How to improve your performance and mood. Increased performance and mood

In order to live, energy or life force is needed. A person is able to extract energy from various sources, such as atom, coal, water, and so on. But there is still no such way that would help to accumulate the energy necessary for human life. It cannot be artificially synthesized, poured into a bottle and used if necessary. No goals and dreams will ever come true if a person does not have the energy to do something. So let's find out how to recharge your batteries and increase your efficiency.

What is life energy

The harmonious development of a person is possible only with the combination of muscle strength and nervous strength. This combination can be called life given to us for the implementation of various movements, the coordination of which is handled by the nervous system.

The coordinated work of the nervous and muscular systems provides a balance between physical, mental and emotional processes. It turns out that if the vital force decreases, then the work of the whole organism is disrupted.

Where do we get our life force from?

For example, when a person's sleep is disturbed, this is an example of the disordered work of the muscular and nervous systems. The muscles are relaxed, and the brain cannot shut down. The lack of vitality weakens the human body, which is the cause of the development of various pathologies.

When there is no strength, then all interest in life disappears, all plans go aside, you don’t want anything, emotional exhaustion sets in.

To restore vitality, various things must enter the body, for example, air that fills our lungs during breathing. It is essential for the functioning of all organ systems.

A certain supply of vitality can be accumulated in the human body, in order to accumulate it, you can use all kinds of practices:

  • Complete sleep.
  • Meditations.
  • Breathing practices.
  • Relaxation.

As soon as you have a question about that, then try to do some breathing exercises first, and then you can move on to other methods.

Reasons for the decline in performance

Our modern life is such that we are constantly surrounded by stressful situations and often experience overload. This applies to both muscular work and mental work. It is often monotonous and leads to the fact that working capacity decreases, how to increase it excites many. Before talking about its increase, let's look at the reasons for the decrease in performance:

  1. Great physical exertion, especially when it is required to perform such work for a long time.
  2. Physical ailments and various diseases in which the functioning of systems is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in efficiency.
  3. Prolonged monotonous work also leads to fatigue.
  4. If the mode is violated, the performance is not able to remain at a high level.
  5. The abuse of artificial stimulants leads to a short-term effect, for example, when drinking strong coffee, tea, a person initially feels cheerful and energized, but this does not happen for long.
  6. Bad habits can also be attributed to the enemies of efficiency.
  7. Lack of interest in life, personal growth leads to the fading of previously acquired skills and abilities, and this cannot but negatively affect performance.
  8. Stressful situations in the family, at work, personal problems can plunge a person into a deep depression, which completely deprives him of any ability to work.

If performance has decreased, how to increase it - that's the problem. Let's deal with this.

Popular Vitality Boosters

There are many ways in which you can restore your mental and physical strength. They can be divided into several groups:

  1. Medications.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures.
  3. Funds traditional medicine.

Let's take a closer look at each group.

Fatigue medications

If you visit a doctor, then, most likely, he will recommend increasing his activity, working capacity with the help of medicines. These include:

1. Nootropics. They improve cerebral circulation: brain cells receive more oxygen, their metabolism improves, and nerve impulses pass faster. They will help restore the nervous system, which means the ability to think clearly, retain information, concentrate, and minimize fatigue.

Among them, experts distinguish Gliatilin. The drug improves mood, stimulates mental activity, improves concentration, the ability to memorize and reproduce information, optimizes cognitive and behavioral reactions, and eliminates apathy. It has been proven that only Gliatilin delivers the maximum of choline to the brain, thereby restoring brain cells and the connections between them, and as a result, improves memory, increases efficiency, concentration, and helps normalize the vital sleep-wake cycles. The use of Gliatilin, thus, due to the synthesis of acetylcholine, contributes to the internal regulation of other significant neurotransmitters: dopamine and glutamate. Mood swings, depression, chronic fatigue, and low levels of physical energy, in particular, can be associated with dopamine deficiency. A decrease in glutamate activity leads to lethargy and apathy. Excess - to the "overstrain" of nerve cells and even their death. Among positive properties glutamate should be noted to increase the speed of thinking and remembering new information. Thus, our activity directly depends on maintaining the balance of the cholinergic system, namely acetylcholine.

