How to record a call on samsung galaxy 5. How to record a phone conversation on android

How to record phone call on Android

There may or may not be times in your life when you need to record a phone call. Although we will not explain why you can do this, we will say this: it is very simple. Let's do it.

Although there are many ways to record a phone call, we will focus on two different methods: Google Voice and Call Recorder app - ACR.

How to Record a Phone Conversation on Android

Is the right to register?

Before we move on to how to do this, let's talk about possible legal issues that could arise here. I know, I know, this is something you don't want to hear, but it's important and we need to do our due diligence so you know what it is.

First of all, recording phone calls is not legal in all countries, so you will need to check the regulations in your area. To get a little more detailed, it can also vary based on your specific US state. Some require both parties to know they are being recorded, while others require one party to know what is happening. The latter might get a bit grey, but assuming you live in one of these states and you know that the call is being recorded, it is probably safe. However, illegal public use of telephones is always prohibited. For getting additional information you can check wikipedia about this as well as the digital media law draft.

How to Record Phone Calls with Google Voice

If you are a Google Voice user, it's very easy. If not, you can always set up a Google Voice account and become a Google Voice user. Then this method will be very easy for you! Hooray.

Before you can record a call, you must first enable the call recording feature. You can do this both online and on the Android app, and the steps are essentially the same either way. I'm using the website here, but I'll indicate something different in the android app.

First, launch Google Voice and open the "Settings" menu by sliding into the menu on the left side and selecting "Settings".

On the web, click Calls. In the Android app, simply scroll down until you see the Calls section.

The last option on the web is "Incoming Call Options" where you can turn on the call recording feature or start a conference call. To do this, use the slider.

In the Android app, you need to tap "More call options" then turn on the incoming call options.

It's also worth mentioning that this feature is synced across devices, so you only need to do it in one location or another - once enabled, it will work anywhere. However, it will only work if the person calls you - you can't record the call when you're the one who initiated it, which is, frankly, just weird.

In any case, the next time you need to record a phone call, just press "4" on the keypad during a call. An audio prompt will let both users know that the call is being recorded. To stop recording, simply press "4" again - another prompt will indicate that the recording is off.

The audio file will then be saved to your Google Voice account. Booya.

How to Record Phone Calls with ACR

While Google Voice is simple and straightforward, it also lacks some features that many users want, such as automatically recording calls as soon as they start. This is where ACR comes into play: it doesn't have many features, but it won't notify both users they record. So if you want to covertly record a call, this is the tool you want.

There are two versions of this app: free and premium. The latter removes all ads from the app and also adds some useful features such as the ability to record by contacts, start recording in the middle of a conversation, save recordings to Dropbox or Google Drive, and more. As always, however, I recommend trying the free version first to see if it suits your needs.

With that said, let's get started.

Right after launching ACR, you will have to accept its terms - quite a long list compared to most apps, but rightfully so. After you accept the terms of the application, you must provide it with everything it needs to complete its task: contacts, microphone, phone, and memory. There's nothing out of the ordinary for such an app, so go ahead and allow it through the board.

From there, the app will add a shadow notification to show it's on. The second thing you do or receive a phone call will start recording. You literally don't have to do anything - it records all calls by default.

However, if this is not your style, you can change this if you have a premium app. Open the app, then open the menu on the left. Select "Settings" and then "Recording".

There are many options in the menu, but scroll down until you see "Start Recording" and change it to "Manual". Ready.

There is a lot of There are more features under the hood of ACR, so I definitely recommend digging into it if you want to do more than just record conversations. Again, be aware that you'll have to pay for more advanced features, but I think it's easily worth the $3 asking price if it's something you'll be using frequently. Plus, it's really well designed, which is hard to find in a store filled with dozens of apps that do similar versions of the same thing.

Cameron Summerson is a die-hard Android fan, Chicago Bulls fanatic, metalhead and cyclist. When he's not pounding the keys in HTG, you can find him spending time with his wife and kids, spinning his legs on a bike, getting off on a 6-string, or getting frustrated with the Bulls.

Did you know

The reason most people vomit when heavy movement hurts is because the symptoms of motion sickness (dizziness, disorientation, and balance problems) mimic those of poisoning, and the body tries to purge itself of any remaining toxins ingested as a self-defense measure. .

How to record a conversation samsung galaxy using the built-in voice recorder? To do this, you can use the standard function of the Android OS or a third-party application. We will talk about both of these methods, and at the same time shed light on the record store. Go.

