How much does a journalist earn in Russia and the world. Income of Russian professionals

A journalist is a representative of a profession through which society learns about the important events of the day, week or year. The presented materials, as a rule, are interpreted, accompanied by in-depth analysis and expert commentary. Without these people, society would feel information hunger. Often this work is difficult, stressful and dangerous.

The media have considerable influence on public opinion, and many seek to bribe them for their own interests (this does not apply to neutral and entertaining topics). Therefore, how much a journalist earns directly depends on the field of activity and the regions in which he has to work. The difference in numbers will be noticeable. "Average temperature in the ward" - these are the numbers that you will learn from our article.

The value of the profession for society

Without journalism it is impossible to imagine our everyday life. Many people start their mornings with breakfast and watching TV or the latest newspapers. During the day, we also receive an incredible amount of news that comes directly from or advertising agencies.

The number of Internet users has already reached half the globe - 3.5 billion people. And most of them leaf through the news feed in the evenings, which cannot but affect the fact that the named profession is becoming more and more in demand. And how much a journalist earns is now of interest not only to current, but also to future specialists.

Evaluation is more difficult. It would seem that it could be easier: find out the news first, compare the facts, draw conclusions, beautifully present the material to the reader. At first glance, this process does not require much effort, and someone will even consider the representatives of this profession to be parasites. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real results of his work in terms of money depend on how the specialist positions himself.

How much do journalists earn in Russia

In Russia, a journalist is very different depending on his location and format of activity. In small regional media, the average income will be several times less than in large metropolitan newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. Also, how much journalists earn in Moscow, for example, can significantly exceed the income of their colleagues in St. Petersburg.

The statistics of 2017 says that the minimum salary of a journalist in Russian cities is equal to the subsistence level - 8,000 rubles. lower threshold a specialist will easily overcome if his material is of high quality, innovative and published frequently.

The official maximum salary of such journalists reaches 120,000 rubles. Consequently, the average income in journalism in such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Samara, Kazan, Novgorod and others is 35,000 rubles.

Income in different branches of journalism

One of the most profitable niches in journalism is sports. Sports commentators are paid more than print reporters and analysts. The question of how much sports journalists earn is impossible to answer unambiguously.

Commenting on events in sports is even more creative work than writing articles. Each competition or match always has an unpredictable course of events and a final. The fee of a commentator on television for one event starts from 20 thousand rubles, the details depend on his level of media coverage. On the radio, the average assessment of the work of a sports journalist is 10 thousand rubles per broadcast. Unknown commentators have more modest incomes.

Also the most high level income is recorded among editors-in-chief of publications and editors of departments. The average salary for these vacancies in Moscow is 43,900 rubles. This is the top of the corporate ladder for a full-time journalist.

How much does a journalist earn in the USA

According to foreign recruiting agencies, employers in Russia are willing to pay many times more for the work of a journalist than their foreign counterparts. So, here in the highest echelons of journalism, the salary reaches 60 thousand dollars a year. In the US, the average salary of a specialist is more modest - 40 thousand dollars a year.

If novice authors receive about $1,000 per month, and in the United States this figure is twice as high, then specialists with extensive experience and famous name earn even 5-7 thousand dollars. And this amount is twice the income of journalists in publications with an average popularity in America.

How to get a freelance journalist job

It has become popular in Russia to make a living as a freelancer. This trend has evolved with the development of the Internet and its increasing influence on public opinion. Working as a freelance journalist can also be classified as freelancing.

Anyone who knows the art of language, has analytical skills, a creative outlook on things can try to get this position. For this you should:

  • determine the topic, highlight profile areas;
  • select publications that are interested in the finished material;
  • find out the contacts of the editorial office from the sites;
  • send letters with offers;
  • wait for a response and get to work.

If how much a journalist earns has a fixed framework, then freelance authors receive a salary depending on the level of publication, production, and uniqueness of the material. Journalists who are the first to be in the thick of things are also called streamers. They are not tied to one employer and sell finished material at the best price for themselves.

