Save files for the game corsairs to each his own. Save for Corsair: To each his own

Cheat menu v3 for Corsair: To each his own! 1.5.0 (28.12.16) + any DLC
The cheat menu is a set of options (over 500), from the banal for replenishing the wallet and obtaining immortality, to fine-tuning the characteristics of the ship, choosing appearance the main character, etc.

If the test version of the World Cup for 1.5.0 was used, the start new game not required (but encouraged). Otherwise, you need to start a new game.

Place all the contents of the archive in the game folder, confirm the replacement of files.

Hotkeys in the game

F4 * Restore HP and energy, cure poisoning, reload weapons
F5 * Kill Nearest Non-Quest Enemy
F7 * Hide/Show HUD
F10 * Launch the character menu (if for some reason the numpad keys don't work)
numpad 1 * Launch character menu
numpad 2 * Launch skill menu
numpad 3 * Launch item menu
numpad 4 * Launch ship menu
numpad 5 * Start location menu
numpad 6 * Start the goods menu
numpad 7 * Launch officers menu
numpad 8 * Launch ship menu
numpad 9 * Launch other menu

List of changes in the current version

Release for the current patch 1.5.0 (12/28/16)
* the release includes all published changes to the World Cup for 1.4.1;
* John Workman and Richard Fleetwood have been added as officers (Character menu, #45 and #53);
* added another option to select the model of Lawrence Beltrop, the full original from the CSM ("Character" menu, #66);
* added another option to select the model Mary Kasper, mod NikK "and "Mary in a hat" (menu "Character", # 43 and # 67);
* all new items and a ship from the DLC "Under the Black Flag" have been added to the corresponding menus;
* added the option "Increase the amount of energy GG \ default" (menu "Skills", #15);
* added option "Change the type of trinkets according to "Kaleucha" (amulets or talismans)" (menu "Items", #17);
* added option "Change the type of maps stored in the atlas (5 variations)" ("Items" menu, #20) Important! As before, only regular cards;
* added the ability to obtain a patent from any power (menu "Items", #24);
* added the ability to change the current rank ("Items" menu, #25);
* added option "Teleport to own base (Isla Mona)" (menu "Locations", #68) (requires completion of the quest "Under the Flag of the Jolly Roger. Treasures of a Free Jarl.");
* added option "Deny \ allow bounty hunters" (menu "Other", #18);
* added option "Enable\disable display of counter of activated options in World Cup" ("Others" menu, #28);
* added option "Increase \ by default the visibility range of ships by global map" (menu "Other", #35);
* added option "Enable/disable check of the type and number of ships to enter the GPC (Isle of Justice)" (menu "Other", #36);
* added the option "Return the camera to the hero if after the dialogue it "hooked" on someone" (menu "Other", #39).
* character portraits can now be changed in both directions (previous and next options) ("Character" menu, #21 and #22);
* Fixed adding officers to the "Character" menu (before, you had to press buttons with them twice);
* changing GG models (menu "Character", #66 and #67) now occurs regardless of which model is currently used and whether the musket or cuirass is equipped (the musket is removed and placed in inventory, the existing sword and cuirass are equipped again, so that they immediately visually displayed on the new model);
* in the option "Get all Rapiers/Swords" (menu "Items", #4), the possibility of obtaining the "Claw of the Leader" dagi has been returned (on the condition that its role is fulfilled (the quest for Xochitem is completed) and the hero does not have it);
* all the hero's companions have been added to the option "Add \ clear free skill points to their official officers";
* in the option "Add \ clear free perk points to all passengers, officers and companions" all operations with passengers have been removed, now it works only with officers and companions of the hero;
* in the "Replenishment of supplies on all ships of the squadron" option (menu "Ship", #3), each press of the button now adds 500 units of this product;
* the option "Enable/disable the ability to capture colonies" (menu "Other", #8) can now be activated only after the completion of the main plot of the game;
Removed options:
* Removed all trading licenses in the "Items" menu, except for the Dutch one. At the moment, the licenses of other nations are not used in the game in any way (thanks to sads1k);
* the "Get all expensive decorations" option was removed from the "Items" menu, because as these are quest items, the player's premature possession of some of them could lead to a dead end in the game's plot (thanks to Darth Aleks);
* in the "Locations" menu, the "Reload current location" option was removed (using it in some places could lead to a deadlock in terms of moving to the next / previous location);
* in the "Other" menu, the option "Summon / remove a storm in the current land location" has been removed (similar to "Restart current location");
* in the "Other" menu, the option "Change the speed of rotation of the sky" was removed (in patch 1.5.0, the rotation of the sky was slowed down by as much as 8 times);
* in the "Other" menu, the "Change sea quality" option was removed (by Sticksъ) (weather configs and, in particular, water were changed in patch 1.5.0).
* the animation speed of running with a musket in the hands of a little increased to make it look more natural;
* the animation speed of Lawrence Beltrop's run from the CSM has been slightly changed again, so that it looks more natural (+ missing elements have been added: sounds from removing the sword, from moving the legs at this moment, when firing a pistol, etc.);
* all playable girls based on models of Beatrice from K3 have a single animation (+ added missing elements: sounds from removing the sword, from moving the legs at this moment, etc.);
* for all models of playable characters in the World Cup, an "auto-restoring" animation was introduced when entering locations in which it is forced to change (entrance to Tayasal, underwater locations, etc.);
* also, when entering such locations, a "message-reminder" was introduced to the player that the animation can always be restored, in which case;
* all playable characters in the World Cup, who previously did not know how to swim under water, have learned this;
* Fixed the position of the pistol locator for officers Magnus von Kokkay and Nicolas Rimalier;
* fixed class lugger "Normandy" from the GPC (was the 6th, now the 5th) (menu "Ships", #23) (thanks to MerlinCheater);
* fixed mute waitresses;
* probably something else that I already forgot about ^^

