Presentation on the theme "battle for the Caucasus". The plans of the German command

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"The Great Patriotic War in the Kuban" - In January 1943, the offensive operation "Mountains" began. About 1,000 people left the village of Georgie-Afipskaya for the front. blue line. Every fifth inhabitant of the region went to the front. On September 9, 1943, the Novorossiysk-Taman operation began. Fracture. The combat path of the female regiment of night bombers is connected with the Kuban. Small land. The sons of the commander of the detachment. Memorial in the park of the village of Afipsky. Tank landing liberates the village.

"The Great Patriotic War in the Kuban" - The Stepanov Brothers. Ivan Fedorovich Rusin. Mobilization. Kuban on the fronts of the war. Territory mobilization. Working knowledge of primary sources. Kuban our glorious sons. Conference. Edge release. The Great Patriotic War. Our Heroes. Junior Lieutenant F.M. Stepanov. The Great Patriotic War in the Kuban. An occupation. The occupation of the region.

"Battle for the Caucasus 1942-1943" - Such medals were issued to participants in the Great Patriotic War for the Caucasus. Pictured: Defenders of the Caucasus. The result of the battle for the Caucasus: In German sources, this offensive is called Operation Blue war (1941-1945): battle for the Caucasus". Fall Blau). Preparation for the defense of Transcaucasia.

"Ural Volunteer Tank Corps" - Superplanned tanks. Ural Volunteer Tank Corps. The famous T-34 tank. The working people of the “supporting edge of the state”. Corps awards. People's Commissar. Lityagin Mikhail Fedorovich. Battle path. Fomichev Mikhail Georgievich Kuleshov Pavel Pavlovich Pride of the Motherland. Corps members. Uralets. The study of history. Hell of war. Medium tank T-34. Markov Vladimir Alexandrovich Surkov Fedor Pavlovich Mass labor heroism.

"Liberation of Rostov-on-Don" - Historical background. Liberation of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Museum of Local Lore and City Libraries. The Nazi command decided to bypass Rostov from the north. Rostov-on-Don is the city of Military Glory. Stepankova E.F. is the mother of nine sons. Indeed, those events should not be forgotten. What happens to us and our memory. Battle for Rostov 1941. The invaders established a bloody regime in the occupied territory.

