in its extension and app store. Some of the applications are compatible with the Android mobile platform and bring undeniable convenience to the work of users who, along with a desktop computer or laptop, also have an Android smartphone or tablet. With the help of Chrome extensions, you can get rid of ads on sites, work with foreign web resources thanks to technical translation web pages, optimize the search for information, and also introduce other functionality into the browser, and in most cases completely free of charge. But, expanding the capabilities of the browser, along with this, we often lose its performance. Each plug-in is a separate system process that loads the processor and RAM. And if the processor load can be observed only during the activity of extensions, then they use RAM both during operation and in the background. A detailed breakdown of the system resources used by the extensions can be obtained in the Chrome Task Manager: in the Chrome menu, select "More Tools", and then - "Task Manager".

In the manager, we will see data on the use of system resources by various tasks. Among these tasks, along with open tabs and plug-ins, extensions installed in the browser will be displayed by separate processes.

And if we are talking about a low-powered computer, it would be advisable to disable rarely used extensions that consume RAM inefficiently. Wait a minute, turn it off, not delete it. It is not at all necessary to remove good extensions from the browser, so that if necessary, then you can look for them in a pile of content in the Chrome store. Going to the browser settings and going to the extensions section, we will see a list of installed extensions. The basket-shaped button next to them permanently removes extensions from the browser, and the checkmark next to the “Enabled” inscription allows you to disable temporarily unused extensions. Disabled extensions remain in the list of the "Extensions" section of the browser, and they can be reactivated at any time by ticking the "Enabled" box.

5. Max open tabs

Every open Chrome tab consumes RAM. And, of course, with a huge number of simultaneously open tabs, there will be a loss in browser performance. It is optimal that no more than 10 web pages be open in the browser at the same time.

6. Run Chrome in the background

Some Chrome-based web services can run as standalone applications. In order for these web services to interact with the Internet even after Chrome is closed, the browser is installed with the background active by default. If individual applications of such web services are not used, and all work is carried out only within the browser window, Chrome's background mode can be turned off so that its processes do not consume RAM. Of course, this makes sense, if only periodically the maximum power of the computer is required, as, for example, during games or working with hypervisors. There are two ways to turn off Chrome background work. First, you need to click on the browser icon in the system tray and in the window that appears, uncheck the box to allow Chrome to run in the background.

The second - you need to enter the browser settings, at the bottom of the window, click the link "Show advanced settings" and in the "System" section, uncheck the option "Do not disable services running in the background when the browser is closed."

7. Disable Phishing Protection

In the Google Chrome settings, if you open advanced settings, in the "Personal data" section there is an item with a pre-checked checkbox for the "Protect your device from dangerous sites" activity.

Unchecking this item will slightly speed up the loading of web pages in the browser window, since web addresses will not be checked. However, it must be understood that in case of disabling anti-phishing protection, the entire responsibility lies with the user. This method of optimizing the browser is best used only by experienced users.

8. Cleaning the cache

The browser cache - scripts, pictures, styles, other elements of web pages - is stored locally on the computer's disk and is designed to speed up the loading of sites. But when the amount of cache increases while the browser is running, it only hurts performance. It is not recommended to clear the browser cache often, but periodically, from time to time. To clear the Google Chrome cache, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete. We will see the window for clearing the browser history, the optimal parameters are set in it by default. Of all the elements of the cache, the data necessary for further work is left - saved passwords, data from autofill web forms and content licenses. Everything that is checked by default in Chrome can be deleted. To do this, click the "Clear History" button.

Have a great day!

From the very beginning of communication with computers I used IE. Yes, there were such times. There was simply nothing else. Then he somehow got hooked on Mozilla Firefox, although many around actively used "Opera". Then something happened to Mozila (I don’t know how now) and she became very sluggish and mowing. Deteriorated about the same as Skype is now. and so far I'm not leaving.

However, Chrome also has weak spots, because those who use it will not be out of place to read these tips:

Some tips are banal, but I didn’t remove them - what if someone doesn’t know about it!

1. Close unnecessary tabs
The more tabs open in Chrome, the more memory it consumes. Therefore, try to close everything unnecessary.

2. Disable unnecessary extensions
A simple and obvious step. The more extensions, the slower Chrome is. So add-ons that you do not use constantly, it is better to disable or remove them altogether.

Type chrome://extensions into the search bar and disable or remove any extensions you don't need. And continue to install only those that you can not do without.

