Pests eat cabbage what to do. Who spoils your cabbage: an overview of pests and measures to combat them

Most gardeners want their cabbages to grow. How to treat a carefully grown crop from pests, which treatment is more effective? Unfortunately, not only we love cabbage, but also numerous midges, fleas, caterpillars, butterflies, which seem to be just waiting for sprawling rosettes to appear in our gardens in order to gnaw not only holes, but also completely eat our crop.

Noticing traces of pest activity, each of us thought about how to save cabbage, how to process it, how to exterminate slugs, caterpillars, cruciferous fleas and other uninvited guests. In this case, we will need many years of experience of experienced gardeners. Let's find out what enemies our cabbage has in the garden, consider the methods and techniques of dealing with harmful insects.

If you notice a scattering of small holes on cabbage leaves, it is most likely that a cruciferous flea has visited your garden. This small pest is difficult to notice because of its size, but voracity can only be surprised, especially young leaves are to its liking. The enemy is painted black with a silvery sheen, moves quickly in jumps, and actively breeds. During the day, the cruciferous flea eats three times its weight in food. If measures are not taken in time, the cabbage leaves will turn into a sieve and the crop will die.

Cruciferous flea on cabbage seedlings, photo:

Pest control methods:

  1. You can periodically sprinkle cabbage beds with wood ash or a mixture of ash with chopped tobacco leaves. This method is quite good, but after each rain, fog or dew in the morning, all actions will have to be repeated again.
  2. The cruciferous flea on cabbage does not like pungent odors very much, eucalyptus or fir oil has a good deterrent effect (15-20 drops per 10 liters of water). For the same reason, gardeners recommend planting garlic between rows of cabbage, moreover, it is sown first, and then cabbage.
  3. A very simple, but no less effective way is vinegar diluted in water. This method gives very good results. You can irrigate the beds with such a solution using a spray bottle. Take 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar, dilute in 10 liters of water, irrigate the cabbage after sunset (to avoid burns). According to reviews, sometimes one spray is enough.
  4. Chicken manure, diluted in water and infused for 24 hours, will not only be a means of expelling a pest, but also an excellent natural fertilizer for your crop. For 10 liters of water, 150-200 g of the waste product of birds is enough.
  5. You can also cover the young cabbage with a special covering material for the beds, thus creating a barrier to the access of cruciferous fleas. After the cabbage gains strength and grows, the canvas can be removed.

Butterfly cabbage and cabbage gray scoop

The seemingly harmless cabbage butterfly is actually almost the most dangerous enemy of cabbage crops.

Butterfly cabbage

The cabbage gray scoop, more like a nocturnal moth, acts in a similar way.

cabbage scoop

These butterflies are capable of laying innumerable eggs, from which caterpillars subsequently hatch, destroying entire cabbage plantations. You need to deal with the cabbage butterfly and the cabbage scoop in a complex way, try not just one method of protection, but several at once.

Cabbage butterfly caterpillars, photo:

Caterpillars of cabbage scoops, photo:

Spraying the beds with a solution of soap and ash gives good results: grated laundry soap (1 cup) and wood ash (2 tablespoons) must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Onion peel, infused for two or three days, gives a good deterrent effect and at the same time serves as a fertilizer for cabbage. Pour half a kilo of husks with 4 liters of boiling water, leave for the specified time, you can also add a tablespoon of finely grated tar soap - it will only get better. The resulting infusion should be irrigated beds about once every 4-5 days.

You can additionally sprinkle the young seedlings with ordinary baking soda, but not too abundantly.

Cabbage pests (most of them) are afraid of wasps, because they love to feast on their larvae, eggs. This feature can be played to the benefit of the crop - you probably have a couple of cans of stagnant jam in your pantry, which you can dilute and water the cabbage to attract wasps. Insects immediately smell the sweet treat and flock to the beds, and there it’s up to them - pest larvae will also go well under the jam. In the absence of jam, you can make a thick sugar syrup (water with sugar).

I spied another way to deal with cabbage on one of the forums: place several pegs with eggshells on them on a garden bed with cabbage. The authors of this ingenious method are confident that the white butterflies of cabbage butterflies will not land on cabbages to lay their eggs, believing that the place is already occupied. It’s hard to say whether butterflies think so or not, but this method helps.

Egg shell from cabbage butterfly (whitefish)

Aphids on cabbage

Photo of aphids on a cabbage leaf:

Not only wasps love sweets, but also ants, before using sweet bait for wasps, it is worth considering that ants will also come running for a treat. Thus, an additional problem arises here - aphids, which are very friendly with ants (excrete a sweet substance that ants love). No wonder experienced gardeners say: they saw a cluster of ants near plants - check for the presence of aphids.

Aphids prefer young cabbage leaves, which, after meeting with it, are covered with black dots, wrapped, the cabbage does not develop further. These pests nest in groups and suck the life juices out of the plant. Aphids on cabbage - how to process the beds? Here, again, you need to use several methods at once.

  1. You can prepare a mixture of wood ash, grated soap and tobacco, as described above, but also add 1 tablespoon of dry mustard to the composition. Proportions: 1 spoon of soap and mustard, 250 g of tobacco and ash, mix the ingredients, pour 10 liters of boiling water, leave for 24 hours, strain through cheesecloth before use. The resulting composition should be irrigated cabbage beds, preferably in the evening, after sunset.
  2. Cabbage aphids are afraid of onions, their pungent odor, the method of preparing infusion from onion peel is described above. A more “hard” option is to take 800 g of onion, cut each onion into 4 parts (do not peel), pour boiling water over a bucket, simmer for 2 hours, then dilute with water one to one, then use by spraying. Garlic can also be used this way.
  3. Sprinkling cabbage heads with wood ash - renew after each watering, as well as after rain.
  4. Plant nearby herbs or flowers - marigolds, nasturtium, feverfew.

Marigolds between rows of cabbage, photo:

Snails and slugs

When evening comes or after rain, slugs and snails crawl out to feast on your harvest. They are attracted by moisture, which remains for a long time at the base of cabbage rosettes. Here you can advise ammonia diluted in water (50 ml per 5 l), which should be poured over each head of cabbage. A similar procedure, carried out several times, provides a persistent deterrent effect for these pests.

Traces of activity of snails and slugs, photo:

The old "grandfather" method, which has not lost its relevance even today - on cabbage beds, dig in different places containers with yeast diluted in water or fermented kvass, beer. For these purposes, it is very convenient to use plastic bottles cut to half. Such a “flavor” will attract gastropods, and they will no longer be able to get out of the container.

cabbage leaf beetle

Another contender for your harvest. This small bug is even beautiful - black with a bronze sheen.

