Save for corsairs. Game not starting? Pirates Odyssey: To Each His Own? Game slows down? Flies out? Glitchy? Solving the most common problems

What does a pirate need to do in order not to be prematurely in the arms of a sea devil? Take a sip of rum for courage, load a pistol, take the sharpest and strongest sword, and, of course, cheat a little here and there. There are cheat codes in almost every part of the corsairs. But in this game, apparently, the developer simply cut them out. So, what needs to be done to get unlimited power over the world? Read the guide below.


To launch the cheat menu, you need to copy the contents of the archive (see at the end of the message) to the root of the directory with the game installed. Calling the cheat menu is carried out by pressing F11. You can close the cheat menu by pressing the same key, or close it with a cross in the upper right corner. The "Ok" button next to the command line in the upper left will teleport you to the inn on Isla Tesoro (unless you entered other parameters for the character transfer endpoint on the command line). Little advice - do not abuse the use of cheat codes. Otherwise, at some point the game will start to crash, thanks to the long-suffering engine. And you won’t be able to complete the game if you don’t have earlier saves left for replaying almost a whole line of already completed quests.

Game hotkeys:
- restore HP and energy reserve
F5- enable instant pistol reload, toggle damage multiplier
F7- remove / show HUD
F10- kill the nearest mortal NPC
F11- launch cheat menu
F12- show the character menu of the nearest NPC
Insert- get the current GG coordinates

Cheat Menu Hot Keys:

1 - enable/disable immortality
2 - get 1,000,000 pesos and 1000 doubloons
3 - all skills are 100, all perks are learned
4 - to increase level
5 - lower the level
6 - increase the number of HP
7 - lower the amount of HP
8 - get/clear free perk points
9 - improve health, replenish HP, cure poisoning
10 - increase credibility
11 - lower authority
12 - increase reputation
13 - lower reputation
14 - increase fame
15 - decrease fame
16 - P.I.R.A.T.E.S.: all 10 / default
17 - carry weight: increase / default
18 - get all the bonuses of other types of hero

19 - protagonist nation: England
20 - protagonist nation: France
21 - protagonist nation: Holland
22 - protagonist nation: Spain
23 - protagonist nation: Coastal Brotherhood
24 - relations between nations: standard
25 - relations between nations: neutrality
26 - relations between nations: war
27 - relations between nations: peace
28 - relations between nations: alliance against pirates
29 - launch a roulette of changes in relations between nations
30 - improve relations with all nations
31 - maximum a good relationship with all nations
32 - the most bad relations with all nations

33 - get all melee weapons
34 - get all firearms
35 - get all cuirasses and uniform
36 - get all spyglasses
37 - get all the amulets, amulets and talismans
38 - get all cards
39 - obtain trading licenses of all nations with a one-year validity
40 - learn all possible recipes and get all the tools for alchemy
41 - increase the lifetime of all amulets, amulets and talismans to 365 days / default
42 - remove all normal items from inventory

43 - Helen level 50 to officer
44 - Level 50 Knippel to Officers
45 - Level 50 Longway to Officer
46 - Level 50 Mary to Officer
47 - Level 50 Tichingitu as an officer
48 - Level 50 Tonzag to Officer
49 - Level 50 Daniel to Officer
50 - add/remove free perk points for unique officers
51 - remove all officers, companions and passengers

52 - get the ship "Black Pearl" (this code does not work)
53 - get a ship Flying Dutchman» (this code does not work)
54 - get a quick manowar "Mortifero"
55 - generate the most powerful manowar "Victory"
56 - repair the ship, replenish supplies and crew
57 - upgrade the ship
58 - get large-caliber guns
59 - install on the ship 36 f. guns
60 - install on the ship 36 f. culverins
61 - install on the ship 42 f. guns
62 - install fort guns on the ship