Whose fee is higher

Along with the profession of a journalist, PR specialists have also become in demand. For a long time, the income of an average PR person was equal to the income of a high-class journalist. Now this distance is shrinking, as the market is oversaturated with unskilled personnel. But how much does a journalist earn? less salary PR manager. Therefore, more and more reporters prefer to work in press centers instead of editorial offices.

Real journalists consider their profession interesting and exciting, although there are also dangerous working moments. But not everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, on television. What to do in this case? There is a way out and it is quite simple - look for a job on the Internet and start earning!

All that is required of a journalist to make money on the Internet is not to leave his favorite pastime, while the financial side of the issue will be resolved automatically. Your work in the form of articles with news, etc. a journalist can easily sell freelance or copywriting on exchanges, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

How to make money as a journalist online

On one of the article exchanges, there is a section dedicated specifically to selling current news. Anyone can try to earn money using this service. In addition, this exchange has a tool for high-quality online text verification for uniqueness. Here is the link . I recommend it to you.
Today, one of the good options for making a profit from rewriting is the sale of content on exchanges. It will not be difficult for you to find such exchanges. There are a lot of them on the Internet, and in each of them you will find a plus. One of the most popular and sought-after exchanges can be called, both for customers and for rewriters, copywriters. You can judge the popularity by looking at its main indicators of quantity:

1) sold articles (there are more than 48,000 of them);
2) users (more than 37,500);
3) orders completed by TOP30 copywriters.
There are several ways to make money on this exchange. You can post both rewrites of articles and your own articles. There is also the possibility of placed orders with a specific job. For their implementation, you will immediately receive payment.

If you earn by copywriting, you can appreciate the positive side of this exchange. It consists in the fact that it is possible to make a unique article from the available material from the Internet through high-quality and deep rewriting. Thus, this new article can be sold as copywriting. With quality work, no one will suspect you of such "resourcefulness". Moreover, no one forbids the use of existing material.

Another plus is that you yourself allocate both the amount of your time spent on rewriting and when you will do this work. And it is not necessary to wait until the order arrives. All you need is to determine for yourself how much time and effort you are willing to spend to make it hard for you. For example, 10 thousand characters a day is your daily norm, which will be completed in 2-3 hours. Next, on, follow the link "TOP 20 categories per month". Here you can find the volumes and categories of texts that are most in demand among customers. After that, you will need to find the necessary articles on the Internet, rewrite and sell.

There are two more good exchanges Advego and. From the exchanges mentioned in the article, you can choose the one that suits you. All exchanges have a good reputation and are time-tested, but there is no consensus among copywriters which exchange is better.

Starting to work, you should tune in to the fact that not all of your articles will be bought immediately. And do not get upset, and even more so, do not quit your job if the articles do not sell. It must be realized that, in its own way, the article exchange is a demand-driven market. And if today there is no demand for your article, this does not mean that tomorrow it will not be. It may happen that today not a single article has sold, but next week everyone will buy at once. And remember that on this service you can not only post texts written by you, but also take an order to write an article.

A journalist can also make money on the ContentMonster exchange. The requirements for authors are serious, you need to pass 2 tests to be able to work. But then you can earn tens of dollars daily by writing texts to order.

There are several ways to make money in journalism:
1. become a staff member of the editorial office
2. write to magazines/newspapers/websites remotely
3. write articles and sell ready-made texts.

The first point will not go into detail. If you want to work in the state, you need to send a resume to the HR department or look for other ways.
But let's talk about remote work and the sale of finished content in more detail.

How to choose a publication?
1. Choose publications or Internet portals on topics of interest to you. You sort through, scroll through, read until you get “Mine! I want to write here!
It is advisable to select 5-7 potential customers.

2. Read the latest issues (3-5 newspapers / magazines) or a few articles on the site to understand the style, feel out the format, not repeat topics and offer something original to the publication.