Cabbage leaf beetle and its caterpillar

Gnaws the edges of cabbage leaves and makes holes in them. Its activity is activated by the end of spring, it makes its way to the base of the head of cabbage, gnaws out a cell in which it lays eggs. After a while, larvae hatch from the eggs, which go straight into the ground, from where, after 10-12 days, they emerge as adults. The new generation of beetles is immediately taken for food, as a result of their actions, cabbage rosettes become like a sieve, the crop dies.

To combat them, the same solution of tobacco and ash is used, as well as most of the methods described above to combat caterpillars of cabbage butterflies and cabbage scoops.

If you do not take into account folk methods of protection, then a very good result in the fight against the cabbage leaf beetle is given by the chemicals "Aktellik", "Karate".

Stem secretive proboscis (weevil)

Stem stalker is another pest of cabbage.

Stem secretive proboscis (weevil)

The weevil gnaws tunnels in the head of cabbage down to the very roots. I was unable to take a photo of damage to a head of cabbage with a stem secretive proboscis (fortunately, I do not have one). Below, on the left photo, you can see the place of the puncture in the stem of the kohlrabi cabbage, made by the secretive proboscis, and the stem damaged by the larva of the weevil.

The activity of the pest is aimed at sucking the life juices out of the cabbage, which is why its growth slows down significantly, and subsequently it dies.

The secretive beetle appears in April - in the south, and by the end of May in central Russia, closer to the stems, lays its eggs, from which voracious larvae hatch with a characteristic feature - a large yellow head. To protect the vegetable, you need to stock up on birch tar. Tar is diluted with water. And this solution should be used to regularly irrigate the beds (every three days).

If the situation with the secretive hunter has gone far, then chemical compounds will come to your aid - the same Aktellik or Phosbecid.

At first, young cabbage bushes can be covered with plant material.

Cruciferous bug

The cruciferous bug is a real disaster for cabbage beds and plantations. Adult individuals (as well as their larvae) make holes in the leaves, feed on vegetable juice. The well-known soldier to all of us is a cruciferous bug; its counterparts with similar colors also belong to this category.

cruciferous bug

As a preventive measure for the appearance of this pest, it is a thorough cleaning of all plant residues with the onset of autumn (it is better to burn them), since they hibernate on them. The saliva of the cruciferous bug contains an enzyme that is detrimental to the plant - in the place of the leaf where it gnawed a hole, tissues die over time. It is noteworthy that with the onset of heat and drought, the bug only becomes more active, and its population increases.

Tobacco dust, onion peel infusion, garlic broth - all these remedies are good for combating the cruciferous bug.

Rapeseed sawfly

There is another pest in cabbage. A very voracious pest. This is a rapeseed sawmill.

Rape sawfly - a fly (photo on the left) and larvae (photo on the right)

On the left in the photo is a rapeseed sawfly fly, and on the right are rapeseed sawfly larvae. It is not entirely correct to call the larvae of the rapeseed sawfly caterpillars. These are false caterpillars. Their difference from caterpillars is the presence of 6 pairs of legs on the abdomen.

The fly, sawing the edge of the cabbage leaf from below, lays eggs, from which caterpillars are born. Their length is from 16 to 18 mm. The wrinkled skin is dotted with several small papillae. Newly hatched larvae are pale gray to greenish in color. Older larvae change color, becoming dark green, almost black.

Young larvae eat away the lower part of the leaves or make holes in them (economic damage is negligible), while older larvae, dark in color, almost completely eat the leaves, leaving only veins from them.

Gardeners successfully use a decoction of tomato tops to combat the rapeseed sawfly.

Protection of cabbage from the sawfly: every two weeks, cabbage rosettes (in the seedling stage) should be sprinkled with a protective mixture: naphthalene (1 part), sand and wood ash (5 parts). You can also use slaked lime (20 parts) and creolin (1 part).

If you find a cabbage sawfly in your garden, then do not think that it will not appear next season. Be sure to destroy the remnants of the crop in the fall when harvesting tops, remove weeds in time, plant cabbage early, be sure to loosen the ground, as the new generation appears from there.

Processing cabbage with a protective mixture, photo:

Chemical means of protecting cabbage from pests are mainly used when the pest invasion has reached critical proportions. For large cabbage plantations, chemical protection is also used - Fury, Kemifos, Bankol, Iskra-M.

Methods of application and dilution proportions of insecticides are always described on the package, for example, 1 ml of Fury is diluted in 10 liters of water, 2 liters of solution will be enough to treat 100 m² of territory. The maximum number of procedures is 2 times, at least 25 days from the last irrigation must pass before the harvest.

Summing up, it must be said that pests not only spoil and destroy our crops, but are also carriers of various diseases. Complex measures in this case give the best result, as for folk remedies, they can be combined even with chemical procedures (if the situation is aggravated). Preventive measures are also of great importance. Try to still get by with alternative methods of protecting cabbage, because chemistry is chemistry, and you and your family will eat this popular vegetable.

May your cabbage be fruitful and healthy. And how to treat this crop from pests, how to protect it - you now know.

Cabbage does not have too many pests, but they are all as if by choice - “unkillable”. Cruciferous flea, caterpillars, slugs and snails, cabbage fly larvae cause a lot of problems for the gardener every year. They seem to be invincible, and it's high time to run to the store for poison.

As Comrade Saakhov said in the famous comedy, there is no need to hurry. Effective folk remedies that can be used to treat cabbage from pests can be found in the Treasury of Country Councils ...

The cruciferous flea is the ubiquitous small bouncy black bugger with a silvery sheen. She attacks first, because she loves to eat young leaves of cabbage seedlings. He especially loves Chinese cabbage.

And since the flea eats three times its own weight per day, its presence is immediately noticeable. Cabbage leaves are covered with small holes. If nothing is done, soon only veins will remain from the leaflet, and then it will die.

What helps with cruciferous flea

Method one. If you have a lot of non-woven covering fabric, then you can do it simply: cover the plantings of young cabbage. Access to the cruciferous flea bed will be closed. After a while, the seedlings will get stronger, its leaves will coarsen and lose their attractiveness to the pest. Then the cover can be removed.

Method two. It is good to sprinkle newly planted seedlings of cabbage with ash or a mixture of ash and tobacco dust in equal proportions. The disadvantage of this method is that every time after watering, rain or fog, the ash spraying will have to be renewed.

Method three. At the very beginning of the summer season, plant spring garlic on the cabbage bed. When garlic shoots appear, plant cabbage seedlings next to them. The smell of garlic will confuse the cruciferous flea, and it will bypass the garden bed.

Method four. The cruciferous flea's dislike for strong odors can play into our hands. Add fir oil to the water for irrigation (10-15 drops per bucket). And to be sure, at first, cover young cabbages with the tops of plastic bottles.