63 - fast forward the day
64 - rewind a day ago
65 - fast forward 10 days
66 - rewind 10 days ago
67 - enable / disable the display of locators
68 - open all the islands, access to the sea, etc.
69 - enable/disable ships on global map(resets when the day changes)
70 - strong wind at sea (resets every in-game hour)

Special: - teleport to taverns
S3- game difficulty: "Free Pirate"
S4- difficulty of the game: "Brave privateer"
S5- difficulty of the game: "Brave filibuster"
S6- game difficulty: "Fearless Privateer"
S7- game difficulty: "Desperate Corsair"

Q1- start the Dutch Gambit quest
Q2- start the quest "Pirate Saga"
Q3- start the quest "On the Island of Justice"
Q4- Start the "Turtle Soup" quest
Q5- start the quest Ancient city Mayan"
Q6- start the quest "In Search of the Guardian of Truth"
Q7- start the quest "The treacherous island of Xochitham"

The popular domestic game has gathered around itself a lot of fans, many have long passed everything, but some decided to go further. For a faster, easier and even more fun experience, you can download saves. A lot will be ready here, so after installation you can get an incredibly cool character, to whom the sea will be knee-deep. Let's immediately note that this is not just a save of all completed tasks, but a broken version, where the hero was specially pumped up with increased abilities. In fact, you immediately install the necessary cheats, which then constantly work throughout the entire passage. If you are playing the game for the first time, then we do not recommend using this help so as not to lose interest in the plot and in general in completing tasks.

Saving Instructions

Download the archive and unzip it. The subfolder should simply be moved to the location on the computer where the game is installed. We warn you in advance, the developers turned out to be very resourceful guys and decided to make protection against hacking. When using some codes, you can get the following result: the hero's life is 1, the characters may refuse to talk to you, rank growth stops, and so on. This save has been tested by many, and for most everything worked perfectly without consequences, but we had to warn you just in case, so that there were no surprises.

Game: Platform: PC Genre: action, add-on, rpg Release date: December 7, 2012 In Russia: December 7, 2012 Developer: BlackMark Studio Russia publisher: Akella / Hunt We have a game disc in our hands "Corsairs: To each his own" with a beautiful name in the British way Pirates Odyssey from company "Akella" and fan studio developers Black Mark Studio. Apparently, they will become the swan song of Russian "Corsairs", which appeared in the capital basement of an old house in the distant 2000 at the dawn of three-dimensional games. Until now, this unique genre has very rarely changed. With the release of the disastrous Corsairs 3 in 2005, the fan development team Seaward.Ru corrected all the shortcomings in the add-on "Corsairs: The Return of the Legend" in 2006 and its sequel "Corsairs: City of Lost Ships" in 2007. Their next step was to be "Corsairs 4", but the development was delayed, and in the old "Corsairs" there was still very much almost everything that could be changed or done better in anticipation of a hit. This is exactly what other fans of the series have done, forming a studio black mark. After it became clear that "Akella" got rid of Corsairs 4 and froze the project for life, the guys set about commercializing their own amateur add-on with the support of a greedy publisher who owns the rights to the Storm Engine.
The Corsairs are still loyal to fans not only in Russia, but also abroad - at the PiratesAhoy site! Akella missed his own repertoire