For some reason, recording of dialogues is disabled by the developers - you will have to activate it. Download Root Explorer - a program that provides users with root access (file manager). Before clicking anything, consider the following:

  1. CF-Auto-Root people install using the Odin utility.
  2. System files need to be edited.
  3. Minimum knowledge of Galaxy root access technology is welcome.
  4. If you are unsure of your knowledge, consult a specialist.

Ready for an adventure? After opening the mobile phone manager, navigate here: root/system/csc. Provide the root that the device will require.

You will need the others.xml file (located in the csc directory). With the document selected, click on the button with the vertical ellipsis.

Now you need to open the document in text editing mode.

The request must be confirmed - this is required by the Android system.

When you find the text, insert your own version instead of these letters RecordingAllowed. Now you've increased the likelihood that
the recording of the conversation on the Samsung smartphone will be carried out correctly. True, the ability to send conference calls will be lost.

Save, restart the gadget.

Now you can turn on the recording of the conversation at a convenient time for yourself. This is done through the dialer app. After pressing the corresponding button, the auto mode starts.

Where is the record stored

All recorded dialogues are sent to the phone's internal memory. You need to go to the “Call” directory and manually find the conversation file. The conversation is also duplicated in the “Voices” directory.

Recording a conversation using third-party programs

You should start with the Play Store. You will immediately see the icon of this service on the smartphone screen. There are several applications that you can use:

  • call recorder;
  • Cube ACR;
  • smart media.

Consider the mechanism on the example of Cube ACR. Since you are already on Google Play, find the required utility and proceed with the installation.

You will be taken to the welcome page and find the "Next" button there. Feel free to click and proceed to the next step of the installation.

The application must have free access to all the services of your smartphone. This requires permission from the owner. Give it.

Confirm your intention with the "Allow" button. Now navigate to phone settings. You will need to activate the option to display special windows on top of the rest of the interface. Having dealt with this formality, you will learn how to record a conversation on the phone during a call to Samsung. While we see such a picture.

Now, during incoming calls, a special button with a microphone will appear. To start recording a dialogue with another subscriber, click here.

Note that the search for entries made by the application does not have to be done through directories. Everything is much simpler - the file is displayed directly on the display (main page). Click on the icon and listen to the dialogue to your heart's content.

Summarize. Removing system restrictions manually is a long and difficult path. If you are too lazy to do such things, download special utilities. The functionality of such programs is quite wide, they are easy to use. Recordings do not have to look for a long time. This is the best option for Samsung Galaxy. So do not complicate your life with root access - there are always other ways.

On Android smartphones, we can not only call relatives and send messages, but also use various services for video calls, location detection, automatic updates of weather conditions, traffic jams in urban areas, etc.

Very often there is a need to record telephone conversations, for example, in order to later make a cut for jokes on your friends or colleagues, set a melody as a call, use an audio file in case of any legal proceedings.

Since most people prefer Android, the question arises, how to record a telephone conversation on your device, and what is needed for this, which version of the system should be installed? In this material, we will analyze all possible ways to record phone calls, regardless of the model of your device!

Recording conversations using standard Android system tools

First, let's look at ways to record using the built-in options of the system. Few people know, but you can record any conversation as soon as the connection goes. For example, you dial a subscriber's number and press the call key. As soon as the subscriber picks up the phone, you can click a special tab to record the conversation. Moreover, both you and your interlocutor will be heard in good quality in the final file.

So, how to put it into practice?

  1. Go to the phone book or call list and dial the number of any person.
  2. Now find the "More" tab, which will appear immediately after dialing the number.
  3. After clicking, a separate menu will open in which you need the “Dict.” button. Once you click this tab, the system will automatically record your entire conversation.

Let's say that you recorded a dialogue with another subscriber, but how can you listen to it now? There are options here.

  1. Go to the list of recent conversations. Those conversations for which a voice recorder was recorded will be displayed with a separate icon. Click on it to listen to the recording. This option works with both outgoing and incoming calls.
  2. You can manually search for an entry on your phone. For example, on many Android phones, all conversations will be saved in the Call Recording directory. The folder can be created automatically both in the internal memory of the phone and on the SD card. In the future, you can transfer the recorded file to your computer or send it by mail, send it to social networks.

You now know how to record a telephone conversation using standard means. But, as practice shows, not all phones have such capabilities. What to do in this case? The answer is simple - use the software from Google service play. In this article we will consider several special programs!

Using the Call Recorder app

The developers of this application did not think much about the name and published it on Google Play as is -. Go to the service and enter the name of the program in the search. Next, log in with your account, allow the installation of the application and open it for further work.