3. Clear your Chrome cache

Chrome tries to cache as many items as possible from the sites you visit. In theory, this helps speed up page loading, but if you have a fairly fast connection and not very capacious storage, then it is better to clear the overflowing cache.

Enter chrome://settings/clearBrowserData, select the All Time time range, and click Clear Data.

4. Increase Raster Threads

Raster Threads determines how fast your browser renders raster graphics, that is, photos and images on web pages. You can increase it on the Chrome hidden settings page.

To see hidden Chrome settings, type chrome://flags/. The search field will help you quickly find certain Chrome settings. Just enter the name with the hashtag there.

If you have slow loading images on your pages, look for the #num -raster-threads flag. Increase it to 4 and restart Chrome.

5. Turn on tab unloading
The Tab Discarding option automatically unloads tabs from memory if it becomes insufficient. Unloaded tabs are displayed in the tab bar as always, and are loaded when you switch to them. You can view the downloaded tabs on the chrome://discards page.

7. Enable experimental rendering features

This indicator also affects the loading speed of sites, more precisely, the speed of loading transparent page elements. Look for the #enable -experimental-canvas-features setting and enable it.

8. Turn on fast closing tabs
This option speeds up the closing of Chrome tabs. It allows you to run a JavaScript handler independent of the GUI. Although the process will still continue in the background, the closed tab will be unloaded faster.

All settings on the chrome://flags/ page are experimental and may not work correctly. If the browser starts behaving strangely, click the Reset all to default button and restart it.

11. Enable prediction of finger movements when scrolling

The name of this function speaks for itself. It predicts the movement of fingers when scrolling and loads the necessary data in advance.

To enable, do the following:

In the address bar, enter: "chrome://flags/#enable -scroll-predictio n".
Next to "Turn on prediction of finger movements when scrolling", click "Enable", and then the "Restart" button.

11. Enable Cache for HTTP

A new caching system in which disk space is allocated by the file system.

To enable the feature, do the following:

Enter "chrome://flags/#enable -simple-cache-bac kend" into the Chrome address bar.
Opposite this function, click "Enable", and then click the "Restart" button.

If you did everything right, then your browser should work faster.


Internet pages in the popular Chrome browser do not always open fast enough. And when there are a lot of windows open, the work of other applications also slows down. The experts of the site have collected several recommendations to solve the problem both on a stationary PC and on a tablet or smartphone.

1 Disable extensions

Check if there are too many extensions installed: if Chrome is used long enough, it can be literally littered with unnecessary, unused plugins. Remove or disable them - this may solve the problem.

How to do it: select the Tools > Extensions command or enter chrome://extensions in the address bar - you do not need to enter the entire address, autocomplete will work. Now go to the list of extensions and leave only those that you really cannot do without. Turn off the rest - the more, the better. Are you sure you don't need the plugin anymore? Click on the trash can icon to delete it completely.

Remove unnecessary updates, leaving only the most necessary

2 Install the latest updates

Chrome should update automatically, but if you don't close your browser or restart your computer for weeks, chances are it's an old version. Usually just restarting the PC is sufficient.

How to do it: To make sure you're really on the latest version, click on the three-dot icon in the top right corner of your browser window and select Help > About Google Chrome to download and install the latest version.

On your phone or tablet, go to the app store, go to the Updates section, and make sure Chrome is really up to date.

3 Close unnecessary tabs

Google regularly updates Chrome to improve performance and optimize memory usage. But it should be remembered that RAM is not infinite. Open many tabs at the same time − the right way bring the computer to a coma, as the memory will soon overflow.

How to do it: Just close unnecessary tabs, leaving the ones you need most - this is perhaps the easiest solution when Chrome is sluggish.

Simply clearing your browsing history might solve the problem

4 Clear history

This may seem like grasping at straws, but simply clearing your browsing history can solve the problem. Chrome downloads and stores quite a lot of data, including pictures, cookies, and more.

How to do it: to remove them, go to Settings and select Clear Browsing History or scroll down to the Advanced section, click on the arrow and scroll down even further until you see this command in the list.

For keyboard shortcut lovers, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete while Chrome is the active window. You will see a warning stating that after deleting the history, some sites may load slower because nothing is saved in the cache, and the information will have to be downloaded again from the Internet. Deleting cookies also means that you will have to enter logins and passwords by hand - make sure you remember them!

