Types and consequences of aggression, how to get rid of it. How to get rid of constant aggression and irritability

Emotions belong to the astral plane and do not arise as a result of any event, but as a result of a mental assessment of this event (the same event in different people can cause different emotions, for example, someone will be infuriated that another car cut, and some will move on.) Aggression in a person appears as a reaction to fear or due to the inability to realize a desire. In itself, aggression is not something bad or good (assessments are the elements of the mental body, not the astral one), it, like other emotions, are tools and signals that allow you to better understand what is happening and manage yourself, the body (for example , aggression, in an instant, brings the etheric and physical bodies into a state of combat readiness, increased activity and the ability to make any serious efforts, a breakthrough, to overcome something).

Often, suppression reaches automatism and a person does not notice this process at all, it seems to him that he almost never gets angry, does not feel aggression towards anyone or anything, that everything in life suits him. In fact, when the first signs of aggression appear, instantly, bypassing consciousness, a program is activated that suppresses aggression, transfers a person’s attention to a different direction. As a rule, the signal that there is aggression does not reach consciousness, because. emotion is taboo from infancy and a person, even to himself, cannot admit the presence of aggression.

Aggression, like other emotions, when suppressed, begins to destroy the person himself. Tension accumulates in it, discomfort and a desire to somehow relieve tension increase. A person endures, endures, swells up, and then he suddenly breaks through on any trifle and for any reason, and then (in the case of a large deep suppression of aggression), he can start up even more and wind up what was not there, draw far-reaching distorted conclusions ( you put your shoes wrong, so you don’t love me), a person who is called carries, he pours out with rage. Often, the negative goes to the innocent, for example, domestic, passers-by, subordinates, shop assistants, pets, while the reason for aggression is completely different, but in that situation there was a ban on manifestation.

Such splashing, as a rule, does not benefit relations with others (see the example of the displacement of aggression). For some time, people can tolerate aggressive outbursts, and then they begin to close from the person, leave, avoid any interaction, or go on a counterattack, both overt and covert (for example, in the form of sabotage, gloating, spreading gossip). A person is left with either a scorched desert around, or enemies and ill-wishers with whom he is constantly at war.

In order to resist aggression (both explicit and hidden), a person is forced to descend in the frequency of vibrations, as if to crystallize, condense, close, which is far from being tolerated by everyone with pleasure and ease.

If aggression manifested itself in relation to the person who caused it, but after a long time, then nothing constructive arises here - a person may not understand what such inadequate outbursts are connected with, not learn a lesson, not change his behavior, but only be offended and want to somehow -either way to return the favor, to restore justice. Accordingly, the relationship can become even more tense, the flywheel of negativity will begin to spin.

Schematically, the process of suppressing and splashing out aggression can be represented as follows:

unfulfilled desire
or fear
emergence of aggression
suitable victim
negative for her.

The suppression of any emotion gradually leads to the fact that they all begin to be experienced more superficially, weakly, and therefore joy is not lived as brightly as before, it fades.

What to do?

For a person, many of his states can be an indicator of the presence of aggression, but not be perceived as such. The mind can begin to speculate in terms (“I am not aggressive, but offended”, “this is not aggression, but I just have such a sense of humor”), so as not to admit the presence of aggression, so that there is nothing to work with. Therefore, I will give a small list of states synonymous with aggression: sarcasm, desire to mischief, resentment, anger, rage, envy, arrogance, contempt, self-flagellation, gloating, argument, irritation, desire to blame, boycott, sabotage, desire to humiliate, bullying, violation of human boundaries, rudeness , hatred, flattery, systematic tardiness, blackmail, malice, hatred. To work with aggression, it is important to catch such states in yourself. And, if there really is aggression, then admit to yourself that it exists and that it is sometimes suppressed. This is the first and very important step in the work.

Further, it is desirable to learn how to register the emergence of aggression in oneself, i.e. so that it does not splash out unexpectedly and incomprehensibly, after a few hours or months, but is found "in hot pursuit", immediately. It is necessary to develop the habit of “waking up”, remembering yourself, registering what is happening, identifying the source that gave rise to aggression, learning to notice the inclusion and operation of the suppression mechanism.

