Igor mann number 1 read online. Literacy and good writing skills

© I. B. Mann, 2014

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

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Dedicated first

From the author

I never thought that I was somehow special, purposeful and systematic in creating my brand (although many people think that this is exactly what I do).

Let me tell a story.

A few years ago, I received a letter from a consultant (let's call him Stepan) with the following request: “Igor, could you make me as famous in my field as you are famous in marketing. You are in marketing #.1. I also want to be No. 1, but in my field.”

Shortly before our meeting with Stepan, I discovered mind mapping (building memory maps) with great pleasure.

I always liked taking on new challenges, and I told Stepan that I would see if I could tell him how I became so famous in marketing and if he could use my experience.

Yes, they call me the guru, the top marketer, the most famous marketer… But really, how did this happen and what needs to be done to replicate it in another field?

Let me explain right away: I really consider myself No. 1 in Russian marketing. Not a guru, namely No. 1.

Why? I have done and am doing a lot to promote and popularize it, I give lectures, consult, I have written ten books, all of them are original and one of a kind.

I was the face of the cover of The Company magazine when I started working in Austria in 2000 as Chief Marketing Officer for Avaya in the Central Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa region, responsible for marketing in 68 countries around the world.

Igor Mann

Number 1. How to be the best at what you do

© I. B. Mann, 2014

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

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I never thought that I was somehow special, purposeful and systematic in creating my brand (although many people think that this is exactly what I do).

Let me tell a story.

A few years ago, I received a letter from a consultant (let's call him Stepan) with the following request: “Igor, could you make me as famous in my field as you are famous in marketing. You are in marketing #.1. I also want to be No. 1, but in my field.”

Shortly before our meeting with Stepan, I discovered mind mapping (building memory maps) with great pleasure.

I always liked taking on new challenges, and I told Stepan that I would see if I could tell him how I became so famous in marketing and if he could use my experience.

Yes, they call me the guru, the top marketer, the most famous marketer… But really, how did this happen and what needs to be done to replicate it in another field?

Let me explain right away: I really consider myself No. 1 in Russian marketing. Not a guru, namely No. 1.

Why? I have done and am doing a lot to promote and popularize it, I give lectures, consult, I have written ten books, all of them are original and one of a kind.

I was the face of the cover of The Company magazine when I started working in Austria in 2000 as Chief Marketing Officer for Avaya in the Central Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa region, responsible for marketing in 68 countries around the world.

Marketing 100% is the first and only book so far on how to become a a good manager for marketing. It is also, perhaps, the best-selling book in Russia: its total circulation is more than 100,000 copies.

The Marketing Machine is the first Russian book on how to become and be a good marketing director.

"Marketing Without a Budget" was the most expensive marketing book in our country, Philip Kotler gave it a very good review (I do not know of any other book by a Russian author with a review by an international marketing guru).

Returnees and Points of Contact are perhaps the only books of their kind on customer return marketing and the points of contact between a company and its customers (I have not seen books on this topic in the West either).

I was the only Russian speaker at the first international marketing forum held in 2012 by Philip Kotler.

I can go on... But that seems to be enough.

I also consider myself No. 1 in the topic of customer centricity.

I sat down at my computer, launched MindManager, and started drawing a map. And this is what I got (the map is also posted on the MIF website: http://www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/nomer_odin/addition/):

It turns out that in order to repeat my path, you need to do simple and understandable things. (see first level).

Set a goal (for example, "Become No. 1 in ...").

Do an audit of yourself.

Constantly and systematically engage in personal and professional development.

It is imperative (I emphasize: mandatory) to achieve high results in what you do. Without “records”, achievements, “business cards”, first-class projects and results, you are definitely not No. 1.

And in the last place in this algorithm is promotion. It should be, but it is not a decisive success factor.

The components of these large items can be detailed.

And when you reach your goal of becoming No. 1, you will need to adjust your goal, raise the bar, or set a completely new goal for yourself.

Naturally, such a simple answer to Stepan (let me remind you: he is a consultant) would obviously not be enough, and I “dived” into books on this issue and into the Internet.

So much has been written on this subject!

And almost all books are like twins: repetitive advice, repetitive stories...

And surprisingly: there are a lot of letters everywhere, but none of the authors proposed the “do one, do two, do three” model.

Many tell how to become a brand, how to become a superbrand, but do not explain how to do it (I have not seen the system).

Many told absolutely amazing things for me - and after Stanislavsky I repeated his words: “I don’t believe!”

And then - as agreed! - for six months, I was repeatedly asked about the same by others, acquaintances (my colleagues) and completely strangers. And every time I opened my card and for an hour and a half I “ran” over it together with the interlocutor, and every time everyone who turned to me was simply happy. The roadmap - what to do to become No.1 - was transparent, understandable and made it possible to start working on it immediately after the meeting.