How to find editorial contacts?
IN imprint publications usually indicate the email address of the editorial office. A general mailbox from which letters are distributed to recipients.
Yes, there is a danger that the letter will be lost, BUT! Editorial boards that are interested in cooperation with potential authors check their mail regularly.
If the contacts of the editors of the headings are indicated, great! Write directly.
On the site through the feedback form or also through the "Contacts" page.

How to contact the editor?
1. Find out the name, and write a personal appeal. In the subject of the letter, mark that it is intended for a specific person - it will be easier for the assistant who distributes the letters to understand.

2. Write a little about yourself, tell us why you want to write for this edition.
Just don’t be delighted “you are the best!” etc. It’s better to say that you are fond of fishing, you know everything about carps, so you hope that your article about carp fishing on the Amur will be of interest to readers of the Where Carps Live magazine.

3. Attach two of your best articles, preferably on the topic of the publication or the same genre in which you want to write.

4. Write a list of topics (synopses) that you can write about.
Ideally, 10, but not less than three, does not look serious.

5. Indicate your contacts in the signature. And the phone too.

6. No need to immediately fill up with the editor as friends in classmates. Do this after a couple of published materials.

Why didn't you answer?
1. the topics that you suggested turned out to be boring / informal / were recently;

2. you did not propose new topics to the editors, but sent a letter “I am a journalist, I want to write to you, give me a topic.” They won't, don't wait.

3. the time for the planning meeting has not yet come, perhaps they will answer you later (I was once ordered an article on a topic that I sent six months ago. Six months!)

How can you sell a finished article?
A great way to earn money for those who do not want / cannot / did not work out / could not communicate with the editors. You write complete texts and sell them through a ready-made text exchange.
For example, these:

The scheme of work is as follows:
1. register on the site, create a personal account
2. submit articles through a special form, administrators check new texts for originality
3. determine the price (it can be changed at any time)
4. waiting for a purchase

*Money for the sale usually arrives in your account in a day.
*The buyer does not communicate directly with the customer, but pays for the order through the site.
*The site takes a certain percentage from the sale.
* The buyer does not see the entire text, only the beginning of the article is laid out in open access. Do you understand how important it is to make the beginning of the text interesting?

interesting start = successful sale

- guaranteed payment
- the ability to write on popular topics (you can see the rating of sold articles, and write on the same topic)
- the ability to write about anything
- here you can sell the text that was rejected by the editors.

- transfer of material forever
- your material will be published without attribution or another person will be put in the authors
- competition and price dumping
- inability to plan income
- It is not always possible to withdraw money immediately.

In the community paparazzi periodically there are announcements for the sale of articles or for the search for authors. Register and monitor the feed.
It was through this community that I saw that needed authors. Wrote. I was told that I was the only one who told about myself, attached links to published works to the letter and (!) asked questions. I have clarified the fee policy and topics for materials (to offer or write on the given ones). The rest of the letters were like “well, what do you have there? I can write"

What is the price?
How much do you ask
From 10-20 rubles. per thousand characters with spaces up to 1000 and in special cases more than RUB. for the same volume.

An approximate (very approximate) alignment is as follows:

Regional newspapers - 1000 rubles. per page (7-8 thousand characters)
- regional magazines - 150-250 rubles. for 1000 characters from trials.
- federal magazines - 300-1000 rubles. for 1000 characters from trials.
- small (= unpromoted) sites - buy stock content more often or pay as little as possible
- reputable sites - according to the level of magazines
Prices may vary by region, but the overall picture is clear.

Start with free publications or tiny fees - earn a portfolio - look for larger publications - establish yourself - create a name for yourself - choose a publication - earn the money you deserve.

Important! You don't have to live in Moscow to write for federal publications.

How to talk about money?
What remuneration policy do you follow?
Do you count royalties per page or per character?
Are royalties paid after publication? How long can I expect payment? (some companies pay in advance)

P.S. I do not consider sites, and the like as a source for finding orders, because the incredible dumping that is present on these resources discourages all desire to work. But if you're interested, you can take a look. I haven't looked at them in a long time.

