A Love Story: Love Letters from Great Monarchs. Love letters of famous people (9 photos) Erotic letters of famous people

We have selected for you the most passionate letters ever created by world-famous couples in love.

Alexander II - Ekaterina Dolgorukova


At the time of writing these letters, Emperor Alexander II has been married to Maria Alexandrovna for 27 years, but, of course, he could not get a divorce. The connection with Ekaterina Dolgorukova lasted from 1866, and after the death of the Empress in 1880, Alexander II immediately entered into a Marganist marriage with his beloved. However, their happiness did not last long: a year later, the emperor died from a bomb thrown by Ignaty Grinevitsky, a Narodnaya Volya member.

"We will again be in each other's arms with the same happiness as before..."

“After returning from a morning walk in the park, I, overwhelmed with happiness, took up my favorite pastime - reading your letter. It was the day of my return, but I didn't
in a hurry. My thoughts were full, as usual, of my sweet little devil, who would forgive me and promise even greater pleasure than on our first meeting.
And, my Angel, I promise you that we will again be in each other's arms with the same happiness as before, but remaining prudent because of your m.d.f., whom you love very much. But it was still sweet for us to find ourselves together after all that we endured after Paris. But nothing compares to the joy of what we do. We are two thirsty ones who cannot wait to be united with each other, and we are inseparable forever, feeling the happiness of being husband and wife before God.
O! Thank you, thank you, dear Angel, for all these tender memories that brought me so much pleasure, like everything that my sweet little wife brings me, who is the center of my life. And I am happy and proud to be her husband before God. It is not our fault that we missed our happiness. Nothing can interfere with our happiness. I love the happy memories you bring to me so much. I can't find anything like that in my life with Maria, although I may have forgotten about them in our nest.<…>I embrace you, my soul Katya, and I am happy that I am yours forever.

Nicholas II - Alexandra Feodorovna


The love of the royal couple flashed at first sight, when Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt came to Russia for the second time. The parents of the Tsarevich and grandmother Alix opposed this marriage, but Nicholas II persisted, and they had to agree. The couple carried love through their whole lives and did not flinch in the face of death, being under the guns of the Bolsheviks along with their children and servants.

“Although we are apart, our souls and thoughts are one,
is not it..."

“Darling, don’t think me stupid, but I can’t start a single letter without repeating what I constantly feel and think about: I love you, I love you. Oh honey, what is this power that has made me your prisoner forever? I can’t think of anything but you, my dear, and I give my life into your hands, I can’t give more. Over my love, every drop of it, you have complete power! Although we are apart, our souls and thoughts are one, isn't it, dear? Oh, my Aliki, if you only knew how much happiness you gave me, you would be glad and nothing would disturb the peace of your heart. How I would like to be close to you, to whisper gentle words of love and comfort in your ear...
And, honey, please always text me if you need to know anything. Speak directly and frankly. Never be afraid to tell me whatever you want. We should know everything about each other and always help each other, right, dear?
... With the warmest love and tenderest kisses, I remain your devoted and deeply loving, Nicky.
God bless you".

September 19, 1914
(the first letter of Alexandra Feodorovna after the start of the war)

“From an egoistic point of view, I suffer terribly from this separation. We are not used to her and I love my precious sweet boy so endlessly. It's almost twenty years now that I belong to you, and what a blessing it was for your little wife!
My fervent prayers follow you day and night. May the Lord keep you, may he protect, guide and guide you, and bring you home healthy and strong.
I bless and love you, as rarely anyone has ever been loved, and kiss every dear place, and press you tenderly to my heart.
Forever your own old wife."

Vladimir Mayakovsky - Lile Brik


Perhaps the most mysterious and dramatic love triangle: Vladimir Mayakovsky - Lilya Brik - Osip Brik. The three of them lived in the same apartment, the poet regularly provided money to the spouses and devoted almost all the poems to his "Lilik". Despite the numerous other connections of all the participants in this strange union, Mayakovsky always loved only the main Muse, he suffered terribly and was so tightly attached to her that he could only break the bonds that had entangled him with a shot in the heart.

“Before, driven by you, I believed in a meeting. Now I feel that I have been completely torn away from life, that nothing more will ever happen.
There is no life without you ... "

I see you've made up your mind. I know that my pestering you is a pain for you. But, Lilik, what happened to me today is too terrible for me not to grasp at the last straw, at the letter.
It was never so hard for me - I must have really grown too much. Previously, chased by you, I believed in a meeting. Now I feel that I have been completely torn away from life, that nothing more will ever happen. There is no life without you. I've always said it, I've always known it. Now I feel it, I feel it with my whole being. Everything, everything that I thought about with pleasure, now has no value - disgusting.
And yet I am unable not to write, not to ask you to forgive me for everything. If you made a decision with difficulty, with a struggle, if you want to try the latter, you will forgive, you will answer.
But even if you don't answer, you are my only thought. As I loved you seven years ago, I love you this very second, no matter what you want, no matter what you order, I will do it right now, I will do it with delight. How terrible it is to part, if you know that you love and you yourself are to blame for the parting.
I sit in a cafe and cry. Saleswomen laugh at me. It is terrible to think that my whole life will continue to be like this.
I write only about myself, not about you, I'm scared to think that you are calm and that with every second you are further and further away from me and a few more of them and I am completely forgotten.
If you feel anything but pain and disgust from this letter, answer for Christ's sake, answer now, I'm running home, I'll be waiting. If not, terrible, terrible grief.
Kiss. Your whole.

Napoleon I Bonaparte - Josephine Beauharnais


They got married when Napoleon was still a general. The age difference of six years did not interfere with the lovers, and while in the army, he was terribly jealous and sent hot letters, begging Josephine to join him. The windy beauty did not get bored in the company of numerous lovers, and Napoleon several times tried to part with her, but the influence of Josephine turned out to be stronger. And yet they divorced when it became clear that she could not give the emperor an heir.

“It hurts me that you don’t call me by my first name. I'll be waiting for you to write it"


“There was not a day that I did not love you; there was no night that I did not squeeze you in my arms. I do not drink even a cup of tea, so as not to curse my pride and ambition, which force me to stay away from you, my soul. In the midst of my service, whether at the head of an army or checking camps, I feel that my heart is occupied only by my beloved Josephine. It deprives me of reason, fills my thoughts.
If I move away from you at the speed of the Rhone, it only means that I may soon see you. If I get up in the middle of the night to go to work, it's because this way I can bring the moment of returning to you closer, my love. In your letter, you address me as "you". "You"? Ah, damn! How could you write such a thing? How cold it is!
Josephine! Josephine! Do you remember what I told you once: nature has rewarded me with a strong, unshakable soul. And she fashioned you from lace and air. Have you stopped loving me? Forgive me, love of my life, my soul is torn.
My heart, which belongs to you, is full of fear and longing ... It hurts me that you do not call me by name. I'll be waiting for you to write it. Goodbye! Oh, if you stopped loving me, then you never loved me! And I will have something to regret!”

