Comparison of geraniums and begonias. Find out what is the difference between pelargonium and geranium? What are their types and varieties? How to care for pelargonium

Friends, pelargonium and geranium are different plants, although they belong to the same family. These are two daughters from the same Geraniev family - Pelargonium and Geranium. However, outwardly they do not look alike, which happens with sisters. Let's figure out which of the sisters lives in our house pelargonium or geranium, what is the difference. We will find out what is the difference in care and use, consider the photo.
You can distinguish them by flowers, leaves, everything, but their seed pods are very similar. How similar are the beaks of a stork and a crane. After all, the flowers got their names from the Greek words pelargos - stork and geranos - crane.

Plants blooming in large bright red, white and pink umbrellas on the windowsills are not geraniums at all, as many used to think. The correct name for indoor flowers is pelargonium. The real geranium is an unpretentious frost-resistant cute garden plant that winters well in natural conditions.
Scientists confused two species of the same family in ancient times, back in the 18th century, and since then the confusion in the names has been fixed, without spoiling the pleasure of flower beds at all. And the difference or differences are important for understanding how to care for pets.

These lines were written by Boris Pasternak, and it never occurs to anyone to insist on the name of pelargonium in these delightfully cozy lines, and even more so to look for differences or understand pelargonium or geranium what is the difference.
Of course, time puts everything in its place, new varieties of geraniums and pelargoniums are being developed, and breeders name their creations correctly, often causing confusion among ordinary lovers: “Geranium or pelargonium? Why did a familiar geranium suddenly become a pelargonium?
Both genera belong to the Geranium family and have many species. However, it will not work to cross them with each other, since they are genetically incompatible. They differ in a number of characteristics characteristic of each genus.

Pelargonium or geranium what is the difference

photo of geranium


Photo of pelargonium


Judging by the photo, the differences between the sisters are so great that the question of what is the difference between representatives of the same family goes into the area of ​​​​differences in care and use.

How to distinguish pelargonium from geranium

It will be possible to distinguish by appearance, it is painfully different sisters.


This is a southern flower, which in Russian climatic conditions can only exist as an indoor flower. In summer, it feels good on balconies and open verandas, but for the winter it must be brought indoors. Pelargonium (LINK) loves good lighting. If it is not enough, it stops blooming. However, direct sunlight of pelargonium, like geraniums, is contraindicated. Watering is necessary moderate, in waterlogged soil, the roots quickly begin to rot.

Pelargonium flowers have an irregular shape: the 2 upper petals are somewhat larger than the 3 lower ones. They form large umbrellas of inflorescences. Different species have many shades from white and pink to dark red. There are bicolor varieties. But there is no blue, blue or purple pelargonium.


The genus contains a large number of species. Some, most often with blue and purple inflorescences, are wild-growing, they can be found in the forest or in the meadow. Garden varieties are distinguished by a variety of colors, there are white, pink, raspberry and even almost black shades.

Geranium flowers consist of 5 or 8 radially symmetrical petals. They are often solitary or form a semi-umbrella inflorescence. They are very popular with gardeners, as they are unpretentious, winter without shelter, many bushes do not need to cut their leaves in autumn. In addition, they are very decorative even outside the flowering period.

What is the difference in care between geranium and pelargonium

Garden geraniums are perennials.

  • In winter, they do not need to be dug up or covered, they will overwinter remarkably. At the end of the season or early spring, it will be necessary to remove the withered dried geranium greens, this is done once a year.
  • Planted in soil with good water permeability. Planted in small groups. Geranium is a ground cover plant, excellent, and sometimes too excellent, spreads over the site, in a short time it is able to cover large tracts of land.
  • They don't need supplements.
  • Willingly settles in the shade, partial shade and feels good in dry shade.
  • Has a strong branched root system

Pelargonium is a person of a completely different care.
This is a heat-loving child of the south; it grows outdoors as an annual.

  • For the winter, they either dig it up and transfer it to boxes for winter storage in a cool place or throw it away. Keep pelargoniums at a temperature of 5-7 degrees with limited light and sometimes moistening the soil.
  • Flowering needs light. Zonal pelargonium grows well and blooms on balconies with a semi-shady location, when there is shade for less than half the day, and the rest of the time the sun.
  • Needs regular feeding and moderate watering.
  • It has a small fibrous root.

Application difference

The difference in species leads to different uses.


Different types of garden geraniums are best planted in different parts of the garden in small groups. Together they create untidiness due to dissected leaves and medium-sized flowers. Apply:

  • As a ground cover unpretentious perennial plant
  • As a background filling of voids in a flower garden
  • Filling difficult dry garden areas in the shade
  • For landscaping slopes, thanks to a tenacious strong root system


Pelargoniums are applied

  • Like annuals in the garden
  • As indoor plants (backlit in winter)
  • For landscaping open balconies, terraces

Types of geranium

Geranium garden perennial magnificent actually has a magnificent lilac color, prefers the sun and partial shade.