2. Means-energy. They are able to quickly make up for the lack of energy, these include: "Asparkam", "Papashin", "Methionine" and others.

3. Preparations of plastic action accelerate the processes of protein synthesis. Cellular structures are restored faster, metabolic processes are activated, which means that working capacity is restored. This group of funds includes: "Riboxin", "Carnitine".

5. Adaptogens improve well-being, tone up, improve both mental and physical performance. This category of drugs includes "Ginseng tincture", "Eleutherococcus", preparations based on aralia, Chinese magnolia vine.

For those who do not wish to use drugs to cope with their increased fatigue and low performance, there are other means.

Water procedures for giving strength

All procedures associated with water tone the body, relieve fatigue, increase the body's efficiency. We can recommend with severe fatigue and when it seems that there is no strength at all, the following baths:

  • Take a bath with the addition of pine extract. It perfectly restores after increased physical exertion.
  • Everyone knows sea salt can also work wonders. A bath with its addition relaxes, promotes rest of the body and restores vitality.

Working capacity suffers, how to improve - do not know? Start by taking a relaxing and revitalizing bath. Strength will certainly increase, overall well-being will improve significantly.

Familiar ways to improve performance

Currently, many scientists and researchers who study a person have proven that there are ways to improve performance that are available to absolutely everyone, you only need a desire.

Our brains get tired too

You can feel not only physical fatigue, but also the loss of mental performance is not at all uncommon. The brain is not given to a person in vain, it not only controls the work of the whole organism, but also must constantly solve any problems in order to be in good shape. Scientists have found that we use the capabilities of our brain by only 15 percent, almost everyone can make this percentage increase significantly. This will provide great opportunities. How many important problems a man could solve!

Scientists are sure that just as muscles need constant training in order to be in good shape and maintain a beautiful body shape, so the brain needs to be trained. It used to be thought that he was not amenable to training, but now all this has already been refuted by numerous studies. If we train the brain, then the loss of mental performance is out of the question. Daily routine work is quite tiring for the brain, it does not receive food for development.

Let's find out how we can increase the capacity of our brain.

Ways to increase mental performance

  1. The undeniable truth is that a person should sleep at night and stay awake during the day.
  2. Even in the workplace, it is necessary to allocate time for rest, but not with a cigarette in our hands or a cup of coffee, but we take a short walk in the fresh air, just relax or do gymnastics.
  3. After work, many rush to their favorite sofa or computer monitor to view the feed on social networks, but is this really a vacation? For our brain, this is a real punishment, it needs leisure- outdoor walks, cycling, outdoor games, communication with friends and children.
  4. Smoking and alcohol are the main enemies of our brain, give them up and see how much more efficient it has become.
  5. We train the brain, for this, try to count not on a calculator, but in your mind, we remember the information, and do not write it down on a piece of paper. The route to work should be periodically changed so that new connections are formed between neurons.
  6. Feed your memory with vitamin preparations, and even better, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  7. Development breathing exercises will help you saturate your brain with the necessary oxygen.
  8. Massage of the neck and head will also help to significantly improve blood circulation in the brain.
  9. Constant stress and anxious thoughts tire the brain, learn to relax, you can learn yoga techniques or learn to meditate.
  10. Learn to think positively, everyone has failures, but a pessimist gets hung up on them, and an optimist goes further and believes that everything will be fine.
  11. We solve all cases gradually and one by one, you should not disperse your attention.
  12. Train your brain by solving puzzles, puzzles.

The methods are quite simple and quite doable, but effective enough, you just have to try.

Traditional medicine against fatigue

How to increase a person's working capacity, the recipes of folk healers will prompt. Here is some of them:

  • Take the beets and grate them, put in a jar about three-quarters and pour vodka. Insist in a dark place for about 2 weeks, and then take a tablespoon before each meal.
  • Buy Icelandic moss in a pharmacy, take 2 teaspoons and pour 400 ml of cool water, put on fire and remove immediately after boiling. After cooling, strain and drink the entire amount throughout the day.