Method five. Spray the plant with a weak infusion of chicken manure. It will not only help with fleas, but will also serve as nitrogen. The leaves will get stronger and grow faster, and the flea will not be afraid of them.

But if things are really bad, if nothing helps from a flea, it remains to rely on the help of pesticides. See a list of the most effective cruciferous flea remedies.

How to get rid of cabbage caterpillars and cabbage scoops

Everyone knows the cabbage butterfly or cabbage white in the face. A white butterfly with a black border on its wings lays its eggs on the underside of a cabbage leaf, from which yellowish caterpillars with black spots hatch. These “gluttonous bellies” then eat our cabbage.

The cabbage scoop is a less conspicuous gray moth similar to a nocturnal moth, but its larvae can often be found inside cabbage heads. Small green caterpillars can seriously compete with whitefish in the fight for a juicy leaf.

How to process cabbage from caterpillars

Method one.

If you have wasps living on your property, make them useful. Dilute old jam, compote or just sugar and sprinkle cabbage with sweet water. The smell will undoubtedly attract wasps, great hunters for sweets, to the cabbage patch. Wasps feed their offspring with caterpillars, so they will not miss the opportunity to “cleanse” cabbage from them.

Method two.

Pour 2 cups of ash and a tablespoon of liquid soap (even better than tar shampoo) with 10 liters of water and insist for a day. Then spray cabbage with infusion.

Method three.

As soon as you begin to notice the cabbages flying in the district, place sticks with eggshells hanging on them on the cabbage bed. They say that butterflies take the shell for their own kind and do not lay eggs where it is already “occupied”.

Method four.

Prepare an infusion of tomato tops or onion peel. This simple folk remedy repels butterflies with an unusual smell.

A liter jar of onion peel should be poured with two liters of hot water and insisted for two days. Then bring the volume of infusion to four liters, add a tablespoon of liquid soap.

To prepare a tomato infusion, 1.5-2 kilograms of tops or stepchildren are poured with 5 liters of hot water and infused for 3-4 hours. Then boil for another 3 hours, after which it is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. For better adhesion of the infusion, 20-30 grams of laundry or tar soap are also added to it before spraying.

Method five.

Sprinkle cabbage leaves with equal parts baking soda and flour mixture. Here you can also add a little pollen from any plants from the cruciferous family. Caterpillars on such a diet die, and there is no harm to plants.

Method six.

Spray the cabbage and the ground underneath with an infusion of burdock or garlic. To prepare the first, burdock leaves are finely chopped and infused for three days in a bucket of water, based on a ratio of 1: 3. Garlic infusion is prepared as follows: pass ten heads of garlic through a press, pour five liters of cold water and leave for three days.

Folk remedies against slugs and snails

Slugs and snails are inconspicuous nocturnal hunters of our cabbages. During the day they hide in secluded, dark and damp corners of the site, and in the evening they crawl out onto the cabbage beds and eat, eat, eat ... In the morning, all the cabbage leaves are in uneven holes, and no one is visible - slugs hid.

What to do in this case?

Effective remedies for slugs

Method one.

The good old folk method of dealing with slugs is a bait device. To do this, in the evening (at 20-21 o'clock), when the slugs begin to get out of their hiding places, trays with kvass, juice, beer or diluted jam with yeast are added dropwise next to the cabbage patch. You can moisten old rags or burdock leaves in the “drink” and spread them over the furrows. All night the slugs will crawl to the smell, and in the morning it will be possible to take the pests with your bare hands.

Method two.

Scatter the mustard powder between the cabbages. Slugs can't stand it.

Method three.

Prepare a solution of 40 ml. ammonia for 5-6 liters of water and pour from a watering can directly over the leaves and heads. After a few minutes, return to the garden and repeat the procedure: at this point, all the slugs will come out of the ground and from the cabbage, and the ammonia solution will "hit right at the enemy."

Method four.

Tear off and lay out the leaves and stems of nettles in the garden. Slugs on nettles will not climb to your cabbage. True, it dries quickly, so nettle protection needs to be updated every day, but this is more of a plus than a minus, because you are simultaneously fighting slugs and mulching plantings with excellent organic material.

Method five.
Method six.

Spray the soil on the cabbage bed with an infusion of bitter pepper. To prepare it, you need to grind 100 grams of pepper, pour a liter of water and leave for two days. Then bring to a boil and insist another day. Then squeeze the pepper and strain the infusion.

Half a glass of pepper infusion is diluted in a bucket of water and, as usual, a spoonful of liquid soap is added before spraying. The remaining concentrate can be stored in a tightly closed container in a dark and cool place.

Method seven.

The beds, where slugs rage, are shed with a solution of ordinary pharmacy greenery (1 vial per bucket of water). The slugs are leaving.

We talked in more detail about the fight against slugs in a separate article:

We destroy the larvae of the scoop, May beetle, cabbage fly

The larvae of the May beetle, winter scoop or cabbage fly are called underground pests of cabbage, since they do not destroy the leaves, but the roots during the formation of the head. The result of their work is always on the face: the plant instantly withers, withers and dies.

To combat the larvae, you can attract garden ants to the garden bed. They, like wasps, crawl for sweets, so it makes sense to dig a jar of jam diluted in water next to a withered bush. Black ants will react to the bait and, at the same time, find larvae, which are their natural habitual food.

How to deal with cabbage aphids

The greenish cabbage aphid attacks, as a rule, young plants. Black dots appear on them, leaves curl up. If the aphids are not destroyed, the plant will soon die.

Measures to combat cabbage aphids:

Method one. Spraying with infusion of tomato leaves, prepared in the same way as in the fight against caterpillars.

Method two. Treat the plants with soapy water (300-400 grams of soap per 10 liters of water), repeat the procedure after a week.

Method three. Spray the cabbage with a complex infusion against aphids. To prepare it, a glass of ash, a glass of tobacco dust, a tablespoon of mustard and a tablespoon of liquid soap, pour 10 liters of hot water and insist for a day. Then strain and use on the mountain to the pest.

Universal pest control methods for cabbage

Almost all pests of cabbage are not enthusiastic about the smell of herbs. And therefore, the best way to get rid of them is to plant dill, carrots, parsley or celery next to the cabbage for seeds, mint, rosemary, sage, basil or cilantro. The smells of these herbs and seeds will scare away slugs, fleas, butterflies and aphids, but they will attract their natural enemies - ladybugs, rider beetles, lacewings.

The problem of how to protect cabbage from pests worries many gardeners. Insect control on these vegetables is difficult because cabbage pests often climb inside the head and hide under the leaves. For this reason, summer residents may not suspect for a long time that their crops are in danger.

With photos and descriptions of cabbage pests, as well as effective ways to get rid of them, you can find in this article.