Dark brown geranium (Geranium Phaeum) - partial shade, shade

Geranium Oxford - penumbra, shade. Takes space quickly.

Geranium blood red - partial shade.

Types of pelargonium

  • Pelargonium angel
  • Pelargonium ivy or ampelous

Pelargonium zonal got its name because of the colored zones on the leaves. Please note that these colored rings resemble small balls. This is exactly what our grandmothers called their pelargoniums or "geraniums". Colored stripes - zones are pronounced or less pronounced, I noticed that this depends on the flower variety, light and temperature.

Pelargonium royal or home is distinguished by large luxurious flowers with a small height of the stems.

Angel pelargoniums are similar to miniature royal pelargoniums with the same beautiful flowers, but in miniature, and the plant itself looks more compact.

Pelargoniums are ivy-leaved, they are also ampelous, in fact, the shape of the leaves resembles ivy. The flowers are simple or double on long peduncles, which gives the impression of a huge hat with a small plant. Surprisingly well withstand winds and rains.

Pelargonium fragrant is valued not so much for its flowers, but for its fragrant foliage, from which essential oil is obtained.

Pelargonium or geranium, what is the difference, I know, but this does not prevent me from naming my flowers, as my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother called them. So much tenderness in this phrase - my geraniums, isn't it?

For pelargonium to bloom luxuriantly, read here on the site

Have you ever wondered which plant in your house pleases you with beautiful flowering - geranium or pelargonium? What is the difference between these plants, and does it exist? Probably, many flower growers will be surprised that a beautiful flower on their windowsill is not a geranium.

From the history of plants

In the middle of the 17th century, the botanist Johannes Burman (Holland) argued that pelargonium and geranium, the difference between which is obvious, are not related plants. He wanted to separate them into different genera. Nevertheless, Carl Linnaeus, a world-famous naturalist, by that time had compiled his own classification, where he combined these plants into a single group. Then the bright bushes of flowering pelargonium were actively used in landscaping gardens. Flower growers immediately assigned the name to it - geranium.

What are the similarities between pelargonium and geranium?

Both plants are part of the same family - geraniums. This fact is considered to be the main similarity. The family includes 5 genera and 800 plant species. The most numerous is geranium, the most famous and popular is pelargonium.

In fact, pelargonium and geranium are very similar in appearance. The difference at first glance is obvious only to a specialist. K. Linnaeus assigned them to one family because of the similarity of the fruit box. After fertilization, the pistil extends and begins to resemble a crane's beak. In Greek, pelargos means "stork" and geranium means "crane". Pelargonium and geranium are very similar with erect stems and alternately growing leaves. They are covered with small hairs in both plants. Most geraniums have a special aroma. These are quite tenacious plants, unpretentious in care, loving the sun and easily propagating. As you can see, there are really many similarities between these beautiful bushes. Then the question arises: "What is the difference between geranium and pelargonium?" It interests even experienced flower growers.

Pelargonium and geranium: the difference

These plants cannot be crossed with each other - they simply will not produce seeds. This is due to different genetic characteristics. Pelargonium is a native of the southern regions, and geranium comes from the Northern Hemisphere. That is why geranium is able to bloom even at a temperature of +12 degrees, and the southern beauty-pelargonium needs only greenhouse or room conditions for wintering.

Pelargonium is most often grown in apartments, it decorates summer verandas and flower beds, feels quite comfortable on balconies, but in winter these flowers are removed to a warm room. Geranium, on the other hand, grows and develops well in gardens, while it does not need shelter for the winter.

In our country, meadow and forest geraniums are found everywhere, with the exception of the Far Eastern and northern regions, where climatic conditions are too harsh for them.

How to distinguish geranium from pelargonium?

Geranium has flowers consisting of 5 or 8 petals. They are usually solitary, only occasionally gathering in inflorescences. distinguished by the corolla of the flower. It has an irregular shape - the two upper petals are slightly larger, the lower three are smaller. Pelargonium flowers form large inflorescences. Geranium can be painted in a variety of colors (except scarlet). Pelargonium never has blue hues.

Geranium is a garden plant. Gardeners love him very much. Especially popular are such varieties as "magnificent", "Georgian", "Oxford". Pelargonium blooms at home throughout the year. In summer, it can be taken out to the balcony or garden, but with the onset of cold weather, the plant should be brought into the house.

Pelargonium and geranium: difference, care

All plants from the geranium family do not require special agricultural technology. Most species prefer fertile loose soils, pelargonium can grow on acidic or neutral soil. And in this respect, pelargonium and geranium are similar. The only difference is that rocky species develop well on light sandy soil, while meadow species feel comfortable on clay, heavy soil.