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Q1:How to enable vertical sync?
A: Use the management settings of your video card.
For example:
NVIDIA: Video Card Driver Management >> 3D Settings >> Applications >> engine.exe >> "V-Sync" [on]
Either: NVIDIA Control Panel >> Manage 3D Settings >> Software Settings >> V Sync [On]

ATI Radeon: Call Catalyst™ Control Center, then
ENG: graphics ->3D -> all (show all parameters) -> wait for vertical update -> [on, if not specified by the application] (move the slider 1 notch to the right), or if it doesn't help, move it to [always on]
ENG: graphics -> 3D -> all -> wait for vertical refrech -> or if that doesn't work,

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Q2:I have the game installed on my laptop. How do I take advantage of advanced slow down and speed up options?
A: To do this, you need to enable the NumPad emulation mode (See the user manual for your laptop).
On most models, as a rule, the key combination (Fn) + (NumLk) is used.

On ultra-compact models, this mode may not be available.
If you are using a mouse with extra keys, then assign (Num+) and (Num-) to its unused buttons (use the On-Screen Keyboard to "press" these buttons in the mouse setup program).

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Q3:There are no saves in the game folder - the SAVE folder is empty!
A, Cause: The game may have been installed on the system drive.
OS Vista and Windows 7 prohibits any "suspicious" entries on the system drive and in fact writes to the Virtual Store folder.

Solution: use the system search by writing the name (name) of your save in the search bar.
Example where saves can be located: C:\\Users\\"Username"\\AppData\\Local\\VirtualStore\\Program Files(x86)\\Akella Games\\

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Q4:According to the "sail to ..." function, some anchorages (bays and even ports) disappear!
A, Solutions:

1. Change location (go ashore and back to the sea, go to the global and again to the combat map).

2. On Windows 7 (x64 or x86) a similar picture is observed (only the fort and ships remain) when the application compatibility with Windows XP SP2 or SP3 is enabled.
Try to set compatibility with Win NT 4.0 - this option helps a lot of players.
If it doesn't help, disable compatibility.

3. In the application compatibility options, disable image scaling at high screen resolution.

4. For those who "suddenly disappear" bays and other points:

1) Save and close the game.
2) Go to the properties of ENGINE.EXE, check the box "compatible" with Windows XP (any version) and turn off image scaling at high screen resolution (check the box).
3) We start the game, load our save, do nothing else, exit the game.
4) Go to the properties of ENGINE.EXE, uncheck the compatibility checkbox, return the scaling checkbox to its previous position (in which the game previously worked properly).
5) Reboot the computer.
6) Start the game, load the same save.
7) Enjoy until Win7 once again resets the application settings during internal automatic operations.
Actions from paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 must be taken not for the shortcut, but for the executable file itself in the game folder (...\Steam\steamapps\common\Pirates Odyssey To Each His own).

