The leaves of the coffee tree turned brown what to do. Why the disease coffee tree dries

What is the reason that the coffee tree began to dry out and fly around the leaves?- The problem with the leaves is most likely related to watering. This tree does not like overdrying or waterlogging. And coffee leaves can dry from lack of light and humidity.

How to grow coffee from seeds?- If you have purchased coffee seeds, do not hesitate - sow, because. coffee beans quickly lose their germination. Seeds are sown in a bowl with wet sand and put to germinate in a warm place with a soil temperature of 24-26 degrees (it is convenient to germinate any seeds in the refrigerator). The seed germinates in about 30-40 days. Seedlings are transplanted into 7-centimeter pots with equal parts of leafy, soddy, humus soil with a small amount of sand (or into a ready-made mixture for coffee). After planting, the plant is set for 12-14 days in a shaded place, and then the tree will need sun and fresh air. Water abundantly in summer, moderately in winter, feed every 2 months with fertilizer containing horn flour, they say, this contributes to better growth and flowering.

Why do brown spots appear on coffee tree leaves?- If the brown spots are dry, the likely cause is lack of water. Spray the leaves with warm water as often as possible.

Can the coffee tree be put on the balcony or not?- Coffee loves fresh air, but is afraid of drafts. But if you are afraid to put it on the balcony, then ventilate the room more often.

Why do the lower leaves of the coffee tree turn yellow and fall off?- If only the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, then there is nothing wrong with that. This is a natural process.

What place in the apartment does the coffee tree prefer?- The plant likes a permanent place, so it is not recommended to move it. The windows facing west and east are best for the coffee tree. More information you can find on our website, .

Does a coffee tree need to form a crown or not?- The coffee tree does not need to form a crown. At first, the seedling grows only upwards. In the second year of life, lateral axillary buds wake up in him, skeletal branches begin to grow. In structure, the coffee tree resembles a spruce: a straight vertical trunk and horizontal branches located on it. When long side shoots appear, they are cut off so that the crown becomes thicker and more buds form.

Why do coffee tree leaves turn brown? Could it be some kind of pest?- This is typical for indoor keeping with low air humidity in the autumn-winter period. However, this is not a disease. And if the plant is placed in a wide shallow pan with water, a more favorable microclimate will be created.

Why did the tree begin to drop leaves and turn yellow?- Check the condition of your coffee roots for signs of rot. With root rot, the leaves begin to droop and turn yellow. This can happen sooner with a weakened plant. In this case, carefully cut off the roots and completely change the soil.

When and how to feed a coffee tree?- Feeding coffee begins in late spring - early summer and is carried out once every 1.5-2 weeks. They are fed with nitrogen and potassium salts at the rate of 3 g of potassium salt and 5 g ammonium nitrate for 1 liter of water. Each adult tree should receive up to 1 liter of this solution in the spring during the period of active growth. You can alternate this top dressing with organic fertilizer. Since autumn, feeding is stopped, in winter they are not fed.

Why should coffee be watered only with settled or boiled water?- When watering with hard water, the tips of the leaves curl up a little and brown spots appear on them. To prevent this from happening, water can be softened using special tablets, or a bag of peat can be kept in 3 liters of water.

A detailed explanation with a photo of why the leaves on the coffee tree turn yellow, dry and turn black. Treatment of diseases and proper care for a plant at home.

Why do the leaves on the coffee tree turn yellow? This indicates problems with the root system. The roots can rot from an excess of moisture or dry out from its lack. In any case, it is necessary to normalize watering. Before the next watering, the soil in the pot should dry out by 3 cm. Experts recommend performing one abundant watering, so that the soil in the pot gets wet to the very bottom, and then water the flower as the earthen clod dries up. Watering should be carried out with soft, settled water. great attention should be given to spraying.

Coffee tree leaves turn yellow due to lack of light. The plant must be placed near the windows on the south side of the house with shading. A southwest or southeast window will do. In winter, you can carry out the backlight with a fluorescent lamp.