Good luck in creativity and let creativity bring dividends!
Natalia Zhilyakova

How to start make money online journalism and what such earnings are - read in this article the author of the Journalism Faculty of KSU.Website "Journalism KSU" since February 2010 conducts a survey on the topic "Do you make money with online journalism?" . The survey has not yet been completed, but, as the results showed, most of our visitors would like to try this type of income for themselves ( 112 people, 57%). In second place are skeptics who believe that journalism on the Internet cannot be earned ( 37 people, 19% ). It is especially pleasant that there are like-minded people on the site who either only this or that. earn for one's life ( 18 people), or this type of income is for them side job(11 people). However, it is worth noting the sad experience 9 of our users who tried to make money on the Internet with journalism, but they did not succeed.

Today we meet the wishes of the majority of our visitors and tell you how a journalist or journalism student can earn income from their profession on the Internet.

The main skill of a journalist, which we, in fact, will sell, is writing texts . The modern Internet industry is developing in such a way that today not a single site, large or small, can do without articles reflecting its subject matter. And if news portals and Internet media have journalists constantly writing for them, then for small sites this luxury is unaffordable, and in most cases unnecessary. In addition, the owners of small sites (online stores, corporate sites, thematic sites) have their own special requirements for texts, namely: that articles bring visitors to their sites for certain queries in search engines. The number of such sites and Internet projects is constantly growing, which means that the demand for the texts they need is also growing. To start make money online journalism, all you need is to reach out to these customers and offer them your services as an article writer. How to do this and where are the desired customers?

Today, there are enough resources on the Internet that have become a "meeting place" for authors of articles and customers, where you can earn money. These sites are called content exchanges” (content is any content of sites, including text). Content exchanges are happy to offer anyone who wants to join the ranks of their authors (sellers). Let's make a reservation right away that it is customary to call the authors of articles on content exchanges not journalists, but copywriters. This fashionable foreign word reflects the essence of the work a little better - after all, it requires not just the creation of news or articles, but the writing of a unique text on a given topic, in which certain words and phrases would occur (the so-called "keywords"). For a good journalist, creating such a text is not a very difficult task. Therefore, the transformation from a journalist to a copywriter will be quick and painless for you. The word "uniqueness" as applied to articles on the stock exchange means that the text was completely written by you yourself, without copying a single line or phrase from someone else. Such scrupulousness of customers is explained not by love for honesty and the fight for copyright, but by necessity. The robots of the search engines Yandex, Google and others have long learned to recognize the uniqueness of the text, and on the top lines of the search they display unique pages first, and then all the rest. Therefore, exchanges introduce their own systems for checking incoming texts and reject plagiarism.

So, if you decide to make money on the Internet by journalism, you need to become a copywriter for one, or better, several content exchanges at once. How much do these exchanges pay for one article, and is there any point in spending your time on this for you personally?

Payment on exchanges is made in most cases not in rubles, but in dollars. And to be even more precise, in the virtual currency WebMoney. You should not be afraid of this. Having earned money in this system, you can either use it directly on the Internet - to pay for the Internet itself, mobile phone, utility bills and much more, or cash out. Read about what this very virtual money WebMoney is on the official website of the system. For now, it is important to remember that on content exchanges, money is not denoted by a dollar sign, but by letters: 1 WMZ = 1 dollar; 1 WMR = 1 ruble.

Articles on exchanges are paid, as a rule, by characters, that is, the price is set for 1000 characters without spaces. Experienced and in-demand authors charge for work on average 4-10 WMZ per 1000 characters per open sale and up to 30WMZ - when working on order. Newcomers, on the other hand, have to follow the path of price reduction, and take from 0.5 to 1.5 WMZ for 1000 characters. I will especially note - only at the very first stages. This almost free work will help to quickly sell the first articles and, possibly, find customers. How many articles and how much you sell is up to you. The longer you stay on the exchange and the more articles you sell during this time, the more significant your position (rating) will become, and the higher the price you can charge per thousand characters. System authors rating exists on most exchanges. It takes into account the number of articles sold, their price, as well as their quality. The quality is offered to be evaluated by buyers who can leave a positive review or a good rating. Therefore, in order to become a successful copywriter, you need to turn into a seller in some way, support a good relationship with customers and not slip "defective" goods.