“I arrived in Milan, I rushed to your apartment, I dropped everything to see you, to squeeze you in my arms ... but you were not there. You travel around the cities where the holidays are held, you leave me when I arrive, you no longer think about your dear Napoleon. Your love for him was only a caprice; inconstancy makes you indifferent. Accustomed to danger, I know the cure for life's hardships and illnesses. The misfortune that befalls me is unbearable; I was entitled to sympathy. I'll be here until the evening of the ninth. Do not worry; come back after entertainment; you are made for happiness. The whole world is happy with what can give you pleasure, and only your husband is very, very unhappy.

Friedrich Schiller - Charlotte Lengefeld


Friedrich met Charlotte (and her sister Caroline) in 1785, but the wedding took place a few years later, since the poet did not have a permanent salary and the girl's mother opposed the marriage. They had four children, and life was almost cloudless. Happy days were overshadowed by the frequent illnesses of Friedrich Schiller, and he died at the age of 45. Charlotte survived her husband by 15 years.

“Forget everything that could hamper your heart, let only your feelings speak”

(seven months before marriage)

“Is it true, dear Lotta? Can I hope that Caroline read in your soul and conveyed to me from the depths of your heart what I did not dare to admit to myself? Oh, how heavy this secret seemed to me, which I had to keep all the time, from the moment we met you.
You could give yourself to another, but no one could love you more pure and tender than me. For no one else Our happiness could not be more sacred than it has always been and always will be for me. All my existence, everything that lives in me, everything dearest in me, I dedicate to you. And if I strive to ennoble myself, it is only in order to become more worthy of you, to make you happier. The nobility of the soul contributes to the beautiful and indissoluble bonds of friendship and love. Our friendship and love will be indissoluble and eternal, like the feelings on which we built them.
Forget everything that could hamper your heart, let only your feelings speak. Confirm what Caroline let me hope for. Say that you want to be mine and that my happiness is not a sacrifice for you. Oh, convince me of this with one single word. Our hearts have been close to each other for a long time. Let that only alien thing that has hitherto stood between us fall away, and let nothing hinder the free communion of our souls.
Goodbye, dear Lotta. I long for the right moment to describe to you all the feelings of my heart; they made me happy and unhappy again for so long. And now this desire alone dwells in my soul.
…Do not hesitate to permanently ease my anxiety. I give into your hands all the happiness of my life ... Goodbye, dear!

Henry VIII - Anne Boleyn


To win the love of the seductive Anna, who did not want to act as a favorite, Henry VIII broke off relations with the Pope, who refused to annul the marriage of the king with Catherine of Aragon, and declared himself the head of the new, Anglican church. However, having married his beloved, Henry VIII became disillusioned with the demanding and wayward Boleyn. Carried away by the maid of honor, the king accused Anna of state and adultery, including with her brother. Boleyn was beheaded.

“Not seeing the possibility of being near you, I am sending you a little thing that is closest to me ...”

16th century

“My beloved and my friend, my heart and I place ourselves in your hands, in humble prayer for your good disposition and that your affection for us would not decrease while we are not around. For there will be no greater misfortune for me than to aggravate your sorrow. Separation brings enough sadness, more than I ever imagined. This fact reminds me of astronomy: the farther the poles are from the sun, the more unbearable the heat. The same with our love, for your absence has separated us, but love retains its ardor - at least on my part. Hopefully yours too.
I assure you that in my case, the longing for separation is so great that it would be unbearable if I were not firmly convinced of the strength of your feelings for me. Seeing no possibility of being close to you, I am sending you a little thing that is closest to me, that is, a bracelet with my portrait, with the device that you already know about. How I would like to be in his place, to see you and how you will rejoice in him. Written by the hand of your faithful servant and friend,

Alfred de Musset - George Sand


The famous playwright, who knew the sweet taste of fame even before the age of 20, became interested in the famous writer after reading her second novel, and completely lost his head in a personal meeting. They became lovers, often fooled around and came up with different fun, and all of France discussed their crazy relationship. However, the time spent together in Italy became a nightmare for them, and the relationship between George Sand and Alfred de Musset, which lasted only two years, came to naught.

"I will suffer less if you show me the door now"

“My dear Georges, I need to tell you something stupid and funny. I'm writing you foolishly, I don't know why, instead of telling you all this after returning from a walk. In the evening, I will fall into despair because of this. You will laugh in my face, consider me a phrase-monger. You will show me the door and start thinking that I am lying.
I'm in love with you. I fell in love with you from the first day I was with you. I thought that I would recover from this very simply, seeing you as a friend. There are many traits in your character that can heal me; I tried my best to convince myself of this. But the minutes that I spend with you cost me too much. It's better to say it - I will suffer less if you show me the door now. Tonight, when I ... [Georges Sand, editing Musset's letters before publication, crossed out two words and cut out the next line with scissors] I decided to tell you that I was in the country. But I do not want to make riddles, or create the appearance of an unreasonable quarrel. Now, Georges, you will, as usual, say: "Another annoying admirer!" If I am not quite the first person you meet, then tell me how you would say it to me yesterday in a conversation about someone else - what should I do. But I beg you - if you are going to tell me that you doubt the truth of what I am writing to you, then it is better not to answer at all. I know what you think of me; saying this, I do not hope for anything. I can only lose a friend and the only pleasant hours that I spent during the last month. But I know that you are kind, that you loved, and I entrust myself to you not as a beloved, but as a sincere and faithful comrade.
Georges, I am acting like a madman, depriving myself of the pleasure of seeing you during the short time that remains for you to spend in Paris before leaving for Italy. We could have had delightful nights there if I had had more determination. But the truth is that I am suffering and I lack resolve.”

Ludwig van Beethoven -

"Immortal Beloved"


Being a complex and irritable person, besides aggravated by a terrible illness - progressive deafness, which almost drove the great composer to suicide, Beethoven never married, but he fell seriously in love more than once, usually with his unattainable students. Three passionate unsent letters were found among his papers, all addressed to the "Immortal Beloved". It is assumed that Antonia Brentano, a Venetian, the wife of a Frankfurt merchant, was hiding behind this sweet “name”.