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Q5:Sometimes the soundtrack of the game starts to work discretely, intermittently, extraneous clicks and wheezing are heard. What to do?
A: To fix the problem, fix in the file engine.ini in the section, the value of the parameter UseMM = 0 (was UseMM = 1).

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Q6:Why does the game start in a small window?
A: There is a set of conditionally "external" settings - those that for the most part cannot be changed directly in the game. To change their values, in particular, the size of the game window, you should run the program config.exe, located in the root of the directory selected when installing the game.

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Q7:Where to find the file engine.ini?
A: In the game folder.
This is usually...\Steam\steamapps\common\Pirates Odyssey To Each His Own - on the drive where you installed the Steam client.

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Q8:Why was the block removed from the main character on all blades, except for axes?
A: There is a block.
The so-called eight.

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Q9:How to assign officers as companions on captured ships? I have officers, but they don't appear on the list...
A: Carefully read everything that officers say when hiring.
Especially those that come to your hero's team in the story. Some of them do not want to manage the ships, others will not go into a boarding fight.

You will be helped by ordinary mercenaries who are waiting in taverns, or rescued pirates who have agreed to serve.

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Q10:After a conversation with his brother, he sailed to Fadey, "drank" vodka with him, but he did not give any work. What to do, tell me please?
A: Nothing, keep playing.
The time allotted for this task has expired.
Next time, don't delay, and you can complete this tutorial quest as well.

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Q11:The key (F12), designed to get information about the character in the neighborhood, is responsible for the screenshot in the Steam client. Uncomfortable! What to do?
A: Assign a different screenshot key in the Steam client.

Steam Client >> Steam in the menu, top left >> Settings >> In Game >> Screenshot Hotkey

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Q12:What are these things? I'm on a mission to deliver cargo, and I'm constantly being chased by those scoundrels, Gentlemen of Fortune!
A: Start with simple errands like delivering mail at the Port Authority. The pursuers may appear, but their level and skills will not be much higher than the protagonist.
Explore the archipelago at the same time.

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Q13:Horrible! Sailors tear up three skins, officers simply bathe in gold, and the cost of the ship exceeds the maintenance of a Mercedes. Not enough money!
A: Hire a treasurer officer. Equip an amulet that increases trading skills. Get rid of fines in PIRATES.

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Q14:Something I can not understand where and from whom to buy weapons and telescopes. Tell!
A: Every civilized settlement has a weapons merchant.
There may also be merchants in the settlement: a neutral Indian, a wandering monk, a herbalist, a gunsmith and a stapler (stapler). If there are not enough trays, then they roam the streets.
Moneylenders trade in valuables.
Rare but always random goods are traded by lighthouse keepers.
Navigational equipment is sold at the GVIK office located in Curacao.

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Q15:Some kind of leapfrog is going on in the game! Quest givers disappear, dialogues get confused, phantom ships or officers appear.
The game is licensed, not repack!

BUT: Try to use quick saves as little as possible!
A quick save is made in one slot on top of the old one, overwrites it and, if repeated many times, can lead to glitches and bugs.
Moreover, when a glitch appears in the game, resaving to the same slot can serve as an impetus for damage to saves and the development of a chain reaction (resaving from a damaged save gives a damaged save, and so on, until the game becomes completely impossible).

As often as possible, save through the menu and only in empty slots.
Try to avoid overwriting saves. Keep saves for several days.

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Q16:I regularly get penalties in the characteristics and skills of the hero. For what?
A: Causes of fines and ways to eliminate them:

1) Low navigation skill.
Appoint a Navigator. Wear an amulet. Change the ship to the appropriate class.

2) The character is sick.
Brothel. Tavern. Church. Potions-amulets.

3) The character is overloaded.
Get rid of excess weight.

4) The character is cursed.
Look for a way to get rid of the curse.

5) The character is drunk.
Sleep (to rent a room in a tavern). Physical activity (arrange a fight).

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Q17:I can not work in the amulets system, help!
A: Look carefully at the amulet icon.
The stone is a symbol of the one to whom to sell:
- turquoise (blue) - church. The monks will pay dearly, sell cheaply. They will buy Indian handicrafts for three pesos;
- jade (green) - native. The monks will pay dearly, sell cheaply. They will buy the products of the church for next to nothing;
- coral (red) - household. The ironmongers will pay dearly, they will sell them cheaply. Everyone else will buy at half price, they don't care.