Presentation of the battle for the Caucasus The battle for the Caucasus (July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943) - the battle of the armed forces Nazi Germany, Romania and Slovakia against the USSR during the Great Patriotic War for control of the Caucasus. The battle is divided into two stages: the offensive of the German troops (July 25 - December 31, 1942) and the counteroffensive Soviet troops(January 1 - October 9, 1943). In the fall of 1942, German troops occupied most of the Kuban and North Caucasus , however, after the defeat at Stalingrad, they were forced to retreat due to the threat of encirclement. In 1943, the Soviet command failed to either lock up the German units in the Kuban or inflict a decisive defeat on them: the tank units of the Wehrmacht (1st Panzer Army) were withdrawn from the Kuban to Ukraine in January 1943, and the infantry units (17th Army) were taken out from Taman Peninsula in Crimea in October. Real and alleged cooperation with the occupiers caused the deportation of a number of peoples of the North Caucasus to Siberia and Kazakhstan. Previous events By June 1942, the Soviet front in the southern sector was weakened due to the failure of the spring offensive near Kharkov. This circumstance did not fail to take advantage of the German command. On June 28, the 4th Panzer Army of the Wehrmacht under the command of Hermann Goth broke through the front between Kursk and Kharkov and rushed to the Don (See map June - November 1942). On July 3, Voronezh fell, and the troops of S.K. Timoshenko, who defended the direction to Rostov, were engulfed from the north. Only prisoners of the Red Army lost more than 200 thousand people in this area. The 4th Panzer Army, having fought about 200 km in ten days, rapidly advanced south between the Donets and the Don. On July 23, Rostov-on-Don fell - the path to the Caucasus was opened. The plans of the German command The breakthrough of the Soviet front near Kharkov and the subsequent capture of Rostov-on-Don opened before Hitler not only a real prospect of access to Baku oil in Transcaucasia, but also the opportunity to capture Stalingrad - the most important transport hub and a major center of the military industry. In German sources, this offensive is called "Operation Blue" (German: Fall Blau). Caucasus German offensive: June - November 1942 Baku and the North Caucasus were the main source of oil for the entire economy of the USSR. After the loss of Ukraine, the importance of the Caucasus and Kuban as a source of grain increased dramatically. There were also reserves of strategic raw materials, for example, the Tyrnyauz deposit of tungsten-molybdenum ore. The loss of the Caucasus could have a significant impact on the overall course of the war against the USSR, so Hitler chose this particular direction as the main one. The army group created for the offensive in the Caucasus received the code "A". The alignment of forces in the 1st stage of the battle of the Southern Front (commander - R. Ya. Malinovsky). It included the 9th Army, 12th Army, 18th Army, 24th Army, 37th Army, 51st Army and 56th Army. Air support was provided by the 4th Air Army. On July 25, the front consisted of 112 thousand people, 121 tanks, 2160 guns and mortars. On July 28, 1942, the front was merged with the North Caucasian Front, the 51st Army was transferred to the Stalingrad Front. North Caucasian Front (commander - S. M. Budyonny). It included the 47th Army, the 1st Rifle Corps and the 17th Cavalry Corps. Air support was provided by the 5th Air Army. On July 28, the troops of the Southern Front were included in the front, except for the 51st Army. On September 4, 1942, the front was disbanded, its troops transferred to the Transcaucasian Front. Transcaucasian Front (commander - I. V. Tyulenev). By the beginning of the battle, it included the 44th Army, the 45th Army, the 46th Army and the 15th Cavalry Corps. The aviation of the front consisted of 14 aviation regiments. In early August 1942, the 9th, 24th (disbanded on August 28) and 37th Army from the North Caucasian Front were transferred to the front. On August 30, the 58th Army was formed. In early September, the 12th, 18th, 56th and 58th armies from the disbanded North Caucasian Front were transferred to the front. On September 20, the 12th Army was disbanded. Germany and the Allies For the offensive in the Caucasus, Army Group A was allocated from Army Group South, consisting of: 1st Panzer Army (Kleist) 17th Army (Ruoff) 3rd Romanian Army Originally planned to be included in the group The 4th Panzer Army of Hermann Goth and the 11th Army of Manstein, which, after the completion of the siege of Sevastopol, was located in the Crimea, but it never got to the Caucasus (with the exception of parts of the 42nd Army Corps), but was transferred to the north for an attack on Leningrad. The 4th Panzer Army, leaving one tank corps as part of Army Group A, was transferred to Stalingrad. Initially, the command of the group was entrusted to Field Marshal List. However, a month later, Hitler, dissatisfied with the pace of the offensive, took command. The leadership of Hitler, who was at his headquarters in Rastenburg, was only nominal, he dealt with current issues former boss List's staff, Hans von Greifenberg. Air support was provided by the 4th Air Fleet of the Luftwaffe. Preparations for the defense of the Transcaucasus On August 23, GKO member L.P. Beria arrived in Tbilisi from Moscow, replacing a number of senior officials of the army and front-line apparatus of the Transcaucasian Front, including the commander of the 46th Army. The aviation of the front received the task of conducting daily reconnaissance from the air of all the passes through the Main Caucasian Range and the roads leading to them from the north. Measures were also taken to install barriers on the most important pass routes leading