How does the story of Taras Bulba begin. The shortest retelling of "Taras Bulba

According to the program of the Russian general education school, the study of the story of Gogol N.V. "Taras Bulba" is in the plan of the sixth grade. But it may also be that in the exams after the ninth grade or in the final final exams you will need to write a summary or essay on this story. Therefore, the student must familiarize himself with a short story of the content of the story before the exam.

The first and second versions of the story "Taras Bulba"

In 1835, a collection of stories by Nikolai Gogol "Mirgorod" was published in St. Petersburg. It includes four works:

  • "Viy";
  • "Taras Bulba";
  • « old world landowners»;
  • "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich."

The collection was read by almost all residents of the capital. Critics wrote rave reviews. But Nikolai Vasilyevich himself considered the story "Taras Bulba" unfinished, raw. And in 1842 he rewrote the story. Added new and expanded previously written episodes.

The basis of the story "Taras Bulba"

The great work of Gogol N.V. describes life and way of life of the Dnieper Cossacks in the seventeenth century, who settled the lower reaches of the Dnieper below the rapids. The basis of the story was the uprising of non-registered Cossacks in 1637-1638 against the injustices and violence of gentry Poland against the inhabitants of the Dnieper region.

The uprising was led by hetman Pavlyuk. He managed to take Kyiv, raise against Poland the peasants and Cossacks of the left bank of the Dnieper. But the Cossack foremen, having received rich bribes from the king of Poland, betrayed Pavlyuk in 1638, arrested him and handed him over to the deputy commander of the Polish army, Nikolai Pototsky, who, on behalf of the king of Poland, suppressed this uprising.

The need for a brief retelling of "Taras Bulba" chapter by chapter

A summary of the story "Taras Bulba" in a summary of the chapters arose due to the fact that, with a heavy workload of graduates of secondary schools, they do not have enough time to read a book or listen to the work of the great writer in audio recording.

Retelling in summary will help them, let's hope, to somehow touch on the works of the classic of our literature N.V. Gogol. For an initial understanding of the work "Taras Bulba", a summary of the chapters is given below. IN summary there are no beautiful descriptions of nature, memorable monologues. Yes, and this is not included in the plan of the author of the article.

The main characters of the work:

  • Taras Bulba is the main character of the story. The whole plot of the story is built around him. He is a Cossack colonel, a respected warrior, a landowner. Life values: independence from the authorities and the Orthodox Christian faith;
  • Ostap, the eldest son of Bulba, was educated at the Kyiv Seminary. "Fortress breathed his body, and his knightly qualities have already acquired the broad strength of a lion." It was Gogol who gave such brief description;
  • Andriy is the youngest son of Taras. He sees the beauty of nature and the world around him. In battles he showed reasonable courage, did not lose his head. Until a certain time, two extremes coexisted in him: a brave grunt-warrior and a delicate, sensitive nature.

Other characters:

  • Yankel - a Jew trading in the Sich;
  • Pannochka is the daughter of a Polish voivode, Andriy's beloved.

Chapters 1 and 2 (summary)

Ostap and Andriy, sons of Bulba, returned home from Kyiv, where they studied at the seminary. Their father greeted them with playful laughter at their seminarian clothes. Ostap is not inclined to joke and threatens to beat Taras, despite the fact that he is his father. There is a short fight between them. And at this time, Andriy is already hugging his joyful mother.

In the evening, at a feast with their centurions, on the occasion of the arrival of their sons, they decide to send Andriy and Ostap to the Zaporozhian Sich. According to Taras, only there it is possible to bring up real daring Cossacks from young men. And the colonel wished to take them there himself. And the mother was very bitter and hard to part with her sons. She spent the whole night at the head of her sleeping children.

Riders rode through the vast steppe in silence. Bulba recalled his adventurous youth, about his comrades-in-arms who were in the Sich. I imagined their reaction when he boasted about his sons, well done.

Ostap was thinking about something else. When he was twelve years old, his parents sent him to study in Kyiv. The teenager several times, having buried textbooks in the ground, ran away from the seminary. But the stern father, having bought a new book, returned it back. When he got tired of it, he threatened to send Ostap to a monastery for disobedience. This threat proved to be effective. The boy began to show diligence in teaching and became one of the best seminarians.

Andriy was also sent to study there at the age of twelve. He willingly studied, effortlessly memorized curriculum. The boy stood out for his flexibility of mind and ingenuity. He often became the instigator of all sorts of tricks, and he got away with it, since he could not be caught. One day he met a beautiful Polish girl and immediately fell in love. At night, he snuck into her bedroom. Pannochka was frightened, but then she cheered up.

Soon Bulba and his sons arrived at Khortitsa.

Chapters 3 and 4 (summary)

Sich lived its ordinary life. Artisans worked, merchants traded. And ordinary Cossacks for the most part walked, lowering the merchants obtained in dangerous campaigns. There were different people on this big island. And literate Cossacks, and those who have never learned to read and write. There were also officers who left their military units. There were also banal partisan robbers. All these people were united by one thing: a free way of life.

The sons of Taras Bulba liked this atmosphere of freedom and they quickly joined this environment. Father didn't like it. He brought children here to be tempered in campaigns and battles.

But the ataman does not intend to start a war somewhere in the near future. Then Taras organizes a coup and puts his old friend Kirdyaga as the chieftain.

Taras Bulba pushes the new koshevoi to a military campaign. However, the reasonable Kirdaga does not want to break the established short-lived peace. He doesn't want to take on that responsibility. At this time, a ferry with Cossacks approaches the island. They began to talk about the intensified oppression of Orthodox Christians by Catholic priests. About the fact that Jewish merchants do not allow people to breathe freely.

This lawlessness angered the Cossacks: no one has the right to oppress their faith in such a way, to offend the feelings of the people. The Cossacks-Cossacks are determined to stand up for their people, their Motherland. Everyone is ready to fight the Poles for the Orthodox faith and take more booty from the captured settlements.

Cossacks shouting: "Hang all the Jews!" rushed to catch the Jews and smash their shops. One of the merchants, Yankel, who knew the late brother Taras, Bulba saves his life and allows him to go with the Cossacks to Poland.

Chapters 5, 6 and 7 (summary)

The march to Poland began. The Cossacks marched at night, and the day was set aside for rest and feeding the horses. Taras never ceases to be proud of his sons, who mature from battle to battle. It turned out that Ostap was destined to become a real warrior. In addition to desperate courage, he turned out to have an analytical mind. Andriy in the war liked her romance: exploits and saber battles.

The Zaporizhian army approached the city of Dubno. The assault was unsuccessful, and the Cossacks decided to besiege the city and starve it out. Having eaten bread in the fields around the fortress, we made several camps near the fortress. The sons of Bulba do not like such a boring life. Andriy misses his mother more and more.