If you look at herbalists, you can find a lot of recipes that will help increase efficiency.

Summing up

From all that has been said, it becomes obvious that the person himself, rather than environmental factors, is most often to blame for the loss of mental and physical performance. If you properly organize your working day and rest after it, you will not have to suffer due to the fact that working capacity has decreased. How to raise it different ways does not need to be clarified.

Go on, enjoy life, rejoice that you live on this beautiful land, and then no weariness will defeat you.

There are contraindications, before use, consult a specialist.


correct mode. Go to bed and wake up every day certain time. Even on weekends, try to stick to the established routine. If your work schedule does not coincide with biological rhythms, focus on the work schedule - after a certain time, the body will rebuild and get used to it. Sleep enough hours, the body needs time to recuperate.

Food stimulants. Protein activates the brain, and carbohydrates, on the contrary, slow it down. Include protein-rich foods in your diet, eat foods that improve mental activity throughout the day. Sugar compounds from potatoes, brown bread and legumes that are gradually broken down in the body can stimulate the brain for several hours. Also useful for brain function are foods such as crabs, squids, shrimp, onions, walnuts, almonds, pistachios.

Biologically active substances. Provide the body (and, of course, the brain) with all the necessary vitamins and elements. Vitamin PP, B vitamins, potassium and calcium - all of them are necessary for the nervous system and brain to maintain. Pick up vitamins or dietary supplements that will help the body and brain stay healthy.

Oxygen. The brain needs oxygen to keep it active. Try to spend more time outdoors, work and sleep in a well-ventilated area. Give up. Breathe properly. Belly breathing is considered correct, so the lungs are completely filled with air and receive more oxygen. When breathing, familiar to women, only the upper part of the lungs works.

Colors and scents. It has long been proven that some colors and smells soothe, while others, on the contrary, are a kind of irritants and stimulants for the brain. Stimulate the brain with yellow - it uplifts, tones and invigorates (hang over your desktop or insert a picture with a predominance of this color into a frame). Of the smells, woody and citrus aromas are well suited for the same purposes. Give preference to natural essential oils and not air fresheners.

Sources of irritation. They can be both unpleasant sights, sounds, and people annoying with their presence. If there is no way to get rid of the hubbub of colleagues, work with headphones. Do not let yourself be distracted by trifles, learn to refuse. Create a comfortable environment for yourself in the workplace by equipping it to your own taste. Watch the lighting, do not work in the semi-darkness. Twilight and darkness are perceived by the brain as a signal to relax and prepare for sleep.

Each person in the process labor activity at least once there was a state when the work not only did not please, but also wanted to run wherever the eyes looked. If at that moment there was nowhere to disappear, then there was an acute desire to dig in on your favorite sofa and do nothing. We invite you to delve into the understanding of the causes of this phenomenon together with us and find out effective methods that will really help improve performance.

There are several very important factors that allow you to increase productivity.


Each of us reaches a level where he wants to grow professionally. If the team has all the conditions for a successful career building, then a constructive conversation with the leader will help you climb the ladder of success and develop further. If this is not possible, then the employee is unlikely to be interested in the quality performance of his duties. In parallel, other reasons of a personal nature may arise: falling in love or, conversely, a break with a loved one, illness of a child or relative, unfavorable living conditions in the family.

Physical and physiological

This is where health comes into play:

  • severe fatigue due to a high working rhythm or improperly selected load;
  • exacerbation of chronic or the emergence of new diseases;
  • violation of the natural biorhythms of sleep and rest;
  • injuries received at home and at work.

All this has a significant impact on labor efficiency. Sometimes misorganized workplace may cause dissatisfaction of the employee, however, he lacks the determination to ask for a comfortable table or chair, and the long-term discomfort that he experiences because of this develops into irritability and fatigue.


Mental health is just as important as physical health. Unfavorable emotional situation at work and at home, bad mood, stressful situations in society and increased demands from the leadership can plunge the most cheerful person into depression. Naturally, under such circumstances, a quality workflow is out of the question.


Decent pay is the best incentive in any business. If for some reason a specialist does not receive it, then he considers himself entitled to work carelessly.