Babanukha (cabbage or horseradish leaf beetle): photo and protection measures

Cabbage pest babanukha (cabbage or horseradish leaf beetle): is a black beetle with a greenish tint and brown paws.

Cabbage leaf beetle damages various varieties of cabbage, radish, turnip, radish, turnip, daikon, watercress, horseradish.

The wintering of the beetle takes place in the soil, under plant debris, in lumps of manure and in other secluded places in the garden.

In early June, the beetles leave their wintering grounds and begin to feed on leaves. Females gnaw holes in the leaves, where they then lay their eggs.

Look at the photo: The cabbage leaf beetle can lay up to 400 eggs.

The main protection measures against babanukha are the careful removal of all post-harvest plant residues from the beds and timely weed control, especially with wild radish and field mustard. Seedlings need to be planted early. Another way to get rid of these cabbage pests is to dig up the soil in the beds in late autumn.

Cabbage pests and how to deal with them: protection against green baride

Now it's time to talk about barid cabbage pests and their control in summer cottages.

This pest is a beetle 3.5-4.5 mm in size, dark blue in color with a greenish tint and a metallic sheen. On its elytra there are thin grooves, and a smooth median line is visible on the back.

Eggs are white with a matte tint, oval. Their size is 0.6-0.9 mm. The size of the larvae is from 5 to 10 mm.

Wintering of beetles takes place in the soil at a depth of up to 5 cm, some individuals can deepen up to 8-9 cm. They emerge in early spring, when the topsoil warms up to 7-9 °C. Beetles feed by gnawing holes in the stems and leaves of plants. Basically, various varieties of cabbage are susceptible to the invasion of this pest. Damaged areas of plants turn yellow, over time, growths appear on them. Numerous holes are visible on the leaves. Young plants damaged by beetles begin to lag behind in growth, and with significant damage they die. In late April - early May, females begin to lay eggs in pits, which they gnaw out in stems and leaf petioles. After 7-10 days, larvae appear from them, which feed inside the plants, mainly in the stems. The yield is decreasing.

With a significant defeat, the death of plants occurs. After about a month, the larvae pupate. In July - August, beetles appear, which then fly to wintering grounds.

To protect against green barides, cobs and plant residues should be removed from the beds, deep plowing should be carried out, and regularly destroyed from the cabbage family. The treatment of cabbage from barid pests with a large invasion of insects is carried out with the help of insecticides.

Whitefly control measures on cabbage

In this section of the article, you will learn about the whitefly cabbage pest and how to deal with it with effective methods. The body of an adult usually reaches a length of 1.5-2 mm. Outwardly, insects resemble mole-shaped Lepidoptera. The body of insects is white or yellowish-red in color, dark spots are barely visible on it.

Pay attention to the photo: this cabbage pest has four wings covered with white bloom. The larvae feed on the juice of plants, as a result of which the latter die.

Whitefly larvae on cabbage are usually located on the lower surface of the leaves. The sticky substance secreted by them is a breeding ground for the sooty fungus, so the leaves become black in color.

One of the most effective ways to protect plants from pests is to spray crops with water, followed by loosening the soil and fertilizing it with humus. This procedure should be carried out regularly. In addition, traps can be used as measures to combat whitefly on cabbage, and tobacco can be used as bait - the smell of this plant attracts insects.

In total, more than 1500 species of whiteflies are known.

Among the most common are strawberry, cabbage, citrus, tobacco and greenhouse. The latter damages crops grown in greenhouses and greenhouses (,).

Methods of dealing with spring cabbage flies

It describes the cabbage pests of the fly and the fight against them in the garden.

This pest is a small gray fly with transparent wings, the body length of which is not more than 6 mm. Cabbage fly larvae up to 8 mm long, white.

Cabbage fly larvae damage cabbage, radish, turnip,.

Wintering of fly pupae takes place in the soil. Females lay their eggs in the soil near the stems of cruciferous plants. A week later, larvae appear that make their way to the roots of plants and eat them, damaging the root crops. In addition, they make moves in the stems.

The main method of dealing with spring cabbage flies is to spray plants with burdock infusion. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour 2.5 kg of pre-crushed fresh burdock leaves into 9 liters of warm water, leave for 2 days, then strain.

Before spraying cabbage from pests, do not forget to remove weeds and all plant debris from the beds after harvesting in a timely manner. In autumn it is necessary to dig up the soil. Hilling cruciferous crops contributes to the formation of additional roots in them, which reduces the harmfulness of the cabbage fly.

How to spray cabbage from a pest wavy flea

Below you will learn how to protect cabbage from the wavy flea pest. This pest is a black beetle with a yellow stripe on each elytron. Its length is about 3 mm. Beetle larvae have three pairs of legs, they themselves are yellow with a dark head. Their length reaches 5 mm.

As you can see in the photo, the cabbage pest wavy flea is in many ways similar to the black flea, differing only in color and habitat in a more humid environment.

In early spring, the flea leaves the soil and settles on wild and cultivated cabbage plants. The wavy flea damages radish, turnip, radish, turnip, daikon, watercress, cabbage, horseradish.

The females begin to lay their eggs on the soil surface. After 10 days, larvae appear from them, which live in the soil and feed on small roots of radishes, radishes, turnips, etc.

After 20 days, larvae pupate in the soil, and after another 15 days, the second generation of the wavy flea appears.

The summer generation of the wavy flea damages the rapeseed. Beetles eat round holes in the leaves, leaving the lower skin intact.

Before you fight these cabbage pests, you need to prepare a decoction of tansy. To do this, pour 600-800 g of dried or 2 kg of fresh raw materials from the aerial parts of tansy 10 liters of water, boil for 45 minutes. Cool the broth, let it brew for 2 hours, strain. Spraying should be carried out 2-3 times a week in the evening. This method of controlling cabbage pests must be stopped 2 weeks before harvest.

How to protect cabbage from the gall nematode pest

One of the main pests of cabbage is the gall nematode. This worm-like pest infects many types of vegetables grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. Only garlic and cereals are resistant to the nematode.

The body length of the gall nematode is 1-1.5 mm.

The nematode penetrates the roots of plants and settles in them. In addition, it releases toxic substances that lead to the formation of growths and swellings (galls) on the roots. Inside the galls, larvae develop. The nutrition and water supply of the affected plants is hampered due to dysfunction of the roots, so they lag behind in growth, and the yield decreases. Especially dangerous are nematode lesions in dry and hot weather.

The female insects are very fertile. On the roots of cabbage gall nematodes can be up to several hundred.

The fight against the pest of cabbage whitefish in the open field

Whites are ubiquitous. Butterflies lay their eggs on the underside of plant leaves. The caterpillars that emerge from the eggs feed on these leaves and then spread to other plants. Caterpillars eat most of the leaves, only the central veins remain on the plants.