One night he is found by a Tatar woman, a pannochka's maid, with whom Andriy is in love. She told the young man about the terrible famine in the besieged fortress, about how her mistress was suffering. Andriy takes the bag of groceries from the sleeping Ostap and, together with the Tatar woman, enters the fortress through a secret underground passage.

In the city, Andriy sees terrible traces of hunger: people asking for at least something from food, a dead woman with a child, and other traces of extinction. He learns that everything living in the city has been eaten. But the governor ordered not to surrender - he was waiting for the arrival of two Polish regiments.

The maid brings Andrii to the pannochka. The young man and the Pole cannot see enough of each other. Love flares up with new passion. She took possession of him so strongly that the young man renounces both his faith, and his father, and his Fatherland. He declares that he is ready to do everything to serve the beauty. A maid comes running with the news that reinforcements have unblocked the city and taken many Cossacks prisoner.

Yankel told Taras that he saw his Andriy in the city. That he is preparing for the wedding with the governor's daughter. And after the wedding, he is going to drive the Cossacks back beyond the rapids of the Dnieper with the Poles.

The battle begins in the morning. The ataman, in whose kuren Ostap fought, is killed. Ostap avenged the murdered commander. And the Cossacks choose him as a smoking ataman. And Bulba, during the battle, kept looking out Andria. He decided to take cruel revenge on the Polish beauty for the fact that his youngest son had renounced him, his ideals.

Chapters 8 and 9 (summary)

There is again a shortage of provisions in the city. But the voivode was pleased with the whole about the departure of part of the Cossacks on a campaign against the Tatars. And he begins to prepare the troops for the decisive battle. The Poles, having lowered several cannons from the walls, begin the attack. The Cossacks suffer irreparable losses - the cavalry is powerless against cannons. In the heat of battle, Bulba saw his youngest son on an argamak in the ranks of the Polish cavalry. Bulba cuts off the young man from the battle formations. The last thing that the subdued Andriy heard was the words of his father: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you."

The Poles defeated the Cossacks. Ostap is captured. The Cossacks brought the badly wounded Taras to the Sich. The greatly depleted Cossack army also returned there.

Chapters 10, 11 and 12 (summary)

Bulba recovered from his wounds. Now he sets himself the task of freeing Ostap from captivity at all costs. Despite the fact that a large reward has been assigned for his capture, he persuades Yankel to take him to Warsaw. Yankel, having hidden the Cossack at the bottom of a wagon with a brick, brings it into the Polish capital.

All attempts by Taras to free his son are unsuccessful. Then he decides to attend the execution of the Cossacks. I saw with my own eyes what a painful and cruel execution his eldest son, the Poles, was subjected to. When Ostap, tormented by the executioners, shouted: “Father, where are you now? Do you hear me?" Bulba shouted out loud: "I hear!".

Taras Bulba raised the whole Sich for a new campaign against Poland. He became more cruel, and hatred for the Poles intensified even more. With his army, he burns eighteen cities to the ground. And comes to Krakow. Hetman Nikolai Pototsky was assigned to capture Taras Bulba. The decisive battle lasted four days. The Cossacks finally began to gain the upper hand, but Bulba is captured. He is burned alive at the stake. And the remaining Cossacks managed to escape in boats.

Returned after graduation from the Kyiv Bursa. Two hefty, hefty fellows arrive, whose faces have not yet been touched by a razor. The father makes fun of the young seminarians and their clothes, which makes them a little embarrassed. The eldest son, Ostap, does not tolerate ridicule and promises to beat his father in the future. Then, instead of a warm meeting after a long separation, the father and son arrange a fight with cuffs and beat each other well. A thin and pale mother tries to stop them and reason with her husband. But he already stops the fight and is pleased with his son. When he tries to greet his younger son with the same test, he hugs his mother to protect him from his father.

A mother cannot stop looking at her pets. However, Taras has a different plan. He is going to send both sons to the Zaporizhian Sich in the morning, where they can go through a real school of life. Having drunk a lot, my father got mad and started breaking the pots. He decided that they would all go together, because they were Cossacks, they had nothing to do at home, their place was outside. The mother, accustomed to her husband's drunken antics, secretly hoped that he would sleep off and delay the day of departure, because she did not want to say goodbye to her children again. But Taras remained adamant and in the morning he and his sons got ready to go. At parting, the mother hugged her sons and cried, and they held back their tears so as not to anger their father.

We drove in silence along the way, each thinking about something of his own. Taras Bulba thought about how he would bring his sons to Zaporozhye and introduce them to friends. Ostap was a young man with a stubborn character. He was only interested in fights and revels. Andriy was more resourceful and loved women. Now he had in mind one beautiful Polish woman, whom he met in Kyiv. Once he even made his way to her bedroom through the chimney, but a knock on the door forced him to hide under the bed. When the trouble was over, the Tatar, the maid of the lady, secretly took him to the garden, from where he could escape. Once again he saw his beloved Polish woman in the church, but then she left. It was about her that Andriy thought, lowering his eyes into the mane of his horse. Father, waking up from his thoughts, offered to stop and have a smoke.

Having reached the Dnieper, all three boarded a ferry to the Sich. There were crowds of people gathered in small heaps. Taras took his sons to the square where the Cossack Rada gathered. There he met familiar faces and cheers began. The Sich met them with a wild life. Andriy and Ostap plunged headlong into this idleness. However, the old Cossack did not like this way of life. He wanted to raise the Cossacks on a campaign and therefore did not want them to waste their Cossack prowess on feasts and drinking. He set them up for the re-election of the koshevoi, since the current one was on the side of the Cossack enemies. And when a new Koschevoi was elected, under the pressure of the old warriors, including Taras, he decided to march on Poland. Soon the whole south-west of Poland began to live in fear.

Taras was pleased to see how his sons matured in battles. They were now among the first. In an attempt to take the city of Dubno, in which there are many rich inhabitants and a full treasury, the Cossacks meet desperate resistance, but do not retreat. They decide to besiege the city and starve its inhabitants. At the same time, out of nothing to do, they plunder the surrounding villages and burn out the grain fields. Ostap and Andriy do not like such a life, but their father reassures them, saying that fierce battles will soon begin. So two weeks passed, but the case did not budge. One dark night, it seemed to Andriy that the ghost of a woman was approaching him.

Looking closely, he recognized her as a Tatar - a servant of a Polish lady, with whom he was in love. The Tatar woman whispered to him that his beloved was in the city, she saw him from the city wall and asked him to come, to help her dying mother with at least a piece of bread. Andriy, without thinking twice, gathered food supplies and went to his beloved. The Tatar woman led him down an underground passage so that no one would see them. He understood that by this act he had renounced his father, brother, comrades and fatherland. But his "fatherland" was she - a young lady, which is sweeter than all of his heart. He was ready to defend her to the last breath from his own comrades. For her sake, he took the side of the Poles. When Taras Bulba found out about the betrayal of his son, he was beside himself with rage.