Often, having noticed the appearance of aggression, you can immediately take certain actions to eliminate the causes (for example, ask your husband to turn the TV down or tell the person that now there is no time to talk at all). In situations where it is possible to show aggression, it is desirable to show it, but if it is inappropriate, then you can work out the situation a little later and throw out aggression in one of the following ways:

  • If the cause of aggression is in a person’s act, then imagine him in front of you and clearly tell him everything that you cannot say in a real situation. Do not filter, do not include the mind in this process, if there is a mate, then let the mate go, if there are tears - cry, if you want to yell - yell. As the saying goes, call a spade a spade.
  • You can buy some kind of pillow for yourself at home and, when necessary, beat it, throw it, trample it, in general, do whatever you want with it, as furiously as possible, let go of yourself, remove thoughts that this is stupid, frivolous, remove control of the mind . It is better not to sleep on this pillow, use it only to release aggression.
  • Buy a few dozen eggs or something like that (even better - snowballs) and leave them against a wall, rock, stone, trying to make the fragments scatter as much as possible.
  • After meeting with a person, you can angrily tear papers for some time, let off steam. Or packages, moderately strong, so that they can be torn with force and a cry.
  • You can make stabbing blows into the sand with a stick (try not to impose the image of the offender on this sand).
  • go to gym, or beat the pear to exhaustion, i.e. translate emotion into ethereal energy, work it out.
  • Massage, body-oriented therapy

Folk festivals, songs, dances sometimes serve as a kind of body-oriented therapy (or a kind of dynamic meditation), when a person removes some of his inhibitions and begins to express different ways accumulated suppressed energy (not always violently and in the form of a fight, maybe just some extravagant unusual dance, when the body is left to itself), there is some unloading, stress release, the person feels better. Crying and laughing often help in the process of relieving tension.

All of the above is work with the consequences, ways to show the accumulated aggression in an environmentally friendly way.

It should be noted that an aggressive state can be caught from another person to whom attention is paid. At this moment, attention, as it were, penetrates, merges with the person and begins to read what the other person feels. And emotions are perceived as their own. So, looking at a mother who is angry with her children, one can enter a furious state in a second and a desire will clearly appear to do something bad to these children. For someone, the hook and identification is stronger, for someone it is weaker. Also, similar effects can occur during communication, or simply from the fact that you are next to a person in a state of aggression.

Other feelings are glorified in the same way, for example, one joyful employee can change the atmosphere in the team, turn everyone on, and such people, as a rule, are very fond of.

Often, a person cannot admit to himself the true causes of aggression, look in their direction, because there may be great pain that one does not want to live through or some unsatisfactory state of being, which, having manifested itself, will require significant changes from a person (for example, if a person admits to himself that he is incompetent or that he has not been satisfied with his job for a long time and it is necessary to look for a new one), it will no longer be possible to turn a blind eye to this. So, the mind instantly and in large numbers comes up with various excuses, superficial explanations (“I’m not aggressive, I just have such a voice”) that do not solve anything (“such a character”, “genes”, “it was impossible to do otherwise” - various rationalizations and intellectualizations), looking for reasons outside, very far (a bad state, employees are solid villains, climate, the era of human development) in order to calm down and relieve tension for a while, but never find the true source of aggression, which can be very close and carefully hiding. And the source of aggression is an unfulfilled desire or fear.

If desires are not realized, suppressed, then aggression can gradually be replaced by sadness. And the more repressed desires, the more energetic they are, the more sadness, sadness becomes the background of life. Therefore, during further work, it is necessary to identify fears and unsatisfied desires that gave rise to aggression and sadness, recognize true and false goals, remember past unlived emotions and live them, coordinate the will of various egregors (desires and aggression can be induced), work with the buddhic level, values, to remove superfluous layers, fettering frames, obsolete stereotypes and attitudes.