“I decided to wander away from you until I am able to fly and throw myself into your arms, feel you completely mine and enjoy this bliss”

“Even in bed my thoughts fly to you, my Immortal Love! I am seized by either joy or sadness in anticipation of what fate has in store for us. I can either live with you or not live at all. Yes, I have decided to wander away from you until I am able to fly and throw myself into your arms, feel you completely mine and enjoy this bliss. That is how it should be. You will agree to this, because you do not doubt my loyalty to you; never another will take my heart, never, never. Oh, God, why part with what you love so much!
The life I now lead in V. is hard. Your love makes me the happiest and unhappiest person at the same time. At my age, a certain monotony, stability of life is already required, but are they possible with our relations? My angel, now I just found out that the mail leaves every day, I must finish so that you receive the letter as soon as possible. Be calm; be calm, love me always.
What a longing to see you! You are my Life - my Everything - goodbye. Love me as before - never doubt the fidelity of your beloved.
Forever yours
Forever mine
Forever we are ours."

Vissarion Belinsky - Maria Orlova


The outstanding critic and publicist, despite the wide circle of acquaintances, felt terribly lonely and often did not even want to go home so as not to be alone with his heavy thoughts. Having fallen in love with Maria Orlova and proposing to her, Belinsky again felt happiness and a surge of strength. However family life did not bring him the desired satisfaction: the couple often quarreled. They lived only four years, when Belinsky died of consumption at the age of 36.

“In dreams I speak to you better than in writing, just as I used to speak to you better in absentia than on dates”

“The thought of you makes me happy, and I am unhappy with my happiness, for I can only think of you. The most luxurious dream is worth less than the most impoverished materiality; and a rich essentiality awaits me: what and why do I have all my dreams, and can they give me happiness? No, as long as you are not with me, I am not myself, I cannot do anything, think anything. After that, it is very natural that all my thoughts, desires, aspirations focused on one thought, on one question: when will it be? And while I still don't know exactly when, but something inside me tells me that soon. Oh, if it could be next month!
Tell me: will I get a letter from you soon? I am waiting - and I do not believe that I will wait, I am sure that I will receive it soon - and I am afraid to even hope. Oh, do not torment me, but you have already sent your letter, and I will receive it today, tomorrow! - is not it?
Farewell. God bless you! May good spirits surround you during the day, whisper words of love and happiness to you, and send you good dreams at night. And I - I would like now to see you at least for a minute, to look into your eyes for a long, long time, to hug your knees and kiss the edge of your dress. But no, it is better not to see each other for as long as possible, than to see each other for only one minute and part again, as we have already parted once. Forgive me for this chatter; my chest is on fire; a tear wells up in his eyes: in such a stupid state, one usually wants to say a lot and nothing is said, or it is said very stupidly.
Strange affair! In dreams I speak to you better than in writing, just as I used to speak to you better in absentia than when I met. Something now Sokolniki? What is the cherished path, the green bench, the magnificent alley? How sad to remember all this and how much joy and happiness in the sadness of this memory!

Leo Tolstoy - Sophia Bers


They have known each other since childhood and have maintained love and respect for each other all their lives. When they got married, Lev Nikolaevich was 34 years old, and his young wife was only 18. Sofya Andreevna was the great writer not only the wife and mother of his 13 children (five died in childhood), but also a faithful friend and assistant in all matters - a copyist of manuscripts, translator, secretary, publisher of his works. It was she who ran the household and also wrote novels and short stories, memoirs.

"Your presence reminds me too vividly of my old age, and it is you"

“Sofya Andreevna, it’s becoming unbearable for me. For three weeks I say every day: today I will say everything, and I leave with the same longing, repentance, fear and happiness in my soul. And every night, as now, I go over the past, I suffer and say: why did I not say, and how, and what would I say. I take this letter with me to give it to you, if again I cannot, or lack the courage to tell you everything. Your family's false view of me is, it seems to me, that I am in love with your sister Liza. It's not fair. Your story stuck in my head because, after reading it, I became convinced that I, Dublitsky, should not dream of happiness, that your excellent poetic demands for love ... that I do not envy and will not envy the one you love . It seemed to me that I could rejoice in you as in children.
In Ivitsy I wrote: "Your presence reminds me too vividly of my old age, and it is you." But then, and now, I lied to myself. Even then I could have cut everything off and gone back to my monastery of solitary labor and passion for work. Now I can do nothing, but I feel that I have made a mess in your family; that a simple, dear relationship with you, as with a friend, an honest person, is lost. And I can't leave and I don't dare to stay. You are an honest man, hand on heart, slowly, for God's sake slowly, tell me what to do? What you laugh at, you work for. I would have died laughing if I had been told a month ago that it was possible to suffer, as I am suffering, and I am happily suffering this time.
Tell me, as an honest man, do you want to be my wife? Only if with all your heart, you can boldly say: yes, otherwise you’d better say: no, if there is a shadow of self-doubt in you. For God's sake, ask yourself well. It will be terrible for me to hear: no, but I foresee it and find the strength in myself to bear it. But if I will never be loved as a husband as I love, it will be terrible!”

Project prepared
Ksenia Menshchikova

magazine ENTRER №3(autumn 2014)

Agree, other people's letters are, at least, exciting. And if they are not gossip on a social network, but whole little tragedies, then it is impossible to remain indifferent. It is difficult to judge whether the publication of correspondence is something unethical, but let's start reading with care and patience: then, perhaps, a thought not addressed to us will still be useful or even soul-cleansing.

I chose five correspondences, after which I want, firstly, to walk around the room for a long time and admire, and, secondly, to write to my friends something smarter than “Hello, I'm lying, and you?”.

Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger

Correspondence between lovers is a sweet thing, and even more so between philosophers in love. Here the author of difficult-to-pronounce terminology acts as a poet, dedicating to Arendt the same type, but sometimes very tender poems, boasts of his success in skiing, complains of a cold and, most importantly, tries to understand “the most difficult thing that falls to a person’s lot” - the feeling of love as such.

This communication lasts fifty years, and at the end, instead of letters from a venerable professor to an admiring student, we are presented with evidence of the friendship of two outstanding people who were able to survive everything - war, all kinds of accusations and love for each other.

And the fact that love exists is a gratifying testament to “there-being”: it can be. And now a new peace spills over your face, and this is not a reflection of some free-floating bliss, but of strength and kindness, in which you are so completely there.


Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan

It is not often possible to find a poet whose fate would be comfortable and devoid of thorns. The meeting of Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan is like proof of this impossibility. They write poems to each other and about each other, only to be silent for ten years later. Bachmann dies in a fire, Celan commits suicide. Two hundred brilliant, tragic letters, the last of which remain unanswered, are all that remain of us chained to the twenty-first century.

I watch with fear as you are carried away into the vast sea, but I will build a ship and bring you back, lost, home. Only you yourself help me in this and do not complicate my task. Time and much more is against us, but we will not let it destroy what we want to save from its stream. Write to me as soon as possible, please, and write if you need my words, will you accept my tenderness and love, can I help you with something, are you still reaching out to me and covering me with a dark veil of heavy sleep in which I want shine with light. Try, write, ask me a question, get rid of everything that oppresses you! I'm all with you.


Alexey Losev and Valentina Sokolova

A rare, but beautiful and terrible book - the correspondence of the Russian philosopher Alexei Losev with his wife, astronomer Valentina Sokolova. Sent into exile in different camps, they do not talk about the injustice and horrors of repression, but seek solace in the eternal, ranging from ancient philosophy to mathematical equations. The Soviet concentration camp turned out to be a desert of trials for spouses who secretly took monastic vows.

The destruction of their library, the approaching blindness of Alexei Fedorovich, would be a terrible blow for the Losevs - but was this joy, “joy forever”, carried through the years of exile? ..

Dear, eternal, unforgettable sister and mother, wife and bride! I bless the day and hour when I first saw your clear and bright face, and among all the trials and sufferings you are the only support and support, constant hope and hope. Even if you have to die apart, it can still be said that it was not without reason that we lived with you in the world, that we learned the mystery of love and peace, which is unknown to people and has no name in human language. With memories of you and the hope of a date, I live and be healthy, wandering from one place to another and while enduring all the hardships of the difficult path.


Erich Maria Remarque and Marlene Dietrich

When it comes to love, where are we without Remarque? Even if there is no money for Balenciaga dresses, and even Calvados is replaced by ordinary vodka, there is something fragile-beautiful in the world of racers, fashion models and lost young men who have come from a long war. This book is another classic Remarque novel, and Remarque's letters to Dietrich may well be Ravik's telegrams to the wayward Joan from Arc de Triomphe.

How will it all end? Badly. Do the heroes know? Yes. We know this too, but now the happy Remarque throws a bottle of expensive wine into the sea, making a sacrifice to the sea gods, and we rejoice with him.

And just look: the butterflies that you thought were dead, dead, heavy and motionless, they dried up in the sun, warmed up and settled down on a warm stone, like stripes of an order block, and again turned into a clear, flying “yes!” of life, again turned into a multi-colored soaring, returned from the night, and the day ahead is still long ... Oblique beam, lightning from heavenly mirrors, hello to you! To hell with chicken coops! Sunflowers boomed: "Parting, separation!" - and the falcons shouted: “The future! Future!" - blessed be the years that are now fading into oblivion, blessed be the mercies, blessed be all the troubles, blessed be the wild cries and blessed be the hours of stopped time, when life held its breath - it was youth, youth, and it was life, life !


Andrey Platonov - wife and friends

Hundreds of studies have been written about the life and work of Andrei Platonov, but since there is a chance to read the author himself, this should not be missed. As the "collector of his letters" says in the preface: "In my opinion, it is enough to collect the letters of people and publish them - and you will get a new literature of world significance."

The question again arises of how much our correspondence in social networks will excite the world, but what Platonov wrote to his wife and friends is definitely touching.

Neither you nor I have yet realized how beautiful and powerful we are. We are happier and more immortal than the gods. Light and joy to you, for you were the first to bring love into the world and made life unnecessary. You justified my prophecy: a woman, Mary, and not a woman, but a girl, will save the universe through her son. Her first son will be her beloved, whom she will kiss on the soul in response to a kiss. Goodbye light and new universe saved, fire and resurrection. We started another better world higher than the heavens and more mysterious than the stars. Goodbye, inexplicable, my heart is tearing love and my soul has become an abyss, where the flame of longing for you is spinning like a whirlwind. I know that I have become immortal and will rebuild the universe for and in the name of you. I want light for you, bright, how everything in me became light and faith.

When we love, we are many, we are everywhere and nowhere. We are overwhelmed with feelings, and we can hardly cope with emotions. But this is us, and great people have always found the right words to express their love. It is the understanding of the depth of each phrase that makes us aware of what words cannot express. great love great people are inspired and helped to believe in the best and eternal.

Romantic quotes from letters of great people to their loved ones.

Ernest Hemingway

“I dream of writing something about you, my love! Because you are the only hero in my life. I can't even imagine that I could ever be mad at you. When you had an affair with Jean, I was so jealous that I could die. I hope I never show it."

Lev Tolstoy

“... I would die of laughter if a month ago they told me that you can suffer, as I suffer, and happily suffer this time. Tell me, as an honest man, do you want to be my wife? Only if with all your heart, you can boldly say: yes, otherwise you’d better say: no, if there is a shadow of self-doubt in you. For God's sake, ask yourself well. It will be terrible for me to hear: no, but I foresee it and find the strength in myself to bear it. But if I will never be loved by my husband the way I love, it will be terrible!

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

“I do not ask you to always love me the way you do now, but I ask you to remember this. Somewhere inside of me there will always be the person I am tonight.”

Zelda Fitzgerald

Alexander Pushkin

“Today is the anniversary of the day I first saw you; this day in my life. The more I think, the more I become convinced that my existence cannot be separated from yours: I was created to love you and follow you; all my other worries are one delusion and madness.”

Katherine Mansfield

"My love for you tonight is so deep and tender that it seems to be bigger than myself."

Frida Kahlo

“Nothing compares to your hands, nothing compares to the yellow-green color of your eyes. My body is filled with you every day. You are a reflection of the night. Strong flash of lightning. The dampness of the earth. Your armpit cavities are my refuge. My fingers touch your blood. All my joy lies in feeling how life beats from your flowering fountain, with which I continue to fill all my nerve channels that belong to you.

Ronald Wilson Reagan

“The important thing is that I don't want to be without you for the next 20 or 40 years, or whatever it is. I'm very used to being happy and I really love you very much."

Jimi Hendrix

Johnny Cash

“We get older and get used to each other. We think alike. We read each other's minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we irritate each other a little - and maybe sometimes we take each other for granted.

But sometimes, like today, I think about it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I have ever met. You still amaze and inspire me.

You change me for the better. You are my desire, the main reason for my existence. I love you so much".

I. S. Turgenev

"... apparently, I am destined for happiness, if I deserve to have the reflection of your life mixed with mine!".

