Essay on Impossible to always be a hero. Competitive essay on the topic “Young heroes of our time

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a Russian writer who created many magnificent works. In his statement, the author raises the problem of preserving humanity. Who is such a person? How is he different from a hero?

Man is a biopsychosocial being who can think, has consciousness and articulate speech. A hero is also a person, but with exceptional courage and valor. Being a hero is not important at all, it is more important to have other qualities, such as respect, tolerance. This problem seems to me relevant not only in our time, but also in the past and in the future.

In support of the statement, one can give an example of how today's youth commits immoral acts.

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Young people strive not to be different from everyone, no matter what it is connected with. Thus, they lose their individuality, becoming a small grain of the whole society.

On TV they showed a story about how people ended up in a burning house. There were many extraneous adults around, but only one person decided to help - a boy. Not every person has socially significant qualities, the boy showed himself not only as a hero, but first of all, as a person.

In conclusion, I come to the conclusion that A.P. Chekhov is absolutely right in his judgment, in any situation we must remain human, remain responsive and not deviate from moral values.

Updated: 2018-03-11

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You can't always be a hero

but you can always be human.

The word "hero" came to us from Ancient Greece, it is translated as "protector", "guardian" and is etymologically associated with the name of the goddess Hera, the patroness of marriage and vows. In Latin, this concept means "to keep the whole", in Avestan "to watch". A mythological hero is usually the son of a mortal mother and an immortal father, such as Hercules. Born on earth and having gone through many trials, he returns to his divine father, finally overcoming his mortal earthly nature and thus showing the way to all mankind.

Today we use the word "hero" in various senses, far from the original. Heroes of labor and war, book, theater and cinema heroes… But in any case, although this concept has changed, it has not become outdated. After all, the hero gathers that best and valuable thing that we strive for ourselves. And by what kind of heroes we have, one can judge about ourselves, about those values ​​that are important and dear to us.

We learn about many examples of feat from books, from military reports and stories of veterans. This, for example, is the feat of Nikolai Frantsevich Gastello, who was the squadron commander of the 207th long-range bomber aviation regiment and carried out a mission on June 26, 1941, during which his bomber was hit and caught fire. Then he sent a burning plane to the enemy. It is also Polyakov Sergey Nikolaevich. He made 42 sorties, inflicting accurate strikes on enemies, destroyed 42 and damaged 35 aircraft ... And there are a lot of such examples. Pioneer heroes, Viktor Vasilievich Palalikhin, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, Alexei Petrovich Maresyev, Alexander Matveevich Matrosov, among them there are women: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Aliya Moldagulova ... We will always remember the heroes who defended our Motherland.
It would seem that now is a peaceful time, and there is no place for a feat in our life, but this is not so. Often, turning on the TV and listening to the latest news, I hear about people who have accomplished feats today, now. Not so long ago I heard a story about a boy who was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.
These events took place on November 28, 2008. A seven-year-old boy, Zhenya Tabakov, saved his older sister. The girl opened the door to the criminal, who introduced himself as a postman. He shouted at the children, threatened them with a knife and attacked the girl with the words: "Drive the money!". The boy grabbed a knife and plunged it into the back of the criminal, but he became even more angry and inflicted fatal blows on Zhenya with the same knife. Yana - that was her sister's name - rushed to the neighbors, knocking on the door, she begged to call the police. The robber escaped, but soon they found him... It was Sergei Kiyashko. Later, the recidivist committed suicide in solitary confinement, and the little boy Zhenya died from eight stab wounds...
Zhenya stood up for his sister without hesitation. He acted boldly and courageously, and yet he was only 7 years old. This is a clear example of what is modern world courageous and determined people have not died out, and it doesn’t matter what age they are.

Such young heroes are our guidelines in life! There are many among us.

From an article published in the Arguments and Facts newspaper, I learned about the heroic act that young Yulia Agadzhanova from Adygea performed. On the evening of October 26, 2011, at about ten thirty minutes, a fire broke out on Novaya Street in the village of Severny. A 4-unit residential building caught fire. Yulia Agadzhanova, a student of grade 10 "C" of school No. 2 in the city of Maykop, like almost all residents of the village, was occupied with ordinary household chores.

That evening, we were looking at photos on a digital camera at the neighbors, - says Yulia. - When they heard a cry for help, they ran out into the street. When I saw the fire, I first of all called the 01 service and called the firemen. In the house on Novaya 4/3 Street, which was engulfed in flames, my friend Irina Romanova, who has three children, lives. So I immediately rushed to help. At first I did not understand what was the matter. But when she saw the burning window of the Romanovs' apartment, she ran to their house to find out where the children were. I carried two-year-old Angela in my arms, two others, six-year-old Ruslana and eight-year-old Anna, ran after me.