The result of this collaboration is hate-burning reviews with strong criticism "KS" for the old graphics from the time of "Corsairs 3". By the way, not enough who knows that "Akella" then I worked with the art of 2002 from the failed "Corsairs 2", which later turned into "Pirates caribbean» under license Disney. Even our creators, to be honest, simply refused to look at the screenshots of the game with exclamations of “oh my god, what is this! What year is this game? Nothing for itself contrast with the same marine scenes from Assassins Creed 3, right? The criticism is fair. Storm Engine behind version 2.8 is already a historical exhibit at the moment. He was sent into retirement back in 2007, when City of Lost Ships was criticized for cheap graphics. Storm Engine - remnants of former glory But the Storm Engine at one time was an advanced Russian development without any analogues in the West. Russian programmers managed to combine three large graphics engines into one - this is a land component in the action genre, sea battles and a global map with a developed economy. All this had to work together, complementing each other. And it did work. And it works to this day, but in a way that its creators themselves did not expect. There was even a whole spurt in the development of the Storm Engine in the failed Adventures of Captain Blood. It has its own long-suffering history. But you can read about all this here from the developers themselves, since they speak very curiously and informatively. "Corsairs: To each his own" designed only for fans of the series and made by the same fans. Consider the game a sort of indie project. Others are in for a big disappointment. The usual look at the screenshots and our assessment of the game will be enough to realize how poor and penniless some publishers in Russia were, who once had the audacity to miss an amazing series of games from their own stingy hands to golden doubloons. Ultimately, all hopes for the emergence of "Corsairs 4" fell. Oxygen intensively worked on the studio project Seaward.Ru was closed in 2010. In order not to be sad, let's find out a good fan's point of view about "KS".
The towns and settlements in the game have been preserved since the days of Corsairs 3. Fan position: to each his own

The first fan-made addon "Return of the Legend" for "Corsairs 3" was supposed to transform the game into a multi-party game with the highest degree of replayability on the principle of chess. But in fact, any new party became fresher than the previous one due to a poor set of quests. GPK tried to change the situation with a decent number of small and several huge stories, including the plot with Captain Blood, the pirate line, and the search for the magical City of the Lost Ships. But with the onset "To each his own" the plot becomes no longer a complementary element, but the main one! The story is presented curiously, well and in a large volume, despite a significant proportion of "hardcore" (in some tasks it is necessary to memorize the details from the dialogues or write on paper). In general, this is the most powerful side of the new "Corsairs".

As planned by the creators, the protagonist starts life on the archipelago from scratch, as adventures once began in the well-known modification from ALexusB "Return of the Marine Legend", only here you are not thrown into the game world naked. AT "KS" the situation is seasoned with story quests. Thanks to them, the first city of Saint-Pierre in Martinique becomes well known - we see the owner of the store, who asked us to help establish competition in the town, the moneylender, for whom the Spaniard was rescued from captivity, and we remember the owner of the tavern, that because of his own inclination lost his only daughter to smuggling.

"To each his own"- these are "Corsairs", which we (fans of the series) really missed in 2005, when we read the latest first-hand previews of Corsairs 3. All the most daring, as it turned out after the release of "K3", the fantasies of the press service of the publisher are now in "KS" in the form of embodied techniques, game features and parts of the gameplay. Because of this, the old Storm Engine rumbles and slows down when working in the interface and countless script formulas. Still would! Indeed, very complex miscalculations are assigned to the seven-year-old technology, including automatic trading, moving squadrons on the global map even when you are on land or sleeping in a tavern, or, for example, calculating at least 4 blade balance characteristics during simultaneous fencing more than 30 man in frame!

Old "Corsairs" in new details

Black Mark Studio intervened in the engine with minor changes (for fear of spoiling something that works fine). But they worked amazingly on the scripting part, investing in all this to the best of their ability in transforming the external data of the game - a generous interface, new models and textures, a whole bunch of beautiful ancient maps, etc. As a result, we got a huge number of new parts that work without glitches. For example, alchemy. At the very beginning of the game, you practically do not pay attention to it - it seems that it is worthless and unnecessary in "Corsairs" element. But when we find the rarest items in chests and merchants, annotations for creating, for example, a hand grenade, you begin to think about the usefulness of this ability.
Alchemy is one of the new parts of the game, general description which in the manual takes 80 pages of printed text! For those who in the previous games of the series became bored with the Caribbean archipelago, in "To each his own" implemented a search system for uncharted islands. This is done using navigation devices. In such places, perhaps, the foot of a European has not even set foot yet - either wealth or a grave awaits him there. Yes, yes, natives with savages will not let you get bored on the way to gold mines or treasuries that give significant prizes - another newest part games. All this can be found out from rumors, communicating with virtual colonists. But the treasure promised by someone may actually turn out to be a chest with torn shoes or animal corpses.

