How to find the ideal place of residence according to the horoscope? Astrological definition of the best place to live What the horoscope shows about moving for Libra.

The events of your life are inextricably linked with geography - with the latitude and longitude at which you live. When you move and even for a short trip, your basic natal chart (horoscope of birth) does not change. But due to the change in coordinates, the Houses of the horoscope, which are responsible for different areas of life, shift. And this sets a completely new development of events. Moving affects the event side. Thanks to new events in a new place, you gradually change yourself, new interests, new habits appear. It is important to understand that big changes happen gradually and take time.

Each of us is born into certain time, in a certain place. These data form the basis of the natal chart (horoscope of birth). However, in astrology there is also local map - horoscope of the place of residence. Many people almost never leave the region of their birth and only occasionally go to other cities and countries on vacation. These trips are always associated with new sensations, events, emotions. And it's not just a change of scenery. As you move, your horoscope adjusts to reflect the new terrain. And if the vacation passes quickly, without affecting the fate as a whole, then when moving to a permanent place of residence, the choice of direction should be very thoughtful.

How to choose the right place to live

When choosing a new place of residence, it is better to consult an astrologer. But you can check it by trial and error.

Imagine that you moved to another city, having received an invitation to a well-paid job. While you get used to a new place, start earning big money, learn how to spend it correctly, time will pass. Astrologers believe: significant changes take at least a year to manifest. During this time, the Sun goes through a full cycle, through all the signs of the Zodiac and the House of the horoscope. And only after that, external, event-related changes fit inside, creating new facets of personality, goals and, as a result, changing life. After spending only a month in a new place, you will not see the full picture. Therefore, if you move in August, you can draw conclusions only in August next year.

Is there an ideal place to live?

It is important to understand that there is no perfect place to live. If during the move something radically changes for the better, there is a high probability of negative changes in another area of ​​life.

For example, in case of problems with childbearing, it is often advised to move, change the climate, environment, city. What does it mean from an astrological point of view - to shift the grid of the Houses of the horoscope. However, the negative astrological aspects from the area of ​​the horoscope that is responsible for children will not evaporate. They will simply move to another area, for example, to the area of ​​work. And over time, there may be problems with employment, trouble at work or in communication with the team. This astrological law is always valid. So, heaven on earth, unfortunately, is impossible to find. Every place, every country, every city can give you new events, interesting life experience, bright acquaintances. But everywhere there will be minuses and pluses, since there are no ideally harmonious horoscopes. Therefore, evaluating the results of the move, do not complain about fate. Just choose what is more important to you.

Where to move?

The exact consequences of the move can be predicted by an astrologer by compiling your local horoscope. But there are also several general rules. The distance from the former place of residence must be sufficiently large - at least 500 km. When choosing, try to refrain from stereotypes like "I'm going to conquer Moscow." Rely on your inner feelings, listen to your intuition.

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A local or relocation map, like a natal chart, is built at the time of a person's birth, but it takes into account the person's real location. This is due to the fact that when you move, the horoscope changes. That is why the analysis of the local map is important in understanding the formation of the laws of fate.

The method of the local horoscope was used by Count Vronsky, a representative of the German pre-war school of astrology. Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky used the power of the local map to control his destiny. He explained the reason why he moved to Moscow in Soviet times. In his natal chart on Riga, he found indications of political persecution, but in the local horoscope for Moscow they were not. This is the secret of destiny control. It is necessary to build a local horoscope, a relocation map with only favorable and happy indications. The method of the local horoscope is actively used by the head of the academy Oleg Fomichev

Princess Diana locale

A fragment of a video lesson, practice. Why did the local horoscope (relocation map) of Princess Diana for Paris become dangerous for her. When analyzing a natal chart and a local horoscope,

Individual horoscope online

On this page, with the help of the Antares-web astroprocessor, you have the opportunity to build your individual horoscope online and get its computer interpretation for free. When you open the page, you see the "Actual horoscope" - a map with the current position of the planets at a given time and the coordinates of Moscow.
In order to receive your individual birth horoscope, enter your Name, day, month, year and time of birth(note that the accuracy of birth time is very important for an individual horoscope (!), and also note that the time setting is enabled by default in GMT mode (i.e. without taking into account the time zone and "summer / winter" time), if you enter local time of your birth (it's better to do it this way (!), you need to switch the checkbox to "local"). Next, select "Geographic Coordinates" from the drop-down menus first country, then region And city(locality) of his birth, while the fields of latitude and longitude are filled in automatically. Further, in the "Parameters" table, you have the opportunity to select some visual and functional settings for the chart, but if you are not familiar with practical astrology, it is better to leave everything as it is. In order to build your horoscope, just click the " Create a horoscope".
In a few seconds, the "Natal Horoscope" with your birth chart will load, under which you will see a table with a list of objects depicted on the chart, their astrological and astronomical parameters. For a complete description of your individual horoscope, select the line "Interpretation" from the "Horoscope" drop-down menu. Separate interpretations of the position in the horoscope of each specific object, you can get in the table "Coordinates and status of the planets" by clicking on the name-link of any object of interest.