The leaves of the coffee tree turn yellow if the wrong transplant was performed. The plant does not tolerate transplantation with a complete replacement of the soil. For a flower whose age exceeds 2-3 years, transfer to a larger pot or replacement of the topsoil is more suitable. If, nevertheless, it was transplanted with a complete replacement of the soil and its leaves turn yellow, the following must be done: place the plant in a greenhouse with high humidity. To do this, you can take a large plastic bag and wrap it around the tree so that the bag does not touch the foliage. Do not fertilize, reduce watering to a minimum. However, you need to search often. At least 1 time per day. Once every 4 days, 2 drops of epin per 1 glass of water or 4 drops of cyclone per 1 liter of water can be added to the spraying water. Zykron solution should be watered once a week. Recovery takes a long time. The plant is then considered recovered when it begins to drive out new foliage, and the old one does not turn yellow.

The leaves turn black and dry if the coffee tree is watered with hard water.. As a result, salts accumulate in the ground, which adversely affects the root system. But you can not carry out a transplant with a complete replacement of the soil. It is enough to replace the top layer of earth in a pot. Watering should be carried out only with soft, boiled water without sediment.

The leaves of the coffee tree turn black from a combination of adverse factors. This may be overflow or overdrying of the soil, lack of light, especially in winter. The leaf of the coffee tree becomes covered with brown spots if the roots overheat in summer (the plant stands on the south side of the house). In the latter case, it is shaded, plentiful spraying and moderate watering are performed. Old leaves on the coffee tree often turn black and fall off. This is considered the norm. If this occurs with young foliage, the flower owner needs to change the growing conditions of the flower. For example, increase spraying, water after the top layer of the earth has dried, replace its top layer in a pot, water only with boiled water.

Brown spots on the leaves of a coffee tree indicate a violation of the irrigation regime or poor soil condition. Watering should be carried out after the topsoil has dried. It often accumulates potassium salts from watering with hard water, which adversely affects the root system and the plant as a whole. In this case, either replace the top layer of earth in a pot, or transfer to a fresh substrate.

How to grow a coffee tree from beans, which will be maximally adapted to growing at home?

Many lovers complain - leaves turn brown. This is typical for room content with low air humidity in the autumn-winter period. However, this is not a disease. And if the plant is placed in a wide shallow pan with water, a more favorable microclimate will be created.

Sunburn on the leaves from the bright sun of lack of moisture in the air.


One of the most important aspects of coffee tree care is watering. If the roots are exposed to standing water, the leaves turn brown and fall off. All water should drain from the roots after watering.

Watering. Regular, abundant in summer. Water should be soft, separated, without lime, warm (several degrees above room temperature). It is necessary to maintain a weak acidity of the soil. To do this, once a month, 2-3 drops of acetic acid or a few crystals of citric acid are added to settled water.

Regular spraying will not hurt him either. Once a week (with the exception of the flowering period), a warm shower can be arranged for the tree.

With excessive watering, root rot often occurs, cortical growths appear on the leaves of many plants, corky spots (it can even completely cork the leaf surface). In addition to excess water during irrigation, the cause of the appearance of such spots can be a sharp change in temperature, a sharp fluctuation in moisture in the substrate (if then a strong overdrying of the soil immediately water it abundantly), minus light. With the correction of care errors, the formation of cork spots on the leaves stops. If excessive watering is the most likely cause of coffee leaf spots (after all, coffee requires moderate watering in winter), water the substrate once or twice with a suspension of foundationazole (1-2 g per liter of water) - this will help a plant that has fallen into unfavorable conditions.

To restore the immunity of the plant, it is not forbidden to carry out a cycle of spraying the leaves of the coffee tree with warm water with the addition of "Epin" according to the instructions on the package.

top dressing

In spring and summer, they are fed regularly (once every 7-10 days), alternating water infusion of mullein (1:10) with a full range of mineral fertilizers. In the spring, you can increase the dose of nitrogen fertilizers, during fruit ripening - phosphorus, in the fall - potassium.

The main pests are scale insects, spider mites, from diseases - sooty fungus. If in winter in the room where the coffee tree is installed, the temperature is in the range of 10 - 12 C, then a black border will first appear on the leaves, and why the whole plant will begin to die.

