UCBrowser for PC is a worthy competitor for Google Chrome or not. UC Browser - My Choice With uc browser

Hello active Internet user! Today, under the heading OFFTOP, we, dear reader, will consider a new interesting desktop browser called UC Browser. The brainchild from the Middle Kingdom began to expand to adult platforms, but first, let's digress a little from the topic. Your obedient servant is rather strange obsessed with software and the things around it. The mathematical composition of the mind makes you look for consistency and patterns in everything. So, for example, not so long ago I completely and completely switched to software from Google on all my devices, and a little earlier I was content with the concept of the best solutions in each individual direction. That's why if UC Browser makes me replace myself Google Chrome, then I'll have to move from Google Drive back to Dropbox and do the same with many other solutions. I think you get the gist. Now let's get back to UCBrowser, which I'm actively testing right now.

To begin with, it is worth noting that at the time of writing the material, UC Browser is at the stage of final beta testing, which, nevertheless, will not prevent us from looking at its main functionality, which we will try to do in the next few paragraphs.

UC Browser for PC - platforms, installation and more

You can download UC Browser from the link on the official website of the developer. At the time of writing, the desktop version of the browser works without any problems on a PC with an operating system installed. Windows system. There is no specific information about solutions for Mac and, accordingly, OS X, however, we are sure that something similar will arrive in time in the very near future.

Unfortunately, we could not find the minimum system requirements on the official website of the developer, but we are sure that it will work adequately on almost all possible machines that have not yet become overgrown with moss.

By the way, the browser is distributed absolutely free of charge and at the time of writing the material, it is not entirely clear to us how its monetization is planned. With the same Google Chrome, everything is clear - it is not a profitable solution for the search giant, but a popularizer of its main services, which, in fact, bring money.

(Installation process of UC Browser for PC)

UC Browser for PC - program interface

The interface of the program is the next thing that I want to draw your attention to. It was created to please modern minimalistic trends, which became especially clearly visible after the release of the mobile operating system. iOS systems 7. The upper part of UC Browser is given over to three functional lines. The first is necessary for working with tabs, the middle one is a set of control options, and the bottom one is a tabbed panel. For some reason unknown to me, at the time of writing the material, the address bar, which also acts as a search bar, was supplemented with a separate search field. Why duplicate functions?! There are also tabs with the last opened pages. Otherwise, nothing new or unusual is provided.

(First look at UC Browser)

UC Browser for PC - Synchronization

One of the most important points for me is the synchronization of tabs and other delights of modern software. UC Browser is built on a similar Google Chrome engine, so it pulls links from it without any problems. Moreover, UC Browser has mobile applications for all possible platforms, so synchronization is possible between the desktop version and all of them.

(Setting up synchronization)

UC Browser for PC - addons

Since UC Browser is built on a platform similar to Google Chrome, almost all add-ons for the second application are supported by the first. Thus, it turns out that the solution from the Middle Kingdom has a very impressive set of auxiliary functions already at the time of launch.


UC Browser for PC - Themes

At the time of writing, UC Browser has already created two dozen diverse themes, and their number is constantly increasing. Naturally, I liked the standard one the most, however, I am sure that such functionality will definitely find its fans.


UC Browser for PC - settings and additional features

As you can see, the key features of UC Browser are practically no different from those in the same Google Chrome. What is interesting about our new friend from the Middle Kingdom? I liked the large number of tabbed browsing options, managing open pages with right-click gestures, the ability to speed up the overall program performance, and the built-in ad blocker.

(Additional app features)

What is the sum? To be honest, I did not find any factors for switching from Google Chrome to UC Browser. Interestingly, do you see the obvious advantages of a solution from the Middle Kingdom?

pros: Some really interesting features that, in theory, can improve the life of a potential user.
Minuses: Insufficient, as I think, their significance for the transition from another browser.
conclusions: UC Browser is a copy of Google Chrome spiced up with a couple of unique features.