The more No.1 will be in our country - first-class specialists, experts, consultants, employees, managers, entrepreneurs - the better for each city, region and our country (and, of course, for No.1 himself, for his family and clients /partners/colleagues).

That is how this book came about. And I'm glad you have it in your hands. So, you are already one of us or will be with us soon.

I read your thoughts: “What if someone in marketing, working on this card, becomes No. 1 and pushes Igor Mann aside?”

I confess it's possible. But I'm not afraid of it.

Anyone who decides to do this (and he is a brave person!), Should remember that I do not stop and work on this map myself (always!).

So if anyone decides, then see you on the route.

The strongest will win.

The book you hold in your hands is as simple as the map you just saw. 100% answering the question “what to do?”, Unfortunately, it does not give detailed and detailed answers to the questions “how to do it?”. But every time I will try to recommend you the best sources of information - books and specialists.

All that remains for you is to create your map, develop your plan to become No.1 and become No.1.

Don't skip steps.

Do tasks after the chapters.

Desire + goal + hard work + great results - and you should succeed. Begin!

How to work with this book?

The best thing a book can do for a person is to make him act.

Thomas Carlyle

Dozens of books in Russian and thousands in English have been published about self-marketing.

Since 2009, when I wrote the book Marketing Without a Budget, I want to write books in such a way that the reader will say: “Wow, I have not seen this before.”

I'm sure you've never seen a book like this one before.

This book is about what is important to know and what is important to do in order to become #.1. But it will not replace highly specialized books on various aspects of personal development and books on self-marketing. It is impossible to collect all the tips that will help you become No. 1 under one cover, and at the same time be interesting to every reader (after all, everyone has their own level of development, their own goals and ambitions).

You will find here a step-by-step algorithm on how to get from the point where you are now to the point where you want to be - how to become No. 1 in what you do (want to do).

In the course of reading, gradually complete the tasks from Appendix 1. This is a checklist according to which you should check yourself and work on yourself. And at the same time, it is a roadmap along which you will move, focusing on exactly what you need, and adding - in quantity, quality, pace - where necessary.

Here is my example.

I'm reading about the ability to write.

I believe that this skill is critically important for me. I think he is well developed. The priority in its development for me is in category B. My table row will look like this:

You may be surprised that I prioritized B over A.

It's just that I have many other skills that are more important to me that I need to develop first.

I think that 99% of book readers (and I myself am one of them) skip the exercises in which the author encourages them to underline something, fill in, think, answer ...

Itzhak Adizes

Managing change. How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life

Foreword from the publishing partner

First you decide what to do and then you effectively implement your decision

If you don't want to make changes, I guarantee that there will be someone who will do it for you.

Jack Welch

The Stins Coman group of companies traditionally supports the publication of new books by Professor Yitzhak Calderon Adizes in Russia. The approaches that the author talks about are necessary and in great demand in the Russian business environment. This is evidenced by the fact that Adizes books are constantly reprinted and new ones appear.

According to Professor Yitzhak Adizes, to live means to solve problems, and to develop means to acquire the skills to solve more complex problems. The book by I. Adizes "Managing Change" is devoted to the processes of making managerial decisions. The purpose of management, nurture, government - in a word, any form of organizational leadership - is to solve today's problems and prepare for tomorrow. This is change management.

The problems that arise as a result of ongoing changes are quite predictable. Professor I. Adizes clearly reveals the nature of problems and, in his characteristic thorough manner, explains how to effectively resolve situations related to the creation of a workable team, be prepared for a clash of interests, how to increase the number of constructive proposals from employees, how to eradicate disrespect for other people's opinions and mutual distrust of the participants of the ongoing change.

Yitzhak Adizes is an unsurpassed author of paradoxical managerial decisions. In one of his books, published four decades ago, he stated that there are no ideal managers and managers at all. In this book, he says that the concept of a “good solution” also does not exist. There is a “good decision for the moment”, and it must be taken into account that the period of their life is quite short, so decisions should be evaluated by their impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization in the short and long term. “Right actions must be done at the right time, in the right order, with the right intensity and correct sequence". The task of the manager, according to the author, is to learn how to do the right things correctly.

The recommendations of I. Adizes are addressed to those who are ready to work on themselves in order to achieve their goals, while demonstrating a sufficient level of reflection and the ability to move away from stereotypes. First of all, I would advise reading this book to managers whose career growth turned out to be rapid. I. Adizes not only lays out the nuances of management "in theory", but also explains how to use this knowledge in practice.