  • Learn to directly say what you want, ask for what you need, do not be shy (if it is not possible to talk with a person, then tell him directly about it, and not wait until he talks enough or you explode).
  • Develop ways of behavior in a situation leading to aggression (you can go to an urgent meeting or leave the office for a short time for any reason, reduce the number of appearances in an aggressive environment).
  • Work on your mental interpretation, as depending on how the event is evaluated, corresponding emotions arise. Many emotional reactions of a person to events are of the same type, have a small number of possible interpretations, and can be dictated by conclusions that were made on the basis of traumatic events in the past (for example, a person believes that if a compliment is said, then it is always flattery).
  • Learn to track and negate negative astral-mental meditations, when, in response to an event, a negative loop is formed from thoughts and emotions that reinforce each other, increase momentum, wind up a person and lead to an inadequate state.
  • To indicate to people their boundaries and the consequences of their violation (ask your husband to put socks in a certain place, otherwise he will cook his own dinner).
  • Realize your true desires (see the article " Fulfillment of desires").
Comments (14):

nice article


Thanks for the feedback.


Thank you very much, much needed article!


Super article! Thank you, thank you))


useful information!! thanks, very interesting..


Thank you..Very good article.


Recently I go into the subway, do not look around, the door closes, and suddenly I notice a very sharp obscenity from two guys standing at the closed door. Then I notice that they are looking at me, at first I thought that they were swearing at someone else, but they made it clear that their anger was addressed to me personally, apparently that they did not hold the door ... When the train moved, I switched to my thoughts, but something began to rage, irritation appears, but I don’t see the reason, I don’t remember, I force myself to restrain myself, I use all methods ... As a result, aggression spilled over to passers-by in the form of negative thoughts when I was tired of holding back. Loss of energy, weakening for the whole day, I dropped my hands in my inability, and only two days later I REMEMBERed the reason - those two guys.


Learn to track and negate negative astral-mental meditations

Hello! Very interesting article. I have a question, how to understand, I suppressed aggression and will it continue to accumulate in me or immediately "brought to nothing" (eliminated without consequences, as I understand it)? Negate - what actions or emotions or thoughts does this imply (because I can just "deceive myself" that the problem is fixed)? I can’t always tell another person that something annoys me, etc., more often I just endure it. Is it possible somehow not to express dissatisfaction, but at the same time not to suppress it, but simply to nullify it? Thank you!


It happens that someone wants to shake a person, piss him off, influence him in some way. Then, somehow, leaving this situation, it usually does not leave any traces. Even during a conversation, when a person sends something on the astral level, tries to hook it, it is advisable to try to keep yourself on the mental level - analyze what is happening, put it on the shelves, do not sink to the level of emotions, you can tell him something to stop, or get out of the situation. If you go down, then a projectile will fly in and act, but if you manage to stay on the mental plane, then it will pass by. The task of the “pest” is to catch the attention of a person, direct it in a certain direction, focus it, and then the “victim” will begin to unwind the state, to deepen into it. Sometimes some kind of negative state is induced by an egregor, for example, someone violated the rules of the queue (more abstractly, a violation of any rules in the team), everyone stands and is silent, but anger accumulates, and then it can be thrown out by someone, and others will connect, and a kind of relief will come - the blow to the intruder is realized, the anger has been worked out.

About suppression. Aggression occurs as a reaction to the non-fulfillment of a desire or as a result of fear. If the desire is not fulfilled, and the person does not show aggression, then he suppresses it, he suppresses the internal movement (see the article “Loss and return of the soul”), which would like to change the situation, accordingly, the fuse accumulates, which then you want to splash out, or “swallow ' to your own detriment. When a person simply endures, he suppresses and accumulates. Different people the same situation may or may not hurt - depending on the angle from which they look. Sometimes, a change in position causes some things that used to annoy you to stop.

Where a person has any kind of reaction (emotion - signal) - there is something important and requiring more careful attention, if aggression and it occurs periodically, then, for example, ask yourself the question: “why does this situation not suit me, what can I do to change it, what is required of me? Aggression goes away when there is no source (the source disappears when a person, for example, actually leaves him, somehow rebuilds him, or rebuilds himself, looks at the situation from a different angle, with new experience, or this energy is somehow realized, finds a way out in activity). Aggression is an intensification for making a breakthrough, work, restructuring - the situation of a person pushes to certain actions, for example, to learn something new and move to another job, or to redo some process so that it no longer irritates (the employee is constantly late, what greatly interferes with the process and you need to take some effective measures so that you are not late, or the computer is infuriating because it constantly slows down and interferes with work - it's time to clean it, or buy a new one, or learn how to interact with it for more high level, raise the level of your knowledge and then it will not slow down). A person gives steam a turn, does work on it, and does not put a flap cover, does not interfere.