The developers have significantly changed the fencing system by creating a seven-button (!) system of strikes and feints. AT "KS" the characteristics of the blade have not only the attack power and weight, but also the balance of the blades. The latter indicates the center of mass between the handle and the edge of the blade. Balance forces us to choose fencing technique between piercing blows and feints. Thus, an experienced approach to choosing a blade and fencing technique already at the early stages of the game will make the protagonist invulnerable to the enemy, which, of course, does not prevent relying on boarders or ordinary “hit-block” clicks.

Updated in the game and the fleet of ships. All models have been transformed not only from the outside - they are equipped with a system of multi-level destruction of masts, a knock-down tiller (without which the ship cannot turn, becoming easy prey) and balance features. The number of things and weapons reached an unprecedented number in the series. Everything, from an ordinary shell to a huge quest, is adjusted in accordance with historical realities. Even a Muscovite wandering into the archipelago teaches the protagonist to drink vodka correctly so as not to get drunk.

Apparently seven years ago "To each his own" would have been greeted with a bang. Well, now no one would complain, provided that the retail price for a disc or image on Steam is adequate. Well Black Mark Studio not in everything showed her own professionalism. For example, the sound component of the game has become poorer together with the replicas of city dwellers (they have been updated, but now there are fewer of them), the musical accompaniment has been significantly reduced and many sounds of the world around us have disappeared - how do you like the sea without the noise of waves and surf?
The developers have updated the fleet of ships with 20 new models with different textures and features.***Now we put the company's "two" "Akella" for her perfidious attitude towards the best gaming brand, which in 2000 gave birth to the only, unique genre in the world! The time has long come for Corsairs 4, because we continue to dance with a saber to pirate songs on the ruins of Storm Engine 2.8 and sink ships against the backdrop of angular islands with bald patches. Still, we believe in magic thanks to such comers from fan circles as seaward and Black Mark Studio!

Pros: captivating and lengthy plot; added a huge number of small quests; alchemy; new weapon; advanced fencing; brand new officer system (including automatic trading at the treasurer).
Minuses: outdated graphics; recurring settlements; poor soundtrack; clumsy animation remained without configurations; The game is for fans only. about the rating system of games

Place the contents of the archive in the folder with the game. For the cheat menu to work, need to start a new game

Hotkeys in the game

F4- restore HP and energy reserve
F5- enable instant pistol reload, toggle damage multiplier
F7- remove / show HUD
F10- kill the nearest mortal NPC
F11- launch cheat menu
F12- show the character menu of the nearest NPC
Insert- get the current GG coordinates

Cheat menu for KKS


1 - enable/disable immortality
2 - get 100,000 pesos and 100 doubloons
3 - all skills are 100, all perks are learned
4 - to increase level
5 - lower the level
6 - increase the number of HP
7 - lower the amount of HP
8 - get/clear free perk points
9 - improve health, replenish HP, cure poisoning
10 - increase credibility
11 - lower authority
12 - increase reputation
13 - lower reputation
14 - increase fame
15 - decrease fame
16 - p.I.R.A.T.E.S.: all 10 / default
17 - carry weight: increase / default
18 - get all the bonuses of other types of hero


19 - protagonist nation: England
20 - protagonist nation: France
21 - protagonist nation: Holland
22 - protagonist nation: Spain
23 - protagonist nation: Coastal Brotherhood
24 - relations between nations: standard
25 - relations between nations: neutrality
26 - relations between nations: war
27 - relations between nations: peace
28 - relations between nations: alliance against pirates
29 - launch a roulette of changes in relations between nations
30 - improve relations with all nations
31 - maximum good relations with all nations
32 - the most bad relations with all nations