I have already covered this topic in part on the pages of my blog.

Our country is huge.

There are a huge number of cities, towns and villages in it, and each settlement cannot be described separately. Therefore, I give you a brief plan, according to which you can independently determine where it will be better and more comfortable for you to live in your locality.

This article is also suitable for residents of other countries.

We have already met with some of the planets of your horoscope, namely: with Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury.

In this article, you analyze your residence on two planets - luminaries:

by the Sun and by the Moon.

Your solar zodiac sign will show

Where would you like to live for the development of your personality.

Your lunar zodiac sign will show

where you will be most comfortable and sincere to live.

Therefore, when analyzing areas of possible residence, consider either your Solar Zodiac sign or your Moon Zodiac sign. Or consider both signs and try to combine them harmoniously.

If you have the Sun or Moon in Aries

It will be comfortable for you to live near objects that emit active energy. For example, these are military facilities, sports complexes, arenas, stadiums.

The sign of Aries also includes fire departments, flammable industries, and various emergency parts.

In addition, the sign of Aries includes transport enterprises (bus depot, car building plant, metro, taxi service, etc.)

The areas of Aries give a person a boost of energy and encourage him to new deeds and accomplishments. People who live in this area become bolder.

If you have the Sun or Moon in Taurus

It will be comfortable for you to live next to the park, with a landscaped corner of nature, with a well-groomed forest belt, with a beautiful landscape.

If you see a well-groomed urban or rural nature (landscaped by human hands), quiet areas with houses that you enjoy admiring, then these are areas of Taurus.

These territories leave a feeling of beauty, tranquility, peace and comfort. You do not want to rush anywhere, you want a calm and measured life in this area.

Usually these are favorite vacation spots of townspeople and rural residents.

If you have the Sun or Moon in the sign of Gemini

Your area is shopping arcades, large stores, department stores, retail outlets near the metro and bus stations. If the market or bazaar is not far from home, then you live in the area of ​​the Gemini sign.

This also includes libraries and bookstores, publishing houses of newspapers and magazines, post office, telephone, telegraph.

It will be comfortable for you to live in an area where schools and playgrounds, various companies, offices and scientific institutes are located.

If your Sun or Moon is in Cancer

If you see a body of water, this is the area of ​​Cancer. Streams, lakes, small rivers and ponds - all this personifies the sign of the zodiac Cancer.

The Raka area is always clean, calm and comfortable. These areas are located in secluded areas, away from noisy urban or rural areas.

This also includes clearings where you can sunbathe and play ball with your family. Lawns where you can pick mushrooms, nuts and berries.

Also, if you see a beer factory nearby, this is also the Cancer area.

In this area you can hide from the hustle and bustle, relax, gain strength from nature, move away from pressing problems and dream. These areas are relaxing.

If you have the Sun or Moon in Leo

It will be comfortable for you to live in the center (city, district, village, settlement), right in the thick of cultural life and social events. This also includes museums, exhibitions, galleries, etc.

Today we will consider moving in the natal chart, or rather, those astrological features of horoscopes that indicate the possibility of this event in a person's life.

Of course, whether or not this possibility is realized depends on many factors, including forecasting indications. If there is a move in Natal, but there is none for a specific period of time, then, of course, it will not happen in reality. But still, this article is for beginner astrologers, so there are no words about prognostication, except that it must be taken into account :)

So let's look the potential to move or change residence in the horoscope.

Basic instructions for "moving"

We can distinguish at least two types of transfers: close and long-distance.

Close move- this is a change of residence within the district, city, region, and possibly the country, if not very far to go. The main indications of a close move are formed in the horoscope by connections 4 ( house, apartment, place of residence, motherland) and 3 houses(close, short, short trips).

Long distance- this is usually emigration, that is, departure from the country of birth to another country, to another mainland. But if the country is large, like, for example, the Russian Federation, then a long-distance move can be within the country. For example, moving from Murmansk to Moscow is definitely a long one (almost 2,000 kilometers there).

The main indications for a long journey in the horoscope - connections between 4 and 9(long trips, travel, overcoming borders, foreign religions and cultures), between 4 and 12 houses (emigration, very distant places). That is, in this case there can be 4+-9 and 4-+-12, they are equivalent in terms of events.

There must be at least three indications in total! And this applies not only to the move, but also to the potentials of any other events.

Additional moving instructions

There are also additional indications or secondary factors that can be used to assess the potential for a move. These factors "create" the psychological background for the move, show the native's readiness for travel, travel, changes in the environment and place of residence, and movement in general.