Regarding astral-mental meditations - in the comments to the article "Human Energy". Possibly Helpful: Suppression of Emotions.


Thanks a lot for the article.

You have no idea, burst into tears right in the process of reading. So much aggression has accumulated that sometimes there is a fear of killing someone.

Unfortunately, in my environment, aggression on my part is condemned. And I hid it so much that I directed it at myself, up to somatic diseases.

It took a whole year to deal with the cause of the disease. But it was hard to get on the new rails, it was convenient for the psyche to ride on the old ones.

Unfortunately, those around me will not help, although I asked for help. I have to learn how to use aggression myself, and I feel insecure and fearful. Feelings that were tabooed are not very clear to me, I do not know how to handle them. I feel like a monkey with a grenade. Like, so I found it, but now what to do with it? Sometimes I forget and hide it back into myself out of habit.

Thank you for the article. Helped.


Are there any ways to throw out what has accumulated? A lot of things have accumulated and there is no point in returning centuries-old grievances, but they just eat me up from the inside. In my head, a dialogue is periodically “turned on” about something like “so that you are bad people, and so on”, until - it’s her own fault that she didn’t say, didn’t answer, did something wrong “- in general, self-flagellation is still something, then a feeling of sadness and feeling sorry for myself - I'm terribly tired and I just want to relax, hide somewhere in a mink and so that no one touches it. And the fear of someone else's aggression from the outside is also present, just panic attacks from scratch, I begin to see what is not there, to transfer my own onto others.

Tell me, are there any methods to remove the accumulated?

Your book is wonderful, it made a lot of sense through it. Found it by accident, apparently when you really need it. Thanks to!)


Elena, thanks for the feedback!

Tell me, are there any methods to remove the accumulated?

I suggest that you also write for yourself what you would like to do. Imagine a situation where there are no offenders, or they are avenged, what would you do? Observe situations when memories of grievances arise, as well as register moments when there are no such memories.


Great article! Everything is so clear and understandable! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Within the framework of the commentary, there is no way to answer personal questions (“why am I like this?”, “How can I do that ...?”, “What should I do?”, “Is it useful for me ...?” and the like). Such questions often do not have a ready answer, and require studying the specific situation of a person and working with him, i.e. one or more consultations. See the parable at the very beginning of the article Systems of Interpretation.

Questions "Is it effective ...?" “will it help me...?”, “whom should I choose?” often assume the expectation of a certain guarantee on my part, but I cannot give it, because. if, for example, a person goes to a specialist or does something on his own, then I don’t manage this process in any way, I’m not responsible for it, and I can’t promise anything.


Surely many of us know that outbursts of anger are a simple defensive reaction of our body.

Thus, we get rid of the emotions and experiences that overwhelm us. But not everyone is capable of this because of their beliefs. Some believe that openly expressing anger is bad, others believe that this is how they show their weakness.

But, nevertheless, we are all human, and we tend to get angry. Aggressiveness is inherent in us by nature itself, and every time we suppress it, we direct our own force against ourselves. The accumulated energy of anger and anger destroys us from the inside, causing illness, fatigue and depression. So how is it possible to get rid of anger, to get rid of the accumulated resentment and negative emotions? Do you need to give free rein to your anger? But it is precisely from such outbreaks of aggression that the people closest and dearest to you can suffer ... Some people try to get rid of indignation on their own, but they try so hard that they sink even deeper into them. It would seem a paradox: everything is clear, it’s impossible, it will be better and easier without anger, but the more you say the formula “calm down” to yourself, the more angry you become.

To calm down and adequately respond to a certain critical situation, psychologists advise counting to ten. I think that many have heard of this method. But! This method helps someone, but for someone - exactly the opposite. Gradually approaching "ten", such people simply "break the chain", saying later that they were much calmer before the counting began.