This pest of cabbage in the open field slows down crops in growth, they stop developing, with a strong defeat, cabbages do not tie heads.

To control pests of cabbage in the open field during the entire period of growth and development of the plant, it is necessary to inspect the leaves and destroy the eggs and caterpillars of white butterflies. An effective composition that can be used to treat garden crops from cabbage pests is wormwood infusion.

How to protect cabbage from pests: measures to combat cabbage moth

This pest is a butterfly with a wingspan of 1.5 cm. The front wings are brown, along each of them there is a dark wavy stripe. Hind wings narrow, long, dark gray.

Cabbage moth caterpillars are about 1 cm long, green, with eight pairs of legs.

The butterflies emerge in May and begin to lay their eggs along the veins on the underside of the cabbage leaves.

A week later, caterpillars appear that bite into the flesh of the leaf, at first without damaging its skin. Passages form in the leaf tissue. Then the caterpillars can damage both the inner leaves of the emerging cabbage head and the apical bud.

To increase the resistance of cabbage to this moth, it is recommended to carry out foliar feeding with a solution of potassium chloride. The first dressing of cabbage should be carried out when eggs are found on the plants, the second - 3 weeks after the first.

The main measure to combat cabbage moth is the timely removal of all post-harvest plant residues from the beds, as well as weeding of cruciferous weeds.

Cabbage moth: photo and pest control

This pest is a butterfly with a wingspan of up to 3 cm.

Look at the photo: cabbage moth has brown front wings with dark wavy transverse stripes. The hind wings of the insect are light brown.

Cabbage moth damages radishes, turnips, radishes, turnips, daikon, watercress, horseradish and especially cabbage.

The wintering of caterpillars of the cabbage moth takes place in the soil, and butterflies appear in June.

Females begin to lay eggs on the underside of the leaf, and after 10 days caterpillars appear from them, which eat away the pulp of the leaves, gnawing through holes in them. The greatest damage is visible on the inside of the leaves.

After a month, the caterpillars move into the soil, where they then pupate.

To combat cabbage moth, it is necessary to destroy weeds in a timely manner. In addition, moth moths can be caught by attracting them with light. In autumn, you should dig up the soil in the garden. Cabbage is recommended to be planted in the early stages before the flight of moth butterflies.

Processing cabbage from pests: fighting the cabbage scoop

This pest is a butterfly with a wingspan of up to 5 cm. The front wings are brown with light transverse stripes. The hindwings are light brown. The caterpillars of the cabbage scoop are green, most often with yellow stripes on the sides.

Cabbage scoop damages white, Savoy, cauliflower, beets, onions, lettuce, peas.

To combat the cabbage scoop, it is recommended to spray with a decoction of bitter pepper. To prepare it, you need 1 kg of fresh or 0.5 kg of dry red pepper, pour 10 liters of water, boil for 1 hour. The resulting broth can be bottled and stored in a dark, cool place. Before spraying, it is recommended to add 200 ml of decoction and 40 g of laundry soap to 10 liters of water. Spraying should be carried out at intervals of 10-15 days.

In addition, plants can be sprayed with a solution of white powder. To prepare it, add 10 g of powder to 1 liter of water, mix, strain. Before spraying, bring 200 ml of the solution to a volume of 1 liter.

You can catch scoop butterflies by attracting them with light.

Another way to get rid of these pests on cabbage is to dig up the soil in the garden in the fall, and in the summer it is necessary to destroy the weeds in a timely manner. It is advisable to plant cabbage in the early stages before the scoop butterflies take off.

How to get rid of the cabbage bug pest

This pest is an insect that damages radishes, turnips, radishes, turnips, daikon, watercress, horseradish and various varieties of cabbage. Bed bugs hibernate under fallen leaves and other plant debris. In early July, insects begin to leave their wintering grounds. The females lay their eggs on the stems, leaves, and pods of plants.

Plants damaged by the cabbage bug turn yellow, then spots form on them. Young seedlings often die. Often the ovaries and flowers fall off.

Wormwood planted next to cabbage seedlings protects the culture not only from the cabbage bug, but also from.

To combat the cabbage bug, it is recommended to spray the plants with a decoction of wormwood. To prepare it, you need 3 kg of chopped raw or 600 g of dried wormwood herb, pour cold water, leave for 1 day, then boil for 30 minutes.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in a timely manner, regularly remove weeds in the garden and all post-harvest plant residues.

Methods of dealing with the cabbage pest root secretive proboscis

This pest is a dark gray beetle. Its body length reaches 3 mm. The larvae of the secretive proboscis are white, legless, horseshoe-shaped. The wintering of beetles is over.

The females lay their eggs in the stems of plants, making depressions in them.

The emerging larvae begin to feed on the tissue of the stem, moving towards the root. In this case, swellings (galls) appear on the roots.

Up to 20 galls occur on one plant, in which larvae develop. After some time, the larvae pass into the soil, where they pupate.

To combat the cabbage root secretive trunk, it is necessary to fight weeds in a timely manner (especially with wild radish, field mustard), remove all plant residues from the garden. When planting cabbage seedlings, its roots should be carefully examined and plants with galls and growths on the roots should be discarded.

How to save cabbage from the pest rapeseed secretive proboscis

This pest is a dark brown beetle, the length of which reaches 4 mm. On the head of the beetle there is a thin long tube. The larvae of the secretive proboscis are white, legless, horseshoe-shaped. The head of young larvae is black, with time it turns white.

Rape beetles and their larvae damage all kinds of cabbages, especially kohlrabi.

Wintering of beetles takes place in the soil at a depth of 6-10 cm.

The females lay their eggs on stems under branches. At the same time, the damaged stems thicken, growths (galls) develop on them, which then crack.

The larvae feed and develop inside these swellings on the stems. Then they move into the soil (to a depth of 10 cm), where they pupate. After about 25 days, the secretive trunk beetle is formed, but it remains in the soil until the next spring.

How to save cabbage from these pests and protect other crops? To combat the rapeseed secretive proboscis, it is recommended to spray the plants with a decoction of capsicum and tansy. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour 0.5 kg of dry chopped fruits of hot capsicum, as well as 100 g of dry chopped tansy grass, 10 liters of water. Boil for 1 hour, then let it brew for 1 day, strain. In the resulting broth, dissolve 30 g of laundry soap previously grated on a coarse grater. Processing should be carried out 2-3 times a month with an interval of 10-15 days.

How to get rid of pests on cabbage: sprout fly control

This pest is a small gray fly with transparent wings, the body length of which does not exceed 5 mm. Germ fly larvae up to 8 mm long, white, transparent.