Most plants from the geranium family love good lighting, but direct sunlight is contraindicated for them. Pelargonium and geranium feel much better in partial shade. The difference (care for them is almost the same) between them is not too big, except for the fact that one plant is garden, and the second is home. This explains certain features of caring for these two beauties.

Geranium is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. After buying a dry but lively root in a garden supermarket, it should be moistened and kept at a temperature of +2 degrees for a couple of days before planting in open ground. With the advent of warm spring days, when the soil warms up, the plant can be planted.

If you want to divide a bush that has already taken root in your area, then do it in the spring, when the flower wakes up after a winter sleep. It is not necessary to cover geraniums for the winter; most varieties do not even need to cut the foliage.

Pelargonium: care features

How to grow pelargonium at home? This question is of interest to beginner flower growers. This flower is famous for its delicate pleasant aroma. It is emitted by the essential oil contained in the leaves and stem of the plant. If you decide to grow pelargonium, then you need to know that the following conditions are necessary for its growth and development:

  • proper regular watering;
  • good lighting;
  • air temperature is not lower than +12 degrees;
  • pruning.

Pelargonium is very fond of warm and bright window sills. It is quite comfortable for her, but in winter the flower tolerates coolness better (the permissible mode is +8 ... +10 ° C). When there is not enough light, pelargonium stops blooming or gives small, rare and not so bright flowers.

At home, the flower should be protected from direct sunlight. Pelargonium needs space, so make sure that other green pets do not interfere with it.

Water the flower should be only when the topsoil dries up. An excess of moisture leads to rotting of the roots, which the plant will immediately tell you about, showing weakened sluggish leaves. Reduce watering in winter. Pelargonium quite easily tolerates a lack of moisture.

The soil should be nutritious, containing garden soil, sand and peat. A large layer of drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pot, occasionally the soil needs to be loosened - this will ensure oxygen access to the roots of the plant. It is important to choose the right pot size. It depends on the size of the root system. For geraniums, small containers are more suitable.

We hope that after reading our article, you will figure out which flower grows on your windowsill - pelargonium or homemade geranium. Caring for these plants is simple, and their visual appeal is finding more and more admirers among flower growers.

It pleases many housewives with the fact that it is easy to grow, but at the same time it blooms beautifully. The popularity of home geraniums has led to the fact that there are few apartments where this plant would not be.

The only problem with this plant is the fact that it is not a geranium at all. It has a completely different name, it's a completely different look. And what really is a geranium usually grows on the street, in the wild, decorates someone's gardens and front gardens.

At one time, botanists argued a lot about whether these plants are related. Pelargonium was very popular with gardeners, but for some reason they called it geranium. Clarity in this matter appeared thanks to the famous scientist Carl Linnaeus, the creator of the first classification of the plant world. He combined these flowers into one group and turned out to be right. These two plants are classified as one group and modern science - the geranium family.

Thus, the little blue flowers that grow by themselves and which anyone can pick in a summer meadow, and the lush red flowers in pots, which are carefully looked after by housewives, turn out to be relatives. And the wild fellow gave its name to the luxurious pelargonium. Although scientifically wrong, the beauty of the flowers is not diminished by this. And the fake geranium travels along the windowsills of city apartments and private houses, delighting their owners with beautiful flowering and undemanding care.

Common features of geranium and pelargonium

Geranium family includes 5 genera and 800 species. Geranium is the most common genus, growing in a variety of climatic conditions - in the temperate zone, the tropics, on mountain slopes. There are up to four hundred species of this plant. Their possible colors:

  1. Lilac,
  2. Red;
  3. blue;
  4. Pink;
  5. pale;
  6. Brown.

Breeders created a number of hybrids, which are successfully grown in gardens and parks.

Pelargonium also boasts of its colors:

  1. Red;
  2. White;
  3. Pink;
  4. Bicolor;
  5. Lilac.

Carl Linnaeus at one time drew attention to the similarity of the pistils of these flowers after fertilization. They stretch and become similar to a crane or stork beak. It is no coincidence that geranium is popularly called the crail, and in Greek "pelargos" means stork.

The leaves and stems of these flowers are also very similar. The stems usually grow very straight. The leaves depart from the petiole alternately and, as a rule; covered with small hairs. Also, many note a pleasant aroma emanating from geranium and pelargonium. Both of these plants love sunny places and are well bred even by inept gardeners.

But there is a difference between the species, and not only external.

How do they differ from each other

The first difference that catches the eye of any layman is luxurious royal view of pelargonium, confidently and luxuriantly blooming in a pot. If geraniums are more like wild flowers growing freely in a meadow, then pelargonium clearly requires more careful attention.

The main difference between pelargonium and geranium is its intolerance to cold. It grows in South America, so it is unable to survive outdoors in cold countries. Sometimes in the summer it is also planted in street flower beds, but in order for the plant to overwinter, it must be moved to a warm place. Geranium is not so whimsical.