The success of the reaction to the problem depends on the early release of negative emotions. The faster the better. And we often restrain ourselves, drive deep into resentment and anger. But after a while, these emotions with renewed vigor ask to come out. That is why we are exhausted both physically and psychologically. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to break loose, take revenge and destroy the offenders. In no case. Anger must be released in alternative and harmless ways.

Here are some ways to reset the negative emotions of anger, irritation, aggression.

1. Give free rein to your feelings! It is very important to allow yourself to get angry and experience anger. You don't stop yourself from laughing, do you? And joy is the same emotion as anger, but without your inner limitations. So, take a pillow and start hitting it - this way you will throw out all the anger and feel that it has become much easier for you, as if you have dropped a heavy burden. If this method does not suit you, then write a letter of hatred and anger. Write on paper, pressing hard on a pencil or pen, putting all your hatred and anger into every word. After writing, be sure to burn the letter. There is another alternative to this method - close yourself in the car and shout at the top of your lungs, or go to where there are the fewest people (forest, cottage, etc.) and shout as you like!

2. Don't push yourself to the limit when you get yelled at or criticized! The best way to cope with anger is to declare it to the one who made you angry. Just say, “You know, I don’t like it when you talk to me like that…” or “I’m angry with you because…” Of course, it’s not always justifiable to say everything in person. You can contact the offender through the mirror. Play the situation that pissed you off, and, imagining in the mirror the one who hurt you, express everything that you think about him. After your anger dries up, try to sincerely understand and forgive him. Forgiveness will help you completely free yourself from anger and aggression.

3. Learn to Pause The easiest way to manage yourself is to take a deep breath and count to ten. I already mentioned this method above. If possible, take a walk, because the movement will certainly help to cope with the adrenaline rush. You can also wash away the negative. Laundry or wash dishes. Contact with water will give a discharge. When you feel that you can hardly restrain yourself from saying too much, mentally fill your mouth with water. Let the plot from the fairy tale about the charmed water help you with this: “Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. Not a day went by that they didn't argue. And, although both were tired of quarrels, they could not stop. Once she went to their house of a fortuneteller and gave them a bucket of charmed water: “If you pull on swearing again, take a mouthful of this water, and the quarrel will pass.” As soon as she was out the door, the old woman began to saw the old man. And he took water in his mouth and is silent. What now, an old woman to shake the air alone? It takes two to fight! So they have lost the habit of abuse ... " 4. Get rid of the accumulated anxiety and internal blocks!

The following techniques, borrowed from the Taoist teachings of Shou Tao, will help you.

The Buddha Smile exercise will allow you to easily come to a state of peace of mind. Calm down and try not to think about anything. Completely relax the muscles of the face and imagine how they fill with heaviness and warmth, and then, having lost their elasticity, seem to “flow” down in a pleasant languor. Focus on the corners of your lips. Imagine how the lips begin to move slightly apart, forming a slight smile. Don't use muscle. You will feel how your lips stretch into a barely perceptible smile, and a feeling of nascent joy will appear throughout your body. Try to do this exercise every day until the state of "Buddha smile" becomes familiar to you.

5. Go to a neurologist. Don't be shy and don't be afraid. Everything is in order with you, you are healthy, it's just that life has provoked a depressive state that is natural in your situation. Talk about recurring thoughts that exhaust you. You will be prescribed harmless medicines, possibly homeopathic, which you will take when emotions come up. Don't be ashamed of what's happening to you. It's not that uncommon.

You just need to competently help yourself out of an unpleasant state.

Erich Fromm singled out two types of aggression: benign, serving to protect one's interests, property and life, and malignant, which is an acquired pathological behavior model. In the second case, a person, in order to raise his own authority, can humiliate, insult, beat others, and exert psychological pressure on them. What leads to attacks of aggression? How to deal with them?

Types of aggression

The psychology of deviant behavior is a relatively new branch of psychology that deals with the study of behavior that does not fit into the framework of law, morality and ethics. Aggressiveness falls under her competence.