Wintering of false cocoons of a fly takes place in the soil. Flies appear in early May. Females begin laying eggs in the soil near cabbage crops and other vegetables, especially onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, and beans. After 5 days, the larvae of the sprout fly appear, which make their way into the pulp of the roots and root crops. The larvae gnaw out passages in root crops.

The tissues of plants damaged by the germ fly rot. After a while, the plants die.

To combat the sprout fly, it is recommended to dig up the soil in the garden in the fall. In addition, it is important to fight weeds in a timely manner and remove all plant residues from the beds after harvesting. Manure introduced into the soil should be especially carefully buried, as it attracts sprout flies.

In autumn, it is necessary to dig up the soil in the garden.

Petioled mosquito: pest control measures for cabbage

This pest is a small yellow-green insect with transparent wings, the body length of which does not exceed 2 mm. The larvae of the petiolate mosquito are yellow, flat, narrowed at the anterior end. They are able to jump.

The petiole mosquito damages mainly cabbage, savoy and cauliflower.

Wintering of pupae of the petiole mosquito takes place in the soil. In spring, females lay their eggs in the apical bud of cruciferous crops. After 4 days, larvae appear from them, which begin to feed on the juice from the petioles of the leaves, and then bite into the leaf tissues.

The affected leaves shrivel and look like corrugation, and the petioles of the leaves thicken and bend. The apical bud, affected by the petiole mosquito, often dies. In damp, warm weather, the cabbage heart can rot.

The petiole mosquito is especially dangerous for cabbage seedlings.

To combat the petiole mosquito, it is recommended that in case of a massive pest invasion, 2 times a week, spray the plants with a decoction of wormwood. It is necessary to remove weeds and all plant residues in a timely manner after harvesting. In autumn, you should dig up the soil in the garden.

How to process and how to get rid of black flea on cabbage

This pest is a black beetle, the body length of which does not exceed 3 mm. Beetle larvae up to 5 mm long, yellow with a dark head, have three pairs of legs.

The black flea damages radish, turnip, radish, turnip, daikon, watercress, cabbage, horseradish.

In early spring, the flea leaves its shelters and settles on cabbage plants. The females begin to lay their eggs on the soil surface.

After 10 days, larvae appear from them, living in the soil and feeding on small roots of radishes, radishes, turnips. After 3 weeks, the larvae pupate in the soil, and after another 2 weeks, the second generation of the black flea appears.

Beetles eat round holes in the leaves, leaving their lower skin intact.

How to get rid of black flea on cabbage and prevent the spread of pests on the site? To combat insects, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil around the plants, which will violate the conditions for pupation of the beetle. There are no effective means than to process cabbage from a black flea, the only way is to periodically remove weeds and rake fallen leaves in the garden.

Growing cabbage on the site is easy and profitable. The plant bears fruit well, does not require increased attention. The only problem is that the culture is affected by numerous pests and diseases. Understanding what animals are cabbage pests and what diseases occur at different stages of plant maturation will allow you to draw up an effective control plan.

Cabbage moth - what does it look like and why is it dangerous?

Numerous pests of cabbage in the first place can be represented by cabbage moths. With a compact size (1.5 cm in wingspan), the insect causes serious damage to crops. Pests damage the leaves with numerous moves, destroy the apical bud.

You can save cabbage from butterflies of this group by proven means: deep plowing of the soil, spraying plants with organophosphorus agents.

Cabbage secretive stalk - how to win?

The cabbage stem secretive trunk is a black beetle with a head in the form of a tube 3 mm long. In winter, it lives under fallen leaves, feeding on the remains of plants in the soil. In the spring, it begins an active life, first feeding on weeds near crops, and then eating cabbage, but so little that it causes practically no damage.

Much more dangerous beetle larvae. They appear by the end of spring from eggs laid in the stem. It is they who gnaw passages in the stem of the plant, gradually reaching the root system, which leads to its withering and death.

The pest should be fought by cleaning the remains of plants with the onset of autumn, digging the soil and regular weeding. Of the chemicals, particularly effective Phosbecid and Actellik can be distinguished.

Cabbage leaf beetle - how to exterminate on the site

One of the most common cabbage pests is the leaf beetle. Visually, this beetle is no more than 5 mm long, dark green in color. It feeds on cabbage leaves, leaving behind grooves and numerous holes.

To protect the cabbage from the leaf beetle, the beds with the plant must be regularly weeded, removing weeds from the Cabbage family. Of the folk remedies, tobacco dust with slaked lime and ash is considered the most effective. Also using folk remedies, a certain result can be achieved with glue traps.

Chemicals in pest control are used in cases where preventive measures and alternative methods do not work. Usually it is Actellik or Bankol for processing small areas and Bi-58, Karate - for the destruction of insects in a production environment.

Bed bug: how to protect cabbage from a pest?

Usually the cabbage bug harms not only cabbage, but also all cruciferous. Insect-affected plants turn yellow, become covered with dying spots on the leaves, and die at a young age.

An adult bug no more than 1 cm in length with a black head and a red back with black dots. It is enough to treat cabbage from pests with Match or Engio insecticides to solve the problem.

Whitefly on cabbage - how to win

The whitefly is a small insect up to 2 mm long, white in color with almost imperceptible dark spots. The danger to crops is represented by larvae camouflaged in the lower part of the leaves. Being located on plants, they secrete a substance that nourishes the soot fungus, causing the leaves to turn black.

The most effective remedy for pests of this group is the timely loosening of the soil, followed by fertilization and spraying of plants. This should be done regularly, along the way using traps with tobacco bait.

Cabbage flies - methods of struggle

A dangerous pest is the cabbage fly, which chooses mainly the root systems of plants as a source of nutrition. There are two types of flies: summer and spring. Summer prefers to eat late-ripening varieties of cabbage, spring - early varieties. You can fight the pest in the same way as in previous cases by properly tilling the soil, as well as using proven insecticides.

Long-legged harmful - harm and methods of extermination

The insect resembles a large mosquito, since its body length is about 2.5 cm. In addition to cabbage, the centipede feeds on leek and celery. The danger of the pest lies in the fact that it eats cabbage underground, affecting the root system, which is simply fatal for young plants.

Defeating the insect is simple, taking care of the soil, removing plant debris, weeds, digging up the ground. A certain positive effect can be achieved if the plants are sprayed with calcium cyanamide.

Wavy flea on cabbage - about the dangers and methods of extermination

The insect harms not only cabbage, but also horseradish, turnip, radish and other crops. You can recognize it by the characteristic yellow stripes on the elytra and small size (up to 3 mm). To protect cabbage from fleas, you need to regularly loosen the soil, use a 0.1% solution of Aktellik or Phoksimom for spraying in case of mass accumulation. They will help prevent cabbage diseases as a result of pest damage to tobacco-based products.