These factors "weigh" less, that's why they are additional, tk. in reality, they do not create such an event as a move, but they give readiness for it. If the weight of the main indications is taken as one, then the additional one weighs approximately 0.3. To replace one main instruction, at least three additional instructions are needed.

The additional instructions are almost all symbolic links between the 4th and 9/3/12 principles:

  • the position of the Moon in Gemini / Sagittarius (general mobility, readiness and need for movement);
  • any major aspect Moon-Mercury, Moon-Jupiter, Moon-Neptune;
  • the major aspect of the Moon with a real element of the 3.9 or 12 house (that is, with a planet that is related to the 3.9 or 12 house in a particular horoscope - it stands in it, controls, co-rules);
  • major aspect of the 4th house element with Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune;

And now, after such a brief introduction, let's move on to the practical part of the lesson in our virtual Today, our heroines will be two pretty Hollywood actresses: Jennifer Aniston and Mila Jovovich. Using the example of their personal horoscopes, we will consider the analysis of the potential for moving.

Moving in the natal chart of Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston was born on February 11, 1969 at 10:22 pm local time, GMT -8, Sherman Oaks (34.09 N, 118.27 ET), ascendant of the chart at 25 Libra. Map below.

Jennifer's parents were divorced and she often went to visit her father in Los Angeles, very close, because. Sherman Oaks is a city in the Los Angeles region :)) In the end, at the age of about 20, the girl moved to Los Angeles for good.

What should be the indicators in the map for the possibility of this move? This is a close move, which means we are looking for the interaction of elements of the 4th and 3rd houses, and additionally take into account the position of the Moon in Gemini / Sagittarius and the Moon-Mercury aspect.

We look at the map and count:

The ruler of the 4th Saturn is also the co-ruler of the 3rd house, this is the first connection of the 3rd and 4th houses (through management);

Uranus is retrograde in the chart, which means it also controls Capricorn, which is in the 3rd and 4th houses, this is the second connection of the 3rd and 4th houses, also through management;

Mercury (stands in the 4th house) in a trine to Jupiter, the ruler of 3, this is the third connection of the necessary houses through the aspect;

Mercury (4th house) trine retro Uranus co-ruler of the 3rd house, this is the fourth required connection.

The Moon (in Sagittarius, by the way) stands on the very cusp of the 3rd house and, depending on the accuracy of the time of birth, may belong to the second house, so we will not take into account its aspect with Saturn (ruler 4).

There is at least one more full-fledged connection of the 3rd and 4th houses and at least five secondary indications. I will leave them for you. Find it? ;)

In total, according to Jennifer's map, we clearly have more than three necessary connections, reflecting the girl's inclination to move, and hence its possibility.

Moving in the natal chart of Mila Jovovich

The next card belongs to Mile Jovovich, who was born on December 17, 1975 at 17.15 local time, GMT +3, city of Kiev (Ukraine) - 50.26 N, 30.31 ET, Ascendant 1 Cancer.

In 1980, the girl's family left first for London, then for Sacramento, then for Los Angeles.. This is a move to another country - emigration, which means that we must look in the map for interactions between 4th and 9th, 4th and 12th houses. Additional factors: Moon in Gemini/Sagittarius, any major aspects of Moon-Jupiter and Moon-Neptune.

Let's make this analysis of the map more revealing so that beginners can see how it's done.

We highlight the elements of each of the houses of interest to us:

4 - Sun (ruler), Mercury (co-ruler, Virgo - in the house), Venus (co-ruler, Libra - in the house), Pluto - in the house.

9th house - Uranus (ruler), Saturn (governs Aquarius in retromotion, therefore the second ruler of the 9th house is here).

12th house - Mercury (ruler), Moon and Mars (in the house).

Now we analyze where and how these planets intersect in the chart, through management, position or aspects. That is, we simply look at all the planets of the 4 houses in order: what aspects they create, where they are.

Directions 4+-9/12:

1) Sun (4) makes opposition to Mars at 12;

2) Mercury simultaneously controls the 4th and 12th houses, creating a connection through control;

3) Mercury (4) sextile Uranus (9);

4) Mercury (12) sextile Venus (4);

5) Mercury (12) square Pluto (4);

6) Venus (4) in conjunction with Uranus (9);

7) Pluto (4) in trine to the Moon at 12.

Can you find additional instructions? A lot of them:)

In Mila's map, we also see pronounced connections between 4 and 9, 4 and 12 houses, which indicates potential opportunities for moving to another country.

Let me remind you that we were looking in the natal chart for opportunities to change our place of residence. The realization of these possibilities depends on many conditions. Therefore, not everyone who has 4+-3/9/12 connections will definitely move. But those who have moved these links have:) You can check it yourself. In the study, a balanced and skeptical approach is only welcome.

© Ekaterina Lugovaya