The compatibility of amulets is displayed in the rosette under the stone:
- necklace with claws: attacking impact - not compatible with defensive ones;
- sun with rays: protective effect- not compatible with attackers;
- Celtic circle: auxiliary - does not matter.

If the amulet is activated (put on), and nothing has changed in the characteristics of the character. This does not mean. that it doesn't work. You will feel the result in the game, because. the effect of amulets is taken into account in the algorithms.

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Q18:The indicators above the ships have disappeared in the game. Although the "Show Additional information graphically, what could be wrong?
A: Information indicators ("stripes") above the ships disappear if any type of anti-aliasing is forced on in the drivers and the game is started with post-processing.

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Q19:The problem is in the quest "Rum for the bartender" at the very beginning of the game. I can get on the ship "Ghost", but I can't go to the sea - there is no icon for going to sea. What to do?
A: First, through the "Sail to" option, land on the Lamentin beach, return to the ship, again through the "Sail to" get to the "Ghost" and load the rum.
The icon should appear.

Place the contents of the archive in the folder with the game. For the cheat menu to work, need to start a new game

Hotkeys in the game

F4- restore HP and energy reserve
F5- enable instant pistol reload, toggle damage multiplier
F7- remove / show HUD
F10- kill the nearest mortal NPC
F11- launch cheat menu
F12- show the character menu of the nearest NPC
Insert- get the current GG coordinates

Cheat menu for KKS


1 - enable/disable immortality
2 - get 100,000 pesos and 100 doubloons
3 - all skills are 100, all perks are learned
4 - to increase level
5 - lower the level
6 - increase the number of HP
7 - lower the amount of HP
8 - get/clear free perk points
9 - improve health, replenish HP, cure poisoning
10 - increase credibility
11 - lower authority
12 - increase reputation
13 - lower reputation
14 - increase fame
15 - decrease fame
16 - p.I.R.A.T.E.S.: all 10 / default
17 - carry weight: increase / default
18 - get all the bonuses of other types of hero


19 - protagonist nation: England
20 - protagonist nation: France
21 - protagonist nation: Holland
22 - protagonist nation: Spain
23 - protagonist nation: Coastal Brotherhood
24 - relations between nations: standard
25 - relations between nations: neutrality
26 - relations between nations: war
27 - relations between nations: peace
28 - relations between nations: alliance against pirates
29 - launch a roulette of changes in relations between nations
30 - improve relations with all nations
31 - maximum a good relationship with all nations
32 - the most bad relations with all nations


33 - get all melee weapons
34 - get all firearms
35 - get all cuirasses and uniform
36 - get all spyglasses
37 - get all the amulets, amulets and talismans
38 - get all cards
39 - obtain trading licenses of all nations with a one-year validity
40 - learn all possible recipes and get all the tools for alchemy
41 - increase the lifetime of all amulets, amulets and talismans to 365 days / default
42 - remove all normal items from inventory


43 - Elen 1st level to officers
44 - level 1 knippel to officers
45 - longway 1st level to officers
46 - Mary 1st level to officers
47 - level 1 tichingitu to officer
48 - tonzag 1st level to officers
49 - level 1 daniel to officer
50 - add/remove free perk points for unique officers
51 - remove all officers, companions and passengers


52 - get the ship "Black Pearl"
53 - get a ship Flying Dutchman»
54 - get a quick manowar "Mortifero"
55 - generate the most powerful manowar "Victory"
56 - repair the ship, replenish supplies and crew
57 - upgrade the ship
58 - get large-caliber guns
59 - install on the ship 36 f. guns
60 - install on the ship 36 f. culverins
61 - install on the ship 42 f. guns
62 - install fort guns on the ship


63 - fast forward the day
64 - rewind a day ago
65 - fast forward 10 days
66 - rewind 10 days ago
67 - enable / disable the display of locators
68 - open all the islands, access to the sea, etc.
69 - enable / disable ships on the global map (resets when the day changes)
70 - strong wind at sea (resets every in-game hour)


- teleport to taverns
S3- game difficulty: "Free Pirate"
S4- difficulty of the game: "Brave privateer"
S5- difficulty of the game: "Brave filibuster"
S6- game difficulty: "Fearless privateer"
S7- game difficulty: "Desperate Corsair"