  • If the soil is not too acidic, the leaves may discolor.
  • The tips of the leaves dry up with a lack of moisture in the air.
  • The leaves turn yellow, brown spots of dead tissue appear on them in case of a sunburn.
  • With excessive watering, the leaves rot and fall off.
  • When watering with hard water, the tips of the leaves curl up a little and brown spots appear on them. To prevent this from happening, the water is softened using special tablets, or a bag of peat is kept in 3 liters of water.

Uneven ripening of coffee fruits, usually at room conditions

How to make coffee fruit?
Plants only bear fruit with year-round care, which includes weeding and regular treatment of trees with fungicides and insecticides to protect them from pests and diseases, such as bean borer or coffee rust. A young plant begins to bear fruit in at least two years.

The collected coffee fruits should be dried a little and the collected seeds can be cleaned from the pulp, you can dry them and make coffee.

Now it is quite popular to grow various exotic plants in an apartment.

Classic vases with bright blooms are, of course, great, but you want something like that to grow at home, at the sight of which your guests will gasp and ask how you did it.

Why not get some fragrant evergreen? No, we are not talking about a home tree at all, but about a coffee tree.

Yes, at home given plant will not bring too abundant harvests, but it is worth growing it if only because of the unusualness, beauty and incomparable smell of flowers.

Let's start growing

First of all, it should be said that it is impossible to grow a coffee tree from store seeds, since Arabica seeds are very fast. lose their ability to germinate.

It is best to take ripe fruits with two seeds for cultivation. If their sowing takes place immediately after ripening, the appearance of an evergreen in the future will appear with a probability of 99%.

    The landing process is as follows:
  • ripened coffee seeds are completely freed from the pulp and washed with potassium permanganate for complete cleaning. Make a weak solution of potassium permanganate and put the seeds there. Those that have surfaced are unsuitable for landing;
  • 12-14 days before planting, you need to start preparing the soil. Should steam the soddy ground, add sand and peat there, the proportion should be 1:2:2;
  • Arabica beans should be planted in a pot completely filled with soil. We make small holes in the substrate and place the seeds flat side down. The pot is required to be quite voluminous, do not forget that Arabica is no matter how like a tree. We place the seeds at a distance of about 3 cm from each other, to a depth of no more than 1 cm;
  • lightly water the soil after planting slightly pink potassium permanganate solution and cover with cling film / glass;
  • now you need to place the pot in a warm place and wait for the sprouts to appear. They will rise in about a month, or even more;
  • from time to time the soil must be ventilated by removing the film for 15-20 minutes. When sprouts are already beginning to appear, the ventilation time should be increased, and then the film or glass should be completely removed;
  • if two or three leaves have already formed on the seedlings, then it is time to transplant them into small separate pots. Pots should be small, about 6-7 cm in diameter. Until the plant takes root, it must be kept in a shady but warm place. And when it gets stronger, expose it to the sun, while providing good ventilation;

The process of lignification of Arabica is very unusual. First, brownish spots form on the trunk, which gradually increase in size. These specks begin to merge with each other. When the entire stem of the plant is covered in brown, the color will begin to become lighter.

Thus begins the formation of the crown. Wood does not require special pruning, but you can own will slightly trim the crown so that it is completely round, so the tree looks much more beautiful.

The fruiting of a coffee tree grown at home begins somewhere in the 4th year of cultivation. Every year the harvest will become a little more abundant.

One of the most important rules caring for Arabica - the absence of any neighbors in the form of other plants.

Lighting. The coffee tree is very fond of light, but the rays must be diffused, as direct sun can cause leaf burns. Try not to rotate the plant different sides, since this, of course, will help to make a more symmetrical crown, but with a probability of 99% will deprive you of coffee fruits.

Watering. The coffee tree has rather wide leaves through which moisture quickly evaporates. For this reason, the plant must be watered quite often and plentifully. Water should be settled, its temperature is slightly higher than room temperature.

Dry air for the Arabica tree is not fatal, but spraying the leaves will only benefit it. It is not necessary to do this only when the arabica is in bloom.