Polish troops were sent to help the besieged. Passing by the drunken Cossacks, they killed and captured many. This event prompted the Cossacks to take decisive action. Bloody battles began. In the crowd of fighting Poles, Taras saw his son. He also saw his father, but only cowardly hid in a crowd of soldiers and gave orders. The army of Taras, like himself, fought a fierce battle and the Poles rushed to flee, thinking that they were dealing with the devil himself. When the commander was face to face with his son, he did not budge. The father kills his son, and before his death, he utters only one word - the name of the beautiful lady. Reinforcements arrive in time for the Poles and they still manage to defeat the Cossacks. Ostap is captured, and Taras Bulba is rescued by his comrades and taken to Zaporozhye.

Taras was badly beaten and wounded. He woke up in the hut of the Cossack Tovkach, who said that a lot of money was given for his head. Soon Taras got to his feet and went to the Sich. He greatly missed his son. Having paid a lot of money to the Jew Yankel, he crossed over to Warsaw, where the captured Cossacks were to be executed. The action took place in the city square. Taras was present at the execution of his son and heard his last words. He did not utter a single groan during torture, he only asked: “Father! where are you! do you hear all this?" The father replied: “I hear!”. From the crowd they rushed to catch him, but he was gone. Taras vowed to avenge his son's death.

More than a hundred thousand Cossacks rose to fight the Poles. Among them was the regiment of Taras Bulba. It was not a scattered struggle, but the cry of an entire nation that fought for its religion, honor and for its rights. Taras himself became extremely cruel and ferocious towards the enemy. For offenders, he had in store only fire and destruction. When the defeated Polish hetman Nikolai Pototsky offered to make peace and swore an oath never to harm the Cossack troops, only Colonel Bulba did not agree with this "peace". He was sure that the Poles would not keep their word and would strike a treacherous blow. As a result, he led his regiment away, and his predictions came true: the Poles gathered new forces and nevertheless attacked the Cossacks.

Taras with his army at that time walked all over Poland and continued to avenge his son. Soon, Pototsky's regiments overtook his detachment. It was on the banks of the Dniester when the Cossacks stopped in a ruined fortress to rest. The battle lasted four days. The surviving Cossacks make their way, but their ataman stops for a minute on the way, and then the enemies overtake him. Taras was tied to an oak tree with iron chains, his hands were nailed to the tree, and a fire was lit under it. Before his death, he shouted to his comrades to leave along the river. The Cossacks managed to escape. And the old ataman thought at the last minute about his friends and their future victories.

Name at birth - Nikolai Vasilyevich Yanovsky.

Russian prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature. He came from an old noble family Gogol-Yanovsky.

Date and place of birth - March 20 (April 1), 1809 or March 19 (31), 1809, Bolshie Sorochintsy, Poltava province, Russian Empire.

“Taras Bulba”

The story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, is included in the Mirgorod cycle. In preparing the draft manuscript for publication, Gogol made numerous corrections. The great negligence of the draft manuscript of "Taras Bulba", the omissions of individual words, illegible handwriting, the unfinished appearance of individual phrases - all this led to the fact that many errors crept into the composition of "Mirgorod", published in 1835. By 1842, Gogol had a new revision of Taras Bulba, where new episodes appeared, and the volume of the story doubled. Having gone abroad in 1842, Gogol entrusted all the worries about the printed collection of all his works to Nikolai Yakovlevich Prokopovich, emphasizing that there were many errors in his story "Taras Bulba".

Characters of the story

Kozak Taras Bulba

The author describes him as a brave, determined and brave man. He was a real Zaporozhian Cossack: camaraderie and Christian faith were very important for Bulba all his life. He is no longer young, he occupies a certain position in the Sich. In the episodes of the feast on the return of the sons from the Bursa, in the scenes of the battle with the Poles, it is clear that Taras Bulba is respected, his advice is heeded. Even those who have only recently come to the Sich see Bulba as a wise and just warrior. From the first chapters it becomes clear that he is not a family man - his wife rarely sees him, because the Cossack often goes on military campaigns with the Zaporozhye army.

Ostap Bulbenko

The eldest son of Bulba, together with his brother, graduated from the seminary and after graduation returned home. The reader will learn about how Ostap showed himself in the seminary from several episodes: Ostap at first did not want to study and tried to escape, but eventually took up his mind. This character is truly revealed in the campaign against the Poles. Ostap appears before us as a worthy son of his father: a brave, strong Cossack, who is endowed with analytical abilities.


The youngest son of an old Cossack. He is different from his brother and from his father. We can say that from his mother he took the lyrical warehouse of the soul, and from his father - determination and the will to win. We can say that it was this combination that became fatal for the young man.

“Taras Bulba” summary of the story

After graduating from the Kyiv Academy, two of his sons, Ostap and Andriy, come to the old Cossack colonel Taras Bulba. Two burly fellows, whose healthy and strong faces have not yet been touched by a razor, are embarrassed by the meeting with their father, who makes fun of recent seminarians over their clothes. The eldest, Ostap, cannot stand the ridicule of his father: “Even though you are my father, but if you laugh, then, by God, I will beat you!” And father and son, instead of greeting after a long absence, quite seriously hit each other with cuffs. A pale, thin and kind mother tries to reason with her violent husband, who is already stopping himself, pleased that he has tested his son. Bulba wants to “greet” the younger one in the same way, but he is already hugging him, protecting his mother from his father.

On the occasion of the arrival of his sons, Taras Bulba convenes all the centurions and the entire regimental rank and announces his decision to send Ostap and Andriy to the Sich, because there is no better science for a young Cossack than the Zaporozhian Sich. At the sight of the young strength of his sons, the military spirit of Taras himself flares up, and he decides to go with them to introduce them to all his old comrades. The poor mother sits all night over the sleeping children, not closing her eyes, wishing that the night would last as long as possible. Her dear sons are taken from her; they take it so that she will never see them! In the morning, after the blessing, the mother, despairing of grief, is barely torn off from the children and taken to the hut.

The three riders ride in silence. Old Taras recalls his wild life, a tear freezes in his eyes, his graying head droops. Ostap, who has a stern and firm character, although hardened over the years of training in the bursa, retained his natural kindness and was touched by the tears of his poor mother. This alone confuses him and makes him lower his head thoughtfully. Andriy is also having a hard time saying goodbye to his mother and home, but his thoughts are occupied with memories of a beautiful Polish girl whom he met just before leaving Kiev. Then Andriy managed to get into the beauty's bedroom through the fireplace chimney, a knock on the door forced the Polish woman to hide the young Cossack under the bed. As soon as the worry had passed, the Tatar woman, the lady's maid, took Andrii out into the garden, where he barely escaped from the woke servants. He once again saw the beautiful Polish woman in the church, soon she left - and now, lowering his eyes into the mane of his horse, Andriy thinks about her.