33 - get all melee weapons
34 - get all firearms
35 - get all cuirasses and uniform
36 - get all spyglasses
37 - get all the amulets, amulets and talismans
38 - get all cards
39 - obtain trading licenses of all nations with a one-year validity
40 - learn all possible recipes and get all the tools for alchemy
41 - increase the lifetime of all amulets, amulets and talismans to 365 days / default
42 - remove all normal items from inventory


43 - Elen 1st level to officers
44 - level 1 knippel to officers
45 - longway 1st level to officers
46 - Mary 1st level to officers
47 - level 1 tichingitu to officer
48 - tonzag 1st level to officers
49 - level 1 daniel to officer
50 - add/remove free perk points for unique officers
51 - remove all officers, companions and passengers


52 - get the ship "Black Pearl"
53 - get the ship "Flying Dutchman"
54 - get a quick manowar "Mortifero"
55 - generate the most powerful manowar "Victory"
56 - repair the ship, replenish supplies and crew
57 - upgrade the ship
58 - get large-caliber guns
59 - install on the ship 36 f. guns
60 - install on the ship 36 f. culverins
61 - install on the ship 42 f. guns
62 - install fort guns on the ship


63 - fast forward the day
64 - rewind a day ago
65 - fast forward 10 days
66 - rewind 10 days ago
67 - enable / disable the display of locators
68 - open all the islands, access to the sea, etc.
69 - enable / disable ships on the global map (resets when the day changes)
70 - strong wind at sea (reset every in-game hour)


- teleport to taverns
S3- game difficulty: "Free Pirate"
S4- difficulty of the game: "Brave privateer"
S5- difficulty of the game: "Brave filibuster"
S6- game difficulty: "Fearless Privateer"
S7- game difficulty: "Desperate Corsair"


Q1- start the Dutch Gambit quest
Q2- start the quest "Pirate Saga"
Q3- start the quest "On the Island of Justice"
Q4- Start the "Turtle Soup" quest
Q5- start the quest "Ancient Mayan City"
Q6- start the quest "In Search of the Guardian of Truth"
Q7- start the quest "The treacherous island of Xochitham"

Cheat menu v3 for Corsair: To each his own! 1.5.0 (28.12.16) + any DLC
The cheat menu is a set of options (over 500), from the banal for replenishing the wallet and obtaining immortality, to fine-tuning the characteristics of the ship, choosing appearance the main character, etc.

If the test version of the World Cup for 1.5.0 was used, the start new game not required (but encouraged). Otherwise, you need to start a new game.

Place all the contents of the archive in the game folder, confirm the replacement of files.

Hotkeys in the game

F4 * Restore HP and energy, cure poisoning, reload weapons
F5 * Kill Nearest Non-Quest Enemy
F7 * Hide/Show HUD
F10 * Launch the character menu (if for some reason the numpad keys don't work)
numpad 1 * Launch character menu
numpad 2 * Launch skill menu
numpad 3 * Launch item menu
numpad 4 * Launch ship menu
numpad 5 * Start location menu
numpad 6 * Start the goods menu
numpad 7 * Launch officers menu
numpad 8 * Launch ship menu
numpad 9 * Launch other menu