to the Black Sea coast. On the Military Ossetian and Military Georgian roads, work began on preparing for the collapse of rocks, the destruction of roads and their flooding. In addition to the system of barriers, a system of defensive structures was built along these roads - defense centers, strongholds, pillboxes and bunkers, trenches and anti-tank ditches. To counter enemy detours, special detachments were formed up to a company with a sapper squad, which advanced to possible directions of a detour maneuver. For the same purpose, paths that were not covered by troops were undermined. Separate mountain rifle detachments were urgently created, each as part of a company - a battalion. These detachments, which included climbers-instructors, were sent to the most inaccessible areas. Defense of Tuapse In September 1942, the situation in the Caucasus gradually began to improve in favor of the Soviet troops. This was also facilitated by the failures of the Germans and their allies at Stalingrad. The German command, having no additional reserves, could no longer advance simultaneously along the entire front and decided to deliver successive strikes, first in the Tuapse direction, then in Ordzhonikidze. The fire of German anti-aircraft artillery, September 1942 September 25, 1942, after a two-day powerful air bombardment by the forces of the 4th Aviation Corps, in the direction of Tuapse against the troops of the Soviet Black Sea Group (18th Army, 47th Army and 56th Army) moved into offensive The 17th German army, previously reinforced by two German and two Romanian infantry divisions, as well as mountain rifle units, united in a divisional group under the command of General Lanz. On October 14, German troops again went on the offensive, pushing aside the 18th and somewhat pushing 56th Army. The Soviet troops tried to launch a counterattack on the enemy grouping, and by October 23, the German-Romanian troops were stopped, and on October 31 they went on the defensive. Results of the 1st stage of the Battle for the Caucasus The first stage of the battle for the Caucasus took place from July to December 1942. The German-Romanian troops, having suffered heavy losses, managed to reach the foothills of the Main Caucasian Range and the Terek River. However, in general, the German plan "Edelweiss" failed. In total, during the 1st stage of the battle, Army Group "A" lost almost 100 thousand people killed; the Germans failed to break into the Transcaucasus and the Middle East. Turkey did not dare to enter the war on the side of the Third Reich. One of the factors in the failure of the Germans in the Caucasus was that the German command focused on the battle of Stalingrad, where events unfolded by no means in the best way for the Wehrmacht. In September 1942, with the task of protecting the flanks of Army Group B near Stalingrad, the 3rd Romanian Army was transferred from the Caucasian direction. In December 1942, due to failures near Stalingrad, some German formations were also removed from the Caucasian front, as a result of which the German group in the Caucasus weakened even more, and by the beginning of 1943 began to yield to the Soviet troops in numbers - both in personnel , as well as in technology and weapons. Decisive battles on the Taman Peninsula Novorossiysk-Taman operation In the summer of 1943, a lull fell on the Kuban sector. In order to hold the Taman bridgehead, the Germans erected a defensive line - the so-called. "blue line". Fighting on the Blue Line lasted from February to September 1943. The successful offensive of Soviet troops in Ukraine in the spring of 1943 put the Taman Wehrmacht group in a difficult situation. September 3, 1943 Hitler gave the order to withdraw troops from the Kuban. The Soviet offensive began on the night of September 10 with an amphibious landing in the port of Novorossiysk. Parts of the 18th Army went on the offensive east and south of the city. On the night of September 11, the second echelon of troops was landed. On the same day, the troops of the 9th Army went on the offensive, striking at Temryuk, and on September 14, the troops of the 56th Army, operating on the central sector of the front. On September 15, the eastern and western groups of the 18th Army united in Novorossiysk, the next day the city was completely liberated. By October 9, the 56th Army captured the entire northern part of the peninsula and reached the Kerch Strait. This completely ended the fighting in the Caucasus. Results of the 2nd stage of the Battle for the Caucasus Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus", obverse and reverseIn general, the second stage of the battle in the Caucasus was quite successful for the Soviet troops. Kalmykia, Checheno-Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Rostov Oblast, Stavropol Territory, Cherkess Autonomous Okrug, Karachay Autonomous Okrug and Adygei Autonomous Okrug were completely liberated. After the return of Soviet power to the Caucasus, on charges of mass collaborationism and in order to eliminate the anti-Soviet detachments still operating in the rear, the following peoples were completely deported to Siberia and Central Asia: Chechens, Ingush, Karachays, Balkars, Kalmyks. The autonomy of these peoples was liquidated. The victory in the battle for the Caucasus strengthened the southern flank of the Soviet-German front, in which close cooperation was achieved between the ground forces, aviation, navy and partisans. Thousands of soldiers were awarded the medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus", established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 1, 1944. For the skillful leadership of troops during the battles for the Caucasus and the Kuban, on February 1, 1943, the commander of the German troops in the Kuban, E. von Kleist, was promoted to the rank of field marshal. Used resources 3%D0%BE%D0%B4