After a long journey, the Sich meets Taras with his sons with his wild life - a sign of the Zaporizhian will. Cossacks do not like to waste time on military exercises, collecting abusive experience only in the heat of battle. Ostap and Andriy rush with all the ardor of youths into this rampant sea. But old Taras does not like an idle life - he does not want to prepare his sons for such an activity. Having met with all his companions, he thinks out how to raise the Cossacks on a campaign, so as not to waste the Cossack prowess on an uninterrupted feast and drunken fun. He persuades the Cossacks to re-elect the Koschevoi, who keeps peace with the enemies of the Cossacks. The new Koschevoi, under the pressure of the most militant Cossacks, and above all Taras, decides to go to Poland in order to mark all the evil and shame of faith and Cossack glory.

And soon the entire Polish south-west becomes the prey of fear, the rumor running ahead: “Cossacks! The Cossacks showed up! In one month, young Cossacks matured in battles, and old Taras is pleased to see that both of his sons are among the first. The Cossack army is trying to take the city of Dubna, where there is a lot of treasury and rich inhabitants, but they meet desperate resistance from the garrison and residents. The Cossacks besiege the city and wait for the famine to begin in it. Having nothing to do, the Cossacks devastate the surroundings, burn out defenseless villages and unharvested grain. The young, especially the sons of Taras, do not like this kind of life. Old Bulba reassures them, promising hot fights soon. On one of the dark nights, Andria is awakened from sleep by a strange creature that looks like a ghost. This is a Tatar, a servant of the very Polish woman with whom Andriy is in love. The Tatar woman whispers that the lady is in the city, she saw Andriy from the city rampart and asks him to come to her or at least give a piece of bread for her dying mother. Andriy loads the sacks with bread as much as he can carry, and the Tatar woman leads him through the underground passage to the city. Having met his beloved, he renounces his father and brother, comrades and homeland: “The homeland is what our soul is looking for, which is dearest to her. My fatherland is you." Andriy stays with the lady to protect her to the last breath from her former comrades.

Polish troops, sent to reinforce the besieged, pass into the city past drunken Cossacks, killing many while sleeping, and capturing many. This event hardens the Cossacks, who decide to continue the siege to the end. Taras, looking for his missing son, receives a terrible confirmation of Andriy's betrayal.

The Poles arrange sorties, but the Cossacks are still successfully repelling them. News comes from the Sich that, in the absence of the main force, the Tatars attacked the remaining Cossacks and captured them, seizing the treasury. The Cossack army near Dubna is divided in two - half goes to the rescue of the treasury and comrades, half remains to continue the siege. Taras, leading the siege army, delivers an impassioned speech to the glory of camaraderie.

The Poles learn about the weakening of the enemy and come out of the city for a decisive battle. Among them is Andriy. Taras Bulba orders the Cossack to lure him to the forest and there, meeting with Andriy face to face, he kills his son, who even before his death utters one word - the name of the beautiful lady. Reinforcements arrive at the Poles, and they defeat the Cossacks. Ostap is captured, the wounded Taras, saving from the chase, is brought to the Sich.

After recovering from his wounds, Taras forces the Jew Yankel to secretly smuggle him to Warsaw with big money and threats to try to ransom Ostap there. Taras is present at the terrible execution of his son in the town square. Not a single groan escapes under torture from Ostap's chest, only before his death he cries out: “Father! where are you! do you hear all this?" - "I hear!" - Taras answers over the crowd. They rush to catch him, but Taras is already gone.

One hundred and twenty thousand Cossacks, among whom is the regiment of Taras Bulba, go on a campaign against the Poles. Even the Cossacks themselves notice the excessive ferocity and cruelty of Taras towards the enemy. This is how he avenges the death of his son. The defeated Polish hetman Nikolai Pototsky swears an oath not to inflict any further offense on the Cossack army. Only Colonel Bulba does not agree to such a peace, assuring his comrades that the requested Poles will not keep their word. And he leads his regiment. His prediction comes true - having gathered strength, the Poles treacherously attack the Cossacks and defeat them.

And Taras walks all over Poland with his regiment, continuing to avenge the death of Ostap and his comrades, ruthlessly destroying all life.

Five regiments under the leadership of the same Pototsky finally overtake the regiment of Taras, who has come to rest in an old ruined fortress on the banks of the Dniester. The battle lasts for four days. The surviving Cossacks make their way, but the old ataman stops to look for his cradle in the grass, and the haiduks overtake him. Taras is tied to an oak tree with iron chains, his hands are nailed and a fire is laid out under him. Before his death, Taras manages to shout to his comrades to go down to the canoes, which he sees from above, and leave the chase along the river. And at the last terrible moment, the old chieftain thinks about his comrades, about their future victories, when old Taras will no longer be with them.

The Cossacks leave the chase, row together with oars and talk about their chieftain.

Source - Wikipedia, All the masterpieces of world literature in brief. Plots and characters. Russian literature of the 19th century,

Taras Bulba is a story by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, the idea of ​​which arose from the author in 1830. The writing of the work lasted for ten years. The author's revised version contains twelve chapters. Throughout the story, it tells about what happened during the war of the Cossacks with the Poles; what incredible difficulties the Cossacks had to endure in defending their land, how they did not bend under fire or under the sword, wanting to remain faithful to the Fatherland. Only the youngest son of Taras Bulba Andrey turned out to be a traitor and was killed by his own father ... You can read more about the story by reading the summary.

Article menu:

Chapter 1

Two sons of Taras Bulba - Ostap and Andrei - after studying at the Kyiv bursa are returning home. They are greeted by a joyful father and an anxious mother. After a short greeting, Taras and the eldest son Ostap suddenly wanted to measure their strength and began to beat each other, much to the concern of the mother. Finally, the father appreciated the strength of his son with the words: “Yes, he fights gloriously! .. The Cossack will be kind!”

The dream of making sons fighters for their homeland has been in the soul of the stubborn Taras Bulba for a long time. And he decided to send them to Zaporozhye. He is not touched by the tears of his mother, who has not seen Ostap and Andrey for so long, nor by the fact that they have not been at home for so long. “Sons should be at war – period,” Taras thinks so. In the heat of inflamed feelings, he suddenly expresses a desire to go with them. The father and two young Cossacks, to the great grief of the poor old woman, set off the very next day.

Chapter 2

Bursa, where Ostap and Andrei studied, did not teach them knowledge, but tempered their character. For example, the eldest son, often beaten with rods, began to be distinguished by firmness, which is acceptable for the Cossacks, and valued camaraderie; the younger one studied better and knew how to evade punishment at least sometimes. In addition to the thirst for achievement, other feelings were available to his soul.

On the way to Zaporozhye, sitting on a horse, Andrei began to recall his first meeting with a beautiful Polish woman, a lady: how frightened she was when she saw a stranger in front of her, how she put her brilliant diadem on his head; how childishly she behaved, embarrassing him.

And Zaporozhye was getting closer every day. The Dnieper was already blowing cold waves, and the Cossacks, after having crossed it, found themselves on the island of Khortitsa, near the Sich.