Secondary factors

In addition to the above, secondary factors include:

  • bad habits;
  • excessive consumption of coffee and synthetic stimulants;
  • hypodynamia;
  • disorganization of the workplace and its clutter;
  • incorrect work schedule;
  • the need to work weekends and overtime.

Ways and working methods

Now that we have analyzed the reasons for the decline, it's time to decide on ways to increase it.

Help from outside

To solve personal problems, do not be shy to contact specialists. This is much more effective than pushing your nerves to the limit.

If there is an interest in career advancement, it is better to discuss this directly with the company's management, and not with colleagues or Uncle Vasya from the entrance. Uncle Vasya will still not advise anything sensible, and colleagues may give incorrect information due to ignorance of the true state of affairs or elementary envy. It is better to talk to a psychologist about difficulties in relationships with loved ones, and care for elderly parents or a sick child can be shared with relatives by entrusting medical care to a nurse or visiting nurse.

health care

State physical health, except for the individual, no one can improve. If you need to undergo an examination or receive additional treatment to change your well-being, then you need to do this, and not postpone "until better times."

The simplest and reliable way increasing working capacity - the correct organization of the daily regimen, especially sleep and rest. No rush can serve as an excuse for chronic sleep deprivation.

It is important for both men and women to accustom themselves to go to bed and get up at the same hours every day. Experts note that it is not necessary to sleep 8 or 9 hours. Everyone has their own rhythm. It is necessary to sleep exactly when the brain produces serotonin. This happens from three in the morning until seven in the morning. The best time for sleep is from 23.30 to 7.30.

People who consider themselves "owls" should know that there are very few real night owls. This is due to the fact that since ancient times, mankind has lived in harmony with daily biorhythms - that is, people were awake during the day and slept at night. Even those who believe that they work better at night than during the day should still get at least 4 hours of sleep at night.

Time management

It also serves as a good way to improve work efficiency.

Be sure to make a to-do list, to start with one working week and then accustom yourself to structuring each day. Fortunately, there are now many free applications for this in any browser, on a home or work computer, phone.

Experts recommend breaking down a big task into small parts, as their completion will inspire further accomplishments. You should start your working day by setting three tasks. If they are completed in a short time, then there will be satisfaction from their abilities and a desire to do something else useful for the enterprise.

You should observe at what time the maximum performance occurs, because it is individual for everyone. It is for this period that you need to plan the most important thing of the day. Less significant can be left for another time.

To achieve success in any field, it is better to use the law of Vilfredo Pareto, which says: 20 percent of efforts give 80 percent of the result. Therefore, 80% of the effort put in will pay off only 20%. This will help to properly distribute forces and stop scolding yourself for low dedication.

The “Pomodoro” technique, proposed thirty years ago by Francesco Cirillo, who now heads the largest time management consulting company, also gives a good result. It consists in the following:

  • Decide on a task that is necessary but difficult to accomplish.
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes, and during this time, go only to your goal.
  • After the call, take a 5-minute break. During this pause, you need to be distracted as much as possible and give your brain a rest.
  • Then again you need to start the timer for 25 minutes. If during this time the goal is not achieved, then after the fourth break, the rest time between the 25-minute period is increased to 15-20 minutes.

The author applied this technique on himself during his studies at the university, and from the ranks of the lagging behind students went into the advanced ones. He used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer as a timer, hence the name "Tomato".

Another way to increase efficiency is to strictly adhere to the boundaries between periods of working time and rest. You can't think about business all the time. You should rest at home, otherwise you can just burn out. Instead of a great specialist, colleagues will see an exhausted, tired and irritated worker.

Drugs that increase performance and energy

To increase personal effectiveness, you can take vitamins and medications. Before taking both, you should consult your doctor. With a sufficient number of useful trace elements, you can restore strength with the help of relaxation techniques and music, outdoor activities and sports.

If the doctor has prescribed a multivitamin complex, then it must be taken strictly according to the instructions. Usually 1 tablet immediately after breakfast for 30 days. Then they take a break for one or two months. The course can be repeated again. As a rule, the body is deficient in nutrients during the change of seasons, especially in spring.