Today, the situation in the mobile browser market is reminiscent of the one that once was on Windows, when Internet Explorer "ruled" and was replaced by serious competitors in the face of Opera, Chrome and Firefox. Now the situation has begun to change in the Android browser market. Perhaps it is UC Browser that will come forward, which has much more features than many competitors. Let's take a closer look at this browser and test all its main features.

The browser interface initially has light colors, which can be easily changed in the settings to dark themes. So far, there are few options - just two themes: Day and Night. But you can set up automatic theme change, or use the built-in feature - the theme can be changed by simply shaking the device. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail and this is noticeable even in a simple change of theme, which is accompanied by an interesting animation. If you do not have enough design presets, then you can download additional themes at any time in the appropriate settings section.

All settings are available from the bottom panel of the UC Browser interface, which eliminates the need to search for the necessary item in standard sections. As you can see, the interface is minimalistic, which cannot be said about the pre-installed browser features. First of all, users will be interested in the new Wi-Fi Sharing option, which is one of the main values ​​​​of the application. With this feature, Android users can share files between different devices (including from a computer to a smartphone), download media files, as long as you have an active Wi-Fi connection.

The second interesting option in UC Browser is "Quick Mode". The analogue of this option is the mode Opera Turbo in Opera browsers. By default, "Quick Mode" is enabled immediately and this allows you to significantly compress traffic. Only here, such a mode of optimized browser operation does not greatly degrade the quality of images. If you want to work even more comfortably, you can enable page preloading, which works in "quick" and in simple modes.

Even a Russian server for processing and compressing traffic becomes a bonus for users, which will eliminate problems with access to resources that work only with Russian IP addresses.

Automatically you will be able to switch browser screen modes - you just need to tilt your device and it will switch between landscape and portrait orientation. There are also canonical features for storing history, passwords, bookmarks, disabling image loading, and more.

The address bar interface is traditional and consists of a site icon, an address bar and a line for search queries. When the site is fully loaded, instead of the full URL, we will see only the name of the site to save space. By the way, a small surprise has been added from the developers - if you click on the QR code icon, the built-in QR code scanner will start.

UC Browser also has a full-fledged built-in file manager, the ability to download any content from sites. It turns out that for an Android device, UC Browser is the most versatile tool.

For fans of watching online videos, there is also a built-in feature here - UC Browser can not only play videos on Youtube, VK.com or Rutube, but even download videos from these resources for offline viewing.

Finally, the final feature in our review is "cloud upload" in UC Browser, which will save bandwidth by uploading files to UC Browser cloud storage, which can be downloaded to your device when a Wi-Fi network is available. But only this option will be available if you have registered your profile.

By the way, if you have several Android devices, then with an existing connected profile, you can synchronize open tabs in your browser, bookmarks. This makes it much easier to work with content and view your favorite sites.

As a result, UC Browser can be called a very serious competitor for other popular Android browsers. Moreover, it greatly benefits due to a simple interface, wide possibilities, but most importantly, it is free. The main features include a convenient file manager, fast loading of web pages with any content, work with cloud storage, online video playback on most popular video hosts, tab synchronization and Wi-Fi Sharing.

You can download the latest version of UC Browser from Google Play using this link.

On a smartphone or tablet, he approaches this issue with a grain of salt. However, we did the same in the case of the UC Browser browser for Android OS.


Among the huge number of browsers, both for desktop and mobile platforms, there are very few truly unique products. We can see crafts based on the main browser "engines", which differ from each other only due to their design and some additional functions. Everything else, including the speed of work, is the same. But, a pleasant exception was the browser for the Android OS - UC Browser, which became the hero of our short review.