Vladimir Mayakovsky

“I love, I love, in spite of everything and thanks to everything, I loved, I love and I will love, whether you are rude to me or affectionate, mine or someone else's. I still love it. Amen. It's funny to write about it, you yourself know it.

1 option

Beloved, I really look forward to the day when we can retire and the rest of the world except our own will cease to exist for us. Every time before I fall asleep, I imagine this day, the day when you will take me far - far away and hug me tightly - tightly. This will be our best time, the time when happiness will fill our loving hearts to the brim. I dream to quickly forget myself in your strong arms and, not noticing anything around, breathe with you in unison.

Only one man in the world can make me truly happy, and that man is you! My only one, my love! I love absolutely everything about you, I love every part of you. Your smile and touch is my heaven. I want you to never take your eyes off me, which makes my loving heart beat even faster. You are my happiness, my life, the most beautiful person in this world. My love for you is so strong that it will warm you with its warmth everywhere, no matter how far you are and protect you from all troubles. Despite all the circumstances that will ever try to separate us, I believe that we will always be together.

Never doubt that you are always in my heart, no matter what happens and this is forever. Nobody can ever change that. You are constantly in my thoughts and desires about our life together. All I want is to have you by my side, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I left the past in the past forever, as if it never existed. I only think about the future, our joint future. Before I met you, I didn't even think it was possible. And with no one, time has never flown by so quickly that I want to stop the moments when we are together. I feel so good next to you that I don’t want to leave for a minute. You are the one with whom it is always and everywhere easy, calm and comfortable. My kitten, the most dear and desirable, how I want to meet as soon as possible and feel the warmth of your palms warming my hands.

I myself don’t know why I’m writing all this, probably because my feelings for you are so strong that they ask to come out, demand that you find out about them. I can't shake the feeling that we've known each other all our lives. You know, when I saw you for the first time, the first thing I thought was: can we do something? As we both now know, it worked! I really treasure your smile, and it seems to me that now you are smiling. My sun, how heavy it is on my heart that you are not around now. I constantly think about you, I live in dreams of a future in which we are finally together. I would rather see you, look into your bottomless eyes and touch your lips with your lips. My faith that we will be together is unshakable, because we both want it. Our happiness is in our hands. We have a happy future ahead of us. I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and faithfully wait ... Your beloved girl!

P.S. My beloved, know that no matter how far we are from each other, no matter how many kilometers separate us, I am always there. I am there at any time of the year, in any weather, whether it is a gray rainy autumn or a hot bright summer. I caress you with gusts of wind, embrace you with the rays of the sun. Together we will overcome everything, we can overcome any difficulties. I trust you and believe in us.

Option 2

My dear! My only man, thank you for your presence in my life. No one but you can make my life as happy as you make it. Your “love” is dearer to me than all riches. In order to make you happy, I am ready to sacrifice everything that I have. May my love keep you everywhere, wherever you are, whatever you do!

My beautiful, strong and wise, I thank you for absolutely everything, even for your shortcomings. My vermin J You showed me what true love is and I am grateful to you for that. I'm happy that we met. I do not want any other happiness than the happiness of loving you and feeling that this is mutual. I am terribly afraid of losing this happiness and sometimes (perhaps too often) my actions seem stupid to you. It is important for me to feel that you trust me and need me as much as I need you and to see you happy. My dear, I ask you, let's never quarrel and deceive each other.

My love, we must be each other's support and support, take care of each other and understand. We've been through a lot and we'll go through a lot more together. Rodnul, I won't give you to anyone. I love and appreciate.

3 option

I thought I was running away from you, but I realized that it was an attempt to run away from myself. But, as you know, it is impossible to escape from yourself, just as it is impossible to stop thinking about you. All attempts to forget you are futile. With my mind I understand everything, but with my heart I do not want to forget. I need to forget you, but it's beyond my strength.

You are my universe. Without you, I don’t need anything in this life and it doesn’t matter. Life is meaningless without you. I don't want to wake up without you, I don't want to breathe, because my oxygen is YOU! My life, I'm suffocating without you!

I don't hope to ever see you again. I know it's like I never existed for you. It hurts, but it's true and I accept it. Now this is the only way to get close to you and tell you about the love that tears my heart to shreds. In the absence of another opportunity to talk to you, I chose this one.

It would seem that only a month has passed since your disappearance, but for me this is the longest month, for me it is an eternity. But my wound is bleeding like it was yesterday. It seems to me that you went out for a couple of minutes and now - you'll be back. I refuse to believe that this is forever. Everything is in the past, but I still live in memories in which you are near. But you are not... And without you, there is no me. Let me go, please let me go...

My life is a lie, I don't want you to let me go... Never. Never let Me Go. I promised myself that I would not write to you again, but again I broke my promise. I need this, because I see you in everyone and in everything. You are everywhere. I am filled with you. The only meaning of my life is YOU. And even if we never meet again, know that I will always be only yours. Whoever I meet on my way, I see only your features in them, there is only YOU and no one else. I don't want it. I'm looking for you in others, but no one can replace you, you hear, no one. You are the only one, the only one, all the rest and your little finger are not worth it. I repeat myself, but you are my life, its only meaning, my soul. I know that you will never read these lines, but still, I'm sorry to bother you. You are just my illusion. I made you up. But it's the only way to talk.

Somewhere out there, in the depths of my heart, I sincerely wish you happiness. I'm scared, scared to be obsessive and annoying for you, scared to seem too frank. It's funny...

Even I find it funny. Although, you know, I'm gone. I'm just a shell without a soul. My soul, which belongs only to you, is dead. She no longer belongs to me.

All that keeps me in this world is the desire, at least from afar, at least for a little while, to give you a piece of my love. I live only by believing in it, by the hope that makes my heart beat. I'm grateful to you…

4 option

I'm tired of trying to prove something to you. You are free to think the way you want. The only thing I want, Andrei, is for you to know that you are the cause of my madness. I can't find peace without you, I can't control myself when you're around. My love for you has brought me suffering, accompanied by the fear of losing you. You became my only dream, all the rest faded compared to you. I gave myself to you without reserve and regret.

Darling, I don't need anyone but you. I'm all yours. Don't let me go... Please be there. That's all I ask. I do not live when you are not around, I exist. You are my guardian angel, my crazy passion... I want to belong only to you, to obey the power of your touch. How I want to be there now, to give you the tenderness of my kisses ... I want you. You alone. It drives me crazy. Until our meeting is an eternity, but I will definitely wait for you. Before meeting you, I was frightened by the speed with which time flies, and now, when you are not around, it seems to have stopped. I really want to hurry him up so that I can see you as soon as possible. To see you in front of you as beloved, dear and good as in our better days. The passion that I felt for you then did not fade away, it is addressed only to you alone. You are my crazy love...