Who is a scoop on cabbage and why is it dangerous?

The insect is the worst enemy of cabbage, as well as onions, lettuce, peas and beets. The adult butterfly-shaped bollworm is not conspicuous due to its unremarkable appearance. The main danger of mature individuals is in the eggs that they lay. Over time, larvae hatch from them, which rapidly spread throughout the plant, damaging the leaves and leaving excrement.

You can fight the scoop mechanically, collecting eggs by hand, as well as using proven chemicals. It will help in the process of extermination of the pest and its natural enemy - the trichogram egg-eater.

The massive appearance of aphids on cabbage: how to solve the problem

Cabbage aphids are extremely dangerous for crops, rapidly multiplying and difficult to remove. The pest enters the site more often in the height of summer. Females give birth to larvae, which colonize huge areas of plants in the shortest possible time, sucking the juice out of them with their proboscis.

You can fight aphids on cabbage with the proven preparations "Match" and "Aktara", with the obligatory destruction of plant sediments after harvesting and weeding the soil.

If you need to save seedlings from aphids, then effective folk remedies are well suited - wood ash or a mixture of tobacco dust and ash in equal parts.

Medvedka - how to recognize and exterminate the pest?

Medvedka is a pest that affects the stems and root system of plants, and is also capable of destroying freshly sown seeds. The insect lives underground, is quite large, reaches 6 cm in length in adulthood and has a visual resemblance to cancer.

In order to prevent the development of the disease of cabbage and other crops through the fault of the bear, it is necessary to regularly water the soil with a solution of chlorophos (0.3%), use traps with bait from cereals with chlorophos.

Why are slugs dangerous for cabbage?

The slug is an enemy not only for cabbage, but also for a number of other vegetable crops. Most often it affects:

  • zucchini;
  • turnip;
  • parsley;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin etc.

Weak plants and seedlings are especially susceptible to its influence. Slugs tolerate several types of coccidia and ciliates, love high humidity, quickly change shape due to active muscle contraction.

You can fight pests by digging up the soil, as well as using a solution of hot pepper, ash mixed with tobacco dust, copper plates dug around the perimeter of the site, or small eggshells as a barrier to movement.

A noticeable result will help to achieve the treatment of plants with vinegar in such a way that the solution does not get on the soil and into the root system. Also, experienced gardeners use soda ash, which is sprinkled on the alleged places where slugs accumulate.

Thrips - how do they affect cabbage and how to fight?

Another worst enemy of cabbage is thrips, small pests that infect the plant, bringing it to death. Signs of the appearance of insects - an abundance of yellow spots on the leaves, underdevelopment of fruits. The mass distribution of thrips will lead to the appearance of "silver" areas on the plant and a noticeable deformation of the stem.

You can achieve a decrease in the number of pests in a natural way by adding ladybugs and hoverflies to the site. From biological preparations it is worth trying infusions of insecticidal plants:

  • tagetis;
  • garlic;
  • celandine;
  • tomato, etc.

Among chemical preparations, Iskra-M and Fufanon-nova are especially distinguished, with which it is important to process the edges of the beds.

What is sick seedlings and how to cope with the main ailments?

In addition to insect pests, cabbage is affected by numerous diseases, against which there are also methods of control. Together, diseases and pests cause serious damage to crops, reducing the number of crops. Realizing which ailments are the most dangerous for the plant, you can try to prevent their appearance and development, thus creating comfortable conditions for the future harvest.

One of the most common diseases is cabbage yellowness, which affects not only cabbage, but also seedlings. Such diseases of seedlings and mature crops can destroy up to a quarter of the entire crop if measures are not taken on time.

You can defeat the disease if you start treatment immediately. To do this, the diseased plant is dug up, the soil is changed in the place of its growth. Soil treatment with a solution of copper sulphate with the onset of autumn will prevent infection.

A dangerous disease for cabbage is keel, also from the fungal group. Manifested by growths on the roots and stem. Vegetables infected with clubroot must be dug up, removed, clearing the soil.

The black leg is an ailment that affects mainly seedlings of cabbage and other vegetable crops. You can defeat it with the biological preparation Bactofit or the method of tillage with a solution of potassium permanganate.

And another common unpleasant phenomenon is scab on cabbage, which does not appear as often as on fruit trees. Plants are treated mainly with fungicides with a third or fourth hazard class. More often it is Zato, Skorom, Bordeaux liquid and Fitosporin.

In conclusion, we note that the above are only the main pests and diseases that can make unpleasant adjustments to the plans of gardeners for the coming season.

The list of dangerous insects and ailments for cabbage and other vegetables is much wider, but you can study it as problems arise, not forgetting about preventive measures that can prevent trouble.

A universal way to protect cabbage, many gardeners consider the use of simple folk remedies. One of them is valerian, which is recommended to be diluted with water, liquid soap (1 bottle per 3 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of soap) and spray cabbage.

Another is the treatment of plants with ammonia a month before harvesting.

Cabbage is attractive to many insects. In order not to be left without a crop, it is important to know how cabbage can be treated from pests at each stage of its development.

Common cabbage pests

More than 30 types of pests cause damage to cabbage. They can be divided into two groups:

  1. soil - damage the roots;
  2. ground-air - damage leaves and stems.

Particularly harmful:

  • cruciferous fleas - light-footed, black, wavy;
  • cabbage aphid;
  • whiteflies - cabbage, greenhouse, tobacco;
  • cabbage caterpillars and;
  • soil pests - cabbage fly larvae, bear.

The cabbage fly is harmful in spring and summer. The insect lays its eggs in the ground next to the stems of young plants. The larvae that hatch from the egg damage the roots of the cabbage.

Butterflies - cabbage moth, scoop, whites - make masonry on the lower surface of the leaves. The hatched caterpillars gnaw the leaves, crawl inside the heads and heads, make moves in them and pollute them with excrement.

On early and cauliflower, aphids are often planted - a small sucking pest that forms extensive colonies. The leaves on which the aphid has settled are twisted, the plant lags behind in development. Aphids on broccoli and cauliflower are especially unpleasant. Insects penetrate into the gaps between the inflorescences, from where they are difficult to extract.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are necessary for the protection of early ripening types of cabbage: early, lettuce and leafy. Due to the short growing period, early ripening cabbage should not be sprayed with insecticides. Pest control consists mainly in the application of preventive measures.

Late cabbage can be safely treated with insecticides, since poisonous preparations will lose their toxicity by the time of harvest.

Leafy cabbage (plume, pak-choi) and Beijing cabbage (petsai) have delicate succulent leaves and attract a large number of leaf-eating and sucking pests. Cruciferous fleas and slugs are especially annoying. If these pests get close to a loose head, it will be impossible to fight them - they will quickly destroy the plant, from which only perforated leaves remain.