Q1- start the Dutch Gambit quest
Q2- start the quest "Pirate Saga"
Q3- start the quest "On the Island of Justice"
Q4- Start the "Turtle Soup" quest
Q5- start the quest Ancient city Mayan"
Q6- start the quest "In Search of the Guardian of Truth"
Q7- start the quest "The treacherous island of Xochitham"

If you are faced with the fact that Corsairs: To each his own slows down, crashes, Corsairs: To each his own does not start, Corsairs: To each his own is not installed, in Corsairs: To each his own control does not work, there is no sound, errors pop up, in Corsairs: To each his own saves work – we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

Be sure to update your video card drivers and other software

Before you remember the worst words and express them towards the developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, specially optimized drivers are prepared for the release of games. You can also try installing a later version of the drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

It is important to remember that you should only download the final versions of video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may have a large number of bugs not found and not fixed.

Do not forget that games often require installation for stable operation. latest version DirectX, which can always be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Corsairs: To each his own does not start

Many problems with launching games happen due to incorrect installation. Check if there were any errors during the installation, try to uninstall the game and run the installer again, after disabling the antivirus - often the files necessary for the game to work are deleted by mistake. It is also important to remember that the path to the folder with the installed game should not contain Cyrillic characters - use only Latin letters and numbers for directory names.

It still does not hurt to check if there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can try to run the game as Administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.

Corsairs: To each his own slows down. Low FPS. Logs. Friezes. hangs up

First - install the latest drivers for the video card, from this FPS in the game can rise significantly. Also check the computer's load in the task manager (opened by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESCAPE). If, before starting the game, you see that some process is consuming too many resources, turn off its program or simply end this process from the task manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off anti-aliasing and try lowering the settings responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume a lot of resources and disabling them will significantly increase performance without greatly affecting the quality of the picture.

Corsairs: To each his own crashes to the desktop

If Corsairs: To each his own often crashes to the desktop, try to start solving the problem by lowering the quality of the graphics. It is possible that your computer simply does not have enough performance and the game cannot work correctly. It is also worth checking for updates - most modern games have a system for automatically installing new patches. Check if this option is disabled in the settings.

Black screen in Corsairs: To each his own

More often than not, the problem with the black screen is an issue with the GPU. Check if your graphics card meets the minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is the result of insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine with the hardware, and it meets the minimum requirements, try switching to another window (ALT + TAB), and then return to the game window.

Corsairs: To each his own is not established. Installation stuck

First of all, check if you have enough HDD space for installation. Remember that the setup program requires the advertised amount of space plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system drive to run properly. In general, remember the rule - the system drive should always have at least 2 gigabytes of free space for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs may not work correctly or refuse to start at all.

Installation problems can also occur due to lack of Internet connection or its unstable operation. Also, do not forget to suspend the antivirus while installing the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of files or deletes them by mistake, considering them viruses.

Saves not working in Corsairs: To each his own

By analogy with the previous solution, check the availability of free space on the HDD - both on the one where the game is installed and on the system drive. Often save files are stored in a folder of documents, which is located separately from the game itself.

In Corsairs: To each his own, management does not work

Sometimes the controls in the game do not work due to the simultaneous connection of several input devices. Try disabling the gamepad, or if for some reason you have two keyboards or mice connected, leave only one pair of devices. If the gamepad does not work for you, then remember that only controllers that are defined as Xbox joysticks officially support games. If your controller is defined differently, try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, x360ce).

Sound does not work in Corsairs: To each his own

Check if the sound works in other programs. After that, check if the sound is turned off in the settings of the game itself and if the sound playback device is selected there, to which your speakers or headset are connected. Next, while the game is running, open the mixer and check if the sound is muted there.

If you are using an external sound card, check for new drivers on the manufacturer's website.

GAMES Released just over a year ago role-playing game Kingdom Come: Deliverance received mixed reviews from the gaming community. Someone called the project a real masterpiece with minor flaws...

What does a pirate need to do in order not to be prematurely in the arms of a sea devil? Take a sip of rum for courage, load a pistol, take the sharpest and strongest sword, and, of course, cheat a little here and there. There are cheat codes in almost every part of the corsairs. But in this game, apparently, the developer simply cut them out. So, what needs to be done to get unlimited power over the world? Read the guide below.