Chapter 3

The incessant feast of the Sich, where Taras Bulba settled with his sons, the drunken gaiety of people carried away Ostap and Andrey so much that they enthusiastically indulged in a wild life. The cruel laws of the Cossacks, when a stealing person was beaten to death with a club, and the debtor was chained to a cannon in anticipation of a ransom for him, were still not so severe punishments in comparison with those that were due for murder. The one who did this was buried alive in the ground along with the dead. This made an indelible impression on Andrew.

So the sons of Taras lived relatively calmly, until their father wanted a new war. It was he who began to incite the koshevoy to unleash a battle with the Busurmen, despite the fact that peace was promised to the sultan. Considering that, not knowing how to fight, a person will perish without a good deed like a dog, Taras Bulba was looking for any reason for enmity with another people. The Koschevoi's objections were met with hostility, and very soon another was chosen as the leader of the Cossacks - an old comrade Taras Bulba named Kirdyaga. In the Sich they celebrated this event all night long.

Chapter 4

No matter how strange it may seem normal person, but Taras Bulba was simply obsessed with the idea of ​​​​fighting with someone. He lamented that “the Cossack force is disappearing, there is no war” and began to incite the people to radical actions. The reason was soon found. A ferry with fugitive Cossacks arrived on the island, who told about the iniquities of the "Kids", who sew clothes from priests' robes and impose a ban on Christian holidays. This was the signal to unleash a new war between the Cossacks and the Poles.

Chapter 5

The beginning of the war satisfied Taras Bulba. He was proud of his matured sons, although he believed that Ostap was more capable of military affairs than Andrei. The romantic nature of the youngest son was also manifested in longing for his mother, who handed over the icon; and in the contemplation of beautiful nature. A soft heart, not completely hardened by battles, longed to love. That is why Andrei, having learned from the Tatar woman that the lady was starving, decided on a desperate act: to take a bag of food from his sleeping brother, follow the Tatar woman, see the beautiful Polish woman and help her.

Chapter 6

While the Tatar woman is leading Andrei through the underground passage, he notices both praying Catholic priests and women and children dying of hunger - a terrible picture that makes the heart freeze. Arriving at the place, the young man meets the one whom he has not seen for a long time - and notices that she has become even more beautiful. Andrey's feelings prevailed over common sense, and he went to the point of giving up everything for the sake of this girl - the Motherland, father, brother, friends. He went over to the side of the enemy without hesitation.

Chapter 7

The Cossacks are preparing to attack Dubno in order to strike for the captured Cossacks. Taras Bulba is worried, because he does not see his son Andrey anywhere - neither in the detachment of Cossacks, nor among the dead, nor among the prisoners. And suddenly Yankel reports terrible news: he saw Pan Andriy, but not bound in captivity, but alive, a knight, all in gold, like the richest Polish pan. Taras was shocked by such news, and at first he did not want to believe his ears, accusing Yankel of lying. And he cited more and more terrible facts, saying that even Andrei renounced his father and brother, saying that he would fight with them.

A battle ensues between the Poles and the Cossacks, in which many Cossacks die, including the ataman. Ostap decides to avenge him, and for such a feat he himself is elected chieftain.

Taras worries about his son, worrying why he was not among those who fought.

Chapter 8

The Tatars attack the Cossacks, and after consulting, the Cossacks decide to drive them away and return the loot. However, Taras has a different opinion: he proposes first to rescue his comrades from Polish captivity. The wise advice of Kasyan Bovdyug - to split up and go to war on both those and those - turns out to be most welcome. Warriors do this.

Chapter 9

In a severe battle, the Cossacks suffer heavy losses: cannons were used against them. However, the Cossacks, encouraged by Bulba, do not give up. Suddenly Taras sees his youngest son riding a black horse in the Polish regiment. The father, distraught with anger, catches up with the young man. He kills Andriy with a shot with the words: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you."

Ostap sees what happened, however, there is no time to understand - he is attacked by Polish soldiers. So the eldest son becomes a prisoner of the Poles. And Taras gets seriously injured.

Chapter 10

Bulba, brought by his comrades to the Sich, recovers from his wounds a month and a half later and decides to go to Warsaw to see Ostap. For help, he turns to Yankel, not even afraid that a lot of money was promised for his head. And he, having taken the reward, hides Taras at the bottom of the wagon, laying the top with a brick.

Chapter 11

Ostap is going to be executed at dawn. Bulba was late: it is already impossible to release him from the dungeon. You are only allowed to see him at dawn. Yankel, in order to arrange a meeting, goes to a trick: he dresses Taras in foreign clothes, but he, offended by a remark addressed to the Cossacks, gives himself away. Then Bulba goes to the place of his son's execution. He stands in the crowd, sees what kind of torment one who has not betrayed the Fatherland has to endure, gives his life for her, and says approvingly: “Good, son, good.”

Chapter 12

The whole nation, under the leadership of Taras Bulba, rose up against the Poles. He became very cruel, did not spare any of the enemies, burned eighteen cities. A lot of money was offered for Bulba's head, but they could not take him - until he himself, due to an absurd accident, fell into the hands of enemies. Taras's cradle of tobacco fell out, and he stopped his horses to look for it in the grass. Then the Poles seized him and sentenced him to a harsh death - by burning. But Taras did not give up in the face of torment, and even a blazing fire did not stop him. Until his last breath, he encouraged the Cossacks fighting on the banks of the Dniester River.

And then they remembered and glorified their chieftain.

The story begins with the arrival at home of two sons of Taras Bulba - Ostap and Andriy. They, like many other children of the Cossacks-Cossacks, were sent to study in the Kyiv Bursa - in the seminary. They were not going to make priests out of them, but the Cossack colonel Taras believed that his children should have an education. No less important, he considered the continuation of their male upbringing in the Zaporozhian Sich, where he and his sons had to go as quickly as possible.

Already in the first scene of the story, the characters of the main characters are visible. Ostap is courageous, resolute, straightforward. He does not tolerate jokes and ridicule and is ready to defend his honor with all his might, even in front of his father. Andriy, on the contrary, is gentle, sensitive, dreamy. Taras is noisy, extravagant, does not tolerate refusal in anything, he is a man of action.

With great tenderness, Gogol describes the mother of young Cossacks - the wife of Taras Bulba. She is a quiet, unrequited woman, used to obey her husband, suffered many insults from him. During his frequent departures, she herself ran a large household. Without the help of her husband, she raised the children, but is unable to keep them at home. She only has one night left to admire the children before leaving. The poor mother does not know if her sons will return home alive, because the Cossacks were in those days in a state of almost continuous war.

In the Zaporozhian Sich

The day after the return of the young people from the bursa, their father takes them to the military camp of the Cossacks. On the way, different thoughts visit travelers. Ostap dreams of military glory, Taras recalls his old exploits, and Andriy - a beautiful Polish girl whom he met and fell in love with during his studies.