Improves mental activity and cellular nutrition Nootropil, for comfortable falling asleep Glycine - 1 tablet under the tongue at night before going to bed. Melaxen will help you get back to normal: it is taken 15 minutes before bedtime with a glass of water for a week. This is not a sleeping pill, but a drug containing melatonin, which is produced by the body for a comfortable night's sleep.

The intake of these and any other drugs, and even safe dietary supplements, must be carried out only in agreement with the attending physician.

Products that increase energy and performance

It's no secret to anyone that proper nutrition- a guarantee not only of good health, but also of excellent well-being and success. Indeed, in order to achieve goals, a person spends energy, which he replenishes with food. Products have long been noticed that give strength and increase productivity and endurance. These include:

  • fatty fish;
  • shrimps;
  • dried apricots;
  • nuts;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • carrot.

During a snack at the workplace, it is better to use yogurt and bananas, your favorite fruits, herbal infusions.

Ginger tea improves blood circulation, and green tea tones better than coffee. Eleutherococcus is an excellent remedy for chronic fatigue syndrome. Schisandra chinensis has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain.

If you mix the juice of three lemons, 150 ml of juice from the leaves of a three-year-old aloe, 100 grams of crushed walnuts with 300 grams of honey, you get a wonderful invigorating drink.

From traditional medicine recipes for the same purpose, it is recommended to brew three tablespoons of rose hips with two cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 10-12 hours, and then take 150 ml three times a day. Rosehip can be replaced with a tablespoon of sorrel and cooked in the same proportions.

A color that enhances performance

Psychologists have found that the color scheme of rooms and surrounding objects also tends to affect labor productivity.

Cool colors - blue, purple, blue are good in meeting rooms. Red is able to mobilize a person to complete a task, but after a while it begins to have an overwhelming effect. Green is calming.

The optimal color is yellow - the spectrum of the sun and joy. If you place a yellow object on the wall behind the laptop monitor, or a picture in the same colors and periodically look at it, then a person will feel a surge of vigor and strength.

Physical exercise, increased activity

The best way to escape from a busy day is to play sports or outdoor activities, but without a heavy load on the heart.

Experts emphasize that the training contains as many aerodynamic exercises as possible.

If you do not like jogging, then it can be replaced with regular walking. Swimming is best if possible.

Cycling in the morning will not only help you keep your muscles in good shape, but also overcome many kilometers of traffic jams and comfortably get to work, saving your nerves along the way.

It is better to walk around the office, squat, if there are conditions - do light push-ups, go up and down the stairs, get some air on the balcony or on the street.

In order to maintain high productivity, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Set up your workspace properly. Follow the convenient location of the table, chair, monitor, proper lighting.
  • Keep a sleep and wake schedule.
  • Don't take on tasks you can't complete.
  • Plan your work day and work week.
  • Eat right.
  • Rest actively and with pleasure, paying attention to family and friends.

Hello my dear readers and guests of the blog! Severe overwork is fraught with negative consequences. We begin to get annoyed more often, a strong breakdown is felt, it appears. All these phenomena affect the quality of life and work. At the same time, there is less and less time, nothing is done, the bosses are dissatisfied - it seems that the vicious circle will never break. But fortunately, there are many ways to improve performance. But first, let's take a closer look at the reasons for the breakdown. The main factors that have a strong influence on a person's well-being and level of performance are the following:

  • overwork and vitamin deficiency

Both these types of ailments are mutually related. To a greater extent, representatives of the fair sex suffer from overwork. They not only earn money, but also lead the house and family. Often, after prolonged exertion of physical and emotional forces, the body weakens, and the forces begin to decline. There is lethargy, severe pallor. Thus, the body gives a signal that rest and vitamin therapy are urgently needed.

It is often one of the prevailing factors in the deterioration of performance. Negative energy and negative thoughts gradually contribute to and cause constant internal stress.

And, as you know, all diseases are from nerves. Gradually, internal weakness appears, apathy towards everything, and indifference. In this case, gaining will be good medicine. It is necessary to look at life from a positive point of view so that it sparkles with bright colors. In this case, performance will increase and depression will recede.