Psychologist E. Bass made an extended classification of aggression. He pointed out that, according to purposefulness, hostility is divided into 2 types:

  1. instrumental aggression. It serves as a tool to achieve some goal. For example, my goal is to get on the bus, but all the seats are occupied, I can quarrel with someone so that he gives me his. This is a spontaneous attack of hostility directed at a random person;
  2. Targeted (motivated) aggression - pre-planned actions aimed at a specific object (to take revenge on a partner for treason; watch out for the offender after school to fight back; deliberately humiliate, insult a person who is unpleasant to the aggressor). The purpose of such an act is to cause physical or moral harm. Motivated aggression is more often shown by people who grew up in an unfavorable social environment, deprived of normal upbringing, attention and care of their parents.

Causes of sudden outbursts of aggression

Unmotivated aggression can occur for a number of psychological reasons, and can also be a symptom of a serious illness.

Psychological factors include:

  • Fast paced life;
  • A large number of responsibilities;
  • professional burnout, serious problems at work;
  • lack of sleep, severe fatigue;
  • Wrong upbringing.

Outbursts of aggression can be a symptom of diseases such as:

  • Brain tumor;
  • Hormonal failure, disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • post-traumatic stress disorder;

Mental disorders accompanied by imbalance and sudden acts of violence:

  • Dissocial personality disorder (sociopathy, psychopathy);
  • Emotional unstable personality disorder;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • Psychoses.

Unmotivated aggression in adults

Uncontrolled attacks of aggression in adults are most often caused by constant stress, lack of sleep, and fatigue. The body is constantly under emotional and physical stress. Irritability grows, irascibility, imbalance appear. Often these emotions remain unconscious, and when the accumulated irritation turns into an attack of aggression, the person does not understand why he reacted so sharply.

Outbursts of rage can be the flip side of good manners. From childhood, everyone is told about how they should behave. cultured people, teach to be obedient and calm “They take away my car with which I play? I have to give it away. After all, you need to share! Such a child turns into an adult with a firm conviction that screaming and swearing is bad. When his rights are infringed, he cannot fight back, but an unpleasant aftertaste remains on his soul. Discontent is growing. As a result, it suddenly breaks out in the form of inexplicable and uncontrollable aggression.

It is believed that rage and depression are opposite, mutually exclusive concepts. However, in fact, in this state, a person, on the contrary, becomes more receptive. These emotions remain inside, which provokes increased aggressiveness in a person after getting out of depression.

Aggressive behavior in the postpartum period

Can be called postpartum depression. The appearance of a child greatly changes the lives of all family members, but a greater burden of care and responsibility falls on the mother.

On the one hand, there is an active hormonal restructuring in the body of a woman who has given birth. She becomes more vulnerable, sensitive, cannot always control her emotions. On the other hand, her life is changing dramatically: work remains in the past, the number of household chores increases sharply, and there is no time or energy left for her former hobbies. Life turns into a continuous "Groundhog Day", consisting of feeding, dressing, washing, cleaning ... All this causes despair, nervousness and rage, which are vented not only on adults, but also on a defenseless baby.

Fighting anger attacks in the postpartum period can be very in a simple way: share household duties among all family members to give mom the opportunity to take a break from routine worries and the baby, leave the house for a walk.

Unmotivated aggression: preventive measures

To prevent unreasonable aggression, it is necessary to establish a clear daily routine, eat well, rest and sleep enough time. Do not forget to pamper yourself from time to time, at least half an hour a day to do what you love.

It is important to understand your feelings, learn to understand them. Sometimes the real cause of anger can be “hidden”, and the feeling itself can be transferred to another object. For example, you cannot understand why your partner's slowness annoys you so much. The true picture is different: your boss has put too much work on you. You cannot express your dissatisfaction with your boss and subconsciously transfer this anger to your colleague, accusing him of being slow. This psychological trick will help you keep a good relationship management, but will be detrimental to mental health.

Should not be suppressed and hidden negative emotions. If the situation allows, then you need to voice your feelings using "I-expressions". For example, "I feel like hitting you when you talk to me like that."

It is useful to be able to competently and constructively conflict with people. This will help to resolve the problem situation without bringing it to a scandal.