The methodology of I. Adizes is a kind of matrix that can be applied in any system - be it an organization, a family or a team of like-minded people. Roles in the system should be distributed so that there is integration (I), entrepreneurship (E), administration (A), and production of the desired result (P). Only when all these roles are performed can the management team make the right decisions and subsequently implement them effectively.

The book is written in the form of a conversation and is easy to read. Methods and approaches are not only understandable, but also well structured. In addition, the main ideas to which the author leads are presented in the form of brief conclusions.

After reading this book, one cannot hope to obtain the only and completely necessary knowledge. But taking it as a basis and building up your own experience and knowledge, you can count on success.

Irina Slesareva,

Vice President for Marketing and HR, Stins Coman Group


Dear reader!

The book you are holding in your hands is written by Dr. Yitzhak Calderon Adizes, the famous "guru" of management theory. About ten years ago, this name in Russia was known only in narrow scientific circles - it was referred to in dissertations and scientific articles. But in most cases, these were links to a link, since the books of I. Adizes were practically inaccessible in the original, and Russian translations did not exist. But over the years the situation has changed dramatically: almost all of his books have already been published in Russian; his articles and interviews regularly appear on the pages of domestic newspapers and magazines; as a consultant he works with the largest Russian companies; Dr. Adizes regularly delivers his lectures in Russia, not only to students and professors, but also to government officials, including the governors of all subjects of the Federation. All these positive changes have occurred to a large extent thanks to the efforts of the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, where he is a scientific consultant for the Executive MBA and MBA programs. His applied management theory, known throughout the world as the "Adizes methodology", is the basis of our curricula. And in the Executive MBA program, which is focused on training owners and top managers, this methodology is a mandatory part of the program and has been implemented for many years in collaboration with the Adizes Graduate School (Adizes Institute Postgraduate School).

Number 1. How to be the best at what you do Igor Mann

(ratings: 1 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

Title: Number 1. How to be the best at what you do

About the book "Number 1. How to be the best at what you do" by Igor Mann

Many success books talk about how to behave, what to do, what to think about. All this is necessary in order to achieve maximum results in life. But the book "Number 1. How to be the best at what you do" by Igor Mann is even more unique and unusual.

The modern world is so arranged, if you want to achieve something, know how to spin. Sometimes we think that we are doing the maximum, but the result has not been, and still is not. In fact, it is precisely because of constant employment that we lose sight of a lot, we do either not enough, or not quite right.

You can find a lot of literature, re-read it, and in the end, nothing will happen. And you can find one book that will not only help you organize your life correctly, but also make you act immediately. Igor Mann was able to write just such a book called "Number 1. How to be the best at what you do."

The book is very inspiring, although it, in fact, does not contain anything supernatural. It is unique in that it is very simple and understandable. We ourselves complicate everything, forgetting about elementary things, and then complain about how difficult it is to live in this world.

The most important highlight of the book "Number 1. How to become the best in what you do" is that it is a book-table, a book-summary. You will not only read it, but also analyze yourself, draw up tables that will help you move forward, get to the point where you always wanted to be, become the best in your business, achieve maximum results.

The book “Number 1. How to be the best at what you do” needs to be worked on, and not just read, believing that you have mastered the material well, close it and put it in the far corner. You must study it, perhaps even more than once, note the main points, fill in the tables. Although it is a long work, but believe me, it is worth it. You will be surprised what results you get at the very end.

Igor Mann wrote an excellent work that will help you set the main goal correctly, analyze yourself and understand what exactly you need to work on, how to properly develop your capabilities. In the last chapter, you will know your results and will clearly understand what you need to work on, what goals to set, how to move correctly.

Another plus of the book "Number 1. How to be the best at what you do" is that Igor Mann offers a lot of useful literature that will motivate you and direct you in the right direction. Igor Mann does not write empty words and phrases, he has specific recommendations and advice. In addition, he gives many examples.

The book "Number 1. How to be the best at what you do" will appeal to everyone who has not read it yet. This is exactly what makes you act, move towards your goal, dream. In addition, after reading, you will have a clear action plan, and Igor Mann's competent recommendations will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"Number 1. How to be the best at what you do" by Igor Mann in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "Number 1. How to be the best at what you do" by Igor Mann

Donald Trump put it like this: “You should dress not according to who you are now, but according to who you want to be.”

As the saying goes, aim for the sun and you will definitely hit the moon.
And if you aim at the moon - you can not fly.

John Assaraf, Murray Smith. Answer. How to succeed in business, gain financial freedom and live happily. M. : Eksmo: Midgard, 2009.