Before the arrival of firefighters, the girl helped to take things out of the fire. And this is not the only case when young heroes save people during a fire.

A fire in a private residential building in the village of Yasashnaya, Alapaevsky District, occurred on March 16, 2010. Outbuildings were burning, then the fire spread to the roof. At this time, six children were returning home from school. Seeing what was happening, they hurried to help the owners, began to take out valuables and household appliances. Suddenly, the hostess, who left the house in a panic, remembered that her 73-year-old husband was in the burning building, who was sleeping in the back room. Not at a loss, the guys rushed back into the blazing house, woke the sleeping man and dragged him out into the street. The schoolchildren who saved the pensioner from the fire were given a ticket to the "Eaglet" for the All-Russian gathering of "Young firefighters" from the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the VDPO.

According to the press service of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the All-Russian Volunteer Fire Society, schoolchildren Ivan Dvoeglazov and Ivan Kochegarov received by mobile phone and the award "For valor and courage in the fire, and medals" For assistance in the fight against fires "- the rest of the distinguished boys.

In Tulun, a fragile fourteen-year-old girl accomplished a feat. Saved the child. The boy bathed in an abandoned quarry with his grandfather. And suddenly they began to sink.
If not for Olesya, there would be tragedy. On that day, she and her girlfriends were resting on the shore of an abandoned quarry. And although swimming is officially prohibited here - how can you resist on a hot day?
- I swam, then - I turn around, I look - the boy is drowning, and grandfather is also drowning. I was scared for the boy, grabbed him and swam back, - says Olesya Pushmina, a resident of Tulun.

By the way, dozens of vacationers became witnesses of the incident. But none of them jumped into the water. Olesya Pushmina saved the drowning alone. She says that she did not even think about the fact that she was in danger.
- And when I dragged him, it was hard for me. Grandfather held him, and the boy held on to me. And climbed on me. But I was not at a loss, I oriented myself, took a breath and emerged.
Employees of the local Ministry of Emergency Situations are now preparing documents in order to present Olesya for a government award. It is believed that she is worthy of the medal "For saving the drowning."

The feat is always associated with courage. Even in peaceful days, without showing courage, courage, courage, you will not accomplish a feat.

So who is he, a modern young hero? This is a person who performs a heroic deed, that is, mortally risks his life in the name of many lives. At such moments, he does not think about himself. Such people should be valued and exalted, because there are not so many of them.

I hope that the souls of people in our time will not "get stale", and our country will remember the heroes!

Hero of our time.
"You can't always be a hero,
but you can always be human
I. Goethe

Speaking of heroes of any time, it is necessary to find out who is called a hero. Let's turn to dictionaries. A hero is someone who draws attention to himself. Most often, the one who causes admiration "- according to Ozhigov's dictionary. “A hero is a person who has accomplished a feat, is ready for self-sacrifice” - we read in the dictionary of Efremova T.F. “A hero is a person who embodies the features of an era, environment”, - a statement from Shvedova N.Yu. but they all emphasize the peculiarity of the main character and at the same time a man of his era.

The beginning of the 21st century is a difficult milestone in the fate of our Motherland. The formation of statehood, the establishment of new values ​​in the country, responses to the challenges of the time: the war in the Chechen Republic, the fight against terrorist gangs - all this gives rise to its own heroes and anti-heroes. But I, like so many of my peers, want to believe that our generation is able to give birth to heroes, people who can and should be equal. Yes, there are many examples of this.

Basurmanov Sergey Anatolyevich - senior assistant to the chief of staff of the brigade Internal Troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for intelligence, major. He fought in Dagestan with the terrorists who invaded there. For 12 hours, the detachment, under his leadership, held the defense. The commander during the battle was in the most dangerous areas, was wounded in the head. It was not possible to save him. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 25, 1999, for the courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, Major Sergey Anatolievich Basurmanov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

The Russian officer is a hero. He could not have gone to that battle, he had a vacation, his daughter fell ill, they were waiting for him at home. But it was impossible to leave the women, children, old people of the Dagestan village. It was possible during the battle to lead the soldiers from cover. But one cannot leave comrades against a superior enemy. You need to help, to be where people need you most. Such behavior causes admiration, attracts special attention from the youth, the older generation.

Major Basurmanov skillfully led the battle, being in the most dangerous areas, inspiring his subordinates by personal example. But a fragment of a mine treacherously brought Sergei Anatolyevich out of the battle. Risking their lives, the subordinates carried the commander out of the fire, but it was too late. From a serious wound, he died in the hands of the fighters ... This is self-sacrifice for the sake of a soldier's life, the lives of strangers from a remote mountain village. The ability not to pass by someone else's grief, to be faithful to the oath given to the Motherland, not to hide behind someone else's back - these are the features of many modern Russian officers who have gone through "hot spots" on the map of modern Russian history. They compose songs and poems about them, so that their deeds, their attitude to life remain in the memory of posterity, so that future and modern young Russians look up to them throughout their lives. This means that in their life, actions, the features of the era can be traced.