The flowers of these two species are also different. Geranium is remarkable in that its flower is perfectly symmetrical in shape, it has 5 or 8 petals. Pelargonium flowers are symmetrical in only one axis. The top two petals are large and the bottom three are smaller. Unlike geraniums, they never have blue flowers. Pelargonium flowers gather in lush inflorescences. In geraniums, they usually grow alone.

Thus, one can enumerate The main differences between these plants:

  1. cold resistance;
  2. Flower shape;
  3. Various uses in horticulture;
  4. different care;
  5. Different appearance.

Nature, as if summing up this difference, made it so that the crossing of geranium and pelargonium is impossible.

Speaking about pelargonium and geranium, about their difference, it should be said that they have occupied their niche in decorating human life. The first grows in summer cottages, in gardens and parks, in the wild. The second proudly flaunts in pots, planting trees and shrubs and making the interior of a simple apartment more interesting.

How to care for pelargonium

Despite the fact that pelargonium is a heat-loving plant, it is not difficult to care for it. Years of experience have shown that follow simple rules so that it grows and blooms all year round at home:

  1. Regular watering is very important;
  2. The plant needs light;
  3. It is necessary to cut the plant;
  4. The temperature in the room should not fall below 12 degrees Celsius.

Pelargonium will be very comfortable on the windowsill, not only due to the availability of sunlight, but also because in winter it still needs a little coolness.

Lack of lighting leads to the fact that pelargonium stops blooming or flowers are greatly reduced in size. However, direct sunlight should be avoided on plants. Watering should be done when the topsoil is dry to prevent root rot. The fact that something is wrong with the roots can be understood by the state of the leaves, which for some reason have become lethargic and lifeless.

A small pot will do, the soil should be nutritious. Sometimes the earth needs to be loosened so that the plant receives the necessary oxygen. There should be a wide layer of drainage at the bottom. In winter, the plant does not need to be watered, it differs in that it tolerates a lack of moisture well.

To make Pelargonium comfortable, it needs a lot of space. Pots with neighboring green pets should not interfere with her lush flowering.

Geranium is very undemanding, for which gardeners appreciate it. She does not need top dressing, the neighborhood of weeds will not hurt her in any way. It should be watered only if the summer turned out to be too dry.

If you still want to decorate your front garden with this flower, then it’s better to make sure that the soil is cleared of unwanted neighbors, and a little top dressing, drainage and a minimum of attention will lead to the fact that the geranium will please the resident of a country house with good flowering.

Geraniums have many varieties that are successfully used in gardening. Eat brown species, ashy geraniums, red. All of them reproduce well both vegetatively and by seeds. However, many varieties are better to buy in the form of seedlings. Self-collection of seeds is not so easy. The plant itself is best repotted periodically.

If the inflorescences are removed in time, the plant will bloom longer. Withered parts of geraniums are best removed.

Geranium loves the sun very much, so it should be planted where the sun's rays will be available to it. It grows well if the spring turned out to be warm, and the summer turned out to be hot. Wherein in winter it does not need to be covered because she tolerates winter well.

Beauty is more important than the name

The history of pelargonium appropriation of someone else's name is quite funny and will be a revelation for many flower growers. However, it is unlikely that everyone will unanimously stop calling a bright red flower in a pot on a windowsill a geranium. And it won't hurt him at all.

Geranium and pelargonium have found their application in various areas of floriculture. One lives on the lawns in private houses, the other in a city apartment. The combination of beauty and unpretentiousness will always make them popular with flower lovers.

REFERENCE! The name geranium has Greek roots, Geranium (crane), and is due to the fact that the ripened fruits of the plant are shaped much like the head and open beak of a crane. When ripe, the seed box of the fruit opens in an unusual way, splitting along the length from the bottom up.