  • health problems

This reason, in most cases, is a consequence of the first two. Health problems dampen labor enthusiasm. When something hurts a person, he cannot think of anything but this. This affects the workflow, a person works in slow motion, makes mistakes, etc.

How to improve performance

The main ways that can help in this difficult issue include the following:

  • proper nutrition

We are what we eat. Eating and eating quality food has a big impact on health. The use of fatty and high-calorie foods contributes to a feeling of satiety and dulls the desire to work. It is better to carry out the labor process in a slightly hungry state, in this case, brain activity and motor ability of the body are better.

It is necessary to observe the regime of the day. It doesn't have to start with one cup of coffee and end with a big dinner late at night. This entails indigestion and other health problems. At first it will be difficult, then you will get used to living according to the established diet.

Try to eat less fast food and confectionery. Give preference to cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot beneficial vitamins and trace elements that are essential for normal operation organs and systems. Unlike fast food, which contains a lot of salt, fat and simple carbohydrates.

  • wellness procedures

The human body needs to periodically rest and monitor the state of health. Because good health is the key to good health. The main wellness procedures include the following:

  1. Cleansing the liver and digestive tract. Watch your diet. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Visit a nutritionist who will help you choose a special wellness program to cleanse the liver and digestive system.
  2. Depression treatment. In this case, successful treatment depends only on the person himself. A psychologist can prescribe a therapeutic diet and supportive drugs, but work on oneself plays the main role here.
  3. Strengthening the cardiovascular system. According to the doctrine of psychosomatics, the heart is the seat of love, including self-love. Constant hard work can cause malfunctions in his work. In order to avoid failures in the work of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to alternate modes of work and rest.
  4. . You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. In case of non-compliance with this, chronic sleep deprivation develops in the body. This affects the quality of work. A person begins to think more slowly, makes mistakes and cannot complete the task by the deadline.
  5. Chronic sleep deprivation and a significant decline in energy affect people who work night shifts. The body does not get enough rest, as daytime sleep does not renew strength. In this case, try to get at least a little sleep on the night shift.
  6. Maintain normal hormonal levels. It is necessary to regularly do preventive examinations at the endocrinologist. Disorders of the hormonal background in the body can significantly reduce performance, causing chronic fatigue, lethargy and malaise in the body. If there is an illness, the doctor will prescribe a course of necessary drugs.
  7. Decreased levels of stress anxiety. In most companies, the specifics of work is such that you have to work in multitasking mode, as well as a limited amount of time. Rapid switching from one thing to another causes a rapid overwork of the brain. If the tasks set by the manager cannot be completed by the deadline, then the employee experiences overstrain and stress.
  8. To save your nerves and time, make a work schedule according to which you will methodically carry out the tasks. Do not abuse antidepressants, they cause drowsiness and decreased performance. At the time of labor rush, in order to increase mental and physical activity, include in the diet more fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, drink chamomile tea.
  9. good remedy is phytotherapy. herbal teas help to activate the immune system, organs and systems.
  • competent

In order to avoid rush and overwork at work, it is necessary to correctly distribute the amount of work performed during the day, month and year. Every day you need to carry out a certain amount of planned work. If this is not done, then it will accumulate like a snowball, causing less and less desire to deal with it. This affects the quality of work and health.

To further stimulate the planning process, you can create a special work schedule for the week. In it, you can specify how much time you need to spend per day for the implementation of a certain part of the work. If discipline is very tight, then you can come up with a special system of penalties. For example, you didn’t meet the allotted amount of time - stay after work, but fulfill the norm. Put in the office a special piggy bank - a coin box, where you can throw a coin for any wrongdoing.

  • information filter implementation

It's good to be versatile. But the perception of any information must be approached selectively. You absolutely do not need empty informational garbage that will accumulate in your head, slowing down your workflow. Choose from a large flow of information only the one that will be needed. Try to ignore everything else.