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    • Battle for the Caucasus (July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943) - the battle of the armed forces of Nazi Germany, Romania and Slovakia against the USSR during the Great Patriotic War for control of the Caucasus. The battle is divided into two stages: the offensive of the German troops (July 25 - December 31, 1942) and the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops (January 1 - October 9, 1943).
    • In the autumn of 1942, German troops occupied most of the Kuban and the North Caucasus, but after the defeat at Stalingrad, they were forced to retreat due to the threat of encirclement.
    • In 1943, the Soviet command failed to either lock up the German units in the Kuban or inflict a decisive defeat on them: the tank units of the Wehrmacht (1st Panzer Army) were withdrawn from the Kuban to Ukraine in January 1943, and the infantry units (17th Army) were taken out from Taman Peninsula in Crimea in October.
    • Real and alleged cooperation with the occupiers caused the deportation of a number of peoples of the North Caucasus to Siberia and Kazakhstan.
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    Previous events

    • By June 1942, the Soviet front in the southern sector was weakened due to the failure of the spring offensive near Kharkov. This circumstance did not fail to take advantage of the German command.
    • On June 28, the 4th Panzer Army of the Wehrmacht under the command of Hermann Goth broke through the front between Kursk and Kharkov and rushed to the Don (See map June - November 1942). On July 3, Voronezh fell, and the troops of S.K. Timoshenko, who defended the direction to Rostov, were engulfed from the north. Only prisoners of the Red Army lost more than 200 thousand people in this area. The 4th Panzer Army, having fought about 200 km in ten days, rapidly advanced south between the Donets and the Don. On July 23, Rostov-on-Don fell - the path to the Caucasus was opened.
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    The plans of the German command

    • The breakthrough of the Soviet front near Kharkov and the subsequent capture of Rostov-on-Don opened before Hitler not only a real prospect of access to Baku oil in the Transcaucasus, but also the opportunity to capture Stalingrad - the most important transport hub and a major center of the military industry. In German sources, this offensive is called "Operation Blue" (German: Fall Blau).
    • German offensive: June - November 1942 Baku and the North Caucasus were the main source of oil for the entire economy of the USSR. After the loss of Ukraine, the importance of the Caucasus and Kuban as a source of grain increased dramatically. There were also reserves of strategic raw materials, for example, the Tyrnyauz deposit of tungsten-molybdenum ore. The loss of the Caucasus could have a significant impact on the overall course of the war against the USSR, so Hitler chose this particular direction as the main one. The army group created for the offensive in the Caucasus received the code "A".
  • slide 5

    The alignment of forces in the 1st stage of the battle

    • Southern Front (commander - R. Ya. Malinovsky). It included the 9th Army, 12th Army, 18th Army, 24th Army, 37th Army, 51st Army and 56th Army. Air support was provided by the 4th Air Army. On July 25, the front consisted of 112 thousand people, 121 tanks, 2160 guns and mortars. On July 28, 1942, the front was merged with the North Caucasian Front, the 51st Army was transferred to the Stalingrad Front.
    • North Caucasian Front (commander - S. M. Budyonny). It included the 47th Army, the 1st Rifle Corps and the 17th Cavalry Corps. Air support was provided by the 5th Air Army. On July 28, the troops of the Southern Front were included in the front, except for the 51st Army. On September 4, 1942, the front was disbanded, its troops transferred to the Transcaucasian Front.
    • Transcaucasian Front (commander - I. V. Tyulenev). By the beginning of the battle, it included the 44th Army, the 45th Army, the 46th Army and the 15th Cavalry Corps. The aviation of the front consisted of 14 aviation regiments. In early August 1942, the 9th, 24th (disbanded on August 28) and 37th Army from the North Caucasian Front were transferred to the front. On August 30, the 58th Army was formed. In early September, the 12th, 18th, 56th and 58th armies from the disbanded North Caucasian Front were transferred to the front. On September 20, the 12th Army was disbanded.
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    Germany and allies

    • For the attack on the Caucasus, Army Group A was allocated from the Army Group South, consisting of:
      • 1st Panzer Army (Kleist)
      • 17th Army (Ruoff)
      • 3rd Romanian Army
    • Initially, it was planned to include in the group the 4th Panzer Army of Hermann Goth and the 11th Army of Manstein, which, after the completion of the siege of Sevastopol, was located in the Crimea, but it never got to the Caucasus (with the exception of parts of the 42nd Army Corps), but was transferred to north for an attack on Leningrad. The 4th Panzer Army, leaving one tank corps as part of Army Group A, was transferred to Stalingrad.
    • Initially, the command of the group was entrusted to Field Marshal List. However, a month later, Hitler, dissatisfied with the pace of the offensive, took command. The leadership of Hitler, who was at his headquarters in Rastenburg, was only nominal, current issues were handled by List's former chief of staff, Hans von Greifenberg.
    • Air support was provided by the 4th Air Fleet of the Luftwaffe.
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    Preparations for the defense of Transcaucasia

    • On August 23, GKO member L.P. Beria arrived in Tbilisi from Moscow, who replaced a number of senior officials of the army and front-line apparatus of the Transcaucasian Front, including the commander of the 46th Army.
    • The aviation of the front received the task of conducting daily reconnaissance from the air of all the passes through the Main Caucasian Range and the roads leading to them from the north.
    • Measures were also taken to install barriers on the most important pass routes leading to the Black Sea coast. On the Military-Ossetian and Military-Georgian roads, work began on the preparation of the collapse of rocks, the destruction of roads and their flooding. In addition to the system of barriers, a system of defensive structures was built along these roads - defense centers, strongholds, pillboxes and bunkers, trenches and anti-tank ditches.
    • To counter enemy detours, special detachments were formed up to a company with a sapper squad, which advanced to possible directions of a detour maneuver. For the same purpose, paths that were not covered by troops were undermined. Separate mountain rifle detachments were urgently created, each as part of a company - a battalion. These detachments, which included climbers-instructors, were sent to the most inaccessible areas.
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    Defense of Tuapse