How to deal with bouts of aggression

You need to be able to get rid of aggression by peaceful means. You should tear the paper, beat the pillow, do a few squats or push-ups, even break a cup, which is not a pity. Most importantly, don't hurt anyone.

Very well removes irritability water. You can take a shower or wash dishes. Anger and rage will be great helpers during cleaning. These emotions will help to ruthlessly throw out unnecessary rubbish stored for years.

You can go to the stadium and cheer for your favorite team. The main thing is to do it very actively, loudly and emotionally.

Sport helps to get rid of accumulated irritation. Active activities (running, dancing, football, etc.) are suitable for some, calm and pacifying (yoga, gymnastics) are suitable for others. Caution should be taken with various types fight. For some, negative emotions come out in this way, for others, on the contrary, the behavior model “anger - physical aggression” is fixed.

It is useful to master several relaxation techniques: meditation, breathing exercises, visualization.

If you feel like you can't control your behavior, don't be afraid to seek professional help. Perhaps outbursts of aggression are a symptom of a disease that requires serious treatment.


First of all, remember: to hold back indefinitely aggression impossible. But it is possible to figure out what caused it. Analyze your life. When did you start to notice increased, what provokes you to manifest it? Family problems, financial difficulties, unsatisfied ambitions, fatigue - all this can make a person unrecognizable. Only by identifying the root of the problem and eliminating it, you will return to a full life. If this is not possible at the moment, think about how to change your attitude.

Talk to loved ones about your condition. Explain how hard it is for you, apologize for any misunderstandings in the past. Perhaps together you will find a way to change the situation that causes aggression. The support of family and friends will instill a sense of confidence in you, and going through hardships together will only strengthen the relationship.

Find a safe outlet for aggression. The tested remedy is the load. Start swimming, jogging in the morning, or try a new and unusual sport like rock climbing. Sign up for the martial arts section. An important part of them is breathing exercises, which helps to control not only the body, but also the spirit. A new hobby will also distract you from annoying problems.

Throw out your emotions. Shout out. But not to a colleague or a salesperson in a store, but where possible and necessary. Go to a rock concert, even if you usually listen to Mozart or Beethoven. Attend a hockey match and become the loudest fan in the stands. Make sure, however, that your emotions are only positive. Do not point them at people around you. Psychologists also advise an exercise: go to the evening railway and stand under the nearest bridge next to the tracks. When the train passes by, shout as loudly as you like. In the noise of the wheels you will not hear and feel more comfortable, and the evening darkness will hide you from prying eyes.

Contact a psychologist. A professional will help you look at life from a new angle and find the best solution to the problem. Remember what doesn't happen. In addition, unmotivated aggression can turn out to be a symptom, which, contrary to popular belief, is a serious illness and not a vacation, but medicines.


Many people are embarrassed to seek the advice of a psychologist. And absolutely in vain. Treat a psychologist like any other doctor. Are you in doubt about whether you should go to the dentist? An upset psyche needs professional treatment no less than a bad tooth.

Useful advice

Find time for a little rest. From a distance, past problems may not seem so terrible, so when you return home, it will be easier for you to deal with them.


  • how to suppress aggression in yourself

People are forced to interact with each other. And people around, unfortunately, are not always in a good mood. It happens that your interlocutor begins to show aggression towards you. In order not to become a victim of such behavior, you need to be able to properly respond to it.


Change your voice to a softer one when you feel that your interlocutor is showing aggression towards you. At the same time, he should not have the feeling that you are afraid of him and that he can influence you in this way. Speak more quietly than usual and then your opponent will be forced to listen to your words. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise, your interlocutor may become even more aggressive.

Aggressiveness is inherent in us by nature and, each time suppressing it, we direct our power against ourselves. The accumulated energy of anger and anger destroys us from the inside, causing illness, fatigue and depression. Is it worth bringing it to this? How to get rid of the accumulated resentment and negative emotions?

Give free rein to your feelings

Outbursts of anger and anger are a protective reaction of the body when our internal safety locks work. In this way, we get rid of the emotions and experiences that overwhelm us. But far from everyone is capable of this because of their beliefs: some believe that openly expressing anger is bad, others believe that this is how they show their weakness.