I will never change you for anyone. I'm not interested in temporary hobbies and easy flirting. All this is not for me. When you talk to me about love, my hands get cold and my pulse quickens. My imagination paints a joyful picture of you wrapping your arms around me and softly whispering "I love you". I voluntarily gave myself into the captivity of this love. I don't want freedom, I don't want to let anyone into my world but you. There is no place in my heart for them. Everything that seemed important before meeting you turned into ashes. You replace the whole world. Love you…

5 option

Hello, my dear, my dear person.

Do not be surprised if you stumble upon my letter on one of the sites. Today, no one is surprised by this. Gone are the days when people were embarrassed to write beautiful love letters. I am not ashamed of my feelings and I am not ashamed of them. I can boldly speak about them without fear of judgment. I am not afraid of the thought that someone other than you will read about it. I will not blush, on the contrary, I will be glad if this letter awakens similar feelings in someone ...

My beloved, this is not just a love letter - this is my love song dedicated to you. I appreciate your feelings, giving rise to a gentle thrill in my soul. I know how you feel every time you think of me. Few people today are able to love like this ...

A letter written during a period of separation is more than just a letter. This is a reminder that separation is not eternal and one day it will be new meeting that will bring happiness. My dear, my romantic, in this letter I share with you my dreams and my faith. I believe that the lines of this letter will come to life and become a reality.

Not infrequently I imagine that my letter is already in your hands, I imagine how you read it, inhaling the scent of the pen with which it was written. What you read makes you smile.

Letters from loved ones are always dear to the heart. Many have long abandoned the habit of keeping them, but you and I will keep them just as we will keep our feelings. One day, our children will read these letters, through which they will be able to look into the most hidden corners of our hearts. We will become an example for them of how to write such letters to their loved ones.

The world is huge, and a couple of months is not enough to go around it entirely. But you and I have our own world, which is always with us, it is securely hidden in our loving hearts. Our separation will not last long. I sincerely believe in it. And every time, re-reading these lines, you will again fall into my world, and when we meet, our worlds will reunite and become one whole - love and tenderness.

With trepidation, I seal the envelope and dropping it into the mailbox, imagining that it has already reached the addressee and stirred up in his heart dreams of an early meeting.

Their fate is ruled by the crown, their free time by the throne, but the heart can have no other ruler than Love. History knows many examples of how monarchs abdicated the inherited throne in the name of the strongest of all feelings and threw their lives at the feet of their beloved, offering to walk along it hand in hand.

Who knows what was really going on in the soul of some Spanish king who sat on the throne during the military campaigns of his compatriots or the queen during the next popular revolt? For a princess forced to follow strict protocol at a drawn-out official reception, when would she like more than anything to be in the arms of her lover? From the padishah, who never managed to concentrate while reading an old treatise? They know they are paper witnesses of mute tears and joyful aspirations, nightly vigils and painful expectations, boudoir secrets and beloved eyes full of hope...

Love rules the world, and neither the throne, nor the status, nor the next era that has come to replace it, nor the progressive age of digital technologies will change this, and the love letters of the great monarchs are another confirmation of this.

queen of heart

The history of the couple Henry VIII - Anne Boleyn has acquired such myths and legends that no one could dream of Ancient Greece: accused in her finale of adultery and a number of other mortal sins, the former favorite, and after - the queen, over the years of the short reign of the heart of the English monarch, managed (inadvertently or on purpose) to move his legal wife Catherine from the throne and her sister Mary, who was aiming at him, to weave a ball court scandals, intrigues and investigations and being a prisoner in the gloomy Tower. Although Henry VIII pops up in the minds of historians as an inevitable association with the words "tyrant and despot", he wrote the most tender letters to his lady of the heart.

Henry VIII - Anne Boleyn

My mistress and friend

My heart and I surrender to your mercy and beg for your favor, which may not weaken in separation, as this will increase our pain, which would be very sad, because your absence causes us enough suffering, more suffering than I thought possible experience. One fact from astronomy comes to mind, which is this: the farther the poles are from the sun, however, the stronger the heat that burns them. It is the same with our love: distances have separated us, but despite this, passion only intensifies, at least on my part. I hope you feel the same way, and I assure you that the agony associated with your absence is so great that it would be simply unbearable if it were not for the firm hope of the indissolubility of love that you have for me. Wanting to remind you of her, and also because I do not have the opportunity to be near you personally, I am sending you the most similar, closest thing - that is, my portrait, and the full motto, already known to you, minted on bracelets, wishing be in the place of the latter, when you will be in that pleasure.

Written by the hand of your servant and friend

Photo source: www.omsk-kprf.ru, www.tudorplace.com.ar

With love, yours forever

Bonaparte built Napoleonic plans not only in the military field, but also on the personal front: he chose as his wife a beautiful brunette, society lady and trendsetter Marie Rose Joseph Tashe de la Pageris - in adolescence, she was told by an old Negro woman "to be more than queen." Her closest friend brings her in her salon with a young general, who is destined to reshape her life in her own way. world history. Without changing the essence of her beloved - by that time Marie Rose, who had been imprisoned and, by chance, escaped execution, and without his help was able to turn any adventures and enter into profitable love alliances, Bonaparte changes her name: according to his unquestioning desire, she becomes Josephine even for old friends . The subsequent correspondence of Josephine and Bonaparte from the time of countless Napoleonic military campaigns, as well as their new names, will subsequently find their place in history.

Napoleon Bonaparte - Josephine

There wasn't a day that I didn't love you; there was no night that I did not squeeze you in my arms. I do not drink even a cup of tea, so as not to curse my pride and ambition, which force me to stay away from you, my soul. In the midst of service, whether at the head of an army or checking camps, I feel that my heart is occupied only by beloved Josephine. It deprives me of reason, fills my thoughts. If I move away from you at the speed of the Rhone, it only means that I may soon see you. If I get up in the middle of the night to go to work, it's because this way I can bring the moment of returning to you closer, my love. In your letter dated 23 and 26 Vantoza, you address me as "You." "You"? Ah, damn! How could you write such a thing? How cold it is! And then these four days between the 23rd and the 26th; what were you doing, why didn't you have time to write to your husband?..