Kind of geranium Description Varieties
Lesnaya Bushy perennial plant up to 80 cm in height. The leaves are large-toothed seven-parted. Numerous wide open flowers.Birch lilac, Mayflower, Wannerii
Meadow Light purple flowers with rounded petals. The leaves are strongly dissected, palmately divided. Few tall stems.Flore pleno, Summer skys, Black beauty
Bolotnaya High. Perennial, five-parted leaves, two large peduncles per inflorescence. Prefers sunny damp places (banks of reservoirs)Palustre
Himalayan (garden, large-flowered) Forms a low bush of 40–50 cm. Rounded leaves up to 10 cm, unevenly dissected into five lobes. Large flowers.Gravetye, Plenum, Derrick Cook
blood red Bush spherical shape. Knotty fleshy rhizome. In autumn, some of the leaves turn crimson red, while some remain green all winter.Striatum, Lancastriense, Prostratum
Renard (gray, grassy) Perennial with 1-2 stems 20-25 cm high. Olive-green leaves (6-9 cm) five-parted to half. Pale petals with brightly colored veins.Zetterlund, Philip Vapelle
Gorgeous (magnificent) A hybrid of Georgian and flat-leaved geraniums. Forms a lush bush 50–60 cm high. The leaves are serrated along the edge.Mrs. Kendall Clark, Rosemoore, Lighter Schatten
Roberta An annual plant 20–30 cm tall. Light green strongly divided leaves. Abundant small (2 cm) pink flowers on long stems.Robertianum
Large-rhizome (Balkan) A thick rhizome (diameter 1.5 cm) branches along the ground. Perennial, forms a shrub up to 30 cm high. Bright green large (6–10 cm) leaves. Deeply dissected, oblong-rounded.Spessart, Ingwersen's Variety, Ingwersen, Czakor, Variegata
Red-brown. Shade-tolerant, bushy form (70-80 cm in height). The leaves are bluish, with a purple pattern in summer. The flowers are small (2 cm) dark purple in color.Samabor, spring time,
Ash (gray, gray). Low (10-15 cm) bush with gray-green rounded leaves in 5-7 lobes. Pale flowers with contrasting veins and a dark center eye.Ballerina, Purpureum, Splendens
Georgian. Grows in subalpine meadows. It forms a perennial bush 60–80 cm high. The leaves are rounded, the petals are wedge-shaped.Ibericum, Jonsons Blue
Armenian (small stamen, black-eyed). Forms a perennial shrub up to 60 cm tall. Bright crimson flowers with an almost black eye.Patricia
Flat-bladed. Dense high bush 60–70 cm, reaches 100 cm in diameter. Blue-green rounded leaves. Petals are wide wedge-shaped.Platypetalum
Andris Medium height perennial bush (40–50 cm). Dark green leaves. Pink small (3–3.5 cm) flowersBetty Catchpole, Beholder's Eye

Get to know the types of pelargonium:

Type of pelargonium Description Varieties
Zonal At some distance from the edge of the sheet, a strip passes, which divides the sheet plate into two regions of different shades. Standard forms up to 1.5 m, dwarf up to 20 cm. Flowers: double, semi-double, simple, star-shaped, cactus.Mrs Pollock, A Happy Thought, Tuscany
Ivy (thyroid) Ampelous plants. The leaves are dense, dark green, glossy, come with a light border around the edges. Inflorescences are collected in brushes. Flowers are double, semi-double, simple.Amethyst, Cascade pink, Tornado Fuchsia
Fragrant (medicinal). Fragrance leaves: rose, mint, lemon, orange, apple, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, apricot, verbena. The leaves are deeply cut or with a thick frill along the edge. Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas. Flower color: white, pink, red, purple. Bush height 90 cm and above.Mebel gray, Islington pepermint, Candy dancer
Royal (large-flowered, English). The flowers are large, corrugated. Up to 5 cm in diameter. The leaves are small with a jagged edge, pubescent. Bush up to 60 cm. Capricious care. Coloring: white, salmon, lilac, burgundy, red.Cherie, Hazel Heather, Candy flowers bicolor
Hybrid (angels, violets). Looks like pansies. Crossing large-flowered with curly fragrant. They bloom for a long time, the leaves smell pleasant, have an aroma.Lara Susan, Candy flowers dark red, Angel's Eyes Orange
succulent The stem is capable of wriggling, which is why this species is often used for bonsai.Schizopetalum, Gibbosum Maroon, Auritum carneum
unique Dissected leaves with a slight aroma. The flowers are similar to the royal species, but smaller. Tall plant.Paton's unique

As you can see, geranium and pelargonium are not the same thing. They are quite easy to distinguish from each other in the form of flowers and common inflorescences. The growing conditions they need are completely different, because geranium is from the North, and pelargonium is a southerner. Geranium is ideal for landscaping and gardens, while pelargonium is great for rooms, balconies and summer verandas.

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/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Pelargonium and geranium - different plants

Many flower growers believe that geranium and pelargonium are the names of the same plant. But is it really so?

Luxurious geranium bushes have long been popular with flower growers. However, botanists insist that the name of the plant that we grow on the windows is pelargonium, and it is very different from real geranium. Are they right? Let's figure it out.

Where is the confusion?

Differences began in the middle of the 18th century. Composing a classification of plants in 1738, the Dutch botanist Johannes Burman proposed to separate geranium and pelargonium into separate genera. Contrary to his opinion, the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who compiled his classification, combined them into one general group. It was at this time that pelargonium was at the peak of popularity and was actively used in landscaping Victorian gardens. Flower growers recognized her as "geranium", and this name was firmly entrenched in her.