Most recently, the name of Sergei Solnechnikov became known throughout the country. He died heroically, covering himself with a combat grenade. By this action, he saved the lives of dozens of soldiers. Did he have a choice? Probably was. Did he want to live? Of course, I planned to get married. He himself chose the right step for him at that time. His name will now be immortalized in the name of a street in the city of Blagoveshchensk. I bow before his feat. I just don't want to know about such people only after their death. At the same time, their actions sometimes help young people to think about choosing a path.

S.A. Basurmanov and S.A. Solnechnikov - here they are, the heroes of my time, the people whom I and my peers will look up to. And such cases are not isolated. Times do not choose, but no matter how life develops ordinary person, you need to remember that there are values ​​that have no price: loyalty to the Motherland, love, friendship, courage. They are always in demand. This must be remembered. And there is truth in the fact that there are heroes in our time.

The Russian people say: “To live life is not to cross a field”, thereby emphasizing how difficult human life is, how difficult its sharp turns can be. And at each of these turns, a person can find himself in situations where strong-willed qualities of character are required - courage, determination, courage and courage.

Yes, it is always easier said than done. And one cannot but agree with the statement "how many people there are, so many characters." And that means different lives, and different destinies. Meanwhile, a person's life is so short that one wants to live it as best as possible, brighter, more interesting. Or, as the classic says, “so that it doesn’t hurt excruciatingly for the aimlessly lived years.”

Each person goes through life in his own way. But at the end of this path, not everyone dares to look back to see what "traces" he left on the ground.

I. Talkov has a wonderful ballad that has become a song. It tells about how, during the Civil War, "the former lieutenant went to fight" "for the people's power." And although this war was waged "with his own people", he was firmly convinced that "this is how it should be." Heeding neither the curses of his father, nor the disapproving silence of his brother, nor the quiet weeping of his wife, the former lieutenant left the house. He "succeeded in the war and ended it as commander." But in the end, judgment day came for him. After all, nature is wise, and the eye of the Most High Sees our every step on a thorny road; There comes a moment when each of us at the last line remembers God.

The commander also remembered the curse of his father, And how God's command by the river did not listen ... Then the shutter clicked, and nine grams of lead Released his sinful soul for judgment ...

In our hectic time, both morality and moral principles are often forgotten. They are replaced by business acumen, the ability to make a profit and grow rich, taking care of yourself first of all. Of course, “it is impossible to always be a hero, but you can always remain a man,” said Goethe.

At the end of the 60s of the XX century. V. Vysotsky wrote a poem called "I don't love." It contains lines in which he expressed his attitude to the depreciation of morality and humanity that took place before his eyes:

I'm annoyed if the word "honor" is forgotten And if in honor there are slander behind the back.

The famous Russian writer A. Ivanov has a wonderful story "Life on Sinful Earth". The events described in it take place during the reign of Stalin. The guy and the girl do not have souls in each other. A loving couple is preparing for the wedding. But then a young handsome guy appears in their village, who has just served in the army. The girl liked him, and he tries his best to upset her relationship with her beloved. And when he fails, he sets fire to the collective farm stacks at night, arranging everything so that the blame will certainly fall on the girl's beloved boyfriend.

After spending almost two decades in the camps, the guy with poor health returns to his native village. Here he learns that the girl still married his rival. Even in the camps, the guy understood who and why put him behind bars. And for many years in prison, he only dreamed of taking revenge on the person who broke his life. It was the thirst for revenge that gave him strength and energy in prison, when he found himself on the verge between life and death. But gradually the guy - now an elderly weak man - understands that life has already punished the offender for him - with drunkenness, illness, an unhappy family life.

One early winter morning, a man goes fishing. In the pre-dawn darkness, he noticed from a distance a dark silhouette on the ice of the river. And when he approached, he saw his offender. He was making a hole and fell through the ice.

There was not a single living soul nearby. With one movement of his hand, a man could send his offender under the ice. But instead, he takes off the belt, ties it around his wrists, and throws the other end to a drowning man. Discussing the spiritual struggle of his hero at this moment, the writer concludes: “Yes, people are people ... There are many living creatures on earth, but there is no more beautiful person, with reason because, with consciousness.” material from the site

It seems to me that such stories should teach each person what to be. After all, from childhood we are taught to love people, to be kind and sympathetic, courageous and noble, to be a good son or a good daughter for our parents, a patriot of our Motherland. But not every one of us becomes a real person. You have to be able to appreciate life. It is necessary, as L. Tolstoy said, to live, and not learn to live.