Landings are covered with non-woven fabric. This simple technique will help isolate plants from fleas and slugs. From fleas, dusting the beds of wood ash helps well immediately after planting the seedlings.

From aphids and caterpillars use a soap-ash infusion.

  1. A tablespoon with a slide of ash is poured with a liter of boiling water.
  2. Mix well and leave overnight.
  3. In the morning, filter, add a few drops of liquid soap and spray the plants at 5-6 in the morning, trying to capture the lower part of the leaves.
  4. Processing cabbage from pests is repeated every other day.

If aphids appeared on Chinese cabbage, you can prepare a decoction of wood ash:

  1. sift 300 g of ash;
  2. to fill with water;
  3. boil for 20 minutes;
  4. let stand;
  5. strain;
  6. dilute in 10 liters of water and spray the plants.

Such a decoction drives away aphids not only from cabbage, but also from any other garden and horticultural crops. Ash is also useful in the fight against slugs. It is sprinkled on the ground around the plants, creating concentric circles on the surface of the beds. When wet in the rain, the ash will no longer be a barrier to mollusks, so you need to alternate circles of ash with areas covered with red ground pepper, and set traps for slugs in parallel.

You can not plant cabbage on the beds, where any cruciferous plants grew in the previous season - the soil in such a place is in most cases infected with pests.

There are a few more tips for protecting white, cauliflower and any other cabbage.

  • To protect the roots from the cabbage fly, you can simply cover the ground near the stems with non-woven material.
  • Heads of cabbage are covered with a thin non-woven material to protect against butterflies. If the caterpillars did appear on the leaves, they can only be dealt with with approved insecticides or the "grandmother's" way - to collect them by hand.
  • It is advisable to clean the cabbage from the caterpillars on time - until the moment when the heads of cabbage begin to curl. Plants damaged by caterpillars are worse stored and become vulnerable to bacterial diseases.
  • A good solution would be to plant strong-smelling plants next to the cabbage: tagetis, wormwood.
  • The strong smell of vinegar is not to the liking of many pests. To protect the cabbage, a tablespoon of vinegar essence is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water and the plants are sprayed on a clear, warm day.
  • The specific smell of ammonia is not tolerated by the most malicious pests of cabbage: aphids, ants, flies, bears, weevils, slugs. The drug is used for plant protection and at the same time for nitrogen fertilization. 50 ml of alcohol (1 bottle) is diluted in 10 liters of water and the plants are sprayed from a spray bottle or poured over from a watering can.
  • From the invasion of aphids, decoctions made from tomato tops, dandelions, wormwood, onion husks, laundry soap, and garlic will help.
  • Spraying plantings with an infusion of black henbane, common dope, creeping mustard, as well as a 0.5% solution of Enterobacterin will save from caterpillars.
  • From the second half of July, slugs rush into the garden, for which cabbage is a delicious treat. To protect plants from slugs, you can use a thin covering material or dusting the leaves with ash (a glass per square meter). Ash not only prevents uninvited guests from nibbling vegetables, but also serves as a potash fertilizer.

Well-known plant protection experts recommend that when a cabbage fly appears, sprinkle the soil around the plants with a repellent mixture. For its manufacture take:

  • 100 g wood ash;
  • 100g tobacco dust;
  • a teaspoon of ground red pepper.

The mixture is scattered over the bed and the soil is loosened to a depth of 2-3 cm. The procedure is repeated every three to four days.

To combat cabbage whites, plants are watered with a mixture of the following components:

  • two tablespoons of mustard;
  • two tablespoons of table salt;
  • a teaspoon of ground black or red pepper;
  • a tablespoon of liquid soap.

The dosage is given for 10 liters of water.

Cruciferous flea beetles are small insects with a metallic sheen that eat the soft patches of cabbage leaves. From fleas helps spraying with a 0.2% solution of trichloromethane with an interval of 10 days.

From the cabbage fly, the soil around the root is shed with a 0.2% solution of Karbofos. Cabbage is processed three times with a break of 8-10 days.

Insecticides are chemicals that kill insects, their eggs and larvae. Depending on the method by which the drug enters the body of pests, insecticides are divided into the following groups:

  • intestinal;
  • contact;
  • systemic;
  • fumigants, or respiratory.

Most cabbage insecticides are of the enteric-contact type.

When using insecticides, the rule should be observed: if the agent does not work, the following treatment is carried out

insecticide with another active ingredient.

The table will help you choose the right pesticide.

Table 1. Preparations for cabbage pests recommended for personal subsidiary plots

It is possible to treat cabbage with biological preparations against caterpillars when the larvae are still small. Caterpillars of older ages do not react to biological preparations.

The system of measures to protect cabbage from pests

In open ground, cabbage is mainly grown by seedlings. At a young age, plants that have just been planted in the ground can be severely affected by cruciferous flea. The ideal way to protect against pests would be to plant seedlings in peat pots at a time when the critical phase for fleas has passed.

Fleas appear en masse at the end of April and are active throughout May, so do not rush to plant seedlings. Planted in the garden in early June, seedlings of white cabbage in peat pots soon overtake earlier plantings that suffered from cruciferous fleas in growth.

During the growth of biomass and heads of cabbage, many insects damage cabbage. Each pest has its own entomophages - predatory insects that can destroy up to 90% of the pest population. To attract entomophages to the site, nectar-bearing plants are sown next to the beds. The task of the summer resident is to create a flowering carpet around the cabbage plantings. Ladybugs, riders, lacewings, predatory gall midges, ground beetles and phytoseiulus bugs will settle on smelling plants.

Predatory insects are attracted to:

  • dill;
  • anise;
  • coriander;
  • phacelia;
  • fennel;
  • beans.

Nectar-bearing plants are sown along cabbage beds in strips from 5 m long. The zone of action of most entomophages is 50 m. Fast-flowering plants - dill, phacelia, coriander - are sown twice a season: when planting seedlings and 2 weeks after. Double sowing helps to form a real odorous conveyor. One flowering dill plant provides additional nutrition for such a number of entomophages, which is enough to destroy the entire cabbage aphid on the site.

Deep processing of row spacing destroys cocoons of scoops and whites. Soil cultivation activities should be carried out during the mass release of caterpillars from eggs or in early July, when they go to pupate in the topsoil.

The use of pesticides can be attributed to operational measures necessary for an outbreak of pests.

In a properly managed home garden, environmentally friendly methods of cabbage protection give up to 70% of the effect. The remaining 30% are biological agents and pesticides. Moreover, insecticides are used only locally - on individual plants.

Insects and slugs make it difficult to grow cabbage. Knowing how to deal with pests, you can significantly reduce the harm from their presence, if not completely get rid of them.