It is especially difficult in this regard for people who work in large rooms. Different information is heard from all sides, which the human ear picks up by inertia. After a while, headaches begin and it is quite difficult to concentrate on the labor process. In this case, headphones can be used to improve performance. Background music in them will allow you to well get rid of the chatter of colleagues and other informational noise. If it is not possible to use headphones, then try using various psychological techniques to distract from unnecessary information and save strength.

This productivity technique is so called because the author used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer to invent it. Its main points include the following:

  1. select the highest priority tasks from your list
  2. set a timer and work for 25 minutes without any distractions
  3. take a break of 5 minutes and start the timer again
  4. after having worked four times for 25 minutes, you can take a break of 15 minutes
  • observance of the daily routine

Develop a specific daily routine for yourself and try to follow it. After a month, the habit will develop, and you will be able to notice that you have begun to do much more than before. Vigor and vigor appeared in the body, some health problems went away.

In this case, you should also not go to the other extreme and follow the schedule with fanaticism. After some time of such a life, you can get a nervous breakdown from the endless abundance of gray and identical days. Therefore, you can sometimes afford to deviate from it.

  • don't try to do everything yourself

This is a sign of a bad leader and distrust of people. Subordinates will cool off, and you will work tirelessly. It is necessary to distribute the work in such a way that after a certain period of time, the well-coordinated work of the team will give an excellent result. One person cannot do the work of twenty, in this case, there will be mistakes, shortcomings in the work and failure to meet deadlines.

  • surf the Internet and social networks less
  • take short breaks at work

It's necessary. When the brain is constantly in tension and without rest, then after a while a state of overwork occurs. Therefore, during work it is necessary to take small breaks. Think about something abstract, go for a walk, eat an apple. The brain will rest during this time and will be ready to work on. The tactic of small rests allows you to reboot your mind and generate better ideas if the workflow is related to creativity.

  • do production exercises

This is a great practice to keep the body in good shape. It is especially good for office workers. By the end of the working day, performance is greatly reduced. In order to keep mental and physical activity must be done within 5-10 minutes. It is enough to do it twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. In the morning, it helps to wake up and activate the energy of the body. In the second, to relieve the tension accumulated in the process of work.

Also, doing industrial gymnastics is good for health. The risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system and the digestive tract is reduced.

Here are all the tips that will help you regain strength and improve your performance. Write reviews in the comments! See you soon!

We all try to pay maximum attention to our work - for the sake of good pay, future prospects, because of our innate perfectionism. At the same time, we often run the risk of burnout, and a depressive state is only a small part of what increased demands on ourselves can turn into.

How to increase your own performance and at the same time maintain a good mood. Here you will find simple and effective tips.

We all know situations when the load becomes too high. Gradually, the fuse is replaced by fatigue, fatigue by unwillingness to do at least some work, and then real depression and a complete decline in physical and mental strength follow. As a result, the desire to not only work, but also to relax disappears - to spend time with family, meet friends.

The reasons for the decrease in performance can be very different. For example, the most common among them is the wrong motivation. We often tell ourselves that we need to work hard and hard, but at the same time, deep down, we don’t understand at all why exactly we need all this.

In addition, the reason for the rapid decline in strength may lie in the wrong daily routine, bad weather, and more.

What to do to improve performance

If you dig a little in yourself, you will quickly find the reasons for the decrease in performance and fix the problem. However, there are a few techniques that will help you improve your productivity, regardless of what was the main reason for its disappearance.

How to maintain stress resistance under high workload

If you have accumulated too much work and you feel the approach of chronic fatigue, then it's time to make time for a hobby. Find at least half an hour in your work schedule for your favorite activity, which will allow you to relax and is guaranteed to cheer you up. And although your work will not become less from this, you will return to its implementation with a completely different emotional mood.

Don't neglect family and friends too.. Be sure to devote time to them, arrange family gatherings and friendly meetings. Such a pastime will nourish you with new forces, which again will be useful in the performance of professional duties.

As we can see, it is quite possible to increase efficiency and at the same time maintain a positive attitude. It is only necessary to approach the solution of this problem competently, and a good result will not be long in coming.

Video: Aerosmith - Crazy

High performance and good mood to you!