Common features of geranium and pelargonium

The similarity between these two plants is that they belong to the Geranium family. This family contains 5 genera and 800 species. The largest genus is geranium, the most famous is pelargonium. They were combined into one family because of the original fruit box. After pollination, the pistil column is disproportionately extended and takes on a special shape: in the form of a head and beak of a crane. It is no coincidence that in Greek "Pelargos" means stork, and "Geranium" - crane. The similarity of geranium and pelargonium also lies in erect stems, the leaves on which are arranged alternately or oppositely and are covered with small glandular hairs. Often, many Geraniums have a special smell. These plants are unpretentious, tenacious, easy to propagate and love the sun.

Differences between geranium and pelargonium

Geranium and pelargonium are different plants. They cannot be crossed with each other, because they will not produce seeds: this is due to different genetic characteristics. Geranium is a plant of the Northern Hemisphere, pelargonium comes from the southern regions: the Cape Province of South Africa, Australia, Syria, and tropical Africa. Geranium is a frost-resistant plant and can bloom at 12°C, while the southern sissy pelargonium winters only in greenhouse conditions.

You can distinguish geranium and pelargonium by external signs.

Geranium flowers consist of 5 or 8 petals, single or sometimes collected in inflorescences. In pelargonium, the corolla is distinguished by an irregular shape: the upper two petals are slightly larger, the lower three are smaller. Characterized by large inflorescences umbrellas.

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Geraniums are found in various shades of the flower, except for scarlet. Pelargonium does not have a blue gamut.

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Geranium is a garden plant. She hibernates without shelter. In recent years, gardeners have seen a demand for geraniums. Good spectacular varieties such as geranium splendid, oxford geranium, Georgian geranium. Pelargonium at home can bloom year-round. For the summer, it can be planted in open ground, but be sure to transfer it to the house with the onset of cold weather. The plant does not tolerate winter temperatures.

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Unpretentiousness, long flowering, large bright inflorescences make pelargonium a favorite among indoor plants. A modest geranium can be found in the summer meadow, the edges of the forest, and recently in the gardens.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Types of pelargoniums - which one to choose

Olga Orlovskaya

In fact, choosing a pelargonium is not so easy. The variety of hybrid varieties bred by breeders impresses even a grower who is indifferent to these plants.

Almost all pelargoniums, and there are more than 250 species, come from South Africa. They are combined according to decorative features into five main groups: large-flowered, fragrant, ivy, succulent and zonal. When choosing, you need to proceed from where you are going to grow pelargonium: on a window, balcony, in a greenhouse or on the street.

Zonal pelargoniums

This group got its name because of the strip that runs at some distance from the edge and divides the sheet plate into areas of different shades. Zonal pelargonium blooms profusely and for a long time, and also has a variety of petal colors: white, pink, purple, red. Standard forms can reach 1.5 m in height, and dwarf varieties do not exceed 20 cm.

There are several subgroups of zonal pelargoniums: flower bed, greenhouse, decorative leaf. The first subgroup grows well both indoors and outdoors. In shape, the flowers are double, semi-double, simple, star-shaped and cactus. Representatives of the second subgroup do not grow outdoors. A subgroup of ornamental pelargoniums have an unusual leaf color: a reddish-brown border on green (or vice versa). Very decorative hybrids with white-green and golden-peach leaves.

Ivy Pelargoniums

Members of this group belong toampelous plants. Ivy pelargonium leaves are dense, dark green, glossy. Flowers are double, semi-double and single. The inflorescences are collected in brushes, the color of the petals is varied. The most decorative are varieties with leaves outlined by a light border.

Fragrant Pelargoniums

The main criterion for choosing fragrant pelargonium is the smell of its leaves. Varieties with aromas of rose, mint, lemon, orange, apple, nutmeg, ginger, apricot, cinnamon, verbena have been bred. The bush reaches a height of 90 cm and even more. The leaves are not only fragrant, but also decorative: some are deeply cut, others have a thick frill along the edge. Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas. The color of the petals: white, red, pink and even purple.

large-flowered pelargoniums

Very decorative and luxurious group of pelargoniums. No wonder it is also called royal. Compared to other species, this pelargonium is very capricious in its care. The bush grows up to 60 cm. The leaves are small with a jagged edge. The flowers are large, corrugated, up to 5 cm. The color of the petals can be white, salmon, purple, burgundy, red. Very effective varieties obtained by crossing large-flowered and curly fragrant pelargoniums, -violet. They bloom for a long time, and the leaves have a pleasant aroma.

Succulent Pelargoniums

Succulent Pelargoniums

This group of plants is popular only with those enthusiastic flower growers who are not afraid of the difficulties of agricultural technology. There are only a few types of succulent pelargoniums: hunchbacked, cortuzolifolia, fleshy, another, fluffy-leaved, thick-stemmed, angular. There are species with thorns. Due to the ability of the stem to squirm, succulent varieties are used to produce bonsai.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Pelargonium: the secrets of healthy growth

One of the popular plants that can be grown both at home and in the garden is pelargonium. What are the main points of caring for different types of this flower?