    • In September 1942, the situation in the Caucasus gradually began to improve in favor of the Soviet troops. This was also facilitated by the failures of the Germans and their allies at Stalingrad. The German command, having no additional reserves, could no longer advance simultaneously along the entire front and decided to deliver successive strikes, first in the Tuapse direction, then in Ordzhonikidze.
    • The fire of German anti-aircraft artillery, September 1942 September 25, 1942, after a two-day powerful air bombardment by the forces of the 4th Aviation Corps, in the direction of Tuapse against the troops of the Soviet Black Sea Group (18th Army, 47th Army and 56th Army) moved into offensive The 17th German army, previously reinforced by two German and two Romanian infantry divisions, as well as mountain rifle units, united in a divisional group under the command of General Lanz. On October 14, German troops again went on the offensive, pushing aside the 18th and somewhat pushing 56th Army. The Soviet troops tried to launch a counterattack on the enemy grouping, and by October 23, the German-Romanian troops were stopped, and on October 31 they went on the defensive.
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    Results of the 1st stage of the Battle for the Caucasus

    • The first stage of the battle for the Caucasus took place from July to December 1942. The German-Romanian troops, having suffered heavy losses, managed to reach the foothills of the Main Caucasian Range and the Terek River. However, in general, the German plan "Edelweiss" failed. In total, during the 1st stage of the battle, Army Group "A" lost almost 100 thousand people killed; the Germans failed to break into the Transcaucasus and the Middle East. Turkey did not dare to enter the war on the side of the Third Reich.
    • One factor in the failure of the Germans in the Caucasus was that the German command focused on the battle of Stalingrad, where events unfolded in no way in the best way for the Wehrmacht. In September 1942, with the task of protecting the flanks of Army Group B near Stalingrad, the 3rd Romanian Army was transferred from the Caucasian direction. In December 1942, due to failures near Stalingrad, some German formations were also removed from the Caucasian front, as a result of which the German group in the Caucasus weakened even more, and by the beginning of 1943 began to yield to the Soviet troops in numbers - both in personnel , as well as in technology and weapons.
  • Slide 10

    Decisive battles on the Taman Peninsula

    Novorossiysk-Taman operation.

    • In the summer of 1943, there was a lull in the Kuban sector. In order to hold the Taman bridgehead, the Germans erected a defensive line - the so-called. "blue line". Fighting on the Blue Line lasted from February to September 1943. The successful offensive of Soviet troops in Ukraine in the spring of 1943 put the Taman Wehrmacht group in a difficult situation. September 3, 1943 Hitler gave the order to withdraw troops from the Kuban.
    • The Soviet offensive began on the night of September 10 with an amphibious landing in the port of Novorossiysk. Parts of the 18th Army went on the offensive east and south of the city. On the night of September 11, the second echelon of troops was landed. On the same day, the troops of the 9th Army went on the offensive, striking at Temryuk, and on September 14, the troops of the 56th Army, operating on the central sector of the front. On September 15, the eastern and western groups of the 18th Army united in Novorossiysk, the next day the city was completely liberated.
    • By October 9, the 56th Army captured the entire northern part of the peninsula and reached the Kerch Strait. This completely ended the fighting in the Caucasus.
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    Results of the 2nd stage of the Battle for the Caucasus

    • Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus", obverse and reverse. In general, the second stage of the battle in the Caucasus became quite successful for the Soviet troops. Kalmykia, Checheno-Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory, Cherkess Autonomous Okrug, Karachay Autonomous Okrug and Adygei Autonomous Okrug were completely liberated.
    • After the return of Soviet power to the Caucasus, on charges of mass collaborationism and in order to eliminate the anti-Soviet detachments still operating in the rear, the following peoples were completely deported to Siberia and Central Asia: Chechens, Ingush, Karachays, Balkars, Kalmyks. The autonomy of these peoples was liquidated.
    • The victory in the battle for the Caucasus strengthened the southern flank of the Soviet-German front, in which close cooperation was achieved between ground forces, aviation, navy and partisans. Thousands of soldiers were awarded the medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus", established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 1, 1944.
    • For the skillful leadership of troops during the battles for the Caucasus and the Kuban, on February 1, 1943, the commander of the German troops in the Kuban, E. von Kleist, was promoted to the rank of field marshal.
  • Diploma D.M. Pozharsky. We are working with a document. What new did you learn in class today? Trouble. Fizminutka. Events of the end of the Time of Troubles. False Dmitry. Task in groups. Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. Zemsky Cathedral. Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky. M.I. Glinka at work. Features of the Time of Troubles. The Poles captured Smolensk. Big outfit. Questions and tasks at the end of the paragraph. Basic concepts.