We live on Earth once, and our life will be long if we can understand its meaning, if we can leave the creations of our hands on earth. As A. Chekhov said, “life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully. I want to play a prominent, independent, noble role, I want to make history…”. Everyone would like to live like this, but it depends on the person himself. Whoever you are, whatever you do, if your work is not illuminated by love for people, if your worries are closed only on yourself, you will not be happy. Maybe your business will give you money, fame, pride and self-satisfaction, but among all this there will not be one thing - happiness ...

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The Russian people say: “To live life is not to cross a field”, thereby emphasizing how difficult human life is, how difficult its sharp turns can be. And at each of these turns, a person can find himself in situations where strong-willed qualities of character are required - courage, determination, courage and courage.

Yes, it is always easier said than done. And one cannot but agree with the statement "how many people there are, so many characters." And that means different lives and different destinies. Meanwhile, a person's life is so short that you want to live it as best as possible, brighter, more interesting. Or, as the classic says, “so that it doesn’t hurt excruciatingly for the aimlessly lived years.”

Each person goes through life in his own way. But at the end of this journey, not everyone dares to look back to see what "footprints" he left on earth.

I. Talkov has a wonderful ballad that has become a song. It tells about how, during the Civil War, "the former lieutenant went to fight" "for the people's power." And although this war was waged "with his own people", he was firmly convinced that "this is how it should be." Heeding neither the curses of his father, nor the disapproving silence of his brother, nor the quiet weeping of his wife, the former lieutenant left the house. He "succeeded in the war and ended it as commander." But in the end, judgment day came for him. After all, nature is wise, and the eye of the Most High Sees our every step on a thorny road; There comes a moment when each of us at the last line remembers God.

The commander also remembered the curse of his father,

And how God's order by the river did not listen ...

Then the shutter clicked, and nine grams of lead Released his sinful soul for judgment ...

In our hectic time, both morality and moral principles are often forgotten. They are replaced by business acumen, the ability to make a profit and grow rich, taking care of yourself first of all. Of course, “it is impossible to always be a hero, but you can always remain a man,” said Goethe.

At the end of the 60s of the XX century. V. Vysotsky wrote a poem called "I don't love." It contains lines in which he expressed his attitude to the depreciation of morality and humanity that took place before his eyes:

I'm annoyed if the word "honor" is forgotten And if in honor there are slander behind the back.

The famous Russian writer A. Ivanov has a wonderful story "Life on a sinful earth." The events described in it take place during the reign of Stalin. The guy and the girl do not have souls in each other. A loving couple is preparing for the wedding. But then a young handsome guy appears in their village, who has just served in the army. The girl liked him, and he tries his best to upset her relationship with her beloved. And when he fails, he sets fire to the collective farm stacks at night, arranging everything so that the blame will certainly fall on the girl's beloved boyfriend.

After spending almost two decades in the camps, a guy with poor health returns to his native village. Here he learns that the girl still married his rival. Even in the camps, the guy realized who and why put him behind bars. And for many years in prison, he only dreamed of taking revenge on the man who ruined his life. It was the thirst for revenge that gave him strength and energy in prison, when he found himself on the verge between life and death. But gradually the guy - now an elderly weak man - understands that life has already punished the offender for him - drunkenness, illness, unhappy family life.

One early winter morning, a man goes fishing. In the pre-dawn darkness, he noticed from a distance a dark silhouette on the ice of the river. And when he approached, he saw his offender. He was making a hole and fell through the ice.

There was not a single living soul nearby. With one movement of the hand, a man could send his offender under the ice. But instead, he takes off the belt, ties it around his wrist, and throws the other end to a drowning man. Discussing the mental struggle of his hero at this moment, the writer concludes: “Yes, people are people ... There are many living creatures on earth, but there is no more beautiful person, with reason because, with consciousness.”

It seems to me that such stories should teach each person what to be. After all, from childhood we are taught to love people, to be kind and sympathetic, courageous and noble, to be a good son or a good daughter for our parents, a patriot of our Motherland. But not every one of us becomes a real person. You have to be able to appreciate life. It is necessary, as L. Tolstoy said, to live, and not learn to live.

We live on Earth once, and our life will be long if we can understand its meaning, if we can leave the creations of our hands on earth. As A. Chekhov said, “life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully. I want to play a prominent, independent, noble role, I want to make history…”. Everyone would like to live like this, but it depends on the person himself. Whoever you are, whatever you do, if your work is not illuminated by love for people, if your worries are closed only on yourself, you will not be happy. Maybe your business will give you money, fame, pride and self-satisfaction, but among all this there will not be one thing - happiness ...