To launch the cheat menu, you need to copy the contents of the archive (see at the end of the message) to the root of the directory with the game installed. Calling the cheat menu is carried out by pressing F11. You can close the cheat menu by pressing the same key, or close it with a cross in the upper right corner. The "Ok" button next to the command line in the upper left will teleport you to the inn on Isla Tesoro (unless you entered other parameters for the character transfer endpoint on the command line). Little advice - do not abuse the use of cheat codes. Otherwise, at some point the game will start to crash, thanks to the long-suffering engine. And you won’t be able to complete the game if you don’t have earlier saves left for replaying almost a whole line of already completed quests.

Game hotkeys:
- restore HP and energy reserve
F5- enable instant pistol reload, toggle damage multiplier
F7- remove / show HUD
F10- kill the nearest mortal NPC
F11- launch cheat menu
F12- show the character menu of the nearest NPC
Insert- get the current GG coordinates

Cheat Menu Hot Keys:

1 - enable/disable immortality
2 - get 1,000,000 pesos and 1000 doubloons
3 - all skills are 100, all perks are learned
4 - to increase level
5 - lower the level
6 - increase the number of HP
7 - lower the amount of HP
8 - get/clear free perk points
9 - improve health, replenish HP, cure poisoning
10 - increase credibility
11 - lower authority
12 - increase reputation
13 - lower reputation
14 - increase fame
15 - decrease fame
16 - P.I.R.A.T.E.S.: all 10 / default
17 - carry weight: increase / default
18 - get all the bonuses of other types of hero

19 - protagonist nation: England
20 - protagonist nation: France
21 - protagonist nation: Holland
22 - protagonist nation: Spain
23 - protagonist nation: Coastal Brotherhood
24 - relations between nations: standard
25 - relations between nations: neutrality
26 - relations between nations: war
27 - relations between nations: peace
28 - relations between nations: alliance against pirates
29 - launch a roulette of changes in relations between nations
30 - improve relations with all nations
31 - maximum good relations with all nations
32 - the most bad relations with all nations

33 - get all melee weapons
34 - get all firearms
35 - get all cuirasses and uniform
36 - get all spyglasses
37 - get all the amulets, amulets and talismans
38 - get all cards
39 - obtain trading licenses of all nations with a one-year validity
40 - learn all possible recipes and get all the tools for alchemy
41 - increase the lifetime of all amulets, amulets and talismans to 365 days / default
42 - remove all normal items from inventory

43 - Helen level 50 to officer
44 - Level 50 Knippel to Officers
45 - Level 50 Longway to Officer
46 - Level 50 Mary to Officer
47 - Level 50 Tichingitu as an officer
48 - Level 50 Tonzag to Officer
49 - Level 50 Daniel to Officer
50 - add/remove free perk points for unique officers
51 - remove all officers, companions and passengers

52 - get the ship "Black Pearl" (this code does not work)
53 - get the ship "Flying Dutchman" (this code does not work)
54 - get a quick manowar "Mortifero"
55 - generate the most powerful manowar "Victory"
56 - repair the ship, replenish supplies and crew
57 - upgrade the ship
58 - get large-caliber guns
59 - install on the ship 36 f. guns
60 - install on the ship 36 f. culverins
61 - install on the ship 42 f. guns
62 - install fort guns on the ship

63 - fast forward the day
64 - rewind a day ago
65 - fast forward 10 days
66 - rewind 10 days ago
67 - enable / disable the display of locators
68 - open all the islands, access to the sea, etc.
69 - enable / disable ships on the global map (resets when the day changes)
70 - strong wind at sea (reset every in-game hour)

Special: - teleport to taverns
S3- game difficulty: "Free Pirate"
S4- difficulty of the game: "Brave privateer"
S5- difficulty of the game: "Brave filibuster"
S6- game difficulty: "Fearless privateer"
S7- game difficulty: "Desperate Corsair"

Q1- start the Dutch Gambit quest
Q2- start the quest "Pirate Saga"
Q3- start the quest "On the Island of Justice"
Q4- Start the "Turtle Soup" quest
Q5- start the quest "Ancient Mayan City"
Q6- start the quest "In Search of the Guardian of Truth"
Q7- start the quest "The treacherous island of Xochitham"