First you need to set up the application a bit.

  1. Immediately activate the "Enable automatic recording mode" item.
  2. Next, go to the “Media Content Settings” item and change the standard AMR to WAV. As you know, the WAV format is much better than other audio formats, which is why it is preferred.
  3. Go to "Audio Source" and select MIC there. That's it, setup is complete.

Now, with any call, the system will automatically record the conversation and save it in a separate folder. If you want to record only certain conversations, then specify the appropriate item in the program settings. This application has its advantages.

  • You can play back the recorded conversation immediately without going to a special directory or folder.
  • All entries are displayed next to the number and name of the subscriber in the call list.
  • Any recording can be shared on social networks or synchronized with the Dropbox or Google Disk cloud service.

Even in the settings, you can select only certain contacts for which recording will be made or disable this option altogether. A record search system is provided to quickly find a particular file. You can store all files both in the internal memory of the phone and on the SD card.

With MP3 InCall Recorder & Voice

Another equally important program for Android is MP3 InCall Recorder & Voice. She, like the previous application, has a large number of various options and special differences. You can download it on Google Play, and there are paid and free versions. It is much cheaper than the Call Recorder app, but its interface is in a foreign language!

There is a player for listening to music files, a voice recorder, a built-in search for records and much more. The recording will be available immediately after the call is received. You simply press the green button to accept the call and click on the red microphone. In the application, you can select contact data for which recording will be carried out constantly in automatic mode. For fans of customization, an option is built in that allows you to place the microphone tab in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe screen.

As soon as the conversation is recorded, you can send the final file by mail, upload it to the cloud service, social networks. In the same place it will be possible to add comments to the file, edit it. Another important option is the noise level setting.

You can set a password so that no unauthorized person can activate the application on your smartphone.

We have described in detail how to record a telephone conversation on Android in three ways. Which one to use - decide for yourself! Remember that you can also be recorded in this way in order to later use this fragment for blackmail, jokes, evidence in court, so think carefully before recording a conversation with someone just for the sake of "joking" or harm.

All users of smartphones and tablets know that these devices are designed not only for making calls or surfing the Internet, but also fraught with a lot of interesting features and useful functions. Everyone knows about the “standard set”: a calculator, a voice recorder, a radio, a calendar, and so on. But all users know that you can even record a telephone conversation. Today we will talk about how to record a conversation on the phone. famous brand"Samsung".

How to record a telephone conversation?

Samsung phones are the best-selling phones in the last few years. The excellent quality of the devices and the practical Android OS will impress any owner. Many of them are not even aware of the potential of their device. It has a lot of built-in functions, and if you equip your phone with third-party applications, it can become an indispensable assistant in work and in everyday life.

Sometimes we have to record telephone conversations. Perhaps you are being dictated to step by step guide, and you will need to listen to it again, or provide important information that cannot be forgotten. In any case, such a procedure is possible on all phones running the Android OS using their own resources. How to record a conversation on a Samsung phone? Very simple. For this:

  • During a telephone conversation, press the "More" button with an arrow;
  • In the drop-down menu, click on "Dict.";
  • After that, recording will start.

On some Samsung phones, in order to record a telephone conversation, you need to press the "Menu" button during it and then select "Dict."

How can I listen to a recorded telephone conversation?

To do this, open the column of recent calls and select the one that was recorded. You will see an icon that indicates that a recording has been made. When you click on it, you can listen to the conversation again.

If you are interested in a specific folder in which the audio file was saved, then it is also available. Go to the "Task Manager" and find the "CallRecording" folder there. Most often, the folder is stored on the memory card, but in some cases it can also be found in the phone's memory.

If the method described above does not work to record a telephone conversation or it is not very convenient for you, you can use special utilities. Such programs are mostly free and do not take up much memory.

There are many reasons why you would like to record a telephone conversation. Perhaps you need a recording for your podcast or interview. Or, perhaps, you have one chance to chat with some famous person and you want to capture this moment for the rest of your life. Whatever the reason, we will show you how to record a phone conversation on your Android smartphone.

Warning: Before you begin, be aware that in some countries this may be illegal without the permission of the interlocutor. Make sure it's not prohibited by law in your area.

How to Record a Phone Conversation on Android

The easiest way is to install the application. Their number in the Google Play Store is quite large, but we can recommend Smart Voice Recorder. The utility is easy to use and completely free.

This method, as we said, is very simple, and also universal. You can even get by without installing a third-party voice recorder if it comes pre-installed on your phone.