    "Trouble in Yaroslavl" - Today's time. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. Captured Poles. On the way from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. Imposter troops. Description of one of the turning points of Russian history. Polish intervention. Impostor army. False Dmitry I was killed. Trouble. Troubled times. Public Holiday. Troubles and the Yaroslavl Territory. Board of False Dmitry I. Government. Vasily IV Shuisky.

    "The English Colonies in North America" ​​- June 10, 1772 - "The Gaspi Incident." English colonies in North America. Strengthening the control apparatus. conflict with England. Chronology of the founding of the English colonies. colony management. The first colonies and their inhabitants. King of England. Formation of the North American nation and administration of the colonies. Massasoyt signs an agreement with the Pilgrims. English colonies. Tomahawk. The inhabitants of one country are Americans.

    "Peter 1 Quiz" - Petrovsky Gates. Architectural style of the Petrine era. sculptural group. Reforms of Peter the Great. Name Peter. Who was Peter's first teacher. This man distinguished himself during the Great Northern War. Solemn receptions. Authority. Personality of Peter the Great. First printed newspaper. Romanov. Building. Culture and life of the Petrine era. Petrovsky Petersburg. Architectural buildings of St. Petersburg. Name the dates of the Great Northern War.

    "Davydov" - Literary fame. M.I.Kutuzov. Grace. Life in the Hussars. Prince. He married the daughter of a general. Case near Lyakhov. Davydov about himself. A.S. Pushkin. Cavalier guards. He was a lieutenant colonel in the Akhtyrsky hussar regiment. Denis Davydov. Apologies. Davydov entered the service. Poetry, his first poems were well received in literary circles. At the same time, at court, his satirical fables "Head and Feet" and "The River and the Mirror" were recognized as "outrageous" and brought displeasure to his superiors. Davydov.

    "Europe 16-17 centuries" - Strengthening of royal power in Europe in the XVI-XVII. Mercantilism. French monarchs. Form of government. England. What is "absolutism"? Absolutism. France. Complete the sentences. Historical workout. Creation of a professional army. God given right. Absolutism in Europe. Monarch cult. Elizabeth. Sun King. Creation of the state tax system. Star Chamber. Names of the natives.

    Studying "A radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War", I single out the topic "Battle for the Caucasus" as a separate lesson and conduct it on the basis of local history material. The battle for the Caucasus is an integral part of the military campaign of the second half of 1942 in the south of our country. In history textbooks, the material about the Battle of Stalingrad is detailed, and the battle for the Caucasus is mentioned in only two lines. The battle for the Caucasus, which chained significant forces of the Nazi armies, contributed to successful development Stalingrad operation. It has an important military-political and strategic importance, as a result of stubborn, bloody battles in the Caucasus, the enemy was stopped on the way to Grozny and Baku oil. The inhabitants of Stavropol made a great contribution to the victory over the enemy. The content of the lesson is based on the material on the hostilities in the Stavropol Territory and the Kursk region. The study of an educational topic based on local history material contributes to the development of patriotism, civic duty, a sense of responsibility for peace and tranquility in the region.

    The purpose of the lesson.

    1. To reveal the strategic goals of the German command in mastering the Caucasus.
    2. To show the results of military operations in the Caucasus in the summer and winter of 1942 on specific local history material.
    3. Continue to develop the skills and abilities of students: draw conclusions, compare and analyze facts, argue their judgments.
    4. Contribute to the formation of personal perception of historical facts. 5. To instill in students a sense of patriotism, national pride in the glorious military past of Soviet soldiers.

    Basic knowledge: plan "Edelweiss"; reasons for the retreat of the Red Army in the south; the content of the order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 227 of July 28, 1942; occupation regime; the course of hostilities in the Caucasus.
    Basic concepts: evacuation, battles of "local" significance, collaborationism.
    Lesson equipment: cards "Great Patriotic War Soviet Union 1941 - 1945", "Battle for the Caucasus", "Liberation of the Kursk region from fascist invaders", albums "They defended the Kursk region".

    During the classes

    Introductory speech of the teacher.