Taras brings his sons to the Zaporizhzhya Sich - the camp of the Cossacks. Here they spend almost all the time between battles. This is a male community with its own laws, where courage and youth, the ability to drink alcohol and fight enemies are valued. The kuren chieftains here are chosen by the Cossacks, the rules are set once and for all.

Ostap and Andriy, despite all their differences, belong to the court in the Sich. Both young Cossacks and veterans consider them good warriors, respect and love them. Old Taras is proud of them. He is glad that his children show themselves well in peacetime. He hopes that during the war he will not be ashamed of his sons.

The war has begun

A suitable opportunity does not have to wait long, and Taras himself helps to increase the military fervor of the Cossacks. On his advice, the head of the Sich, the koshevoy, is re-elected. Now the Cossacks are commanded by a warlike man who gives the order to prepare for war with Poland.

However, the Cossacks cannot break their word given to the Poles and Turks. They cannot attack their enemies for no reason. But the reason is also soon found. A detachment of Cossacks appears in the Sich, who talk about the atrocities of the Poles and Jews. This becomes the formal reason for the performance of the Cossacks.

War is always accompanied by death, blood and fires. The Cossacks marched across Poland, sparing no one, killing both the old and the young. Every Polish or Jewish family could become a victim of a pogrom.

Ostap and Andriy during the war

The sons of old Taras were tempered in battles. Ostap showed himself to be a skilled leader, and his father already dreamed that he would become a famous commander. And Andriy in every battle surprised everyone with his reckless courage, military prowess.

The Cossacks brought with them fear, fires, hatred and murder. In battles and battles, in smoke and fire, the Zaporozhye army came to the big city of Dubna. It was a large and well-fortified fortress. The Cossack army could not take it immediately, so a siege was organized.

Skirmishes were rare, and the rest of the time the Cossacks burned the villages around, robbed the locals, had fun and waited for a real fight. And in the besieged fortress began a real famine. The residents of Dubna did not give up.

Andriy's betrayal

One night an elderly woman came to Andriy. He recognized her as a servant of a beautiful Polish girl. The girl from the walls of the fortress saw Andriy and recognized him as a seminarian who was in love with her. She sent her maid for help. Old woman asked to give her some food for her mistress, but Andriy did it differently. He decided to go to the Pole himself to see her again.

But, having seen the girl, he could no longer part with her, and remained in the fortress to protect her from his comrades. Andriy abandoned his Fatherland, his family and friends - he betrayed his land.

Andrei's betrayal
Taras did not believe this for a long time, but when he saw his son with the Poles, he vowed to kill him with his own hands. In one of the battles, when a detachment from the city tried to break the siege, the old Cossack kept his promise - he killed his youngest son. In the same battle, Ostap Bulba was captured.

The death of Ostap

Taras was seriously wounded in battle and was ill for a long time. He managed to recover only after a long treatment. And then he learned that Ostap was in Warsaw, and he was to be executed.

Taras, with the help of a Jew whom he once saved from death, comes to Warsaw to try to save his son. He gives a large amount to a guard in the prison to see Ostap. But the Pole deceives Taras. He can't even see his son.

There is nothing more the old Cossack can do. But he wants to see Ostap at least once more and goes to the square where the execution of the Cossacks is to take place. Taras sees that Ostap did not drop the honor of the Orthodox warrior here either and withstood all the tortures without asking or groaning. And just before his death, he loudly calls his father. And the father responds to him, but the Poles, who were just waiting for this, fail to catch him. Taras leaves the city to start a terrible revenge for his son.

Read. The story describes the difficult life of a St. Petersburg official who is forced to endure daily hardships for the sake of his dream.

The novel-poem by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a recognized encyclopedia of human souls and characters, types of Russia of that time.

Death of Taras

The Poles captured many Ukrainian cities and villages, killed and burned Ukrainians. The entire Cossack army rose to fight them. All fought bravely, but the regiment of Taras Bulba was distinguished among them by its courage and cruelty.

The Poles began to ask for mercy from the Cossacks, but they did not believe their enemies. The war continued, and only the requests of the Orthodox clergy could give hope to the Poles.

A peace treaty was signed, according to which the Cossacks received their former rights and freedoms, and Orthodox churches remained untouched. The Cossacks returned to the camps, but Taras urged them not to trust the vile Poles and not to stop the war with them.

He turned out to be right: the Poles broke their word, killed the Cossack atamans and foremen. Taras with his regiment walked around Poland, celebrating a cruel wake for his eldest son, not sparing anyone: neither children, nor old, nor young.

For a long time the Poles tried to catch Taras. They sent the best detachments against him, led by Hetman Potocki. But old Bulba would have left him too, his regiment had already broken through the encirclement of enemies. But he felt sorry for the lost old pipe, which he left on the battlefield, and Taras returned. Here he was captured by the Poles.

The Poles decided to execute Taras Bulba with a terrible execution. They were so afraid of the old Cossack that they came up with the most terrible death for him - in the fire. But even from the fire, he gave instructions to his comrades how they could be saved.

The story "Taras Bulba" is a terrible story about cruel times, about loyalty, about love, about betrayal. Kozak Taras is a symbol of the unbending will and devotion of an Orthodox warrior, contempt for fear and love for his native land.

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  1. Very briefly
  2. the main idea
  3. Summary
  4. Summary chapter by chapter
  5. About the work

Very brief content for a reader's diary

Two sons return to Taras from the seminary, whom he decides to send into battle so that they do not waste their strength and young will. The mother cries over the sleeping heads of her sons, in the morning she says goodbye to him. In the war, Andriy in a dream sees the servant of his beloved, leaving his father, he wanders at night to his beloved meadow. In one of the battles, his father meets with him one on one and kills him for betrayal. Ostap is captured and executed in front of his father. The father, consumed by revenge, is also captured and dies in agony, with thoughts of his sons, life and comrades.

Main idea Gogol Taras Bulba

The story tells about how, for the sake of love, children go to the betrayal of their parents, about loyalty to their homeland and the unity of the people.

Read the summary of Gogol Taras Bulba

Two sons come to the colonel. Two healthy and strong guys, embarrassed at the ridicule of their father at the expense of their clothes. The father meets the eldest son with cuffs instead of a greeting. The mother protected her youngest son from such a fatherly greeting.

Taras Bulba, seeing the strength in the young Cossacks, decides to send them to the Zaporozhian Sich. The mother, grieving, sat up all night at the bed of the fellows. Along the way, the sons are going through a separation from their mother, the father, remembering the past years, sheds a tear. The youngest son, Andriy, dreamed of a Pole girl with whom he spent the night, recalled how he ran away from the servants at night.

Taras does not want to waste time on military exercises. After consulting with his comrades, he decides to organize a campaign in order not to waste the young Cossack strength in vain. The new Koschevoi decides to go to Poland, to answer for all the ashamed Cossack forces and faith in it.