But our strength is in the recognition of our weaknesses. Therefore, it is very important to allow yourself to get angry and experience anger. You don't forbid yourself to laugh, do you? And joy is the same natural emotion as anger, only without your internal restrictions. Get rid of the beliefs that hold back the manifestation of your true nature, and free yourself from accumulated emotions without judging yourself.

If you need to express your emotions on a physical level, do it (naturally, without harming yourself or those around you). Take a pillow and start boxing on it, write a hate letter and burn it, lock yourself in a car and yell at the top of your lungs.

Don't take it to the limit

The best way to cope with anger is to declare it to the one who made you angry. Just say: "You know I don't like it when you do this or when you talk to me..." or "I'm angry with you because...". Of course, it is far from always justified to express everything in person. You can contact the offender through the mirror. Play the situation that pissed you off, and, imagining in the mirror the one who hurt you, express everything that you think about him. After your anger is gone, try to sincerely understand and forgive him. Forgiveness will help you completely free yourself from anger and aggression.

Start a diary

Have you noticed that similar situations often make us angry? Start a diary and write down everything that caused your anger. Describe what made you angry and how you felt about it. The world around us works like a big mirror, reflecting what is happening inside of us. It often happens that we ourselves provoke certain behavior of people towards us.

Does anything come from you that makes others want you to wait? Think about whether the person who causes you rejection does not reflect what is in you. Perhaps he does what you do not allow yourself to do. Assessing what is happening will help you find the cause of the anger that arises and change your own beliefs.

Learn to make pauses

An uncontrolled outburst of irritation and anger can hurt you badly, ruining your career or personal life. The price for a moment of weakness can be unreasonably high. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to cope with the indignation or anger that has gripped you.

The easiest way to deal with yourself is to take a deep breath and count to ten. If possible, take a walk. The movement will help you cope with the adrenaline that has played out.

When you feel that you are barely holding back from saying too much, mentally draw water into your mouth. Let the plot from the fairy tale about the charmed water help you with this.

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. Not a day went by that they didn't swear. And although both were tired of the scops, they could not stop in any way. Once I went to them in the house of a fortune teller and gave them a bucket of conjured water: "If you pull on swearing again, take a full mouthful of this water, and the ccopa will pass." As soon as she was at the door, the old woman began to saw the old man. And he took water in his mouth and is silent. What now, old woman to shake the air alone? - two are needed for ccopy! So they got out of the habit of scolding.

Get rid of accumulated aggression

The following techniques, borrowed from the Daoist teachings of Shoy-Dao, will help you get rid of anger, anxiety and internal blocks.

Buddha's smile

The Buddha Smile exercise will allow you to easily come into a state of mental balance. Calm down and try not to think about anything. Completely relax the muscles of the face and imagine how they are filled with heaviness and warmth, and then, having lost elasticity, as if they “flow” down in a pleasant languor. Focus on the corners of your lips.

Imagine how the lips begin to move slightly apart to the sides, forming a slight smile. Do not apply muscle effort. You will feel how your lips themselves stretch into a barely perceptible smile, and a feeling of nascent joy will appear in your whole body. Try to do this exercise every day until the state of "Buddha's smile" becomes familiar to you.

Step forward - beast, step back - man

This exercise is especially useful for shy people who are ashamed of their anger and ashamed of its manifestation. Take a step forward, causing wild rage in yourself, feel ready to destroy everything in your path. Then take a step back, performing the “Buddha smile” and returning to a state of absolute calmness.

Again, take a step forward, transforming into an angry beast, and a step back, returning to the human state. Stepping forward, reinforce your rage with screams, you can swear or squeeze your jaws with force. When stepping back, it is very important to catch the moment of relaxation, paying attention to the muscles.

This exercise requires more emotional costs. Stop as soon as you feel tired. By doing it regularly, you will see that your steps will be faster and faster, and you will learn to easily go from rage to complete calm.

Remember: these techniques and exercises will help to temporarily relieve aggression and get rid of anger, but will not remove the original cause of their occurrence. Contact a specialist for qualified assistance. Take care of yourself!