Where to download UC Browser

Let's say right away that there are several versions of the "UK Browser" for downloading on Android. In addition to the standard version, a program with an HD index and a Mini index is available. As you might guess, in the first case we are talking about a mobile browser focused on a large screen resolution, while the second option is appropriate to use on Android smartphones with small displays, where many interface elements of a standard UC browser simply would not fit. In addition, the mini-browser weighs almost ten times less than its older counterparts - a little over 1.3 MB. Apk distribution kit UC you can download on w3bsit3-dns.com, Google Play or the link:

UC Browser 7 start screen

Most of the applications for the Android operating system are evaluated by its start screen. This is the appearance of the program, which determines how pleasant it will be to work with the main functions and features. In our case, UCBrowser boasts a simple appearance, however, by the instant rendering of the information feed. We are talking about a kind of "live feed" in the browser, which includes a page of humor, the most interesting from social networks, news resources, recommendations and announcements of films and series, screenshots from computer games and much more. In any case, you can customize the tape yourself. However, it all starts with the dating page, where we are offered to take part in the improvement program.

And only after that we see all that abundance of useful, and not very, data. There will also be labels for the main social networks, information search services, e-mail and so on. And at the very top of the screen you can find the address bar and the search bar. The refresh ribbon icon looks completely unnoticeable.

Online video support in UC Browser

A very pleasant surprise was that the browser plays online video on a smartphone without any problems, with almost no slowdown on devices with an average configuration. Moreover, the first time you start such a video, and then switch to full screen mode, your eyes will see a small hint. According to her, a vertical scroll on the left side of the screen will adjust the brightness, on the right - the sound, and horizontal movements will help you quickly move through the video. Virtual keys are also available there - back, home, recent applications.

Pic1 - UC Browser has built-in support for online video, as well as night mode

Browser Menu

A separate topic of conversation is the UC Browser menu. It is localized, (available in this browser in Russian) consists of a small line at the top of the screen.

Menu in latest version UC Browser is quite intuitive and in Russian, it's not difficult to figure it out

Navigation in UC Browser for Android

The first part of the menu is navigational elements. On the left side of the screen there are "forward" and "back" keys that allow you to navigate through the navigation history. Next comes the address bar, visually aligned with the search bar. And, of course, there is a button to refresh the content on the page.

UC Browser Settings

The most visible element of the browser is the settings menu. It is a two-by-four tile, and there are two such tiles.


Everything is simple here - we have a list of bookmarks with brief description what lies behind them. You can edit, add and remove them as you wish.


The browser history includes only those addresses that you visited in open mode. But private tabs are not stored here. This is very convenient if we do not want to leave traces of our work on a mobile device.

Add-ons for UC Browser

Here you can view what is installed from the add-ons, as well as carry out certain manipulations with these same built-in extensions.

Other browser elements

They include a duplicate button to refresh the page, expand it to full screen, the "My Videos" and "Downloads" folders, as well as the exit button from the UC Browser 7 application. In fairness, it should be noted that you can exit the program using more traditional methods - by pressing the "back" or "home" key. But, in this case, the process is easier and faster.


The second tab in UC Browser 7 has a detailed settings button where you can adjust the behavior of the browser, as well as make it work the way you want. If you do not understand the essence of a particular option, then it is better to leave it in its original state.

Themes for "Squirrels"

An extremely interesting opportunity for customization is support for design themes. Such simple function in any mobile browser is very popular, as an ugly application in itself repels users.

Additional items in UC Browser

These include the key to fit the site to the screen size, the key to switch the day / night mode, the help button, the ability to leave a review, and the button for setting the output of notifications.

UC Browser app tabs

For convenient work with tabs in the UC browser, there is an icon in the upper right corner of the screen. It displays a horizontal list of open tabs, each with a close button. Also, there are icons for cloud download and private browsing mode.


The free browser UC Browser was able to do what others could not do - it showed decent speed, convenience and quality. And this is exactly what users are looking for in a free and paid mobile browser. In addition, sites on the screen of a mobile device are displayed correctly, there are no artifacts or the effect of "scattering". Confirmed high level browser performance and nearly half a billion app downloads. If you liked the set of features, then you can download UCBrowser, especially since it is completely free for private use.