Ah, my love, it's "You", these four days make me forget my former carelessness. Woe to the one who caused this! Hell's torment is nothing! The serpentine furies are nothing! "You"! "You"! Oh! And what will happen in a week or two?.. My heart is heavy; my heart is entangled in chains; my fantasies terrify me... You love me less and less; and you will easily recover from the loss. When you don't love me at all, at least tell me so; then I will know what I have done to deserve this misfortune...

Farewell, my wife, torment, joy, hope and driving force of my life, The one that I love, that I fear, which fills me with tender feelings that bring me closer to Nature, and violent urges, stormy like furious thunder. I do not demand from you either eternal love or fidelity, I only ask ... truth, absolute honesty. The day when you say: “I stopped loving you” will mark the end of my love and the last day of my life. If my heart were so contemptible as to love without reciprocity, I would have ordered it torn from me. Josephine! Josephine! Do you remember what I told you once: nature has rewarded me with a strong, unshakable soul. And she fashioned you from lace and air. Have you stopped loving me? Forgive me, love of my life, my soul is torn.

My heart, which belongs to you, is full of fear and longing ... It hurts me that you do not call me by name. I'll be waiting for you to write it.

Goodbye! Oh, if you stopped loving me, then you never loved me! And I will be sorry!


Photo source: dic.academic.ru, serg-was.livejournal.com

I am writing to you

At the court of the new favorite of Catherine II, they caustically called another “case”, and the fact that the “case” lingered in favor with the Empress for many years was explained by his enterprise and the ability to win over the empress with jokes and fun. In fact, it was not limited to this: the astute Catherine, although not immediately, managed to appreciate the extraordinary mental and military abilities of the mature general who returned after the battle with the Turks, who for the first time laid eyes on the “mother”, as he himself called her in letters, while still being a 22-year-old participant in a coup d'état, as a result of which the empress became one. Elevated to the favorites, Potemkin incurred the wrath of the Orlov brothers, who were close to the royal heart, but did not grieve for a long time: he was saved by numerous promotions, appointments, awards and liberties bestowed by the generosity of the Great.

Catherine the Great to Prince Grigory Potemkin

November 15, 1789

My dear friend, Prince Grigory Alexandrovich. It’s not for nothing that I love you and favored you, you completely justify my choice and my opinion of you; you are by no means a braggart, and fulfilled all the assumptions, and taught the Caesars to defeat the Turks; God helps and blesses you, cover you with glory, I send you the laurel crown that you deserve (but it is not ready yet); now, my friend, I beg you, do not be arrogant, do not become proud, but show the light the greatness of your soul, which is just as unhaughty in happiness as it does not lose heart in failure. Il n'y a pas de douceur mon ami que je ne voudrais vous dire: Vous etes charmant d'avoir pris Benders sans qu'il en aye coute un seul homme.

Your diligence and labor would have multiplied gratitude in me, if it were not already such that it can no longer be increased. I ask God to strengthen your strength; I was very worried about your illness, however, having no letters from you for more than two weeks, I thought that I was messing around with Bender, or started peace negotiations. Now I see that my guess was not without foundation. I will wait impatiently for Popov's arrival; be sure that I will do everything possible for your entrusted army of the generals, evenly for the army: their labors and zeal deserve it. As soon as I receive the promised note on the Caesar's awards, I will also tell you my opinion.

I am curious to see the letters of the ruler of Volos and the former captain-pasha about the truce and your answers; everything already has the smell of the world, and thus is not repugnant. The plan for Poland, as soon as I receive it, I will consider it and will not leave you to give a decisive answer as soon as possible. In Finland, it is extremely necessary to change the boss, you can’t rely on the current one in anything; I myself was forced to send salt from here to Neishlot, for people without salt are in the fortress; I ordered the meat to be given to people, and he delivered the meat to Vyborg, where the meat rotted without use; will not decide on anything; in a word, he is incapable of leadership, and under him the generals play pranks and intrigue, but do not do things when it is proper; From this you can judge how much change needs to be made there. I bestowed a young man sent from you to the colonel and to the adjutant wing for the good news. L'enfant* trouve que vous avez plus d'esprit et que vous etes plus amusant et plus aimable, que tous ceux qui vous entourent; mais sur cegi gardez nous le secret car il ignore que je sais cela; for your very affectionate reception they are extremely grateful; their brother Dimitri marries Vyazemsky's third daughter.

Photo source: www.maxibalttours.com, liveinternet.ru

Poste restante

The documentary evidence of the connection between Henry Frederick, brother of George III, and the married Lady Grosvenor, which you will now read, was the reason that their affair became publicly known and, as it should, disgraced. To see the eyes dear to the heart, the poor Duke of Cumberland had to try on a peasant dress: in this form, he could remain more inconspicuous, and at the same time closer to the beloved Henrietta. Having learned about the secret passion, Lord Grosvenor immediately transferred her juicy details to the court, and the ill-fated letters gave weight to his words. Henry Frederick was ordered to pay 10 thousand pounds, but they did not promise to consign the offense to oblivion: the whole of London washed the bones of the whole love triangle for a long time, having read excerpts from the correspondence from the newspapers exposed to the general censure.

Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland - Lady Grosvenor

My dear little angel!

I wrote you the last letter yesterday, at eleven o'clock in the evening, just as we were sailing. At two o'clock I dined, I enjoyed music during the day, I have a personal servant on board who knows how to play music ... About ten I went to bed - prayed for you, my love, kissed your precious lock, went to bed and dreamed about you. I saw you in my dream on our little bed and hugged and kissed you a thousand times and told you how much I love and admire you. You were so lovely, but, alas, when I woke up, I found that it was all an illusion and there was no one near me, only the sea around ... I am sure that the activities of these days do not bring you pleasure, my love, as well as And me. Since I promised to always inform you about my mood and thoughts, I keep my promise and will keep it until the very last letter that will be sent from me to you.

When I return to you, I will endlessly repeat like a madman: oh, my love - and tell you how much I love you, and that I have constantly thought of you from the very moment we parted ...

I hope you are well, and I am sure that I do not need to tell you again that my thoughts are completely occupied with you, all the long time that remains before we meet, I will take care of myself, because you desire it, my dear little friend , the angel of my heart. Do you take care of yourself, my dear, for the sake of your faithful servant who lives only to love you, admire you and bless the moment in which you generously agreed to be mine. I hope, my dear, you never have to regret this...

Of course, my dear angel, I do not need to tell you about - I know you understand too well - what made me write to you. God knows I haven't written to anyone else, and I won't write to anyone else, except for the King. Be well, most delightful creature of all living, my dear ...