Zonal pelargoniums. This group is the most beloved and widespread. Zonal pelargoniums are very different from each other. Simple zonal and stellate have 5 petals. In terry - more than 5, they bloom very willingly and their petals do not crumble.

Rosebud - strongly terry, similar to roses.

Tulip-shaped - flowers resemble an unopened tulip.

Star-shaped - with star-shaped leaves and flowers.

Variegated - multi-colored leaves.

Ivy Pelargoniums. They have leaves like ivy with a long stem. Grow in hanging baskets, balcony boxes. Flowers of various colors, double, semi-double and single.

Royal pelargoniums (royal or domestic) - bush plants with very large flowers, double or simple.

Pelargoniums with fragrant leaves can smell like lemon, rose, apple, pineapple, spices and even cologne.

Pelargoniums are unique - relatives of the royal ones, with a spicy smell and decorative caps of inflorescences, they are not afraid of rain.

"Angels", or violet-colored pelargoniums with flowers similar to pansies, bloom all summer, forming luxurious "hats".

Preparing for winter

A difficult and crucial moment is to save plants in winter. We offer several options for their winter maintenance. If the room temperature does not drop below 20 ° C, put the pelargonium in a bright place and water moderately. At the end of August, cut cuttings from plants that have bloomed, root them and keep them in normal room conditions in winter, on window sills or shelves with additional lighting. In this case, mother plants can be discarded.

If the flower grew in open ground, dig it up in the fall, cut it halfway, plant it in a pot and bring it into the house, place it on a windowsill or a rack with additional lighting. The main thing is not to put close to heating appliances and batteries.

You can dig up the plant, shake off the soil from the roots and hang it in the basement. But at the same time, it will be well preserved in conditions of high humidity (85-90%) and at a temperature not higher than 10-12 ° C.


Without it, plants become frail, ugly, flowers fade and shrink. In early spring, before growth begins, cut the stems 1/3 of the length with a sharp knife, remove weak shoots altogether. Sprinkle the pruning place with crushed coal or treat with brilliant green. A cut plant produces new shoots with young leaves.

How to properly root cuttings of pelargonium

  • Do not water the uterine bushes for 3-4 days, then cut the cuttings from them and dry them until the evening.
  • Put in water with a growth stimulator dissolved in it.
  • When the roots appear - plant in the soil under the jar.

On a note

Varieties with white areas on the leaf plate need very good lighting. They grow much more slowly than their green-leaved counterparts. In direct sun, the edges of the leaves may dry out.

  1. Do not cover the cuttings with a bag: they can rot from excess moisture.
  2. If the planted stalk is wilted, you can put it in water until the leaf turgor is restored, then plant it in the ground again. Pied leaves take root best in early spring on a well-lit window sill (but not in direct sunlight!).
  3. Pelargoniums should not be fed with organic fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are also not used. It is enough preparations containing trace elements. But for flowering, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are simply necessary.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Pelargonium care features

Pelargonium royal is not in vain received such a name. In its beauty, it may well compete with the azalea. In order for the plant to be healthy and bloom luxuriantly, it is necessary to follow some rules for its maintenance.

The beauty hails from South West Africa and is adapted to a climate with a strict frequency of precipitation: dry summers and wetter winters. And therefore, in our conditions, it needs a rest period for 2.5-3 months.

temperature and watering

In winter, it is desirable to lower the temperature of the content and drastically reduce watering. When wintering in a warm room, in low light conditions, the shoots are drawn out, the leaves turn yellow and dry, the plant weakens. Then it gains strength for a long time and does not bloom. My pelargoniums overwinter at 3-10°C. Lowering to 0 ° C (and more) causes damage to the plant and death. The optimum temperature is considered to be 8-12 ° C.

There is no need for additional illumination of an adult specimen - this is a short-day plant. I do not bring the soil to complete drying, I periodically moisten the top layer. But waterlogging is completely unacceptable.

With the advent of spring, watering increases. At the same time, the intensity of illumination also increases. Bright sunlight in summer cannot be counted on for abundant flowering (with a lack of light, it may not exist at all). However, too much solar activity (bright direct sun in the midday hours) can cause yellowing of the leaves and drying of their edges. Overheating of the root system is also undesirable.

For pelargonium, the rule is relevant: it is better to underfill than overfill. The soil in the pot should dry out a little before the next watering. Excessive overdrying of it can affect flowering.

Excessive watering causes fungal diseases of the plant. For example, it affects the black leg (the root neck of a young plant turns black) or gray rot (the bases of the shoots turn brown, and after a while become covered with a gray coating). In these cases, cutting healthy shoots can help. I could not save the plant with fungicides.