On your phone or tablet, go to Chrome Settings and select Privacy > Advanced > Clear browsing data.

5 Reinstall Chrome

Sometimes the only way to restore performance is to completely uninstall Chrome to get rid of all the junk it has created over the course of its existence on the computer, or fix an issue that prevented other tips from working.

How to do it: on Windows, open the Control Panel (Settings on Windows 10), find Chrome in the Add/Remove Programs list, and uninstall the browser.

When reinstalling Chrome, use a different browser to go to and download from there latest version. Or download this file in advance, before uninstalling Chrome.

On your phone or tablet, find the Chrome icon, tap it, and on iOS, hold your finger until the "x" icon appears. On Android, drag the Chrome icon to the Trash or to the Uninstall section that appears when you hold down. To reinstall, simply search the app store and click the Install button.

Try changing browser

Hmm, it's not really about speeding up Chrome... but in the end, if nothing else helps, why not try Yandex, Firefox or Opera?

Very often, browser users are faced with the fact that due to the speed of loading sites, it drops significantly in time and this becomes noticeable.

So, if this problem has not disappeared after a reboot and a short period of time, we describe the main reasons why this is possible:

  • Weak speed of the Internet provider (make sure with the help of a special service that the provider gives the declared and paid speed);
  • The cache memory from Google Chrome is full and is no longer active;
  • Google chrome works hard due to high CPU and RAM load;
  • Your browser has a large number of extensions installed.

Ways to speed up Chrome

Nowadays, there are a lot of ways to optimize and speed up the browser using programs and various extensions in the browser itself. But in the article we will only consider ways to speed up the browser with proven utilities, and tell you how to do the following correctly:

  • Update version and clear cache;
  • Install a standard theme and clean the browser from unnecessary extensions;
  • Disable ads on sites and Chrome plugins;
  • Turn off the cache and disable change the number of protocols.

And much more, which will significantly improve the performance of Google Chrome and the speed of loading sites.

Update Google Chrome and Clear Cache

To do this, we do everything step by step:

Also you can get Additional information about the browser in the menu - "About the Google Chrome browser".

To avoid cache accumulation, you can set the cache to clear automatically using an application such as Click&Clean. To install it, go to the web store. Select the Settings menu, as well as what information you need to delete and click the checkmark "Run a cleanup when I close Google Chrome."

Default theme and removal of extensions that are not in use

In order to load web pages in the browser faster, use the standard themes for its design and a minimum of extensions in working form. If you have a different theme and a lot of extensions, then follow these steps:

A huge number of extensions significantly affects the page loading speed in Google Chrome. Extensions that you do not need must be removed. It should be remembered that each extension takes up a certain amount of space on your computer. Conclusion: the more extensions you have enabled, the slower your browser is.

Disable website ads and plugins in Google Chrome

To disable ads on websites, you need to install the Adblock extension. After that, your pages will load much faster.

Plugins provide rich features for Chrome. They can slow down the browser and fill up memory. To disable plugins, go to settings. In the settings on any plugin, click "Disable".

Try to use hotkeys and fewer tabs

The loading of Chrome is significantly affected by exactly how many tabs you have open. If there are a lot of them, say, about fifteen, then we can confidently say that Google Chrome occupies most of the RAM. Tip - the optimal number of tabs is no more than seven.

To speed up Google Chrome, you need to know a set of valid combinations that, when pressed, perform a certain action (they are also called hot keys). For example:

Delete System Apps in Google Chrome and Allow Tab to Close Automatically

In the Chrome browser, you can compile applications using well-known programming languages. But most of these features are not needed for the average user and should be removed. To do this, enter Chrome://apps in the address bar. Alternatively, you can go to the "Services" section.

When the above feature is enabled, the tabs will have an active onUnload.js mode. It will speed up browser tab closing time. You can enable this feature by typing in the address bar: chrome://flags/#enable-fast-unload, press "On" in paragraph "Allow quick closing of tabs / windows", and then the "Restart" button.

Enable Cache for HTTP and change the number of image streams

The browser has an older way of caching, but we can enable a newer way.

To enable Simple Cache:

This feature will reduce the processing time for images on the site, which will affect the download speed. And if you need to turn it back on, write in Google Chrome: //flags/#num-raster-threads. From the menu that appears, select 4, and restart the browser.

Many browsers come with a lot of plugins, extensions, toolbars that you don't really need. Often they reduce the speed of the Internet and performance.