  • UC Browser Android app, version: 9.1.0 with 9.2.3 add-ons, price: Free

Hello! It's time to talk about browsers on Android again. This topic is inexhaustible. Time passes, programs are updated. Some are changing for the worse, some for the better. Today's my hero also does not stand still. With each update, UC Browser changes to better side. Once I wrote a comic review, where UC came out the winner, but I still preferred Opera Mobile then. But the functionality of Opera was not enough for me, and I continued to look for my "perfect browser". And so, today my choice is UC Browser. Even now, he does not suit me in everything, but first things first.

UC Browser on Google Play. Because of the "refresh button" in UC, there was a misunderstanding. After checking with this very update button, and seeing that I have the latest version, I began to write a review and take screenshots. While I was taking screenshots in Google Play, I saw that you can upgrade. That is, the "update button" in UC did not work.

I quickly updated through Google Play and began to look for what has changed. Not so much has changed. I made screenshots. So the review will be about the version of UC Browser - 9.1.0 with the additions of version 9.2.3.

On the first screen, the "Memory management button" is marked. For the first time I saw that such a button happens in UC.

Through it, you can clear various caches, cookies, search history, input, etc.

The weight of UC Browser is just over 15 MB. I already have more than 18 MB with my data.

It asks for a lot of permissions. The latest version, 9.2.3, has a new feature: Set background image.

The UC badge is now orange.

This is what the splash screen of version 9.1.0 looks like:

Splash screen version 9.2.3:

The main screen has remained virtually unchanged. A couple of icons have changed, so I did not make a screen, so as not to overload the review.

A lot of people don't like this screen. He doesn't bother me much. True, it would be more convenient if it would be possible to turn off this very screen.

Tab management is easy. Long tap, and crosses will appear in the corners. You can delete, move to folders, swap places. The folder is created simply: we put one tab on another.

When one screen of the "quick menu" is filled, a new one appears.

At the top is a panel with search, bookmark management and add-ons.

The search is divided into two parts: by address and by keyword.

Bookmarks from the main screen are transferred to the list of bookmarks.

If the bookmark has already been added, it will be highlighted in blue.

If the bookmark has not yet been added, then you are prompted to choose: add bookmark, add to navigation, send. to the home screen and go to bookmarks.

For example, below is a screenshot with the addition to the navigation. Marked as "new".

And this is how we send it to the desktop:

After bookmarks and search, there is an icon in the form of a checkmark (in latest update"+" type icon). She opens add-ons. In the latest update, you can add new additions yourself. It looks like Dolphin's plugins.

In version 9.1.0:

In the latest version 9.2.3:

Clicking on the "+" will open all UC Browser add-ons.

Add-ons can also be updated. When all add-ons are up-to-date, the page is empty.

Since the review was prepared according to version 9.1.0, I will describe the additions to this version.

The second is fast mode.

It's like the mobile view, only in the UC version.

The third is a QR code.

The first time you use a QR code, a shortcut is created on your desktop.

And the latest addition to UC Browser "and version 9.1.0 is the clipboard.

It stores everything that you have ever copied.

This concludes the description of the top panel and its functions. Let's go to the bottom panel.

So, from left to right.

First there are arrows, with the help of which there is a transition forward, back through the pages. You can also flip through the pages with a swipe: from right to left - forward, from left to right - back.

Then comes the icon for the number of windows and their management.

By the way, the maximum number of windows in UC is 10. Many consider this a big minus. For me it is not critical. The rest is up to you.

And the last icon on the bottom bar is the "home button". First, it opens the "quick menu", when you press the "main screen" again. If you still press the "home button", then she runs between them. ☺

Everything about the bottom panel.

UC Browser Menu

The menu is divided into three tabs: main, settings, tools.


The "Basic" tab consists of eight items:

1. Add a bookmark.

2. Bookmarks/History.

Bookmarks can be managed.

You can delete, swap, edit, add a new bookmark or folder.