Conditions for boxes

I prepare the soil from soddy, leafy soil, well-rotted humus and coarse-grained sand (it is good to use perlite or vermiculite) in a ratio of 1: 2: 0.5: 2. In any case, it should not be too nutritious. For abundant flowering in the ground, you can add a little bone meal. At the bottom of the pot is drainage.

I take a pot of medium size (12x12 cm), since in a small one it is difficult to maintain the optimum moisture content of the substrate. The size of the pot should be increased as the plant grows. Transplantation (transshipment) is carried out every 2-3 years.

I feed the plants with complex fertilizers with trace elements. It is better if the proportion of nitrogen is reduced in fertilizers and the amount of potassium and phosphorus is increased (fertilizers for flowering plants). Organic is not recommended. In August, I stop feeding, as overfed specimens winter worse.

Cutting and pruning

My plants don't branch on their own. And if not cut, tall shoots grow that require a garter. Pelargoniums bloom at the ends of the branches - there are few of them, there are few inflorescences. I cut off after flowering. Flower buds in plants are laid in winter, so in February-March, these pelargoniums are no longer pruned.

I propagate plants by cuttings in April. I cut the apical shoots 10-12 cm long, remove the lower leaves and buds. I make a cut along the semi-lignified part, dry it for 2-3 hours and plant it in a light, low-nutrient substrate (cuttings of home pelargonium practically do not take root in water). I water moderately, do not cover.

Plants root better if there is enough air in the soil. Therefore, with a stick along the edge of the cup, I make deep holes in the soil. The light needs a bright diffused. The duration of daylight hours is at least 12 hours (if necessary, I supplement with fluorescent lamps). The optimum temperature is 18-20°C. Cuttings take root in about 3-4 weeks. I carefully cut the yellowed and dried leaves with scissors, leaving part of the petiole.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Royal Pelargonium

This plant is attractive because it has the most beautiful flowers of all members of the Geranium family. Although the flowering of pelargonium is short-lived, it is very impressive.

Pelargonium domestic (Pelargonium domesticum), or large-flowered, royal, royal, exhibition, English - the real queen among pelargoniums. Its flowers are distinguished by their large size, grace of color and shape. They are simple, semi-double and terry. The petals are multicolored and velvety. Leaves pubescent, with serrated edges. In a series of Rosebud hybrids, the flowers look like small roses, while in others they even resemble orchids. Especially beautiful is the royal pelargonium of the Angels series, with flowers that look like pansies.

Not everyone succeeds in making large-flowered pelargonium bloom. She loves the sun and warmth necessary for continuous and abundant flowering. Tolerates light shade, but blooms less profusely.

The soil likes nutritious, but not too light. It can be made up of equal parts of leaf or soddy humus, peat and muddy soil (from the river bank). You can add some clay soil to the soil mixture. Such soil does not sour and moisture is well retained in it. Muddy soil can be replaced with compost.

Pelargonium suffers from drying out and does not tolerate waterlogging. However, it is better to underfill than to overfill. You don't need to spray.

The royal pelargonium is propagated by cuttings, usually at the end of summer and by seeds in February.

In winter, they are kept cool, but the temperature should not be lower than 12ºС.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Collection pelargoniums: care features

If you decide to start not an ordinary pelargonium (popularly known as a geranium), but a varietal, or even a collection one, remember that they need especially careful care.

In my collection of pelargoniums there are zonal, and ivy, and royal ones. I consider zonal pelargonium the easiest to care for. This plant is very light-loving, in the rooms it prefers a southern exposure, and in the front garden unshaded areas. I prepare the soil for it from leafy earth, humus and sand (2:2:1). I water abundantly in summer, moderately in winter. Propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Ivy pelargonium has creeping stems, leaves are dense, smooth and look like ivy leaves, flowers on long peduncles are simple, double and semi-double. Blooms from April to October. I propagate ivy-leaved pelargoniums by cuttings and seeds. I dry the cut cuttings for 5-6 hours, then plant them in the ground with the addition of sand in a small pot. I do not water the plants for two days after planting.

These pelargoniums love a cool wintering, it is the key to abundant flowering.

But I give special preference to royal pelargoniums. They are more capricious, but the flowers are very beautiful and large, up to 8 cm in diameter, simple or double, plain or spotted, with a thin or wide border, sometimes with corrugated edges.

I cut the cuttings in spring and summer, dry them for 10-15 hours and plant them in a mixture of soddy soil and sand (1: 1), previously spilled with a dark solution of potassium permanganate. I do not cover the cuttings and do not water for 2-4 days, only sometimes I spray them. After 3-4 weeks they take root.

I can’t stand royal pelargoniums outside, they don’t like drafts and rain.

From October to February, I keep pelargoniums in a cool (from 7 to 12 ° C), but bright room. In early February, I transplant into fresh soil and transfer to a warm, bright place.

I feed pelargoniums with fertilizers for flowering plants only during the flowering period.