    During the spring-summer campaign of 1942, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin expected that the main offensive of the Wehrmacht would be in the Moscow direction. German intelligence convinced him of this, having successfully carried out a disinformation operation code-named "Kremlin". That is why Stalin ordered to gather a significant part of the tank forces and aviation near the capital. The troops that were to advance in the south in accordance with his plans were bled dry.

    Problem task. Hitler - to the Japanese ambassador (January 1942): "The Soviets will be defeated next summer ... I intend not to carry out offensive operations in the center of the front for the time being. My goal will be an offensive in the south. I decided, as soon as the weather improves, to launch a strike in direction of the Caucasus. This direction is the most important." Why do you think in 1942 Hitler decided to strike the main blow in the south?

    Introductory conversation: Why did Hitler pay special attention to the Caucasus in his plan? What strategic goals did Hitler set for the Caucasus in his plan? Conclusion. The North Caucasus is rich natural resources: 86.5% of the all-Union oil production, 65% of natural gas, 56.5% of manganese ore. Without Caucasian oil, Hitler considered it impossible to continue the war. All officers and generals of enemy military units were provided with a special "Handbook - a guide to the Caucasus." The annex to it indicates the areas of invasion: "Baku - oil gushers, Grozny - the best gasoline in the world, Kabarda - molybdenum, North Ossetia - zinc, Zanzegur - copper." The enemy made every effort to capture this rich area.

    Message student "Plan" Edelweiss ":

    Presentation"Battle for the Caucasus" - slides 2

    Working with the table "The balance of forces of the parties at the beginning of the battle for the Caucasus.

    Exercise: Analyze the data in the table and draw conclusions.

    Characterization by the teacher of the periods of the battle for the Caucasus

    The first period July 25 - December 31, 1942 - defensive actions of the Soviet troops. At the end of July, German troops launched an offensive in the Salsk, Stavropol and Krasnodar directions. German tank armies broke through the defenses of the Soviet troops, and entered the operational space - in the Zadonsk and Salsk steppes. In the troops of the Don task force there was a critical situation. In the divisions of the 37th Army, there were from 500 to 800 people, 10 shells per gun, 5 shells per mortar. There was no connection with the divisions. The headquarters lost control of the troops. The retreat took place in 40 degree heat. - The second period began on January 1, 1943. and ended on October 9, 1943. - characterized by offensive operations.

    Working with a document : Acquaintance with the order No. 227 of July 28, 1942 issued by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief under the title: "Not a step back."

    Exercise : There are different assessments of this order. Some believe that he played a large positive role in moral terms and in the sense of the requirements of the military regulations. The opinion of others: the order is too harsh, cruel, calculated on the fear of imminent punishment, and morally, its role cannot be assessed positively. What do you think about this? Justify your answer.

    Student's message about the battles for the Caucasian passes.

    The teacher's story about the fighting in the Stavropol region.

    "On the first of August, in the sector of the Don Group of Forces of the SCF, our troops fought heavy bloody battles with superior forces of the Nazi invaders," the Soviet Information Bureau reported, "the enemy pressed our troops in the Salsky direction, developing an offensive against Voroshilovsk (Stavropol)." On August 3, the city was subjected to intense bombardment and, in fact, was surrendered without a fight. On August 5, German troops captured Nevinnomyssk; from August 9 to 12 they captured the cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters group, on August 16 they occupied the village of Kursk and most of the region. The eastern borders of the district were defended by the troops of the Northern Group of the Transcaucasian Front, units of the 44th Army, and the 4th Guards Kuban Cossack Corps. The valiant warriors of these military formations stopped the fascist German offensive, did not let the fascist invaders go east further than our breakers, and went over to a decisive offensive. During the period of temporary occupation, a "new order" was established in the area, 850 civilians of Jewish nationality from the Bogdanovka and Menzhinsky farms were tortured and shot, young scouts Fedya Sherstobitov and Vanya Brazhnenko from the village of Galyugaevskaya, Vitya Zeleny from the Novaya Derevnya farm, were shot in the center of the village Kursk POW camp, looted and destroyed 24 collective farms, 1 state farm, 5 MTS. The farms Kizilov, Piev, Mikhailovsky, Menzhinsky, Tarsky were wiped off the face of the earth.

    Student messages(Appendix 3)

    The teacher's story about the battles for the Caucasian passes.