Almost all content exchanges consist of two major sections − order section And article store . What are orders? The buyer writes how many articles on what topic and with what key phrases to write, sets the price. Those who want to get down to business unsubscribe, and the customer chooses the author. However, exchanges, in order not to lose their credibility, rarely allow newcomers to their order section, who can disgrace themselves and let the customer down. On many exchanges, access to the orders section is paid. Therefore, in order to simply try our hand at first and get a taste of the first money earned on the Internet, we will have to turn to the article store. Earnings using this tool are slower and less reliable than through the article ordering service. And yet, the presence in the article store gives a lot of advantages. This is the first real money, and the gradual getting used to and learning the customs and mores of the exchange, and a set of experience in choosing topics for articles. If you approach the matter wisely, then here you will save up money to access the order section, or even get the first regular customers.

Well, enough theory. Let's move on to practice. If you decide to try yourself as a copywriter, register on the exchange or content exchanges. For starters, I advise the exchange I advise her, because here sales are going faster than on any other exchange. This is due to the large number of users, both buyers and sellers. On the other hand, buyers of articles on are, in a sense, spoiled for quality articles at low prices. Therefore, just by registering, do not be greedy, and do not charge a higher price 0.5 – 0.7WMZ/1000 digits. The interface of this exchange is simple and straightforward, although a bit eclectic. To begin with, I advise you not to rush and read the section "Site Articles". Many of these articles are written by successful and professional copywriters and provide guidance on how to choose a topic, how to write articles, where to start, and more. After a little “walking” around the section, and having enough information, start choosing the topic of your first article. To do this, refer to the link "search queries" in the menu on the left. By clicking on it, you will see what words are entered most often when searching for articles on Try to write an article on a current topic with a size of about 2000 characters. Having placed an article for sale (link on the right), do not stop there. In order for sales to go, you need to collect a "portfolio" of work.

Believe me, as soon as the first article is sold, as soon as you get your first green “plus”, and the rating starts to grow, it will become difficult to stop making money online journalism. To speed up the selling process, you can register and sell articles in parallel on other exchanges. For example, When selling the same articles on different exchanges, you need to understand that you are responsible for ensuring that one article is not sold twice. Therefore, as soon as an article is bought on one exchange, remove it from another. Otherwise, you will get into an unpleasant situation. Better yet, sell different articles on different exchanges.

I’ll tell you more about different copyright exchanges and the features of working on them, as well as about successful strategies for the behavior of beginners later, if this article is of interest to visitors to the Faculty of Journalism of KSU. So feel free to leave comments and ask questions. Share here your first experience as a copywriter and, most importantly, your first experience earn money online journalism.

Article author: Olga Belyaeva
(the article is free to reprint, while the use of hyperlinks (Journalism Faculty of KSU) or (Own website) is mandatory!

Some links are referral.

Journalism is considered one of the most relevant professions, both in Russia and in Europe. There is an opinion that all workers in this area earn a lot of money, but is this true, and if so, what difficulties does a journalist face in his work?

At the expense of journalists, society can learn about the main events that have taken place not only in the country, but throughout the world. The material presented is usually interpreted for the listener, deeply analyzed and accompanied by expert comments. Without this profession, there would be a lack of information in society.

This is a rather difficult profession, as it involves stressful situations and potential danger, which raises the question of how much journalists earn. Due to the fact that the media have a considerable influence on opinion in society, there are many attempts to bribe for their own benefit. However, this does not apply to neutral and entertaining themes.

To master the profession requires the ability to speak correctly, collect and analyze material, as well as navigate in new unfamiliar situations. This activity is suitable for active and creative people who are willing to learn and develop. A significant factor in successful employment will be the completion of higher educational institution in this direction.