Let me present to your attention helpful tips on how to ensure good performance in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Disable plugins and extensions in the browser itself

Let's start by pointing out the main differences between plugins and extensions.

What is a plugin?

A plugin is a third party library attached to the browser. It can be embedded in a web page, in which case it will only work on that web page.

Here are examples of the most common plugins: Adobe Flash, Java, Microsoft Silverlight, Apple Quicktime, Adobe Reader.

What is an extension?

Extensions, or add-ons, can add functionality to the browser's user interface and handle the pages it loads. Although they may seem similar, extensions are not actually the same as plugins; they affect the web browser itself as well as the page. Some examples of important or required addons are: Adblock Plus, Firebug, Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant.

Below you will find instructions on how to remove or disable unwanted plugins and extensions in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

In Google Chrome:

1. Open Google Chrome and click the menu button on the browser bar.

2. Click Tools(Tools).

3. Select Extensions.

4. Click the trash can icon next to the extension you want to completely remove.

5. When the confirmation dialog appears, click Delete(Remove). You can also temporarily disable an extension by doing so on the Extensions page.

In Mozilla Firefox:

1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the button Firefox and then Add-ons(Add-ons). The Extension Manager tab will open.

2. On the extension manager tab, select Extensions or Appearance.

3. Select the add-on you want to disable.

4. Click the Disable button.

5. Click Restart now(Restart now) if there is a request to restart. The program will remember open tabs and open them after restarting the program.

6. Enter the menu again Add-ons and select Plugins(Plugins).

7. Select the plugin you want to disable.

8. Select Never turn on in the drop down menu.

Clear cache and cookies

This process is necessary due to the amount of data stored by the browser, which is largely a waste of disk space.

Your browser has a folder where certain downloaded items are saved for future use. Graphic images (buttons, banners, icons, or charts), photographs, and even entire web pages are examples of cache items. When accessing a page on a website, the computer first looks in its cache folder to see if it has already saved images for that page, and if it has, it won't download them again. This is done to speed up downloads.

Cache folders can get quite large and can take up over 100MB of space on your hard drive, storing graphics for sites you may never visit again. In the event that you care about your privacy or about conserving disk space, it may be prudent to periodically clear the cache. It will also allow the browser to access fresh web pages without resorting to old cache entries.

To clear your browser's cache, follow the steps below.

When using Google Chrome:

1. Open Google Chrome.

2. Click the menu button on the browser bar.

3. Select Tools(Tools).

4.Choose Deleting browsing data(Clear browsing data)

5. In the dialog box, check the boxes next to the types of data you want to delete. Checkboxes Clear browsing history(Clear browsing history), Clear download history(Clear download history), Clear cookies and other site and plug-in data(Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data), Clear cache(Empty the cache) are checked by default and we recommend leaving these checkboxes enabled.

6. From the drop-down menu at the top of the dialog, select how much data you want to delete. To delete all data, select During all this time.

7. Click Clear the history(Clear browsing data)

In Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open Mozilla Firefox.

2. At the top of the Firefox window, click the button Firefox and then select Settings(Options).

3. Select Additional(Advanced).

4. Click the tab Net(Network).

5. In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now(Clear Now).

6. Click OK to close the settings dialog.

Reset browser options and settings

Sometimes when you install a program, it can change browser settings without your knowledge, and after that you may notice that your browser behaves in some way wrong. Programs can add various extensions or change the default search engine, and can also call various problems when working on the network.

In Google Chrome:

1. Click the menu button on the browser toolbar.

2. Select Settings(Settings).

3. Click Show advanced settings(Click Show advanced settings) and find the "Reset browser settings" section.

4. Click Reset browser settings(Reset browser settings).

5. In the dialog box, click Reset(Reset).

Please note that if you have the " "Help make Google Chrome better by reporting the current settings"), you anonymously send data about your Chrome settings to Google.

In Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open Mozilla Firefox.

2. At the top of the window, click the Firefox button, go to the Help submenu, and select (Troubleshooting Information).

3. Click the button Reset Firefox(Reset Firefox) in the top right corner of the page Troubleshooting Information.

4. To continue, click Reset Firefox in the confirmation window that opens.

5. Firefox will close and reset. Upon completion, the newly read information will be listed in the window. Click the Finish button and Firefox will open.

Install a new browser

According to the materials of the Internet portal. Translation into Russian: Alexander Ryabov