    In mid-August 1942, fierce battles began in the mountains of the North Caucasus between the 46th Army (commander - General V.F. Sergatskov) and the German mountain rifle corps of General R. Kondar. General S.M. Shtemenko noted: “Things clearly didn’t go well with the defense of the mountains. The front command exaggerated their inaccessibility too much, for which on August 15 they paid the price of the Klukhor Pass. from mountaineers and residents of high-mountainous regions, additional forces were brought up from regular troops ... "At the passes, according to the Information Bureau, there were battles of" local significance ". The troops of the Transcaucasian Front were tasked with stopping the enemy at all costs. Student Message"Courage and heroism of the defenders of the Caucasus." (Appendix 4)

    P presentation "Battle for the Caucasus"- slides 3-4

    Working with the map "Battle for the Caucasus"- the course of hostilities.

    Conclusion. Battles and operations in the North Caucasus were conducted in special conditions mountainous and wooded area, which enriched the Soviet troops with experience for subsequent actions in the Crimea and the Carpathians. The battle ended in victory, which was of great military-political and strategic importance.

    Characteristics of the teacher of the second period of the battle for the Caucasus.

    The second period began on January 1 and ended on October 9, 1943 - characterized by offensive operations.

    Presentation "Battle for the Caucasus"- slides 5-20

    The battle on the Volga largely predetermined the outcome of the battles in the North Caucasus. The offensive on the Transcaucasian front in January 1943 created a threat of encirclement of the enemy's North Caucasian grouping. In an effort to avoid encirclement, the Nazis began to retreat from the Mozdok region, the villages of Aga - Batyr and Dydymkino in a northwestern direction. On January 5, Kursk was liberated, on January 7 - the Kursk region, on January 11, the cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters group were liberated, on January 21 - the city of Stavropol. At the end of January, the Black Sea Group of Forces liberated Maikop, and then launched the Krasnodar operation, during which Krasnodar was liberated on February 12. “The Russians constantly chasing us, winter, decadent mood,” Wehrmacht soldier L. Treplin noted in his diary, “all this incredibly complicated the planned withdrawal, and entire units were seized with panic and fled headlong.” By mid-February, most of the North Caucasus was liberated from the enemy. Developing the offensive, the Soviet troops reached the Taman Peninsula, where they met stubborn resistance from the enemy. In September 1943, the Novorossiysk-Taman operation of the Soviet troops began. By October 9, the Taman Peninsula was liberated from the Nazis.

    Consolidation of the studied material.


    1. In the spring - summer of 1942, the Nazi command decided to strike the main blow:

    a) in the Leningrad direction;
    b) in the Moscow direction;
    c) to the south.

    2. Specify the code name of the plan of the Nazi command to capture the North Caucasus:

    a) "Barbarossa";
    b) "Typhoon";
    c) Edelweiss.

    3. What is the chronological framework of the battle for the Caucasus:

    a) November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943;
    b) August 23, 1942 - December 12, 1943;
    c) July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943.

    4. When was order No. 227, called "Not a step back" issued?

    a) July 28, 1942 due to the catastrophic situation on the Southwestern Front;
    b) November 19, 1942 in connection with the start of the offensive near Stalingrad;
    c) October 12, 1941 in connection with the German offensive on Moscow.

    5. When Voroshilovsk (Stavropol) was captured by the Nazi troops?

    a) August 1, 1942;
    b) August 3, 1942;
    c) August 7, 1942

    6. What is the chronological framework of the occupation of the village of Kursk:

    a) August 23, 1942 - December 12, 1943
    b) August 16, 1942 - January 5, 1943
    c) August 10, 1942 - February 2, 1943

    Final conversation

    1. What strategic goal was pursued by the German command, setting the troops the task of mastering the Caucasus?
    2. What was the indication of setting such a goal? Why did the German troops fail to complete this task?
    3. What were the results of military operations on the Soviet-German front in the winter and summer of 1942?
    4. Why can the second period of the Great Patriotic War be characterized as a period of persistent balance?

    Summary of student responses.



    1. Crimson horizons. Collection, - Stavropol, 1972.
    2. 2. Zemlyakova I., Ostapenko V. The obelisks began to speak. - Stavropol, 1985
    3. Zhulin N.P. "In memory of the defenders of the Caucasus" - from the personal archive.
    4. Zhulin N.P. "New Year's Eve forty-third" - from the personal archive.
    5. Krugov A.I. Stavropol Territory in the history of Russia. - Stavropol, 2002
    6. Mul V.I. "The Well of Sorrow". - Sat. "I changed the peaks of Pyatigorsk ...", Pyatigorsk, 2005.
    7. Rozmaritsa R.F. Baptism of fire. - Newspaper "Stepnoy Mayak", No. 2 - 4, 2003.
    8. Sumenko V. "My journalistic paths". Collection. - Stavropol, 2002