Marshall Goldsmith, in his book Jump Above Your Head, writes: “Statistically, if you improve in a particular area, your other indicators improve as well ... A change in one leads to an overall improvement.”

A person who is lucky is a person who has done what others were only going to do.

Desire + goal + hard work + great results - and you should succeed. Begin!

Firstly, it will be good if the goal was formulated according to the SMART model (an abbreviation of the words specific - specific; measurable - measurable; attainable - achievable; relevant - significant; time-bounded - correlated with a specific period).

positive towards change.
Constant readiness for change.

Igor Mann

Number 1. How to be the best at what you do

© I. B. Mann, 2014

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

* * *

I never thought that I was somehow special, purposeful and systematic in creating my brand (although many people think that this is exactly what I do).

Let me tell a story.

A few years ago, I received a letter from a consultant (let's call him Stepan) with the following request: “Igor, could you make me as famous in my field as you are famous in marketing. You are in marketing #.1. I also want to be No. 1, but in my field.”

Shortly before our meeting with Stepan, I discovered mind mapping (building memory maps) with great pleasure.

I always liked taking on new challenges, and I told Stepan that I would see if I could tell him how I became so famous in marketing and if he could use my experience.

Yes, they call me the guru, the top marketer, the most famous marketer… But really, how did this happen and what needs to be done to replicate it in another field?

Let me explain right away: I really consider myself No. 1 in Russian marketing. Not a guru, namely No. 1.

Why? I have done and am doing a lot to promote and popularize it, I give lectures, consult, I have written ten books, all of them are original and one of a kind.

I was the face of the cover of The Company magazine when I started working in Austria in 2000 as Chief Marketing Officer for Avaya in the Central Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa region, responsible for marketing in 68 countries around the world.

Marketing 100% is the first and only book so far on how to become a good marketing manager. It is also, perhaps, the best-selling book in Russia: its total circulation is more than 100,000 copies.

The Marketing Machine is the first Russian book on how to become and be a good marketing director.

"Marketing Without a Budget" was the most expensive marketing book in our country, Philip Kotler gave it a very good review (I do not know of any other book by a Russian author with a review by an international marketing guru).

Returnees and Points of Contact are perhaps the only books of their kind on customer return marketing and the points of contact between a company and its customers (I have not seen books on this topic in the West either).

I was the only Russian speaker at the first international marketing forum held in 2012 by Philip Kotler.

I can go on... But that seems to be enough.

I also consider myself No. 1 in the topic of customer centricity.

I sat down at my computer, launched MindManager, and started drawing a map. And this is what I got (the map is also posted on the MIF website: http://www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/nomer_odin/addition/):

It turns out that in order to repeat my path, you need to do simple and understandable things. (see first level).

Set a goal (for example, "Become No. 1 in ...").

Do an audit of yourself.

Constantly and systematically engage in personal and professional development.

It is imperative (I emphasize: mandatory) to achieve high results in what you do. Without “records”, achievements, “business cards”, first-class projects and results, you are definitely not No. 1.

And in the last place in this algorithm is promotion. It should be, but it is not a decisive success factor.

The components of these large items can be detailed.

And when you reach your goal of becoming No. 1, you will need to adjust your goal, raise the bar, or set a completely new goal for yourself.

Naturally, such a simple answer to Stepan (let me remind you: he is a consultant) would obviously not be enough, and I “dived” into books on this issue and into the Internet.

So much has been written on this subject!

And almost all books are like twins: repetitive advice, repetitive stories...

And surprisingly: there are a lot of letters everywhere, but none of the authors proposed the “do one, do two, do three” model.

Many tell how to become a brand, how to become a superbrand, but do not explain how to do it (I have not seen the system).

Many told absolutely amazing things for me - and after Stanislavsky I repeated his words: “I don’t believe!”

And then - as agreed! - within six months, I was repeatedly asked about the same by others, acquaintances (my colleagues) and complete strangers. And every time I opened my card and for an hour and a half I “ran” over it together with the interlocutor, and every time everyone who turned to me was simply happy. The roadmap - what to do to become No.1 - was transparent, understandable and made it possible to start working on it immediately after the meeting.

The more No.1 will be in our country - first-class specialists, experts, consultants, employees, managers, entrepreneurs - the better for each city, region and our country (and, of course, for No.1 himself, for his family and clients /partners/colleagues).

That is how this book came about. And I'm glad you have it in your hands. So, you are already one of us or will be with us soon.

I read your thoughts: “What if someone in marketing, working on this card, becomes No. 1 and pushes Igor Mann aside?”

I confess it's possible. But I'm not afraid of it.

Anyone who decides to do this (and he is a brave person!), Should remember that I do not stop and work on this map myself (always!).