This icon is responsible for importing and exporting bookmarks.

You can also sync bookmarks.

Tab - History.

History has its own control.

You can sort by date (as in the screenshot), by frequency of visits, by site, and you can clear the history.

3. Refresh. Refreshes the current page. Interestingly, I read one negative review, which said that there was no button - update. There she is:

4. Mode - Night. This is one of the most important pluses of UC Browser. I used Dolphin at one time. You can also enable night mode there by first installing an additional plugin. But it worked clumsily there. Every time the page was refreshed, it glowed white. And in browsers such as Opera Mobile, there is no night mode at all Here in UC everything is fine with this.Even beautiful screensavers were put between transitions.

Wallpapers and themes can be added from your phone.

Through "more" you can go to the list of UC topics. There are not very many of them.

They get kind of weird. For example, I downloaded and installed one theme.

The book is almost invisible. The background is too bright.

The download center shows "HOT APP". I doubt this section is necessary. I don't look into it at all.

Next to the "download manager" there is a "file manager" tab.

Several actions are available. You can create a new folder, delete, rename, and view properties.

7. Expand. The status bar is hidden.

8. "Exit button" closes the browser.

That's all about the "Basic" menu tab.

Second menu tab:


The settings consist of seven items:

1. Settings. All the basic settings of UC Browser take place here.

First there is a tab with basic settings.

They can adjust the font size. I have a standard one.

Adjust image quality: text only, low, standard, high.

You can also enable the option to restore tabs at startup. When you leave your tabs open and log out of UC, the next time you open your browser, the tabs will be restored.

Fast mode. I already wrote that this is a mobile view in the UC Browser version. You can choose to turn it on on a mobile network or on a Wi-Fi network.

Forms and passwords. Choose between: ask, always save, never save. Convenient thing. Eliminates the need to re-enter passwords each time.

And at the end of the basic settings - clear the entries. Clear cookies, forms, history, cache.

Let's move on to advanced settings.

First of all, we see that it is possible to block ads.

You can enable the option to underline links.

Enable or disable system notifications.

You can also turn on the zoom button.

Select a folder for downloads.

Simultaneous download limit. Choose from one to six.

New task: notify, download. With each new download, UC will notify you that the download has begun or just download.

Notification. You can choose: about installation, about opening. Once the download is complete, UC will notify you to open or install what you have downloaded.

disk buffer. This option was initially enabled for me. I don't know what it is for. Perhaps this is due to the U disk that UC Browser offers.

User agent. Choose between: default, Chrome, iPhone.

Set the browser language.

You can participate in the improvement program.

UC Browser can be set as the default browser.

And at the end of the advanced settings - reset the default settings.

That's all the settings.

I want to remind you that we are talking about the second tab of the menu - settings. The first item - settings - we have considered. Move on.

2. Brightness. You can set the brightness to auto. Can be adjusted manually.

3. Under the screen. Mobile view of UC.

4. Scroll.

You can set buttons on the screen, scroll by clicking on the screen, or scroll to put on the volume keys.

5. Text only. In this mode, images on the page are not loaded.

6. Rotate.

You can adjust auto, horizontally or vertically.

7. The last item is the private mode.

After turning off the private mode, it is proposed to close all tabs in order to clear the browsing history.

Android users do not experience problems with browsers at all. Install any popular client, and you'll be fine. So what's the point in having so many alternative clients if each of them can do everything the user needs? In fact, there is a sense, because people are different and their needs and preferences are also different.

For reasons unknown to us ourselves, we have not yet considered UC Browser, and this is a very smart Android browser with more than a hundred million users. Why such popularity? It's just that this product has several weighty arguments that can force you to remove Chrome, Opera, Firefox or Dolphin from the main screen and set UC as the default browser after just a few minutes of working with it.

We will not dwell on the basics in detail, since absolutely any modern mobile browser, including UC Browser, can do everything so that the user can surf normally and comfortably. It is obvious that people are on UC Browser for some other reasons that go beyond the basic functionality of other browsers.