In battles, good fellows showed valor and were always among the first. The father was proud of his sons. But one night Andriy had a dream about a clearing, how her maid calls for help, says that his dear is starving. The guy, without thinking twice, loads the bread, follows the trail of the Tatar to his beloved. Helping his beloved, Andriy has to renounce his father. He is full of courage and confidence to protect her from his yesterday's comrades until death overtakes him.

The father, having found the youngest son, knows about the betrayal on his part. During the battles with the Poles, news comes that, due to the lack of military power, the Tatars captured the remaining goats and took the treasury.

It's time for a decisive battle. Andrii is lured into the forest, he appears before his father. Taras Bulba kills his youngest son. At this time, Ostap was taken prisoner, the wounded Taras returned to the Sich.

Having healed his wounds, the father rushes in search of the eldest son - the pride of his father. Having found him, he tries to save him, to get him out of captivity, but all attempts do not bring any benefit. Taras is present at the execution of his eldest son. From the chest of the valiant young man not a single cry for help comes out, only the question of whether his father hears him. Bulba answers him that he hears, they begin to pursue him, but they never find him.

The Cossack army, headed by Taras, attacks the Poles with particular ferocity. The enemy is defeated and their leader no longer dares to offend the Cossack army. But this does not stop Taras Bulba, he intends to take revenge for the death of his eldest son, Ostap, and destroys everything in his path.

The last fight lasts about four days. A regiment of goats was resting in a fortress on the banks of the river, while the enemy overtook them. The chieftain was seized, tied to a huge oak tree, his hands were pierced with nails, and a fire was set on fire at his feet. In agony, he shouts out to his comrades to save themselves and punishes them by which way to return home. Taras, before his death, thinks about his comrades and the life path he has traveled.

Summary of Taras Bulba by Chapters (Gogol)

Chapter 1

In this chapter, Taras Bulba meets Ostap and Andriy. They returned from Kyiv, having finished their studies there. He begins to joke about their appearance, but naturally with kindness. But the senior is outraged. And instead of greeting each other in a family way, there is some misunderstanding between them, but it quickly ended.

But it was not easy for his mother to accept his decision, and she hugged them, and she wanted the night to last forever.

When the children were leaving, she ran towards them with an ease and speed that no one had seen in her before. She could not just let go of her native bloods. And the Cossacks even had to fire her aside.

Chapter 2

In this chapter, Taras Bulba recalls his youth, his Cossack friends and the adventures he had, and also imagines how he will tell his sons. But his sons have completely different thoughts. When they were 12 years old, they were sent to Kyiv Academy. The eldest son wanted to run away from there and even buried the primer, but everyone unsuccessfully constantly returned it, and bought the book. But he still did not want to give up, if his father had not said that he would send him to a monastery. Naturally, he did not want to go there, so he began to try to do everything right and slowly took his place among the best students.

But Andriy wanted to study, so he did not need much effort for this. He grew up as an inventive boy, so he often became the author of adventures. But, nevertheless, he was not punished, because his flexible mind allowed him to be avoided. He was an open and sincere boy. But once he saw a girl - a Pole and fell in love. Literally the next night, he was looking for a way to get into her chambers. Of course, the lady was frightened at first, but then she cheered up and even put various decorations on him. The Tatar helped Andriy leave the house when there was a knock at the door.

They continued to gallop across the beautiful endless steppes. Here everything breathed freedom, purity. After a while they were already on the island of Khortytsya. The sons came to the Sich. People here lived normal lives.

Chapter 3

They saw the Sich as "a constant feast." Artisans, merchants and merchants lived here, but many people just walked around.

But on Khortitsa everything was different. Here lived people who did not have an education or simply left the academy, but you could also meet learned people. All of them were united by faith in God and boundless love for their native land.

The sons very quickly joined this environment and they liked it. But Taras Bulba was against it, because he brought them here to take part in the battles. And now he constantly thinks about the event that would lead to war. And then, by the way, there was a quarrel with the koshevoy. Of course, Taras does not intend to retreat from his plans, even despite the fact that the koshevoi does not want war at all. And Taras came up with revenge. He persuades his friends to get everyone drunk so that they drive the koschevoi away. Everything turns out as he planned, and Kirdyag is elected.

Chapter 4

In this chapter, Taras asks the new Koschevoi for permission for a new campaign. But that wise man then answers him the following: "It is necessary that the people gather independently without any coercion." But the whole point is that he did not want to take responsibility for the violation of peace between states. But then a ferry arrives on the island, on which the Cossacks who were able to escape. They say very scary things. They know from their mouths that catholic priests they ride on wagons drawn by Christians, the Jews sew clothes for themselves from their robes of priests, people are forbidden to celebrate Christian holidays. This greatly outrages the Cossacks, and they want to stop this lawlessness. Because no one can insult their faith and people. Both old and young are ready to go to defend their homeland, defeat the Poles and take trophies from the villages that will be captured.

The Cossacks began to shout: "Hang up the Jewess! So that they don't sew skirts from priest's robes!" These words became parting words for the Cossacks. But here's the problem, because Taras Bulba had a friend, a Jew. He tries with all his might to save his life and saves, and then even gives permission to go to Poland.

Chapter 5

Glorious Cossacks add up legends about their conquests.

The Cossacks moved at night and rested during the day. Taras Bulba was proud of his sons, who became mature. It constantly seemed to him that Ostap was just a born warrior. He has shown himself to be a brave, courageous warrior who has an analytical mind. But Andriy saw romance in Ryazan campaigns and battles with a sword. All his actions were done intuitively, but sometimes he could do something that more than one experienced warrior would not do.

Here the army has already approached the city of Dubno. And the Cossacks rushed to the shaft, but they were met with arrows, covered with stones, dumped their mother with sand and poured boiling water over them. The Cossacks realized that they were under siege, but it was not a strong point and they decided to starve the city out. They began to trample down their fields on the roots, all the crops in the gardens were also destroyed. The sons do not like such a life, but their father encouraged them with the words: “Be patient with the Cossack - you will be the chieftain!”

Esaul brought an icon to his sons from their mother. Andriy misses her very much, but his father’s order does not allow him to return, although his heart shrinks from separation. When everyone is asleep, he admires the night sky. Views the beautiful nature and enjoys. But then a figure catches his eye. Looking closer, he saw in her a Tatar woman who serves the pannochka. The Tatar woman tells him about the famine and the lady who has not eaten for several days. As it turned out, she recognized him and asked to find him. Maybe he will give her bread, but if not, then let him come just like that. Andriy immediately begins to look for supplies, but it turned out that everything was eaten. Then he decides on a desperate act, pulling out a bag of groceries from under his older brother. Ostap woke up for a moment and immediately fell asleep. He carefully goes out into the street, where a Tatar woman was waiting for him, promising to lead him through the underground passage.