May the blessing of the Lord be with you until the moment when I can send you a message again. I will write to you every day, for as many days in a row as you miss me, and all my letters will arrive on Friday, June 16th. May the Lord keep you. I will never forget you, God knows; you once told me that I have your heart, it warms my chest with its warmth. I hope that's why my heart feels such lightness and pleasure, goodbye.

Without many words

As can be seen from the following love letter, the politician, writer, lawyer and excellent orator Gaius Pliny Cicilius Secundus never for a moment forgot about his wife - except for the necessary periods of work activity or rest in a friendly company. Pliny the Younger is not at all the native son of Pliny the Elder, who gloriously worked on the notorious Natural History: his real father was a patrician who came from the north of modern Italy. Pliny the Elder, who died during the eruption of Vesuvius, was Gaius Pliny Cicilius Secundus' uncle. Calpurnia is the last of the three wives of Pliny the Younger, whose love can be judged by the bundles that have come down to us.

Pliny the Younger to Calpurnia's wife

You may not believe it, but longing for you has completely taken over me. main reason this is my love; besides, we are not used to being apart. At night I hardly sleep, thinking about you, and during the day my legs carry me (a good word, namely, carry) to your room, just at the hour when I usually came to you. I see that the room is empty, and I leave it with pain and longing in my soul, like a lover who was put out the door. The only time free from torment is when I exhaust myself with work or relax with friends. Judge for yourself what my life is like, if I find peace only in hard work, and consolation in discouragement and painful anxiety. Goodbye.

Together forever

The story of Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt recalls all the stories of foreign princesses in Russia: she came from afar, was not immediately accepted by her royal relatives, got married, learned Russian, fell in love with Russia with all her heart and more than her motherland. The wedding of Nicholas II and the newly-made Empress was a symbolic harbinger of the future tragic fate family: they played it, barely seeing Alexander III into another world. Alexandra Feodorovna was devoted to Nikolai all her life and loved him until her death, and the end of this story is notorious.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to Emperor Nicholas II

My priceless treasure!

You will read these lines while lying in bed in a strange place in an unfamiliar house. God grant that the trip was pleasant and interesting, and not too tiring or too dusty. I am very glad that I have a map and that I can follow you hourly on it. I will miss you terribly. But for you, I am glad that you will be absent for two days - you will get new impressions and will not listen to Anya's * inventions.

My heart is heavy and it hurts. Why good relationship and love is always so rewarded? First the black family, and now her? They tell you all the time that you don't show enough love. After all, we opened her access to our hearts, to our home, even to our private lives - and here is our reward for everything! It is difficult not to feel bitterness - the injustice is very cruel. May God have mercy on us and may He help us, it is so heavy on the soul! I am in despair that she is tormenting you and pestering you with unpleasant conversations that deprive you of peace. Try to forget about it in these two days.

I bless you, I baptize you and hug you tightly - I kiss you all with infinite love and devotion. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock I will go to church, I will try to go there on Thursday as well. Praying for you is my comfort when we are separated. I can’t get used to even the shortest period of being without you in the house, although I have our five treasures with me.

Sleep well, my sun, my precious one, your old Wife sends you a thousand tender kisses.

May God bless and keep you!

Photo source: tashusik.livejournal.com, mr.gxiang.net

No matter what

The fact that the powers that be are also submissive to love is also told by the example of Emperor Alexander II, who, despite the 27th anniversary of his marriage to Empress Maria Alexandrova, burned with a passionate feeling for his favorite Ekaterina Dolgorukova. After the death of his first wife, Catherine and the emperor enter into a morganatic marriage, which, however, did not bring them lasting happiness: the Narodnaya Volya member Grinevitsky makes an attempt on the life of Alexander, and he dies just a year after reuniting with Dolgorukova.

Alexander II - Ekaterina Dolgorukova

After returning from a morning walk in the park, I, overwhelmed with happiness, took up my favorite pastime - reading your letter. It was the day of my return, but I was in no hurry. My thoughts were full, as usual, of my sweet little devil, who would forgive me and promise even greater pleasure than on our first meeting.

And, my Angel, I promise you that we will again be in each other's arms with the same happiness as before, but remaining prudent because of your m.d.f., whom you love very much. But it was still sweet for us to find ourselves together after all that we endured after Paris. But nothing compares to the joy of what we do. We are two thirsty ones who cannot wait to be united with each other, and we are inseparable forever, feeling the happiness of being husband and wife before God.

O! Thank you, thank you, dear Angel, for all these tender memories that brought me so much pleasure, like everything that my sweet little wife brings me, who is the center of my life. And I am happy and proud to be her husband before God. It is not our fault that we missed our happiness. Nothing can interfere with our happiness. I love the happy memories you bring to me so much. I can't find anything like that in my life with Maria, although I may have forgotten about them in our nest.<...>I embrace you, my soul Katya, and I am happy that I am yours forever.

Age of love

The incredible love story of Suleiman the Magnificent and his concubine Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, full of passion and betrayal, hot blood and cold revenge, happiness and disappointment, was followed by a record number of pairs of eyes of viewers around the world, numbering in the tens of millions. As a result, they decided to repeat the screening of the sensational series, not sparing prime time, and popularize the main characters: multi-page “works” with pseudo-historical data about the love affair of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire and a girl with Slavic roots who had come a long way from the harem to the throne were sold out like hot cakes, and official and illegal merch - at the speed of light. It is known that Sultan Suleiman Khan Khazretleri, under the pseudonym Muhibbi, wrote a whole collection of love lyrics for his beloved, which turned out to be oriental figurative and poetic.

Sultan Suleiman - Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska

You are my musk and ambergris light, you are my beloved soul,
You are my living star, you are the light of the shining moon,
You are my soulmate,
My Sultana, all the most beautiful in the world and in the darkness of centuries,
You are my life and being, you are my elixir and heaven in the world,
You are my joy and spring, you are my joy and fun,
My noise and din, my soul, you are a ray of light in a dark kingdom,
You are my sun and beauty, my orange and my pomegranate,
You are the light in my bedchamber, you are only, Madam, subject to my secret thoughts,
And only in your eyes the light of prudence shines,
You are the ruler in the Sultanate, you are his life, his soul,
Your eyes are a test for me, yours long hair- punishment, because thoughts are only about you,
And if I am an actor, I will forever, forever and ever, only sing you in stories, odes and poems,
Let my heart groan with longing, I'm drunk, I'm sick of love,
I'm Muhibbi, I'm drunk with happiness!

Photo source: wallpaperscraft.com, alhorya.com

Which of the great monarchs seemed to you the biggest romantic?