A very subjective question. We will not argue that an apple is tastier than an orange, but simply say: we like the UC Browser interface, because everything is convenient, and in the just released version at number 10, the browser interface has become even better. It's not so much about the location of some individual controls, but about the overall intuitiveness. Using the browser is easy and pleasant, and even a person who worked exclusively with mobile Chrome and the default Android browser got used to UC Browser in about four minutes.

There is a huge, but understandable pre-installed database of popular Internet resources divided into categories. Access to them is carried out with one tap. The homepage button has been moved down, and frequently used function buttons have been moved to the more accessible top of the menu.

No problem syncing bookmarks with desktop Chrome

This is a tragedy for all products that have a mobile browser but no desktop version. How to sync bookmarks? UC Browser solved the problem in a practical way: to synchronize bookmarks with the desktop, the user is prompted to create a UC account and download the extension.

But the account is created not only for the sake of synchronization. With the help of an account, the user can create a personal environment that is completely customized for himself and protected from others. This also includes the personalization of extensions (which are discussed below) and, in general, all personal space inside the browser. If several people use a mobile device, then an additional browser account will only be a plus.

Flash support out of the box and no surprises

Some people need Flash, but not all mobile clients want to work with it. And if they want, they ask for either additional software or money. UC Browser works with Flash immediately and honestly.

Tab Manager

The new version of UC Browser also received an updated tab manager, which now strongly resembles the application management interface in iOS. From here, you can also quickly switch to incognito mode for all tabs, create a new tab, and instantly close all current tabs.

Extension store full of useful software + AdBlock

But this is the reverse side of the specialization on the mobile client - there is no desktop browser, but the Android version has everything!

The same mobile Chrome cannot boast of extensions, but here they are. Not very many, but all quite useful and in demand:

  • interpreter;
  • gesture control;
  • video downloader from sites;
  • advanced sharing tool;
  • saving pages for viewing offline and in PDF;
  • screenshot editor;
  • QR scanner and generator;
  • archiver;
  • traffic compression and device memory cleaning to speed up the browser;
  • AdBlock "out of the box" and without hemorrhoids with settings - this extension alone is worth it to start using UC Browser, because we will never wait for such a tool from Google.

Image View Mode

Someone goes to the Internet only to look at cats, and for such people UC Browser provides a special page view mode, in which only images are shown, and all text and other unnecessary things are removed.

Night mode + built-in reader

File manager + download manager

Extensions have already been mentioned, and in addition to them, UC Browser boasts a built-in tool for working with files on the device, as well as a fancy loader that can download data in several streams and resume downloading after reconnecting.

cool widget

This round little thing on the left unfolds in the menu for instant access to current browser functions and does not interfere with work in any way.

Worth a try

It's hard to admit, but beloved Chrome isn't really the best. Now you thought that we forgot about the performance comparison? No, we haven't forgotten. But here, Chrome, as well as other popular browsers, does not stand out in any way, and often simply concedes to more optimized competitors.

  • Synthetic tests of Kraken and SunSpider showed that UC Browser and Chrome work with JavaScript in the same way.
  • In terms of overall performance, Chrome is slightly ahead, but again, this is synthetic, and in reality, a lot of other factors are mixed in here.
  • UC Browser is much better friends with HTML5.
  • It is expected that Chrome is ahead of cold loading pages, and UC Browser is expected to be ahead of hot loading.
  • The memory consumption of UC Browser and Chrome is the same at startup, but with an increase in the number of tabs, Chrome becomes twice as voracious.

Of course, there are many good browsers on Google Play, each of which is trying to lure the user with something of its own. In any case, only after trying them all, you can say with confidence that you really have found the best client for yourself, but for now your obedient servant will sit on UC Browser.

You can also give UC Browser +10 to karma for supporting Windows Phone. There he confidently holds the lead among browsers.