But suddenly the father calls out, saying that there is no goodness from women. Then Taras quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 6

As promised, the Tatar woman leads Andriy through an underground passage, they end up in a Catholic monastery, where they found priests reciting a prayer. Andriy loved it interior decoration monastery, especially the stained-glass windows, how they shimmer and play with colors in the light. But most of all he liked the music.

They enter the city and already at dawn. Andriy noticed a woman who was holding a child in her arms, but, unfortunately, she turned out to be dead of hunger. Then, out of nowhere, a man appears, who begs for a lump of bread. Andriy fulfills his request, but as soon as he eats it, he immediately dies, because he has been hungry for a long time. The Tatar woman says that all living things that could be eaten have been eaten. But, nevertheless, the voivode ordered not to give up, because one of these days two regiments from Poland should come to the rescue.

Andriy and the maid enter the house, where he sees his beloved. Now she is completely different - a beauty cannot be said in a fairy tale, not described with a pen. And then she seemed to him a lovely windy girl. They cannot look at each other. The Tatar cut the bread and brought it, then the lady began to eat it, but Andriy warned that you need to eat in parts or you can die. The feelings that flared up between them were so strong that he was ready to renounce everything, just to be with her and serve only her alone.

A merry Tatar woman appears in the room and says that the Poles have come and are leading the captured Cossacks. Andriy kisses his beloved.

Chapter 7

The Cossacks decide to attack Dubno in order to retaliate for their captured friends. But Yankel tells Taras that he saw Andrii in the city. "They gave him another horse, changed his clothes and now it shines like a coin." But Taras does not believe, he seemed to be dumbfounded by what he heard.

Then Yankel presents him with another news about the impending wedding of Andriy and the pan's daughter. Which should take place after he drives the Cossacks out of the city. But Taras Bulba still does not believe, he is furious and suspects that Yankel is lying to him.

In the morning they learn that many Cossacks have been killed, and many Cossacks have been taken prisoner from the kuren. And then a battle between the Cossacks and the Poles began. They want to break the Polish army into pieces, then they can quickly win.

But in the battle they kill one of the atamans of the Cossacks, then Ostap avenges him. And in response, the Cossacks elect him chieftain for his courage. Ostap had the opportunity to prove himself as a wise leader, he ordered to retreat from the walls, and after a moment various objects rained down from there.

The battle is over. The Cossacks buried their comrades-in-arms, but they tied the Poles to wild horses to be dragged across the steppes and ravines. Taras was worried about the only question why the youngest son did not participate in the battle. He hated the lady and is ready to avenge her for her son, who renounced everything for her sake. But what awaits Taras Bulba tomorrow?

Chapter 8

News is brought from the Sich that during the absence of the Cossacks, the Tatars attacked Khortitsa. Koshevoy collects advice, but he addresses them not as a boss, but as a friend, comrade. Everyone decided to catch up with the Tatars and return what they had taken. But Taras did not share this decision. He talks about the main value of the Cossacks - this is camaraderie, and that one cannot go after the Tatars if their comrades from Polish captivity have not yet been released. But the Cossacks agree with both Taras and the Koshevoi. But no one knows how to solve this situation. Here comes Kasyan Bovdyug. He is a wise and respected Cossack. And he proposes to split up: those who want to take revenge on the Tatars should go with the koshevoi, and those who rescue their own from captivity should stay with Bulba.

The Cossacks say goodbye, drink to the faith and the Sich.

Chapter 9

Due to bad calculations, the city is starving again. The news reaches the chief that the Cossacks left after the Tatars, they begin active preparations for the battle. The Poles admire the tactics of the Cossacks, but, nevertheless, they lost a lot of people. But the Cossacks are not going to give up, Taras Bulba invigorates them. Then he notices his son, who is riding at the head of the Polish regiment. He was simply pissed off at what he saw. He starts chasing him. And the son at the sight of his father lost all fighting spirit. Andriy then dismounts from his horse. And before his death, he only managed to name his mother and the Polish girl. Taras Bulba kills him with a shot, while uttering a phrase that has long become " catch phrase":" I gave birth to you, I will kill you! ". Ostap to see all this, but not the time to figure it out, because the Poles attack him.

Chapter 10

But Bulba remains alive, he is brought to the Sich. A month and a half later, he is recovering from his wounds. In the Sich, everything is completely different. The Cossacks are no longer the same, and those who left to fight the Tatars simply did not return. Taras Bulba was very stern, indifferent, and he did not take part in festivities and fun. Taras turns to Yankel for help to take him to Warsaw. He was not afraid that big money was promised for his head. Taking a fee for the service, he hides it in a wagon and pawns it with a brick.

Chapter 11

Taras appeals to the Jews to let his son go. But it's too late for the execution. But he is allowed a date at dawn. Naturally he agreed. Yankel dresses him in different clothes, they end up in jail. Yankel flatters the guards. But now Taras is touched by the word, and he reveals the whole secret.

Bulba demands to be taken to the place of execution. The Cossacks walked drooping, Ostap walked in front. He shouted into the crowd: "Do you hear?", And in response to him, "I hear."

Chapter 12

The whole Sich gathered under the command of Taras Bulba to Poland. He became very cruel, hated the Poles. He reached Krakow with his army and burned 18 cities. But Hetman Pototsky was ordered to seize Bulba. The battle lasted 4 days. The victory was almost won, but Taras was captured while looking for a cradle in the grass. And he was burned.

About the work

This work belongs to the cycle called "Mirgorod". Moreover, there are two editions from 1835 and 1842. But Gogol wanted to make some adjustments and not yet publish the book. But still it was published without his amendments.

The events described in the book date back to about the 17th century, but the author deliberately mentions the 15th century, which may well indicate the fantastic nature of the story. In the work itself, two plans can be distinguished, but this is a conditional division. The first one tells about the life of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, and also describes their campaign against Poland, but the second one tells about the Cossack Taras Bulba, as well as about his sons.

As in any story, there are main characters and minor ones. So the main ones are:

Taras Bulba - main character, he is respected, he is a good warrior. Strong faith and love for the Motherland are considered its virtues.

The next main character is his eldest son Taras Ostap. He graduated from seminary. He participated in battles, where he showed himself as a brave, prudent person, he perfectly analyzes the situation and therefore is able to make the right decision. He is a good son.

There is also a younger son, Andriy. He sees beauty in every little thing, feels nature, but, despite his subtle nature, participating in battles, he showed himself to be a brave warrior and uses an unconventional approach in combat.

In addition to the main characters, there are also other faces that deserve attention:

Yankel is a Jew, he is always looking for a benefit for himself in any situation.

Pannochka is the daughter of a Polish lord, the youngest son of Taras is in love with her.

The Tatar is the lady's maid. It is she who tells Andriy that there is famine in Dubno and how to get there through the underground passage.

The main idea: the work tells a story about father and sons, loyalty to the motherland, heroism and love. These themes are still relevant today.

Picture or drawing Taras Bulba

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