Top dressing. it the plant loves food, especially needs additional nutrients during the spring and summer period. It will be enough to feed arabica coffee once a week with mullein infusion or mineral fertilizers, which can be purchased at flower shop. It is best to alternate these top dressings.

At the beginning of spring, the soil needs an additional portion of nitrogen, if during this period you notice the formation of fruits, then you should also fertilize with phosphorus, a lot of which is contained in bone chips.

Transfer. Arabica is transplanted in the spring, once every two years, if the tree develops more slowly, it can be done once every three years. Each next pot should be 3-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

It should be quite deep, as the Arabica root grows longer in length. When transplanting, the soil must certainly be fertilized with humus, peat, nitrogen.

Why do coffee tree leaves dry?

Coffee is prone to various diseases. Amenable to attack by scale insects, soot fungus, spider mites. If you notice that leaves of a plant dry I, this may indicate that the air temperature in the room is too high.

Sometimes the so-called coffee rust forms on the tree, the leaves become yellowish. Regular treatment with fungicides and insecticides will help protect the plant from pests.

Everyone should try growing coffee! At least in order to try at least a cup of a fragrant drink made from the own grown Arabica beans.

A detailed explanation with a photo of why the leaves on the coffee tree turn yellow, dry and turn black. Treatment of diseases and proper care of the plant at home.

Why do the leaves on the coffee tree turn yellow? This indicates problems with the root system. The roots can rot from an excess of moisture or dry out from its lack. In any case, it is necessary to normalize watering. Before the next watering, the soil in the pot should dry out by 3 cm. Experts recommend performing one abundant watering, so that the soil in the pot gets wet to the very bottom, and then water the flower as the earthen clod dries up. Watering should be carried out with soft, settled water. Much attention should be paid to spraying.

Coffee tree leaves turn yellow due to lack of light. The plant must be placed near the windows on the south side of the house with shading. A southwest or southeast window will do. In winter, you can carry out the backlight with a fluorescent lamp.

The leaves of the coffee tree turn yellow if the wrong transplant was performed. The plant does not tolerate transplantation with a complete replacement of the soil. For a flower whose age exceeds 2-3 years, transfer to a larger pot or replacement of the topsoil is more suitable. If, nevertheless, it was transplanted with a complete replacement of the soil and its leaves turn yellow, the following must be done: place the plant in a greenhouse with high humidity. To do this, you can take a large plastic bag and wrap it around the tree so that the bag does not touch the foliage. Do not fertilize, reduce watering to a minimum. However, you need to search often. At least 1 time per day. Once every 4 days, 2 drops of epin per 1 glass of water or 4 drops of cyclone per 1 liter of water can be added to the spraying water. Zykron solution should be watered once a week. Recovery takes a long time. The plant is then considered recovered when it begins to drive out new foliage, and the old one does not turn yellow.

The leaves turn black and dry if the coffee tree is watered with hard water.. As a result, salts accumulate in the ground, which adversely affects the root system. But you can not carry out a transplant with a complete replacement of the soil. It is enough to replace the top layer of earth in a pot. Watering should be carried out only with soft, boiled water without sediment.

The leaves of the coffee tree turn black from a combination of adverse factors. This may be overflow or overdrying of the soil, lack of light, especially in winter. The leaf of the coffee tree becomes covered with brown spots if the roots overheat in summer (the plant stands on the south side of the house). In the latter case, it is shaded, plentiful spraying and moderate watering are performed. Old leaves on the coffee tree often turn black and fall off. This is considered the norm. If this occurs with young foliage, the flower owner needs to change the growing conditions of the flower. For example, increase spraying, water after the top layer of the earth has dried, replace its top layer in a pot, water only with boiled water.

Brown spots on the leaves of a coffee tree indicate a violation of the irrigation regime or poor soil condition. Watering should be carried out after the topsoil has dried. It often accumulates potassium salts from watering with hard water, which adversely affects the root system and the plant as a whole. In this case, either replace the top layer of earth in a pot, or transfer to a fresh substrate.

How to grow a coffee tree from beans, which will be maximally adapted to growing at home?