List of changes in the current version

Release for the current patch 1.5.0 (12/28/16)
* the release includes all published changes to the World Cup for 1.4.1;
* John Workman and Richard Fleetwood have been added as officers (Character menu, #45 and #53);
* added another option to select the model of Lawrence Beltrop, the full original from the CSM ("Character" menu, #66);
* added another option to select the model Mary Kasper, mod NikK "and "Mary in a hat" (menu "Character", # 43 and # 67);
* all new items and a ship from the DLC "Under the Black Flag" have been added to the corresponding menus;
* added the option "Increase the amount of energy GG \ default" (menu "Skills", #15);
* added option "Change the type of trinkets according to "Kaleucha" (amulets or talismans)" (menu "Items", #17);
* added option "Change the type of maps stored in the atlas (5 variations)" ("Items" menu, #20) Important! As before, only regular cards;
* added the ability to obtain a patent from any power (menu "Items", #24);
* added the ability to change the current rank ("Items" menu, #25);
* added option "Teleport to own base (Isla Mona)" (menu "Locations", #68) (requires completion of the quest "Under the Flag of the Jolly Roger. Treasures of a Free Jarl.");
* added option "Deny \ allow bounty hunters" (menu "Other", #18);
* added option "Enable\disable display of counter of activated options in World Cup" ("Others" menu, #28);
* added the option "Increase \ by default the visibility range of ships on the global map" (menu "Other", #35);
* added option "Enable/disable check of the type and number of ships to enter the GPC (Isle of Justice)" (menu "Other", #36);
* added the option "Return the camera to the hero if after the dialogue it "hooked" on someone" (menu "Other", #39).
* character portraits can now be changed in both directions (previous and next options) ("Character" menu, #21 and #22);
* Fixed adding officers to the "Character" menu (before, you had to press buttons with them twice);
* changing GG models (menu "Character", #66 and #67) now occurs regardless of which model is currently used and whether the musket or cuirass is equipped (the musket is removed and placed in inventory, the existing sword and cuirass are equipped again, so that they immediately visually displayed on the new model);
* in the option "Get all Rapiers/Swords" (menu "Items", #4), the possibility of obtaining the "Claw of the Leader" dagi has been returned (on the condition that its role is fulfilled (the quest for Xochitem is completed) and the hero does not have it);
* all the hero's companions have been added to the option "Add \ clear free skill points to their official officers";
* in the option "Add \ clear free perk points to all passengers, officers and companions" all operations with passengers have been removed, now it works only with officers and companions of the hero;
* in the "Replenishment of supplies on all ships of the squadron" option (menu "Ship", #3), each press of the button now adds 500 units of this product;
* the option "Enable/disable the ability to capture colonies" (menu "Other", #8) can now be activated only after the completion of the main plot of the game;
Removed options:
* Removed all trading licenses in the "Items" menu, except for the Dutch one. At the moment, the licenses of other nations are not used in the game in any way (thanks to sads1k);
* the "Get all expensive decorations" option was removed from the "Items" menu, because as these are quest items, the player's premature possession of some of them could lead to a dead end in the game's plot (thanks to Darth Aleks);
* in the "Locations" menu, the "Reload current location" option was removed (using it in some places could lead to a deadlock in terms of moving to the next / previous location);
* in the "Other" menu, the option "Summon / remove a storm in the current land location" has been removed (similar to "Restart current location");
* in the "Other" menu, the option "Change the speed of rotation of the sky" was removed (in patch 1.5.0, the rotation of the sky was slowed down by as much as 8 times);
* in the "Other" menu, the "Change sea quality" option was removed (by Sticksъ) (weather configs and, in particular, water were changed in patch 1.5.0).
* the animation speed of running with a musket in the hands of a little increased to make it look more natural;
* the animation speed of Lawrence Beltrop's run from the CSM has been slightly changed again, so that it looks more natural (+ missing elements have been added: sounds from removing the sword, from moving the legs at this moment, when firing a pistol, etc.);
* all playable girls based on models of Beatrice from K3 have a single animation (+ added missing elements: sounds from removing the sword, from moving the legs at this moment, etc.);
* for all models of playable characters in the World Cup, an "auto-restoring" animation was introduced when entering locations in which it is forced to change (entrance to Tayasal, underwater locations, etc.);
* also, when entering such locations, a "message-reminder" was introduced to the player that the animation can always be restored, in which case;
* all playable characters in the World Cup, who previously did not know how to swim under water, have learned this;
* Fixed the position of the pistol locator for officers Magnus von Kokkay and Nicolas Rimalier;
* fixed class lugger "Normandy" from the GPC (was the 6th, now the 5th) (menu "Ships", #23) (thanks to MerlinCheater);
* fixed mute waitresses;
* probably something else that I already forgot about ^^