Without education, it is difficult to be competitive and apply for a high salary, as the employer will need to spend more time on training.

With journalism, many opportunities open up in terms of a place of work. A journalist can work in:

  1. Federal Mass Media.
  2. Regional media.
  3. Print edition.
  4. Internet news service.
  5. Creation and implementation of television programs.
  6. Organization of video reports.
  7. Writing text news.

This provides a good starting point for those who want to become a media personality.

How does the application of the profession affect the level of wages

Many people think that working in large information companies can count on higher wages. This is not entirely true, as companies often hire correspondents from the provinces in order to systematize news and send ready-made events to editorial offices located in large cities. In this case, the salary of a journalist will be much less than that of people who type text at a convenient workplace according to the data sent to them.

Those who design text materials have the lowest income when compared with other types of activities. As exceptions, there will be only materials on voluminous analytical articles that are prepared by highly qualified experts. However, in this case, the specialist must have a specialized education and the ability to interpret highly specialized inferences that are suitable not only for trained readers, but also for ordinary readers.

Dependence of salary on the type of activity

The salary of an ordinary reporter in the Russian Federation, on average, is 35,000 rubles. small regional media may pay even less. Sports commentators in Moscow receive a relatively high salary, which depends on their level and starts at 20,000 rubles. for the match. Radio presenters can receive from 20,000 rubles. and higher. If this is a special correspondent who participates in direct broadcasts, then he can receive 60,000 - 300,000 rubles. It depends on the information presented, taking into account all the risk that is associated with the exposure of the film crew to danger. Lowest fee will be with the editor of a news feed on the Internet, they receive 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Deserves special attention wage TV presenters on central TV channels in Moscow. Often in the Russian Federation they can exceed the mark of 300,000 rubles, but they are not disclosed so that they do not affect the reputation of the channel or program.

Dependence of the average salary of a journalist on the region of the Russian Federation

It is known that wages differ from the population of the city. In large metropolitan areas, wages are always valued higher than in small towns. Below is the average salary in each region of the Russian Federation:

  • Moscow region - 37,000 rubles.
  • Yaroslavl region - 34,000 rubles.
  • Voronezh region - 33,000 rubles.
  • Chelyabinsk region - 32,000 rubles.
  • Kaluga region - 31,250 rubles.
  • Novosibirsk region - 30,000 rubles.
  • Leningrad region - 30,000 rubles.
  • Primorsky Territory - 27,000 rubles.
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 26,000 rubles.
  • Bryansk region - 25,000 rubles.

The average salary in Russia is 30,000 rubles, which makes journalism a fairly promising occupation in which you can make your career. If we consider the salary in Moscow, then this is the most profitable city for working as a journalist.

Level average salary in the journalism industry

Average salary abroad

If we take the average salary in the EU countries, then the following picture will come out:

  • Journalists of the 1st class who have work experience up to a year - $ 2,500.
  • Journalists of the 2nd class - $2,800.
  • Journalists of the 3rd class - $3,700.

As it becomes clear, wages abroad will be higher than in Russia. However, for employment in another country, you will need good command of the language and experience in the field of journalism.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

It is quite difficult to start working in this area, since the initial salary is low, and the work is quite voluminous. This is painstaking work, which consists in finding new and interesting information. Over time, you can get some success in your circle, which will start a more serious career. Among the main advantages are:

  1. Career growth.
  2. Increase in wages.
  3. Full or part time employment.
  4. Possibility of free work schedule.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  1. A high level of danger, since work does not always take place in a calm environment. Work can take place in hot spots, or under constant pressure from the people involved in the situation.
  2. Constant readiness, as you need to quickly respond to events that have just happened.
  3. Long-term training and practice.

All these factors make you think well whether it is worth choosing such a job for yourself and whether it is suitable for everyone.

In this area, having a disposition for this, after some time you can reach certain peaks and become a star of journalism. But keep in mind that this path will be long and not the easiest. However, how much famous representatives in this field receive, covers the difficulty in mastering.